HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-09-25, Page 2PACE 'IVO
▪ z —•••••.••••*11,
A Very Filar Piotaity *wt Baia Pre-
vert.si Para& owl Sparta -
TWION'ree,FIYE TEAKS AGO tor, Miss Lawson, of Scotism:I, w*' ............
al f's
(From The Goderich Star lee Sept, driving past, when the horse snitched Theannual schooair at Porter
- 21nd, 1899) te the buggy shied suddenly and turn. Hill we's held on Sedurday lest and
--- "ed quirk)), of the road, upsetting the nought out a lot of tine looking *peel.-
_, The osittettee , 0_ sm. at-4min eiarriststeut eladde-tuhrowriog them/07 onti raeua or eggeteeees, grain', Rowers,
wedding on Wednesdae of tkis week, re tnenre, 1;r her companion fell s e
o a- was so large that it overflowed the
to sprain one of her ankles badly.
of Dillonvetle, Oleo. school house and * good =silly roots,
Art OW Settler Geste TWENTY YEARS AGO had to be *hewn outside, es well rie
the mind outdoor elegises* and comp..
On Saturday, Sept. Illtb, Mr. Win. (From The Goderich Star of Sept. titian waa so keen that for instartee
(antelon, our well.known resident. 23rd, 1904) in ene of the poultry classes the jud-
crowd the river of death, after a
yeas. The liste air. Wm. (*suasion
long and painful illassae, in hie lethi • •
Water Should Be O. h. This Year ges bad to deride among **me seven.
The ttottlIIM etplineX arrived on teen entries in the on*. dem And
istence of the echool filar. We Jun Cox, Chester Grigg, Jim
in the year 1884. After a short ao. the champ In the water supplied the
On secount of the rain the school after, Raymond Cox,
Jour% in the- nelglibothood of Torone tel'in' ' parade widi cancelled ranch to the
to, 4 More wee made to Goderieli Re Waa Cieliared ----- - --disappointment of the scholars. of tin DOMESTIC, SCIENCE
township, where a settlement wilS On Monday there was an tinuanelll' different schools *he had been pre. White lirea4--Berthe Cox Annic
rade on the leth concession, where Dirge number of Past Grande present paring for wean* for this event. And Williams, Ruth Thanipeon. 'Mildred
? the family livsal for moot teilre• at the regular meeting of Buren the sports and judging and other core, iliOrs, Pearl EasSOni, Marion Young.
The doomed lived on the 8th until Lodge No. 62, I. 0. 0. 10., the oceasion
Itests had to go the same way, the on- Grahant or Bran lauffinee-Reggie
le84, when he retired and moved to being the investiture of the recently ly contest taking place being that in Tebbutt. Harold Miller, Jack Sturdy
Clinton. but after a *holt residenee elected D. D. G. M. for the district puhli"peaunr. web was hem in cart Cox* yam Edward, Dorothy
et the Huh be moved to Goderich. 'Bro. Harry D. Reed, with the collar the aehod. In this Inspector Tom Gox. Tarte-Marion Calwell. MarY
e Arid Ii• Wallin% in im Aline ihr" ' of hin office. The Co)lnr la * rle,_,w erl! assisted Mr. Stothers in judging and Oakes, Clara Harmer, Pearl Feaseone
ay es, , George Laithendte ane
of hendsome "he, andi,,S,"„44 not announced the awards. Peer) Mts. Norm* Potter, Margaret Williams.
it u. returned arm the Landon hive encircled 4 better "enee"ew• aom, of a. S. Nee 4 was placed first• Dark Cake-440ton Uwe% Hazel
Fair eat Friday, leaving mode the Were Discussing Local Option her speech being en Birds, Lurk Pickard, Met* Burke, Doris Miller.
