HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-09-25, Page 3•
THURSDAY. SEPT. *Sth. 1024.
M•rs, O. H. White, 446 Baniard
Vernon, B. C„ writes:•• -+"I have mut-
tered ail in lite, frees siek bssteehes.
A friend of stains *defied me to take
Bartle* Blood Bitters, whie li I did,
amt. I must say that I have Sever sof-
Head from keadachae sines taking it.
I must give B.B.B. all the credit for
what it has done for me.+,
Burdock Blood Bitters has been on
the market for the peat 45 years, sad
during that time lou been eidy by 'Tia T. Milburn Co., Ltd.,
Toronto, Ont.
no. A. M. HEIST, MR101441tle mystclon:
Oraduate Des "Moines Still Collegte of
Osteopathy. Licentiate tows Ind Mlegl*'an
Mite Boards. Special attention to diseases
or women and children. Consultation free.
Orece• corner Nelson and St. Andrew Rte.
tor to Dr, Hellmann. In $eaforM
Late house surgeon New Yort pohthal.
mlc and Aural Hosspaital, assistant at moors.
oeld's Eye Hospital apd Holden b*e
Throat HospItel, tendon. Esiu
63 Waterloo St; S., Stratford. Tele.
i,ROS' set.
At Bedford Hotel, Goderich, from
Monday, Oct. 20th, at 7 p. m., to
Tuesday, Oct. 21st, at 1 p. m.
M. emus.
•• NOTARY commie
General Conveyanctng done
Road Compantee Represented
Phone No, Me, ooderteha ons.
3ItARog 16 - - e*EEN8E DE. candela, CoQ-
sevaueing and Notary Pilhltc
V Barrister 8ollaltor, Notary . Mlleens Gottveyltscer
Omca : Court Rouse, Oodertch,
Barristers, Notaries. Etc.,
(Aloe on SQUARE GODERICH, Phone 97.
Barrister, Solicitor, Not rt y
Public Conor;•enc r Eto,,.
1r MlL1 )N STRI:IST ;
PHONle 2,.._
'. A. CLIIFF, B: A.- ,
Barrister and Notary Public
North Street, Goderich
Phone, 411.
T1I0•AIAS C11eirelY,
• bite Stock and O*neral AuctUoaeer,
• Hamilton street, Goderlth.
�s Pgade everyrvbere and *H *Voris
mem to give you sa*teraetl*a. -
'tumers site note.. dlsominted.
ood News Nujgets
Picked From Our Each...: es
Jeyttt Trophy Gees Back to Lrektiew hid striking it with considerable
A rink of Lucknow bowler++ won force end inflicted a very severe
back the Joynt trophy front Clinton bruise, which rendered hies maven -
last wtkk • *laicals. lit: Was at once retrieved to
Goderieh Terw*ship Brea Bertred Dr. Hyndatan's hospital, where the
Yr• Chan. eraddock'a 'barn, code- wound was dressed, but it was some
etch township, eras burned recent! time before . he regained conscious -
rich 'nevi.
the cause being spontaneous coolies- math of William: ;ttultiit=`=
stored in it.
tion. There were twenty tuna of hay , The death occurred on September '
3rd. at Saskatoon, of WrilHam A. Has -
Ethel Couple Celebrate Golden Wed- on, formerly of Huron County. Mr.
Its on was born in Brueefleld in 1880 son of Mr. and Mrs. Win ('ampbeU
Mr. and Mrs. James Pearson, well- and was the second son of the late of Detroit, but forentrly of that town -
known residents of Ethel celebrated . Chas. N!. Mason, who was s resident ship, lost his life by being run over
.rK.a is►w.. fellow
moron.. sr
and $rccluent' . 1 i,.itwl bill inotMl
there, The (ktawe Journal. dated
Monday, Se teree>:•r lode hire the fol.
