HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-09-11, Page 3• last- 146.
some. So had his atureie.
The price of safety )a but a
ha liisartt wad
Alga huhu very poorly
,y�t4�G�s k hal, 1pit oi' salir-
mil ober*
•+ s isi start tea *up sad
shoe not erani' wens* witheet
i� fie sit ole ra end seat befors I
ge wood of osy
so ;beet
alfflleura's Hssrt
. sett R ly►aisli int ae' hew I felt
otau MA*
to ell thou
1AO irouids+l with airy stteetlon of
'ts: W. Pith are fir Nilo
silly at pH +std stoles; pat n
!g r ta, Ont. T. Co., T.ip edr
Delleadiee 1011Pilin 6 tali •rte eat
Wow hillavil
do not get •
fatMi lire feed
You . in- hurry. -- •cooly-
Jim never slowed down till they rut
Kiat in • a hearse
his disetit band riot fin tits teaaaal r
away- •� M J,. tt. �M
A. . i'It1t)<, being dot limsrii's Celia IP I Htttl�Ctti
t tte+ir4 � H is by' 'IYlpgitwart A.dl+�tyeN.Ttsirts ��4Pia
A Credit* Matti sod
Mr. Wig. W.M*.. Credito, passed 1 i out C tit !.
The chump who used to blow est
the gas now steps on it,
Wee da said Iiia sorrowing Beadi's swell new Hui* reach maws stales* fest *lilt sees .: A train can make some dent in
wiseis a sitir
nter o- ni�. C. Either, to anuf on o high« 1t *bust 1 M 'ea** * '0016101♦ your car.
relies this side of Toronto An V
It. a. K. MUST, oetsoliath►c Patten
Oltiedmmmt Ano Moines Gu h1or
iteiiLialO Iowa aeQspece.ta Y
women and ilk enCon uultattoon tree.
WOW NOM inti sl; •Astir►« Uta.
to fix: Betl*4*rm. iia & ormtt
fA. ? J. A.. FORSTER. •
As" ET', EAR, hose; elniefem.
Late Bonet ens1 isew Yerk Peered -
ant Byte Aural ftWs�gii, aaafatitnt at moor.",
Mos Art H oo3iea squaare
tics itsl> wow. YeHe,
Waterloo et. so. •
Act Redford Hotel, Goderich, from
Monday', • Sept. -lathe at 'F' p.,: na., ' to
'Tuesday, Sept. 16th, at 1 p. m.,
It$xAity plLMG', et..
ARV Pl1s4if
• cwmeysncetpnrr�a400. •
floMono Ito. od Heels ooac�rtCO bat.
irwmrstAscueo AND NOTARY
P OOROX olUtIcr i ion. as old, Con•
wxatiear eny BOW
ow. mon, 0.
derrt a qO , Notary Public
and Met t coag Rouse. ltoGeulrbr
Barreeters Notaries,Ete.,'
Office on SQUARE 001)ERICH• lsttone'JT
narrater, Solicitor; 1W Y
rrodt smelt 7MeF • After the wreck comes the reckon
Gashes Line I+analix Bet�eaevei but Mr. Bondi1 atesiatpit*1d
t Jeaeal*s bbstlearliStY
Mr. and Mrs, Sins* Hoffman, of C•62,Boyd. sty' hill 641*** iOf trtlMlMd�
suss rs- wii�t
death of their year-old son, George, t from. itis Tor uta ., •
20th, f
width took pine on Monday, August the swarm' acid ra 111 mwr a St sly /*Bryon
cora tits Infects of an attack of 'tfeti robaaimelkt, Forttaaatabr dirt Pa" as
bays all pweaged with few alight thio aria WV'Banter Flower Shrew bruise, wad returned bogy the *rat ww1a N N Vote ins•
the Goshen Line south, urn the mutt" acid T'xei
tium Az".
train. rlhe car was badly smashed. .fon
Easter Horticultural Society held Moon ,thea Williams' Pia/ Nile
its second annual flower show an Fri:: Winghatn Martir Operated OSt havesrP-1'o iatftti 1* so es4 '
:dsty and E*tsryl4y. Aug. _ and ` _ Mayer W. IL Willis. of Wim, .easy* riff tad3geistiot "raw° �
30th, in the south half of Sanders' underwent an operation for appestdl-. medkin. hays fasted. 'lb mow ribit -
bleck, formerly used as a•bowlhtg a1. eitis on Tuesday of last week in the blood grafin* tease up the blit enttini
contributed • is . .Goa I eGarton,w o gent ; the toppetite up,
ley. Saturday everting an orchestra Wingltam ha itsl,
provided wart
ngsplendid touted. A the pubs A WhiteteiiurcAr Death you are aide eat with easefoet
Sr f You
'get fail nourishment from ytatat•:ftood.
