HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-10-09, Page 3pin a bee e Bporttst sod ?'heaths-- *may lowly nab_ sed aeries anal wen - WPM 1 tela lire least little bit of exer- siitrs sty hart acid start to Intel Ad Ahem 'WA net walk tit -hairs whitorrt herbs i. m io'Me •tad ret better, I Val bobeersa • et, era aeesart .t ,sky iesetk heearti g so abort. 1 eataa.rteri *Wog Mflburn's Heart • leg Marti Pfila, *ad is no time I hash s great f . e sora ea new beleeellif mtarenateen d them to all tee wile are id* any affection of the heart." �c Maher* le k I(F. Pills are for sake •tat all dreg Mel geaaral 'Morena; put up only by . T. Milburn Co., Teeetiele UB'ti1WP/1'i'jt ilR. A. !I. HEM, Osteopathic Pb3°elelan. Gradual* Des Moines Still College Or OsteopathyWats oards. Epeteistt attentionlows ntto MIMEO et women and. children. Consultation tree. Mcorner Nelson and et. roam, rite. aor to ler. Ueilemsnp. fa $,ator tb ye• _ SPECIAL** DA F. J. R. FORSTER. EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT. Late Reuse Surgeon New York Q hthal- auc and Aural Hosppittal, assistant at Moore- BaM'a Eye lempltal and Golden ever* ?bran •Hospital, London, 1 :• N �e Wse7 rloo St. s,3.. titrattorA. 'rele- At;Bedford Hotel, Goderich, from Monday. ' Oct. 20th, at 7. p. m., to Tuesday, Oct. 21st, at 1 p. m. . NOTARY PUOLJK+,, ETC.. .!i 9A11.Is, •• NOTARY PUBLIC °envoi Conveysnclnr done Good Companies R ted Phone No. las. ootter•Ich.. Oo1• irgneVErenctNG ANDNOTARY isms ucioseilitm4 No ry ubl t _-coo• War. CARIM CvURS. amnia, a. 0. sinister, Hleilloti0rr notary .• Pada ane Cwnveyenoer, • Office ; Court . Mouse. Ooderfen. T ROUDF'OOT & KILLORAN Barristers, Notaries,,Ete, Office on SQUARE; GODERICit, Phone 97 DUDLEY E: HOLMES ' Barrister. Solloltor, Notary • Public Conveyancer Etc.,. HAMILTON STREET PHONE 27 R. A. CLUFF, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor and. Notary Public North Street, Goderich Phone 411. AUCTIONEERING THOMAS GUNDRY. Live Stock and General Auctloheee, • Hamilton street, Goderich. • Sake made everywhere and all tuteworts Made Mile you Malefaction. faction. Farmea *tl rs lata teens ittalConhteQ:.. tieSCINANCfE •*tCIQLLOP ro. MUTUAL PI1 Z JNSURANC$ ✓ars and Teetered Town Property legated. Value or property insured up to January. HO ss 948.275.00 oi'FICgRs—James conoly, President, d` eechn • Jas. • E. Evans, sec.-Treas., 18ee: See - tomb. D100CTORS—b. F. Mcot•egor, eearorih 1. G. Grieve, Winthrop ; Win. Wrin, Con. stances George McCartney, Tuckerslalth - lobo Ferris, Rowlock ; John Bennewise, Broadhagan; Murray ,'Gibson, Brute News PickedFromOur.es • • e lreeaaanr Naar Resideet Das iia West and awe.y above tea teeirrie ed 0. Kr. I �t Mr. Wesley Tyne. of ledtnoawr, a early s+torrl+wi ill• f WaM diaoorsr Mtsiistit of eter for _number of ed to be it IJtarse, the fire lavas de yeast. el a tlee.a. et -lu +i wt at, full* itemv$Y Mai* leslialing *NW we age a y yea*. reatad. L is two,* sh eeort •lx Bttr*Iss. frtea lllnsbaen Cltae luwIlua esti may love developed La the wiring, Tke Wiegiauat Chautauqua comsat- utas eteectiit the aim. A /ford comps tee has• handed $50 to the Women's barred by Me. Tbou+pwor happened W Hospital Auxiliary of that town. ue it a);aea. for repairs and taus, ea• proceeds of the Winghaan Chautse-, calved ues,tr.oilwv' qua.CHAMPIONS/11P SC11001• FAIR mike Garage Broken hate A siroti time alto Ur. J. i{cbu.nbila' t eeseed enteral in cess irk p garage. at Claws, was broken into and Fair RsLea QetastINI of nip touring