HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-10-09, Page 540 a
• ..1111114•1*...."
aiwitalgelk gistelt*ray to a long start and remise in
Items. /levy 00/11 11111,411 i/4. stopped immediate -
6 ly wkiappars.- ai'proviiired and always kiwis heady a I ex
_elLikeemetkettallee Tablets, Buchley't Brottebitis Mieture
assit a bot ie of Nosier Sore Throat Rome ly
• Ppeorielices, eseefully crntiponmied ith the very beet
quelity tagredieeti. • 4. .
, . • -
Last Friday Was au bled Dey-It
Wes the Last Dee of puritan- Mr. Editor.- ;t4
neir's Big Pen Pik _ At the regale;
theentdeleeeting of4
Huron, Countye
ildron's Aid Sot•
For upwards of forty years Dun-iciety, bed Oct. 7tb, after dealing
rumen has been noted for its fair:with Eerie of the problem
on tbe
• distance*, the f • not tee
rinri 4.
, 4
11 11012111h1 I
1. I •
III 11111 11.1 I I . '
Are you in favor of the continuance of
the Ontario Ttrnperance Act ? "
Are you in favor the sale as a beverage
of beer and spirituous liquors in sealed
'packages under Goverment control ?
Anitpileal to Parents
Are you going to vote rn the interest of the• liquor traffic or in the interests of you
day•- people have gathered Rom long in the. work, discueetect arose
• buy? Do you believe that it is better to vote to gratify appetite or to. vote to protect the vi
evembefore deys of bee! probability, if certainty, ofs-
ta trate*, In order to see tin fair andithese &fatuities and'problems bent f thenation A Do you not. know that as you increase the facilities for obtain -
in, en ri
visit with one another for a few bourn 'greatly aecled to le the event of the iglg riquer S' 0 you increase the osebilities of yourliecoming a drunkard? 'Are you not aware
have aeon, larger crowee Duagan,i,don anns based on no mere theory, The o nue sa ot, Volt to retain the 9ntario Temperance Act for ifis either the bottle
which thetas keilsiona are held. We, establikied in Ontario. This discus- el 'tcl.r to
non Pair than Were presentlast Fri. but on the experience of, this work in
day opal we have 4150 Seen a larger Huron County for Use peat 35 years. • tor the bo
list of entries. although the entries in The records.show.boyond controversy
cattle this year were exceptionally that until the prohibitory effects of
good. The nweber of horses entered 'the 0, T. A. began te operate, "the
• 4°1;4 t44 .^ftitim°44 the-447-iu leffelsodosale of _liquor being_ ',Lein that the lieoor purchased' "'vont a Government .Skire will make drunkards just as easily as
Wives arid mothers, vote to protect your homes. The.saddest sufferers from the lit-p.n.
• was fair, trheep and pigs were cam. evila Which flow from th tr fil • ji. traffie,in the past wem not the men reeling in drunkeime,ss and foaming out to ian , t
• •
paratively light, in fact we have sebn quer' (please note, thiettis•athee Ter:W*1 the wives ° and mothers who p01 their children • to bed 'without fot$d because the husband 'llut,„
atom There ,
reboot. fairs. this yearI'oultry wee week),. addedi Mr; ely, indgeellmwere ell fatherr the God-aplrollited',OrOteetor of the hon)e. Wasted, ..his wages at ,the s
- lee good, if not better, -et. *erne a the used' by. 'Premier yer us
bition. Grainy and seeds •• were foie! evident at *need to argument. • ' Y g • -.
there was of fruit was good, arid theie look viills.exiad on the possibility of • the Ontario Tierniperaee ACt.
, I.I
tellinegstoillturatfult*:1,esvnuantitY., there leading contributing esuse to the •ne. is no rnigery -- eartillike the misery of a wife and Mother lit it drunkard's !Ionic,. If liqtior
e pens On eXhi. cessite,40e oae,work, legs aa self is easii obtainable as it was in the 215I have any uarantee 'that these -conditions will -not .
• ly good, vegetable's 'were good, what WilVithbe wondered, 'then .4if we prevail in yotir home? For your own sake and for the protection of your -pine vote tit i7e.tain •
was a good exhihit a dairy. prodiee. again". luring to wrestle with the • • •
There was also a fine exhibit in the needs 'oft wrecked -and neglected • -----------•-.--•-----AN A.PPEM. TO IIVSINEss.taN
dontestie icience department, exenp., homes where the drink habit leads :
play of Ladiesework WA$ very light; call for the interference .of the State , try It eanhot be used to buy, facid„ clothing, 'furniture and hardware. Hereare a few testi-.
