HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-10-16, Page 611arnuun 1 coir . u 11 ■ 11 I .-I. Cattle Expwtts he c}the export Lade to the Un. ite>.1 liittxdom is groVing in spite of high freight rates which Cana. ti..in cootie raisers ar siuippere con- t� +a m1itste a them too see - Se far this. year 60,000 head have -hew shipped, a considerable ad- vents on the whole of last year's *b i,ments, and by the end of the year the showing will be still more watis- factory from the Canadian point of view. This looks like a real opening foe Canadian trade. ' Ulster Gives Warning Premier Sir James Craig of Ulster in an address at the opening of the Parliament of that ltzrn'nee, made it quite r t i tint Si tli iiritislu boun- dary t o•taw le sloe Won' c in a llad- izc ti: at wit, not setae, i'.,lo to Ulster he tv• trhi aisist in til delenee of the fat .e:' territory, rite Com nuaslam will have a delicate i„ t,, a thankless trp0:: f; w will envy its personnel,, toad whatever its findings they are sues to he the subjeet-of-resentment en Wm part of one side, or the other of the c(r:mtrov ersy. `The Soudan is giritisk. Premier Zaghloul of Egypt lids left for home without any hope of per - evading Premier MacDonald and his colleagues of the British Cabinet that. the ,Soudan should be pried. under the control of Egypt. There has been. n cessation of ala in the Soudan 'since it was made quite ape parent that Britain WAS prepared to use all the force xsseeeseey to restore order; and retain. central of the eoun- try for which elle is doing so much, The Soudanese themselves are not int elined to rebellion and the greater part of the trouble among them was refused .by Egyptians. Dominic* Venom, Provinces L■ III I I I i. I Ill a 111 I I I r GODNIUdit mut ethe Mame t es a Kaman r iw�aye 1 coattail eft- ' swam at disk will ee very much squat the Vela in Japan. burets les ! lslat roe life • chief aim of which is t. Make troublerble inv. et the six Melanie' bandits emsse sed a few weeks agso to be wysd hr She aawtasr of en eat - player who fought them when they were relishing a bank collection est , mall rtgt * last appeal to stave aft fkagober, stir , There la iaraasrsusiategg ass- their musette* fixes for - ti24th. kid)" smeutbtr of the OngtiBciti�h agitation void �prapeganda in those parts of the ilsatrire where has sass*recd a stay of execution untili the Mohammedans are suuaesrei u. iNoveraber ekh. Ha is the youngest Big Less as Arof the handful and one of the latter y bas made repotted dwclarition' that It will cowse as a surprise to meet this young fellow, Let. Davis, had ne people on this *We of the crater, tt' hand in the shooting- or the actual hear thatt sr a is 'an 'attained Ions robbery. Preparations are *%sten• of twenty 1 r' ! — dollars pa the while preiteesding :.for the hanging of Wembley Zxhibities. Bo adaxnyp, . the five Wren ons the one day. It is encs haws agrpe trod is tae effect tbai said that not since ' 1837 has such a it was -really a We sucesas, that the large scale hanging taken place it recent iswisaa of ',**vitae it open this country. In that year sever next wee. generally re ga its men were hanged at the Notre Dame conllz�s thisview. The '$ritish street Jail, Aiorttreail, for having tat. Goverm'taesst guaranteed a consider. en part in the rebellion. able assossst *film cost of the Warn - Steel shalt' and Colonia' Seeretary J Stein Houses for Britain' . M. Thome, when urging an increase. Little actual progress ,has been of *aguarantee +yxpreesed the view made in meeting the housing situs• that the country wouaci, not have to tion in Britain when the need it nook oras cent of it. ' aligned against the areomplishment. Labtr„ anal the t'ttagaralisaahrta The succe;sive governments` of the past few years have Wad the assist - On the eve of ant election campaign ance of Parliament in voting large I the British. J shoe Party„ • bolding a sums 'of anoney. for • the -state -•pro-1. conference in London, decided that no grams, which have been varied from Communist should be eligible for time to time. Just now there are membership. This was en . advanc- severs' projected plans for the "matt. .d step over the proposals of tile exe-, production" of hovers, ready to put cutive committee which confined its up on the concrete or brick and stone recommendations to a reaffirmation" foundations. Lord Weir,, a noted ire *gland affiliation with the Commun. on and steel manufadturer of Gias- ist party,. and non -endorsement of gow, has erected a model three room Communists as Labor candidate for and Jath house of steel near one of `Parliamentary