his talk neher on the Plebiscite. A.pple Pie-fithel . Ster mg* Htisel
Wali Starting en litedhal Cow** iTemperancel Ilan on Monday evening
Our young t,ownemen, Archie Dial to consider the question of * Local Norman Trewartba, speaking on the Pickard, Ruth' Thompeor, Amy Moir
sort il. A., left town on Tuesday for ,
Option esimpatign, wee Attended by Greatness of the Empire, was placed Arnold Potter, Bertha L. Cox., Home.
persona ler, es third; Clayton Pdwards, of No. 6 made Candy.--,Liek Sturdy, CoreeTre-
Meatiest), where he has gone to start' netwern 75 *rid 1"
olt is. course of medicine At G. Dleir was chosen chairmite end he "The Advantages of Country Life," worth*, Bertha Cox, Peat reassone
caeca. Archie has always been * made 4 good one, The discussion fourth; fl. William, No. e. aCtinada e Oliess Thompson, Anent Buirkee Jar '
fvorite, especially in baseball and was luformal, tech one speaking Foreets," fifth; and Dorothy Cox, No. Strawberrieel-Cora Trewarthit, Dor.
othy Cox, Margaret Grove*, Pearl
5, «The Greet Clay Belt," sixth.
tennis circles, where he eon be much freely *s bis views on. tie questiort
reisited and nis place win he Mod te. Prompted bine About 11 o'clock a The Prize list is as follows: leseamm. Vegetable Salad -Pearl
Bezel Plekare, Bertha L. Cox.
✓ A Butte of Mishope Rev. W. II. Grisham end seconded bY. Wheet rt--ra
Mr. C. M. Bezzo, that 4 compeign be ....„ * que ...arence Thiel, Ev. sehool Lunch -Dorothy cox, Hamm
On Tueeday 1141 Mr* •Wilson, ot inaugurated by the eireoutton of 0 ,...-4,0 Idellwaine Clayton Cox, de* Johnston. School Lunch, 10 years or
lu Fred W. Wallis. Wheat, sheaf over -Berths Cox, Ilazel Pickard.
Port Albert, and another latlY were petition to be presented to the town - tt"
-Clayton. Cox Fred Wallis, •Clarence
driving. Peat the Saltford brick yard council, asking that a bylaw to put in
the hon, attached to the vehicle fell force the lova option' provisioif of the Thiel, Jack Cl'uff. Oats, quart -Jack SEWING
Sterling, Gordon Itothwell, No name, Patch -Mary Grigg, hen Miller..
' dawn dead. Shortly afterward, and License Act be submitted to a vote 9f Robt. Cole. Oats, sheaf -414a Sterle Mary Stirling. Hemstitched arande'
i before the dead animal was removed i the electors at the coming municipel ing, Robert Cole, ,lobn Harmer, Ger. kerchief -Dorothy Stirling, • Aany
Miss A.nrile Lawson, of the Lake'electione. The motion corned by don Bothwell. )3arley, quart -Alt in Mair, Jean Miller, Margaret WU-
Shore road, oecompsmied by her _ellit- about 26 to 1.0, Cox, D'Arce Bothwell, Eimer Woods -limns, Hetet Pickerd, Pearl ransom.
• " '
'• •
t. 4
Pkosent the opportunity .of hearing milt be gIven. ist *orbit! con. * Arthur
Domino., was the scene of a pretty ru veri °Ice' 144 "le leaking sewing. drawing, writing
head end with such 'force /
• ariy
Personality is
use of goocl
I stationed'. 1.14
.4Ths oapertholl OW*. *PIN OW.
was born in Queens °musty, Ireland Wednesday, la it very strong wind, the qutilitt was there* *great Aimee baldeston, Bernie* Menthol, Walter
said tame to Canada with his parent, *nd 'Ha solvent was wM merked in poultry being traceable to the ex. Lindsay. Market Latnbs-Kvelyn
journey to and from by road, The public meeting held in the Biggins, also of No. 4. came aecond. Darothy Cox Elsie ftsboldeston.
