HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-09-11, Page 7• ♦ Ifternoon I1rt gists ifs No a1 w% From oftarom, colimica, amt. Cantina • Fmk 0.aille4011 An Ieaseems iR sepeof I At even. when teis sect d,6i *sete s tar tits priest had pronounced that a Mae•itsi kW Geowees -•- s M^geml ed Time -sick, O Las' surs.w4 Tse lege t' men was really fl .d by It, he was igge t e vTe the ll'; mums 0 is whet dyers paha 'tipsy matt ' banished, became as e+axsat iron sa- tarsal' tists•"4'hii Drente 7R. ode 0 with ghat Joey the ween awe,! dist' and. whenever he saw may site Nes, 1W Qut. I ' Thy tomb hes atM sits mem* power, l in um mi4hltsrhOOd' he bad to er7 et - No weed from Thee esus :mittens �alend mune?" 1 Vedeen . �trfeetee r ebt its D �t at t Leprosy Deem' there a *poem of • And is Thy t ytiMat ih weak titsrral M pia 4 1MlettMfen a ase I`i iambi WPM& /1- - -;11,. 'r X$i EO F Dyseedetr is sea of the worst ferns of bowel essspleint. It comes sa sod- denly, mai 'the 'nems ix the bowels 1 . asses intense; the ineebstees occur with greet meepere by bleed. xsry vftta two• Dysentery tees iwi t nerd is persist ter so length of time. ustil the wink velem weakened ens} dahili- eiiid, 'h Y *til" lather diesiese so gsiakly nntierndaes the streegth oral bring' about a sondirlee of'prostratioa "avid utter collapse that ,utter termite *tee fatally; Mr. l bent Woodall, Esenioops, D. C., , rrr•\tstse I was sorely trothled Stith 'that terrible scourge, d eesitery: for the 'lest tnt•Tvs months owing to the seem etReetsc of ptomaine poisoning. I lieu' absolutely no ',entre' over my Morcels, sad sifter tryin several doetors' .reme- riwias I wee indt ed to take Dr. Fowler's„ Rbtt of Wild Strawberry. Atter dothg ss! get immediate and complete relief, A "tis editovary'kvr .hours to 'throat and °best; with Minird's in warm d $plendld forB W5 and 4$ fall ; ' 'g "\'e tin, for its gradual taking halal of the' The Cantors* gait Growers' i:• Bear, in this "nabs( whole pbysk*1 being m akin to the ehasra *WNW 17,s67t417 beitis of f;Menre Twills)• way sin over -rune a oraaiss, 'amass taiag it'stiatni 1 AY nature of man vrh'eh is incurable but 46,211 ospxs to solute Wage WI,- by the renewing et the whops inner forsia;�iatltreasstd Its prepar'kttpa mf sell �• t Pit dm, oleo, while - being h7 the grace of sass'. al, and the lOc au_ bets ' tirocers Stores. O Thou Great Y citrus fruit grows fa the asserts sena forThistido,visit homes and nearing x town he meta 18.7 tqe 71.2 -per asst„ retorted We on earth, aver ttarssd a deaf sax to Aa Jtsus deacettedad the mountain, T t XXX S to Ce'r rto Pruning . lig 1►'- alta $ Great Day w��our was hsi•tlsers is skinless and whisper poor 'human waeek who must have masa its mesaattert; toot thrmuilt ley Charles Conway words of consolable* and elasser to board :toimthing of this wonderful: howl*of cuatomors cr11y 1i,12t,71t those who amid Use • ent;er stiait#ra- person now so 6°14 to him. Re ,fid all this business ata Dost of 1.61 ow .lintaAatael Mea sixty Ave Yeats ago, tions of thy grace, le) that, 'while threw caution aside rue instead of per cont. of the delivered.rains enol. ops tlo k1Ms �r 1759, General weakness of body Jaya them low, thy his usual Dry of "unelar'n1" it was an inoludie adrartising. L.4S.