or municipal honors, I his Glasgow plants, wuich 'he Bays The more sweeping decision came can be put up completer -for a sum from a motion initiated: by the rank • money, and in a neriod of one day ef- and file of the membership and ear. equivalent to about -1,500 bf out ried with a huge majority, i The ter the foundations are needy. This Communists have made considerable cost is surmised on massa nroduction trouble for the more moderate Mem- --that is having ell the framework beta of the Labor party and their ac,' and other essentials factory"' made in tivities .have doubtless become em. huge sgttkntlties, and celivered to the bai•r•assingr. k. . places where building Is in progress American,- Indians Increase j, British Political Pot Boils The gpeneral,,publie has for years With anether _generalelection in An unusually import*ut case in. e ac us oma a rea n s ory an sight the British political pot is boil- combs, of Birile," Manitoba, that he voicing the old uuostion or provincial article that the red man on this con• ing, The coming fight is sure to be rights, in asew ltk.ly to come before tioent was..fast disappearing. .Along bitterly.' contested. leo ' doubt there:has- successfully grown ,rustproo1. will be a number • of three -cornered '— battles, as the Libera:'.s- and Labors itis have become sworn enemies in- stead of the close fr.ends there were not so ,many years•.ago, and. neither . .11111 Y. w111.1 I .111 .1 w11wa a� WS NM U AF TQM: MIS Masi people tail to aad.•nased tk. sigsi5 sane er a lame, wart, sant .or*ekingbw k. When Die bark aches or Imo omits heat, it is averaraingt that the kidneys are aifeeterLia surae aa;•, Take aotiea er this Raining: relieve the br,ekaebe, sad dispoes of say Oases' of awrioas '.ti•la;y troubles. toll! strsngtltea tits weak kidneys and relieve all the tee/ibis, the ba uuar fa thsk. Mrs. A. Hebert, Point du Dupe, N. 11., writes; --"For two years I was greatly troubled with pais te my back. I tried' all kinds of iiaiaussts end Owetern but got ACIlalief tmatll r took Doan'a ICidnsy11 Pills. I have just fin- ished the woad box, and now the pain' havPeut all die.peaywsred ly 11.0"T. he." tag' by T. G Milburn Limited, Team*,lila. 4 1111.... of one Of the aeerretaries, E. C. Set - tell, who txnlawfuUy cashed a check for $20,000 on the Commission, and almost succeeded in„ getting away_ with hewas . themaking n only,his beingwayinto. arrestthe ed Un -as . ited States. 'Millions of the money of the Ontario Government and the municipalities of the province are in- vested in the Hydro enterprise, and no mistake will be made in' clearing up any allsgetlona agasnat the meth- ods in which it is handled. Setteil's action is respect to the check is an- other of the startling incidents which have .caused excitement !n Ontario elf late, the tax scandals in Hamilton beingthe outstanding one. The number of young, men involved in these attempts `to get easy` #Honey raises some serious questioning in the minds, ofthoughtful. people who :are wondering what i:a lacking in. our systems of training the young. Rustless Wheat The did is made for Saiiniuetax= the mitts by mutual agreement be comes An official report of. the United twee$ ties kosainion and the Province States Indian ,Bureau ..with figures ofIdes boba. 'The latter took pos. , showing that • there are 3.46,062 fn- sesaleeas •+sf-ant estate v lged at only diens in that country, a gain of over $1,0410, to which ne tteirs could be 16,000, in the last e'even years. fowsptd, after the -death of it* owner, I These figures are exclusive of 60,066 The bee tales, which; heretofore had, Indians who have surrendered their takes sorosis "states to Itself, resented tribal identity and have become ab. this teethe*,' and the Attorney -Geiser•' sorbed, in the' general population. al of Nasaitoba decided to fight the This is an interesting'survey and one Federal Government's claims. The which may give rise to many ne'1i' is inclined to give any advantage whatever to the Conservatives who are numerically the strongest group in Parliament, ,though • weaker than Liberals and Labor together. -A number of Canadians will likely fig principle at stake and not the studies .and investigations into Tndian use, in the elections. Sir Hamar saasoarnt of the'ertate is the .issue in life and progress on this continent Greenwood, a .WhTtby .tion, who was the battle. The War in China . offered the Liberal nomination hi The Moslem World The situation . in . China is so in. Central Cardiff', has ren;,ed declining A curious intrigue "r, a tett to be volved that it' A impossible to, follow