We cannot, *count, for the apparent upon the public? .Remember, owe rreanies from representative busirfess men since the O. T. A. canie, WC( force... • .
the table& looked very bare' this year.. and make the work of rescue a charge '
What's New-iu4`11416
The nosy fitting suit is mote seeeptablee.Absei ever 1010 411171
There sr. clump., of course. fro* last ..irk
lapel is now universal. ,Theiott kV" l'"Iftt
pavanes. - •-
You ow take your &sole* hatereso straight. lits mai •
the *oat with a suggestion a As sikap•a iirm IA1
as the other, if thsy'ra eorreetlY out. , • •
You will end Una season's style oorrectly owned sec it
floaisty Brand Clothes. they're properly cut The hheker-P
eholoimt of all- wool Britieli eihl Domestic, many eettallteelle‘
elusive. Tito question for you it only which 41041 igels tbe •
best, You will be equally wall dressed, vihiotieysr ye‘ePallw
Rioody Mar at. Aral& Micriairs.
MEN'S and 80
ht nitv stars meat toltatsir of Nlostreal GODUIR:21
- issamosimummusamsaustrommusiamilmommommossIos
• tonally good, we though, Tile dia.. and intensifies ether conditions which ' The _Money spent an liqueir is directed fromichannels of legitimate business and Indus- •
or* tea 44 ar,..,••••1 . rot....1.1 1141 !I
asrruAny, - the pallhearers were Mauro. Islam ...Ai
Thomson, Matt lonald Gibbs, G. T.
YORD.-Goderteh frieetle Ado with „„ ,._ i., ,.., , , „ .„,
eympethetio Interest the amensinosmeut '6._ _ ""n.,I4 moo* ,1-411"013-, J. J. emer.wen . *!....
°Mit( deeth at•She widow ot thoW. ana E. , Muer*. rlorbil.. tributee .„, 47
Dr. S. T. Iford (brother of Bev. 4 11. were received tient Ilt,P' Mesons, the'
rod, •or town, *moil took pew; ati C. 0. F. bind A. 0. F. of which the
The ecceastst was lu her Sind Veer.' elorlerieli Eleeetor- Company rid
Norwood. Ont.' on Monday. Sept. Mth. tidiceesed was • a member, froni the
The rumors' tee* Pim* 0* weeluo'd+4% from the employees of the elevator ...!.*
pot. 1st. from the n eeleoce of her eon• 41,•,...,4,,,,,,a, „. „Trznro,itil: ••• .
intim. RAI. Howson, of Norweal• '''''
OkMPAB•LIe-Ita tuentknuel ,to *be
- tutii and beim f - -hi - third •.`
ann. , •
.,• wail Aachen "as Win 4s Goderieh
Sete lest-,weee Mt..".Tohn Codupbell, bet-
ter • euown •er• everyone aa• "Zook" Atnedie thoee. ..WhO ;we** tore tor the • .4,
Campbell, paesea limey on Monday as .1=04 fed* out of ' ton were. Ur. •• -V' I -
the imme'of bit; mother, Mrs. Christina • Ond Mrs. Roy Munro end Mrs. Gibbs
Gamete ii. Montreal. street:• He had of Mitcbellf Mr. mid Mee. Peter Weir
simile unites it that he see ere- speak that we. do know," and our re!4' ' "The Money that was former* wasted in drink now used to buy food and coref.‘. s •
quent auto hike nowadaye-•-prevent cords- challenge- tontradietion-when-
the ladies from doing their old tune we say that mince the 0. T. A. came
stunts at fancy work. 4en interent. into force, the evils of "booze" have
ing feature of the afternoon was a been almost forgotten in our work.
hitching contest in which there were! In view of theawfacts, resolution.
four entries. The horses were taken was unanimously adopted, • as giver
from the ' shaft% denuded of their below, end .the Executive mete in -
harness, tied at a given z.tgnal they dructed, to, prepare• this. statement
were reharncssed, hitched end driven and ask' for its publication in the
once around the 'track. This event County press. The; followingie. the
created considerable interest, so much resolution t • • • •• '
so that the 'directors gave a speciall "Resolved, thet .refreeentieg:
prize for another bores and buggy! the gkildreres. Ad. Seeit Y. of the
° enetrat erineel the track. Among County of ,leuran,,yiewe,witb fear the
, special exhibits at the fair was a possibility of ale Jegalited-sale-offn.