lie of over it60. church passed away at the horns of • You can ;ret Dr. Wiliisess' Matk-
Hand Caught in Blower her daughter. Mrs. Rutledge, of .Hems- 1fI1L *mitt sasl'' dreier 14 "taws
Mr. Clifford Hill, of Stephen, who ssts,,,on llaturday, Aug. 20th. She 154'.°Y, snail at li0c. a box from The Dia,
operates a • threshing machine, had leaves to -mourn her, fomr sons and 'wll *" medicine Ca,. Broe:ktvilta,
the misfortune to get hie' right hand four daughters: George, of Luck.,
eaught in the blower while threshing now; Edward, of Brussels; Janie, ref t5. 0. S.
on the farm . of Mr. Geo. 1 enhaie re. Port Hawn, and Will. Ff. *cies«,
nil and rho fin ors were badI cut l .•the da liters ora hi k Mrs.
Ont. r
ce y g y Alta.; ug ,
and part of the middle finger takers Rutledge, Mabel and Mrs. Sinn'r,, of
off. - Brussels. One son, Slim, p ed
• • , Car Upset in.Ditch, her a ffew years ago, and Topa was
Three men from Listowel ware oh killedin the Great War.
their 'Tray to. Grand. Bend on Sunday," A Wingham • Death -
Augost ;let, in a Chevrolet • coupe, After a lingering illness Miss Eta=
when they met with an accident near phemia McKersie passed away at her
Sodom, when' the car upset In the home on 'Thursday',,. Aug. 28th• She
ditch.. One of the Occupants was cut was the daughter of Mr. 'end Mrs.
in the face and another itt the hand. Wm. McKersie, and was ,highly es -
Little Lett Is Run Over By Tractor teemed by -fill , who, knew her. The
Master Russel Crews, son of Mr, family
resided in Currie for About
and lilts. ' Forrest Crews, - of Toronto, twenty years and later .lived oft' the
who hed`iieen visiaing with his aunt sixth line of Turnberry, Since •retie
And uncle, Mr- and - Mrs. Hy: - Awes. Ing they, have been in California and
thy, Exeter, haus: the misfortune to b moved to .Winghain about three
run Over by a tractor .on. Friday, Aug. months ago. , 4
29th. The lad was riding with his A Seaforth Engagementm
uncle on the tractor when in some Mr. and Mrs. 3 G. McMichael lin-'
way his foot slipped and he fell in nounce the engagement of their
front of the 'wheel. -The tractor was daughter, Helen Margaret, to Ray
on a' down g>tade and before it could Beverly Holmes, son of Mr. S. T..
be brought to a stop One Of the wheels Holmes, the marriage to. take place '.
had . passed over the left side of the.early in September:
bddy, fracturing ane of the ribs. It Won Many Prizes Rt Terg3atu
was at first thought that he might be
inured internally, but no symptoms Messrs. Jas. Streit da Sons made
loped and little fellow' is got nearly a clean sweep_at She Canadian
PubllConveyQneer, ting along nicely. • National Exhibition at`;Toronto with
A. °LUFF, -B. A.
,B>trriettrr_ and- Notary • Public •
forth: Street, Goderich
Phone 411. ' " ' •
Itise Stock sellt eneralria uc tile.:
roaeleover:weer* ono all sitoris
you iatiatsction..-
sats bates. discounted..
Hamilton street,, Oetterlch.
CXtU.O! IaUTUAr. Fait itrtaUfA11
saes' notated Town Prspeetmy *esu
ioafar+oi rrty 1eaurealitw nary
�pq�rrosniiBoll jr
*s ehw�ood :. T.'E. Bali. Sec.•Treas., Sea
OntICTOR$-D, F. M.careeor, eearortit
1, 0. 0u&Sre. Winthrop • Win. 'Min, Cop
.steno - .Oaorgs' McCartney, Tuckersrann
wan Ferrel, Barlett ; John Benhewtae
Broadiautan; Murray. Gibson, Bruce.
mitt NTS-,r..W. Y:o soft 1
pow, Canton • Wm. ttl19aa87,..
ik nyctiley, Seatorib.
