HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-10-09, Page 8r
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Doefold so Se
bee, et geld
swing mod Po,
Ise weed ne sae
bitiefestotio‘if bake&
lb. lay lbsedoldfd
• r ••••• • •
1 1 1
111 41 11 impr•4111.1111114X111111r;41:111121.14414•4.
teetotally *aerated id* Oak
white booters, and raihno-
bride's travening wait woe et levy
, bine triesabse, with kit te Noah and
'mink choker. Ott lellerriag day
tits yetteg coo)* bet feet a trip by
•meow te paints east. W. •Oegi Mrs.
.111cWkinney wows the meel* of
many handsome gifts. aad *awry with
them the boat wielies a A 1•0111:f
. friends awl arquaintanees. y
• will reside ea tio graoat's farm, "Ma-
pie Crave Term," on coo 2. Ashfield.
There ponied pewees* away on
October and, In the vilbga D,gu- MISS S NOBLE
glinnon. another ef the eart$ johnitake
LAM' Up -to -Date
Nackaaparo Chokers
*rat Collari.
litaxy linos of Stamp.
ad Goods.
i of West Ihrewertosh, hn titeepereon of
'Chat:lea Robb, . Se .0101§ with his
1 1
parents( when a very small boy, from COLBORNE '
0 Mora, when this emettry was e dem Ws. Thu. 3414ebel la not an Well
forest and want rafted' to manhood bey may meals wouid wish.
.010.4•1410 11•1 404'
7 A'
• wratoura.e0A,'
A few of our big specials are; •
se • The shit 15 x 32 inches made of
*LI w°44,_ Moe enniversary aerrileta will ba held
1* Poirs hi fluaday, Oct. Min at 1.$0 *ad 7 p.m
Is IstioIntr_ et, ,his ow* re. Mies Margaret Cowan.. of Blyth. is
▪ /*PonsialatY mar maseararaaas resiting her friend, Wady' treble,
be was later married to Charlotte tine week.
Marwood, who eurvives bite To mr. Win Long Ind Mr. George Clad
, there were born five children, oi Aided niin tu the neighborhood
, whom four still remain, ene having this week.
' died in infancy. Besides his beloved We are berry to beer Met Mrt Irony 17.
nartner-in.life he leaves to mourn his Young hale very tealth, *wild to
loss, one son, W. J. Robb, of West heart trontle. •
Wawanosh, and three deughters. Rev. IN% II. Moss le 1004044 Ye
happy SAO little daughter liaie collie to
say at the parsonage. ,
• • Hein- Wellington • Bey. ot Listowel,
P.P. for North Perth *kited Mr.
Treble et tloGew elevetot.
Mrs. Cornish and slaughter, otilinear.
dine, /lave returned. to Weir borne Atter
spendlog few days,,w1th then:niece
and cousin, gm. Alden rAllits: '
Zion Stiriday Selzooi win observe
ltallr Bay next Sunday. the ocelot'
eoniunnelog at .2 pan. The Benminer.
boye' olami• wlitpreseut a eramealsation
of the Good Smaritan.
Mrs. R. Hutchins, also of West NV's;
heavy cloth with neatly hemmed edge:,.
While they last, each 19c
in the natural shade only, splendid Or •
curtains, chiWren's dresses or lingerie
garments. Specially priced, pr yd(,
The width is 32 inches, and these are
In sheave sand, blue, green or red, daintily
trimmed with eontreating sizetle. Mese
are exo*p%ional value. Clearing et 'molt $2,19
The 'width is 40 inches and they are all
• team our regular stock f ad ar(the fin-
• Vst weight. in any shade regular $2.25
Sale price, per yd-
sty 11Anderson's Gold Label Gingham. 1.111- , .