very fine display of farm implements toxicating liquors being again. &beat
under the superintendence of Mr, lished in this • province, and earn,-
' Melvin, Culliei•t, Mr: Harold' Bleck- estly and prayetfully erge all hiving
• -• for 'Wile f•Cd
"The retail merchants have ad more cash customers, wholesale eriereltants inore cash '
• paynientS and" 'employees have given zrior'd faithful, services." •
••••. • • • • t • •
•, • Do your believe for Onc moment that with'liquor eaSilY'.0.*Vailable,throug4 .Povern- •
. •
• ment.StoreS and taverns better conditions Will prevail? Will 'liquor bring better wages) .
.• • • Will itmeart
increased efficency ‘ti ,yettir °work'? :Will it add to the coinforts of our horne,. •
„ •
,AlmOst'every of induitry to -day .discriminates 4gainst, the mall, NXho „thinks liquor... Read ' •
the :notice posted up in the Pordtstraps. Read, the Union rat of the Brotherhood .of Loconro- •
, tive Engineers This greif onion. by 'unanimous vote in 1918 declared, int fayor.of 'hation-wide
• prohibition, , # •
• stone, of -Sownhad' very--fine-•booth the..-Welfiredef _thildreo. rie...beert to 1. • •- • VTOL TO THE TRAVELLING PURLIC . ,• • •
. •
..prOL tee Nit couple of:years at the ttia wh., and erro, omen, eer. Batcheolls
choTtlettl% °or neierienheell,no.'1"1::Teg.,...o..trll.,Mr. Lowe, Mr. and MW. Patton, Miss
tli OM late Mr. Robert-emu:Axel, who Ksirailltlfalnd-'intirrk tilkki*KAYid willia°'111/1111 1)itft
wan x nattlet Of this town, being a A011
for years was the Goverumeut Ltgbs. his 47th Year and much sorrow is felt
house Keeper here. For e umber of for hie, early cutting off and sync -
Nem he woe engaged with the Maple pathy with his widow end daughter.
Leer Milling youipany at Port Colborne. • .44'
He was It member of the Ooderich A prima preaaina tor wniada,.„.... ,
ifl4kethie tot :teal:await:4 Ytretitere;inbipt pwiltrot . -1,11-60Mtl lact"" 41'4 w. wt.ksi lu'Plee,c
ineptly, Ile is survIved by lea wife, belie add Is kept for.use n eata 21 ''' ,, •
his mother. ate. three slaters and two ing wounds and cuts, sustained by the
brothenc, Mrs.V. T. Polio% Min, J. W. workmen. Par better' to keep OW
Oral*. miss Mary Camelia, Mr. Wm. hand a bottle of Dr. Thomas' Edw. .
::::71111,0,7huetutiOvIonuiw413:300:11:y1)aonttlielrd. tyle (,)iial....k It is, just as quick in action
(Amos% of Touawauda, N. X. in
'mem, Oct. It. to. Moitiand conet'e2r-ye. 7.1.. .t.1:s. not sear trie skin or burn
Itev. It. 0 MoDermid conducting the
services. Tho palehearers were Messrs The laek-of _infinite_ is the root _a_ • .*.
01$13. e Ball, of' bondbe, John Wiggins, much evil. ,, .
Fred Cnalgte and Norman Melvor. • Some men ,get 'etch while otl. . .
haMdenKeAtYccait 807 PthleiSe sWei:1011nlasnYcowndir- a
re. waiting for opportunitiee. '
tior of his. health .the week erd two
previous.--to---hier-death---was-Alle. a 0 PIM Vir 11411.1 ...2.
Jehn B. McKay had passed away. Re • CIPIIStlinktion " i . ' •
nouneement last Thursday that Mr. -
was a faithful one •efficieht ansistant And Bad usiatimeheit
in the_oir.vthes.oderitov -- --__ _ _ —, I
land Transit Co., Ltd., for several Tkey infinVitlintivtaTRy---. --.,:- ----'--- ---
on the grounds, and tho Iligbland vote 'eoff,eentietratiee. fied • the •
Pipers of Lneknow were present in strengthining (as
promised by the f ' . ':.:, , ' ' , Is the iiietesed ifs • e ofliottoi throtAgb Goiernatent--stores koing to two' rat ‘ are,Afer
ce nits 1 az,...t,p.s.,,,JosIttotte of ,thccoott,,A. Atriaitti cojion*. - . - IS.,:/f.ty for the irave. Hini!---6171:0 lit --5—. 1-141:-OTiS. II -0 ?rovIrice, in-canada., with', Iso-ina,'Ity .:ai'it'os in.
