The Goderich Star, 1924-09-18, Page 71
1RVUD.AY, IMP?. llttk, 11084.
For The Past
80 Yells
Ilealtesammesseirealieneammesserneseseseeseasimars 1 emanie as eF um
nlinig RV
Sundav Alternoon 1 T,» Eist4t P.«l ' w. raw ..
5lly ISABEL HAMILTON, ION. Gods**, Ont. Ni Wm Seem fluoride
..a�W rrmsaw asallelwcsailas
mu.leartsasa lreWienlblenwsr� It N S'.rr Its{eetive-•-The Demleit
0 Master, from the mountain side, secondly to try God's power to pro- mod > ail Metbotis-how
Make haste to heal these hearts of tact him no matter into what danger-' Means iMggeWar
eted dle Altstrik
pain ; tuna place he purposely put himself 1a Ostarlo.
Among these restless ttts'om#s abide,' and thirdly he tried to bribe Jesus to iL�at»► t Oataris Des„rttreat et
I 0 tread the city's streets again ; !worship him instead of God. Alt of it list:1re. 7reresto e
Till stns of men shall learn Thy love, these temptations Jeans met by "It
And follow where Thy feet have is written." The devil has no power la the control of poultry Ileo Off..
trod ; to overoonre those remedy know and de reeiy lout route very mach to the
Till glorious from Thy heaven above,' the will of God. ' front during the put seven years. it i
Shall come the city of our God Aug. d_,-.Tfie First Disciples of is sodium fluoride a chemical that j
PRAYER Jolts 1 . S5 44.fettles tad sats lie its appllenties.
ng. r r r
F.- M. North. Joints. 1
- ',Main. .- ••, i.• - I N 111111,11 • 1111
is easy to obtain, easy to apply. ef-
las had the reputation oa being a Our Heavenly Father, we know all
spoil6r moody for the relief of all that we do, know of thyself through
bowel troubles melt as Jesus Christ thy Son. He called
Diarrhoea, Dysentery, thee Father; he told us when we
prayed to attires* thee as Our Fath -
Calle, St - which Cramps, er ; he gave himself up to do thy
Siilati>lee'1eI' Complaint, will, and he taught us to say in
pAnd Other .Loos ness of it is doer, Thy will n done on uer chth as
it is done in 'heaven: 'Flom our chilli -
The Rowels- hood we have said this, but we have
rarely feh it in all its meaning, in all
mire Norman llea3, B.U. N9. 3, Sar- its pathos, in all the sublimity of its
nit, Out., writes:-- Last Summer I obedience. Work within us all thy
had a very severe attack of summer ministry,,so teaching us tray by day,
eeeo*otpplaint. I took a few doses of Dr, little by little, a lesson at a time.
Pewter's Extract of Wild Strawberry For Jesus' sake. Amen.
sold in a few houl,, 1 got relief from
the severe pains. (Joseph Parker).
'lar. Fowler's' is the only medicine S. S. LESSON FOR SEPT. 28th, 1924
Jesus returned from the wilderness
where he was tempted of 'the devil
and walked near to where John and
his disciples were. Twice John called
their attention to Jesus as the Lamb
of God and on the second occasion
two of them left him and followed
Jesus. An evening spent with him
convinced them he was the Messiah
and Andrew found his brother Peter
and brought him to Jesus. Philip
was called. by Jesus h:mself but he
like Andrew, went out and brought
Nathaniel who, on hearing Jesus say
he knew him before Philip called him.
said "Rabbi, thou art the Son of 'God.
thou art the King of Israel."
Aug. loth --Thr First Mirada of
X have ever taken that will glee relief Lesson Title -Review: Opening -John 2:1.11.
no quickly. Period of Christ's Ministry.
When you ask for Dr, Fowter'e Ex- "'Jesus and hie five new friends re-
tract of Vrild Strawberry, be 'pure you lesson Passage --Read lain 55:1.13. turned from Judea to (writ, where a
gel• what you ask for, as same of the July 6th -The Birth of Jesus. wedding feast was ht progress. The
sheep imitetions may prove to be den- -Luke 2 ;7.20. ,were bidden to attend and at some
w to your health.Joseph and Mary had gone to Beth•• time in the proceedings the wine began
Apply the Ihiba elft every r%hr
hours to throat:end ucheat.
Gargle 'y1th,1YtinariVs3n %warm
'„ Seeltd idt, Jor:Bront hitis
and Asthma.
