HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-09-25, Page 6Q PAGII 111E Aisiscesid*Evelle as* hislorg of the.EmPire• C*arle.s. anw Mayor *and when you heard him and Mr. Cameron lidding each other you would think there were 19-yearends. Always Ready to Act la the interests et Gedestich Mr. Alex. Sounder., the Lloyd -George it Goderich, was the next te be called on. Mr. Saunders was elm , Sept. 27 -The First Steam Reitroad inside Ana in mitside, was added U of four or five Ithe were bo la toSethe' - Ninety -tine Years alo. on the 370 the daily train a fortnight after th *t with Mr. Cameron. He referred et September, 1825. the Brat public openingrun. to the many occasion* when Kr. Cam- reilread tratin in the world to he The greet adveutagea of the nen eron had been,the spokesman for the drawn till A 'StintO locomotive 3aado , form of transportation 'were blame. town of Goderich and he met always, the advantage* of its inttltd-triP in th* north of Eng. diately apparent, and the carriage 01 able to present Jaya. mere/iodise between Stockton and Goderieh as a commercial centre and ... . . As far back aa 1176 there were Darlington fell from ten trents to lei: as a seaport in strong light. He lines of wooden *fl* b many. of the than half a cent per ton mile, whit( himself had token at *intoner stand . . t Britieh ,coniery districts, knout al the cost of coal in the latter towr when *Ivey from the town, and he ge prs tramweys, over wideli tracks laden dropped from ;40 to $2 per ton. was ure we could always cell on with coal were hauled by horses for The opening of the new ratilreae IudCanteronNto esent the elaims -, *bort distenees, and in 1738 rails of *rowed little beyond a local interest of Goderich. o matter whet quell iron were used for the Aria time. It, and although many other chart line, tion came tap he was always ready to IS03 the first railroad on which pas. were- soon afterwards built in. vats 'act in the interesta of Godericb. ious parts of Britain very few Pet, Ills Intereat in Gid Koox Church • IN the outskirte of tendon, but the colts 80119 "erne . THE GODERICE1 STAR 0 0140 tt• -04- v40)3°1100 0119,1.; tokrki. 'lots* votut aykol" se Pa**, cams se st tiger 1P0 THURSDAY, SEPT. Mk, 1934. NOTICE OF SITTINGS OF REVIS- ING OFFICERS fiN VAItto VI ITI:RS' LISTS A.T. lett and AMENDMENTS and Tile, I iNT %Rio TI l tNet: Int, lasrairi les-atilt:0 of • MIRTH • ittlitiN- Ni Mel,: tie ; file ItErlarst ; •i WED Elite The wane. that sittings of the Revis- ing offieers for 'the purpose of hearIIIK complaints or appears with regard to • the Voters' bids to lei used at the- Aet peninro for the electoral dis. • . voting tinder The ontario Temperance ..ALT ereeeya.... Rapine Hottetr, ASH- •ton, whose ailitese is R. 11. No. 1 Goths or, that the names of any persons who canNEttui LIBRARY BALL, SEA- aenritiennemti terletritellsItinisahye tivootttiertispilitriLbi‘tverif) triet td North Huron will he held at the • following Bars and places. namely: For Flavor 11 inaiea on o , Ile" Aim. IMO Always fresh and pure. *". Sold only in sealed aluminum ps.oltate, WI Rev. Mr. McBermid* moaned as it . _ • •• f' '0 f r e boeit PIWIUMet d to really(' the great fut. F11.3.1) on the VII 41.w of sentember FORTIE on the :lath day of Septeinber, rloar (hiss h1'Tor alirs were anthill by horses. During nte et the °teal* , young man reeding of voters for all the potting sub-divis- of voter f the next few years several steam lo•F was not until the opening of the LW. it, dress by Mr. Cameron in the Rouse of an eloquent ad-, - — solute truth all the kind th4t cornotivem were eonsttueted for haul- el'PeOl *04 Manchester ItsilwaY -locomotIve-- and -it 192t lo.hear eeinplatios os toe lists 192i• la bear Torneleints as to the lista holding the above sittings,: IteelY. emu plain- or-appeal-tositme- his name- or • ...... ' Commons, and when he came here he had been said he Might thingscomeut tIle it?ul ttlti tll'' Tux1°.11111 °f Ashf°Al. al°1 • sitnts ift°,1•:.1t.h(leer,,r;1117,11121',IPtPiceja6 eilifc:11/71u.gail.L.t telnieoleian.irsoef tatty other person etinred • age wet:: in the eell•eries,.blit they 183() that the world awoke to the fact felt his knees knock together to see conclusion be Was neer positive per"' Clerk. wit be c hiii.'