The Goderich Star, 1924-09-25, Page 81
>rc MST
New Fall
Wall Paper
More and in ire people are realizing thitt autumn
i' the Best tine to have their papering done.
During the long winter months yu,ti'ill be spend.
It2! most or your time indoors. Of course you
will aT p °e elate .bright, cheery. rooms.
We are now showing -some wonderful new papers
just received from the manufacturers, also n
good grange of last y ear's stcek at about half the
- regular price.
• Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard
And found it was full to the top
• For she had been wise, and before his demise
Had put LIFE INSURANCE on Pop.,. •
Weidner wrotethe policy, and there aro some more Dads aleieKli derieh
that need tosurauce as much as poor old Pop lltibbaikl dlrl,)
Better see Beninger before it's.to6' late.
C. D. BENINCER., . li.:tterai Agent.
The Errtpire Life Insurance Co.
.Uoivermi May.
toe iuyit. )ou to 0%11 nasi see
The Sty rices are
Cor East Street and figti.tte
""#gyp >
1 CIaxld's Rompers
1 at all prices from 5(ie
ip.The plainest
to the best.
u;...'it%citiey is this creek at iiiyth, church leedere and speakers from the'
where she is nursing a patient. Welt, may be able to addrese the 1
The best Fair of time season. D",, whole pariah at the one service, he.,
gannets, Q. 1 salt lard. Cosec one. tore ocxiing, same a
(:erne aIl. anti forprtheecsaneon purposethe, to vided
Kr. George Wertthroake,•'ot Goderich; ci etwo arn other t?arisrespectivehers, afteru
Inhis adooli and• I 1
le this weak acediast Mr, J. J.ltyan'w , ly, ds es
veranda. nextltnday, the Archdeacon will
Mina E. Higgins has accepted as
position of clerk In Mr. Purvis' store
at Uollyrood. - -.
Mr. Marvin;, Duron, of Goaeiic;h,
visited on Sunday Taut with his aged
grandmother, Mrs. Vreauy.
With three tlateshing outfits in the
neighborhood. the grain in this district
should soon all be to the grainary.
- Nr. Brune Grey was in Muskoka for a
few days thla week attending a con•
ventton in theluterpat of the Students'
Volunteer Movement. of which assoeia•
tion be la 'a vamember ember aua
officer:...-.. .....
The progressive srp#rit of the pastor
and people of the' Methodist church is
evidenced by the fact of their tlectsion
to instal en electric lightiva plant in
their church, the contract for wiring
having been let.
- Will the person who found t hay fork
rope eomewhero between the village
and the drat side road east of hero on
Taeadey night or. Svedaesclay morning
of last week kindly return' to owner,
Mr. hoist. Davidson, and obblige.
present, the claims which the mission- -
ary^.work of the church has upon all
church members,. The offertory et
that .civ
lcc w"
will be devoted oted to the
needs of the parish budget, $o gen-
erous contributions are requested.
The Sunday School of Trinity church,
Bayfield, will meet next Sunday from
10 a. m. till 10,45 a. in.
The • following interesting informa-
tion is appended hereto for tie. bene.
fit of the church members of Barfield
parish, who may be glad to avail
themselves of the special opportun-
ity offered It is to the effect that
the opening services' of the General
Synod of the Canadian Anglican
church will be held at St. Paul's Ca.
thedral, London, Ont., on Wednesday,
Sept. 24th, at I1 a. m. The (archbi-
shops and bishops and many of the
beat ltnown clergy and laity of our
Canadian church will be le attend-
ante at that service, when the special
preacher for that occasion will be the
recently -consecrated Bishop of Glou.
cester, England, the `•Right • Reverend
Doctor Headlam. Bishop Headlam,
a former leading theologian at :O-_.
