HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-09-11, Page 2AM.
Dalai INDUS L1
miu OMNI
)3.'r. littered la Mit lie& SI,
sim. Sctimeirle Jos. Alum,
Good Ata-- With Thousasid Donor Coat& ThtlroditY1 4.,winerT YURI *Go
But Users* Weather Frisky Prevents
11 11 1 111 1 16 meemimemememmeausweemmiem
TMUR1514)Alf. Sept. Ilth. DSC
Thee. aneestips.
fled *woo istere all the livery horses
- nor. , 14-ena, -awn,- mow iiii•gesonse tear st. ANL • l'sw° "VI Le their slehies• Moot
• * Largs_Crowd sine. I year eld asd S. Jae. Al, Pim es the Abareera het the and smother sad the scam y
guar. littered In Ma las.-Anvii, eth, 1904) Iwo% a &4(11 *rt,
Pee let oad 201. . I of Saltoson cleared the breakwater of
Sow. littered Is VIS4, 'Jae. Mem. ShottlY °It" 2.0 wis• 141 U7 dshorasent. Sooting wits butt* in
ylet and Sad.
Are 'broke lout oa t steam bans to some eitent, bat the co wind
:. Ahvreera. sad who*. the leoloolO mailer the pastime far frown ules.seint
saw, litierre,Mhs. /140„,,, ,m, reached the dock the 1110•Ct *as a isms sownwo. wu ignored., this inerabc.„-,
Suowdre. °I liar" fr°41` tb° ltt°r° to athiehtlt awnerally radar:minx themselves for
Meat Cla.sses Were
_ Filled end the Ewhibits Were Good- 11" Ot 3 *hews • 4#pr eisseows. or Engineer Boxtoe arta flereer. liod 441*.lia Craton game, but the tenni( loins
Sods. Jas. Alum.. the crew*, excel* coot. Willettedri, mew" the whole afternoon and
, were en board. The Abereern was Ai miry lookars-o.i. 43oas
Thesis Who Took til. Prizes i'Vut.rty
. ,
„rt. 'iiternt?ilertabotlitet aLit-,...,,, 4 the at Lint Faillrm. Eve:rasviiiilitilPeicvne-ie
„ day of the fair, saw a latee attend. Millie% eine sae, Jo**. Philter. Jos, rte. tintaragi....kiledexra.
north, tho eltataa wore driven Korn* then there were teeny wise bed to
Thureday of IA week, the main - newly Draft
Andellis J• S. opLOW-. elevator. iiiiw as tha .11.44 „ies, &met kw. ..
was preseed I into serviee,,eveit
ante and diesel the ant. alterable weal,. loitt.8:tor.lei•ultryAk7ii*at.beitopliniy,at. it kareaeTr.): _,t241.1*, ottlitl:tsicatadm:sresatiliell' 3141:7.0:18's1.170.-. ritroisftlurtiorkrailwanda,y tra4actk.a ;la; offirecoolift- wwabeeltut. wrealkvoror istaahey utatt000nse.prAelea nitt
ther on the eked* day prevented as
'biasing, hot time we. alwoln toolor en t/se grounds. The greatest draw.
e an attendirice as would ethercla
- ss, C. A- 111thitely.,
CATT1.1•1 ... • _ McKay let ermensr,,ai,
_.,_ ___„....wise have lawn present, tho program
Game. mad hen, ,,11. G. 31c. control. The„Yollall WAS bodily burn- ins feeiture was the snacking at the
. of the dew was eafriad .out• anieceu# - -• Nveskors (parart„8)._ _ __ ,Eay, _1_ .ot sad' Rot . _ • • . . .rd fro° aetwootil to *tom* hoe 0-9Por Pamir pit, which was captured by
liattmorse, essussiod affilli, eoek„ work* Wring IlettroYed, to liar de* our townsauta George Johnston, atter
fully and it was altar 4 o'clock bi- - no. Row; outu.