--1--en iv.eneo ttif 13—ro.". Governmertt, If thl",-21.-et- .0-Watrairte0 ;
during thi afternoWeoPlie'Vate re• tilief&' oh-etlet`Sfilbr O•k&',•ri '''; . f ortioir ttiy.'its`• poftiliiitioiv :ailitis4Ootario T here listno Pollan& that. Lias Snell a .-heavy „ • : • veers Past, was prominently connect .
zd•13optiiivitlitvithe bilueolodgetnd chap.
ceipts atticlunted to atioue. $21)0.• On • JAMES IMITCHELL, '#thel: .."' ''°'' 11: ttitiridiraffiet 'ffbn'l'''Ibe btnit41:1 !Stites. The're; is' niVPiovince with 40. %lee' inter:leering roalas4 4
the Prlie list till our next issue. • Dated at Goderigh, Oct. lth, tore;.• •• - '' LIIe auto,will beeorne,intolerable; Whisky and.gasoline Won't Mix. • . • ... ••. , . Huron chs`Ptcr, and was a valued
• Frequent as accidents are. u114Y1/1:e$erli CorldikilS Gliyernment Control the nierlace' • reei;a0ry both aosf°1.T;iiitliand' Loe:liglge gat:;)
account ofpreasure a other matter•A, M. ROBERTSON,•Co. Seer • •
• this week We are obliged to hold ever G. M. ELLIOTT, co. Sept, / •
- • lifeetbei• War ofKnox church.
• • " : e wee a veteran of the, Great War
Salvation Army notes: Services School and'Bible Classes at o'elbele AlirEAL-TO THE CANADIAN CITIZEN
• • going ever with the Mat Regimeet
Kossibiliiiis." Sabbath
and later transferring to the Lighl
• North St Methodist' church:- 10 - International:4004M .prornoted by the illicit .sinuggling of liquor front Caladian Railway Construction Company. and ltns. ;fumes 0 Vein, Iteneroft, Otsel
on :Sundae. as usual, test Sunday •
• "1:1 ' d •St tb's?.. 'Because the Clnachan Government legahzes the mantrifac ure
School at 11 a; m.; service at 7.p. m. m.,Men's Club; subject, What
1 •
a. Glass of Vie- bearing has personal riegligence on ports. to the nite a .
• Tlig, Eureka Bible CI
feria' a.• Methodist church will held poverty?" to be dieeeseecey of liqoor the Goeeenritent of the •United States niustmaintain an aimy of police and revenue.
of the church on Hallowe'en Night. sion Band. 11 m., Rev. .O.ffi.cers.saloog the whole, border, The -neighboring republic has closed up her breweries and
a Halloween concert in the basement Bowden, Church Classes and elle-
•A Iargei audience were highly en- Sunday School and Bible- Classes: 7 attempt wilt be Maxie to find an outlet for the product ,across the line. Ihe only remedy
Keep the date in mind. Earle, returned missionary. 3 p. ire . .distillenes and is bonerdry'by A. et of 1..ezi•kture; AS tong as liquor' Mauufactured here 'aii •
Doneny's lecture on Monday evening . A special meeting of the Women's ., . ' alai -wide' prohibition 'Meantime as far as Ontario is concerned let every citiie-ii see thatthe •
tertained apd instructed by Rev. 'Mr. p. m., Rev. Percy Babes, B. A.
in North street Methodid church .un- Auxiliary will be held n St. Georgek ' •(:). • T. A. is .vigorously,enforced. Let.every bootlegger . be. ii.nprisoneit and Iii.s goods
der the the auepiees of the league. cliereh on Friday, OctelOth, at 3 •rr.
'In Knox church the servic.es' next m., when Mrs, J. K. BeVerett, of Re -
Sunday will be conducted by the min gine, the- W. A. president of QteAls.
ister. Sublects of sermons, 11 a. ne, pelle diocese, will speak to the !tidies
• "The °repents ef Enjoyment," •7 ou mission work in qu'Appelle. Mrs. •
Carrie will also give a report of the'
t , , W.- A.- Triennial convention at Ifarail.