SHEPPARDTON foe University, is one of the best
Rev. Harry Royle will conduct ani known ,inti most scholarly af'the Zing
T' niversary services in the Sheppardton Iish Bishops, aria a writer in theology
Methodist church on Sunday, Oct °f •deserved merit.' fihe opportunit;r
$th,:stt..-11 n m •tnd ? il,m, The Nile to hear such a leader iq chus'elyy rk
special music. A `" 6he- t)TdZand is not
S • `" choir will furnish every day, and it therefor
'1'. A.LiGL STIi 1E NILE fowl supper will be served on 'Tues b, d e
the • monthly- motive of St. Aug- , Miss Florence Seguss returned last
istine branch of Womrn's Institutes Tuesday from fondue, -where she. bad
iri`ll. he livid at the home of Mrs. Wm been visiting.
given us
is, ere or ono to
day evening from 6. to 8 o'clock, after: ; graspe if st afl PPSaLble...
which a splendid program will be giv-
en by the Pine River Male Quartette;
Medlikete t ,on Wednesday, October Many of the Bale people attended the the , Knox Church Orchestra, Gode- Mr, Harold ' Cooper .is home from
let,, 1:)34. The ,roll call will be an school fair at Carlow
Inst Monday, and rich Miss Florence Mooney; reader: Detroit for i# Visit.
„ • were well pleased with, the parades and. Rev. H, Royle; Rev, J. R. Peters and Mrs: T. 'C.. Leckie, Oxfoiel street, Your departing.-firiends will surely
.veered by A Pickle Recipe.".Music, the exhibits. The pupils or Nile school, ,and Mr. Ronald Willies is cep from fior• and will also visit in Goderich and appreciate the, gift of Club Eng or.;,
win be given by Mrs. W. tt.'nihan, al- though few in number, took many others. Admission only 50 cents onto -visiting Goderich friends: Kincardine. , Suit Case: Get our prices. SHA:R-
so a paper to be given lay MI5S Annie prizes Children' 26 cents. IM r and Mrs. As J. MacKay have MAN'S.. .
Robinson. Everybody come t ed t t Mr. G. S•. Dodington, sales mann~
1.1.11 I il" 1 i. I
THURSDAY, SEPT. 2btb, 1924.
Gray's Gigantic Sale !
From Thursday, September - 25th to Saturday, October 4th
A few of our big values are :
This is the natural linen, with red or
11ue borders.' The width is 46 inches.
The price is 25c per yd, or 2yds. for. ,60
The width is 40 inches and they are all
from our regular stock and are the fin-
est weight, In any shade regular $2.25.
Sale price, per yd` $1.75,
In ladies and misses' sizes only. A
splendid range of shades,. These are
exceptional values, per pair 65c
Scrim and Curtain muslin rii.cream.and
white shades. Splendid for rear win-
10Ws. Priced per tie-'::
A splendid weight of plain Cashmere.
They are pure wool and in black only.
Priced per pair
Full 36 inches wide in shades grey, pink
or blue Specially priced, per yd..., .28c
The size is 15 x 32 inches, made Of
heavy cloth with neatly hemmed edges.
While they last,each 19c
In the natural shade only, splendid, for
curtains, children's dresses or lingerie
garments. Specially priced, pr !yd ..69c
The width is 32 inches, and these are .
Anderson's Gold' Label Gingham. l.i,n-
ited stock, per yd 32c•
In natural or white shades, .these are a
good heavy weight and a'good.range of
, largest sizes Vests or Drawers, each .. 69e
Tlfs s ,re in all sizes up to 42; the
style is either high neck and long
sleeves, or low neck and short sleeves
Specially priced each $1.19
Full 27 in. wide, in shades grey, pink •
• or blue, Specially priced ..5 yds leer $1.00
In a ,food range of shades, :Full 56 int-
'ches wide and just new. Spally
priced .per yd . - .$1.49
In shades grey, mauve and blue .with
very neat patterns. Priced per yd. .55c
East Side
The:S ... --RAYSuare_ .. _ ...
r ,4.