1111. vote was taken on a motion made by GRAINS AND VEGETABLES Eassom. Atria, Moir. Margaret Groves:
Bert Midsileton, LlOYd Piot Reggk- Mein liandsewin'_Mate.. Porter
THURSDAY, SEPT. 25tb, 1924.
Dominion of Canada
New Loan
For your convenience we suggest wiring or telephoning to us,
collect message, your order for the New Refunding
Loan, opi% Bonds, due October 15th, 1944.
$41#10411# will he &livered feta of ex?easiet toy 'heed Reek
We recommend all investors, including holders 6 of 1924
Victory Bonds maturing November 1st, to
make immediate application.
lox SteimmEsCoRPoRxrim
Lou- wax
TORONTO • Cassgis if*
14641114.1"deAD GMT;
$ **Ida
P.X.W•al • • •
- Naigliot
O. A.Metow Vaa•Ptiiitions
W. NowSigt • Vii*PNt
W.3. Hato** • Vial•Pra$405
• Fullafas Viewero$11505
Few* • • R. W.Siega
T. A• eiraA • A. F. Vitea ' • ,
: 14011AIL K1NTAIL day of supretnrialc4terice, shower. Fuller. BarleY„--sheafee-Alvim CoX._ Mart Grigg, Esther Mell
mane. Tat. Mildred Hicks, Norma Welsh. Pub -I
scything else is peace ‘world peace. Bert Middleton* C-atton Laithwolte. ted -WLn -VartlWella-Mildred Spiiiking-esreati-Eaesone-Laurie - •
Large Aadience Ilene- Now the speaker, -oda, in time of Elsner Woods. No name, D'Arca Dicke, Marion Colwell, Amy Male' I3iggin N'orman Trewartlia. Clayton
ot welt Field Conec-Eidon yeo _Crocheted End for Towel -Olive Edwae:10,
fits of parlors, crgasisation and peace, is the time to ereestre fot Ches. Williams ,Doroth
Steatite War. peace.. Think Peace end prePare fot Vent* Picot. , Stveet Corn -F. Miller,- Thompson, Lena Calera, Hazel Plek-kox,
peace and you will hese peace. Think Eva Gilbert, 'P. Bisset, Alex, Glen C. ard, Dorothy Stirling. Mary, Grigg
on priday "ening, sent. eth, de_ war and prepare for war and yew Harmer, Wilt Grigg. Irish Cobbler Oliva Lemplirey. Knitted Scaxf-- Constant caution keeps the under..
ardte the bletemene of the weather. home war. The *taker quoted Sir Potatoee-Marion Oke, Evelyn Wise -Margaret Groves, Hazel Pickard taker guessing
St° lerge crowd 'estertibleti M Mitten Arthur CurreiR Preminent the l*te Sensors Solverby, Geo. Hudie, Evelyn Amy Mair Olive Thompson, Verna
• .
111 •• Mall, under the Empires ef the r„ war, and one qualified to judge, Be Cox, Pearl' Hasson*. Green Moue. Edwards, billow. Latnehrey. Cer4re. DAWN OF WOPAANHOOli
o, to wort to ,io Address by Mee ssid, "Wor -wasteful end Oseleer Potsitoes-Carl CO; Bernice piece -Hazel Noble, Lillian- Pottier.
4alliliaSitrAir TRAINING "
orey,sarld canadaia enb, woman men. delusion and a lie to sey -thet war IlWairie. Alfred Evane, Joe Murphy
Arica maephae; for south And Arra settled enything, It, is a Bend, Floeerice Sowerby, Esther Me. - ' ' A ine of Wilco/tree 'When 'Watch.