*alelioicglian•illiliszis. the Revising officer and, that his elerlit Aishi aistrr(ii1,1ktma'telltFlib;s1141C10 all piswie! ls ser•rfactoty and far that a revolution in the 'methods of so clever a public sneaker sitting fection, but no man knew better than „Ti it; erg! Ite-Ntp.pYLViits, (ioderich, th 1' i' v.11.1:3eto rewrote thvas tht travelling had taken place. It we: .,.,.,.,... ,It(Invne rprs, subonessiona for the twits,. -,... - - t ,,,t - church had been maintained unfalter. get; he alvitty* did his best to let him Township of TurnberrY. and that Sher- - tut horse, should be 4ed to boo the lit today, the numerous improvemente the great edventage ' to be derived: in desige, material and mechanical would regret to leave behind would made a Platforin to get in on and did 11;4, 1st ikd'al.(41Noieit'eUb4011: 1121:1,UtioANhleeallr 1 14,268° On. the 'it'iPtif tioY Or epteinheic ests o'rills-ii*P4terelt-el: "'.....):1.92.1. be the church of his boyhood. He not usually think much about it • eomplalots as to tip frets et voters voters for all !the ic. moil. a i . i to hear compiaints In* re,the lists of (airborne. September 22, 1911. evineed a rnarked distrust Of the sefe- IlevNing Officer and his Clerk will be land whose addresa is taointesta a• " I''' f' ePliorINNI;tii; 1:7:!: trlee.a.i.1:7s. aulteiliCii:tktrp:.,, :A:7 revfe. tle.e. :31,.19:2.1. of his interest in and support of the -Iv pulling„nsti.'r ittls4P111:1111°1 -* 'Woi.UltioaTe°,willostiril; from stem* tieetion, and wee given, construction. • ' ould sneak with equal earnestness again. The question of the tariff on- f_oor4111of alowituett, tberenl,c11„1:111! Ctin, t.01.1,, 14,i;\t‘i,:itso."4.e:1,h. : 49:: cif the mew i 'Victoria made her first railroad trip , . e i a 0 31 * free hand. He solved the meaty 1 Pi4. many Years the general publicly meant a difference of a few cents. t" , .„, „ atallehe the Mg offieer and tits e e k $ N* 1 'T 7' 91. poblems whieh had !baffled the elev. ehureli as others heed of his Mterest The politica of today welat much bet. '-'"a'st "e*-'sd'asc Otttierleh- • Its of steam traetiom end when Queer ,W..N. Galbraith, whose ad( ' • • -11 crest acientists end engineers of the! .' - in the. fown. Mr. MeDermid spoke al. ter than in the poet with all their bit - in his plates in the eburch, but he sbintself his oWn froiltiee d l• an a Ins n AT Tilt'. ToWNsiIIP HAI 1 • BLIT 1**raVirtil. address Is R. R...No. 3 loieenOvii! NT THE TOWN HALL ; In tbs. prescribed form signed. by ouch appeal neus.t he. by're;tice Ittssinlio ateNity, whose address is ,.....___„,sosessosthesstmittin_ancnaiiington structed his famous iron steed, "The togtogirei!P-11 •tto - the Wilt tlay of Sef.tertibe.r.u19filleiliAtl •ItlilletierttarAiraoltrtihne dliggiarie 3iive” besseolrawn tramways. foe this railway that StephenaOn eon- found the kindnies of hie heart and life. Ile ltad had a stormy career in YAW.' on trio 1st "rity ' which embodied all the prin- pi; Save him confidence. lIo.knew pditical life . Ilia old friend, Mr. hear 'coniplaints. 1St' tit; ritwaY seherste woo sanctioneil*by'•.Rnet;et'''' enlaints as to t liste of voters foe left for him oelds whirks ts 411174 411: for all the polling *siitioSitislons'iol'r rh; ge Cameron's interest in old Knox Campbell, would never Jet him for. ' iamerit ift 1822 it was intended clines of the locomotive as we know The•fast (lays for delivering' 811,01 0.1)- 1ff 11. G. Iles -noels, will be the Ilevloing Godeetell v,i17,Whtle %V 41/at •4:1" 14ect5"'r' it.!.1lashOlgt Netv140s.Vertlicoill be W. IL. and that his Clerk' ,IIT b7111411.,Sle°1fille" rals am as f°11°ws; iodericti, September. 