HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-10-09, Page 6-r�
=--the preparation Imiliamaa telae coesretience of
averl country u --elae rowdy
which has broth biloglaaeau to millions
of acecn quid we>tait Iftesetery poet of the Empire-
alae treatment Is lreseoo�r;iod ma everywhere—
for ailment* Sick Recessus doe, Biliousnaeas.
ledis;extion Sheol ,doses comidersd
jisilnificant, Prat io .. trollasersts
which have ailido !is a e eonditioen of
the sto*tauit tui It paid soden of taw liver`
M» o -
Me. Mike STAB
;,, t.
at .,.
ales a mitis be overlooked acne thaw sans bs. b. a gpimst her
tgaor.d. Softie, ser later tbat maw
try will Lei itself se eame sated lbw:imager
One Reason
Ustie are pe t� met tie tetra taw
* UM.* • tag .taiInn
�i�'��► �r per. 'fiat Maty not-• air tle-
aareieeity gale. aeewaeliy that it eeswt x ' - �� lira
'I'1< ate eat .t the Lwow
. 'time to Britain,
avec tali! readjustment >� alcor — sum Ishoved > n 'better terata to troote
that would be a dia.
wilt be a wsrseevieb teat neeaa;retg, criininition of s .Part1
issilleig GEM -
Premier MoaDe old s 13iMstasa eve kind against the only *as et the
Y4r ratty past $retbien AV out of the skint "nn old World *Mos that hes spawn the
xaaDa ° dnikt•itra t, as .b.ett out Sew, ilea* ataa!ta, can be_ qt► b slightest appreciation erg teas sitw-
:Aver vitt trio >e 0eme by wipes a little 7avibe- tion and has male an Iaela.st attempt
a noted skin specialist• to' eliglt ,(at. leer eleigaattioawet, Meek
�� Oi �- senior id frail
lest like his eesesseli iR tsyiala► stege cssbatiy "tgr wirmeha bedrdiaa
tis a as ee>tae trifle bis iloeialistic e«- frons irritation, sootteee Britain do the nst ata of the *:slogs
ideals s. freely .xprs...d before hes sad haus We ee soma r�ht 7,......7 merit. lErance,Italy,andatleer 0!a 4ov:weatopower,alaiarenotie.-ksvos «kiteeckarsad ssa�t'thealliesapwsenoc mtoussnowstoiri-
elined to swigs sltowsitce *sough for, fsilestorelievetfsethinandthereielittleprospectoethe fast glint he is the head of a grin- grad Saoee r of R kis their being paid. At cats time
ority governttsrtet. His latest bean- dk�t" a little jar of Rawles
Sulphur frost *tee good dreg, payorFrance has had * Dteelly, a in the
der adds fuel to the fiamies and great. use k like a col enema. payments trans Genteelly, and stile
1y' weapons •has prestige e* circles has the beet of Haat arrangetm.nt
where he had been retarded as an
]eyed now. If the deed ter
trial and makipg good, especially to nit only relax from the hard work a Mail et My' y
the field of diplomacy. To accept his position involves, but where he At seventylour Years of age, Sir
thirty thousand ono peatld chars: in may also be a land owner and a raise Basil Zaharoff, one' of tate richest
a suceessful biscuit making coneern or of cattle, Later on there will bt men in the whole world, who began
soma f#ic"al functions in Ottawa and his career as a• messenger boy in,Cein-
the income to be used is providing
him with a meter ear fee life, wafer
strangely out of keeping with Mr.
MaeDelnald's professed views ort ea.
pitalisne The feet that the share:
revert to their owner on the Premier
dying or abandoning the use of r
rooter ear. adds to the tarok *pert
element of the situation, which has i
more serious side, however, in the
feet that Sir Alexander Grant, a life-
long friend, the donor of the endow-
ment shares, was made a baronet
two months after the transaction
The whole incident enacts of a brane
of patronage in denunciation of
-which Mr. Macllonald and his friend:
were wont to use the most fiery of
language. This is the kind of blun.
perhaps in Montreal and Toronto atantenopie, has maarried the Duchess
But one may safely assume that the: - of marchena, who is a relative of th=
Prince's •happiest' hours in • Canada - n of Spain• Thee will live in
will be those spent in the compara1880,
t- range' aharoff has played a won-
ive calm and quint of the E. P lunch. derful role in European affairs since
when he was instrumental in
--.The •new_ fifty . miliibn, reefending _British _ built war -ships ' and etrnla-
loan which will retire that amount isiennts, He is a tremendous share -
of Victory Bonds maturing Novem• holder in many British firms, as viell
bet 1, appthree ropeon industrial concerns!