•Psr emit. Welts ostialate lefosasahlevictory out• strength becomes their cause for re- agonising /appeal for help. His at. Such 1s the caromed for Its last atm aids ties wallet rite oNy `'t Quebea. joking in the midst ethtrit•1 and en" tituds as well as his words made a elel „roar of the. camerae" yeeet Thoselstgts'eet gessillesti oonnncnced in Wee tem to say. any w n , aea leder pair'st ,tans 1759, wimp a for• tete et � lar,artCpnrca ort the whore lauded au S. S. LESSON FOR°lBPx. 21st, 1124 others. His case then depended on Ain ltaetrnes's,' Range of lesieba was. .y oat *hoot IMP ttmea under the the willingness of the heeler. Some: The Califorela Fruit ('rowers' lex- ecneosntsA yet Wolf...Per two and a pt "T' iu. not J,is obi it ptcta•de BeIIe did not Droners $ aclsr'nie outlets products mine, 0 Lord be „dom." T'broigit Js- 'doubt these Lord's *Why to help, so he are,bat know* to (;ansultas consuls- Skitirb ships ilei p rt h d sus Christ our Lord. Amen. must have heard of hl.; :owing keeled ere by the brand "Bushkin" else St. tatter sr Leeson Tttiee-Jess Makes a Mit" cases there were .when the answer change is the oldest lend LariMc ofhalt monthat s w tae'sett tuella ertarts *denary Tome was delayed when faith lead to be racism Passage---Maark' 1 ;35.45, strebgthened'hut here the faith was Golden Text.•e-Mark 1: 40, moat appareett and there doesn't seem: ,his to have been a moment's delay. The Jesus, after being driven from lepere bane town by an angry mob, came knw' the restrictions in such. down to Capernaura, a city of Cali- meets as his and all his Joy must have. lee, and taught Memnon the $ sbbath - b'ie'r extraordinarily intense leas he. days, In Matt. Mb, 4th and 7th : felt what he had, missed all his 1per- ehapters, .known as The Sermon 'on life -the touch of a human, hand and the Mount, we have the subjects of heard be thothe u clean." aattcAs adlwriter his teaching. His times of teaching says, "The hand of Jesus wee not were followed very elgtseiy by mighty polluted by touchingthe leper's body, signs and wonders acts of love and mercy, deeds o w tc cleansed b the touch of that hop a:a ep n today's lessoto command- - y y f h' h he, as in the -but the leper's whole body' was ins n i• _' nd° ed that no notice be taken of them so haJesue cattle hot to deetroy but fulfil as not to' attract public attention un -^all law' ro he scudo the leper go and. duly, show 'himself to the priest, make an :Verse& 35-87=J.asss t;ht. •Rest..._ _ nfCering ass required and he pronoune- Jesus was human, so that the ed,elesn. He told him also to say thronging of people and the giving of nothing to any man. - Just why he enjoined silence is not so clear to us 'as •the command to show himself to the plest. Some writers say that. perhaps he would, because of having touched • the leper he regarded as'un- clean, This actually did oecur from the lepers disobeying and proclaiming or ' "blazing abroad" his cure, for., Jesus could no more openly enter in- to the city, but was w ithbut in desert places. The spreading abroad of hie story did nab keep the . multitudes himself to them incsamtly mule him weary in both mind And body Rising very early being the only vamp he could secure isolation, he did so and, stealing out of the house he, went to some out of the way place. He wished: to do as he had instructed his'diaiplee 'to. do. `Rut thou, ;'teen thou prayest, enter into thy closet,. and when thou hast shut the door, pray to thy father in secret," (Mitt. 6:6). Re was not long left nndie-- turbed, for Simon and. others, fndi_tng that Jesus had already' risen, tee't'h search of him,, for already a' crowd had gathered -seeking -him. .