HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-10-16, Page 2• tl• 1014 1,1 PAGI TWO .. Ten aurprieed when be heard that Mr. Williams hod reached the ago fur superannuation es he supposed he - was still an the sunny side at ! Mr. Williams was one of the 1xapulsr bank managers. God/Melt-howl ever had; he was a particularly cap able man in every way, and 'oaa al-' weye ready to lend a .head for the furthering of the gond• of the town t- its a tnernber of the Baird of Trade he was one of.the most cootetaisdhog* men, -was always; Peeeept ami, alwayr ..,._ _ tarried out what hs sot oat to do. The speaker was ilaad Mr. Williams and his estimable family were re- ' maiming with us. Mr..(,. C. Luo, arias president of the Lions Club, joined is good wishes to - STANDS for ('otnfort'••-•O —by Long Dirstancc the guest of the *veiling and sxpxw. stands for (NIT i m e — A sed the hope that Mr. Willie"' would stands for At Your Service sen tits way tea assess eleeg w%th the and 1.4 stands for . looting Saatie- Lions. faction. get you theough ire B naekaea, xnaaa ed on. side dean the cool a ,811 stiffly. We'll attend inghBank, was called has dean of to your ,gal wants in n„manner the protooden, mow that Mr. .Wil• : giants hard retired. 1[r.1Willlaans had that will volkg you talk *taint tis. Eal rriororrompormorporwerroassair 11 '.11 i. um o • TEE Gaps s'rA, Whom could you sell today? 11 1'. 11 P.111111111144111111111111.111111011111111mo ClostQfoml'nr ccritTol,S you will. ''•z .cfroti'g►1" Alcohol wild hoe none of 1t �-- usu a ftetz t'rviy' elevetin •t' i cOAi QUARTETTE There have lscen startling changes in selling methods in the last two years. 'New !rats of Ealing new eits- tcznters, of getting at every • possihleisuyer,arebeingde- been leis opposition and a tough one Aevery week. ()bsta�e1ca3 but was allays a . man the other Q>M31 EeIIL f rade of yiR are being brushed 11416* "bank maanarers could leak up to, atsd is and ..Soft' Coal Present day hate=ire., to f'9V('rt'rs'lte.tt•ra et al.o;;*; 1'1°'I.., , a ir• r1' f :-t aid. - , e, tirie!tfork-t:tindling oo- a 14eraat vi over me million 1.ong'1)igtn';rtyrollsatnc►ntlt for p'oplo also must have .leave an answer inimedi■ realise that the Average age Beady - tier tomb* mimic's,t, the aver. , a of points pt 1°14y►olit (. Sherwin-tUlame r$ y« Lomatlaixtaneemeeesaasie, ,, noticed in the bocal press t t Wlaa»fI ixulei fast sell today there was a dispute between he Mixed; Paiute at Long liiseancef Resew and the Deputy Reeve over he• ifiholela�te P>rlceg was always the ininte. He always Rept in Stock gave good *dyke one other bankeras invariably come away from assn inter- Always on haud a complete stook view with )tr. William” feeling bet- * of tar for it. He -had 'been *heed rt HEAVY D father to Most of the younger bank ors and had a"twesys been very con. SHELF genial. lr'William*lie groceedal to tab..R.E ,Amff Reynolds was called ontor a but atter pay.nl a tribute to Pose travel tilt *no c e wanted to` Pcrusald cement ADMIN�RING• GOVERNMENT CONTROL, pone as Robert the peacemaker and would. like to see the binigersnte_ Piaster »halve hands, and Mate PP. _ The oth• . p er tnatteaa: was the town Wed. 2t Ia�clbi�ltg; Eleating watt tt downright disgrace that the c and t . g .-..IssIs ue . • town hat, not band, Electric wiring bandVisitors asked. "where i - rat„ a Q with��? ' your bona?" Theo f Clinton. had a good band and it should ;not be to - t when we bad such a • that #a � 1+�t. i'`..'.d 1 exated ,As ,r ` ,., .r,0,..1,., ..,«a.;�«♦.Y........,- event as the unveiling of"the soldiers' inentoriel we bed to send to Clinton erdant Store and Baal ardg� DOING � TO fora band.. The town ehould mete at the Wharf, Godericlt t ood:grant.to a band. *von our; Ile MANAGERddsatve .�..;__._ .>eourtciltors- -were _ paid n .�ise�P-boaaza- or. dem liven et�tsl�atti�n- vosm it who would re= " ttan' AtA fuse ft town 4 tri A ~There need o be no doubt in Ontario. .There, sire leer Itnyone's mind as to the riot factors end forces im the timid, Utbseste Gat• her at Ceasapli«' lose I yea li rest 6f.