hours ofwas beinsng placededun anwitkop the. Cana• ss andin halfEufro ueutly enamed whole
dean market. The great Malicia' in- nations in war and peace. . He has
stitutions and the bond dealers were`'
the purchaser* and in turn they wile -air =—
sell to private investors. The sign#•
ficance of the Amick, disposal le held I.legan's system- of Tomer
securing contracts from Turkey for
to Cann its
financially, f tie soundness ; -Typewritieg ie Wight"
the cer-
der that compels elections and resultof exclusively in t
tainty of an increasing demitnd for district by the
, in the .defeat of governments whiet government bonds during the coming
could deather the storms of ordinary year: The debt of this . country fe Commerce
eolitieal difference,. still far too high, however, 'and the
No Chance , prime necessity is its reduction by
Hard era Politerlans ' coal will be used as the primary. bits- &sellout Pasha, Premier of.Egypt 1 the practice of wise economy, com-
Nine polklcai taarders took place is of generating eleetrjcity. Britain sifter many years spent :n Paris, has biped with persistently maintained
in Bulgaria In two doe} a, The only is pat an fortunate ,in the matter of arrived in London to asx that Egypt effort to expand our trade.
Yon cannot attend a better
eeshooi to why not register now
reason this got into the news to the natural water rowers as some other be given control of the Soudan. His British Elections Predicted tor` the fall teen, School
()Melee world was that eine was a countries• mission is pre -doomed to failure. reeopeurn Tuesday, Sept. i ,te24
.larger number of such murders thee Europe's Wheat Shortage Premier Macl)otiald has already again the prophets are predicting-
ulgeria , an election in Britain this fall, •
usual _even .for. 8 ,.:_;ivhieh:aa:_._._. Condit#omeje Purepe.aroaddinrtomade it clear that Britain/ is not in ascjaith's official declaration that he CO CUSSES
pire!ii to *haw Greece and Juga -Sia. the value ,of the Canadian wheat crop, the mloott 'to undh .:4G g Vve .vork un- le with Mr: reoyke ear a in -v osi -—Stenegraphro Commerei:rl.,
via how to conduct their *Oairs.; which still promises to be better der which the Soudan is making real tion to the treaty with Russia 3s 're secretarial .:Special Courses
candy proved et me_ il►an_sxovernnaent estimates. France . l>rogre ss, garded as making the defeat of that For jnfbrmation apply to
The maturing of Cuban sugar cane has deckled upon the use of coarser Roumania s. Dtfi,cu•t Task project a certainty,- as many Conder
in a: private garden le North say flour .as a result of a .deficit of at Russia seemingly lies dropped the vetiver are also opposed. Despat.
i • - least twenty million pounds in' its da- -
litteo of the Canadian climate are far-mestic-supplies, of wheat. The whole force' Roumania to give up Sesser- ald and his colleagues will refuse to
'from =balloted- if sugar cane could population, on Orders front the • gov. _ abia, formerly a Russian province, amend the treaty in the face of Lib -
be matured on a large acute in Can. ernment, will have to put up with Bolehevistes, however, are conducting era' threats, but are hoping to. reach
Ada, its crop and that of the sugar this rougher fare, the.millers having a persistent series of raids into Rou* an agreement • with the Liberate •
-beet, would make us mightily rode- received their orders as to the quality' martian territory.- This is one of the which will obviate the necessity of
pendent of foreign countries and °t flodr to. be ,ground. Steps are be- colunlonest of Soviet tricks for creat- An appeal to the people. Curiously
manipulators 80' far as the candy and ing taken to prevent "whest.corh�kra" ing a • situation of embarrassment to enough Labor opinion in Britain re.
preserving outlook is Concerned or other manipulations of a like ria- other nations while acceptrieg no re- gards the Russian treaty as offering
Lure. Russia R sl i represented s r s
a a r 0n as 'c
h ted el- p s
-. nsibilit itself. n better etrevival of
. Are We Se.. Advanced.- _ ..w • po Y e Roumania i.. a tt than for the re iv 1
Excavations near Naples havo re• . ready :suffering famine in Many' did- keeping strong forces under: at'ms to' British trade than- does- the Germar..
vested Nero's most pretentious bath. ; tricts and definitely out of the run- deal with any outbreak or . incursion reparation scheme- The latter in -
as a wh at
iirg house. Itis alit storeys in height.' en
thiis year. Surplus e e xpanseig ane uhelat tre o#amore serious nature. ace to British indust -re, deed is held to itut es eciala real l lc
over twelve:hupdred feet long, and The Balance of Trade
- indicantes-#haat tree-tlrr'ee-topmost gal; sure _ to be in demand in severitl that of the ndied trades
European countries. -- Roger_1}' Babsonl the famous Un•
ler#es. Were, used for individual steirit ited States economist and statist'.
