HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-09-25, Page 5i THURSDAY, SEPT. Mk. 1124. A. STY LE TO liti•IT EMERY HAND STUDENTS I Why do witho(it a good Fountain re r. Let us. show you our extensile stuck of Swan, Waterm ata and Parker Fountain Pens. 11 CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE PHONE 90. THE SQUARE Banquet to His Hon. end a Cameron Tributes of Esteem from OId Friends of Coder - WI and Presentation of Silver Tea Set • HE IS STILL OPTIMISTIC FOR GODERICH —Development of Wealth Lying under Our -K. -et and of Our Lake -Traffic Goder'.ch's Hope• --Urges Patriotism • and Co -Operation. A memorable event, one, as His I He was a good mixer and his doors Worship Mayor Gallow, put it, from • were always open to the people. of; which other. events may be dated in Goderich. . _ future, was the farewell banquet to A Man Among Men His Honor Judge . Cameron last - . It was friendship which -brought -"us Thursday night at the•Bedford Hotel.' to the gathering. Friendship was Some eighty of the citizens' of Godo- defined by the Greek philosopher as rich assembled to spend a spendtime one •soul' in two bodies, and this feel. with him and to . express their "Imre- inghal brought, her to do elution of the many ways -1n which he hnor' to -the guest o°tf • heevening. and Mrs. Cameron have seryed the he, could•ttot pYsise the man as those town of Goderich and their sense. of who had kno`lifflilm for a longer time loss at their departure. for.Coboytrg,! c , but ouldwhenever' be heard Mr their nein home, where Mr. Cameron' Cameron speak he fee= he was cap- • takes up -the dutieesopt:.+'u ' -of_. a xble-of ng newt dee- --Re was counties of Durham and Northumber-i going to ogd�� land. The . Pervading spirit ```of . the . enti al l depart a littlegg front the • cone gathering; was one of_genign �md-t entidvic and was going togive a lit- tle Advrce<-1+ those m iligiL--pla.� inendebip end- the many personal' there were always precipices. Mr. tributes- Ao_-Mr Cameron Iron --eld __.. r friends made the event' one he will Cameron had been honored A e p a i o- not soon forget sition, on the bench and Abe position In opening the proceedings after was one of much reisponsibiiity. The the meal, as chair; were pushed back occupant of such a position mush•re- he and cigars lighted His Worship May- must give his stenswerfo .and Cothnt et or Gailow. first called for a toast to must eah answer q foe his Conduct the. King and after this was honored on the bench. He quoted. the great Gladstone that justice delayed paid a nice' tribute' to His Honor -yens justice denied, and he felt sure Mr • Judge Cameron, who was a native Cameron's career on the bench •would son of Goderich, in the signal honor be marked by a spirit of fearlessnes.. that had been done him in his selec. Unless a man was directed by .Him • tion for a •post which demanded out- above he would fail. standing qualities, keen observation, During the time he'had been in ' deer) penetration, honesty and strict Goderich he had found "Mr: Cameron • justice, and we who know him best a man among men, and in his leaving felt that the honored traditions of the none was ' more sorry than he."" bench ,would not suffer "in his. keeping "Judge," he said,"you' will m2et with but that he would bring added lustre. clouds but I hope the clouds will be His removal meant a distinct loss t9_ just 'enough to cause You •to enter in - the community but wefelt our .loss to the glory' of the setting sun." would be our country' s gain. And the end was not „yet, but added pro= One; of the Old Standbys motion and glory we telt was in Mr• II. J. A. MacEwan, president