- erges 3h 39,-ne_iere_ His Mission away, for "they came to him, from. every quartet:" , From this incident we learn., that he Who could --cure.leprosy, which feats the type of sin, can etnrer- sin itself. PHONE .46 .7r McEWen of the intestines' and.if not iirtarfst $ wt with work havoc theism. Miller's atlr bi a*VI Worm- Powders diessegs both. kbtde lbrilr halm , r ate 1/111111.11.1 • STHAAVA the Cali credo. Co-operatiYene In the were made to *entero the powerful its mt embers $544,000,000 yeerg it has from the thos� rned to retiree*, thh»r insmeach tseemed to o�oiv u sir sale of their product*. It is a terser- would ootslentl hies eta s keltalou the s tcge, nice of 3Q$ 'Deal astwctation* with faa> t+to twsrittad eyes mialasoae tart set t~pxsr- 1x,400t ittsmberr. 'the totals saclt 1Aa itoele tba mtiWp c1it1K and InaYe their Doli packtm*` nousess rend tsatilt tdao eleteau ninon the city of are tufty responaibte, tnascielly end o ° hutJr. 8e reraataet for ',- otherwise, ter their own latae letiv� ol * stuall , at ovetwhy a nMont.oun . ties. The are grouped tato 31 die- as es,oti a i'ree, la a spot trjot exchanges. *tech district ex- change canes, bass One director oa the board upon the natural el,•testce provided by of the Canlornla Fruit Growers' 1Cx- tete precipitous clef* wwhich dropped Change, whish Oona the .brand " $uu- from thR ie.lu d r Abeahsut res the kilt" .And acts as the Central Sailing guard's age, saaellomatl ttutx�smatl Agencyfor *II the fruit, It hast buss- guard. In the piton d�arkneetM of the early • news. oonsectlofs with 3,400 whole- moxatneot the leth. 8epttitebet• Wolfe saletye,;who serve e400:0,I0retetle roe eluded the vigilanoe: of the French Kau. 'Who In turn mires 113,000,000 con- tr1ea *net-hsndedd a tan* of about 4000 c►tcntbered up the appe•rerttly medium. ante eliQa on their hands and knees. Wolfe ted hiss men over the plateau to - that t `rrllistag+al. The Western subnera iu Canada anth" United rtes, echo with eau arable difficu,ty States. x'tns Market le WO Growing. The anatket demand for eta pre- within exhort Matinee train the, walls duets le being cotlstantiy incrt,ased by els the este, and shortly atter pine ties Exchange. Twenty -fives year* ago . ceded; baoutostw numbed me to meet the orange growers at the btate wore him with a tome of 4000 teen, '[be faced with What they tho0 t*t was )~reach soldier% ripener' lie battle tteld over -production. Sinus thee product- es they advanced, lrtr4 Isles wieldy re;. tion has 'quadrupled and the crop 19 serr4Hi nig fro until the oneeey came *till consumed, Judicious &overruling within 40 yaaelw ut ltiK fwost Bite. and and merchandtzing ;methods have -thea Peaked out a:`maut)? 44411 01 kept demand equal to or ahead ° of laulicis which checked stealta's. supply. A levy of tour ,cents a box. - further asts'amee. For half as lour the on oranges and s. tee cents a box on wattle .lea ravgut yeti Newt bravery lemons pays for it all Advertleing by hem artnsn, bat r,erie"'"" mlaiii'Res and dealer!' service work b usum r. 1~ roman 8°Itilers aria lent t4641 eurviteors chiefly to the retailer and oonsuwer. directed.h3'04$ nritisk t I)" #army' °41"4 the In any Dross -road villptge in Ontario, off ' true leading 4 e hof the whs eon could not buy an Ontario ehail:es tks t Wale received i irddied London, Ca ntd +l4. * - Sept.6th t .. 