�B' Bots, can pix t a* pno
ti ^ .Cult'# Bittern, er , it Yds
,l AU Store, tulnton, , or J.
**ern. 111y11*.
?eve 1t attended to by the
Established 1878
Befall ti'APle;a. Dungannon, Ont.
RAYrt tae4N1Y Orale mat NMNOHHO DOU.A
Ino. A. McKenzie, Kincardine
pros.; Harry L. Salkeld, R. R. N.o.'2
Goderich, vice Pres.; directors -.-Ti
Griffin, R. R. No. • 7, Lnckpow, SY.
.Reed, R. R. No. 2, Lucknow; 1J. L
Seibold, ••phone 600 r 11, Goderich
Alex. Nicholson, Lucknow; Wm. Wat
son; Jar.. Girvin, R. R. No. 6, ,GQdt•
rich, Wm. J. Thompson,.Auburn'
propel -vs young men and young
wotuen for Business, which is now
Canada's., greatest profession.
We ,aseist graduates to positions
end they have a practical train-
Ing which enables them to meet
with success, . Students, . are " re-
gistered each week. Leet otir free
catalogue and learn something a-
bout .our different departnfents.
An Exeter Engagement the -flock of Leicesters. Following
Mr. and .Mrs. John R. McDonald,, were the prizes, secured: 2nd for
Exeter, announce the engagement of aged ram,. 2nd for shearlind ram, 1st
their, *twister, Olive Irene, to Mr. J'; for ram ram,
1st #o> t►1;ed •ewe. ss
G. Davis, of Toronto, son of Mr. and t fo ailing• ewe, 2nd for ewe lamb,
Mrs, jos.• Davis, of Exeter, the roar- 1st for open..flock, Sat for pan of
Tinge~ totake place the 15th of Sep-lamband
grand,chamfpion on shear r iiig oekewe, lst
stfor fat weather. 1VTessrgr Snell and
Death of Mr. David Richard Son have A load of sheep at the State
Mr. -David. .Eichai'd, lixeter, died_onFair-in few -York State, -with -Mr.
Sunday, Aug. 31st, in a tis SOth year. Eph. Brown in charge of the exhibit.
tie came from Dundee, Scotland, as a They, will also make an exhibit at
young man, and settled on the Thames London Fair with their prize winners
Road.d..I..later moving to a farm south from the Toronto Fair. •
-of' it s,- ....d . etislass --to' •-Zset., -
eight yeate ago. Nott -Rogerson
1f your brakes won't work the dor.
t'sr will.
Jim took a chance. He would have
hole thirty-five next Sunday.
S child on the highwayy.-is a danger
- "'list omit* gram *'*wrest
:161044, yip
Mao Ivo*.
take, tie brit the alt >
of ties tkdwelekG.*eloorate deparesame */ s Icy
w�►fat AnM!!i1a� 1644 lest
feed *kl tlaa estates �' I > +
jolt toe*t#e Atiolir4 fink 73W***- Y.mY
Ji* Osumi Imo` plrsasCI(at4 Is t P dobe.
ill tins . coupon tee aitr I Oo* co l ttzbwlrt*
• tM * et1*ktr tested sucto w.
1: DOMIMON GLASS Co. warm)
MONiPZAL raax. s+
"wen of the Work --Annual Meeting
if/M1 lie Held First Tuesday in
The regular` monthly meeting of the
-rami a Aid Society was held on
hey afternoon, September . end.
1litchel'presided. The attend.
small. Many problems were
1�t• lseleetPu l advice given the 4tiperin•
b riling cases- The case of a
oil five years of ago was ills.
The case was reported to the
with the hope that some special
=Toresonwent might be secured.
¥itchell.with .theAuperinten.
&OA, hU visited the chile near Exeter;
saal t int lying helpless on the
enable to walk or talk. The
was deserted by her husband
wheat s* years ago. leaving her with
tiro a• anti. no Means to suppora
them. oiltld'Wee taken to a doctor
io 1a.xetbsr. acrd: atter a careful examina-
tion 'itnra tmealtientled that he be taken
for'fitek Children tor
meat. The t3oolets being
It tali* suggested that tee.
till take the matter uo,with
b,Pr spine other_ organize, , _ _...._
let a stets to securing, surgicaliriere,
lttasia.v air this child..: "
The Aiaperiatendent.reported eleven •
Some Advice For Speed Demote and
Motor otor Maniacs
Stop and go meant nothing 'to Joe,
He's'with the angels now. ' '
Don't try - to scare a locomotive
with your horn.