23, 1921 being chiefly a. gridual inerease-in to -one .be, the Old families of-Goderich keen .,/lint -out of passrliaMe.nt. 'What a i ess R No • • " veer, Ong through the years. He belonged know that he hod done his best to wettreefe,but George stepttensen,smit , elleeted. sieriog, the past 94 • ... . son whoReAti-411:egs crh54,11, . Brussels. September 22, 1921, Al• • t 43 and power- with an impro.vement an he knew one of the thing% hi were PolitIcs after all. - A tY isiMMUNITI HALL, essaano., sep era er sing the promoters of the line with' Rise great engineer, succeeded in impres• or • nen i wird- fur th ()Minty of Huron. liess Is NS g- BACH SITTIN14 v..111 commencP at fq Hated this 10th day of September 19sf. 1 *th • 'clock, the forenoon and milt eoit- day, and cortstrueted a locomotiVei • _AT TILL TOuNS1110 BALL, MORRIS Rene anti 12 oiclockAtoont or• until 1+H °Mind. . • • duty it was to sopervise all the rov' onlfroin to Windsor in JUDO ," 11342, the master of- the horse, whoss • ,vice to the conurnizilty and the ;Isis politieal oppOnents; adirtired (thurnh which vats -a Alva asset them for having an opinion; he dia. A on the iird day of octoher 1921, to hear the appeals have been disposed of • so of' Mr* Canieron and her ser." -ter fights. - He did not•quarre •vo 1.10 • erencatatuis as to the lists" of voters ter 'ANI) Vt'aliflitit TAKE ,NOITK0S. that 11111W Urer Troubled tier which -proved both efficient and ee At the opening of theoraileoad 02'1 journeys, went to the station in ad- an her going would leave a large riot care, for a jelly fish. A man's ail t the 27th of September, 18-5, Stephen- I vanes and subjetted the engine to F gan in fine leaderehip in all the aeti. duty Was to- take Part anyway; he Township et Morris and that D. Motion- that his name or tbe name of otes Roe. For The. Past Year .w sub-die:Mena for the any voter who ilessres- tor sompioes vities to whloh she lent her service. must form an opinion Ile had never .01(.1 Weal iiegstrar C. Godooleit son email er to be entered on the said Miss Peelle le Mack, nom Cowry -will be the Revising (greet` andc his lists has leiNi emitted from' ttife wen= N. wee awfully trete And he thought too of that bright made a personal enemy out of a pelt- clerk wit be A aleEvviin whowi address son drove 1)144 lononotive on its rirst I critical examination. On the arrive d 30nrneY, and hauled 'at train of 34 i of the queen at the station her coach. little girl always giving a cheerful tical opponent, and to tbat he tali- Is Bluevale. • bled with my liver, this last yearpr Orteed ranging front 10 to 15 *Bestride 'omit the engine to see that it gtveting - to these whom she knew. bated his retaining the friendship of AT TUE TOWNSHIP HALL GORRIE, • • . •and - need to get such &Pi He was delighted to add his mead of men like Mr. Campbell. on the tinb. day of September ,19•21, at would hem to sit dorm while I" wee vagons, at -total weight of 90 tons, at linen insisted that it was his .duty ta 2 m to hearsitymplaints as -to -the listo . an hour. TSe line was originally in- , was driven properly, but his restyle*, congratulation, of voters for alt the polling sub-divi- Degan's oystent of Tone+ doing my work. In the raorningt when • tootle(' for the conveyance of nBnet.' dent livery of scarlet and gold, white ,1 Judge Cameron dosed by again P* - stone for the Townshp or Hawick and TS•elxlewri.ting 1,4 l'intt, Ilt elusively in ther. Th I got up,my tongue was coateao_ and 1 1 hed a bed taste nr. nty mount, end ale and freight °Inn, but paseent4gers (wee and powdered wig suffered $« .51r. Harry Bothwell ,, stasxneliroeu"siridgenlboistuitthraantikosn foofr tithe' sePv°enn: thot--1118-41ortoor-indge LOWAS Will be . • Last of all, 'keeping the best wine] said about his wife. She had been Ieoolilipoiraatts:se to the lists or votere tor his guiding. star an4 one of his great, "IP VIIIVP of Wroxeter amt that. Ills * 111111.1111/10V5 with accommodation for '21 people, r -trine, - - ,, - "The Low -backed Cai." to the elljOY., he