13th .194 pt o � Fajr - ` Over $30,000 in Cash. Ttn t )24 Prire List is extensive and the classification will prove attractive to -Exhibitors in, all Departments Dog Show Automobile Show : Pure Food Show Nov 11'lytnuistscturslta Featuring Canada's, Industrial Acb evei000ts• MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS JOHNNY JONES SHOWS - Unexcetted Vaudeville Attractions)* al Ireat .1 Crud Sts. "Where -City and Country Mete t - apple , you will n oranges constraint- agsi tical' woylt34. moat wllfoh es * 1y dIiip yed aceord1ug to directions no v,,y,s,.tieta,; .cowrie,' to the seer, but Write for Prize List - Entries close August 30th When his disciples tope' item "nova, Weare as rune of his \rillinprness as ewers le So tyhern itthose wrataawaks factione me he kntnow *wee thishe tad the : victorywas J. H. S\.UNDPRS, President W. 1). JACKSON, SeCret:txy Many were anxiously waiting f h• bila for he .says „ - his. only begotten Son, that ahoso- Last year an errentaetsnt war to.them; Let"us__.. 3iito"�ine-next= _ -. ._. _18th_Qtttaeru±oat#i the city tata't�dered- _ ,1` �„ ,� 1� ..,._... ' " sl it to 'nus we are o his ability, healed he did net return, prat said un- God so loved the world that he gaveLower Freight Rater tescuawsdi. oounplete, ,, Moetealto also .elide' from ',ousels a few !toots later: *tam the town. that. I _tray preach ;there *leo.; dyer believeth in hem should hots per- h the radon' aa_ hiu blobs to. Oeuerid .t array: who took ever She 3 l ish hitt-have-e-veneering "fe r .• tLreteg ,,.the use of larger parr and-ootnruaarl ut the teetlth Itu'sittfeeefeet._. f the f ' ame`-I-:De'e'r"-T'he=- f -..._-__.__._.._ pe \ ,PEt1Flt* $ POWER, h • h tet be?ie1'it b earl or re ore c i AVEIRO' 'POWER crowd had gat m*, not so much to In India mitssienaries are at'.work guano x,phip>nents. a :lowate f_t'eight eepeete'e`d erne ser:; ae ur�d. o a :ter es: Tis , ueFFec was tits erawtt THE -fin sixty one leper asylums and homes t i 1„e v•Moot•v t44 33.000..000 . a, ,Year t4 the °sage meet Militant es.reess ea British seiiite y, The God ertch Star's. - ear his Areae. tesla rte` y for. the untainted chilcren of lepers. reduction` ` well effect' a isavin6 , of ing trieuaptt est one et the steortest bet Ina healing Palter 'and it 'mini(' `riot p have accomplished hiemission if he Some, of Yen have, :ward of "Mary growers of the State. This works out history. 'sc'o're entered the amity Aetna had stayed to heal all ;he diseased Beed, the American misstonar who to 1{ cents. uox: The total cost of - ages at 14, and a year hale w,►e'pramat,•t9s 'r and devil -possessed in one City. So when. she was in Amelrica, on fur- the organientton * ser aces exclusive to the rank of Ileutee aft terellntingtits.h. i �r� st. a ;e�sihtitl+w i• re►ti+w►i i.N sT -" *throughout ter rc.. r 1,n Verse!* d0 -l5 -The Leper Ciesnsed. in charge of a bewautiful•leper asylum Organised Effort #'a?s the Yrodacer to return to Ett(ilanri eater o let a .-�• originated among the••Israe'ites, when I - (A. H. Clark). after a quarter, of a century of sttc- to take charge-ot the expedition sten e t _ -. The :- tar ,• `t.i London . /ttivertlSer ... . they toiled at the making of bricks in WORLD MISSIONS r easeful experience; Is sti11 deuton- (�uebec, and tie wasonly 92 at the Uwe t. As,.yet reel positive cure has strating that the farnnera' marketing Doha glorious death. i ii St a: a Lid Ene "f pronto (rl me... ,. • • .... they IQu he and they went from piac�inpiace_ Rh.-foun+d::�hat- rhe. , had -le Prey . 0-Advertising,iso 6,86 tent* poi' box ed wsrvlco at •thea �pttlo or tieattngeu:.