His last words r
think an make.
A race for the grade cresting ,us-
ually ends in s, tie, - '
Remember, a truck hasythe right of
weight;. • . , f
Jay walking is a short cut to King-
dom, come,
Your Carelessness may spoil a me -
ry Chrietmea. -
Right cif way does not mean right
to *peen,
Angels are 'made at railroad croft --
sings. • ._
If you don't look through ;Your
windshield you rimy look. through a
hospital window. Both are gIasi. .•
The instant you relax I get you. f
am eareleesnesa,
Look before you weep."
Hoist tot t4 m* P'Igalld packet wit
lets in aftwo needle ia
poweac Pact
chanty to Jam , roar
w them a MONO at 0
"+t+etrteee staut4t. PaR
.rabbits and F tuft1*mt etlw ire.
to: the
era ltrt
. Supert
Graveyards_are fall of tlrivers_svbo!
had the right of way.
A carless driver was_ Barney` Bates,
He's knocking -'now at the pearly
Labor bay Tournament at Tharnee The "marriage took place on Wed -
Road Park nesday morning of last sleek at the
A. very successful baseball foams- Ontario street parsonage, Clinton, of
anent was held' at the Thames' Road afaxy J., red'gest daughter of Mr:
ball park on, Labor Day. 'The teams bur Mia, n Nott. only son o and Wil-
taking,, part in the. baseball tourna- bur Fred Nott, only son of Mr. and
Ment were Seaforth, 'St, Marys, Eye- bice.. I r• ed `Nott, of uc::ersmith.
ter: aid ullartoii and the teams corn- - A Clinton Engagement •-•�
peting in: the girls'. soft ball •games Mr, .arid. Mrs;; John Wiseman, of
were •; Kirkton, Chiselhurat, Centralia Clinton, announce the engagement of
and';Staffse The final baseball game their daughter,` Margaret Lillian, to
between. St. Marys And Fullerton was '31r.: Evan Prowse, of Detroit, Mich.,
riot finished on- account of darkness the marriage to take place, in Septem
and an accident to ont3 of the players. be.. °
Chieelhurat team won the soft ball Minton Teacher Goes to : Brantford
tournament, ' : • Miss. Isobel Drap t•,- who has' been
Death of Mr.'Hugh;Phillips a member of the Clinton public
By the death of Mr. Hugh Phillips , school staff fol; some years past, goes
which occurred on Sunday, Aug. 31st! to Brantford to teach in the Institute
Ashfield township lost one of its pion- Or the .Blind- •
eer 'Settlers, only at few of whom now Gray-Abery
rmaln. Mr. PtGillips was in his 84th • , A 'wedding tools ,place at the home Watch for the unexpected, It
year and althotuigh he had been. going of the bride's sister, Kira. J..H. Weft, happens,
abo - t until recently he had been")n
p yby Craiglrurst Avenue, Toronto, Anne poor health for =mote than a year, Thursday last, Aug. 28th, when Anne Grandpa lived to be 90. He had
The °fusiexal was on Tuesday after-EVargeline, youngest.daughter of the _ *...--
noon to .Greenhill cenie.011: Rev. James Abery and Mrs. Abery, of s
Motoring to ManitobaLondesboro, was married to Dr. Char
,Not to be stone`out a trip to the les T. Goy, only son of Mr. and Mrs. .
western grain field* by the caneella- W. A. Gray, of Hamilton. The bride,.
tion of the itaiwiesters' excursions, who wore a French, gown of peach
Mesaru, Bert Reid, Trott. Webster and shade georgette, and carried a bou-
Jim Orr, Lucknow,.set.out on Monday east of Sunset renes°and lily -of -the
f last week to make the trip by auto- -valley, was given -away by, her broth -
mobile, er-in-law, Mr. J. H.- Watt. The _offi-
iE;iy%t>i Pavement Completed ciating •clergyman was the bride's
Constant caution -keeps the uYideii"-
taker guessing. »
Any fool sari be -careless.
• Say it with .brakes and :snare, the
flowers. -
Take time or do time;
' More milestones per gallon and less
tombstones per quart.
Gassed -
300 inhaled it,
600 used matches.
6,000 stepped on it:
Wait -you may lose.