• lehem, the home of their ancestors, to to fail. Mary sought out her son and
be taxed in accordance with a decree told him their plight. He did not
Published by ,,.Caesar Augustus, and .neem to help her but her faith in him
there Jesus was born., His birth -was
announced by ah' angel to shepherds
and then _ a • heievenly host burst upon
their vision and sang :
"Glory to God in the highest, and on
earth peace, goodwill toward men."
The shepherds hastened tofind the
child' as directed and there in a inan-
ger lay Christ, the Lord. s And the
shepherds returned, verifying and,
praising God for all the things they
had heard' and seen..
July 13th -The Boyhood of Jesus.
-Luke 2:40.52:
At twelve years of .age every Jew-
ish male child became "a son of the
law" and was permittee to take part
the celebrationf the c ed sti-
in ho 1 sacred fe
vats,..Thus it was Jesus went up at
445 that age to Jerusalem and there met
and talked with the Rabbis, forget-
ful of the departure of his friends to
their home. After this experience he
resumed his former--modef life and
it was written of him "Jesus uncreaa-
ed in wisdom and stature and in fav- • house hath eaten me up; but the Jews moral the head is. soused and the
or with God and man," •questioned his authority and then for bird taken out and allowed to drain.
July 20th -Tito Baptism of "mos.( the ' first time Jesus spoke of • his The dip should be 'body heat for
-Mark 1 :•1.11. I•tle&t7n' and resurrection, saying, "De-! fowl, about 107', and the. work done
stroy this temple and in three days I on ,a quiet, bright day. when it is
i Jahn the Baptist, a :.righty preach- will raise it up." ' `warm enough to dry the birds
er, and his cousin, Jesus; met for the *Aug.• 24th- J' us Talfis with Nico-! �luic'(tl7
first time on the banks or the Jordan. den�us. ba 114Muts el+uggcsted.
and it was revealedto John "ippe "!fie , -John 3:1-3, 8417: __ _ .._ . There ami 6- a -number -of other
one mightier than i'" had appeared, methods that /nose At onee:> he=excielmed;':1 have ,need ;, .1s7-odemus, IOL' f ser of those of his proved to be high -
to be baptized of thee,and comest own class, sought an interview _withly etilcfent, atrtouy which`tecarbolic.
thou to. me?" Jesus replied "Suf- .Jesus' at night, In the conversation .aeld, gasoline and nlaiter' of saris
which took lace Jesus revealed to T mixture Is coming into "steneral use.
far it to be `so now ; for thus it be- p
tiod'buss 8laodiide Very Ifireethe.
Sodium lucid, Nay be ebtateed In
Inc white powder form or as tae
errands. The powder form, 11 gtutr-
aateed 10 to 11 her oeat pure, la
the moat desirable fordo to spiny as
a dust. . ➢podium fluoride. relates its
etlieleney, and may be kept If need he
to closed tight bottles or cans and
used when wasted. One application,
if thorough, will destroy all Iles on
the birds and remain effective long
enough to get many of the parasites
that hatch later. • There are three
Methods of application In eomlmton
use; all are effective, but the "pinch
method" la the moat commonly prac-
ticed to entail flocks. It consists of
the application of the *odium fluo-
ride powder directly to the skin; sand
feathers of the bird, the operator
taking Kip what he can bold between
the thumb and forefinger sad apply-
ing on breast, each thigh. each Ode
et back, on the neck, heat,,., enders
side of each wing, below the vent. It
takes ten pinches of the chemical to
cover. the bird by this method and
lead her to SA the 'servants 'to ,do his and ekllled operators cau handle
bidding: Then it was Jesus turned sixty bird* an hour.
water into wine and'relieved the si- The D.usthtgMethod.`
tuation, proving 'himself what he. is The' dusting method of applying
today spiritually •'to all who 'seek his sodium fluoride is by mixing with a
help -a very* 'present 'help in time of filter material, as flour, talc, or plas-
trouble.. Ais 'disciples seeing his.ter, to make four times the bulk of
power believed him to 'be •what John' the, ...tpeect e:de, and then apply by
had proclaimed he was -the Son of 'shaker blower duster to the ruffled
God, the 'Messiah. feathers of the bird.. Greater speed
Thin treating the btrda Is secured at a
Aug. 17th -Jesus Cleanses the Temple greatersexpenditure of chemical.