hlwail'x,. The tragic death of Edward
J, Whitteker, spit at years. of Ila
Renfrew avenue, Ottawa. well-known
' pelavertc,to4ist of the Victoria Mus-
eum, at his summer home at Termini
Quebec, on the Gatineau ricer fifteen
miles from here, through a fall front
a tree in which he wail gathering but•i
ternute, was a local fatality over the
week -end M. Whittaker wile killed
at leein2est i•rdhy (Sunday). Mr
Whittaker, with his wife and x party
of friends, was snendintr the week-
end at Tenago, r,ar Kiri Ferry
' Sunday at noon, wh�'e out fbr a walk
Mr. Whittaker, a b•; man, weighing
1220 pounds, climbed a tree in search
their golden wedding anniversary on in Brucefield for a great number of by a threshing tank.
Tuesday, Sept. 9th. years. The Mason family left for who with his,parents had been visiting
Bruce Plowtneia's Asaogallon Formed Saskatoon in W05 and have been es- at the home of Mr. Jos Campbell,
Ano organization to be known the tablished in business in the Royal Ho-
o- directly across the road from Mr•
rg ss tel there
ever since. Sprout's, went along with the water
Bruce County Plowmen's Associatior.Deathof Miss Rachael Grieve boy of the threshing outfit to get
was formed at a gathering of Bruce
County_ farmers at Paisley Sept. 9th Death removed a well known and a tank full of water, and while pass -
A plowing match" will be held this`gr'eatly respected resident of Seaforth ing through Mr. Sprout's gate he in
fall.on Monday of last week, when Miss some manner fell off in front of the
Currie -Whitfield ! Rachael Grieve 'passed away at her tank, which passed over his body. Ile
Wednesday, Sept. 10th, John Cur-! home on James street, after an ill- was so badly crushed that despite oil
d' t Misr the efforts, of medical men to relieve
Hess extending over two year
rie,a well known 1�uaselite, and Alias shortie
Gladys, daughter of .Levi and Mrs. the late Themes Grieve, of McKillop afterwards.
WHitfietd, ILucan, were married, Rev, and was born on the' Grieve home- Horan Plowing Matcb.
C. C. Gifford, B. A., performing the stead seventy-three years ago.
ceremony.. Saturday afternoon, Sept. 12th, r.
Cut Foot With Axe Fisher-MacDowell meeting of the Huron County Plow -
John Rutledge, Morris, met with a A very pretty wedding took' place man's Association was -held in the
serious accident. He was chopping on Wednesday, September 17th, at council chamber, Brussels, President
in his father's bush, Morris township, Kirkconnell Lee Farm, McKillop, the Allan Adams in the chair. There
when he struck his left foot with the home of Mr. And, Mrs. John L. Mae- was a representative attendance end
axe, inflicting a • nasty cut. The in- Dowell, when their daughter, Is;bel considerable business was transacted
jured man .wag hurried to Brussels Hamilton McDowell, was united in The plowing match will be held Fri-
end the wound sewed up. marriage to Mr. Sanford Emerson day, October 10th, on the farms of
Fisher, . of Deayton, Ont. The cere- John Work and Harvey Bryans, im-
Winghsm High School Field Day irony wan performed.by Rev, F. II mediately north of. . Brussels. - The
Wingham High School held its an- Larkin, 1): D., in the presence of the program will include: Boys' -clash
fluid field day on Friday, the program immediate' relatives of the young coo-' under 16 years, in stubble; boys
including a basket ball game between ple. I class, under 19 years, in sod; men's
Grieve was the youngest daughter of his suffering' he passed aunty $ or S
Kincardine and Wingham High School The Snelbi Took Maly Prizes at class. 19 to 25 years, in sod; open
girls and a football match between London 'general purpose plows, in sod; free -
Kincardine and . Wingham , High Jas /Snell & Sons thewell-known for -all, high cut'plowe, in sod; riding
bays. Leicester sheep breeilerstook nearly plows in sod; tractor plowing, for
Wingham Sella War Memorial De- every first in the . Leicester class at tractor owners, one acre in sod. Nc
. bentureii Locally ,. the Western Fair. Following were entrance fee, excepting 25 cent mem-
Wingham town 'council issued $7,- their 'prizes; Ram, shearling; ram berahip. 'Each competitor will plow
200 of debentures for . their recently , tenth; ewe, two shears and over; ewe one-third of an acre. A number of
erected war memorial, for a'term of i shearling; ewe lamb; pen of 5 shear!- entries are already in. Generous prt-
ten years at 5% per cent' and a few tinge, Canadian or American bred; pen zea will be awarded. Everybody
da* ft the• th ized af Canadian bred' ewe eany cage- all Arnold attend -the -great match on Oct,
a after issue was au or '
the issue .had been oversubsicribed lo- firsrani 10th.
