The Goderich Star, 1924-10-16, Page 5iiimilimeernewasigoimatim milli* T. VT. web. • 0,...iimemempoom••••• rim !,!IIIIIIhuIuII 11 THE.I J 1.,11 II I 11 1•11 NONI• 1 I MIMI NM I I IMMINN I EMUS Ever "Enjoy" Indigestion? It it w.iis any -futi" taillike indigestion, there wouldn't he gay initigestion rentedies. The jey halt gone frOlet life when the etornach is oai rainpage. Petular Dyspepsia Tablets Set things right insole indnediately, Better buy a box now. CAMPBELL'S DRUG [STORE Eastman Kodaks and Films PHONE 90. THE SQUARE • .111.11. .1114 I 1• USW UANS 1 alopey. and sue forth. bit it coned frees the bombe. Me vise ot the agricatural gross witsns A t S i . GEOnts 1 'war its wieeeted thee ere elemeW — i give tisanes for the sa:kness er tee ter the matimat tee fogowing Wed. i A proclamation settles said, tat Nalkatas Meateriel Whirls* awl PevettY ethgr end"rt"r• Th's°1 nemlay was granted. wed* of Oct. 5tit to Iles ate ire pre - Seem* Christian fortitude, e hero were theists tweet be endared with a cabin Preaches Tkasikagiting Aro eormaittee. -eed„, •••••••••••••••••, .... 7.. very new too who were «sways thank.' k very few who were never thankful stad volition week was *tarred t� the' An application from Mr. L. L.1 tab--; la" W" "ite 41. 36e"")r. tat, but the apostle's steanetion was. in St. George's, beim the front his position as town clerk and Knox for two weeks' love a &beetle,* a.e.a daY irantad, the fime_.e Tkankegiving sane.* and al -so alto maintaht the thankful. rourageotia 1 occasent of the artmail elexvest trigumwrceettnittet wasto unmet, ler a weed. the. vhat at the Eiltitate:r., the dim". wen.teariaew eseratmeens. weee arm tote. Ito dedicate a heevetex. ...wow,. arert.t Toed* this one n...se eave certain! buoyant "euckaristie" eeposition. Tim public' works committee *re to ed to the memo of he a sa 1 Will Proudfoot K c ry t 1 te tee to • ems a belief tlutt •God, our Father,. church looked very nrett • , In the world and lo r* univeree. t - vete at the helm direetne everything In:wk ifeinwtoorthtwejavtetebortutofr ar:wng, iini:;,wt terms with Mi'. Pater for 'eying of • lb . ita decoration' s 4).' I'. 'tiowere, fol. - • e , Christianity was the euly redeem matter being brought up by the D. liege, grains and is ells of the field, ,_ -' - "'" -- -'"':ew eonfusion and ne could re • look hope- ,thitt gave this, and waelou* it there •was dispair. If chance rule .1 all veas piety Reeve. , Depete Reeve Raviree Question of Taking Gravel from Celery Deputy Reeve Munninge brought up the question of taking gravel out of the .front part of the cemetery, which was discussed *t the last meet- . THE TOWN 'couNaL int. The committee had all been out eerie, in the season end it was *greed to take a quantity of grevel out with the idea of levelling the place up af- lf,, terwords. .,1100 thought it would be Asiessor Edwards Reports Increase In A.1111641,111118Elt of ell right to totke 200 or 300 loads or 1130,303, Population Holding Its Own, and Comments gravel out for the roads and, *rode . the place up and nteke a permanent on Improve:numb, Being Made' to 1 - re repines road through that way not only AA a winter road but for either summer GRAVEL FROM CEMETERY AGAIN DISCUSSED' • Gr wint4•54 everything to gain and nothmg to He thought the tnvyn had - love hy-using this ors/vele • - - Reeve Macsaid he id us- Judge ClItrnerall Writes interelltlinA.. Letter to the Mayor Ilwari 11,4 And aey clnot enth Mr. What - In Resigning Position of Town Solicitor, and Pre- mess, but he thought this matte dicta Bright ,Future for the. Old Town . was ell settled eit the last meeting of the council. He felt just es numb opposed to the taking ot the, gravel The regular meeting of the town uniform courtesy and kindliest ley eve- as be did at the last meeting. Ile • council was held on Friday, Oet. 3rd, err one of ye*. ,defitel Mr: Runnings to point out ope If the legal Work has been pee- gravel pit that was ever fixed up af- all the tnembre present. formed ia satistactory manner at i ter the. 