appreciated equallY what had been oa the orq ady of LJ 0414'r 1921 to hear --...... ment of all. ' "'Zoe (instant tt 'if bette • Lewis wirr be the Rcesis- on a 1.1 oftentimes I oak:troubled .wykPoling. uce eamege- tronv-sooteegreasn-ane-eMs-HarrY-Rottovell-was-next-eld---1-1C- He Wag' "Ulfahlesto put -intOsians lite -Be% ming' Oftteee and-hlif Creek wi it • he Nir4 (1 E Walker la.litiee address is . . slistrret! ise ties ' In my idomaili:- were ear,ried fro* the very fffitt • h a and the public demand became sr ;flying sparks that he waived his per- led on. Ile begged to be excused guage his heartfelt appreciation of ' 1 autraved in this woe mita a friend . tiorre.** • "" great that a regular paasenger coarNegetive on oll future royal rallroan from a speech but contributed a song , what" neat been said and done: And AT THE TOWN- lealsh. WROXETER, Schooi of Commerce ot. pline"vil° bad ilesih "ur ' ' CCHITON, VIT. Baguet to His* - w lionOr Judge Cameron larilliant ability, his erudition, hie the to n And now, as he was psis- , . to the Iiiet the'MayOrseelled on judge! joys waS that she had.presented him , smit to another sphere of life, ing Officer *and his Clerk.gmill--lie F. school ao why not register now bit' CasnerOn. •jwith a. little girl out of whose society Davey whose. address, is NISroeeter.• for the fall tern). • School' . • Corittnued-train page' 6) - e .wou ( no on y, a • go u ge 014 °N h I I t I be od J d ' Canter I At the tone raints as to the lises of, voters for. all . . his *warmth of heartassumed us that "I am embarassed," said Judge .1, 0.., ...... , he Polling aub-divisions for the Village - ' -. COLTIISt8 -- told me reboring meal ON& i then, "h v much so I am unable rem e .g.tt gatbering Joined in singing icor nes ot ntyth and that Win:. Coafs• Registrar Stenographic ' 'Commercial decided = eosswand try them, end. • th - est of the evening the standing men. Judge Cameron was hint to yet a higlter'sphere of life. you have expresamd and by •yaur 'at- L 4 b" • knowledge of law, his independence he had taken So "much -pleasure. elettIOHIAL HALL, OVA -Tit on the ' Judge Cameron Replies- •• lusion of the address .30th «my or Septeanber..11)211. to hear cone reopens Tuesday, Sept. 2, 102111 LAXA-LVER •'PILLS — Inn he felt that his ability would call to etcpresse at the extreme kindness a Jolly Good Vellow" and closed with Goderioh, will he the Ilesisilig Officer -1 . an is Clerk win be •ses 1 eit4 tru y say that tilos certainly.. 134. oteGowen Searetalial Special Cots 1"Auld ling •Syne." I, nor is youn daughter to Kay, of love." The impression on the 2nd day of October 191 to 'hear ' leatvieg vrith the heartfelt good •111 wis • Nor it we forget his noble wifewhose address is Blytti. * es of every man, women and Child to- whohad h ' tributeal be all wed tndartce in such large numbers to pay ALI„ BELGI1NVIs • For inforniattina applito Wind them tool Itighatesell who Th • d' t,of the other. e pe ing spin. g AT POI -MINTERS, II helped all forward moves *ofrespect, Y ling was one of geniality and friend- . 'wards himself, his goea wife and his meats h• dla Me I let ef Z' maatroserecorn-J • s in and the many personal tril3utee complaints as ------------------ voters for 13. r' • W"D' B.A.' PrrIneiPal" . ere "fftlelSC 811'1' " Being president of the bar associas seemed to have prevailed, ne contin-t 1-• 1 Sheriff Reynolds, who was next eel. a speech, but no one was znore °lade the event one he will not ,seort s • behalf and also for the people of the Ina aerte---eee•-ersinate eto lam, 5,10setttieslighteat .doebt-hutetliat-Judgeedore. four doya before he made a apeech e ,._.._ xoTERs_us P. T No. I Relent:se • History Repeating Beef . tion of the ceuntY he sltoke on their ued, that be, had extreme joy in mak-ftn Mr• Clunernn from .old friends all the polling. Sub -divisions. ter tit M. A. wroNE, co ' enni *are' Milltatstit tux - • cbarming (laughter. forget tn. Coats, Ilegletrar, Goderibb will be• * - • • t114. 