ts•.• Champion and also chain-
cally. • pion ewe. - Exeter Fair the Best In Years -
Davis -McDonald ' se -Presented With Travelling ,Bag • Exeter had a good fair, theobest in
A very pleasant affair occur- many years, The Inside show contain -
An interesting wedding took place,
;Sept. !lith ,at ,the Presbyterian
about 4 o'clock, Monday afternoon red at the Doherty plant, Clinton, Fa. ed more entries than in many Tears
day. afternoon, Sept 12th, when a few and there was nothing lacking in the
manse, Hensel!, when Olive Irene Mc- minutes before quitting time, the quality of the exhibits. The displ*yr:
Donald, daughter of Mr: and -lairs. Jno. members *the staff gathered in the made by some of the merchants 'add'
$..McIJronald was tinited in marrsage t b k f th t$ce nd Mr ed muc .to e app n afte
room jus . ac o e dikes a-_ h -th e c of the hall
to Mr. J. Gordon Davis, Toronto, son WalterManning, the oldest member and were much admired, while the CANADIAN NATIONAL
of butternuts, clipped and plunged tc•
I the ground before the eyes of his wife
and several friends. He lighted up -
cm his feet, but then fell backwards
striking his head upon a rock, and
fracturing the base of his skull.
Death was aliuost instanteous, 111'.
A. S. McElroy, of Ottawa, rushed to
Tenaga in response to n call, but
death had occurred before his arrival.
Q.—How many Catholics are there
in^ Canada''
A. -•••-The Roman Catholic chureh
members in Canticle' meaner 3,681,000
or 38.50 per cent, of the po ul ion•
There ore thirteen Archbis ops
t', enty-faue • Bishops, n35 t prieste
2190 churches, 882 missions, 4 unt-
versities, •183 educational institution"
and 244 charitable institutions.
There is also one ('ardinul.. The -
Catholie Women's League has 50,000
members and the Catholic Church'
Extension Society and the Catholic
Truth Society are important organi-
Q.—What use is being mode of
aircraft for forests in (,nlario'.'
A•—With a view, gig in ;• greater
protection to Ontario's vast forest
areas, thirteen'hydroplancs have beer
purchased by. Ontario end will be put
-into-service on May late xt.--lt-3s
hoped thus to renew the contidenee of
those investing sums of money in the
organization- and operation of pul;i
and paper industries and saw -mills.
When the present plaits are. complet-
ed and the air force organized for op•
errilon, Ontario probubly will have
the- largest •eomme:reial nirernft r~a'c-
tem in the world.
of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis, tinder. ,'read an address to Mr. W N Mane -display of ladies' work, fruit and EARNINGS
bl f' I
She ou Q.—What -were the Canadian Na.
' The wedding was quietly 'solemniz- ling, who sails"front Quebec' on a trip door..department,•. with_. the_e'eeption_menet ea/lenge in 1923?
-ed. en. Tuesday evening of last week, to Europe, and presented .him, on be. of heavy'horses, no, better show will A.—The Canadian National cern-
4tQI�LOP MUTUAL mat tN striteNE
Arwood Isolated Taws Property. tamed.
Value oo�tepropetty insured up to January.