of store. We' would miss him and we the Goderich Board :of . Trade, paid -ventured•.he would miss his mead 'of respect and honor to his • to hope that ns. • old friend, Judge Cameron,' and on preaentcd' With Silver Tea Service .his own behalf and that of the.Citi zees generally .echoed what had al - The Mayor read an appreciative ad- ready ,been said, and congratulated • dress, which was accompanied by the Mr. Cameron on his elevation to the .presentation at the appropriate point bench and congratulated the town --of of a beautiful silver tea service en- Cobourg on the acquisition of suck a graved' with the inscription: "Pre- public.-..eeirited citizen, He had THE GOD* rAR HOW 'O W TO MARK YOUR BALLOT 2 flt Are you in fewer of the continuance of the Ontario Temperance Act ? afti Are you in favor the sale u a beverage of beer and spirituous liquors in sealed packages under Government control ? r Place only one X on tIe Ballot SOME FACTS TO CONSIDER BRITISH COLUMBIA.UNDER GOVERNMENT CONTROL 1The Provincial debt in 1920 was, $30,636,561. In 1923 it rose to $6h,161,- 000. . Government Control does not reduce Provincial debts. In Vancouver the taxes have increased 45 per: cent., from 1917 to 1922. The population has decreased from 126,420 to 124,616. Government Control does not reduce taxation' in the cities. . . J. W. Jones, M. Imo. A. of Feline says, " In, the Okanagan valley one farm- er s arm- er's taxes rose from $132 in 1921 to $$52 it 1923. Another's rose from $65 in 1920 to $264 in 1923. Another with 48 acres was taxed $1251. Government Control does not re ce taxation in the country." In 1914 there was 14,356,291 gallons of beer manufactured in British Columbia. In 1923 there was 23,22,689 gallons manufactured.. Government Control increases the manufactuie of drink._ Dr. Ernest Hall, Police Commissioner of Vancouver, says.. "The Gov- ernment has set out upon a policy of alcoholizing our people for profit --a policy, of saturation rather than. control." • Mayor C. E. 'Tisdall of Vancouver says; ---"We must do something at once. Conditions are deplorable. In every mail 1 get letters from wives eoin- plaining that -t it husband coming --home• chuink after -....theme.- have snug-- their pepitheir wages at the clubs.' . Major R. V. Brude,.M.L,A., says:—"The brewers of British Columbia are poisoning the maple. I l.a e'been drink ing their beer myself and it put me in the hospital. I had their beer analyzed and found I had been drinking ether arsenic and rosin:'.' Mr. H. ` Steen M. P. of Vancouver, says:= -"Never in the history of the country was bootlegging comparable in magnitude and murderous re sults to what it is today. A womanappeared in court the other day to recov- er $18,000 -from her partner .in the•• bootlegging business as her • share in the.' porfits for'S months." - Attorney Gene d " Manson declares that the Government is not hand- ling 50 per cent of the liquor soldxn the The .t;,t., L,. y. h tish-Go mbi is• the iotleggel's' -per= : •- adise. In 'Vancouver in one week in. one. police 'court. 72 bootleggers were-- convicted '.You' Cannot Sell Liquor and Control It. 