'gravel was taken out. The Wm.- Campbet, collector. largely owing to the raet that 1have ground where the. gravel was being • • taxes, repotted tholtowing eay-;reeelved the toe*tit ..O.operation taken was part of the cemetery end ments during ,September : 1921 tax- end assistenceof sour clerk, Mr. L. would be In use very soon. es,' $100; 1922 taxes, ;400; 1923 tax- L. Enloe lithe bas thorough' hove. The Mayor concurred with -Whet h$43.9,97; 192,4 taxes, ;504.85; and ledge of the affair's of the town and the Reeve had stated. paid Get. erd, ;200 on .1923 and tan an intimate sicquaintance with muni- Councillor Humber tbough a lot (A. ate1924 texes; a 'teal of 1,92 82. iciette Iaw 1 may say, rn'a word, that gravel could ' be taken out and no saw. he was almost indispensole, to nie. harm be done if it was levelled. up at. ° Asseminent Shelve Increase of 383 also desire .to express, 'through temente. the, eteuncitelerethe -venerable assets- - • - - • - - - - r 'W 0 Veen te t Suggests Second ntrance to Cone- - Mr. IL T. Bdwrds, &assistant • sessor, wrote as follows, under date. In" "1 a eneYe e' • tory needle ' of municipal law, my cordial of Oct. 2ndr -I have eompleted the eloseeeiation eflifirassiettuwe. While Councillor ••Platt suggested the asseeseneet roll for, 1924 and return.: , m_ .: Y work with, hint was not nearly as council might take „up the matter 'of huildingi nice cement 'bridge sieroief ed the same to the clerk. The•ree'•extensive as with Mr., Knox in mat the sheave some increase $89.- tern ef 'hotline:as that I had with hie the ravine near the tool house and 383), the greater part being made up deparement, I 'found his advice such !have one road out of the cemetery from incomes. The,. population has aat Amide/be carefully heeded, and his as well as one in,, .and Councillor not increased to any extent but we. long experience was invaluable. Humber agreed with him in this, • ' 1 And now Mr. Mayor and gentle- Councillor *Ryan said the ridge be- are holding our own. I found con.: - ' ' men of the council, as this is the latit tween where the gravel was being siderable thiprovemente going en letter you will in all probability re- taken and the roadway must be '.- such as painting and repairing, which should be encouraged. I wouke like ceive from Ine in my official, and pro- about 25 feet in height and might as • feund citizens are making by k in my personal eapeeity as well all be taken out. Thoesands of load of gravel bad been taken out to mention the impievemeets 1 bliblii ' their•lawns and boulevards and-eepralnwtg.,;.wen, may 1 he Peralitted•th' express the Raman • Ca,tholic cemetery at the ,hope 'that success not only in your"Public, but bur:sin. personal afe Seafoith and the .place was levelled ing of flowers, which sale to the beateel _ „ . ty of.our town. The recapitelatien ie fairs as well, may be all that you an. up afterwards and he did not see 'why ' as follow.: Lund, $1.832,095; husi. t'apate or .would ,destre, and may ' 'the ',removal of the gravel in the cern. . •• nese, 4342,012; Meanie; 1191 518 ''.."-- ; : also in conclusion, say that l' do etery here wspeld not be an improve- , e . school tax, $458;500; tetat, ;2,01123- ' ' 'truest eineerely hope that the old town meilte - " ' • • ' ... The• ;knitter was'referred ' to the. "mentiition,..4.224.