oar was token out and the billty Of IUiegatttiera•A$ Fair fenders, were badly damaged. A court locoatl ease is said to be pending. THE DERIC STAR 12 West W awaaosk 'Nine Lockhart) N.. li E. Wawanosh (Mia. Moroni' sial, Flo• 111 E. \awaaeee (Elise ,Decker), No. 11 Grey (W. Bisbee). Seiatol coming greatest distance. Ns. It Cray (W. Bisbee). Batt ekrerat. ed conveyance, No. li Grey (W. Bis- bee). Recitation. Dorothy Fear, ilii• van Kreuter. Drill, S. S. Wingham (A. Puente). WORK WORN PEOPLE !UI* IWatWED MULTit ay IM1'ileyl$s TSUI, 11.000 Iti 1 run a !own, it means that your to thin sad watery, that your vitality is low. Your Leet aro,eaa• By nkilled. You do not alebp well ,and you are tired when you rite in tee taex'ir#latt- You Aad as pleasure in a cur meals, nand are 'Wen and dispirited at your work. You have no euergy wen. jov yourself. Thonsan•la of roar are run down by anxieties et work. Thousanda of wee The North Huron .championship men are broker down by their house. Died la Metataaa school fair was held in conjunction hold toll. with tired limbs and aching Adv. Edwin 'Moxley, eldeab son of the with Wvingkaut fail fair on Monday Awoke/ thousands of girls are pale, list late: Mr. William Moxley, a former and Tuesday of last week, 'Tars in. leas and without atttwtction•� IL all wi*Ir noon"real nt o o , t exhibit," we tnseata the name thlag—thin anti oat• •k ide f Seaforth, died side exhl re not newly so num• cry blood. vltaltty run down, auaemla, in Butte, Montana, on Sept. 17th, fol- amus as on former oec early, in fact poor appetite, p.Ipitatinmheart, short lowing an illness from pneumonia. ' it is a question whetl►er It is wise is breath. Clinton' Collegiate `ttlparts I continue this particular feature of Do not submit ek this. Get new Clinton Collegiate institute beid its the school fairs if more inteteet is blood and wither rte 8aality. There Alder and 'senior championship andno a en in Iianee Pink Yiils b id up and eniich interlorm sports on Monday and to- gesture of this fair was the public the blood, which a new health end mellow (Friday) Wingltam-.football , speaking content, in which nix of the vitality. Tho hosts, weenie or ger( Woke teams pay against prize winners at' other fairs partici- who bakes Dr. S illiaraa-'Pink Pills is C i ton t taken it.Perhaps the real is no diedoulte la d syr bra i and ball 1 nton. pitted • The school parades and phY- nevertrun clown. Their frauds notice how energetic they are. what a One ap• petite they leave, and bow much they enjoy life. You can get tbete pita through any dealer in tuedtolre, or by mail at 50 coots a box. from The I)r. Williams' Med(cine Co., Brockville, Ont. This Week's Great Day Grandiaother of Mr. Roy Brill, of steal culture drills were also inter - Clinton, Passe - s eating features. Tlie exhibit of live evieN,T$—.1. W, Yeo, CoderIch ; sandy awn. . Clu,ton ; w'tu, money, Searorte ; a, Hlnehtey, Seatorth. . Popch' Hordes can pry their assessments at R.Cutt's Store, Goderlch, A. J, Mar - mob's CletbInr Store, cannon, or 1. H. 11aid's, 53yneld. i'IRE INSVRANCE• Have it attended to by the WEST WAWANO$H MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO Established 1878 Head Office: Dungannon, Ont. RATE: TNa11T1 Oita HIR HulleatO•DOLLAas Jno. A. McKenzie, Kincardine; pres.;. Harry L. Salkeld, 11:. R. No. 2, Goderich, vice prea.; directors—Tim Griffin, R. R. o. 7, Lucknow; W. 1'. Reed, R. R. ekTo. 2, Lucknose; 11. L. Saekeld, phone 600 r 11, Goderich; Alex. Nicholson, Lucknow; Wm. Wat- son; Jas. Girvin, F•,• R. No. 