. _ In ladies, ,4nd, -misses! sizes onl). A
splendid range of shades. These •are
cHILFORENI$ 'WINTER VESTS exceptional values, per pair
want:els, Mrs. Wm. Milner, of London
- DUNGANNON ISept. • 10th, a- daughter, Elertnor Eli. and Mita siary Jane, et •herner.Hc
xabeth.. We extend cengratulatiene.tishreeeltosisstersurin:ivm
vedbTatowbob,lecoronth. e4iH
• lit. and Mrs. G. M. McKenzie mot., Mr. Bruce Gray, of Knox • College,
oral to Clinton on Monday evening. Toronto, will occully $ the pulpit of on township; Gliortte, of Mount Fon-
Jeaeset; pM14,11.C.Wernibe‘tik,
Mr. Adams,nf Auburnwas in Dun. Erskine church on Sabbath next. gear, ocio0Aulslitsotwenn: haintad,
Bannon tut week paining' Mr. J. , Sudan School will be held at 10 a. m.
Ryan's new verandah. i Our teerbeis are in attendance at Yeare age be sold his farm and inov•
Mr1, T. Stothera made a business the 'Woe Huron Teechers' Convert- ed to Dungannon, where he passed
trip to St. Marys and London et the tion which being held In Victoria •away at tint ripe old -age -74--years.
beginning of the week. school'. 'Onderich, •and Fri; Ilk suffering, which lasted for al.
chsa. ration is having his day of Oda week. mut a year, was borne with great.
dwelling Isounie:peintest Mr. Camer. Mill and Mrs. D. G. Figgins imd patience and Chriatian fortitude
Mrs. Herrin, of Esper. Some six
on, of Lucknow
4 is doh* the were, little daughter, Agnes, o Wellend, e fireeran, which' took place on
mrs. ?Onion. Reid,. who has bran are gueets with, Mr. and Mrs, D. Glen Sunday afternoon to Dungannon
this week. Sinee coming here Mr. cemetery, was conducted by Rev'. J.
in a London hoontital for solo° Figgins has installed a rank) outfit R. Peters B. A and was very large-
„,, months. irets returned' te ber home in for Mr. Glen. .
Dungannon. i
• Mrs. amis. Thompson, of London, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. 'Ryan had as . Ing friends and neighbor& The Mies •Gladys Varner -was visiting-
returned to her home on Monday at- guests on Monday evening, Mr, and many, beautiful floral offerings bore et Wingnam ' and Dungannon lee
ler spending a week pleasantly witb Mrs. Geo. Bradt° and, aug r, allent traXimeny to the esteem in week.
rd d d hte .
t Rodrigo, of Goderieh, .and Mr. and which 'the deceased was held, and he Bell:trek are bending,* large.,c
relatives here.
Mra. .L Cameron and little daughter will ever be remembered es an indue- merit .bridge on Seg. Johnsten'a side
W. Bell in' encoding a 'few
day. in Toronto.
Mies Helen Bell is attending Nor;
ly attended by kind and sYrnpethiz•
mal. School, Torento. • . _E
„,tted-stock, per yd. , — ...
TIaltitat, or white shades, these are a•
good heavy weight and a good range of
la.rgeSt sizes Vests or Drawers, each..69c
These, are in all • sixes up to 42; the
style- is either high neck and long
-2-sleeves, .orlow-rtecit- 4Ild short
• Scrim and Curtain muslin in,crealn and
white shades. Splendid for rear win-
dows. Priced pet” yd ...... r. AriC
PURE wool, HOSE •
• A splendid weight of plain- cAtnnere.
They are pure wool and in black only.
SPecjailY priced (mob •; 1 19•
Priced per pair „ „ , .79c
grey, pink
ydsfor $1.00
qtli 27 in. wide, in shades
or tilue, Specially priced . .5
in a good range of shade,s,
cher wide and jut -new.
-pricedper yd ...
• •
Full 56 in
. • .. • . $1.40
-Mrs. R. Sends and daughterC$4* Jean; of Toronto.
home of liars. White, returned to Dun., fa -y
sale who have spent some time at the
Card of Thanks. --hire; Ches. Reid. Much loved aua respected parent. The. Uniou •ehurch is gbing to"hold
trious and peaceful citizen, and a line.