..,r ita>' fa Canada
baths. Ancient Rome knew a;. few The Odd Guard Neel* a cion, recently said that Canada's bits- • It is declared that within the next
things that we are sometimes' in. The last. survivor of the drat Isar- .n 'ti tl I ed few years- tr regular airship line be*
n soother reminder that the poasibt: po d idea of going to war just now to cher indicate that Telmer Macpon
liamept •of' Canada after Confedera• r over
pose on as gree y m rov
aired ; to regard as 'modern invcn- over that of a year ago,. and, f* more 1 tween Britain and Canada with a be -
tions to did-Gree:e 0,A .u.,,a v2:th t1", -dam nntly ' -' ed- >ely:selwSce will be well establish -
other contem rat nations: Plantagenet,. Ontario. Ile was At �'arahle that: that of his owes con
pl1 Yh. try . -where the readjustment permed. The MacDonald governnum--e es
bort Hagar, aged 97 s A I.ito had been temporarily . halted. Al4- ; credited with' the decision 'to develop
sheet o politica he urs returntxi to
the Common« in the first et.ctian af= most siniultaneousIy, Ottawa Ratted the anther as a comreterciatl vehicle
d rt Old Land.
passing of the British North
a report showing that Canadian ex -fan the ex a s.in� the n . say
iAmerica, Act as rRpresenr�t�eLive for ports for the twelve month, ending that the trip to tree's country will eteis-
ter the
the county of Pretseett- Subsequent) August U,. totalled $1,060,106,482 ily be made.in tees and a half days.
' ly he Was a .member of the Outerio . with importsesof $833,645,918. The 1 Two airshipe•.liave adreedy- been ord-
i,eg,.,lature, but in.1887 was appoint.latter is tr decrease of $58,316,11 iered and the tetitative+arraengements- `
ed Silent!' of Prescott and RusaelYcompared with the pew: -nun twelve call for a service which will also
Counties, retaining than position un- months, while exports showed a gain Wing Australia wii'ii'rr eleven days of
til his superannuation two years ago of $58,91tette.• The balance of trade, London a:'d other parts of the Em
Sheriff Hagar retained to the last vi- in Canada's, fiver grows. pire within, proportionate travelling
- vii recollections aConfederation Western Hartrest time. If the Labor government' has .
days, and the inert who laid the foun- actually given its approval to such a
Y The Caturiien West has been fav- plan there is little menet that it will
dation for the' united Canada of the The
on the whole with splendid wen. be carried out whatever the results
present. Thai Old Guard has passed; then for harvesting and the grain is of the predicted autumn . election•
ire r wore have a great heritage .moving to take and seaports with Space and time are disappearing be -
in -this rapidly developing country. great dispatch • and regularity,* 'Pre fore the Achievements. of science.
The Bibi. in Demand , ' res continue to show advatwcest of, First Hants tr...... '1`rtat -
"With the peening of the years the thirty to forty-two cents a bushel Oceatn G, oSmith, who w• as chief ac
demand for the Bible tend portions of higher than a year' ago and the re- tont eoU of the de ' ct. •Harrre Bank
the scriptures continues to • grow in sultant ',meet to the farmer sheissld nfurl
every part of the world,' he var., be reflected in very much improved has been found guilty: orf negligence
ions • BIM* societies : working, in con: business ewnditiozis throngbaut a on three counts in In*kIng returns tc.