her. of The spoe Carillrigne. Mr. 'ever -did any good." She laid there Dooley Potatoes -Irene WOOdn. Helen *oiling Pin -Lorne Portert_ Pearl ' 1 OW is the time to put in wour'winter supplyifloal•as
Jna, mew, of pine River, ueenpied neVer was a Just rause for war. The Davideele, Willie Retuter, jack_ sae,- Easolom, 'ciarenee Thiel, milking „some gels upon OA threshold of •
fulness is Nettled ' •
• r
• '
the tonnage put out by the mines is several usand
ehtdet and thanked the womeee real cause of war is reeraye greed or jelln Miller, Hazel Piele5Vd. ilto0I-Attleld Porter, Clarence Thiel womanhood drift Into tt decline ill spite tons leks t o t • If
hart Wae eilt ut las year. T is means ,,a, :
Club for affording himself and allaia geenOtn. et•tal Care and attention- Even strove - -
conquest, -no Metter *het treteXt lklauSeldshester Qrigg, • Robert . Raymond Walden. Pearl
Howard. Mondial. ' Turniati-Jula - POI WitWellt Jack 'Cardeere,„ Earl It is tke dawn of .wornanhood.!--ntost hu. ,
• Miss itaalltall. Miis- lthtePhail Was le!ot.our telt104110410:3r,ttlacte°1",
d Gardner, Thiel Pickard, Nernien Pia. Witlidentip4sil Biejseti itteleerelnot . porteil in te:relvinat .filofizegi trirensisteo.. , ,at $16.00 per tow delivered. . All our coa.1 Is .weighed ou•
- • , meived It the doer 'by A monber of 4eostf ZanSpeel" :11;y she eenderanee ler, Reggie Tebbutt, Cora Trewartte . your scales (the market scales). . .: ,.. • .
' • , . .... • 1 : .... , plitforta Andtist rouning entliusiaitril. the.- -- • J
vex bOOkS • the School readert *rack Gdhert« Peesmes-erdella Oke (Wes
gredet 4) Estral Walifen *Robe Cola.. - reelmnprboulblood rieli*and pure. If your i - . ' •
r !! , t, _ the cointy council and eseotted. to the .. '. i_
-awl lemony lively girls become weak, ithortage of Coal and bigher prices. We have several Ca -
rig Model-Hilli Gardner depressed and. irritable, and listleas. loads of Chestnut, Stove anci-gg in stock which be sold
h- Claytem Trewettha Ethel- stirun Pearl isiseom, Chase blood isot SM. c art at'
ps er ress t" •
teeming with militiansm Iv ere win oerotik
Ratbwell iary Oakes - thps outgo. the body n000tairo44.hetirishl' , . slier • wan
polse-of .theAL. Orraiesetion, the. m gl°11fied• lf " muat llaYe war ir .__ V.3 _ ' ,13,14Y. NATURE STUDY •
• reamers for its ineeptiou and what it the echoed books She mid, give r —290-, karrots—Norma tisk collection 12 Ontario Weees-•MarY health is slot maintiorted bY A -5,
ed and other aliments develop. If the wire antsYstint 4.43.75.ger, gallon ,
44 mr
Muriel Audit, Ruth Thompson.
the glory and honor'. the lahr, We carry a stock 'of Portland Cement, Prepared Plaster
Before the farntere becatne' ergailiteti n44 merelY , and Lime also a heavy stock of shelf andheavyH d '
y ar wart.
Sowerba, afarion Colwell, Marion jack 'Salkelde Frances Pearson, let weaknesses ere likely fo arise. Ite.;
they, did not think enough of them..*ricl flue, but tell also of the carnage
Doris Miller. 0 name. Collection 12 Native Wood- nrember tide, Dr. Williaine Pink pipit
IMO saved thousands of 'girls sr d
selves; they were looked down upon; and slaughter, the
Lena Calwell, Marion Csilwell, Gordon in
hs already done for agriculture. tree Picture' et W3r' giV3 b°th ide3 "64" LeinreAliVire111-131;VC. nt- Grigg Freddie Mil Groves -^elloY-01-tiene -rare Wood. vli -sotto et,
they were considered the lower class; Matching and drilling, the umforma Beeta--Doris Huller,jint Cox, Evelya
. _
women from bele* I
waste and destruc. Pb
because of their whonditectlirttleloant.inikbak! ' • .
ed Ok Bothwell, Varna Picot, Lloyd Plea
a oh famine and peed.
government of the (*Gordo; membere'the bunlen of debt and taxation that nett, Treevartha.