• '3ohu 2:i3h2- The l) pping Plan.
On going up to; Jerusalem to ob-1 The`dipping metjtod •ot applying• so-
%erve- the 1Passover Jesus' right- dium fluoride can be practiced due-
eous--indignation was: aroused_ when log. the.. eutumer and early autumn
he found 'buyers, sellers and money season when there is ample warmth
changers within the !Courts of God's, and sunlight to dry wet birds. The
House, Ile took rushes strewn upon bath is prepared In a, wooden tub
the ground and out sof them made a and consists of one ounce of eomrxes'-
scourge with which 'he drove' them slat medium iluorlde to a gallon of
out, saying, "Take these things harm water. Sufficient quantity.
hence; make not my Father's house should be mixed to handle the work
an 'house of merchandise: His disci- at hand. Five gallons of the solution
w1I1 do for 100 birds.' The bilis to
pies -thereupon thought of the words be. treated are placed in the dip for
of the „psalmist. "The zeal of thine twenty seconds and just before re -
Everything to make
a Tasty Dinner
1 of d P'b► Mlles 1Ge
per Packet at all Druggists,
eftews and General Stores
In a small town of the Ameriear
Middle Wert region where the "mail
Corder" system of shopping has a tee-
' menden* vogue -a good story was re.
,eeatly , tad of the local shopkeeper.
When/he came • home one night his
wife proudly showed him an unusual
type of egg -beater she had just
bought from ,tate of the- mail order
firms. There appeared at once on his
face a look of surprise, instead of the
pleasure she had expected 'to find
1 She -felted him what the trouli'Ie was
11"Well," he replied, "I've had half a
doxen of these things in stock for a
year and I've been wondering how on
earth I was ever going to get rid of
Ithem." The incident is being used it
the press to illustrate the value of
"publicity." If, it is argued, nt retail
trader keeps his .stock of household
'appliances secret even to his own wifc
how can he expect to find customer.
for them. -Ex.
Colborne to'wnehip council met in
the township hall at 2 p. m. on Sept.
9th. Co*tnrillors Graham, Fisher and
Bill were present, the Reeve presid-
ing. Minutes of last meeting were
adopted as read, on !notion of Mr.
Graham. and M. Robertson, `
The treasurer- reported receiving
$25 from. Magistrate Reid -e -fines un-
der the Jfighways Traffic Act.
Bylaw No. 7 was passed in open
'>truncil 'Axing the county township
gen. school, C. P. R. and S. S. No. 6
dch•,ntvr. rates for the year 1924 and
atathorizing the..elerk to strike the
different.. schooI rates according to
trusteed' requisitions, on motion of
..Mr, Hill and Mr. Graham. .
The following accounts were paid :
I a
A. Clark, for supplies, $4.45;,JA El-
liott, for cement, $4.90; Robt. Medd
for la car •and tileWest� os
'b n on Vawan h
boundary, $60.50; T. L. Tarshis, foe
iron, $39.40; Thos. Wilson, for cement
$263.60; Henry ,Matthews, work on
culvert, Ashfield boundary, $5; Code -
rich Planing Mill; nails and lumber
$14.46; Roy. Patterson, for cement
$134.53; R. S, Hetherington,_ for tile
$86.90; Fred Quaid, •resuriaeing, $20;
Harry McCreath, resurfacing,. 110;
Albert Mugford, teaming, ete., $26.50;
Wm, Paw, work on road. $2,50; Chas.
Aplin, work -on. West Wawanoah boun,
Bary, 32.50; Albert Good, road suet,
$Ifs, liter..._ Symonds, panther,. $4di±k
Gordon Lamb, cement, 323. _ -
•Meeting adjoprned to October 14t1•
at 1.80 p. m.
MRS Hp+, HERI vfG'l~O'v;
Tp. Clerk.
++ 3utn.lus_ mesion on_ earth, telling him ua dustinit powder is prepared by
cometh into fulf,i .t!f, , l,i:/ ��,.U..�a . feint -three -pa gs sine, twa.-part
So Jesus went down :oto the waters the 'need of every one was a change carbolic acid (90 per cent pure} and
cheaper than Coal or Wood
Convenient, Clean, Quick
Korth Side Square, OODERICH
JAtma. ret. # ISa-Cf<U$ ik.-Atelta,•e likes
Doke and }fosse Livery.