'WHAT THE FRENCH ARE DOING FOR US" In theiSsue of June 19,1923, of the "Expertateur Francais" of Paris, the French'Commercial newspaper, the 'following paragraph .appears in the re- port of the French Wines'Exportation Co: "The, year 1923 will be reckoned in Canada as one of the most strilcitlg.in the history of prohibition;the anti -prohibitionist campaign, advancing front place to Vie, wined over two provinces, Manitoba and Alberta; two other provinces, Ontario and Saskatchewan, °will soon yield : to ' this effort. The Wines Exportation .Commission may lay claim to a preponderant share in this success as being the only French or foreign .organism which ; brought all . its forces to bear In the battle. "Our action 'assumed the mostdiverse form; drawing up of tracts and: pamphlets, editing of the Tatter: and their distribution throughout Canada, press publication and controversies, furnishing of funds at " the right mo- ment." INN Well Dreud Men are Not Born gaily is l)atnin ant in Pridharna Mulling, and when yea wear our clothing you ars Welt 1) ..sesd• • Our Leputatieu.lor eolling-Ligh-oIsa* tri oriugis tridental ,n the,. **Inlet herringbones. Pencil atrilte., sod o .reh.ck weaves READY.TG. WEAR $22.50 to $35.00 MASE-TO•MEASSURE $30.00 to $45.00. •D ► WELL AND SUCCEED- - UCCI ° W. C•.. PRIDHAM & SON MEIN'SK gERICH InR�'YS' the new *tow ne to nee* of Montreal t"OO ehl01111111111114 itJl.liOial1111111Ci3aCtQ - Saltation Army NotesSOME FAI.I. FAIR DATI • The Harvest Festival 'effort isa well under wap. A general mono' will not take place this fall, but funds are ur. gently needed and should .ay lrleads deeire to contribute, kindly send to Box 472 or phone 414; and a cull will be rented to His Honor' Judge Cameron known Mr. Cameron from childhood Davis, of Ottawa.` The family were held: Pillow from his wife and little AMONG THE CHURCHES • Rousing, cheers .for Judge Cameron hood and in the rough and tumble sof place on 'Tuesday morning, including' an& Haroid; the-Whr Veterans: bas. The ga fist Union of Ontario and were given. He reserved his reply later life when disappointment faded Mr. Davis, and the four sons acted'. wets, Mr. and hers. Toin Elliott, MrQuebec sill hold . their annual con• for later•in the evening and Jack Me- the glamor of youth away, and the as pallbearers. Mass was conduct- and :firs, i). Mellwain; crescent, Mr v,ention in Talbot street, tendon, 0c• Dermid rendered a piano solo in clev- town was losing one whom we would ed at St. Peter's church by Rev. Fa -,and hies. C. $.. Martin .:and fir. and tober 24th to 30th, inclusive- er style, after which Bev. Father all miss sadly. He had been through they Cham and, the interment was'Mrs. D. P. Cornett; spivs, Mr: and g made in the Roman Catholic teeme- ' >y ' The services next Sunday In Victoria Gnam was. called op for an address, all the seats of honor in the town and telt' in Colborne. I Mrs. Black, Mr- and Mrs. Earl Melt., Street church will be conducted by the This was the grandest meeting he had. been our worthy representative twain, :tile. and bars. Charles Ross and pastor,.ltev..7. Medley, M.A. ;iforn• had ever attended in Goderich. He in the old historic riding of West BLACK—A highly esteemed young family, Mrs. Halliday and Mabel. , ing service at 11. Subject, '''The Passion had never come in contact •with a Huron. We were all proud of. him man passed away in the "Queen Alex. • : of Jesus.. .Evening service at 7. Sub - more re pea able land genteel -claw of as one f the _old t db q. "rides Sanitarium, Londou' ars Pri- ° iect "Holy'Boldness." P y ti It TOWN TOPICS atcot by His Goderich Friends." to boyhood and from boyhood to man sill home for the funeral, :which took : son;. wreaths, Mr. and' Mrs. Johnston • o ce - s an ya: 'heft- : „ Prayer meeting men than lie, had found in Goderich. ever the harbor needed consideration day, Septembon • been in good health for some Th r gular • time, but the end canie quite suddenly the Women s . nstitute will be held at. and unexPe deft to his many friends the. home of 31rs, f. Stosra. Bail throughout the .ehurches. of the. Dio. it had always was WEEK of er d2tlt 1924, in the per- BRIEF TO I'V'V at Sunday School 