• ton. A cordial invitation is extended
tad'. Our country has nothieg to gain by needlessly irritating a friendly nation.
. . • •
• e ea re to all who are interested in nussions
' Baptist church': J% C. Elliott; e•at. 'eOuYer aS all liltiStration of the fallacy of this argument... In 1923 that city spent $3,/
WEE1C.of Ock. 13tii to •18th, tur. subjlets Siindee, Oct. 12tIrr It 113 for. liquor and reCeived in•revenue $273,000 from the Govermnent. lii the same year
Monday and Tuesday .
• 7 p. m., "A I3anker's Conversion,' . .
• • Dc" you think you aregriing to reduce 'your taxes and. add to the -wealth of your com-
munity by voting for Government .control? The liquor interests 'fooled the people of British.
,Cohimbia with' this argument lead are now trying to fool the people of Ontario. Take Van-'
• • o'eleck a. m.,:"Shcel for the Jemmy; . that city spent $2.58,147 extra tort'her police force alone. That one Ren • t "alone practically ate
BERT LYTELL and • Harvest ThatIcsgivirur,serVicew will o.ip all the profit. On a pouse and lot the taxes in 1919 were $62.99. In 1921 they were..
CLAIRE WINDSOR be held in S . George s church on 578.06. In 1923 they jumped to $106.69, under Government content Or look at it in this
in the great Carewe production which
Sunday 'Illtiti"nC/et°ber 12th• 131//h°1)
tuns w ne present at the even. way. Out of every 5,1. paid by a purehasec for 'liquor at a Government Store $1.25 stays In
* Wag made in Algeria . • ing service and will dedicate the new .. the Provnee, ft goes to Scotland, $1.75 to thehe federal Gover•nnient and' to the RailWay
"A Son of the Sattiraif memorial window new being pieced • - •Thur out of every dollar spent for liquor 69c goes out of the provinte and is not available for, ..
;business. This means that every year B. C becomes poorer to the - extent • of 515,000,000
I , 'through the government Sale. 'The bill -board statement is absolutely false, •
. .
"Bright Lights"
• in the church to the memory 0 ,the
• late Senator Proudfde '• t '
At the Victoria Street' MetfrodIs
church next Sunday the 'services in.
Wednesda•y and' Thursday the morning at 11 orelock will be COW-
2ICHARO DIX and LOIS WILSON ducted by, Rev. Mr. Walden, of HOD
In the..,etartfing DeMille success mesville. The evenmg • service will '
"IDebeiulte be token by the pastor, subejet, elle
IMPERIAL COMEDY Presence of God in the World To- 1
day." Beginning on Monday even-
s\ "The Rainstorm" ''' ing at 7.45, Evangelistic services will
• ? be conducted in the church every -eV-
... ridtty and Saturday • , _ening for two weeks. The minter
will lie assisted by Prof. and. Mre.
Wells, song evangelists, of Bidians.
his thrilling story of the air vices.
polis. Come and "join. in these ser -
"Eyes of the Forest" Rev. Mr. Elli ti nevis"pastor of
4,11 r . 24 •
SUNSHINE COMEDY • the Goderieh Butted,' eliergla, spo'ke
has Seellttrio 00 " very intimatelyrateeitlePeativegatiort.
on Sunday morning in opening is-,
PDX NEWS NO. 34 pastorate here, Ile eelwerised hie
tee -44m, Wed. at 4.13 p. tn. great pleasure in getting back to a
Sat. at 3.00 p. nt. • charge in a country town after life
above is an all speed "regrew in the city, as in the town there was
. -
•••••••••••••••••••••••-•• •••••••••••••••• I `I 1
I I 11 slIMMINI.111 1 I
.41.4.44•4•41.. , _
The Management of
JAS, `filetitANtil PASTEURIiit!G PLANT
Wish to announce to their custoniers and the general public •
that they are now carrying fresh Dairy end Cree:eery Butter
mul leo Buttermilk on their regular milk delivery y,igs et all
Our Butter, Milk, or Buttermilk an be had at the
-EAsr sTREED •
40, any"tinie between IWO re' nh.. and (;:t}01) .11%
Gan you pray "HALLOWED BE THY NAME" and then vote to legalize the liquor
traffic by any system which causes God's name to be continually-blasphented?