- • . _en e. neeennee. in the near future a ars- , ••• The cemetery sexton rePortect•feut;tinct advance uperard. thinie see, bade works and cemeeere and parks leurialeein Seeectliter ado lots sold lo.if rote deeeloveheefereatenaturae contmittees, on tn,otion ge Councillor four pereene. Jerk done during thel aouree beneath ue, and, utiliae our Humber and Holmes; the Reeve vote month eonsisted of all pathe eleaned, 'she edventage ib the fttlrest extent, ing nay. ete.e new aerVeeedee 'and: 'steel esetaingeeeteee_e' reeetereeebeyelore Plans to he Asied. for New leown road riround seine grubbed.over andi,our'beentiful town, Same or us 'have The Mayor breught. up the matter weeds, roots, etc.. remoyed. X. C11 been :whit* for this during many of the propoeed IW 'WWII heel and Cooke worked 174 'hours "log II"' yeare, bat I believe we are in. sight Said the.matter.had got to the stage month of Seetembee. • ' now of the realization of our..long de. where, ..it anything a as to be done, .ledge Cameron Rea:egos as Town ferred hope. • the next step would be the seciwirrg Solicitor . Again thanking you 411 most sin- Of plans. The Reeree mewed, second- • . The following letter received_ehreceirely feryear, Isindnesa ,gigl, help. ed 1:1- , Councillor Worsen that the His Worship the Moor was Teed : fulness, believe me ' ' . matter of securing competitive Wane • His Worship Mayor dallaw, .. 'Yours ntose ioneerely, for, a new 'town hall and auditorium Goddeich. '' • lit G. CAMERON. be referred to the spec al committee, Dear Mr. leleyor,--Owing to my Goderich, Sept. 20th, 1924. Several bylaws mettles; assess* atipoitantent as judge of the toun- Whole Coencil to Consider' Appoint- - ments for the road oil on various 1 tiett of Northumberland and Durham merle of New senator streets were irttroduced but tee Whole and as I will be leaving town very It was moved by the Deputy Reeve, lot ' (No. 24 to 55) were laid over: -shortly, I beg to tender to else coun- seconded by tountillor Iluniber, that Councillor Humber objected to the ell my resigreition as solicitor for •the the' resignation of Mi. Cameron be levying of, assemment against pro - town acepted and that the-epeeidl commit. petty owners or; Vietorai street as 1 .da this with aegreat deal of To: tee draft a letter of eppreeiation of there had been • ne. petition. It was gret, for my relationship- with your- Mr. Cameron's services and regret at pointed out that theohylaws were all self as its head ane with every mem- his resigpation. This was carried, framed under the Leval Improvement 'her of the council has been most els° ea motion: by 'Councillor Huniher, Act, which gave the council power to pleasant and / have been treattdeseith seconded by Councillor 'Ryan, that a proceed, -without a petition, It was committee of the whole council take .•also pointed out that residents on .. 1 Th at :pnriwe Titlettr,rr Inc atpe ot p eritment of ' Bayfield reed and Huron road were . Modee re r t wn. assessed •ler imprqvemeots. 'Tee , A •request from the G. C. I. 'board whole matter, however, was referred • for '$2,000 for October 1st paymente back to the committee to look ioto. WEEK of Oct. 20th to 25th. was referred to the finance cottintit. , Committeo Reports Mandan and Tuesday ,A petition for a sewer on Angtesea follows.; In the nnitter of the re. text, "Hear, 6 Israel, the statutes • ---. •• tee with power to act, • The special committee reported es nousE PETERS and . 14treet from Victoria street to Cam- quest of if.r. J. IL Pipe for perms. and judgments which 1 spake in your brie road was referred to the ptilitie - tem to rebuild verandah on street in ears this day." Below is the inserip. ,MARY PillbEIN tion, "To the glory ee,cot: and in Iota Hegel a wonderful east In Hal Iteid's works' committee. front of. his store at Vie corner of A 'letter from Mrs, Maxwell asking Nelson Bald Victoria streets we re. ing memeory of the Honourable Wil. for a refund of portion of taxes on ioonunend that the request be granted liam PrOudfoot, K. C„ Senator. Died famous stage success let. Abe sold recently was died. • structure to be on streee at the plate. 3rd December, 1922," "Human Hearts' . The Bishop preached from the in - EDUCATIONAL COMEDY Applications for Building Permits urs of the council, Mr. Pipe to assume junction of $t Paul, "In everything 0h Teacher" , The lowing applications for all responsibility, flooripg •thr be grad. thanks.1' •This he interpreted .....