-F. G. WRAY, lot sod thin. pine, her aft below that Soo hod'IY a steal dull of aniimeinent; Towards'
fore the &n&1 blots a the °P°44 "n° . t*ovr. *AL Glen. bit and ibid. liaiebarge, spaielled silver, hen. • 8. ibareed. and her boiler ma mackiairy evels.h4g, after some 800 had been fed,
teat* win* "oalodlid• Walter'Bum' ' 11.1fet\„ 2 yeare 'old. Robt. Glen. -41. mega:. lat ass aid
so littdly twisted u to be pracideallgthe older 'citizens 'began to. disappear,
oideo, of Kloceoehoo• acted as °taller* Heifer, 1 year.dtkl, Rain. Glen. - if„,,' : ' ' I
days wete as follow* : fit141' arretltftbLaraG/4410,0rebood' i'. , • - 114•-intstrapi.iit-1°4 2°41-labiadtses: heti::: 4$4. : :tee:- Geerg4°41.11: Jelinetwe Csieght the Greasy Part ln the dancing. - •
. I •
. The results of the races fcfP' the two . . • . while crowds of the ,younger folk took
Pig ,
2:26 ehrso ' MM. Jae. Alton. • A -.K11.4.• litir mid bd. . ' . TWHNTY#P11011 YEARS AGO
• Gilbert 1 1 Palled *We or Aberdeen (Purebred) IfIsloiSree, A. O. It., cork, S. G. Mondal, Lather Dig, WU fairly ob. „.„
A.• A. Fisher. 114411.s.i. lot and Ind. served II bad*, loy-aur reerchantsi letoot 'rho Goclerich Star of Sot 17
14. T. cow, Ponstant. '2 Heifer, 2 tears ohl, A. A. Fisher, Haneharipi, A# O. V., herr. S. G. 310' bUt it tow ilactories and mot of oar
' Elsie' -Grattan ..... ....• .....2 .2 4ow. A. ii. jobber. _ kuty, /at Igo sod. builder. lamas a mat labor cloy os it ,Death ef lire. Coupler :
F. Raeder. Miteliell. ••# Heifer, over 1 veer and uuacr 2, A. Legh,oree, buff, ben, W. 1. miller, se they worimd on. Nearly in the Died in Goderieh, on Tuesday'even#
Pettit McGmsger.,...... 3 3 3 A. 1,1,,ber. moaning eveiry available horse was on ing• &Pt. &th) Annie 1. Daohlon, ro-
thittick, Tiorwaterte - Helfer Calf. wider 1 year. A. •- A. LeShorns, brown. MHO(' comb. caPli• file *wee, 41 the animals having been lict of the late Judge Cooper, aged 78
joehtellinloy. ........ #4 4 4 ?Niter, let sed 2nsi. lire, J. It. Herwrie. ilegagod three or four day* bofores yeara. Funeral from St George's
Cudatore, ee:kortit. /UM Calf, under 1 year, A, A. DeffAtonle. brown, oho& c°°113'• hill'. Themdri in rtie alt h 114
were v g Po s o'er e ure onFriday, Sept 8th, at 3.80
Queenle Smith. ........ 5 5 5 Fisher. 3tre, .T. S. llowille, igt and 2ini.
, • Leonmi lumen, rose ei,10, beu. West :Uon, and Labor Day had pas- o'clock p..m., to Maitland cemetery.
G. Hunter, Exeter.' Herd, A. A. libber.' •
• •
Leghoimi. white, single condi, hol# lialn4d• MUM
Mee. J. H. Howell,
• •••••••46.......
147. Wright . • ..... 4. • *A:. 0 dr: 4101401 (ftwobroo
, G. MeNalf, IlYtb. ' ' IWO, Geo. Lefihwatte.. = 24-441,. •T„,,,,,c, ;fee and 211,1, One bushel small 4.)esa,•any variety, Quincei, Chas, A. Viells. -
Thtut.-2:10, .2914,, 2104. t'ow. Geo. Laithwaite, let snit 2nd, Mb/a(1, black, boo, Roc J. S. horned, Jae. Afton. " Brown's. Nurseries, $6 worth of
• ,'*• • ,
;Heifer, 2. years old, Geo, Loth/mite, oroingtoes, bun', hen, sl'h04. lloleleri namod, B.S. Snowden Est., 0.mr-rOnt- antler exhil)lt.ed, Gem Laithyveite!