8 A dill he had been ready t� d� a.,.,.... son of Roy M. Black. Mr. Brack had monthly ____�__u _a 'nrltation to all.. wens to Ottawa and never -•came back """' Mdel ' Theatre . empty handed, Goderich was some- times spoken of a a islow old town taut .._ - kept atned the duality ..; .,,,... ,., Dungannon ` .,. . ar. p• m, - ---- _... that. - ,4C111111 an places moved to Geiderac'i with his par= R cal delegates who are attending the Sept. ____ -- Oct. a d other lace_ encs• at six years of age. When stilt The half yearly meeting of the • General Synod in London, will preacn • -� p •� stealing away some of our • out Moeda, and Tuesday eV Berl Williams and Jane Novs is a stirring Maurice Tourisear auction '•Jedeuc Husbands" CHRISTIE., COMEDY "Savage a a tl. ave" .11 aWeiaesday sad Thursday • Jaceteseline Logan owl Rod Ira Recto's in a thrilling deep water tor "The Cede of the Sea" AL ST. JOAN, la "The Tailor" te' duet e e hed as a sailor ' 'omen's Hospital Auxiliary will be',, in all the. Anglican churches of the quiy o' engage g y9 *lied uo panur;uo0) on the Great Lakes and in 1915, al. held in the Board of Trade rooms on • Diocese. Their subject will he, "The k I though only seventeen yearn of axe Monday, September 29th, at p. to Work of the General Synod, with •he enlisted 161st Battalion fee A full attendance is requested. Pro- OBIT Friday sad Saturday Distil Parson fir► *fighting tale of the pioneers "Kentucky Days' IMP$1ttAL COMEDY •'Arsiit jlr IAA Alarm" ' PON NEWS NO. 22 . *ati.ters --sheet. 'awl Wei. at 4.15. flat. at 3,9I. Ctttaingr•••"TEIVMP11 " special emphasis upon the missionary SHLLTON.•--,Mr. Charles Shelton, °Wright• aspect of this work. The Very itev- twice in the Grein 'lVar. • On "rely- hire. Gordon Wei ht gave a very, aspect d r f t pwor of if Very• will night foreman• at the C. • P. R. ,ound; ing in England, he was drafted to the. fine address last Thursday evening in me the preacher, morning and even - house, died on Monday from. anat.. First Battalion and saw three years North street Methodist :church on the, ing. in St. George's e•hu'-eh, tack of lockjaw.. It is believed that' of fictive service..,, In recognition 'of: issue's in the coming plebiscite. Un- At s. public meeting in North Street a sore on his hand became infected' his service he°received the :Military fortunately tht attendance was not ;fptbeklltct f Duret Mraddressed by . Myth—Sept. 25 and•26. Lucknow Sept. 95 and M.' it Zurich Sept. 25 end 21. 14 ingbanr--'Sept. 29 and 30. Brussels—Oct. 2 and 3. ,t. i wade.nd a. Dungannon --Oct. 2 • pg4 �rcYwc!.�,wv� �c � .� +w!e+3 ii+ +' �iA `�•wlw�rlR it lit 4.', ..Dungannon - Fall Fair... *. THURSDAY and FRIDAY 1 OCTOBER w t 7- 3rd 1 i.• • The old established and ever -popular Agricultural • Fair, our the Eaconragelnent and Promotion of -the --Itgricultrtrallt..k.al,, of the. District. Special . Features for Friday Afternoon Baby Show, -- Sports for Boys and Glirts: SUITABLE PRIZES OFFERED. Admission to Grounds 25c -::;Wren slur 12 pars, lOc... •. . RAi:D CONCERT ..FRED AT 8 O'CIQck . while he was working in his garden Medal and, returning tome in 19.19 so targe as it might have been. • Burdon IV/ieht ofLondon who so My a a short time ago.. When the symp- he again tarok Pp sailing, later_havinrz .. ;A dozen or se ee Goderich Leine explained the work of the 1. T. A., and toms nest appeared every effort was a Rion at the alt Works, but had attended the district meeting and bat.. the present situation in regard to the made to check the malady but wilt'to abandon it a Alt of years ago, uit In London ,yesterday, addressed vote to be taken on October 23a . the out success. The deceased is sulviv. account of ill health. The funeral by the new Ttiternatienal President ladies present decided to Corm a "player ed by his widow and four children. 