-.e.—.... building permits were referred to the ed • to meet grade of Victo is street gil.3 as enjoining the thankful, cheerful, tal to neeke general, repairs, estimate chryae, walk, the work to be under the super. , vision and to the satiefaction 01 tbe imoptpiryiinstgie disposition, rather than Wednesday and Thuraday ,, fire committee: Prom A. S. ed to cost $200, to await* on south public works .ccanmittee. that we should in all cite JAMES CRUZE + side of 'Britannia road ,• from J". It In the matter of joining the Union „. cutustances of life give thanks. In Derettor of "The Covered Wagon" story Bedford, to, jack up and 'recover rooz e of' Canadistre Muitiepallies we re 1 1 , " steration to health; in povertY for sickness we could be thankful for re. presents Booth Tarkingtort's great "The Fighting Coward •• of Kingston street atiheastos roll roof- Present. fully through *filmdom to the future beliviertg that everything was being sr -directed by a loving hand. The *tend great eonviction wee that through Jesus Christ we have fellowship with the Father. And the third conviction was the beliet in* mortality. This belief was inherent 1 in menkindi whether it eoued expres. sion in the lumpy hunteng ground of All eolore guaranteed. . the Indian or the transmigration of souls of the eastern, but it WAR only 4.11, INIT. the Christian religion Una furnished e the assuranee of faith in the future II 11•111 I • 111011 NUN! • r m • • 111.1 1 11 NI NM I IN1.1.1 1p 4.1 .1 • 011111101111 Nine YourPriee. $22.501 $2S, $30, Whatever you wont to pay you'll dud Huhn and their- olata (ii the kind you like-- at ?•our pries -here *1 OVEROCIATS ,t 111 the new sitakIets Wes. Brown, Grey in all tileineweet etodelts. ' SUITS Iii the papules pencil steins, herri b ese woretede and impoitati Teretou Reedy *node or Ilitatio.lto•Meesuze - in the FAMOUS SOCIETY ttRAND. HATS at $3,50, $5,50 and $7.50 W C PRIDHAM it SON ME" and BOYS a C. WEAR or life for which we Omuta give GODERICH There were the ortlimary blessings. in the oew gore nue to Book of .hfoettrold dinary, bleminge. which -emended exe a, „sea. maw Oillieffamsse.........0111111 thanks, but there were also extra.or- l 4l treeordlnary „expressions of thanks.' orruARy „ IBracewcli and Garemain, of Taranto. • giving. The gift of A toed life, a • end Stella, at hearth by On* rfrali. Stan - good tether and a good citizen was I erone..reeee0e.-.. 170earldotnatbigehittshwaterue nvdecan; itep. eaulrreoiritetahostmeby barhersoothor. Meer, 1;Atsirt. for a good life. funeral WAR held on Tuesday after- tete. Mrs. II. R. Lor, Mrs. Wm. aarrnrtolt. undertaking rooms, from which tee * Goterich. She also ewes fear s -' - for end Pearl, of 0046d:ob. and his party in the time of yrisis, end it: shave on Sunday, of an old Goderich man in the person oe me, Richard Ramp,/ brothers, Herbert awl Sdeg Akt low; Arthur and Fletcher, at the lend one of the highest blessings. Suth Amos blither, of God:with, and axe a man was the late Senator Proud - foot, who placed his eoutntry was appropriate' that ia memorial The body was. brought to Goderieh° should be erected in the church to his on Monday and taken to Brophey'sleon. of Colborne, and fleratee J., nf memory as . a mark ur thanksgiving The evening service was conducted noote The friends attenditer from a by the rector, Rev. S. S. Hardy and distance were Mrs. George Penfound,I Mr*. W, Tehbutt, of :Dente, Seek the lessons were read by R. Canon London; Mr. and Mrs. John Allenhy4T„he ihoeetitle whIell Was bald an Tate" Hill. The singing of the boys of the of Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. Cliff pen.' to vatogendraede, ememaneyterrrout(rivt YeanrdY chola alone et the offertory was. wor. found, London, and the deceased's' largely esCelninttoftiro,m1hielt"winirerxl.g. Mr. Henry