0P 00IY Tho Milleaka Co.. town. of Goderich. We had not the • a awanos aod That led en, Said, in. looking about, be fail- nervoulethau himsdf and for threeshor , • --eza . . • rta-e., be a, Limtteili • Tor•itisni. Oat. • , „ _ the Revising Officer ono hie( are& will • ' • -„- • • Porterfield, whose addreseis 11it 7 m. patio st T ownehp or st W • h " • Vice -Principal Pbooe"198 Liver • I bY ' er deal"' • onin had paned thole meridian. • Ile was eouelly and irritable and den; ermt would do honor, to the position, •••• --AT THE TOWNSHIP-. MOLL, WEST-1,- 4111:01- sitS11011= mie_oid gAenrotwweatts rtiame_on to owineet on a dark night, CtLERK'S NOTICE oF FIRST.POST1NO SNAWASTOSII, on the 30th day of freer- ae ratArail Ione' from looked at Mr. Canmbell an at the ceNt_ own-*Attorney---ana-eyenturctrine-- . wiii -tvr-effer -lds -flank's I " . enlhr 4924 to hear-neraPlanteesste-the - JrlzIu 444 Mr • eiatnment that they could not be beat -t. • „.„ t*Phell ' with the -same feeling of nervousness vsees*,nsi sisoSsO21-, MUNICIPISLIsrx-- 1`....,sisIttstoonifosvoolfteeaern.adifhotisaTatlostinsehrepitipponlloin(teiNiftlyneh-s.t Rey - vi, in their several walka of' life in Mr. sleek meDermid again favored that had always attended bird, ASIIFIalb-.1.1a TOWNSHIP, COCNI.'Y Wavvan . k Ontario or Canada. ,with an Instruniental selection, after Could Never Forger Gedeileh • uF 11131°N.," b • lifide:UleitIeriett* will be the Hevitting fer- Notice la hereby given. 4I..4, aNe cer and iis Cie - fl°1•Ii‘A‘Cil' SITTING. will except as,: other- 171 ' haps im was the only person present moved sbuggestion as that, surely. Ile Mentioned in Seeithioeneoppioefs trvtieit.uOirneciterbioy itted or wise -above 1 .0 , . - ' 0-. ' uek- - ,--- . tY-Stix YOU'S ago ite attended. a ban. on. Ile said he felt it a great 'honor quet to Air. Cameron when he was to do honor tei 3udge Cameron. Tom . • • . leevitig. for Toronto to. practice. IOW -pohor gathering; ,1wir aeiroeoct. ila;',Idteritseteltioatt,st ALL. be so tettnsm delSered or the liat. made pursuant to colck in the forenoon and will roetintie * and Only three of the tnvineibles then w • -Mo y suc a tidid riot low for the town where told Aft.at all peritorra appearnif (33 until 12 o elOok• noe.n or until the op- 0 a known Ir. Cameron from Rich pile fahrics;•sbaggy cloths, Canters hair, Novelty wool eloths in cut cheeks and- flamingo,. are, the fabrics .3. wilt be Duryea Plait- . History' was repeating itself;-thir. Forget Goderieh? teehody made tranemitteil or delivered te the persoos tips whose address is R. IL Al • Mr. Wm. Campbell was called h' • • preeent were present tonight, IWr. childhood. Sheriff- eynolds had he had spent all his life,. and whieb the last reNlsed aseess)nent roll o the k,,oseci . • Mr. Sc and himself. go• bhome of his respected said municipality to be entitled to vote • AND SURTHER A.4SE NOTICE' that • grametion, —----------------------------Perhs it had beeo the • • ...Sheriff Reynolds then sang the same wona h"g hrt w sire and his mother. He would be ar iho .r.egi.44,otive myhis natnes or 1,11,' *me of env . . 1 - td ale[patit, at elections for any voter who desiree to co I th t titled to be entered on "the isle 1P:tisi ..; - song he meta en 'the oeeeelott so years that the first haitquet he had attend-:. of fitehicia Furs vary,from long baited mouHoe ed. was some 66 years ago, one of the roots associations of tenderness, and said list vas first posted up 01 my office has been entitled therefrom Or t-IntI Ulf; 2% POW dyed opposums emit at Municipal', etectioiss, mad that tile en names' of anY Persons who are not en.