ARO 113.5.0o
ofr iCER97s-d.isrnes Conony. President,
eodirlch ; ,Jae. L5rads, Vlce-Prealdetd,
$Sect wood ; T. E. Hays, Sec,-Treu., sea.
01RECTORs—D. F. McGregor, Seaforth
1. 0. mere. Winthrop : Wm. Wrtn. Con-
Menee :-George McCartney, Tuckersinith ;
loan Penia, .Oarlock ; John Bennewlse,
Broadhagan; Murray Gibson, Bruce-
AGENTS -4. W, Yeo, Godericti • Bei dy
twlteb, Clinton • Wm. Chesas), Satosth
IL . Weenie', Sairorth-
Pellet" Holders can ply Male assessment*
. : at R. H. Cutt's Store, Ooderlcb, A. J. War.
s,sti'$ CNtniac store, Clinton, Or J. ' R.
RMd'a, Hesyfeld
Have it attended to by the
Established 1878
Head Office: Dungannon, Ont.
SATZ: TNENTT 0111T6 PIM 1111001149 DitLaRS
JRo. A. McKenzie,. Kincardine,
pros.; Harry L. Salkeld, R; It. No. 2,
Goderich, vice pres.; directors—Tim
Griffin, R. R. No. 7, LucknT'w; W. I'.
Reed, R. It. No. 2, Lucknow; H. L.
Salkeld, • phone 600. r 11, Goderich;
Alex. Nicholson, Lucknow; Wm. Wat-
son; Jas. Girvin, R. R. No. 6, Gode-
rich; Wm. J. Thompson, Auburn
Treas. ,.•. Secretary.
prepares young men and young
women for Business, which' is now
Canada's greatest profession,
We assist graduates to positions
and they have a practical train-
ing which enables them to Meet •
with success. Students are re-
gistered each week. Get our free
catalogue andlearn something a-
bout our different departments.
D. A.•14fcLACHLAN,
peas ma
%ere Satisfaction is cossiamssa
TM skillY en of DOMINION $TO bars a u wised
.0.. at ' <attaliti► asetthsatdise. w f ;ail >w
�t71 ivery article sold is is
s woo by DOMINIONS��•
with gamma ttallty groceries at colasistesat low �risms
your sattION satisfaction
w.� $wrswteed every tint* yaw rills a
1 Pkt. of 3 Boxes..- -,.-.
C ark's Pork & Beaus (N.. 2 !stout) 2 Ise
Ms rfiold Brand Bacon (Machias dicta) Slee
H.,rs .25c
(except Fels Neptha).63c
10 bar* - -
4 -lb. tin vto
1.1b. jar . .
SARDINES, 4 for• -�5c
C•ISH and
(5 kinds) .
LADE, 1.1b. jar -
GROUND ' »��
GAR (Blended Cider
Blended Spirit), .31'
(Toto. & Veg.) 3 for falisi
16 -os. Pkt. SEEDED
or SEEDLESS -25cRAISINS, 2 for w
x ISIN'dw .
2 Ib.
R 5 lb RD OATS .29C
1.1b. Tin DOMINION
(No Alum) . -
FLAKES, 3 for - »
BARS. 3 for - -
ib, -
2for - »
Flour, 24 14. Bag 95c.
. lb
LIBBY'S PORK c- .. c. jC ! =-. , - .33c
BEANS, 2•' for +
wAa. (Sold only by .Dominion
- BROOMS - Sroreaib,tin).