'Con you pray "THY KINGDOM COME," and then vote that Satan's kingdom, (the
salorM) may be continued under some system of Government Control?
••Can you pray " THY WILL413E DONE' and then'vote•thatit shall not be done?
• Can you pray "GIVE US THIS DAY DARN BREAD," and then vote to permit
-that which takes away the bread for suffering wives and mothers arid starving children?
Can you pray "LEAD US N0T INTO TEMPTATION," and then vote that theallure-
ntents and temptations of the liquor store ma S7 'continue under some form of Governme.nt
Control? •
Can you pray "DELIVER OS FROM' EVIL" and then vote that Ontario by Ael of
• , Parliament provide dens of iniquity and evil?
To pray the Lord's Pray and thehto vote for liquor is simply to mock Almighty
' . . •
more opportunity for closer friend. pastor ot a Baptist church. His eirn When a mother detect, Intuit the
,iships mid those you met en the street would be to preach the old gospel of writhing* and fretting of a child that
' from day to day you became ie. sin and its consequence, death, and of worms are troubling it, she tan pro-
quainted with and sieutetions were life through the Savior. Mr. Elliott cure •a reliable remedy in Miller's
passed, and also for the benefit of his is not altogether a istrainger in the Worm Powders, which will expel all
wife's health he welcomed the Orange. pulpit of the Goderich Baptist Mewing from the system. They may
Ile was also slid to be in charge church, having been here during the cause vomiting, but this need cause
again of a Baptist congregation es pestorde of Rev. G. M. Holmes, and no anxiety, 'because it is but a mane ,
he had been •si liaptint alt hie Ilfe, the church here are fortunete in se. festetion of their thorough work.' 43w
afterwards was in the dere at 'the writ's: --""I 141/ "TY MUC/1 troubled
base. Ile was a native of the Town with countipittion and bel headathee
of Goderich, being the only son of the and my skin bevame yellow 'looking,
late Rev. Murdoch McKay, easter tot 113"Iltis8leceeetasktlenftt-ieltittlanbugl,'ea4 dLiftec ae.k!'fatalev:
SOMA years of the Presbyterian con- disappeared sod nv, own has hoeon„
;rogations of Leeburn and Union, and chmt, agftin,
was a graduate of the G. C. L The ‘,„„dd aevi" all ,,hoo„, who ario.
funeral was held on Sunday afi."- troubled with thelr iltet in su,v way, to•
noon and was largely attended. It ye, maeu,,, 45. pois,”
wale. udder the auspices of 1faitland "leem-Liver Pills" have been on the
Lodge, No. 33, A. le and A. M., and 'market fon the pant an yearn 00 be sure
over - 100 triensb'ers were present. anal get ease when you ask for them.
Rev. R. C. ateDVOlid,-paRfOr 'of Knox Put up ouly by The T. Milburn De.,
church, conducted the services anti Limited, Toronto,, Oat.
Buy Insurance Insurance While You're Young
, The older you get the' higher yon
Put on your insurance N()W (i vou way.
No one eati'forsee what the future may Mine,
ProvideAnafNovt. ivsotuhref-toilikus,patnoptend to this thing.
your ooir,later yeio
By insuring before. your„beet (glance, iii4aPPeal
Setter See Beoinger Before It's Too Late
BENINGER, General Agent. •
The Empire Life Insurance Co.. • .
Pickled Shoulder, Piece.
Fresh Sidi Pork, *gee ...
Rib ..
Breakfast Bacon by
Farmers' threshing Roast Beef.
Legs of Lamb ......
Watch Our Windows for Saturday
Coot! Chickens roonted-1,not
'Phone -2
• 12c.
. •
Night Specials.
West Side; Square
School Opening
Boys' Good Serviceable- Boots,
• black and brown froni .
in$3 $5
• Miner Brand Rums
It is sufficient to say they are
pressure cured soles.
Miner BrAnd and the
Meisel," end growing elite' relent Atilt) filiepere, gap 16, et
Sanilais and Oxfords, froth woo wow iirgwooria
Yoult FOOTWrAlt AT
arki, without Aisparagement of any turine-hint as their pastor. -----No worms eon long,exist where these
tenummion, be refoited to be sin TKO STAR FOR ,3013 PRINTIN *powders are sett
W. HEIM'S 44tle
• k
tt .4.
4 V")
'71-711-711.71- 11- • -
.• •