S. 0. S. •
Safety or • Sorrow.
The Blyth• pavement is completed = gather. • 4: ' °
moved its machinery to St. Thomas, Mr, Robin G. Hunter,. son of Mrs,where the Company has a contract John -hunter, of Clinton, took the
for laying five miles of pavement on .third Edward Blake scholarship given
the St. Thomas -Aylmer iigiiway, at Toronto University.,
Soft Ball Tournament at Wingham Principal MacKinnon Will Be in Clin-
Wingbam soft ball enthusiasts held ton
a tournament on Labor Day, in which Rev. Principal MacKinnon;-nf-.Hali-
- six teams participated : Liens, fax, moderator of the General' As- -
Lloyds -Glove, Western Foundry, Fry- sembly of the Presbyterian church, is .— :._ _r —i i
Gunn -+blas, Clerks and Savage'L inc speeding a fortnight addressing Pres -
the Brennan Contracting Cc.- has •*-Clinton Boy Wins Scholarship
final game was between the Foundry byteritn conferences !n ,,Irestern On- ITO DARKEN HAIR
A. lteI,ACIII,AN, tario, and next Thursday, Sept. 1Sth,
address • two eneetings,in Clinton. I
t■aei.aruearl�ele..a.e. tleaiareswmlt�t► (ild,c. N. R. Conductor -Dead t APPLY SAGETEA '
Robert Thomas Buchanan, aged 78,
one of the oldest railway conductors
Stratford, died o Tuesday after- t oak Younpl 1lriny lack
• of last week. He took the frst E Natural Color, Wain Slid
At ractivenees •` •
train from Stratford into ,Owen i
Broolioll ,BrOS,.
The Leading
funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders owrofully attended to
ail aril, hours --sight or debt.
!'uneral Director and
6loderich, Ontario
Aft oeillx ptornp iv attended to
day or night.-
Plooses:, Store 3U, Hops 31%w
A. pteeaaasiaat
awes grad at
Ito koo.t-ll•a-gr
boastit as.
Sound. At one time ;;n his railway 1
carter he ran between Goderich and Cemimoti gesttltn sage bt wtd into a.
Buffalo. j heavy tea,with sulphur added, will turn.
Net So Racy' / •f} • grey, streaked' and faded hair beauti.
:3he --"i You really lore bile?" fri
dark end luxuriant. Just a few
tlications will prove a revelation i1f
Ile ---"Yrs, I no." G your�hair is fading, Streaked or gray.
She----"Wnuld,ryrou do solne.hing for Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur red-
Lute ?" i ipe at home, though, is troublesome.
• He -"Anything to glee you ltlees. An, easier way i.t to get a itettk of
twat'. 1 Wyeth'e fie -and Sulphur Codipotatd
- She- -"Then justforget my ltd- at sit
drrr<e„ . e
Resin -made Medicine.- You nerd , rintt,.
no physician fe.- • ordinary ill* when etetthiet hrence and attractivertete.
you have at hand a bottle of Dr. By ,r'l,et toot hair with Wren's
Thema' .F,elatrie Oil. For nought, i sage eased Salpitar compound, SO dire
rad*, sore throat, broneiiial troubles, i can tail, boasts( it does it so natur fly,
it is invaluable ; for scalds, burns, • so oven_
bruise., sprains, it is un.urpa wd ; ' or
reline der cute, sores and the like it is 1 t'
an unquestionable_ heater: Tt needs , hal Ian
no testimonial other than Lite use, and 1 i odor
that *111 satisfy aneono as tit it. eel- twig
fecttviravas.. „ . . , ltpiall'yil4
drug Stott all reedy for use,
the old-time recipe improved
of other ingredients.
wispy, gray, faded bait is nett
tae Bill desire to retaifi oeir
Yota stet demerit a sponge
with it and drew tins
hair taking one sasf
1;60•1 41, and,a ter to.
or ore, year Igh,
do Ott sal
a lothe Shelter in the, month of
Au oar of these worereturned
to. as prevent there are seven
i i.1ter.
Sian girls -and four boys
wetiid Itlgipil, during this sum.
nuts. The horn ea are anxious to
bear • g to adopt a child
rat EiaYt� # dhaace in their hoeeo for
any time. Tait -Hirsh -contribution is
podded now. ,,,f'hs Soolot'k's ttnaneial
year rayls with October. 'rho annual.
meeting will be holft the first Tuesday
to Novemhse.