Romp, from be. frlendasehealfaerietb17 thy of special mention, tor -its core brothe- , reetness of pitcb, good tonal quality low Hantilton. Quite a number ,of 'yule, and esenda from Toronto, Goderich, arta other 'pollute. and shading. The whole choir were old neighbors The pallbearers were lite deceemeles ch also were in attend - ire Splendid fneln and the eeeetee was around Goderi five brothers enti_ a_hrotherenelaer. IL of Goderich. See. W. Ii. much enjoyed, The cotigregation in. ance. The serviceseln the tuidertake- eluded a large number .of members ing put -lore and at the grounds were R. leatr* Mose. of Benntiller Methodist chart+. of other ehurches of •the town. cooducted by Itev. Mr. Hedley, ee. MARTfil ' DISCUSS MWEUTION elluveh; where Mr, Romp WAS A faith- "tither' 0"*ehed the t"tieral ser' was a good neighbor and, service by Rev. le Orme, of Aaburre . (Continued from page 4) sivhe Rollie tor of Victoria street Methodlet ef whteh 'the deeelmed Iva" fsithtdi • ite was also assisted in the ful attendant while 'In good health.. mons ljelped out many a person in time of 1 „,,,,e in any does the most business I bet red for his kiiidness. 6esteem ainnY ::::ttlit°11-14 11:ocraeued"":::. "Funny, isn't it, how even ii sober rouble, and he will be long remem-1' pieced on the cesket 'showed thet With "Yes,—giee him plenty of stock on his side and a thirsty bunch on the Mrs; M. RO'CleOrn, of8aCtUordlboarY4 Totnleintahli: other, and 'business is good'!" , away -in 1)Carriantointt cholbotarnale. .. held, The sincere sympathy of a large Oirele of friends is extended to the surviving members of the fame% "Gee whizz ! 'Here's the bus 1" Passed "Clintm." "Where're you . beading for?" . toweship in 1874 and was a resident, Mrs. Ohler was . in their bereavement . • "Sent I-e-Sarri Cooper for (tura!" of that township all her life. She is Failure may cause pain, but, it the yester; survived by her 'husband, Mr. Mich- lesson that It teaches is taken to "Duck 'for' dinner boys."— dart" • ael Older; three daughters, hide Wm. heart, it will be a growing pain. • "Ilever today!—Corne on !" and Reve A. E. Allin, of Goderielt. Papa, travellers talk, a lot, don't_ , • they? • MY sereeehtit • they • see •si lot. i Who are the supporters of "Peo. I Most women who time drunken husbands or -sons, mast aehletee whet* ' .traiiiimr. all zailroad corn - paries when it's applied to their ern. ployees,, all passengers. depending on . PROUDEOOT MEMORIAL these employees le employers,.of WINDOW' •labor 'Will ',Choose a total ebetainei THE EMPIRE LIFE INSURANCE COMANY- The above engraving ,was made froze before a drinkeraiand "Bootleggere" the colored sketch of the window are supportera of e too. s ,., ;which has-been erected in St. Geor. what 18 ..it "Thtet logger," Pttlia. nit "ihoot.legger." is a moral, skunk ge's church to the memory of the late :Senator , Proudfoot, and does not son. show the inscription at cm bottom or Oh . What does ho do to earn that the text above. reputhtion ? I He sells liquor of doubtful quality big eceoenottreaere be the heir, and charge:: ex. .about the chancel. .117 the morn prices for it—and "on the the sermon was preached by Ven. sty" of courne. ' Archdeacon Jones -Bateman, and the musk was of a festive character Who belongs to, or are supportere propriate to the Thanksgiving sea- aP" of "The, Moderation League," pa* Don't. they claim that they will he 508 At the evening service Has Lord. able to put the "Booteleggee" aut. of if their ideas are carried ship Bishop Willisuna was • present Lutflieness and conducted the dedicatory service , Some fair.minded people are eta at the tine Prourfobt memorial win- dow, This window is tae product of ' ' aupporterat all heavy drinkers, all the Robert McCausland people and brewer8 stud distillers and t think all those who keep "he'uses of prosti- the colorings are very effective. It tutionpeee , depicts Moses bearing the tables of stone on which were graven the ten Why the last, papa? at They all use large quantities of lb quor in their business, and, regarding tthhee a"Bevoeott:elteegegnerwetidngsheelipnliyinattedahe his business out of his bands; they would supply a standard quality of diquor—plenty for. all and far toe . muah for some, and at tt much lower price. Smuggling could, be stopped be- tween any two adjacent. coentriee if governments removed all ,restrictionte on goods coming over. . But, all countries must have some reeytreise,tinOin:e s (I:firs: must people, oti," gloggigleellefteewegamegeegmegamgimamoggegmen . . the difference between .aen and beasts lies. in 'the fact that men are higher than the beasts when theft commandments and above is the of noirinery shoo' on south west side commend that no action be taken at Will give yott safe and, sound protection:. C. D. E3ENINGER. West Street ,Coderich, Ont., To tell you the small annual deposit required. . • • • - ..o. te LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED . pig donotrol for Alloy -Steel Pin* 1�t½ at. gamin, ,Ootgrio, olOse to the In, ili.5;000,000 lerimittion ;Alloy Steel Plant new being built. You eau noggin() the -greb" roe this property whoa this mammoth steel plant opens its 'doors next ewe and employ.s thousa'aid Men. These men end 'their families neat 1Mo home( and they will want, them 0104e to. their work. irer property: -the. Alloy Stool Perk Subdirisioe- hes great money -making powebilidee few those that buy new. Selling this ensnare in ',our lecality will not. interfere with Your ante intsieehe hut aill add greatie yOrtr present, income Write teelay. Be the fir.t %tart ine out town. ' J. K. HOAGLAND • SALES MANAGER 139 Cromwell Street, • ' SARNIA, ONT. apeleetta 'tea teepee, itheeleatilv free en hook en Bernie • Fox comgDy Ingicle-usedf-frion ?dr. airsebrooke, The public works committee report- at street intersections installed, and •appetites are well governed, and In. 'we reeornmend that for future use finitely lower when they Are not. 'ed follows : "Children Wanted', to re -roof residence at corner oe err .._, h -. w le sewers be constructed across Cam. Put, papa, as Jac son perrnitte 0 .c can't men, on the whole we recent... t at mr. . .9 . .., Church and Nelson street, estimated brie road at the intersections cif govern their appetites for- liquor . k he d t onstruet Friday and Saturday shingle part of roof of dwelling on walk and steps to t he north stile et Park, Trafalgar and any other No, my 'son,—ate they make laws' le cost $300; from Mrs. Carrie Bain, to h" d II' N I streets decided upon ey your public their thoughtfut moments to protect Brit•annia road with 5-X shingles en is we mg on e son street, per- pera mita the work to be done under We have had the engineer prepare them in their weak ones. . . me: minion to be at the pleasure of the workit committee. ablated cost $45. f W M ' HOBART 110SWARTIC and the In a real special ettraction House on Itiogston street,with fi the supervision and to the satiefetc- specie! assessment rolls in connec- quor drinking, papa? , Bet has "Prohibition" lemened li. NOVAK SISTERS . 0 . rem lean, to re roof store and O e pu le don with road oiling and we recona Well, my son, you liardiy saw any "The Man Life Passed By" f ocle proo r faced oarystelBwriantfor:d. • don Of the chairman of th 111* BEN TIIRPIN, in . roofing, approximately, 48 „res. works committee. mend that the neceseary uylaws be Mink in among thousands during Th ------------ ----------- iry erect a barber's pole and an electric follow". - ',Twelfth of July celebration when du "TheParedevil" edhumed Ws. • M • W C bell r rmiss`on to We reommend that the request of lamed - The finance committee reported as did You?