the .honor 'and urging that the anti-. reaching a bead in Arabia. The Ca- it at this distance with any, definite Socialistic elements should get to- ga;ether. otherwise many seat$ may be liphete--or the headship of the Mos- idea of what A actually ' meatus, Ar idol: 'The' "men of twonty*one years lent world -pis the stake. The We. natters stand, according to :the lat. 1lave x ilentiy be en t t en this vote r bxbi the tribesmen wird have led a tot _desp tches-ofthe.Soreestfrom lritaii a nd titeritAi dd al5v1 uinz successful revolt against "King Rus- Mukden area of China are wintniuugg aaajllion voters to the rails. The total lain of Hedjaz, have seemingly been their fight to be come. masters of the vote. in the last election was over 14, in very oiose touch with high per country, Pekin and full; control of aenage.- in—Egyrpt-rind -Inset* as -well- hiaaa is-the'ina1n `�prixe. Shang=hai '. s al, f es Turkey. The resit ' of -`their ad- is a1. rich' incident' which willTim Ontario Uydro Investigation winces, is the abdication of Hulrsein considerable advantage to whoever At tate request of Sir Adam Beck, Why also had the title of Caliphate can hold it. lin the nieantfine, trails it. chairman, the Qnwrio Govern- Rias' son, Ali, succeeds him as king with other countries is being greatly meat will have a complete formol In - hut *greets not to take the religious disturbed, and the only people on the vestigation into the affairs of; the title, Behind all these moves and .outside who are benefitting- are the Ontario Hydro-Eleetric Power Cons eounter-plots it would not be eurpris• makers: of armament's and ' ataraunz. i mission. Sir Adam's move is , the fog to find a Moslem conspiracy, the. tion, Russia is 'meanwhile repro- ,answer to insinuations in the letter 45.141iii. .... �1. 1111 *111�... fi.11 ••1 1 u COGoPM'tt details will ars dm* be mask lma n as to yr. I.szreea*be's ex- Periaeaas{e• ■+lfr Primed. lirasiastry The adaisirw MWinery et Italy is e a emparativsly Iwo oar and the government le takher drastic s to protect it. In particular Its is aimed at iretportationa from U. Un- ited Natal and $witasrlaai, its Ode competitors is this industry. There is a keen desire to promote Italian is-; shuatrriss and spiral commissions have been investigating in various e.usn-, tries. Mussolini and his Cabinet are. tapparently convinced that protection r if r• • ¶SIJ* IY, OCT. l�Mls seas •a�rIYi mil klialleMPOOMINI eassus u - 1314411L IWO is a necessity t Italyisto ben et-, thiwa r•s' pure e s fresh, :comb/ competitor in its own m r s against other countries. �' SI o delicious i Try IS rod « Mama is Daagaer I Mecca, the sacred Mohammedan .city, is in danger 'from reehellious change. Tbat was fifty-four coats a tribesmen known as the Wahabis. bushel higher thag . the price for the These are a fanatical lot who reset eorreeponding period of last year. some of the ectionrx nod : regelatioatf--The Western farmer is eertstinlyr coin - of, Ring Bassein of the Hedjas, the ing. to his own while the farmers at Arabian kingdom whose establish- the East have also, generally fspeak- mcnt was confirmed by the powers ing, had a good season. The effeet after the great war. Hussein and his (Continued on page 8) Arabs werre�.f considerable assist- ance to t1i British in the campaign A Foe to Asthma.. --Give Astazma. against. t, inth seeingTurkBritain hte anto hall a chanes sad it gaffs ground interest rn openthat the routes rapidly. But give it repeated. treat- pilgri are s keptamforre the great merits f Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma pily obli les, and p oraro or less mor- kemedy and it will fall back even ally obliged to support :Clegg, Husaesdn, faster. There io no half way meas- whoNWinking ' a good campaign urea about title xeinedy. It goes. right jt temporarily, it .array lose some gro>and to. work and drives astluiaa out. It temporarily. ' I�reaches the inmost breathing pas- t ,Australian Trade with Canada sages .and leaves no place for the t The preferential trade 'greemenx trouble to lurk. Haire it by you rea. between Australia and Canada should d y for - use. be of - mutual advaastage. .At- this • time Canada has much the best of Jones took a taxicab to his home in trade with her sister Dominion, send- the suburbs. It was a rainy day. ing some nineteen million dollars' He protested when, the driver de - worth ' ofmantled an extra fare. goods r- one that country "Why," said Jones,"you are charg- against a little aiier••�one million dol- • y tars received. The Canadian automo• • -r - ' 0 40 �s bile trade with Australia .is particu- larly good. It is figured out that Un- der the new arrangement newsprint exports from this,country Will be in- creased by probably thirty thousand tons per year: This would cut into the Scandinavian export which now ; shares. the Australian market with is Britain.