��, . N #arta, ' :..i7 PRUNES .._'a rye leaarotoot to ,Mr. George band , For tv elvr. YAai The Shaiau ,. aus8 iirialoiso an Friday i+lvenieg and be kept the land going Lions should take the matter up. _ Marking his retirement from the l Manager Lesslre er the Bank of khe banking circles. Mr♦ W3ltiaxps "Aga* of the • Canadian lank of • Montreal said. he used tea attend lots of .ltanquets where' everyone had io do re retiriria;; afteiC 44- yeaaaaeo• 3n the. Oil a aupsrannuattien, seven« ll something and in those darn he used bank, andhe himself Iookced forward :chimes of the town assembled at tea think,. be could_ sing, ;until some .to;.the titat>!_wrbten,he would retire but. tone asked him why he did not try' to it would bas good sa Oul y'ear,s yet list t{eard hoe on redo. evening:one ntako a ,peech; it could not • be any 'for as long as :he could trick he would last to tela Mr. George 1W'r the s +X'Lor, worse %than his singing, He did toot :hang on; he wanted something to towboat y'aa3'e,tniattrrlez of the "sthink in the list $0 years be lead. do. Me had been acquainted:with data Braneb of the Catisdia> Rank of!znade two 'speeches, and bone at call Mr,r, William in connection, with the tercel whit- • theay thought et since the 0. T. A. came Into effect. county busineias tad also socially,. and Ides, a and to spend ei social esventng to.' He hood only+ been in town three y+eare they jot• along well together. ' Mr, sir rdid not kno* Mt..'GtriCtlam 0 3 • slat s C>ellad aI : .spadts. ;,tttiiElsor. For the program aft, the:and sand W lliatn y toe banquet, 'Hix Worsttiya Viktor as long se *aerie who'iiad .spoken but .t; was `aalmost' going to tail you what. C4aiilowr occupied the elMi r• end, atter,he bad found that anything Mr. Wil.' be called his lawn mower," he said. the tout to'the Ring bead .been duly a iiams: said you could bank on and he Me. •. Wihiama ,sometimes "Late, to call. _beloved, made as few remarks very was the court of.eppeel, for the focal him; •up and ton him, Lane, your Y- Wooly ,tdipreesing--Site good feelings bankers; 'good roads account:. is• overdrawn," salt bad .tovearda •Mr...Williatna.-30----A-;"4;M isr,--Mr:..'Williame' and. at the:•endat the year he bother. seemed Only as yesterday that he successor, . said he : had' beenBtettrod`him th-a=anancial. statement of had eons* among, NI and toook at ' year. Mr. •Wl hisats'. competitor and the county to 11',11gd out. One item hien it loomed impeseib1e to believe for one year had. work with bi?n.alevaye puzzled , 'an conelderably, that. he had reached the 'Age for *Intl (slime the antalgemation of the dank," Liquid aslsi,ta./ Liquid . assets,. erannuatiost. ' Wee were glad to -.know of Hamilton With the Bank of Com- repeated Mr. ` Lane, ,lowly,' as -,.the jbat he was remaining as a Citizen of- coerce). He had found Mr. Williamserieibilities of " the • 'gathering Mott, • that taRwn and that he would have". always. very .honoreabt a and straight-, wino thoughts of the 23rd of October. more ting" t i._ devote to community forward and he wished bit . a. long .Mr. Lane said he, -fluidly tilled• the t>Q.ovemeuts, and happy holiday. . • 1 blink in, "N°ot a dans drop," and he • Mr. Fred Rohner and Mr. Jack Mc- • Mr. Hohnan, county clerk, had just understood the : banker had changed "darn"'t I)ermiel were present and helped' in returned from the plowing match at . this to darn before.