6, Gods. rich; Wm. J. Thompson„Auburn THOS. STOTHERS; T. G. ALLAN, Treas, Secretary. CENTRAL $'rnierieORD. ONTe prepares young men and yo women. for Business, Which is n Canada's greatest professlo We assist graduates to positions\ and they have a practical train- ing which enables them to meet with success. Students are re- gistered each week. Get our free. catalogue and learn something, a-, bout our different departments. D. A. McLACIILAN, • Principal. ng w / stock was carried out under ditficul Mrs. Helen ti takes, of Socotra, grand• ties, as ay cold rain came on, makinll mother of Mr. Ray Ball. of Clinton, the outsid-, a ud gi t difficult. Those passed away recently at the residence j of her oldest.daughter, Mrs. Sarah Jane who took in the inside department .de. Ball. She was one of elontbra's oldest serve credit, as their exhibits '*ere and most respected residents. I good, but the attempt looked woe- • Engagetaeett' Anholtnced ifully lean in comparison 'with some ,and d Mrs. B. Kilbourn, of gee of the exhibits made sines the them - Annette St., Toronto, announce the en. pionsbip fair was started three or gageraent of their elder daughter, Ruth,1 four years ago. Followingis the Margaret, to air. Roy.: Alexandre prize list: 13te*art B. -A... eldest eon of Peter and I GRAIN AND CORN Mrs. Sttewert, Brussels,, Ont„ marriage ' to take place. FridayOotobet 17th. I Wheat, quart, Elmer Johnston; Nel Wingham Girl Studying Medicine eion • , Moulden, Themes Sanders.. Miss Dorothy Sne'i, the clever sixteen I wheat, sheaf, Nelson Moulden, Elmer year old daughter of Rev, LI. W. Snell, Johnston, Tom Siibders. Oats, quart: of Winggham, bas oommeneed a course Clarence Granger, Arthur' Simpson.. in medleine at the Western University, George McBride, Glen Martin; Cbas. London. She oarrled off the Medal- at.'Keffer; Clayton McGregor. - . Oats. 'the High School commencement exec sheaf, Clarence • Granger, Arthur M8811018 year for public speaking. , Simpson,- Chas. Keifer, Glen Martin. Belegrave Church Celebrates 'me'"Barley, quart, Kenneth Kreuter„ Ag anon* Jubilee nes Douglas, , Clifford McAllister, Diamond „jubilee services in connec- Barley, sheaf, Clifford McAllister: Mon with Knox Church, Belgrave, were Agnes Douglas. Field corn, Stanley held on Sunday. October 55th. Services Douglas. Sweet Co!'n, Alex. McNeil. were conducted by Rev. Mr. Goodwin, of Toronto, and on Monday eveulne a I ' ROOTS. AND VEGETABLES fowl supper anti entertainment. were Green fountain Potatoes, Jack held in the church.,. a • . 1 Toner,: Marjorie Hamilton, Mildred Practised Law In Clinton : Felce, Lorne Desjardine.. • Irish Cob - Mr. E. J. Owens, M. P. P., who has tiler Potatoes, Edward Marsh, Cather- been atherbeen recommended for the position lite Robertson, Hughes Armstrong. of senior magistrate of .Toronto to -fill Dooley `-Potatoes, Glenn Eckmeir, the 'vacancy caused`by the retirement " L eorg'ine Pullen, Orvil. Elliott Man of, Col. Denison, in his younger yearsgolds,_.•Jack . Sanders,_ Orvil Elliott: practised law in Clinton fora. short' Kenneth Thain. Turnips j 'Gordon time. Sleightholm. Beets, Evelyn Corbett. Smyth-Broderlcli_ 4Agnes Elliott, -May Coulter. Car - A pretty autumn weddi g-g•'.,,took place rots, NormanTeoniter, );dna_ Felce. at the betee-ot.,Mr. am('Mee. Eveltn Parsnips, Elsie Vint, Mary Houston Broderick. Parr Line. flay 'Township: I Velma -Wheeler, • Elizabeth Coulter. Pit - WeclnesdaY_ tieutl:mbee ..24th- at a..Onionge -Mildred ,Hoy, • BIair Gibbon &doo r. when their-datightee.nillian Margaret Simpson, Irene Grainger, came aware for the scat . time o[ nes .Nae,beceene the le ids of Oreille flew- Velma Hamilton. rear genius and daring, which .had - not yet learned hon+ safe yen are son Smith.both pJades of Hay Town- g 8 g with this prepgxation at hand get it hitherto been little known 'outside ship. etev. ►. 