o i . Mr. George Curreytsustained a serious returned o town. ger, Mr. D. I:.'allMer, manager, of
Complete in itself, Mother Graves ' loan one night l$et week *lie tins des GODERICH TOWNSHIP
IP Mr. Donald Horne. tars home from the Western Canute Flour Mills Co.,
Warns Exterminator 'doe3 not require throahing, and bad tbe grain piled n Addit n 1 Goderich Tp: news on page ?I' Toronto far the week -end. Ltd:, Toronto,. (shut., * d1 Mr. ,Bain'
the bars. T)uria tiro-nht te ;Noor +` -- FORCliff,'
the assistance of any other medicine + i Rev. and 'Airs. °Jest. liGanriaUton are _Works,
T: mgr:. a ii the: the wee Salt
have way and let the grata. down lute SALE' t°arks. Toronto;. sraerrt . week -end
to make it effective. It does not fail the basement, killing three cows, visiting in Stratford. •
I 1Ic51rnesville Cheese Factory: Mss. A.•J., Morrish of Clinton, was in Goderich.
to do its work. i Rev, P. Clydesdale, of Exeter. gave. , r Mrs. J. C. Stew tet, who vets out •
an interestingand forcible edemas in - Good Finck .Eiuticling, en() • a Goderich visitor last' week.
Also a . worm .can turn when ,its of-tewn the greater part of last week i
Cho Nile church Inst Sunday evenlnt; to nice Residence, soul sepal:- Miss •Dorothy, Carries.. oil Boston, judging. for the department of agri.
Ttac•k itches. favor ot the 0, T. A. We , expoo4• the! 1Mass, guest 'of Mrs. Caisse, culture, reports the the"'
stet or to;tetliei; ^ 1viriy is the
__.. _-- - i. - None , vote will do as they a silver,- A., - James Connolly Mrs. McQuarrie ; and; sons, Donald,' north of us looking in very fine s:.ape• i
done, vote right, and booattbe Q• T• A•. x ONT, deft for Toronto last week. to torn M.,. She wvas very •nrueh interested in the'
on the 23rd ofOotober: Ccll)EIZrc1I' --W r
McQuarrie. work of the children amlp, 1 . Tlic
on sun ay. eP • ,
-Specialties is Wedetiae Beaches
and Floral Dpsigas •
Phone 108 Oodarlch
Vke.aa SS
-Don't get your Hair
To make You Look
Get "June Night" and
d -Sept. 2ilth all the Mrs, jieg. 'Sharman retui>2ised' last exhibit .at Mount Forest especially,;
s BENMILLER churches of Bayfield 'charge will un- creek from a visit to her mother. in was something to lie• proud o£.
{--Bentnillerand Zion Sunday :schools Its° or•-antiiversary-seridees ai.aha" ,innipegr
_Mrs._ Peter slid' still _daughter
will hold their Rally Div aervienra next.. on church. Rev. Mr. Hedley, of Gee-
. i h Will ireach in the afternoon at -Mrs. Car'rte, Sr., is visiting obi. Marjorie, "of Dundasi motored to town 1.
Sunday at 10.80 and 3,J0 unlia respectively. er c I lives in Landon this week. en Mony the• 16th, visiting at °Blair-
Our teachers and Choir, pupils tassels he evening at ? 30 r Mr. Warden in Sr., •Cambria ltd. gowrse, the libme of'their cousin, Mr.
t gD d. Anes Alex. Satindels, and were guests at
AUBURN. Diana Judge and Mrs..Canseron an left on.' Mondays for Cobourg, the wedding of Miss• Agnes on Tues
Mrs and Mrs. Jones, of Detroit, their future home. - day, evening, Mrs: Rbid' and family
were guests at Mr. Robert' Acid's Miss Olive Tichborne was- v:isitiri were at one time residents of Ggde
last =week. in Bayfield last week, the•guest ot
rich; her husband' lieing snperinten-
Mr. Alexander McKenzie, of Her_- Heise Nan Woods, dent of the Goderich Organ Co„ Ltd.
of "Prohibition," will be .shown in- sall,;was a caller on friends in the Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Stewart leave
I Bethel church next,.$unday evening village last week. on Monday to attend the florists'.' cors-
or - LEEI3LTR 1 ,
et 7°30. Everybody cordially invited Last week Mn . Robert Asquith cad- vention la New York• ' Keep in min the Leeburn hoe sup.'
to be present. led on old acquaintances_ in the neigh-. Miss Lucy Sherwood, of. Stratford,: per. Date announced later j
boyhood of .Guelph, . event the; week -end v ith Mr. and ' }
The hem of the threshing math_
tended for. Inst `week) ine is heard all around at present, fir. and Mre. J. A. To , of Tororr .