'II" xerviOte on Monday were conducted Harry Newman, of TorantN, and DIs-, league" For the porpoise of prayer, asci SHA'v1v01TOr The death occurred t keeping in touch with the neeessitiea of on :Saturday last of Mrs. W. D. ur&Sinn' by Rev. Archdeacon 3onea•Bateman triet , Governor bred Avery. of St . this work, also the war veterans were in charge Catharines. u • 'The fltist meeting of this prayer league non at her home en Church street. at the house and grave, where the ' was held lsat might, tTuesday,) with a She suffered a fracture of the stip a Fast Post was Bounded for a war An Oil for MI Mem.—The snilor.K couple of years ago and just t few r good attenilamce. The next meeting couple Says ago broke her wrist and it was hero, The •pallbearers wefe four boys. the soldier, the itaher nian, the sum -1, will be held is the Temperance Hall at the shock from this rrrisha that was hood chums, Nerl McDonald, Charles bernan, the.out-door laborer and all � ?.3o P. nt., Tinraday, Oct. and, and each p Reqs, John Bell and George Stokes .who are. exposed to injury and "the4foibrrtm$il T'huri ate until the vets* is bond who for her death. Her hut;• Re leaves to mourn his loss his wife ,elements will find in Dr. Tl oma"' l;.c. take 18 band who used to be in bnginea3 in 0 All ladles and Goderich predeceased her "tont 44 or anti little son. Haroid: ,his parents lectric Oil a true and fat ut frknd. i this work are e. 45 years ago and she Js eirrsiv.d by Mr. and Mre. ratters Black; his `sig. To tase para. relieve �e. !Arad. • a family of four sons and Dewe dearth. tern, Mrs. D. P. Cornett and Merger• wounds, subdues lttntabego .d evert n even interested itt y requested to at. ter, Cherie', of flat 'Deportment ef!et. all of Goderich, also Mrs. C. H. tome rbettmatismt. it le excellent. p t ltfldrtn cry b;Interior, Ottawa; Prod, ofalae Martin, Detroit. Many were fin Therefore. it should have a plate in PIN FLE 01111110111111 Ey u. touts Department, Ottawa, and beautiful flowers which show the all Rothe medicines and be amongst 1 Waiter and Frank; of term tad Mrs. esterett itt Which the yam* thea it .these- taken lett s j.orory. i CA * T O I A . k - ...d.t.tr 411 • r� he-$runswickTi io OF LONDON With an absolutely new program. ADMISSION. Stk. Prize Lists. and Ecitt y -Forms an appnlication tqJ the Secretary. . JACOB REID,President. N. F. WHYARD, Secretary. VMV5V4Vaeg4C$0.,:ti'V,l.•.:a.,4r,•,w.•:««,.vcc,.tivt•...w�..�,�:�` 5�s tit+4A•+�i The. Management of The JAS. MANUS PASTEURIZING PLANT \Vitih.Tu announce to their custrirnoto iul tile, al piddle that they are now carrvrictg'fesh Dairy 4E4 ('team,. v 1.iutter. and also' Buttermilk on their regul'r tniik delivers . ; tsie at all . times Our Butter, :tii1k, or liwttetrnilk ..ti 14' lad tat the Want nu. 'EAST STREET at any time betneon 9 Iti) a. nt. seed I;:t1[l.l.. tu.. • Allison s Sa Pickled.Shoulder, Piece : .,..r.....--...,,..- 18c. Fresh Side Pork, piece_ ...... -,...F -..,., -.18c. Rib Boit-...--.-- " ._ .12c. Breakfast Bacon by piece__ ... - .30c. Partners' threshing Roast Beef' . _ .15c. Legs of Lamb. _..30c. Watch Oar Windows for ' Saturday Night Specials. 'Phan, 2 West Side Square I I I I SclzoolOpening Boys' Good Serviceable Bots, iu black and brown from 1 •J0" to*5.uu Mit`' Brand Running Shoes It is sufficient to say they are Miner Brand and the pressure cured soles. Misae.' and growing al�jirt.' Pr`_tent Step Sliij ac's, . 9 Satdals and *Afore, from t0 • E_ GMT TOUR rOOTW1.AU AT �' W. HEWS • • 4