4 E
as e
u Sad- The' -S
gannon last week. , mil with to -Mann their many The penhearera were elegem. George a fern'supper. Witt.ch for' date /mitt aye SelualW
Full 36 inches wide shades -grey, Pink
: or blue. Specially priced,,per
• , In shades grey, mative and bine with
• very neat patterns. Piked per yd.....$54
. 1'114,se
t I
f hhe th Li Irwin Wm Bray Robert McAllister'. eget*, .,
. • rie an ne g et e r ri • .1
and ber ion, bill R. L. Pentland" of ment in the loss of a dear beenend We extend loving sympathy to the float visit Mrs. J. C. Pentland, of Grimsby, nese during their recent sad bereave.Jams' Maize H. .3.000--5 and J. •RIllott• . i "a
, lupe t.t., 'Tom'. paid..bie,f3ere.-
Now York, were guesta with hfre, to Union, Sohoot, • Tuestle
David Girein on Mohday and father, also for thea mata.,11oral bereaved family. .
offerings: On the evening a Wednesday, Oct. • aftern"14
Mn, George Carr and dinighter, eir. b. &nil 1.10 lst, Dungannon's oldest citizen and
eY went to rent* on Ure. Jack Blair is apenliing .,a.cou
ple ,or yrookiterrita,boilonotory.mis
l'elesta, of Wingharn, returned homeMonday, bringirig with him on va re. one of our best known and respected wm el t,, in,nolje, . • , ' -
mft.Or .pending a few day s at the , turn, his 'father, Mr. Thos. Sroiley women, passed to the, Great, Beyond. - '''' -
being etlie. Wni', H. Cart ' who hs has beerf Teething wiedlOal treat.' Mrs, Letitia Drenny, whose, •malden
Mi-. and Mr& Fetrwick Stewart.1 ment in hoepital In Toronto. We are name was Letitia Whiteford, was the ed the R.,:1/1''' RS/ servka5 at Tiiii°
...fiaLat Sunday a' large eottal. attend
front neer Clinton, who were guests sorry that there le not much improve. Mr. Johnston,. of Bay
eldest of a family of three 1141111 land ,,,•e""'"`'., ""•-"459.."
at t•14 home of Mrs. .10ent Berkley tor I/flout-in Ids condition. ' three -daughters; of ;lames Whlteford--ucm. sill,octupy the pulpit next San
e few.deye, reterne•d on Monday. • ' - ' • I Ellen McConnell. She wee born 411/' Service at. I' °rtit1elci' '
Itorre--To Iltr. end gra. IlarveY sister, Mrs. Rit,cheox (Etta), of
Maine, 4th cOrleeltalOrl'of Ashfield, on nia, son and daughter ,of Rev. 8Marr: a time otfbilhserhadviet7h, tittiliedernriArtkatblee neas'menion`-4-tlilel,e'311,...,.7tetrxii.'" ael_t_i*,' .-nn and 7 ,py, op:, 1Preette134, at nis. ,herees near Atifitiril, 0414 the ell of the- peeple„ .' Tnous- Get eur ineney•aa"iiag prieeleit etie.wir;ri '
be eheich ,en sewleys . Mr. Frank •Washitigtori • spent the and kept. it there, nod it' care tray be "'
-- • - - • -- -------- - .-- Lericis who was et one time patter of age of 95 years. „She:came with her The niclaing service IlletWre. Barry Went and "Lituagen ands have benefitted by lt antCtrould freightnisie outoestorm windows, gig'.
...sp. • o
»Agio Erskine Presbyterian choreb,,,ealled parents to Canada when but three Rey. J., J. jenennini Ated":11.ie . eventing end at tick rtapeetivo tomes. • .' '
will be in r'eutee et the .1•13t4suir. laieleey, of the G. .C./..- suet tbe weele 'Oise no other preparation:. . ed complete any eize. The lialkley
on a few old friends in Dungannon on years of age in ' the ear 1832 t • '
Mr. -Bert Leach, of Detroit, end his ainn.d.Armagh, Ireland, in September. Anniversarrservioes ber bald at Ing144 s°41naltitsnneb at1-Lnebalsb• nerd/ties havg brought it to the front ' NOW
'` • •
1 1
bela in tb° Pteeb34°.th111',...ebur:In. carried, in aver of remaining the Of iinnaay la new ..cernfortabir locata
• 1.21.41,1,_1140_41791 T, :and havimr it. vier" finthfully in line sew ottimie.over t4io Standard •
"4-1171 f's"1"`"'",', will ''"CF enfoi'ved„ Bin*: mid Stsitionery.„ ,stora, and will
• aggoicat 'rho oit of the" freople.--=Many oils bela,',,,11;,,I.h.„,i8 4.1'14".