� 't{>•r thout a word to her friends about :_:uC_:lem than. halt- the areoutit, of the Hearst came to Annerloa in 1Y18. bub -, �i' • - „it, she went back.tp India and is now .reductioti. on account of had health ea compelled F taheaper than h.pi' Wood • Conrealeat, Cigar, Quick rr.,. Kitchener $.2t1 a.m. ,7 ilii pr.m. The creameryinen and the choebei-� • Leproey is very minutely described where she is giving her life for her protitlne. A t p *lath duo tWil *a ,• The olden' and basic Co-operative ' I'.tz end 1Alld'�)11 i't'G l reSCu . in Leviticus. It"is, supposed to have Indian fellow -sufferers.' `' a" ' ' Marketing Agsoeiation of Cantonal*. _Erin hdc*uta bestir silencer tensed toll EKYP - Probabl there are 250 000 lepers been . onfnd,.though .today, in aqua Y , probleniii zaxc Marketing be effort' b the (Copyrighted). The tries where it ie prevalent, ra ch is in India. Missionaries, both medical 4orgenieed ivarketing xtfoxt' by tae' - Outclassed __ 'I•he • nix last stages it is very loatheesute,.-. can to help them. To make their Q etre, Professor marketing, 0. A. Jock went to'the races for the limier 'Elie a living death. In Biblical time 'being done to . stay the disease. In and leen-medical, try to do what they I farmers themselves. --ii. D. Col• ti ro once of idarketl • . s WI-, lives happier and to protect their re- College, Guelph. time. On arriving he found the nor- The and friends from the disease, s+es lined tip for the start, sand. desir- , • leper asylums have been opo d in Legume Inoculation. ing a `better view he stepped on to 1lc CANADIANNATIONAL BY many places, and missionaries fry to - • The. popularity of the Bacteriology the course. is - I brine whatever they can of .„bright---Dehertment of the Ontario-Agrtcul Suddenly one of the. horses, bolted 1 I ell � {s alto t b , th 1- ru SERVICE w Hess and cheer card lo\ a .nto theca re .tura , C .ego ted y s fo. and .tante towards Jock at st , terrific 111' Q T� ftigees. They are yiyen gardene of . lot lrtg atiteixiente; •�urinl;. 1928' a pace. ',leek turned and fled deem the Daily Hkowpt ilunsetay t tel f e'27 uttu •e r 1 sties to satisfy other human interests. bacteria .tor„ seed inoculattoh asers } veil eric a•en. p. Even more important, t ey receive god him out otE dano!er_ Clinton 6 2•, rt.m. 2.iiz'p.em, what one o!� these missionaries callus be meat tregnieutl k r °r' their own to work in and opportun- . o o e "i * .o egums course until a burly po;iceman drag- l L Goa ' It G 00 220 m h prepared and sent out 01 this num- «Why didn't' you lamp over thet ralfalfa ttar frequently - Seefortif (i 4 t a ire, 2.12 p. n1. the "Chri' ':-treatment;"" J'Asomethin - ed tote with 1,892: Red glover. 8811; rails'?" asked the policeman. „ g sweet clover. 662; peas, 62e; elflike., neverentindabeat him oh about over the t escort'; .ARkheli 7.04 a.m. 3,42-p.iii, of love and kindness ; ;some one, to 143` soy beans, lit.. beans, 71„ sweet Ate :. Stratford 1,30 ts, in. 4.10 p.m. care for them •and bring relief. peas, 39; vetch, 31; awhite clover, 1. replied Jock. ' r, a rr The Oil of Power. -It is not claim- Through sim Ina asked for and were *applied Tee . worm that infest children! - Guelph 8;45 a m. 5.40 pen. ,s ,. ;I far rr: Tltomaa Eclectrie .f7il that: Nigh 147 tactic starters, and e3 But- from thein birth are of two kind*;' THE HYDRO STORE Toronto 10,101. in. !.40 p.ran. it �\'ili.remedy every ill, but its user _ garicum cultures. . those that find lodgement in the atom. aODIIUCN w. !forth tide steam, Itetul ntng•- teave Toronto ii:$0 a m., are se various that it may. be looked The multiplying induence of the ach and those that ere found in the - • .....-.:.•..,,,...- . .-' 12.53 pati. and (110 p.m upon ne a general pain killer. It bas various bsicteria rent from the Iiac intestines. The leaser are the most -- Parlor Cafe car. Goderieb to 'Tor- achieved that greatness for itself and teriotogtcal, ).)apartment during the destructive, as they cling to the wallet onto, on morning train, and Toronto its excellence is known to all who year had a very noticeable influence PECL 1? MEAL 'to .Goderich'6.10°p. m. train. 