• Calwe 1, M.. Groves, Hugh Middle- to young women whose health rate
Leavele--Eve Gilbert, Marion, .Lena Tho vo.)tto or Dr. Winiams' snak t'ills wal4 until cold weather when every person vtants it done.
of Perliament paid little or no attoolle Pas on to e next generation . .pLoteEno
C ter Grigg. Collection 12 Forest
• they yecemed po recognition from ' ing properties.
/fuller, Paul Walden It Evans Ken. hes
le e e i a and e
Parliament, they had no voice in thet ne the Wed d er ppl s and
Now is the lime to have your furnace overhauled don't
tore Nordista Fuller. Collection 6 In- Mg has been, proved over and over,
tion to agrieulture. The !meeker said give g Asters,..,--Evel Cox C a %whom Inseets-Do y .
bon. sidee or ive mine. We roth Sterling
agent. These ;sins are the -meet
° gibe, remembers the thee she mod to hale need te' be tin our tear& We Lena Colweli, i•entt Calve% Chsaa W 11 rnee=eat"grehergindeet, orti w
of red bealthy blood which a girl needs'
Parliament 111r42 something to *tend • e e" Beans, Ethel Stirling: Margaret Btirl-
sendme elevates to a notee
in, awe of. Tolley, through the in-° "lee In Ite *Pent tk*A"--- ins, Raymond Cox. Joe Dalton Wil• 1)RAWING' ART ana wrcrriNG thYlnlitOntolenin hileartstitter.V1131.latus' Pink Pins
think the dignity or member of "Peq tsm hUndred dollstra for Peke° Florence Stnirng innia-Alfred Grigg, Eva Gilbert, M, awes& •
Silence ot the u. F. Organizatiorelre ens in War.
farmer s lutve bonen to estimate ItaePhailAvas listened to 'with
to rapt attention •by •POSent and the
themeelves at their proper value,
restate that they are A very important best et order Prevailed' Some of
elan in the reentry by moon of °mew pteI%ent expressed their pleas.
then inauatty, they have also become lure and appreciation of the *deliver
lle Reuger. African Mitrigolds- Drawing Map of Ruron-M;rY through any dealer in medicine, or by .
Flounce Sowerby, Dorothy sterling, Welsh, Clayton Cox,..Billie Gardner omit at 40e a box front Tho Dr. 'Willi
Margaret Groves, Orville G. Oke, No Itenre Andrews, David Webb, Jean emsMedicine* Co.. Ilrockville. Out.
P. ' • .
Nitine. Coreopaia--Clayton Leith. Millen Drawing Map of Ontario -
*site, Margaret, Biegin, Verna tte, Walter Lindsay, Carl Cox, "aa y After the wreck comes the reckon.
ward. Calendula-Margaret Eizams Grigg. Bertha Cox. Bernice Bqftd ing.
afarce In the government of the th Yit 4 mit* A red hearty voteit 0 Harry Thompson Glen Pickard, Fred Bernice Elliott. Drawing Map
etl and the government has tome te tint' her Yell
interesting and instruct' Marigalds-Jack Sterling* Norma Norme Welsh, Doris Miller,' No n
that ten no longer be ignor.1
In w e
3 3 Peak er Wallace, • Mary Sterling. preach Europe--.F.Iva Gilbert, Pearl Eas
realize that agriculture is the basic iele athlresa• 1 reply Mi" Maenad/ 'Welsh, Cecil Hebson, Jack Salkeld Puller, Eunice SmverhY^ Writi g NOTICE I,
industry uf thie country* and mem. said she did not want thanks, what maw
and leave their teats in theellouse of country, but H you would like to de ;Ma °Hrunlilengr, liarnornni:-P!tvteeirYti, YEciec: -