The following contributions received
since lastare tetrtlly aeknoled .ited Mrs., ti
Y, 11 hp$11.0
Tui n 5.5.00
11%rriw Wood, 51.00 ; hales Mollarav,
16':00 ; Town etW , $50-..0O I)an-
i' 1 Geimnell, Beafo 0 ; Wroxeter
vMaffei .$10 0 ; Howlek Township, l'20.;John Lifakiater, 51:00 ; Miss Parrots; Li
ND ittattec
bour adM GLOS. CO, Limited,
book. story motes risme Iowaart
www W ...,r,M,,. M... M ....,.nays, r..,.,..r
( dead g„
Neighbor: "He used to, but he's, Neighbor: "Well, if he had lived
lead:" ", till toeaarrow he would have been
Visitor: "How long has he been deed a year."
Caritasg estibel tttibS. received from.
Mrs. Jouse.13ietitiroaa; ltCb.E.L. McLean,
Mrs. M W. Bo well, lire. S. Stokes, hit's.
McQuir.,, Bouimele, Uri. Cartwright, •
lire. Woraelt. lite. Dail, IllsDonald.
Ptoristo 0s, halt, alto., areceived--from
Mee. 1o. Foramen, bra. W. McNevin,
Mrs. Jack Rowe. °ethane Women, •
Ahmeek•Cb$pter, Creme Lodge Godes.
ich, Sr; Geo.get's Chuifmit, Ur.li.'Durnin;
Knox Church Busher tlohool, 11. K.
Revell, the Llatlitte OmaaN'o Association.
Lone Staaatldn>g Xmtkma.+--Many
have suffered so -long from asthma.
and have tried to.niani so-called rem-
edies thus think thet there is no real
help fox theta* They ttld read the;
letters received by t . misttutact}irets
of Dr.,J :,D, aa Asrhusa, Rem-
edy front hundreds of ' once as
.desperate, as their. own. Even in
long -neglected rinses this fatuous
preparation :briefs prompt help.
\Jisitorl , "Does L ..11 i rp},yr live
17ar►al axeetswi t Torch m -
Typewriting ill; l bt
eteiuitively in U
• district by tits.
• School of too► . e
You cannot' attend a batter.
School so -why not ragiek6e now ',
for the fall term. ' Mod; t' ;
reopens 'Tuesdays Sept. 2, IV24
' COLillSE8
Stenographic • Commercial
Secretestial epeoiel Courses
For information apply to.
• 11, If, WARD, I4.A., Priatolpel
M. A. STONE, Coin. Speotsllee
Vice Principal Pout lie
Tastes Lie ore.
Sewer Calet$1.
Sold in
-Tows by,,
and conseguendy se inciting, -
you just naturally want more.
Delicious and with all - wboloattiiei'
Ask f orihz.basdy 25c-ptsckage-
11N; 1,[14,;1',.1.i
TamaIa *
To Women Who Do- Their Own` Work: Suppose)
You could save six minutes every day in washing
pots and pans -two minutes after every mall... In
a month, this would amount to a saving of titre*
hours of this disagreeable but necessary work
This saving tan be made by using��nasmeled
kitchen utensils, as their smooth surface
will not absorb dirt or grease. No scraping, 'Court g on
polishing is needed when Tea use Diamond sr Pearl W*
limp, water *1 It dish towel is all you peed, Ask fuel
S MP6°1444 WARE
"A Paco of Per..l.in enda Moen a*me
Three finishes: Pearl Ware, two cats of pearly grog
enamel inside and out. Dismond Ware, three costs, light
blue and white outside; white lining. , Cr)'Ital. Ware,
three coats, pure white inside and out, with Royal Blue
edging. ,
-oft ,"ve�ry -
023111131 argelelEMMISIOnaritifiarilanCIEICIti
Now, is the' time to buy your Fall Apparel. - You sv 11 8
find - just iirhat you want at Cornfield's.
Wuute• n'a 1`rtt Coats of velour. dun tttt- o,
ni:trve11a, crush plush And ta!{dy atoll) with fur
collars iuid mile; interlined ea ibrotnili.
out • Sf vory.attraCtiveprio*..'
We flacon spleniiid *loth of )ersRtg l ii•i,�
Coats for, +ell txud winl-er wear, Yaw inspeection
is iitvitecl..
4100•1.14.0imasinimalwe 1,11
1'�afi Snits. The
a� t .� i -ii ere t /Aerie
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