'have tested its virtues and learned by on legumes of the beide and•the fin- ished dairy products of the factories. critic -07.a .S0Ut t$ MIS& dallo-zsaims,41411.11tot Otero i"-"""""�"`r'" T. SWARD'S' : flato and Ouse Livorlo. Dick Stables,.Eic. Montreal Stromlo Just off the Square orgwe SEVERAL FIRST.CLASS AUTOSI READY FOR SeftV&CE •--CET Y011 ANXMiiEO MID WH*$ YOU WANT TO4ET !HERE "anarres Meet Pass.saftrlBoats Trete* Asa ;+aasselore called' tar foamy part of the tewa ter all trate* et 0. T. R. or C.P. R. 1)apote. Prafnpt Service and Careful Attendance* Oar Livery -add tlaClc hervke wilt be ramal asp-te.lets , la, *vary respect.ir Year Patronage $eltdtsd T. SWAR'i'S P'hale 199' Montreal Street N TMs 1•YPPF5 '� F. P. LAWRENCE a&• SONS Town Passenger ktad Tickets Agents 'Miaow 8 MADE ESPECIALLY FOR THE • VACATION r- Muskolea Lakes are like a huge - mageet, whose plower to attract thou. ISERABLE AND heeds a measure seekers from all ovnr the continent arrows stronger e every year. nce tvaried 'pleasures ot; lllus� ALWAYS IN PAIN totis Oalwayshe Lakees have •been enToyed; there an urge to return to this pine and balsam scented land of sun- y- shine that cannot be denied. Lolling' in �� 4 vertu.", the sunshine, bathing in the clear Me Compound a Dopendablo waters, or cruising amidst, the hund- Haat fofr , - reds of islands, dancing, golfing platy - p ing tennis are only a few of the div-` ersions awaiting the vacationist at Port Greville, Nova Stotler.• -•"I took - . Muskoka .Ieakes. your medicine for a terriblea.pein in my There is pknty of accommodation grids alta ter weakness and .he adaehee. I for°'everybody accommodation to' Moot all ower too and m blot y (feet sed to were the worst. I am suit every taste and Aurae from the the mother of four rdtildrdaa and lam luxuriously ped Royal Muskoka nuc sty. baby--tbs first me of four to the quiet little hostelry with only a I Could truces. I took Lydia E. Pink- dozen guests. ham's Vegetable Compound before the Go to M"\iskolc& Lakes thie year. baby's bdrtk, iso botr.muck You won't have a dull moment if You kighl ,fore *bat mediator, bet it bee dads far n u. land, it blyr nom. eat'etaot Praia* it toT holiday, in. this wonderful vaciition took WI kinds of fa t +o4b. Veg.. Any Agent of the Canadian Na- etabls a the od� What lfailways will gladly give you liar hmiJ+md lar roc stityr 1o�n oaf tiitams. I tsoomooeadit to ager one with trembles illustrated literature and complete in- reef „7,r*ri r fora, I formation. Port°rsvlll*, Nova stlei. M SOMEFAi.I, PAIR IIA'1"l; S Befestarmlet olikti ttlutiowAtltie London -I --Sept. 6 to 13: ,will lad lirdie Ptskhala'a ValtIll is Exeter -Sept. 16 and 17. Compensate, bleeeing. Kincardine-Sept'1S and 19• 'Kerley, iastrty'latt sus rsisdved ti's►• . T.ietowrl--••Sept. Is and 19. ing the sagas wart of espsrienoe M 1* S.aforth--•Sept. 15 amp 19, glees iia tide yaw.. Nee is the n+ot'berbsaeAttt+i, iwettieoe girol rsseite Reynold - Sept. 23 and 24. posit mato tits child. Mitchell - Sept. 23 and 24. No bertaful '*rege oto lewd in the iltyth---;leper. 