Farmers Tat )) . . • . Howrie. , One bushel White oats, any variety, nuraery etoek, for the best bushel of
Diny Worth" • .* 1 1 1 1st and itxtd. - lat aed 2nd. at liyramid of apples in barrel
J. McManus, Onderich. Ilull, Bisset Eros., Jae. IlelLinne. Ier, 1st end 2rid. 04., ner 4* So*. ,
T, B. Ilackett,Blith. • . Holstein (Ptarebtet1). orpingtoine. huff, cork, Thos.
. • _One bibbed Blitelc oats, an* Variety, hoop* of 17 inches,' Srd, Geo, Leith -
Hall Idedium... ._ _ i2 2 2
riid jas Alton 3rd : w ite.
icing Tott,, „ 3 3 2 Vow. Tes• 34("Xmlnol• 104, 3nd• 3rd• /17111°°41 It°ek•9' barrtmli " "6". .!.; Onet.busiel fax ',Awl, Jas. Alton. I a - PEARS.-.
. R. striith,_.ciinton,. Heifer under *I' ears ' Geo tJaith. •Iiiiier 1st anti *lutt.•
' . - y ' ' - - Ply1;touth Itoel.7e, barred, ben, I.E one bufwel timothY seed,. All* &1- , Six vorietlee, named, 4 of eitell,
Time -2:20%, 9,20%, 242914# • Intit4'' , Grade conk v . . _ 411,,k, lint ,t, s„frowrie, Iten, Geo.. Laithwaite. . • •
llowler. ' • nor &Boll. ' Albert. (Ike, Geo. Laithwaite, Jno..11r,
Sid B. 1 1 1 Zest Ilaftious led. _
Ptymoilth Itexiie, white, eat*, Wm. Three beads sunflower seed, beet ,gokeld,
•• Thos. 'reedy', Credittur.. ""•'., 8 Iblfet• 2 Mtrs (44' "la!' -A' "ate.: IL nook 4 Son, Tboy. IL Snowden. and heaviest, R. Itu4s0,0 r. llarlcer. ' ' • -Bartlett, R. E. Snowden Bat, oee,
Plymouth Rocks. *bite. hen,_ 'Wm. niY,Lis.-RIMyeS, yEGETABLBS Laithwaite, Robt. Arldr0•444.
le, Trench...Titegwater. :1*. : rrolter„ 3 yeor ow.• Ches. A. 'Whitely.
8 A -H• D°411t * 8°11' 14 14111 2)/tt . ..... Dtiehess D'Artigoulertie; "Geo.- Leith-
, Ileifer calf.' under I year, Obs. • . ,
:vie. Hall. - • • .- - • • . • • ••• • :*8 2. 3 .W.hitely•• lit and ,Ind, llieset, . Brox. 3:4,- viWIllodette."4 hloeh twit, *AO* Ite' 0.474ThiLoechul Rolm litt:tnEwoold• "Wurtzetr.:yaite, Sao. W. Saliteld.•
2:24 Chia Cow, Chase: A.' Whitely lid and 2114, Pirr°44ttl It"s• butt" hens rho.. (11") buabel Iced, 16.'"froom. Three varietree named, 4 4,',3f each,
Roy Teesvisiter.. „
Yearling titter, Chas. A. - o'er -
Margaret Mae '3 4 Ben ranking vow; *ow „breed, Jot. WPtiltinttt‘q• hleelt• Ileu• 34"‘ I Six Gloheer'Mengatseold, C M11.1.1317k 2°11rut tie Jerser, `Albeit
• • -* R. Oke, Geo. Laitlywatte.