`he ictal it in t: the -pleasure of ' the evening, Mile and, in passing,. spoke of head office.. Mr. Williams had been Holmes leadingthe gathering at in- the• large; -attendance and great . en. 44 years in the bank and by .the time termite in : +songs and Mr. McDertuid thusiasm seen.. there. He said he' bad he too- had put in #4 years.. in Goode - accompanying on the:plena'' I been associated far Sig or seven years rich he would retire. He had been E. R. Wigle, M. L. A., spoke of Mr, with Mr. Williams and In all the deal. here 82 - years. ' He 'did not' know Williams an one of the most valuable Inge. in connection. with the county whether he could -make it or not but citizens the town had. He recalIed.1 iine4es he had found hint very-dblig- he was going to do bits beat. ° .. his ectl'vity in the days of, our old. int. etili gentlemanly. And with him • Mr. Wm. Campbell, town assessor: Canadian Club, in the reorganization ha believed the peer than was qac •essayed to depart from the general of the Board of Trade and latterly in fairly treated as the rich. •"rimof the speeches *filch had all connection with, the soldiers' minor. "One of our old war horses, Bill been telling of the good qualities of 3x1. Gatherings such as this one Lane," was next called on by .the the ':guest . of the evening. ;no went a long way to further the inter- chairmen;' and, in rising, Mr. Lane thought it would be a. good thing to eats of the . community.. mid, "Bill was never in better tilts tell of some of his faults as s guide Mr, H, X. A. MacEwen, president then he is tonight." :Se was seer/ for 'the rest of his life and for the of the Board of Trade, said he had to lone his very' dear old friend from benefit of 'tits anccessor,, baat when he . • w r. pity so good .Price so low g Tom at M.—shows w- road to economy. italic in this Cittelpaaaigtr, fight. bunt it is fief saane a old confhet bctween't ie 'liquor The liquor interests flushed interest on the one ,bund With- victory- in - the Western and the. Temperance Re- Provinces seek to re.cepture form forces on the other. It Is A t t lird-a-4-Dry Battle The" same old' gang that fought the reform forcesevery inch of the . way in the campaigns . for License Reducti Vin, r ouOption,Provincial l - r hibiti on, e lined Shorter if res, Local ., � P o , ax l up again contending for the Sale of 'Liquor for beverage pur- poses. they one not by whom. Anything to defeat the On- tario Temperance Act. Anything to ,regain. a foothold, They are reinforced by others who "want theii: booze," t e citizens 'odic' sl e t • . reed es a 1 tort send a few +w+wll un en4o � pec b f � y kept in' the foreground of the picture) who are honestly. mistaken its theinropinions. But in'the main.it is the same old ,line-up. --- va -Ind ►ppetite await►--seek-phace-ancl-powee..-- B•ooze %%Matt;tq ;come back. 4 A ?BUR/WAY, OCT. ISM, Isle IZEp 00 CR s I$ UNE ONTAft14--• I said it Before. I say it Again. tY lister! tisten! : Listen IT WAS NOT the license syattem #hat • tanked the evils of the old' days. IT. WAS. NOT the men who sold the liquor thist.Worked ilte wrong,. • ,T 1I til t 'was 8ZE'AT TO COME 4 The evil then 'was in the alcohol the liquor contained, not in the kind of flavor of the liquor, n not. the way it was sold, not the person who did the selling. Booze Is Still Bopze. _What fit Did, .; Woid The Government of Ontario, or any other Government, _may start out with the highest intentions to inaugurate some system by which facilities wiil be afforded for use of liquor, and yet yet by which we -will avoid the evils which inescapably follow its use. This would be undertaking an impossibility. .Once liquor is sold it•cannot be controlled. a e is now on.It is clearly between progress ress • Melanie 1y p g and re-arnctio ; the rohibitian . of the'sale; of intox *suing 1p.• liquor for beverage purposes' or' then permission of the,► free g _ and promiscuous sale of liquor for beverage purposes. '• ADVANCE OR RETREAT A vote for continuance miens, in the light of the Prime Minister's statement, not only the% maintaining of the Ontario Temperance Act, but the, strengthening of . the provisions of that Measure „and its thoroughgoing enforcement. ' It is not a question of standing still, jt is a question of going forward or backwards. it is not "Are we in favor of the Ontario -Temperance -Act in its prese.it form," but "Are we in favor of therinciple which it embodies and'da we want the measure which em -bodies that principle 'strengthenecF and irnpxoved, made more efficient, and given 'active and v'gorous enforcement'." • A vote for Control