here of Parliament no louer•get up she did was tor the benefit of the
130 SterelhiZe.
Commons when quettiont on striate., *outthink for rite subscribe for Ow
Partners' Sun. It. IS your own paper
isilhams. 'Verbenas -jean Jack bert. e Yst• Writing
Hany Williams. cosmos--laernice Suramer"-Margaret Blain
tore *re being discussed ** was the owned by, the fanners of ontarkl, and "lee in the beginning of the*Peeeent ait such we aboahl sal be behind it
Bernice Bond, Margaret.Evansi.Bern. Monday. and Tuesday
Moore, Muriel' Iludie. Bertha Cox. worthy Young, Marion LlfinPhreY •
liome , Garden Botiollet-Doresthy Meredith Young, Eennettr GilhArt
Sterlin Thehns, cud re o it Joe Dalton. Writing, "Today" -
svill 'be Closed
In referring to the Plebiscite which *nd even' farmer in Cluterlo shook
;Gardner, Ruth Thompson Clifford
re to be taken in October Miss Mee- subserlhe to, and road the "Earmerel hte•seas wink, Gardner. °Donal_ ice Elliott, Muriel Iludie,
Phail said lie trusted that the pea Clayton Laithwalte,
Keith Sterling Lindsay, Olive Fuller. Writing, *err
the Dandelion"-Lautie" Bruin. Olive • Se
• pie of this provioce would in go for.. NoTHING To EouAt. Dorothy Sterling, Orville OkeBasel Lintphrey.
ward in the tease of prohibition mei Eve Gilbert, Pearl tee. ' pt 29th aml,30th
not backward, which would be what '
.would happen, should the O. T. A. be
Mrs. Georges Lefebvre. St. Zznen.1
. mutt there Fuller, Phil Bisset, Jack Salkeld.- pfeiatrd, Eat Welsh, Irene Woods
repealed. Cockerel -Maurice likks, Norman Detia_llanley, Eldred Emerson, Gler 'On aeconn,t of the Jewish'
1-1 I'd °
nom, Mildred Hicks, Margaret
liems. e,Writing, "Memory Genle--
• . In Canada today three'great pow. Que.. writes: 'I do slot t
. ere or forces rule. any other inedichke to- equal news Charlotte Trewartha, Eleanor Corti jack Snyder. Crayon Drawing --El•
First. the big ha own Tablets tor int* 012214 I bare pullet --Phil /Bonet Clayton Leith- ole Otbiddeston. Lorne Potter, Mar.
magnates. These monied, powers cote isolable else."' What hl ,...re. Lefebvre Norma potter, Eleanor Cox. Pell of_ Middleton, Edgar Bothwell
tro/ the government and exert undue ftrttbopnalubt ot Other eleeper3 50. three -.-Eleanor Cox, 13hil , Bisset . Color Drawing -Eve Gilbert. Doris
...water Plc a se your sbopping'
o i ays,
terests, the banks and the :stoner need tterin tor toy baby *ad would use mate, Maurice Rieke, Jaek Seibold jorie, young, Arnold Porter, Huge ,
indueeee, on legielation. The *tone They bare towel by trial tha$ the Tab. ,,,,,.,...ice melte Raymetei Cox, 11,___„.,
lots toner' do just as 101 mans puller. 1.: Biggin. Pair Barred Muller, Frl eddie Miller, Pearl Eassem 1 . S Week. •
great power is the press. whieb, by hat In *I kned for 'zee
its paopagaridis, reaches out to all the t„lleme The Tablfit"l° * t but - • -
mem h laxative which regulate the noclus-zvelen Wise* Willie Reuter ,.....***e.e
People` The Pre" Iden to 131311" eX. boTheeltigsad sweeten tbe ettonseli *ad Norma Potter, Mary Grigg, Hose) ich.