6,....1,•..0 lIcaiall$1 POIILTRY naval cantles. today and know for yourself: letting: $eafarth Residents Celebrate Sixtieth McQuillan, E. McQuillan Clif.-. Mc. early .age of 40..he.waL proeuoteci to the e aau,y--.bay, L lu,. wily (u yuu cett Anniversary ''Donald'• .Pullet, Alvin"' McQuillan, rank of rear-adrnirs.l, and ou tho est. your money in your stockings? • --so srler* daIIeittfert fee a arid-erilalwr SOW. N des flew M • WNW* e' thew to it Y' r e cheap is ei roe lletiSh Ilaaleed ty.rr. s at see SIM h to Spend it its. =t.ioa a pelttail and kyles* of sere eta ilio wwk^a grocer Bedsit Mat the items you goir wattle thew yea pity etaewitera The aseiteia reanimate what you otos thrifty heaasewive. who So their DOMINION STORES ler Ciem lAIk" tedps,bookt>.trequs i . w. .. High Constable of Perth County avid Another Constable Facie teertaua • Charges Evidence in a charge against iIieh Constable Hutehison of Perth countY of driving an automobile while ureter the influence of liquor was heard tt Grand Bend 'in Friday, Sept. inth, bF = 11agtstrate Reid ns, tits lerieh. There was also a charge against 1n,uvtable warner_ ethpips:.tb"tin. 'the sunst ihles rtsiteat Grind Rend h5 .uttttlnnbtle nihil acquired a flat tire a 1 t tuna, is • car to Brenner's garage to have it fixed. - Mr. Brenner did not have a tube the right •size and the old one was too • badly eut up to repair. Ace,ndinit to the evidence, Mr, Brenner. whin asked his charge for his trouble, said 25 cents, whereupon the Iligh Con- stable refused to pay, saying that, as High 'Constable, _he -was in the habit of getting such attention free. Mr. - Brenner said he did not care whether Sept. 29—The Death of Nebo* .:113r, Hutchison :rid or not; he had One lilindr0=d and slit} Mx years ago, on the 29th. 'September X1158, `Horatio Seamon, the moot popular of Britaln'a numerous naval beret*, wag born in the Norfolkvillage of Burnhamt Thorpe; of which lila father was the rector. • He entered the Royal Navy, at the age of ZS, and during' the first seven years of his life at sea he acquired a great aversion to the duties of a Bailor, but he eventually became imbued with one of_the witnesses swot. he leas. an intense spirit of patriotism, which be dralnken and. would not ;blow, under retained Until the.end of IS lite. and cross examination by ' Mr. Dancey, whicla caused; him to throw his whole that • she Could be mistaken and that heart and soul into his work. • - it was. the effects of the tussle with after which hise secured s. advancemetic 'was Me. Brenner that^ntadeq the lowly speedy one, and us, the alto 0121 ea attai men of ocomot n necessary. • The nod the rank of post•captain. Prior tsi 17 Constable drove off in his ca,-; flat 91 h only had two brier experiences pt tire, and edit w_into file ditch and active service, and he owed his earlier lost a wheel, but, too dazed to ren - promotions in area rea measure to his, line ,this would prevent his prucecj wonderful power of gaining the affec. ing, apent some time trying to .get tion of his associates and superiors. the car to go,`till his attention wan With the outbreak of war : with calleydd by 'residents nearby to the France iu 1793 be entered upon the condition of the car. , Such is "same busiest and most glorious period or Me of the evidence which came out, career, anal -for seven years he was almost continuously engaged on active: Asthma Ne Longer Dreaded.