25 and 211. tai of flail samiGsams--jesmtPosiei tee -know reheat. rend 24. aoka ohorW41 9eaa+rM ► 'Run Zuri Sept. l6 And 24. by Orr la oat et nosey 144 vim* roParsos 29 aped 30. bseae &frena Mew* in a moat rimes 11rnr+tades• Ort. 2 aitd 3. • aatarq;wtteeeite tease eft bailslmise'liekmn G Dnngannest••--Oct. 2 meed 3. The -New 0. A. C. No. 144 Oat. The 0. A. C. No. 144 oat was ob- tained from the Siberian variety through nursery plant selection«''Lhii- oat; which &natures about the same time as the Danner, hal a spreadiug, head, elate. grain and leas than the average per cent; of hull found In oats. The straw Is strong and it has proven to be an excellent yielder of grafi'. - When tested on thirty-two farms .situated In -twenty-one different cuuu- tee& in Ontario in 1923, it outylelded . the 0. A. C. Na. 7:; by 5.7 husheis, the 0. A. C. No. 2 by. 10.3, and the . Liberty tintless oat by 17.3 busttels of grain per acre. In trlprlleatt' plot tests at the College in the average of the 'last five years,' 11 nurpanned the O. A. O. No. 72 by 4.3 and the tanner by 6.1 bushels of gain per .t %ere. During this' Ave -year period the *tram' 01 this variety lodged less than either the 9. A. C. No. 72 or Benner Oats.- -Deist. of Extennsion, 0. A. College,. 0 elpk.. Sa:t serves es **vice or eondiment s hien whets the appetite suet la- creased the y.s1Aabli;ty of teed tad' live rtosk. SCHOOL FAIRS . Gorrie, September 12th. Clinton, September 16th. Clinton Rural, September kith. Zurich, September 16th. Varna, September 17th. Dashwood, September 18th. Grand 11end, Septethber 19th. Potter's Hill, September 20th. Colborne, September 22nd. Rclgrave, September 23rd. Ethel, September 24th. Blyth, September 26th and 28th, Wingham. September 29th and ;0th Henasll, October let. Crediton, October 2'iiet. Whteheleta, Oetelrir $rd. .t. 1 • ..56.75 6.75 6.75 Star and •I'he. -Mei! and Umpire., .. , . . ' -ti.75 Star and The Tomato Star.. ..... 675 Star and 'Tse Faruler','_SUP...., . - ,.. 3.40 Stier. and Thi' I:aulii Herald tend Weekly ekly Star 3t;50 Star an,i-S.:fur:by Night y.. , 5.50. l'1.e vital end 1' iestiy�terian Witnes .%, ......., The Star and The Catholic [record - 3',75 The Star and ,Meer-an's 1laea ing°....;, . 4.50 the Star amt Rot 'and Gull r , .. 3iF90 The Star and Montreal renewal 38.5 nayw.... 3.5c The Star and. World Wide renewal 4.25 new... ; 3.a5 .Special' Clubbing Rates with other Periodicals may be had on application - 1.,,.. i.1111111 o, u ' J ACT AD TAKE. SALTS • .aIP.lit - 4 Says' Backache ;often: ;cans You Have' Not lateen °Drin Saiougb Water When you wake up with bear & r. n dull "• and a in the kidney may mean you have been What which create acids, sip' s authority. An excess of soli* overworks the kidneys in their *fart pew, filter it from the blood and they heave sort of paralyzed and logy'.F#tt,;°'" your kidneys get sluggish and clot dell must relieve them, like you relieve yap- ` bowels, removing all the body's uriiitoas waste, else you have backache, id* headache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue is coated, and when the wether is bad you have' rheuniatie twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often get sore, water sealda stud you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. • Either consult a good, reliable physi- cian at onee or get from your pharma- cist about four ounces of Jad Salta; .fake a tablespoonful in a glass,of water before=. breakfaalh for a few days and W`rour kidneys may then act tine. This nous.,salts, is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with ia, and has been used frit'yearsto clean and stimulate sluggish kid- s, also to neutralize acids in the m, so they no longer irritate,' thus relieving bladder weakness. Salts is inexpenisve, cannot in - and makes a delightful effervescent water drink. Drink lots of soft ley all means have your *ail mine your kidneys at least twice n ..1 •