J. McIntyre, Listowel* Malanuii, • Bisset Itros., J4114, )44fart. • OWI•
Little Hal 4 5 4 os * W,rsndottes, silver' tared. cook, Mrs,
. . •
.3140 'Fisher, Godeliell.„' 1024 esti, fed by boy or slrl under 1.•-8. Rowrits-
May . 48, exhibited by same A. A.- 11P4 "
ter ndOttOk sliYer laeed. ,hen, Afro,
hi 11 flint and 3rd. J• floolf*r• -;•• •
Fat Cattle
• 4 Time -2:29%. 2129144.. '
At.tivo .... .. 1 1 1
L Penetang.
De. ..... ..... 644212 ,2
R. i0141111W.er.
Joe 44 3- 4
Ciidraore, Seaterth.1•
Livery Pointer." -4 "4
Inuit -441% 2;20%, 2:19%.
Tbenmiri reaturocer the•dial`f were
commuted on In *sr rut issue and
ye now Publish tlretistt of the prize-
. winners in titit various thisses
• Wyandotte*, 114htti•, cock. W.
Noble Yonne,
Wietadottes, white, hen. W.
ler. Noble 'UMW.
2141114111M. any other varlet", hen,
/irk, J. froirrie M. Grieve.
Dueire, Pekin, dnake, H. E. Snowden.
Dinka, Pekin. dark, 14. 14. -Snowden,
Dtwks.- Rouen, drake, Whim., .3E„
Snowden, • • -------------
Docks, Rotten, due%, Thoe. M. Snow -
Fat. heifer, Ches. A; Whitely, W.'
/turner. '
F•14, 40W, A.• higher, Chas. .,A.
Whitely.• •
- • • Leleeeters -
Rams, 41441.1% and over, REArt.
Shearling liabt. Glen.
Ram laud), Robt. Glen' let end 24d.
-Here; -2 share and °ter. Itolit.
_ ShearlIng ewe, itobt. alert, 1st' and
211d. •
Ewe iamb, Itobt. Glen, 1st and 2nd.
Ram. 2 *hears and over,
tatty or, geldint -2 Part 44. W•-
31titt.,can, :‘ • • • • •
• Frilly or ,gelding, sterling. .th -.A.
. •
Ybdter. •, •
• rairl.of Wens. Wm. Green. .
Single hoo.e, • Geo, Ilvdford. 30i140,
nestling ram, Thos. Snowden.
Rain iamb, Thee. 11, Snowden.
• Bite, 2 shears 'and over, Their. 11.
tqwarling ewe. l'iros. 11. Snowden.
'Young, Ituseel 11111. .; • - Bete larnb, Thos. M. Suoveden.
Speeisle • ,t -- ' OXfereleldre 1)41111$11$
14oly 'Driver. Geo. 'Ilredford. rtinA0T4111.. MiintittldWontlea.
Varrla4e, T;t4re, •.2, slitters over Thee. 11*,
" • - Riegle carriage horse. Wilfred 'He. summed..
' lAtan. . ewe, 'OD& SlInorden•
Genie& fr011bollo • ,.4 laugh. Um, 311- fht41"1111.
ure 41"-': "°w•rbrci r Pat Sherfh • Barowden..
gel tit* ••• ;rt.!" *•' 11est rat MOOD. Ni#
Font of 104, ele*. 144werhy. • PIGS
- - - • Matched reaw. 3aa Ciblaitelsh O. C. Isqweved Berkskire
Boar. littered in 1024, Am Alton,
Akdolough, '011n. -Cireen.
Ilhoe. M. Snowden.
Fitly of geldieg. Geo, Laithwalle. Hew, 1 year old an(I over. Tito*. M.
• A. A. Pielier. *Snowden. •-• •
foal of 19* tie°. tiewerby. • • Sow, littered in 1024. Thos. • M.
Jaii. Alton, 414-.:34peeprey.• Snowden. Jas. Alton.
IlkAtCLARY'S Electric Om, is
J-Ttik exceptionsil anions electric
. ranges. Opehtes much of the time
on "stored .iteilt"..,Bakes or toasts
for hours after current is turned
This is due to a 'doubly insulated
oven, which acts as a fire6la cooker,
retaining heat lot hours. •
MeCittry's "11004110•0 Protected
Winans alai) "store" heitteto that you
cook on "lovek Most fire thew.