—The .service. __His right eye was destroyed dread of renewed attacks from asth- at the tars tat .of -Corsica, lo'i ; in 1794, and - ma has no hold Upon those' who have three years later he lost an atm troth learned to rely upon Dr.:'J. D. Belt wounds 'received during an attach on - logg's Asthma . Reined} Santa Crag. He served under Admiral y So safe do Jervis at cue xeu,out Battle- St-Vin,they feel that complete reliance is cent on 14th. February 1797, when his' placed on this true specific with the brilliant services were rewarded with a certainty that it will always do all kuighthood, and the British 'public tier that ita makers claim. if you have his number. ater on Hutchison and Warner returned to the garage - and according to the story, Hutel:i- mon started by attacking Brenner. • In the doings that ensued Bremner is 'Credited, wit knocking Hutehison down. Hutchison is quite a large - man as it happens and -Brenner a small ratan. Hutchison crawled ou his hands and knees to his car and _I „ NOTE ; NM WEEK IS CHAD In Spacial from Oct. 13th to Sitis, 2 Pitt: Charm 23c. "S par Beat. Dismal ..-Cmis. s CANDY DAY, OCTOBER Ptak WINDERMERE qt. WINDERMS CHOCOLATES, ib. Ja7G CHOCOLATINA TODHUNTER'S S -ib. box - - - CHOCOLATAFRY'S or WILLA7LIVI ` NIES, I -ib. be - -tAIiSTD. CHOCO°. TObHUNTBR'1!tLATE BARS, 3 IF BULK CROW-JQC ASSORTED CABBY , .qq LATE, lir. - - Champion Creases, BA SETT'S LICO- Guth Drops, Jelly RICib. All Sorts, lb. •ItWte.. Beans, Kisses, lie - Ce p. C. Sauce 2 Qi(JIal�� 2 few .245c small), QUAKER OATS .27c c (Urge Square) - CREAM OW -23c WHEAT - WA R'S PRIL'IS/UMCHOCOq cake (far r1. TE, baking) ..110/10 BAKER'S PREMIUM CHOCOLATE, 54.11►. cake (for baking) -riC Countess :.Biscui CROSSE & BLACK. WELL'S ORANGE *MARMALADE- sea,, (Imported), 1 -lb. ,arrrrM.„ CROSSE & BLACK - WELL'S MEAT and') q 7 ' •= FISH PASTES-=• C__ DOMINION or MAPLE LEAF qq ' MATCHES, 3 for -rr5C RICHMELLO TEA (Choice Blend of "" Cey- ey Ion or Astern Teas), lb. 1 ale; FRESH ROASTED SPECIAL BLiFND bag COFFEE, Ib. SIE - APPLE(SUo.d) -iG BAUXDB� PEARS (Light Syrup) - -I6C CHOICE MZUINA RfA_ LEMONS, Ire. - _ 1.,74 COOKING . • ONIONS, 6 lila. - *Coi2C CHOICE 2� -ASC is Cho of t. •W. 31c LARGE PRUNES,. e�,�,,� 40-50 sire, 21br„ -. -4a74 RICBMICLLQ - COPP1iT:. 3 -Ib. tics (The Qtiality will till) RICHMELLO COFFEE, =1b,, tin -.4,10‘ McLARZN'S IN11IN- CIBLE OLIVES, 1 -Imperial chart Jar . - B O% MAYFIELD liKAND BACON (Machine e� Sliced), Ib, - - . -SOC • ,r Valencia Raisins ' Z. 25c Cockerel, Trev. Benstock, Myrtle At the commeurerue t of 179,•l at the - Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hohlbein, of Myrtle McQuillan, Tree. Hanstock August of .that scar he performed the Flo—'Cause rt draws interest, dear. Seaforth, Celebrated the sixtieth an- Elvin McQuillan, Clifton McDonald. 