—and you never saw rt , !the celebrations on July the Twelfth •"FELIK FINDS TEE WAY" board asked for payment of $000 on sign in front et ids ashop on West'st. We are having the ;143,000 of de- hors ;were open? Matinee—Mon„ Wed, at 4.15 p. tn. the 1924 levy iota asked for an audit be left with the Atairman of this bentures, under bylaws 8, 10 and 154 No, papa, I wasn't old 'enough a Sat. at 3.00 0. tit, of the books prior to the appointment printed by the Franklin e'rems of Tor. know, comtnittee with power t. Centime—Jerk Dempseyof a flew treesurer, Mr. Galt having "•' lit "Pigli In'the rnatter of the iequest oe wheone a price 4of ;180. - '• I . IVCL14 -L 4141 did, my ; eon,—and besides F. Martin for permentiort to erect' • outd, . I I ' 1 MIONWINNIM•111•••••••••• • - 4.,..-er•-•-- • ••••!.....e..,..•_-...._,--- ••••••.. . resigned the position of treasurer Intl 1 1' a mien projecting at right single from tor's report of Sept. lth and .recona ehange the »regent law to the othn' 'We have examined the tax collec. the brewers and distillers want te: his store, eve find that the propmed mend that it be filed, eign is ao in, ey 6 ft, le inches, and We have let the job of Orbiting the we, papa, :, ', The Management of . ., mend that the Matter he left with the' We have sold one Sarnia lathe and /Me my son e . 1924 voters' Hit to The Goderich Star. i What do neople go into huatincea • ' • , 48 WS SIM' ii4 tOo large, we recent- • ' . chairman of the committee with other entailer articles from the Noel 'per profit, eerie. G po;teerht act. eired a report tional Plent. to the/4te J. W. „Reeled of +quite so. 11W eon. from tee Port Elgin Or RAM of 4025. . . ' The- JAS. MeliANUS 'PASTEURIZIN PLANT , engineer on the petition for a sewer The fire committee reported having , But whet alluadd be dont with tht "Ileot-leggers." papa? , flee dime they? • --Wieli to Announce fo-tbeir custom;w ers and the geueral hile that they are now carrying fresh Dairy atul Creamery Butter and gat) ThIltarmilk on their regular milk deliv. ery lige et all dance Our Butter, Milk, or Buttetmilk earn had at the tilartt oh sitsr srnsr at any thee Letween 9.00- *. tr. and tendp . grainted all the requeets for heildinit Well. ron. r would suggest, for a on Lighthohne etreet from Wailing. ton street and we recommerarthapermits referred to it at the laet first, offence "loathes without the on- t the Ipaymeeting and recommended the filing von or a fine (et nreeent their conatruetiort of this sewer be laid over . of the Am warden's report. for the present. their fines eta ot their profits), an' upon „relent a favoroble report The water, light A010 harbor cont. for It accond offeliCe 1 would sugeomf from the engineer we reeommtnd suttee reported having . looked into ennital punishment -hut ell thi* that ii tewer be eonstrueted on Wel. the peat on for three niore street toilette hex made mi thlretv. niv eon Fifteen street from Britannia reed to Elgin avenue. Vette on South street VA mom- so lot le, more all eneea Immo sae mended that the matter be referred pp+ .p niea lenvcool drink of Before the completion of rebuilding to the Water and Light Comirtimion (rareelefeee rum roadway on Cambria )0A41, we death Ina' "Part an the cost- 1 Thos hast mid it, olt, my son. , it advisable to ham* any cross (*were These reports were sat adopted. R. R. ALLISON'S SANITARY MEAT MARKET! Pickled Shoulder, Piece — Fresh Side Pork, piece. .. Rib ,, Breakfast Bacon by piece... - Farmers' threshing Roast Beef Legs of Lamb–, Watch Our Windows for Saturday Good Chickens wanted—not .. 18c. ...—. 12c. ...........30c. ....— .15c. •, .35c. Night Specials. scalded, 'Phone 2 West Side Square • 11 JI:lommormalma.. adies' Oxfords for Fall Oxfords are suitable Footwear for fall year and the most satisfactory for -wearing mailer goloshes, as they hold their. shape and do not spread and force the Goloshes „into unsightly shapes« We have a large range in attractive styles in Patent, Kid, and Calf. —GET THEM AT W. HER ,S Square • 4