}tack Stables, Etc.
lelontosai street
Just off the Square
'dosses Meet all Trains and
Pasienger Soot*
Passedxerl called for in any •
part of the town for all .
!eyries at 0. T. R; dr C. P. R.
' Prarript Service and
Careful Attendance..
Oer Livery and dark berries
will be found up-to-date
la every respect.*
Year Patresags Selkited
Pees. 107 •MOntrtal Street
of..Jordan snc1 s --baptized of John of heart and that God so loved the .#grin= in enough paster of parts to
and the heavens were opened and a world that he. sent 'him, his only be- take up all. moisture. It is applied
voice said, 'This is . my .belov_ed.. Son gotten Son, to make, :t possible for as a dusting powder with a shaker
in whom T a in well pleased." . man to be reconciled to God and to' or by hand.
July 27th -The Temptation of Jesus. become an heir of Heaven.
-Matt. 4:1-11. Aug. 31st -Jesus Talks With a Se -
After his baptism Jesus was led in- maritan •Wort«n. great aid in keeping the tonne popu-
to the wilderness and there three -John 4:7-14, 24-26, 31-3Gd 'talon down. A box partly tilled with
times the devil tempted him, first he Jesus, while resting by the well of tine' road dust to winch tobacco dust.
Sychar, got into conversation, with a has been added at too rate of one
roue pov+Atr'to relieve his own hunger; • woman
tried to get him to use his miracu- t who came to craw water.' to six, is very useful and relieves the
During their talk he led her to see he old lien of.mauy an Itch. --L. starer-'
was the expected Messiah and she son. Lept. of liztenaron, 0. i, C.,
A medicated dust wallow beneath
the Shade in the poultry yard or with-
in the shelter of the building ati a
CANADIAN.NATIONAL RY� hastemed into the city to tell others.' Guelpn.
Jeans to spite of -his fati•gue igue and
ilai dy Alfalfa In Ontario.
TRAIN SERVICE to TORONTO thirst, seriously set about the.conver-
Sion of this woman and great was the A large number of tests have been
outeome,.not merely: one soul saved it conducted in past years on the ex-
Daily Except Sunday bat a .whale city moved and a great perimentat plots at the Ontario Agri -
f. ,e. Gouericb. COO a ,n. ?,..20 ti.m. harvest ready for the reaping. cultural College with different varle-
Seafovn (3 25 a m. 0.52 p,nr. Sept 7th --Jesus Heals a Nobleman', discovered ties and strains
mo a thanitaiia. It was
decade ago
Seaford.' ii i a :u. :3:1: p.m, 'Son. .. •
„ �• that the Common shade from the
Mitchell 7.04 a.m.. 3.42 p.m. -John .•4 :46:54. Central Western States would not
err. Stratford 7.JU a u1. . 4.10 p.m. A nobleman's son was dangerously live long in Ontario. Variegated al-
Kitchoner 8.20 a.m. 5 20 tt,tn,' ill and the father in his deep distress fe1158, such as the Grimm and the
Guelph 8.45 a 111. 5.50 p.m. set off in haste to induce Jesus, who. Variegated, however, proved
" Toronto 10.10 a m. 7.40 p.m. he had just' heard, had come to Cana hardy lu this! Province. !hese two
Retu, ninb-leave Toronto (1'10, to come. down and heal him. Josue;
I�.��a pan, and G.10 pan • 1 worked greater miracle by. increas-
Parlor ;Cafe car, 6.10 ch .to Tori ing the father's faith so that he came
onto, on morning train, and 'Toronto - to kaow Jesus not ass a rabbi endow -
to Goderich 6.10 p, m, train° ed with special power but as the Mes-
varieties are now increasing substan-
tially es the termer* appreciate their
superiority d)ver,•the Common, violet
/towered- variety. •
'In oil.e experiment at the College
alfalfa 'has been cut tor hay three
Through coach Goderich to Toionto srah, with power to ea the soul as • aures a ",hear for eleven successive
well as the body. In this faith the' years wit iput re -seeding. 7'lie tiest
cutting this .year, therefore, is the
•thirty-fourth crop obtained nom the
one seeding. "o- lne average yield of
hay per acre per annum froiu the
elefen years of this test was snightly
Over .tour tons.
1a another experiment of thirty=
four pints seeded In the 'spring of
1826, the highest yield of nay iron,
the lira cutting of this }car i,:.:, of
the Variegated type.