'most notable achievement of Nis career iii y at the Battle of the Nile, when his ,de- News story tells of *couple being :eruption of the French fleet ga 131114 - married "At:Sea.” blest couples thin the conimand of the Mediterranean . are and. put au end to N poieon'e c'arefelly- laid plans for the couquest of In ria. This niversary of their marriage on Pen 'of Two, Elvin McQuillan, rev. Thursday of last week. They have Hanstock, Clifton McDonald. been respected' residents of Seaforth LIVE STOCK for many -years, having moved there , , from Dashwood twenty-three years. Draft- -- olt, Walter Forster. great victory gained him his peerage, ago. Spring Lamb; Tom Ross, Stanley and ever since that day he has held the ✓ The Late Mrs. my Douglas, FlWm, Parkes. Bacon Hogs foremost place among our national - Garrie, And. Douglas• Beef heroes. lie added •to his laurt'1•s in the The death of Mrs. L. D. Lily occurred Calf, - Gordon Lyons, Stanley Gran- Baltic Sea In 1801, when his teasel to at the home of her sister, Mrs. Jessie ger, Alex. Lyons, Norman Coultes, J obey his anliorior officer's ,orders to, re. Brown, Seaforth on MondaySept. 23th, - - tire in the middle of the Battle of atter it pr'elongetl illnessDeceased Douglas• Copenhagen saved the British fleet (rota was the eldest daughter of the late MANUAL TRAINING certain disaster. Robert, Rsatings, of '1urnberry• town. Wooden Mallet Leonard Felce His crownin;; triumph canis at tire. ship, and was born in rvellius tun .in Bird House , Lee Allen Louis Ful- glorious Battle o(.' Trafalgar on the 31st. 1833, and with the fautily-aaxnzed'a yecr ford Norman "" Coulter Patch on October 1805, wbeq the grief of Britain later to Turnberry.' There in 1,181 si•a ' at his death- iu-the •moment ofvictory married Mr. L. l), Edv and since that Grail tag, Nelson Moulden, Norman almost neutralized the national rejoice= made her home in l• 'neon. Coultes, Norman Coulter.' Any Mo ing at the destractionof the combined II6U B BPOpPOS. The Leadinu funeral Directors' and Embalmers Order's earofully attended to ail *11 hoard—night or day. Radford -Ashton Nuptials del in Weed, Mervin Stephen, Stew treats of Franco and Spain. '1'nis- teatime', sixth t t 1 congesvono Herrick. t t H icr l'arrisl4 James Fairish- Milking leen'e 1 ong•cberiahed dream otdnvadang Britain In her' poaitlnn as inial happy* event on Modda+ noon, - wile; mean eldest i2od, at• Ilton. Lorna Iran W. E. Rt Airs. Wm. To home of mt.. and Mrs, itr.A. art Sheldon, Jack Sanders, Kenneth memorable victory shattered Napo s • the scene et an inror4bting and Stool, Mervin Stephen Hector Piano• England-• and firmly established - q est daughter. • SEWINGreset of the seas, a position which en- abled her to spread .her Empire far aid became. rho bride at dlr. Hemstitched Handkerchief, Elia., wide and to build Up her -trade all over ord, only' son of Mr. and b th C It N . Abe h rt Jessithe world. oerernony \see performed by 'tev. W,empbeli,. Evelyn Stephenson. Cro• Honours .Were lavishly bestowed Finlay. at Currie, assisted 'by Rev. E.' Chet Work, Nettie Aberhart; Agnett upon the n,cmbers of Nelson's family, Jacques, of Mlilibaus, uncle of the Coultes, Elizabeth Coulter, . Mtn.' lel his brother, a elbrgyinau, was made an bride. • Elliott, ,•Jessie Cam bell, ' Margardt earl and given a perpetual pension of 1' $e0.000 per annrini anti the sun, .o5 Helped Themselves to Auto and Re- Pullen. Knitting, . Mar,orie Hamel- $;r00,Ot;0 to l.utchase au estate ,• wh to turned It In .Bad ,Shape i ton, Mildred - Felce, Lorena Hazen 1150,000 was given. to each ut his sisrets. About 12:30 Saturday night, ,Sept. Edith Kreuter, Patch on Cotton :1,000 sailors marched as inower!,a 27th, the Robertson garage in Wing- Elizabeth Coulter, :Jean Sperling, Ag. behind the great funeral car %bleb ham was entered and the pioprietor's nes Coultes, Muriel . Elliott, Jessie carried the body of tank hero through