12A3•24-1, , havecome and Sone, bet Dr.. Mogul? of r"-
Mtn. Rehitioon, ot Renato, Is ,eleiting Eeleetric Oil continues to maintain ' •
• in ti al. . , its positioe and increase its *Imre •
John Itteee„ of Duluth. fn renew- usefulness, each year, Its. sterling, ORPER STOR14, WINDOWS
net Sunday anniversary fiervices 'will month. A potitur was, unanimously. ....B15artft Standard: plitriatete
bo. •
•••• r....•••.A. • .4...-
• $,
Fisiretsixesmig: slUstos.
_43 E0e1STIRWA. fiT
Phone 100 - •
4 "
WON& Mat**
It the "Prince .1 Verdes" was
coming to Goderle.14, would you
irea dollar and s 1:alt. to hoer
lzu apeak 1
eau este get a. Victor
Renard made by httn--tlie only
nee la ealeterice ,too, and with a
$01004ion by "The •ICeibersistis
Gooses tiesti"--boo of $he lineet
In titerrorid, recorded ea the back
!NU ye lib is luer it ?
I4sit Issok Celoteerce
:Stabionableiklorlela gat*
timidity you will ap.
predate. •
Tail Crowns fiats of ail
florins livid Plurnege itt
Velvet. Velour :Ana Felt
von leading Vnbtics. •
There is In mat Iiiiiitt
id 'nets line to e,nteet
iiiiihnorN for the Ail
ad ?holey Ses,tut.
Your Inspection is Itmisod.
• Miss Mac Vicar
itistastoss %vet
g ;err OS 'OW .4 taken Bee'. R. Mee Bessie Grant:of Leeborn. 'Vie 'not taIking..1)0A warldhg that
Monday. It is forty ye,ars since Mr. Mile with them on * farm near Exe= Whitfield WI/Won, Prea alias- 0'0' kialy_,Mals, qe4st 'valley, and kiss brings in the harvest4
• - Co.,. Ltd.. kr rentein, Ontarie.
Leach left liugention, and _in_ the ter_ehe_ .z-Bayeeld -ii-oereeday on
h a
0 4 • TOWi
meantime he has been here °WY 'ince September; 5859, to' the late Andrew .ontote., - ..7PerGbarilt fikKezesio„ of
sio he the w bows,
before. flOrnkilLVA.r0--ag6.----W-e--te,--R• 10~1.064.0UWANOrna■W"~
mask—Telt:0. Lede'. ovd 11 ellurokened ran_eirrtrtaht„ ere alenr attbas7.
Bret etate that 'Mrs. Leach passed twenty' Yea:re:1'0f st7strix)IY f .ei ht nitnt' Atitl nfiA9.41114 ' CARY.40W
WAY butt week; ": I children, four are mill Mrs.g• 411741iirt* •11
.-The anniversary anniversary services in . the Geo. Dinnie,' Elstow, Seek., and Mr*. "*411"1"4"114.. .1"." StiTtive, rt—ortlie*Ttehres"heromrilig: bard
Mathodiet elmreh last Sunday were a John Whitley, Mrs. Henry Chaff -and Conrtiend ekerr nut the ltilittOrtlthe — —
fine success in every particular, de- Miss Letitia DreanY, all of Dungen., *Pride Ida ankle *et- week. -Although. "nt4544b* Und"Yr'of 1#0dIgnovr
spite the fact that the weather was On' T4ase of bar Until,* who tretut„ be has rettirlied 00 sebool 'in% Clinton Are eirenteng is few, days with their
oomewhat threatening. Splendid ceased her aref :arises Culbert this week, -iiaa
ato o 'ea neritehes. nouttlin. lffro. Jae- McBride.,
crowds attended both services, and Mrs. Charles ivery, Mrs. Thos. Der-, fir.' and lift.w. J1'W' 40°100'06g; •t*: ' and' Mrs. Melvin Tyndall at -
listened with rept attention' and great nin and • in only sort, ulnas zwiry teareEheen Vetting at lire traded tfte funeral of the late Wu
P10111311re te the two sermons given by Rroann who died at the ,sige of twc 44turntyrer 01w I 17r* tor a. couple et
in uRnr toulae air BlYth, on Sunday.