• See these ecctuirve Worms of Mc-
Cllery's lltieetrle Rte
illiese:Alottionse.--garLder,,Tas.• titan.
Geesr, Toulouse, gO011e# Jas. Anon,
Get•P.e, other variety. gender;
R. Snowden, Pas. 'Alton.
Geese, soy other variety, gOose,
FL Snowden.• •
Tiiiikeys, bronze, voek. W. I. 41111er.
OuTneThwl,- oily other taiiety„
coek.411. B. Snowden. •
1.1111ti gird, hears, hen: Geo:
W. I. Miller, •
Single Binie-Cultereis aid Paco.'
• Game. old Baldish, cockerel,
MeEnr, ist and 2nd. •
Gam, ofd gogliish, pullet, .8. 0.
'WWI?, 1st and 2nd
B.11."-01.111hcaKrPai,a•Palstagif.dand•tdhe.ri• keveL
• Ehintintra. spaurled 'liver, pullet,
14. p: McKay, let and 2ael. •
Balking's. Ida*. eoeke•rel. 41.
Kay. bit and ?.ttd., -••• •
Borobtirgs. black„ pitllet, G.,
alkAt'sY. it and end.
Itamburge, Visy other varlet'. +1. 41.
IL•BuY, 1st end 2nd. .
1.eghorn$, wbIte, *Ingle eomb,•coek-
ere), Noble Yonug. •
IA/diorite, white, singlet conskoptinet,
Noble Yonng, 1st -and 2nd.
orpinitonir, tore, roeiteridt,. 'nog:
Bowler. bit and thel.
Orpington& haft -pullet. Thee, Bow•
ler, bit 1u4 2rel,
Plenioutit Roam. be met ea.:keret,
NY. 1. 1st and 2iid.
Plymouth Roeire. &erred, pullet. W.
1. Miller, lst and :had:
Plymouth Rorke, white, toekerel.
Wm. 11. Doak & let and Mid.
Plymouth Rocks. white, pullet. Win.
• 11, Doak & 'Sou. let Iasi 2iid.
•Wyaudottee. t•orkrtel, Zoe.
• '111•Viesr, let and 2nd.
, Wesimlottee. tibeek. 'pullet. Jas. Re.
Vicar. 1st and Sad" .
Wyandotte*, white. coekerel. Noble.
. Young. W., I. Miner.
, WYandotten. wIrdte. pullet, W. I.
• 11111m, 1st and 2nd.
• Arytutdottes. partridge.. Omihst. W. 1.
Intim 1st and 2nd. ,
tibiciele; Pekin, drake, 3. W. Italkeld.
Thos. U. Snowden.
thwice. duck, I. W. ftalketil.
Thos. IL Sisowden.
Melts, Roam*, drake.'.2Thos. 111.
Snowden. .
Ihseket. Ronea,.duelt, Thom Pao*.
Igtelcii. say other earirty. drake,
•TOOts :334041.
soy other variety. duck,,
Jas. Attu. • . i
Geese, tinneame, gander, J•114. Alton.
Hew. flsosionee. 004440e. Os. Alton.
Broedimg Ptior "
14644re, ally earlier, it. G. liege". keid. .. ,
• • 14„Vcaianu,,,r. "la* any Alltittl' k4" fa' 13411dVtitt, Geo. Laithwaite, Intr. W. • COMISOP111601111
4 Prolnetime. arty radio, Then • Salkeld• '• And 8041 illeadschos
ForwristIm. it itaeaa. a" yaNtlete. Ivira. Gro. lr.los:rLd's reSwwooef, Goo. uttitwalte,l .nosy wen itagreied my
lt. Doak it Roo. W. 1. Willer.
Six Intte
ermedia- Mangold, •LirikithaWrraiteD.1441faa'N41a 'V*u
zev R.• Rnonsu. Ifeurre Supertlim, Albert R. Oke.
Six sugar niangol4e, for feeding Bourke Bose, Albert srt.,Oke, Itobt.
pommies, Geo: Ileachlee• C.- Treenuier Arldromi
& Six Swede - turitips Bisset Sou.' Sheldon, Albert Otte.