'The Common alfalfa has variegat-
ed flowers of different den*lues and
the Variegated alfalfa* has violet,
green, bine and yellow ur varioue.
blends which eau be seen• when the
blossoms; are fully opened. "
Several earloaos of seed of high
quality of Variegated alfalfa have
been produced and sold for seed pur-
poses in each of the past two or three
years in feel .County alone, Alao let
a number of other'eounttcs seed of
the Variegated type of alfalfa is be-
ing produced. --Dept. of Extension,
O. A. C., Guelph.
F. F. LAWRENCE 8 SONS. members of his househdld became
Town Passenger and Tickets Agents sharers and thus 'became the first
'Phone 8 whole household 'brought into the
i kingdom of God.
Sept. 14011 -Jevons Drnrs [loin Nazar-
WORKIN& GIRL'S I -fte..,.,..
EPERIENCE 1 `\hen Jesus came to 'tris home, af-
ter his entry upon his public ministry.
He went to the synagogue as he had
-•-••••-s---•a-- --. !always done on the Sabbath day, but
Read How She Found Help this time he was not a silent wor-
shipper but took the roll and read the
in Lydia E. Ptniklla m $ lesson and spoke on "This day' is this
• Vegetable Compound scripture fulfilled in your ears." At
first the audience. listened intently
Arnprior, Ontario. "t must write
!and received his words but, by de -
and tell you my ozperlaaoe with your fur ,' and herrecs, what ho drover himafro nsaid .ousethertthe
medicine. i wee working itt the factory y
for three years andbeearaa,sorun-down synagogue and would have. east him
that .bused to take weak spells and over the cliff and killed him but his
would be at home at lee/teat day each. manner awed them and he passed un -
week. I was treated'by the doctors for hurt out of their midst and away from
anemia, but it didn'tseem tele me any his home town and home friends
goad. I was told to take a rest, but was showing the truth of his words, when
troubled mostly on itth myy perettigg iods. ae said; to then!, "No prophet is • ac -
1I would sometimes pass three months, ' ecptc l in his own country."
and when it came it would last around Sept. 2lkt--,Jesup Maker it Missionary
.twoweeks,fun' Iwouldhave such at Tour.
Wheal* myright sidethatI hardly -=Mark 1:35.455.
walk. lam only 19 years of age and ' Jesus, as he and his disci les went
weigh 118 pounds now, and before tale. p
itig the Vegetable Compound I wa,Sonly throughout Galilee, preached in . the
108 pounds. I was akk1y for two years synagogues and healed many that
and some of mr' friends told me about were sick of divers diseases, and east
Lydia E. PInkham'ir Vegetable Com- 'out many devils. ('mc' • remarkable
pound and wham I bad taken* bottle of etre iy :recorded whet* A Toper he.
it I felt a change. My mother has been s
taking it for ettimferentailment and has ought him, eying, If thou wilt theta
• fount it very aaiiofacWty. I am willing const make me clean." Jesus, Ion-
to tell Mende *beet the nbedicine ane teary to all Custom, touched the leper
to weaver letters asking about it.'•==• and his hand was not polluted by
Miss HASneBititttrereRox 700,Arnprior, touching the leper's body, but the Iep-
Qntario. er's whole body was cleansed l,y the
A dayouteiadtweek Alewife the pay' tough of that holy hand."
Envelope. If yea are troubled with same
weakness, indicated by arc -down con.
dation, tired feelPlpaints and irregu-
larity, let Lydia akham's Ve ta-
No .elporntd help yoc. C
If you don't look through your
windshield you May look through a
hr. pital window. Both are glass.
It is not lack of time, but indiffer-
ence .which leaves farm nlachlntry
broken and rusty throughout winter.
A pig that doesn't make it bog of
himself isn't profitable.
Kincardine -Vent. 18 and 10.
Linear el--Sept.'18 and Its.
eafur tl•--•Sept. 18 and 19.
I:aylu 1d Sept. 23 and 24.
Mitchell ---Sept. 23 and 24.
Myth -Apt. 25 and 26.
Lueknow Sept. 25 and 26.
Zurich -=Sept. 25 mid 26.
Wingham--Sept. 20 and 30.
lit'tt "Fla--. -(ht. a and 3.