- II . A tu b t • * d 1 %ago. •Ile adttlitted it was somewhat poer type of mart to tear up by th! • of an experiment, but ate 'experiment greatest banquets held in this section - end remains titled to be voters, are entered thereon„0 u inn roe nit% totno. gm), sma , b aek.eta. : .4 aod beaverine. C,plora inelai i e the opening of the Buffalo Juni Lake affection of the ardent and cherished' in lho township or Aentierd on leti, day la.f.hdae y_beNtore thealays fiXes0-'11+ - - - ' ' ---- •-'-"--- 7 - - - - ----------- •-•-•:"--- ti ' Ms Worship Mayor Gallovi expres• ef " affections' „et many years. - He would heroSeittemOeinZn. r,41924 be parting with menus fee wuwu.ia itTteialS-•eii0.1 'ineln all voters to Ifill)tt•Yliteelfalitn eeemed to please everyone. for many a year, on the oceasion above sittings a pre, aston a the at to to o the hope that thirty-six years ItOroh railway in 1851 lin Was had the ldghest and most tender re- stake immediate. proceedinge, to hoNe corm:dein er-appeal to have his-Ltrie •Great Special• Purchase of Misses here for another banquet and then he There WAS a long' building extending . e, A° could not point to anythirig of t" ." ' • or removed from ine lists. E, alcinyearitti . seteh appeals must be by notice in writ P110110 Was net honestly • - -,•-- • - complainant in duplicate and gita•it to —•-- • from. ;pow Air. Cameron •Iwould he young roan of about 28. years then.,gard. , errora or onntelone corritetedacenriling or,thorianio of any other persOu entered 95 tint, $15 50 . on: "our emineut Crown real significance he had brought tc I/nte4 1?"4"Ptecni;er Mtn' ILI" • AND PURTIIER TAKE NOTICE' that $ • - At„ front the west side of the court house torte." e out to •the street and. men were here the town of Goderich. rt was not be- *reverts tip (Reil(. •lug in the preseribed form signed by the from different parts of the States, es. • F• moat.' Unetu,1- Citizen 1.pecially from Sagioaiv, aaboats from "U" e II "o• N "Mt OF sun POST1Nt" • • Mr.. Seeger said one thought per- Saginaw used to col Goderich made. He id xsot loolc upon himself CLE . the clerk of the Revioing °triter. (R` it•rt with hint at tils address as above slat- ss. coded tbe gathering aod that was of there Lord Elgin, the then Govern- as an extreme optint* ist and 'he .had VOTEite Lisl • • WOMEN Georgeous :seals ea pure ;4,in ; colors eongratulationa and good wishes or General of Canade was here. not lost faith -even yet. In forty tds3•T. 19Sie alCNIVIPALITY ed. atr GOUILItn. TON‘Nsill0 ta.atraTy The• last days tor, delivering suer/ ap- • Or. N nea oldest preSent and a short time troll More than his old 'friend, Wm. ment,a but he thought he could see the Notice is hereby Iota that I time Mtifield-See,teetnger, 25th 1924 * -Coats--' ext tO Alt. Campbell be wee one of No one congratula4d *Indite cam_• years we had had many disappoint.. ItiltON. peals are as ISillows,• inetude plain, mauve, -whet., ease •50 • of lad at the Colregiate who wag a politically. mr Campbell said ne intraenastin4itted or ilelivAed to the persons Tuenherri-s. Member SUM filie; 1. • potpie and black. nileailet NI in Melton a of the Ontario WilkOkun, September.27th Mt • • • after he came. Goderich he beard Campbell, and hie greatest opponent -bright lining to the Cloud and proa• • • , peritywas shout to dawn upon us . •very deem.. hoy. and in a debate at wa • monis we developed the natural resources Voters Liot Act the copies required - attember 30th 1924 a one of the -most prengnent and bY taid sectimas to be so.transotitted or•itolek'-Se•P ember 25tn ' smolt to • Wroxieer,-September 30th tan ' - the school he was. to lead One slate, se active oppenents,of Xudge Cameron's underneeth us. These were cepa le • E. N. LENVis 11 would result in ankh development in the said municipality at electtons for Out county of Iluroa. - ver speeeh and through all the yearsi late Mr. M. C. Coniaeron always re. from Mr. Cameron which, uplifted our the citizens of Goderieh would miss carried to coTpletion. we vo and at municipal elections and Viet the • handsome body ,and heard a very cle- that thoUgh opposed,the „ • was glad to say there .likeli- saki A6' of all 'persons appearinq 4dYth--Scestember, 2eth- itelt . • - 11 Re 4 .•he went to hear him, and saw a very honored father, and he always • found of onarvelloils ' development and he delivered o Rho list, made pur • the last revised assessment roll -or ,s,,,10,1;Owanos11.