/111)8" Beurre •Cistirgeon'C.. Truemner
G" Ihkeeblet'• • SON GM Laithwaite. •
Six White carrots, R. B. ,Snowden
Wm. Waite, V. t, B
Laithliallta\. ndre_we,
E,urgLat.,rwgettrastt. A4A,mboirt,v,:rp_plitha,'s orerkaet:_tlxrariteits 41,R° b;.41br.t._..olce,t.
Tritemnei-&-Son. Robt.''Andiews.,
Six lamest turnipsTruemner . .
8,1.1‘jerle-;rlar.g"riest:et*-inul-hertt Atal • or BratiShavr,' Geo. S. 11Su•nt, Truem.;
11 idieorn, Wm, Waite, Thos..Bowler. ner its San.
pima prize b Vitilham Rennie -Pond's seolingo'C.• Truemner '.&
Co., Torontn, of $5.00. 'In seeds for an. - •
best display of vegetablet grown Victoria, F. Barker.
from Rennie's seeds, r. Barker. McLotioghlin, F. Barker,
Special prise bY-- YAW', Egg, Geo. Laithwaite.
Co., Toronto, of $3.00 in seeds for • Lornbaxd,' Geo. Laitkevaite, eo. W.
hest display Of.field root* grown from -Andreal. '' • •
Rennie's seeds, C. TrttoMner 4 keine Claude De De BeViy, V. Barker.
Judges -Chan. G4'elti• 3. W. sal- Green Gage, C. Truenmer 4' Son.
keltt. - . - Gee. Laithwaite., • .
DAIRY PRODUCTS CcitettGolden Drew G. •Trueniner 4
Ten pounds table butter, salted for Son. •
use, rolls; farmers only to compete; t'Seedltng, if worthy of introduction,
creamerybutter excluded,' Mrs. Jno. C. 'rummer. * Son, rt. E. Snowden
Manlier. • ESL • •
Ten pounds of table butter, in. Niagara, P. Barker, Wm. Waite..
crocks, salted for present use, Albert Roans, F. Barker::
Oke, Jno. Fowler. biro. Jno. Mower. Abundance, Geo.. Laithwaite, "F.
Tub or crock of butter, not less Barker. : • ;
than .80 pounds; farmers only to tom.. Any other varlet", R. E. Snowden,
vete; creamery butter exclUded, Mrs. Geo. W. Andrews. •
John Manser. Prune, Isaac Salkeld; Geo. Leith*
Didry,bittter, 5 pound!, 1. lb. prints, woite. •
Mrs. inc. Manlier. • PEACHES
Judge -G. A. Bisset, Any 41kriety, C. Truerither & Son.
41,1101: 4Audprigcofsw, Onifirxnevimonriverae&_Son. - '
Ten varieties,, named; 4' of each, •
torisitting er 4 sununer or tall, and 0 GRAPES
winter, 'Geo. Laithwaite, Jno.
8.41- clurVterts vo‘fIreirieteilta.T naao.n1Wed;SsalP:enld.al-4.,_°
Delaware, Geo. Laithwaite, Jno.„"Vir:
S• ix varieties, named, 4 of vita,
cooking, 2 ournrner or fall and 4 win-18aikaltorti, Jno. . W. Sal
ter, Geo. Laithwaite. • keld, Geo.
Six varieties, named, of eCon
ach, des. LeIthorllite#
sett, 8 summer or ton and 4 wiatei, • ria:torrschpaisa.mi,o.naw,talle::. Laithwaite,
Geo. Laithwaite Jno. Salkeld. f A. Wells. -
Duchess of Oldenburg, Billy Thom.1
son, Juts. W. Salkeld..Geo. Laithwaite. • Vh•gentres, Jno. W. 'Salkeld, Geo.
Ale)iander, Geo. Lsithwslte. LikitInv0ite.
Gravenstein, Geo. Laithwaite. Campbell's Early, Geo. Laithwaite.
McIntosh Red, Geo. Latthwaite.. • Wilder, Rodger's No. 4, Jno. W.