Dun Bannon- (et. 2 and 3.
n., rs me M 0e11 lht anal it Yaws
J. t_ .,M.:
Rub it in for Lame Back. -+-A, brisk
rubbing with Dr. Thomas' F.clectrie
00 will relieve lame back. The skin
will immediately absorb the oil and it
will penetrate the tissues and bring
speedy relief. Try it and be convinc-
ed. As the liniment sinks in, the
pain edenes out and; there are ample
grounds for saying that it is an ex.
eellent article.
If your brakes won't work the doc-
tor will.
# nkr �tra/nstma
Fresh lens, Belts, Tura! ., C"wrariers
Beats, Carrots, Lettuce, Weis, Water Meiaaat•.
The Beat XXX Vinegar and Best Mixed
Spices for Pi"c"kles.
erto for Preseving alujMa.kiiag Jelly.
J. J. McEwen
PHONE +415 South We S' r.
Bargains in Nouse furnishings
A large portion of our Heins:: Furnishing
stock for fall is arriving and we are giving
special prices on all house furnishings to make
room to let us pass the new gods into stock.
▪ Linoleum and Cocoa, Matting
Linoleum, 4 yards wide ,.. V.00 a• sq. yard
('ores Matting, yard wide, 'suitable for verandahs, Regular
price t 1.10, to clear at. 'ZEc
Q 1f you have any gifts to bay visit our stern'
The Store of a Million Gifts"
Odd Curtains at Half'Price •
Several odd i stirs of curtains •will be cleared at heli -price. The
lot consists of one and two •alike, in many eases just• one pair.
if you have an odd window Where you can die tut odd pair of
cut tains yeti cat, Kayo money by looking over onr bargain stock.
One Electric Washer
= 'hgIit•1y _used -rete tic'tnnnst ration purposes. 1tegitln, in-icu $172.
will sell for $1111 if taken at ouee.
Wesley Walker
-- ▪ •.Often the Cheapest . Always the Best
The Store of Quality
▪ West Side Square Goal trach
-The Godericlh Star s
1 h.: 4t,tr 'r.,i I,c,lu1'iitt 11ree ltrc'SS
T;t' Star t,1, London Advertiser... ...., , . , , .
1(;, 75
lie :Si:rt and The 'i''',+•nnto Globe' • (,r. ,5
:the Star and The ,11;:11 , iid Empire, (0.75
1 he Star and The To; ort Star 6•75
The Star and. The !'.trail': Herald anti Wee2kl`1 Star 3.50
1 he Star and -.•Jav Night 5 50
1 Le Star and 1•resi terian Witness 3;90
The Star and The Catholic, Record ... , . • . 3.75
The Star and ;Mcl.ean's M tgazine • 4 5
The 'tar and Rod and (inn 1 90.
The Star and Montreal 1Vitness..... ...renewal. 3.85,
nest'° . 3.5o
The Star and \Vet -1,i Wide' .renewal 4.25 -'
'I he Star .'.nd fire Romer,' Sun
Special Clubbing Rates with other Periodicals
may, be had on application
. lame
Says Backache Often Means , You Have Not Been
Drinking Enough Water
.When you wake up with b tkscha
and dull misery in „the kidney region it
may mean you have been eating foods
which create acids, says 'a well-known
. authority. An excess of such acids
overworks the kidneys in their effort to
filter ,it from the blood and they become
It sort of paralyzed and loggy'. When
your kidneys get sluggish and clog you ..
!Bunt. relieve theta], like you relieve your
bowels,. removing all the`1;ody's urinous
waste, else you have backache, alek
headache, dizzy spells; your .stomach
sours, tongue is coated, and when the
weather is bad ‘you have rheumatic
twinges. The urine is cloudy, fust of
-sediment, Channels often get sore, water
scalds and you are obliged to seek reusal
two or three times during the night,.
Either consult a good, reliable physi-
cian at once or get from your Jtharma
cist about four ounces of Jad Salts;
take a tablespoonful in (i glass of water
before breakfast for a few days and
your kidneys' may then act •fin(. This
famous salts is made from' the acid of
grapes and lepton juice, combined with
lithia, and has been rifled for years to
.help clean and stimulate sluggish kid-
neys, also to a e ttralize acids in the
system, so they no longer 'irritate, thus
often relieving bladder weakness.
,?ad Salts is inexpenisve, 'cannot in-
jure and makes a delightful effervescent
Iithia-water drink. Drink lots of soft
Water. By all ,means have' your'phyli-
tlilinn examine your kidneys at Inuit twice
R rear.