-,,,Sitrember Sent fiss4. 0 a ady to Wear Hats for Women and Misses a $3.75 to $5.95 hood of somethIrtg occurring' that said niunitipatits to be entitled to vote between we had heard minty speeches ntained his friend, No one among - de te members of tbe Legislatise Assemlity Chairman of the Election Ward: tor • • • . awanosii Sep embe,r, 27,pr 192I "heart* and belped us and inspired us Judge Cameron more than he and he thitedthis 12h day of SeptenibtfrA.D., se -f!--- • outrse.lse•ess tO et is *nod lake sew list was •fIrst posted, up at my VV W4 th e -ar the " nly sources from office in Lite township of ttodertch on •by their brilliant power. • did not think he would ever pass his hish s est, vs.,. einwet iinv real the tth dal or 1..eptelo &, Lo L And Mr. Cameroe "had been a moet °Mee without corning in to have a ot-nd- neren- e-oe--ot-'ile- o-r-0----oem-en-t.--• ..vis --e mairia fiir aper*. non' ., * I '' '' mitefal citizen of town. lie had eery- chat with his old friend Bill Camp. - - And I hereba• call tioon all voters to bad not been able to make much protake immediate proceedings to tette any ed us as mayor and metriber and in bell. Ha hoped to see him back again e ndtt trialli We r r tera- ' * 1 r ( I . ((Tore 01 ornis.011:4 tO ree..ets ,a:( Ord. rilltnY ways he had served the town and that he would leeve his bones in plIChrie81114. toostiorore-ky, Attiewetede -byee-^ree. to tow, well and we had all tome to look up- Goiterleh when the tame came. son Of the non -development of the Iktld. eettenlinr. Zed), ION . en hint as ono of the institutions of i When Mr Canipbell set down the H. (;. THUMP:ea IN. THE °START° VOTERS' LIST SteT magnificent stream of *atter that wee Royal ladies Ready-to,Wear COMPANY • 11 East Sitio Square • Township Greek., 1922 and AMENDMENTS and Tt1.11S sgollsitO - • ways when its) EY atm SODA passing our doors. oNTAIII0 TEMPEillANCE ACT, WS. ..reactrw-0-1-190acto nal*: OF FIRST DOSTINII • Moat DevalOp Local Patriotism or VOTERS' 1IST. No subjeCt should be aee. more gen- nklet' 1..45T lift% Nit'Ntopm.rrl • ELEeTottAt4 ittinTitIeT onf • • • GNISTRE. letrittiN - - •*int interest than local patriotism; on entitt itesg. "is AnNollite(-et at:.• isS • • ....-...... ' • without it, to use thevulgar eapres. -1)1,' Ill'ilo. •. •• TAKE NoTICE that slitine. of.7 tee'. ' don, the jig was up. *And Ave. mUst Notlee is berebS elven that I hate. Revising otrieera • .fkr.. the' purpotoi of ' • _ all unite. With one class taiking one! transmitted or delivered to the persens ,hearing emnplaints or (*Peale,. wth ef" r _ se c Mir 9 or. the -a intario earth to . the Voter,as lists to be used at -• view 'and another to nothing 11•%etlePrii hi oters Dist .ket, the ii.iptes requiesil the Voting under the Ontario Tem wok accomplished. ''Wemelts have by eald seetioris to he SO ItOnStilittOd Or nSI'anee•Aet, 1921,.pending tot the. Fleet- more of the get-together spirit delivered 0 ttlte list, math. purstimit, el er.d lastriet of CENT*: HURON will be Don't go on with anything until you said -A1 t. of altpersons aerie -teem ny lield-at.the following times-. will •pt tees, '. . ,,,lie, last it assessment roll of the namely: • have cona!inced es triany as possible ' „j a ,„„ra, s,,,,et, to lie .0111111141 141 V',41 ' AT '1111.1 Val AIM 114,1 'eS. ' Co attailt.11 The trooble was to get men together.- iii: iii;;7,7iii";1----; ;kit tit munieipat eteetitieiliv•t; 18t1N°t°!4 on the 25111, 261.1i; 2111t. (kiss of sej I. ' • e411110r, ittl tt) IOW' tomplainto tt% to olio , Ile had failed larnentebly to induce tie trinan;-: 11-1T111.4:iii'311e1tisFlaalt 41i.7.1einnam '' P ' men of terse property to come for., snit. 1,11444 illi ititit Itili‘ii. Itistis nif yitera for all The peltittat titiioti- They feared . losing , custom. th*t , 11: 4` At I II e If IWIP.111 t) of taiitiirae ,Iiii (Is *t .ite'athelr'.11'4.!?