powere, at rich corporations own come,
tent is eentrolled h7 the roomed than bud* indigos:doe. coustipatiou. Pickard, Clifford McNeil. Pair White code - Beauty
wale. .eie. I'ller • are 1(1 bY Leghorns-Charlotte Trewartha. Ken -
*02110 of the lerger neweposers. The otedklas dealers or by mail at 2leeuts nem rpftwartha, Arthur melte Earl
. third power is the government. 'to a bon frotu The Dr. Willtanis' Mediclue %yawn mereyn Low
have been true to their election prin-1 Com* esuse III" 3111fferiDg, b741 kniae "jams' White Realg'"Eve.
greetivee, that the majority of them
their credit, it can be told of the Pro- Co., Brockville, Oat
_ I '
Yonne. Aneonas-Beralee Moore 1111
eiples eind have etood atoof frora the nolloweete Corn Rower Offers a Cox. Bernie* Elliott, Lleyd Rieke.
triti"not ,of The bit ultimata, hettspesdyonsrf. and satisfactory relay( EIva Elliott, Raymond COX, Harold
tome of them have twit their Md. Yeo.
.k.nee and have ituerumbe,d to the A earless driver was Barriey.Batee. LIVE STOCK
newer of those money *lunette. He's knocking ^tifffe at the pearly Beef Calf -Lindsey Sterling, Peter
Harrison. Bernier Elliott. Mei*
Bet the one thing in the world to- gates.'
rem announces to 5
• tattoos that heviug,had bis Oder • -
revers to tne Oldleted. he has rite
cured the services of lir. C. Biog.!
bard' who has baa considerable ,
porletwe la aTotoatoshopsaan
11114 4122222 thein 02 good work. r -
pmeship, sow Mr. Campbell,'
eta devote more of hie time to
'she lodettie.Parloc. *plug theme •
tbe latest cries and moieties nano
New Yosielatirlemed Lo*doa,Eng.
ithiaatiag. nhampoolog. Curling..
Wartag.., Bead noktreettt 604
1,adiei Combings Made up.
Try owe so oat. Ppeetal Fate
Masengs. l'seelst aoloodirewineell
Nwimpait Seat Ne. each.
Children e our Beet
A mat to ewe" yea.
tAdlue • Dora lam Wm*
=t.aat *We mu -
4 .
. I 1 1 1111 1 1111 1 11111 I I I
• Robins
Was Treshisi Wilk Nor
load sad Korea
For Tsars
lire. Jones Rutledge, Nominal Ste.
tion, N. S., writes: -"I think it my
duty to tell you about what Milburn
Mean' and Nerve Pills hare done for
.ror vats 1 wan ambled itk nay
'heart sad erne,. sold wee 20 bad, at
times, 1 would falat away *ad fell
right &Ira where 1 wu sitting or
staseling, and after .,se of tiVIPe attarim
reesid,eoseetietee ire 4s bed for weeks
at * timO *ed feeling tial tile was eel
wertb Iiriag.
I flashy maned kease at
mai after Wag Go *rut bet I ere I
g milist, mai OW ariwyr that%
fee a 'bort t.mo1 heand that they lint
ilor we Mot se other remedy hod aver -
Isom "
allitessee IL Mils apo few Ohs
Phone orders given Special Attention
Phone Stare 22 House 112
• I • •
THE nature of electricity, the lack
of smoke and fumes, makes cook-
ing beautifully clean and permits the
"storing" of heat in Mcelary's won-
derful Electric Range.
NIcClary's Oven . retains heat so
efficiently that you can bake for
hours - after the current is 'turned
See this oven. It's the newest
thing and the greatest feature of
electric cooking/the McClary's way,
See also Mcelary's "1R-REIrt
P• rotected Elements. They "store"
cooking heat, too,-
- "sr 8,ei Ili tilt
1 11511 t 7 744
Far Sok by Wat