20 -co. Pippin or Cabashea, Geo. Salkeld. •
itothwitite, muy. Thomson, Get,. W. Lindley', Rodger's No. 9, .Ino. W.
Andrews. Searle,.
finow, Robt Andrews, Geo. Leith- Salem, Rodger's No, 22, Geo.
Waite. _ . Laithwaite. • ...
Worithy, Geo. lattptvialte, George Mager* inc. W. Salkeld, Chas. A.
Boothia. • s
Ribston Pippin, Albert It, -Oke, inc.
W. Salkeld, Geo. toithwalte.
Grime Golden. It 4,& £4Andrews.
Wells •
Empire State, F. Barker, Chas, A.
:remit*, F.Ilarker.
Ring 1pf Temp*. County, ino. w. Worden, Chas. A. Wells.
Salkold, Geo. Moore's gm*, Geo. taithwaite, P.
Cranberry Pippin, Jno. W. Salkeld. -barker.
Pewrrkeo, Geo. Laithwaite, Jno. Laniteihwsght Jno. W. Salkekl, Geo.
Wagner, Geo. Laithwaito, Inc. W. Any other varlet', Chu. A. Well'.
Salkeld. •
Rhode Wend Greening, Geo. Laith.
waite, Geo. W. Andrews, Ino. W. Sal- Was Irroublod.With
American's Golden Roo/tett, jno. W. imoulios
' PRillioNs Salkelsi, C. Trail:mar & $on. •
North Star, G. Lidthwalte.
Joeobirse, 8. G. NtriCor, bit *541 2n(1. piameiltsr, Ges, Laitawslite. _ --
8.0. MOUT., ligt, and ittiel. - sismarok Geo. Laitawatts. '
4slost, roue sinan.r.
Hasiient, Ili (1. lik•fr#41:4. Mrs, 3. S. Aystrewi,°vItsr44 G.e.' 141""ttet Geo.
' *trampeters. twitt Hower • drewn.Swastro Prawns Grillo, Geo . Vir.„Ark•
, Rents. Conn floater.
tri • uttello.,Vollm Motor. NorlAbern Sn't 011*. LttitlIWIti1", intlfts•ft:_akimsor ir4114 plarroarisa;=
Mir rolkibits. 'MK Rimier. Gee. &redder:
nem WILMS, rte. mann. Goo. Laitlreetto, o,50. W. owl** awewilookiatflotrostivisoof yetievbsi ImadsoINWOiegine.
OM 1141411.1 foal whoa, wig**. AM- Alllenlareberel". Ornate PIPPIN `'''''' PALI 1,4#0 sembiositilmi aad headaelies have
,•„„ tot vim* baiter Milleare's Lase•Lhar
ed. Jos. Altera, Thu.' M. Siformilm. Lalcksralte. Illobk, Avateras. lisispoond med my lido boa bolas.
1 Ow Waled tall wheat, rod Eir•ea- colysers. Jae. W. $04444. , slat ama.,
ber, muse& C. Transwer 4k Saa, Jas. Stark. Gee. Lelleiralte. i amid advise an them /she are
jChOl: beeliel *Why whoa. aye oar- Treerserstr :CA . in. as Masse 's Laavrtalrmr Ptilm."
Wetft illevilt, 0.14# Lalthwalte% • C. trashirt with their lilmre km so/ way, i.
layos..-assas4,beabil.10.101,Art sa volistir. 0.0.840=. %way 44* trookortion. fitstorlisor Pins" it*s. boos ea the
- aws*M tar 4* pad SO ',ism so be amol
Cies. IC A. rad gla tun idles_ yea wit he od. Jae. JJwa. C Tswersaret di Am odor
Su. - arrino. Os& Po iso wit * Ilie T. IglibeniVie
Om berlig hes paw Ng vgifrist,f, ererk, it a pat. aw„. A. gairsigg4 Tosease;Osit.