‘ivtitillil11.114as41174" edit' 111,401 ' • ward Find offer themselves for onice.- S'il3 HS. t .V34. 11 . B41 itlIzt;n12,01 1111144.1141 P. leptionlier li)21sund ris Resisirig ottleer anti his eterk will lie 1. Was not the way to look at it. Ige 1 L. Enos, whose addrioesis tiodetilisi. Man. would tote a copper doing hie • .1.i°1 1 1°11'44'1' c1411014;41!tilni.' i ‘': AT Till.: TOWN HALL. 1,11USSELS on simple duty. , It woo. avoitt a men did 1,,rliti.:;r12.1111t:elii,ttlitxsselri:liteseinlinesat.o.11•41'lerrSti51;4' .11,0 eish oso of septaabee tont to neer eerrecied are.aril• remplaints ,oti to the lists. -of vote's+ whieh 'counted. . Met together ,end- .t. . .-tet harmoniously. Talk about your Ittleil Seeteinher..20t11, 1921. ' . tor an the redline *Merit143ns for tha ' manufacturers and . town aunt get ' • ADIS. IlliTiliellINGls, .311dge tii,W1S. Witt he the Iloit4hor ilf- ,NillAO of liettsSetg (Vali that lias renew trade for them. , . Towiship tark. neer and 11i44 ('101* win be A, II. th it... (.aileron referred to • the ditt • . i11...i0•1---i,,x"-x•ifrit,-.3-.; iir plits„ --, ,,,:- moliabi viiiosc, i.ottir.,,ss, as IINNtit.l.t.. 1 PI t:.:11N4i,. t,T THE litI,VNSIIII) IIALI" MatII..' malty of getting at boat to call here t tin V44 0EliSS 1.I7IT. , It v.•aiii, partly ottr fault for our effort .va ti 1.8» 1,IS4 SO -21 'Mr NO 111.1,1.11'Y' .'!!,1!tilii:la‘ iIi'llts444Y14041II114;41'14bstPsr.t rale 14: 'rsli'l'44tIT` heft been erismodic. He thought WE 'fir wtisT '1.1 111 taitSTY ail the 'hating ,Mliotli‘egtions MO, Vic had an averument with the transpor- "F. 11r11"N. • • • Ttivlftlii or tree (torl that His ituenr. tation romperties- la the amount of , Nettee IS 401411)," 1142011 111.0: .1 neve ,iiiiige leavie troderielt *All he the ",t..4It trdc1h11IclW1112:;1iill1L°fth.‘•'+1("N214iOgtffir:411ttti)1!:rk.vitlrea4ii1 Mrihgsvebetlway..1:tttt4441411t4.ei;i-t:41,141gii1.:,Ar‘ilii..4111s‘7:7ti, 1Goaric:tavehot.tR.axl. 4,tre,,a11‘,t‘‘ai.,is.,,14ii.r:ltiT4NilA,s1i:iiit.:It,..1 lionand a quarter revenue in **tent Mlle 11.4ot • ,totembe4? teat. tie• liet the tith tio 111 teplembr. 1321 te 140.14' °We tho rallwaY allewidn't we get et an peNene entitled te vete 441 The , (.1 1111Phl !raft Re til the Met% a vol,•rs • peeihni. back notiesthing le re tarn in the way "yd mtmrt iolity 1.44' I'1 '4" oaf i'er- foe sit 140. Poilitig-Mhdivittiort5 for 11,, a • it boat tarries fro an allied _ lament and7st Mutie•ipill eAettifatet Snit .TOM01{ 44.Sreforill and that 15. ItsHes- A Vint - I /tell 1 1 ennitlile• Mere ter tn- ileitis. ilielieleh will he Resisine offs. •i• pony. And tie at argument. ap.• and 10. (leek %HI e._ A. a oei . plied tat the C. P. R. This eltouid be .and I he y fall upon all veterat to whom additive 1., Araforth. plasised ta the bat alitai . lo hAvi' ss AT TOWNSHIP *HAI.L. 411111.0W en . i rillrik :el: de affinit- th,T4a, sae so. faisissmasis Han lo hear Whet seelPallSioo After All? lt.t lo%.,• oao en as to the Pets of isitere fer -Wassaltelah lids loth :My 1;t71:1110iirkiiiat siatedtvhdon for the town Joke Cam • att MI lied a 1„71;0.17j` orlamett of int"itarerweb. vie anniliviend 4:. 4inifreorr. .i' -l.' INISPOO/60 MPH 41,1141 oborats,itag ow nt. V is bollivi ea ai- Cant a WO* Wit‘‘,tirokti. Ms Clerk wilt br MT.I. ti J. treth.., log • IstIlMt PIIIIIA.tra. I II 4. GODERICH 11 .1:01:10, 44 *MP Enameled Ware bes the smooth surface and polish of fine crockey—without the break- fage. And it is so very easy to clean *—just like china, and therefore •ttakes light wOrk of pot wahing. Try- this test. Take an slap Enameled Ware sauce paw and—an all -metal sauce pan of equal size. • Into each pour a quart of cold nter. Put on the fire at the same time. The 14.11P saute pan wiH be boiling menW when the water in the other is just beginning to simmer. *Allt* « 1 ?oomph& mot * Heart et Siete tube imeawai Pearl Woe awe men et made mama neat, aste +1211143 Mir welt .04 with AZII 41000tiMilki! fi•IP. ~sr toowtotaat. rinopero wtotostesee gatatiterate Waft Matalheare •