grain is turning out "well- to, were week -end vis' rs at' f:l're `Wheat, per tog 1.15
Mrs. Tigert is suffering with a pain in - The be fining of this. week Mr. home of Mr. and Mrs. J, -E:. Tom, Oats, per bush 45 to 50
her band. was, per bash 1:40 tb 1 i0 `
- and illi,. Oliver •Clark of Goderich, Mr. sand slur's. Ralph Trow, ofrSkeak- •
Mrs. Dickson is laid up with a severe visited friends in this neighborhood. ford,, Were in town on Tuesday: atom& :Burley, per bush..... 7(1' to' T5
tlttiss of
itis. • Stgwart, of llettott, ,leas On Thursday a retuysaed mission. ins the Sanndera-Chapman wedding. Pa ent flour, p r cwtt. 3,90 to 4.
jbo_n Tisltln her rauct i)etgr, Mrd, ars from Chinas will give sir address bfr. and Mrs. Walter Mitchell, of Eran, per ton 291e(hto 30A0 •
on missions in the Methoda`st church Louisville,lhentucky, were guests at the `Shorts
Breton. •+ in' the village, home of t,lr. Wm. Stratchap last week.H,per ton
Last Sunday service to et, Andrews' Mr. • Robert Scott, who has been on. Mrs. H. Kerr,of Medicine. fiat„ seri • Hogs,pe er cwt
r n
Church watt devoted to the temperance an extended visit to friends in Tor- Mrs. George Tbbutt, of Hohneseille, p
cause, nto, returned to his homei the vil- visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. •Tebisutt aIa
Minnie i?lcksonof the Alejandra oige last week Tuesday.
be heartily congratulated. on winning
first place et the Carlow School Fair.
) Mr. iiarano, ot Japan; spoke at Ben -
millet ands Bethel Sunday schools last
Sunday, much to the profit ot all pre-
, sent.
i Lantern slides on the timely subject
Hospital staff, visited iter borne hereon The followrn1; Goderich Collegiate
;+donday. students, Miss Elsie Lawlor rind Mas-
ter Robert McLeod spent the week-
end under parental authority.
Howard Quaid, and Harvey Crawford, Last Sunday Mr. Peck, of 1tay1)e)d,
vs • of tins G. C .I., spent the. week•entl at visited in the village. There MustDOQdI -DQO"DOO their respective homes: be some attraction. here which brings
1 Alba litatltda Quaid bas gone to (retie• a young man -so -far and se f •
rich to visit her sister, Mrs. Vrooman, ly on such long journeys:. .
titter apieasant Summer spent with her
niece. Mrs. Sas. HoK. sle.
' Mr. and Mrs, Jas. McKenale attended-
ttendedthe decoration services in Colborne
cemetery on Sunday. .
They witt•make a ntnetyyear•ott
Wretch, feet like sweet sixteen.
Don't crowd naw! -•one at a time!
Not Bask et Commerce
Among the many Mende vim went to
Kincardine on • I ridast to attend the
funeral of the late Leelte Gown, were
)Rt, amd firs. James McMillan. Mr. and
Mts. ono Quaid,Mr. and liars. C. Craw.
ford, Mrs. Jao Benett, Mrs. T. Dick. Several from this locality rook In _ Mr, A.°E. Bennett, of Chinas.,, who sufferers are restored'• to healthful -
8012, Reg, McGee and Mary McKenzie. efficiency as former days, The at- has been visiting at the parental Iness, all the discomforts and dangers
The W. M, S. of St. Andrew's the Colborne children's fair Last Mo'n' home at Port Albert, left on his re -sof worm infection • are removed, and
church, - Port Albert, will hold their day'• They report it still holds its turn trip last week, satisfactory growthis assured.
annual thankofferiug on Friday, Oet, tendance and articles shown were M. Donald Murray and two chit -
10th, at 2.30 . 111. Mrs. Harkness, good. Apples were not sa plentifult
i rice
Crawford and her -daughte,
Mrs. Hagerty, of Oak Park, III:, are
visiting at, the residence of,bar
Knyvet Naftel.