For S‘aluiry Water
• r I
• t
• 4,
NOW IS the time to put in wour winter supply, of cosi as
the tonnage put out by the mines is several, thousand
tons less 'than was put out last year. This means a
shortage (If coal and higher prites. We have several car
loads of Chestnut, Stove and Egg in stock which will be sold
• at $16.00 pet tat delivered. All our coal is weighed on
.our solo (ihe market scales).
Sher- Winans PaMt at $3.75 per gallon
We carry a stock of Portland Cement, Prepared Plaster
and time also a heavy stock of shelf and heavy Hardware.
'Now is the time to have your furnace overhauled ' -
wait until cold weather when every' person wants it done.
• ,`•-•
, Phase orators given Spechtl, Attention
Phone Store 22 - House -112
-judge-Wm. J. Morrow. , or more, Jas. blacVicar, Mrs. J.. S..
jlowrie; (b) best collection, pink, six:
CUT FI.OWERS or more, Ches. A. Wells, J. truck; (e)
Colleetion.of tut dowers, arrange- I best collection, red, spt. or marc,- Mrs.
ment to count, Mrs. C. Stewart, II.' J. S. Unpile, Bisset Bros.; (d) beet
Barker, Chas. A. ° colleetWri; Purple or, Wonder, six or
, Dahlias, six varietlest. must have ,Mere, Jas. hilieVicar, Mts. S. :How -
long stems, Joe. lifaCV:car, Mrs. J. C. tie; (0) *Pedal once by Geo. Leith -
Stewart. • 'wait,* collection of six varieties, two,
Asters (a) best collection; white, 6 ' (Contiritted On prime)
, . • • ' • ' -• •
i‘ thidergraduate - Coureei-B. A. general "course; B. A.
4 Library and Secret:4*J Science; D. A. with 'Ilwoloeicel Options;
B. S. In Nursing; 01..0... Honour *Mims ifitiblOgy; Cheinfitry;
• , .. Claudes; CommercialEconocolcor.guslishanditilatory; Anstleli
• - . 'and French; Iteeliali and German or- SPaniftii Bor end •
Latin; Fronehand Latin; Geology. • Matlennatimen Pheeicti
t. Philosophy; Politicalgemioniy; Romance Lamaism 'Ggneri!
science; Combinetiori B. A. and M. D. MOM - -- - • - ---• - . -
M. D. course of Six years, .- .• '
II, Post.gradueite courser, 31.4.; I.4.0c.7Dr. P.11,41%P.114
and C. P. H. N. (Diplomas in:Public Health.)
Requitement* for Admissiepi-Junior or Honour .1114itriott-
latioU, , , 4.
- - Itall-tOrtiv bogillti 22n4 SiPteather, 19-24
For information write-
. ••• , • •
By our -Nev.,' tate st beViee Automatic Air Conipressor,
also Air Tower, which enables you to get air fit any
time ymiwish, no waiting, no fussing*Or dirty hose to
handle. • Just stop and help yourself when passing
along the Blue Water flighway,1 at •
P.O Sea.474 . 398 r 2.
Alto Distributors for the WA, TDB-LES4 STORAGE BATTERIES •
-the hattew that is -proving a wonderful Sumas.
MAINNOWN11111111111111110101MININNIIMINNI 101101
„Bargains in Nouse Furnishings
A large portion of our House Furnishing
stock for fall is arriving and we are giving
special prices on all house furnishings to mike
room to let us pass the new goods into tock.
Odd Certain, at Half.Peke •
'Several odd rains of curtains will he cleared at half-prioe. ,The
lot consists of one and two alike, in many 01851iust one pair.
If you have an odd window where you can use odd pair of •
outte.ine you tan me money by looking over our bargain stook.
Linoleum and- Cocoa Matting , ' • .•
Linoleum, 4 yards wide $1.00 sq. yard
013006 &Wit* yard wide, suitable for verandahs. Regular
0610 $1.10, td elver st 7$e
If you have any gifts to buy visit our store
"Th. &tire of a Million -CM*
one Electric weither
Slightly used forf demonstration purposes. Itegular price $17,
will soil for $110 if taken at onos.
M. • •
es ey al er
Often the Cheapest Always the Best
The Store of Quality
Woof S &pont Glc
• •