means that this Province votes itself, into the booze business, appoints the Government and its offi- cials as selling agents .for the brewers and distillers and foreign liquor interests. The Government then becomes purveyor -in- • chief to the depraved appetites of citizens of the Province and oEficia saanction' is given to the distribution to the citizens of the Province of a narcotic racial poison, which has been the curae and blight of ;the ages. • "Prohibition is a; dyke of modern, civilization against which many waves ' are beating. Sometint.s there • may be a leak, but it saves our country from an over:. whelming tide of internper- • once and debauchery." . Slims we destroy the •+yb ars repair the .leaks?' Vole l t °11tinu*fl e , • A St's., Better Law . For Of course fair promises will he made to the electors:. Of u ' if* good." Of course . the Brewers and Distillers will "behave therm- selves decently.'' Of course only"good"' booze will be sold and e:.nly in nice packages and only by disinterested persons. "When the -Devil was sick "The Devito monk would lie,' "When. the Devil got well— "—Well, he wasthee ,old " vil salt„ 1 ze Wants_ to Come. Back Again Government -sold Booze will make a man drunk just as surely and .just as quickly as any other. Be Warned, •Ontario Electors t Vote for the continuance of the Ontario Temperance A'ct, ''the law , that his made• good,; and which, improved and strengthened, with acture and vigorous enforcement, will give increasingly! good results. VOTE 'AGAINST THE RETNSTATEMENT.'OF, BOOZE -IN ANY kORM lY UND'ER ANY • b • loRtTENCE4 Refuse to go into partnership with this arch enemy of humanity. MARK YOUR .BA .,LOT THUS Z Are you in favor of the continuance of the Ontario Temperance Act? Are you in favor of the sale as a beverage of beer and spirituo is liquors in sealed packages under Government control? O. Acture and Vigorous Enf ores ent . KEEP THE ONTARIO TEMPERANCE ACT came tolook for fettles he sssid, "I in every way *red he was glad Mr. know of no fault 1 mold to before, Williams was going to stay with us. you at all." Thr bank was losing a The toast to the guest of the even.' very valuable asanager nut the town leg was then drunk and Mr. Wit- retold be the *sinter as lir.• Williams lianas rose to reply sae was at tet4 would be sift to *veto his room with an ovation et appbatmo and the ' to the tows'' interest, The town had staging of "He's - a Jolly Good Fel- t never had a more able member of liras low." -.Heard ori 'lade and he wished him s Mr. Williams said he never was rand s. lost nosod s happy oom. mo ver world be a public speaker trod i Mr. Wrrteie. as meager of blew Gale- crated syapalloy *Id hotholgenee for rich Salt Co, is wale* the get** ap a 'few memento with he trial to ex - of the loasenaot wee dew, pioasbd to be preen his *immolation et the ,great tamed Erna milting a speech boot kledoesa of the gam. Many of mkt)* had sever met a doer folf+w, the kind Wags that bread been said were not Ideeerved. He bad endeav- ored first to carry oat his ditty to his employers by wham he was paid. It was sonoetiwaee dtS3ealt to carry out the Bank Aet a*d Bills of Exekauge proiriolona structioas head office anted m e time meet the wishes oftatters. Ho was a very lucky bank boated who was able to get on without some lit - tie f'riettoa, sad lie Was baked plots - id If he had Oren setiwtattioa. He had had no friction with the, other manager;, wttk whom ho load got sk+sest est taxi moot frfetedlr tires He was sorry he made everybody .feel so badly because he looked so yours. and he attributed lois• youthful ' appeerane t to the exetcree he took in !big gardsn. 11. world try to get - grey in the town's aorvice any time he could he of assistance. He ! thoughts great deal of 'Goderieh -and limped he would have a hand in help- ing to build it op. He oeivdd Dot bid words to express his great *pined*, tial of the Methresn of the etpree- , slogs of the amino and thanked all. After an mate parting sang the teathering *pr. .