Rev. W. R. Osborne, B. A., of Lon., Yess. She had twenty-two tamind-
desboro, who was the preacher for children' and 50 greatatramichildren.
the day. The specialeontributiOns, 47 'of whom *re Until. the
for the day were well up to $300,11ast Mrs. Dreany took a kindly inter4
which was considered a line response. 1 est in the ;railer* 'of *11 in the coni -
The choir also was in fine form, and hmetr
npanitYirs atinadn'crWiMandeverofrerraaltrorvitne° la:ydrn!
the music they rendered added no
mall way to the success of the day; I Path:, to anyone in troubles, lier fa.
their selections .were suitable and nilBar figure will be linseed from our
well rendered. The '-venIng service istr"ts' as she Was *Me togo about
was made more unique by the official altnest until the last. She was an
turning on of the new electric light ardent supporter- of tire Anglican
whieh has just been instelled. The elzureli, and, in good health
two oldest mendiers el the Official veil rarely miatinf being In attend -
Board were assigned to that duty allee at hi services.' - The funeral
and with the evening verses of the **Mee was lield.from the Anglian
First Chapter of Genesis., which were `church' t° Xhofiann" "meter/ on
read by the pastor, Mr. C. E. Sander. Saturday afternoon, bihit conducted
eon and Mr. Jolliet each pushed A but. ItY Bev. R. Playa, In the presence of s
ton, which filled the church with a large suareinhleite of friends and
beautiful soft light. The light used neiglibon. In life, she loved fiowerie
is the Delco system, and it hu ocr. In de** *be was surrounded b,
tainly added to the attractiveness of ;wenn the hindiy "sympathy of •triallY
the church and the evening services. friends being exPesseen by their of•
and great credit due. to the True- taring* at beautiful "oaths and
tee Board for such an aggressive un• abelms. The 1,1111bitexers were three
grandsons, 24sers. Victor Whitly
delltl‘kviiCryg* pretty evening wedding 41kbaSt Qtffigilt and Until* Ihrnin
was solemnized at the bonze of Mr. and Mr. A. M. Str'althan'of nemnil-
ler. Our sincerest sympathy is ex.
and Inn.. Wm. It Cur, of West Wed to the eurowhig family. •
Wawanesh, on Wednestive Oet. 1st. te
when their eldest dawnier, Raul
Edna, became the bride of Mr. David
Lloyd weveldene7, non of Sr, James Quite a manner temp Nile (elemuled
meenhinney, of Astifieuf, The earn. 9* toot supper AS Seeppezdton Tues
/UM wee performed by tbe R.ey. win rotwalea.
Wm. R. Alp, 0 khan,. ,the pro. Rev. L. 1. Wbita returned en Mozeley,
senee of the immediate relatives. &tWr ari4itaat, fp!, AO; Royle 00 800.
Th bride entered the parlor on the
SOOtleit of the ansivereary at -
m her father, to th•e bridal eller.Ofl
Sheppardtoa there wee no preaching -
us from Lohentrld, PlaYsod irerP "‘"
Mrs. Graham, daughter of itr, ?lite
Maher, 'formerly of the Peace, .River
district, now at*o.Toroutin, is visiting
the old home and:' friendh aridi onoow.
itta. acquaintances.
Itennitler Sunday &hoot will hold
Rally Day next Sunday morning, one
feature bell* a delimitations') et The
Gond Samaritan by the boye,ciarre, A
40.03 etteoclance, Is anticipated.
itiernenesrly "(tid secure a out itt Stui •
r Churets -next Sunday evening
Oct. l*th. to hear ltev, it, Eagle. re,
tuned miasionstre from Chins:. Tata Is
an opportunity that copies 'env temy
and pookes1 WASS Is aliatiredi. •
Mr. Edgar Vein/stone hitt isusteined
heavy loss through the death one, now.
be best of bis herd. The owe* ot
death Is not known, at first in :nu •
thong*t tobe Oinking frorglieMisg
apples, but a poet modem allow41 that
it could not hove bean the cause.