Mrs. Abner Cosens, of Wingenne,
left last week on 'her return home af.
ter spending a few days with rela-
tives in Goderich.
Miss Evelyn Dougherty, youngest
The early frosts' we have area sure daushter of .Mrs. Nixon Douiflierty,
,indication. of. approaching white?. left this .week to attend, ,')meal
The large number of quilting bees in School in Toronto.
the village is a sure forerunnee of Jim 'V rn. Burnie and Mru. Tbisa*e
approaching events. Well, we will +Gouley and daughter, Hazel,:ltrse re -
let you - know what they are after-- turned from a pleasant visit with
friends :stock.
" a 'n Wood
3140' to 32.00
t .
fuo: to 10.00
9.25 to 0.23
Cattle. ordinary, per '
cwt ..... • M00 to. 5.5001
Cattle, export .. MOO to 6.50 ,
• (per ewe*.
Cattle, choice, per cwt.. 5.`50 to 5.001
Lambs, • per cwt..... 9.00 to 10.00
,Hides, per lb Ori to. 05
Dairy Butter, per lb 35. to 35
Eggs, per dos • 33 to 83
Potatoes, per' bush... 80 to SC
Health cannot!: bee ?oohed for in theo. 'v*)
child that is'subject tns, be-
cause worms destroy health by crest-
ing internal disturbances that retard
development and cause serious weak.
nese.. Miller*Worm Powders expel -
worms and are so beneficial in their
action that they eystensa of the little
pn are a ng s weep with her ' if she risks
president of 3dattlyand Presby#eru:l, awing to the poor crop this year. Mr. alae Mrs. ' , ather compleitionfon his coat lapel..
•has with her •husband is
will be present to address the gath- A large congregation assembled at the Col Wm` Birnie
*ring. Members of 'sister societies St. Mark's church teat Sunday. It Colborn. Apartmenbs:. After sill the most trouble a woman
'will also be pre cent. . program was the annual harvest home. The Maas Beulah Mullin,. tit Galt, was ingetting him
New will he given. L other churches withdrew their see -,town last weep attending. the Satin -1
The barn airy out buildings on the vices. The Rev. Mr. Luen, of 1 rrar ders-Chapman wedding at Blairgow, "
i r. 1fl beloaetag to James Stephenson, of eels, took charge. The church was tie, the home .f the beat-
eiat- i
Oodertoli, were totally destroyed by decorated with the fruits of the her- . Mrs. H. C. Dunlop and her guest, Cj fo Sal!
are poe day moistly. The piece is at vest. Blyth choir attended to the Miss Stove', have been'° visiting in
Dement occupied by George Ashton and praise services. The C011ectloti rim= Hamilton, Miss Stood returning to
his good crop of hay and grain was de ounted to over ;100.. her hamtl 10 Forest.
awrosed. The seighbet gathered was Isrr, toin'Clifford.Williams, Mountre of Detroit
able 5 was
some et the grain but $AY FIELD motpred up on Saturday, the .13th ,
scot bettors It visa damaged. Mr,•
.moa had some iasutanee on the build. 'On Sunday, Sept. 2Rt i, all the and remained to *Mend the Saunders-1
iapst but the crop was ei total loss. The churches of Bayfield charge will un- Chapman wedding on Tuesday. I
consent the Are is uoknoen but itis ite for anniversary services at Shari lir. and Mrs, Andrew Oliver, of
lit to hoe stettedirons .lamp on church. Rev. Mr. Hedley, of Cod- Galin were of their brother -in -1, will preach in the afternoon et law,„ Mr. Alexander Saunders, recent.
Fashionable;Models of a
quality you will ap•
predate. ,
:pall Crowns in lists of rift
Flowers rivet Plumage itt
Velvet, Velour and Felt
are leading Fabrics,
There is Style and Uipnits
i,t cowry lioo in correct
11cilli aryl for the Fail
Winter Season.
>aee*otion is Incited.
• it
A baclelor is x, man ttiho has failed "`.30 p. rte and Rev. lir. 'Widen in v. %el, metered up, and 'returned
t. embrsace oiplwrtunities, the evening at 7.110 p. rtr. ton Wpf, needs morning.