Janet#out distributed `no less than large section of .the country. petro•• the government imregard to, the con -
KIN(: VICTOR OF ITALY. e.ghty million copies.of such volumes its declaration that Russia is out of detion of the Bank; Ifo will be sen -
daring the pest year, and, no part of the grain exportitsg business this tented some Mie is the first of
His coamtry is inakinae 'trrriteria) tie- d year is given int a government note eight 'trials of former officials and
that in order to keep down prices the directors of • the bank to be disposed
export of grain meat cease. This is of in Toronto. Tile others will take ,,
taken se one way of *dmiliti*g that up many weeks. The cases .and the
the Russian harvest this year is a deers#ons will nq dbubt establish sev-
poor one. eral preeedenta in: respect to similar
Britain`s Navy rad peace charges.. The Alli+:,! nests~
Britain has made it clear that - she There has been seine anxiety in
will not place last navy at the despot- British, financial circles overeats re-
al of the League of Nations for the
purport of enforcing peace.11` If the ported negotiations between the iin-
eeoemek weapons of the - League ited Suites and trance for the fund
fan when spelled to that end, Bre- ing of the latter a debt on much more
tain might fight in a military sense generous terms than were granted to
ender eertatin conditions. This de- Jritain, The lifter• has paid °vet
aeration made by Hon. Arthur lien- one hundred trillion dollars on 'her
demos, the Rome S'eeerstery, at the debt to the U. S: and finds that in -
Leave assembly relieved some an. stead of growing less it has grown
misty in ftritain caused by the re- larger, That is "because the ex•
ports that the navy was to be at the --- - _ - _----- -_
League's diseretion as a coercive
weapon. It lemur appears certain that Ilkipittalle
eompulaory arbitration will be deed-
ae upon by the eefo to and that it.. l lot
arcoe'ptane•e will be followed by an In.
7►rns totast continents on disarms.
meat to be held in lime.' '
' Prsctkat Examples*
i ligand. upon Egypt the kmown world is overlooked ill the
:work. Improvement of cum—
limiest-' Italy continues to be a, .menace to tion leas greatly aided' to this end.
European end world peace in spite of It is :mentioned, forinstance, that
the comparative peace within her motor cars carry the sacred volumes
uwn herders. Iyer demands on Egypt across ,the desert from :Damascus to
for territorial readjustrnesntts which Bagdad in forty-eight hours,, a totem.
'will place certain areas under the It -ley that used totake the fastest carnet
*lien flag, are resented in. Cain* .*n peat .tent to ten days, and the cars.
London *like. - Britain -cannot 'ter vans six weeks. There ,is food foe
such demands with -equanimity in encouragement in this demand at a
spite of the feet ,,that Egypt i* new, Wee when there• is, on the surface at
an independent country, and if Italy, any rate, much to dishearten those
is persistent will snake en effort to who are working for the advance -
have the troabie nettled . the Lea- went of humanity.
gee of Nations. Premier. lines elle t 1 The League Grows in Power
and .Ma eolleagoos .t thea Ifarliam tt - 1•'ifty.four nations represented at
erment are «aspected at a ttiestltie do the Assembly of thea
try: by a cheap rifer/ Usk* > y'Pt League of Na.
to divert attss. from setae of l tions; held in 'Geneva, reached aytres-
their political tt�eet neearar hetnte.ito errand understandings which tend
to bring skeeter the day when tom•
Britadm'e Pew-rr Protest* I pulsory arbitration of International
Britain is esealdiwtpiattng st total,dieputes will he an actuality. We
expenditure *''the met few are se engrossed in our own problems
years of $30 es electrical at the moment that we have hardly
power. development stare M*edardisa-r had time to spare to consider the
tion. This includes a perdhainary in.'great advances that the Leagae le
veetigation int. the govern Rivet »taking in indirects well u in dir-
project, where It Is p.r�epesed to uti- erg influence an power. With
rise the tides 1s atlas a plant with 'Trance and Brit* united on the
a peak load eagesetty at one million principle 'of arbitration and giving a
horse power, aiwl altedestour day load stimulating lead to other nations In
of a little r
amount. Title
epeculativ. pias
Whether it -is
ether pewee
cited and in
An experiment Dep to e carried out by , ter
Mise Ontario Department of Agrkutt- ri
rata involves the purchase of farms in
different metiono of the province, tc
-then half that matters that were oast regal ria - prove to the rural eoenn*nety that
''bets a favorite so del'kat.ly p.kaLMA to t�
e the advanced ixertheids of the Depart-
tiitftstin for yearn. natiens tient others meet net agars sleet mark. farming pee. The term,:
''- out for not venture a euggesteoa, the whole sari- _ et► selected will int theme whish have
ents wilt pro. look in Ruroper, at least. Is cheiglse vvataade profits Lately. tf he so de.