On Monday Mrs.. Yining' and Joe
accompwriled ',Menem Montgomery
and him. and. Miss Montgomery to
Milder' and Pine River to, visit'rtia-
tiro. 4•
Ntifit and' Mrs. Montgomery, their
father and' 'daughter, of Virden, Man..
who, Were., rettirrring from ,a four
nitinthsr'sejnernin Greet Itritain and It • IL Ira
France,: thrtifia with Mr.' and Mrs' HOW a int illne
Gordon. Youngo. over ere ,ireek.estd. •
Mrs. frfontgornieri, fs'e coiMirt of Mrs.
• The melither meeting of the W. M. —TO CO$SIDPIR A—
S. was, litre en 'Tneoreis3r afternoon.
Mies Vont*, ot` ',edam.- gave
end te tier ,raport et the Baron
Prest*tfe;t14 11444 rketer 4est
Yuchre alldDance.
BenefitSurses' Mama*
OironAt the home a
• vr 8:d0 r.
TICKETS 4— 50e.
A box socinl. wilt be held: In' Bethel
church Fritlayi Oct, l'ttbt. Gene pro-
gram connisting 0 a ratsclittviato
logue, recitatiou, MUSIC` byc tat M.
and S. Orchestra of • Goderfak town-
ship. An enjoyable everatne as.
A logo creed were present et the
young people's telly Sunday evening.
The pageant presented clearly the dile.
oulty of *dying the rime problem but it
ale° brought one the one and roily solu.
tios, Molienzit qt Chrlotienity.
The young people took their parte in
eXetlieti manner, The address given
by Mr. Bitted Moe was given in splen!
did form to the benefit of *It present,
ly by bliss Celeate tater, tousle of ntnt,,,,117114„,..14,an_nla,_ It/Ltrattn„.`rwelkotenpreloothig' tog (AliElitional Auburn. nom an page 2)
the bride' The bridlg Pleet7 took its nallresearne7;agiwar ihrepireedton Mr. George Italtbby 'Spent the former
place before * bank' at evergreetn; hoe Raeder moraingasd evetelag pent *art 01 thin welt in Onellit,
and ferns, ditoreted with pink and 'WS toe Nile Rabb** Reboot in the atter. Mr. Amon Spnbl, who te serious at
white, asters. The deist? We 100k. Mel. Me shoo visited the Orate" Ledge miasma. :Is grmluslIF getting worse,.
ed tharming in a gown of ivory char- on Monday evaalag. Mr. O. Thompoon, who.note been on a
mewl* satin with rhineetene wad , visit to the North Weer,. maimed home
pearl trimming. *or which' fell het. , WESTFIELD ° tam *missy •atrittaa.
handsernierehlerad tune Teel ettaititt Mee Flies Walston Is 'hating et Lack. The Woke band ot One Presbyterian
with oranie likesorme Site reed
a .lower boomert Onhelia rasa A large sitember of Weigaeld mottle
fern, and wore the gift of ths Vow* getkered at the home ot Ur. Will Carter
gold wrist watek. Deem the sod *pose a very ealoyabie evening
Myth* of the reglabte.-.a sole was playiit woe* end rooting oorn around
yew* rendered by Wee Irene Carr. a bottlee.
sister of tko beide. After ecogroan- Mr. mid Win. McDowell waived
halo/ were -i,tang lay the WI* home assileeday fross e months trip with
and 0,2,001,4, oats ant dawn to frier* la Monciarbsi. They both report
saraphiewl dtaner. Inn tepteteissiat atato=eatire rows** ivirtitte sortocoh:
1/111K "eltr taw. wit" - The saitiversary services were held
I will 01 sow 11 1 0... • iht.04171. Oda AA. fa Weisillsold MOtgliOg
diet Mann& The Werth was artholl.