the new Chevrolet auto was taken out. Campbell, Evelyn Stephenson. Three streets 4Loseio. to its resting -Otte lice Buttonholes Elizabeth Coulter, Je!i- beneath ibo dome of St. t aui s Cathed. Se pe time on Sunday night the car r nal, and tiro Clack silk scares which was returned to the garage with the she Campbell, Jean -Sanders, ?ivelyr, these loco wore as aai;;n of tnonrning top broken; the fenders dinged and Stephenson,' Isobel Campbell. Apror on that occasloq have ever Elnce,fortned part of the unlfotiu of the British blue- jacket. . Itatiford, of 1'�o,dwieh, The ou er, et)ie r a , two tires punctured, one wheel hay- or Dells Dress, Elisabet"d Coulter g run so far on the rim that the Isobel, Campbell, Alice Robertson rti was out of shape. Jessie Campbell, Mae Coulter, Flor russets Man Has Car Burned ence Blair. Patch on "woollen Goods Jessie Campbell, Elizabeth Coulter, Bohol Thompson. of 1ir,rmseds, Inst a Evelyn' Stephenson, Sean Orvis. ,loo AieLwighltu car and bi•t, garage in DRAWING AND WRITING a rather peculiar way. Ire pot the car Map (2nd class), Norman Coulter; 1 asetwo ler• Fred Lewis, Mae Coultef;' Dorothy Brown, Bessie Bere, Hilda 'Finnigan. Map (3rd Class), Mary (iurvin, Har vey Cook, eGistham McNee, Edythe Marsh, Evelyn -Corbett... Map (4th class), Archie Cuming, Agnes El- liott, Murray Brown, Jean Martin. - John Stewart, Alex. Pesrsoit. Writ ing (1st class),, Arthur McEwan. Janet Rattan, Marie Doig, Beth Mc- Phee, ,Alexandra Hamilton, ,;}Ferrol - fiiggins. a Vriting •(2nd clads), Phyl lis Felce, Dorothy Brown, Rae Nich- olson. Florence Hayden, Della Mein - nee, Dorothy' Mitchell. Writing 3rd class), Harold Durst, Velma Wheeler Margaret Simpson, . Toni (summing Tom Henry, Geo. Henry. Writing ' (4th class), Jean Orvis, Jean Sparl, ing, Lottie Lawlor, Blair Gibbons Margaret Pullen, Olive Corbett. COMPETITIONS - Palle Speaking; Gladys Coleman Nettie Aberhart, Elizabeth.. Coulter Willetta C'haniney, Lyle Fitch, Chas Eefl'er. Physical Culture, No. 11 " Grey (W. Bisbee), Nu. '12 W.. Wawa- noclr (F. Lockhart), No. 11.Turtt- latsry (Mics1 McLean), No. 13 e:. Wa- witnoaii (rips Decker), .School Par- . ade, No. 11 Turnberr,' (Miss Me— Lean). No. IC Howirk and Grey, No .,elf ter'every meal A please." "asita eahle sweet and a 1-a•s-t-i•asig benefit' as Iwan. Gold lir teeth, breath avid d1Sesttoa. Makes the neat cigar taste better. li t, Re Wheeler Funeral Director and Embalmer Bch, Ontario pray Attended to >rwa t. sous,. allw A Copyrighted IT ALL DEPENDS I ain twenty-five cents, I am not en speaking terms with tarn. butcher, I am too small to buy a quart of ice 'cream, I ant not large enough to purchase a • ',box of candy, I cannot be exchanged for 'a gallon of gasoline, 1 am too small to "buy a ticket to a, movie, I ani hardly, fit fdr a tip. But—be- ' lieve me, When I Roto church on Sunday I ani considered SOME • MONEY. 4 41 TO SATISFY •fg,Can, i ontAisylas Our SMP Pearl Ware Waned h and durable that a full-grown man or woman can stand on it without doing the rubbing surface or any, part of it the least harm! The enameled sur- face won't chip, flake or peel off. ' Think of I the wear there is in such a wash board'' There is the same wearing qualities in all articles in SMP Pearl Ware. Try out the wash hoard and' be convinced. .Ask for SMPj Pearl Wage "iSHEIT META P ohucrsc:.,'":r` MONTRtAL TORONTO WINNIrte tososTos vABCOWCR-CALGARY VRINIA SMOKINgTOBACCO a - J a Quiality! ‘ Qu,i'untity! Buy LongTorn-andgetbothl. That's tr • economy. ' it!