AIWA ..eiretv. b. also ---- tee centime.'
rable degree . The intuerete of UaiWsd States the owner of each of three
Women's Olordors-4eihiehMr jamwrkgtiabvt nhde in*aa*odte
l rtatn relief for all wooden ofit a•ilieo Dsp eRtsseast r.treseretattee in' kir
• tato the tufting Mom The � ft ::nada mitt*.:101 rwhat
MOM i« expelled, *ivisteg Irasuetiiater aeattat 1iia7sltea. p"" #" amt d
MIK; deco bided vans& airs ,cit Is to Prim that the D.leetrtment r
:.•ec st „ soros ere metal add «tre�ssok. iii Milan cereal pests for farim-
eaM: and the eaieeeslailes k tem. wila *ad ea sat shield st}sa at+resa.
wooed to asImo ses). hs *1s Ineast ,!asap ser .xeraditares boom
meet se hosed ea sisisIly sera the er*ma's sag .
- ttlte prinet,piea anti one .* fro ' Th. lrlseee Ke Wales ,loud
.assn ).ostlers elf ttN ti0saase it m. !Mon at Wales i• at last on
-. ewaereH beM t,ut ; iN his ewers Allrterta resell after a visit
` 1A ma ort truss" tt�stwietw Meeieei• to ffti Their" haus. *ma eheef ee
111 ,i kwiravvd strd toast es � bo la as hep eler in that eamtrr
- alt.*. IrsseetYetee,
- wows, iia. Prase O.0 wee baa about a, !i01 jet. Setts).whiter k asritthnat ler Ow liths ph's. So *s ha a toed Wilk;
't labbisat. A )`ccs "lets! neer* fele 11 drys. wool I6.. sad rot iw ft ie a tribute,
1M slat hoe In any softerfng *the wM waitioe big astir**. M w
sir :.worts dietetic retic and oboe
Woo i 101111440anti d d-rss. !+M# •440116 W. '#MrliNt. 1ws eoolltieae that be bas aoketed a
"MP nv 4„t, v4\3; !vim—:11n- . apse entitle its tionlsre where he ma>
' leotltere 1 'Sam
your edeiWras from
painter. dittksrieg scalp trouble by
sepptyeng timbal Zoneliek to the arse -
itchy spot or soreaesm. -
Zsat=lWk is *tatefutly soothing. ' it.
makes the heed acrd hair healthy and
sweet. *stoats tittle emulate horn
teresydiete, :q*s kir ,eradieatee ecsema,
•leak let mon *1sctit e simply be,
rause it attacks theme at the *cote
keUittaf poisonous getters sad purif.irg
tba whole tissue.
Zeta -lick is corapoaede d front retiree
ran extracts of.srepti..sat keen,* ems)
sad a'erwicidat pour. It contain+ cis
pontoon's dregs as anemal litre like
ornery diene rets, Yet ie a ba'ta oixhe
moms parity vireos !se•r.aduesr feed,
B 1''. WARD.,S4., Priuetpat
M. N. STONE, Com. Specialist
Vice Principal . Phone 188
iwhissev et Iry Ws is rat, hers', vis,
ialtaaertt. ,a • brdwa-wet' wi env way.
saw -sat N slows she near.' an,i mos
rdlattir heater us see. Keep *NA *1-
's ws be! Mc, at ekeeonus
is uii4 ewe* than wafts'' ether broad to
bac* ie.. time delicious flavor
=amor era :loo•..... Try It.
IRE sant rf mum TEM Ma M!EME>RL "Mat" " TM$NTI
oeot , •
been knigbted by Brittle and .has re- bis wishbone and not enough ripest
ceived many honors from others of his backbone. J
the Allied nation* on whose behalf
he was a .powerful factor in Ammo.
-ing and l aanufacturing during the
great war. But he still remains a
•real min of mystery e'xeept to a very For Infants sad Children
'few of the great statesmen, diploe
mats ares financiers of the world.
Use For OvIr30Y.ers
Always fir*ro
Many et man relier ton much upon t e
nature Pt
A Shipment ofd
M 'Bags'
,��tr w Coats
Made of Navy:ill wool' Blanket
Cloths, with all; round belt, in
Brown, Green,iiestber•checks,
iti sizes 36 to 46, at—
$7 26
t—$725. up`. - -
efoyte 28 to 33, nt---
14.54 up.