*ally ascorated WI* Womanish shafts
**owes* isoveff. Ammo sal 1/04,1%
Der. U1Ms.a former poseenr, *eek
aerrksee both attersont and eve.
The brotherhood *heir. 1110
et Mr. Prank . teak
abalbatiset *Soft ta the abormaisa
and s OAllOgior Mot, *as Imadier.
sari* Ti._tit '.tbs
LI= The (therm* .tnwdad to
Oar ihs;kikspiag aril Prissily is
.01 tise SO* Itia41
Leers vezr *Oh us for
gunafimrk 41 egbaspt *Orris..
WO ONO EA*? k tan aback a
Films and eiriaiimilinsierielx.
Rue nt.T LL
Church 'halt an entertainment tor next
ttaterday sitterneon, and a fifteen eels!
Mr. Frank Stealer, et Toronto arrived
here the latter pars et hist week. Ile
korai tor Toronto Ike former part of
Ole week.
igr. aid iiire. Patereot a the
are 1* Us* this week. Mr
Paterima's brother titer* ia seriously
iil and alight b?,ipos ars tiatertaised for
Ms recovery.
The tatter peat el Wit week the Rect.!
Mr. Mabee sad feietly wore Oolitail
ski loguelotemee's is the Atte.. Mr
Whets prioehed aaaIversory services
is Weetleht htell
(beam Thomas Adams sod
Tbe 1%170g:A of this* week Mr.
the Leese Lawler, M. Meg sad L
Sw1st11104 away to week Nor Mr.
AaPdalt tit cos et ids' OlfilkolOrO.
kestetth oat of 'oho. leo is.
lee& rametag the OirSoOrOgber hen Mks
ry a.. ens piabileiery teramon'ti
Next Ihnelay hilorigoon 17411 wreak*
ter IleAteilet (love, hem. The Ilse.
Mr. ilitimses Cleetertels ern) take
CAISTOPtiA Charlie 0,t oievices. A' week Irma
'Om Pall days make you
was fresh and colorful things
in the rooms of your home. A
Dow pietas* es your walla has
. the !same oneetni• effect, tot a
hrlgiot, freak bOtspret Of flow.
Oa. Cotaie hi and make a
'totemic* trent onr charming
• repaid amines. They also
make bleat Wedding (Mita.
Soali's Art sad Gift Store
East Stt*.t , Pitons HIS
Biggest Assortment it
On the broadway 6teettich
_ r •
• 1 wilt 00 wassad_toliaksaiowr
allcttlaena .0f pioneer age,
eighty nears and over for a
GOderloli Historiee collection.
and each sitter will be present.
with a Photo of himself, sitting
to be Oa& On Saturdays only
..The Time Has Cone.,
'Oen people realise that they
A can get the best servloe end
value In Ginning/test Prendng .
Geder4 Dfl Mein WfirS1
Nos 122 %Vast
rag "*"6101M11001Miattigglii=01120
.Neto ,Shoe*t
o Arearriving Daily ,1
Art in Commerce
is 'ogee toatay. Demand groWlag a
deity, Witte are busy. Graduates AM
wanted. WO teach you to 4-as?crt tend
ado cash. Stinves ea/tool. 44 Blow Were.
Tuts*. 131P &Mee. Chief Director -
*Wee Dee& 0. for fret punt:Were.
Dyad old,p4o work far CritleiSM.
Gra for Sal! !
anyone whatiag Grapes this
seaseis win phase hare hi*
artier in &Italy. need enm.
ineseial varieties. nologilloil
WPM% ;Op at if resale pee M..
Pr or ea'l ea L Me
gnattithes realm.
n s. $0.1.4Harow road,
sr 'rhea. 11 co 101. mrders
304 01 Warily's. or /tom's
I gromoymOolgo will be pr011trot,
Iv setieeded
Yon will like their appearance. Von will aps
pretiateateir fitting ciusiities, and you will be-.
agreeably surprised when you kith
reasonable pribes we are able, to *all saN
goods fpr.
° Inspection is Inv"' Ad.
W. Reg. Sh4inasi
PHONE 158 '