Hot} sed it is to raise and eductate 'A spescial and central sstrvlrs tort Mr. and Mrs. Rey Rumba!' awl
the whole parish of Ging .ki, '.►ill b.: Master Jack, Windsor, were in Gade-
a bey wbc can't shift gram without a held on :lunday tttotairrtr rte a sen rkb e,n Saturday, coming up from
-rattlt. I2 th, at 11 a. m., in Trinity ebat'ek,
a _ __ .. _ ..,. oaa Clinton, where they had bean vinit-
- Ilaiiterid Tide spoetat inhale,
thr thuhylgg wait Priatiag Is
fit tiK shier Cera
Tsetse soar 'Films with tut for
sopa rroalx.andprom1g eetreie..
We a?so catty a full,atoek
films aril printing material.
Noe is/ J. T. PELL
thin occasion will be the Yeaeerabt.
Archdeacon Hays. of Calgexy, Ablerel Me. ii, IL Chapluels, of the Mitchell
ta, one ort the many digidtarkw of the Advesett, seesistpariod by bis wife
Anttnean church tr.e t all over Can- anal .l mehter, Wro. Alien, were in
ads who will ba stumble the Gaew- teniae ata r the loth, sattendkee
ed hiesort to Miss AgFir Evaporatieg!
el Syecd of the
ebsre)r, width bet
Landes. Ot.,se
will hie Is
i$t.311 is er ilwela.
twoys t it1m, bat M
Ito suseis n liria ,airs sat
SOL 'roan iliac
ieo arrefoossad et "414 rrr
,ilea- eesetly.
t oR
fMoho ear
0. 1Cllsrtosi was UN
Alaat, dommtee tho s-
ea Ti..cday. the -
Immo ova Wates-
Aaayone wishing Grapes this
memos will please have his
,atter in early. (food cone
inerclai varieties. Hundred
pound lots at 0 cents pea Ib.,,
smaller quantities 6 coats,
Write or Call ea 0E0. LAITtf-
wsite, x.R. ito. l,(fluron roars)
or 'phone 91 oa e01. Orders
lett at Sturdy'% or lieey's
iv a to. be pronapt-
Fancy.. a. er
Walkin int .
The irnpression!-he gets of
your horse deei"des• she' itnprea•
•siou he. gets of you -or your. re-
finement, your. •good: taste, and
pictures. Cruor° than, anything
elsecan -make- home:. ---Lovely:.
Pictures on your wane.. bung in
harmony •with each other. .and
with the tt'rrangemeuts 0? your.
t urpiture. creates Cherneing•and
moot. oot. Hang Piotnres
•in your home if you wan* to be
to style, The Pictures yoneed
,to beautify your hoses are Isere.
Smith's Art and G Stare
East Street ' - nese )98
Now is the. Time ,
Biggest Assort in
To„ •
On the Broadway off Gederieh
I.will be pleatsed to' take sittings
of air citizens of ptoeeer age,
eighty years .. and over for a
Goderich Historical. tollei>eloa;
anti eaeh sitter will be present•;
with a photo of bltnee)f, elating
to be modem" Saturdays only
(late of Cwlph)
•Announces that, he has opened
"Up -To -Date Shoe Repair Shop
on Colborne • Street
it -t the -rear of the Dank= of
Commerce and is prepared to
do all lines of
Shoe -Making -and Repairing
..The Time Has Come.. •
When people realize that they
can get the best service sod
1 yaiue in Cleg and Pressing
G dsrich Frock $rr
. '
Phan 172.1.. H. VROOMAN
West Street
.0=00=0, .0=0,
Quality - Style -Variety
Appl Wanted
Prove: Mia M. le: i-
ii. Y. Aso -
HESE good features are all embodied in our,
immense stock of FOOTWEAR FOR MEN,
WOMEN and CHIDREN, and these features,.
c'2nibined with the policy .of one price and fair
dealing to all has made our store a popular institu-
tion as the "family shoe -store."
Our newstock of TRUNKS and TRAVELLING
GOODS of aI''I kin* at popular priest is worthy of
your consideration and inspection. \Ve invite you
to come in and look around at any time,
W. Reg. Shan