Before buying see our -prices
_. t will :ere_ oe fl!0tje;�•
lil. . Robins
s -
Bolsi and Pimples •
• Bad Blood
When the blood gate out of order it
is only natural tli*t bode, pimple., or
some other indication of had blood'
Omelet break out of the mem..
What you need, when this oceare, is a •
good tonic to build up the system Lund
put the blodd into prop mimeo, •
For thin purpose then it nothing es
the auttkert taliscy to egad -
ES lab
Iffy L. A. Delbert, Adan, flask.,t
writes; --"For several ;roan I wee
troubled with belle aid pimples., r
treed many tteetntente ;eat soul - get' —
no results. I then toot 't'irdoek Blood,
Bitters and .became free of my trouble.'
It is the only medicine-I•tools -that did
me any good."
R. alt. is manufactured only by Tho
T. Milburn Co., Limited* Toronto, Ont.,
he M ode-i-ation League
of Ontario
resident, .1*., Hellnuith„ LC,
of -the most-embavrassi rg-4acts-=that:•-tits-advocate• of-coMpnlsnrEy
total abstinencethas to face is that wherever hie theory„has been prat
into practice there has grown a .strong rnoVentent against it; further, the
longer the experiment4 of prohibition has been tried, the greater the appeal.
tion it has created: Time has always been against it.
This movement is- that in favour of Government Control. .- Had Government Control been dependent for its adoption on the votes
of those who have always voted against so-called prohibition, it could never
have become the law of any Province in. Canada. One of the most encourag-
ing things to those who have been activc'in`the work of Moderation Leagues
is that there have rallied around them everywhere :nen and -women who in.
the past have voted with'tbe opponents of the Leagues.
Contrary to the statements made by the prohibitionists, these men and
women were not and are not concerned with promoting the interests of
what 'is so euphoniously called "the booze business". They . were not and
are not then and women ignorant of conditions existing in their own com-
munities. They: were not and are not ignorant of conditions existing. in
other communities. They were and are, for the most part, typical sound,
sane and' reasonable citizens :of Canada.
These reset: ane women, just as is the case with the r- -a and women
of Ontario today, hail placed before them sill' the usual stoc_•. a garments of
the prohibition propagandist. They had placed before titin .^sr .;s of figures
and lurid statements showing that. prohibition was 3 su4::ess and that
Government Control was a failure: ' •
In spite of this, the greater argument of personal.experie:nc and c;.ser-
'vg:tion made therm discard prohibition and adopt Government Const:rl.
' Is impossible to enumerate all the reasons prompting the change, but
it is highly significant that, to take one example only, the• Province of
Saskatchewan, which for years had voted • strongly, whenever opportunity '
arose, in favour of prohibition, should last year have voted decisively, against .
it; and the signifipance of•thial i:: increased when there is taken into account
what the people have been told in Ontario regarding Manitoba. The people
in Saskatchewan have, by their:geographic0al position, a much better oppor.
tunity of knowing the conditions in Manitoba than have those in Ontario,
and it wilI not be •questioned that they had a much better opportunity
of knowing the conditions in their own Province than people residing
Let it be remembered that the system in Manitoba had been in operation
tztany months before the people in Saskatchewan voted on this question.
The conclusions are irresistible,
Prohibition was considered a lamentable failure in. Manitoba, a lament-
able failure in Alberta, and a lamentable failure in Saskatchewan. For their
prohibitory laws these Province adopted a policy of Government Control.
And Prohibition has been,* lamentable failure in Ontario.
There is no-tubstantige evidence anywhere that any of these Weiteriy
Provinces would revert to its old prohibitory system.
On the other hand, after less than twelve months, the revenues of the
Province of Manitoba have been increased by more than a million dollars
and for the first time in years they have balanced their Budget.
No one contends that Government Contrdl has yet attained its last
degree of perfection. It is, however, tbntended.that it is a better method
of dealing with, those evils' with which prohibition pretends to 'dell, and
that in addition the reventies of the Province benefit. -
Goversunent Contrpl can be had by marking your Ballot as follows:
Art you in favour of the MARK
c'ontinu nt:a.1e Thr Onttrio,
Temperance Act? YOUR
Are you in favour of the
sale ars a beverage of beer
and spirituous Iiquof isr
seeded packages under Oov-
ern entrrt -control?
Pr rvirtc:ial Haadquartsrs, 9 Richmond StreetEast) Toronto
Telephone: wain 8387 and Mein 119.3
F. Oeieiea Osis:, Tyr L J. Christie, Vire-President
C. 0.0yce, unwary