- at 7.30 o'clock in Queen St. East Pres- half of the .staff, with a leather tray- be seen anywhere. Light horses made Inge in 1923 totalled $254,926,456 and $61,691,000 including Cobalt, ;1.,852,- of the new world Probably at Brazil,
bvterian church, Toronto, the Rev. W. elling bag. ' :an unusually good showing. All the the total operating revenue • t38,•;48,• ,i70; copper, $5,738,000; gold, $26,- on the Orinoco Diver. Ills gece
— - classes were well filled and •the. quell, $7,351,- -1 r
H. Andrews officiating, a Agnes Death of ,Son of lion. T. Greenway
280, showing frit increase of '• 1.ib,000; lead, $5,81,,(NN); nickel, $6,- graphy Was .marked with the ndw
Cam-Pbeij• only daughter -of Mr. and= ---:-i g--Greefiwa on-tsf the late ty was suprisingly good, Cattle ent- 599 over 1922. Thie shoWeete satis• 158,000; .palladium, 517,060; Matt- word America. -
very keenconi tition in eve Teta --'
p ' dent of Exeter neighborhood, died in d It A• 1- Q Wie— - -h d
• vy factory_ -degree' of development. r
•Mrs• D. Fenwick,•of Farquhar,-Diite Hon• Thos Greenway, a former rest• ewe �h h a rte was nuns, 245 783 silver, ;1,.,570,008
to Mr. James Philli 1t 1 , e of New p t ry ,,. FIRST STREET -LIGHT
• zrnt�322? OW " ('A �fAI)A'�r FIRST STk:z#itIBOAT
n an w ere was Ana a s
while . hogs, sheep
fir, you ryf' oro lti (,' NAL1.1
Crystal City, Man on Sept' Bud in LIFE INSURANCE �
yt,• i that steamboat run : .
" ' well u i to the standard both in num-
owse- icemen • i his 00th year. The deceased went to
•hers. xind uality. The• attendance, in Q' When were streets'first•lighter -What este the life ini+uruncr A.;. -Canada's first Steamboat was
A quiet' but pretty wedding was sot,' Cryatal•City in 1880 atrthe time when q in Canada? 1 increase in Canadd in 1923'' the Aeeommodation, which made her
emnized at the home of the bride's a large number of families left these spite of the fact that the bean harve,t ,-Municipai street'lighting via' A;;—The gross amount'' of life in, first trip,lir 1800 frdlii Montreal to
parents on Saturd;tY afternoon, Sept :parts and settled in that district. Pqr Is in fol lswing in the district, wag,introduced into Canada.in 1815, wher suranee in Canada issued .ixi 1923 Quebec n .6 hours.or flue mile.;•
13th, at 1 o'clock; when Margaret Lil-ea number of years the deceased open the largest•in many years. The total Montreal set np oil lanterns on poles reached the• reword sum of 86 ;1,057,- Qui, It was built by1%oleen of .tlon�
ate r» e Its abounted. to something d le
lien, youngest daughter of. Mr. and ated the gristmill at Crystal City, but our;800.1 These were xeplaced by gas lamps. in 726�as compared with $G77riT1,000 in treat and was always crowded, ,,.s
Mrs. John Wideman, Kirk 'street for many years he has been postmas- 1$.,4. 1922 ,
Clinton, became: the bride of Mr. Evan ter of that village. Many years age Clinton School Fair CANADA'S DEF1,NCE •1 THE (llI(rI"4 OF AMERICA i SCHOOL FAIRS ''"s►:,� �
Prowse, of Detroit. The ceremony he was amieted with paralysis, which As an example of the popularity if E7l:PF.NDITI;P.l; Q.- �VhCre did Anirsrica ;gets its $lyth, .,4eptedibel" 25th and 20th.
was performed by Rey. J. E. Hogg, rendered him 'helpless. the school fair movement, that of the Q,_ -What. is Canada's defence c x name? Winghnm, ,September 2'lth and Guth.
V.v.-ter Clock -Tower Repaired Garage and Tanning Vac Burned. Clinton scho6l fair held on 24 londay penditure? • t A.YAmeriea got its name from Ilensall, October 1st.