- I Buying Canadian Wheat Britain, France, Russia and •Ger- ' man are all reported to be buying • Can dian wheat on a fairly large scale, .;Prices are holding firm, and a few days ago the $2.00 mark was: • reached on the Wuunpeg 'Wheat Ex SAMUEL LARCOMBE On his farm et Bulla, Man: rust- proof wheat has been grown.. wheat. This would be of inestimable value if it could be generally grown. - IIEIVISIONIONNOWNOIEINGeE M36IMNON*1 Thanks iviesEvents _pT TNE— Royal Ladies' Ready -to -Wear The foremost fashions in Coats, Dresses, etc., for and- WI ER. Are portrayed in the latest and largest shipment ever received at our store. THE SMARTEST PASH%ON favoured notes, for For ztii and Winter, in style, color, fabric, fuer- -is disclosed in this magnificent collections of ne.e Coats and Dresses. And a surprisingly wide selection of models for you to review -4 prices that are incentive to buy now. THE VALUES a are most unusual, especially so early in the sea'on—but as ever before, our policy still prevails stronger than ever. Style and quality at lowest prices, —THE NEW EFFECTS FOR - DIES DIRECTORIES — TUBULARS DRAPES Price, $3.95 to $22.50 COATS PRINCE- SPORT SILHOUETTES Price, $8.50 to $37.50 11.41. 46110111 - Royal Ladies Ready -to -Wear East SO Square COMPANY 4' GODERICH ing me for four miles. I und�eratand the distance is only two and a half miles." "It' is, as rule, sir,' admitted the taxi driver, "but you see, we skidded a lot." Ohfldre a Orr ` FOR FLETCHER'S CANTO R iA JUST RECEIVED A Shipment of MFR'S and BOYS' n - Mackinaw :Coats Made of heavy all wool Blanket Cloth"s; with all round belt, in Brown, Green,Iieather obeotet, in sizes 86. to 46, at-- $7.251tp, to 32, at— op. '_Before buying see our prices__„.___ It will salve' you, t uonay . 'Robin e Moderation Lea of ntario President. i~ 1 H`ellitiatir,'K:C. • overnment Centro- l is,feop4's 'Control - a11 HE people of Ontario -not any narrow or isolated section of e 11th m - beat the people of Ontario as a whole—have chi . ideals of puhi " e1 :rrrivite life. $ritigh traditions have given these. These 14cass are well understood. , Lawlessness, disrespect for law. lack of self-restraint, and ,,,messes of.�a 1, kind. c :to: ap'pi ion in ,Ontario. 1111 Gar:.,;r+,at *'at Control, in the:presont plebiscite, is simply a mandate bar the n^ogle to the Government to proceed -with legi-- latonwhich, while eatalin: with'and as far aspossible eliminating mace°ses in 'dr:-Itting: will re store respect for late, AO recognize the ri"'ht of the citizen to reart1-4-e his private lar„ in accordance v,:tt, they •prinim:inlets of moderation and sanity. Prohibi.ion is a rferi i ^f "s'ch a 'mandate. It consists of . t'►Fnittte order of "IILIS`1' "OT". That it undeermined! private and public life ---that it made .�,vleAgners'pr't •,hle--tha i* tt5 'k r4venues which shotld be used for the public good—that :r created • evils harder to subdue . than those ft pretended to 'bong -.J ---+vis rSe verdict of Alberta, Saska'chewan and i1anitohiit tin the last year. They had tried. Prohibition for seven v-nrc and found 'that period quite long enough, Of cotu .e. ,the' verdict .r�r 1�t not rendered ' without' a fight - just as here, the people were toad bf the wonders of prohibition. They were told how rich they had become, how sober they were, hnrv. crime had vanished. how low taxes were and' how happy and prosperous ,everybody ° wa' . "Impartial" writers wrote' articles in the newspapers. "unbiased" speakers made speeches. But the people were; not moved. - They knew better. Then they acted. just as soon as the. opportunity arose they voted for Government ControTT The Prohibitionists tried to prevent the people 'from expressing their views. 'Everywhere they said that a vote was unnecessary and southt to avoid one. Just as here. But -the people prevailed. They decided that, through 'their Governments, tlfey would take control themselves. ' Vote for Government Control as follows. . Are you in favour of #ht continuance of The Ontario Temperance Act? - 2 Are you 'in favour of the sale es a beverage of beer and spirituous liquor in sealed packages under •.Gov- ernment control? • MARK YO7R BA icYr HERE 411frsairit 4► Provincial Headquarters, 5 Richmond Street East, Totto Telephone : Man 8387 and Matin 1193 Z Oseriort Osler, Treasurer C D. Bot, fir►' wwswswr agrsswiswrsrr at 4-