When the painters, who, •are re -des Early „Friday morning, Sept. 12th afternoon last week could hardly be!. A.--C,anadst *pent ;17,500,000 on Amerieue Vespucci who, on Septem- Crediton; October :2nd.
essatotrthe Exeter town ball, started the garage at the home- of Robt, aurpaseed- The stay was flue and ai defence during the last fiscal' year, .in- bei 4th, 1.604, landed on the mainland Winchelsea, October 3rd:
to paint the tower above the bell, they Thomson, Brussels, was destroyed by big crowd gathered to witness the an,' eluding $4,000,000 on demobilization
found the sills and. a number of.the fire and worse than that, his fine Mc- nual event. The exhibits, which were! New Zealand s'peet $3,685,000 and
posts had rotted and that'unless fixed Laughlin touring car was also burn- in the tbwn hall,. were in excellent' Sou* Africa $5,390,000. 1
' ed. The eau f he " ' shape and competition was keen •r ' : I
unless 't came r all departments. especially during a heavy tivindstoi'm, i i m f om a short circuit on epi cots. The parade wase Q. --When and where was Sir Wil-:
n o collapsing h see t fire is unknown i
the tower danger er f p t
h toe s g p g 4 p3 5IR WILkRID LALRIFP •
Workmen have been making the ne= the ear. It appeared to be all right feature elf the Fair and all the ver- frid Laurier horny
cessary repairs and have taken out a when housed at 10 o'clock the night ious schools formed up at *he public I
-lot woodthatcrumbled tobefore. Fl had got h h
A 'lir W !fr d I a ri
way before discovery nothing could _
A t dch s 1 n d be saved, Me. Thomsons Ford coup Reggie Noble and Roy Cook were the ada{.from 1896 Lto 1911 and
—. i s u erwas born
of cram e pieces. a ore. amen a such
a cad- school where 'they were judged. In at St. Lin'became
Que., on November ,'J
Faulkner -Hocking , lie
the competition of public speaking a
pilot y we ng was o em ize was in the garage up town, hence
at St. Adolphus church, Windsor, sit was not included in the burn tip.
9.30' Wednesday_ morning, Sept: 10th Dr. Copp Goes to' California
when alias Marjory Mocking,daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. .1. C.4 Hocking, I)r: F.oster Copp, who spent a holi-
was united in marriage to Frederick day at his home in Clinton, returning
N. Faulkner, son of Mr. and llirs• N to Toronto a short time ago, left last
Faulkner, of -Seaforth. The tete- week for San Diego, California, to
mony was perfor'lner by the Very Rev. take charge of a new diabetic hospi-
Dean Downey.•tal which has just been established
Thrown from Car, Badly Bruised there. Dr. Copp has been working
Mrs. Bosneil,'who resides with her with insulin ever sinice its discovery
daughter, Mrs, Wes. Johns, orf - the having Spent a year or more with Dr.
6th of Usborne, was badly bruised Ranting in his labrotory, and is a sp •-
and shaken up on Thursday last when cialist in this line. His friends will
she was thrown out of Mr. John's car wish him every success in his chosen
on the Huron Road, east of Exeter. career, while.they regret that he can-
Something broke or locked in the cat not find an outlet for his talents in
causing it to turn over on the roan, Ontario.
The other occupants were little injur-
Address: and Presentation
ed: ' . Rev. and Mrs. George Telford, of
Hurt in Fall Blyth, were the host and hostess at a
Mr. Thos. Ballantyne, who has been delightful evening party on Monday
visiting at Exeter from Brockdale of last week, when the choir of St.
Man., while standing on the street Andrew's Church met to bid farewell
near Mr. Simmons' blacksmith shop to their choir leader, Alias Sara Milne.
was suddenly overtaken with a faint- Games entered into with zest made
winners. In the school choruses Mise
Wiltse's room: won first honors, with
Miss Winnie McMath's room second
and Miss . M. McMath's room third.
and each room was well costumed
Principal Geddes's roam syon
first prize;• Mrs. Farnham's roc%)
second; Miss . Wiltse's room -
third and Miss Carter's room
got fourth prize.` In the eehool chor-
uses for the. rural se'.tion, Mullett and
Goderich No, 12 won first; with No.
5 Mullett second; and No 4 MIullett
third. In the sehnol parade No. 1 Mill-
ett was first; No. 1 Stanley, was se-
cond; No. 2 Separate School, Mullett
third; and No. 4 Ilullett was fourth.
E. J. Whittaker Killed
Mrs. Mary Whittaker, Seaforthe re-
eeived the fiad news•; of the death of
her son, Mr. Edward Whittaker, on
Sunday of last week, and left On:
Monday for Ottawa to attend the r
funeral. Mr. Whittaker was a brit-
tient gr;tduate of Seaforth Coller,•iate f
Liberal party till his 'death in 1919.
Q.—What is Canada's railway pay-
roll? ... , .
A.—The pay -roll on Canadian rail-
ways in 1926 - totalled ;245;11.7,547 •
Jen increase of about seventeen mil=
lion during the yar. This represent
a higher total average than in 1922
viz, $1,382 as against $1,369. Aver-
age number of employees throughout
the year was 177,397. Sold in
('ANAI)A'S BIGGEST town by
Q. --What ' Connnany is Caiiada'a
biggest tax -payer 1•
A. -The Canadian Pacific Railway
s Canada's biggest tax -payer, having w •
.1'4;raffecson's •
that melt in your mouth
A. E. Colborne.
Sunset Hotel . H. C. Dunlop
S. C. Wilson
paid, in 1923, • ;2,562,142.
0. ---How rich ie ('loads in non•fer• RgUEva 7NRsr*TLE3e CONDITION 0RouGHT ON BY THE MENNCE OT wowsorie metals'.
A.—Canada's production of non- AND NEtTORE THE DHikD nMAL HEALTH,
errous metali in 11122 wee worth NO NARCOTICS-•PLETOASAt10NT A Sy1GiAR 4
ing spell and fell to the,;pavement, his the manse, ring with laughter, thee, "aa
all quieted down while the pastor
shake a few cvord�.v"f appreciation of•
Miss Milne's work :aa choir leader
Little jean ° Telford, on behalf of .the 'S
choir, then presented the bride-to,be
with a beautiful silver flower basket
and Airs. G. D. Leith read an•addi'es i.
Lucknow horticultural Society Holds•• •
First Flower Show•
The Lucknow. Horticultural Society
head its first flower show in Carnegie
Hall on the evening,. of Sept. 5th,
There war, a spiendid exhibit of fine
flowers and a large number ol people
enure to see • the beautiful exhibits.
Air, George -Stewart, of (ioderieh,
who was judge, congratulated the ro
eiety on its splendid exhibits. 'fhr_"
display of asters and gladioli was ex
ceptionally fine, and * great variety
of cut flowers avid plants were shown
At the close of the show the president
' f the Society, Are S. Rathwell, and''•
Mr. R. U. Cameron gave short addre.s_.
sea. The flowers which were for -+.air« •
were then auctioned off by Mr. R, Me -1
Charlet, and all were quickly dizposee';
Broofteu. Bros. ws the IQ es'I
Mt Ladino
Funeral Directors
and ,Fmba!mers
Orders caroruuly attonded to
at all hours ---night or day.
E. 1. Wheelei
Funeral Director and
Goderich, Ontario
.111 cells pratn fitly attended to
day or mgltf.
?bottom: Store U,!. Heuee 3 .ler
• Aker Eitrery Meir
400deetloe you can tau
=and We a kelp to
gesuoia and a cls
J,_.iadSf t>�
1 Ma3Sikyr"s nglttasast
ta..aeilltail well as
pllosm sr0.
il ilj
of. ,
Fatal Atcidefit
A hocking. ae-rident hai,pened one
the farm of Mr. Daniel Sproul, (.on, 2,1
%feat 'Mi<awanoeh a short time ago,'
r‘hrn Ja«k, tli,I' eight year -d.1
treat, prior to sailing on firs Comedian
dad In Imre-time ae_atlet, Is eta Its way So
J. atWindsorLi Stades. r
T4itreesr 's Canadian Lilies Infantry
wino war.
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mp eef Exhib►Itbr, W s.$eyr, Z
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