HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-09-11, Page 1Continuous Advertising's -- Is just as *portant to a Merchant's Business u the in the store or as invitineY u..dwindows -The Country Merch&nt --TR tT SIXTY SECOND YEAR ijc , NM. ON tON. GODNUOL OM'S. CAKApA. T811119a. iPratriER 11, 1924 thieillpied sir sorts 111100ftell. fralls ie book Jeade yp raw' Stationery. Mita* Oir" dWilsott 444 Pak vitrarran sporraL. Fall Fairs and School Fairs Hold the Boards---A4Itheild mod Heim &alio.' Fairs Strike Bad Weather Butilave Fine Exlibits REM:MD Business Experience T1A7 low bueisess =WI Imre time be storcimatie la mere Maio wome *sinew Yet on intim/44 knowledge ot triart. twee ti wawa! to very valuable be making sound progress. tir step we hove watched touldneesee m'ow. **vs loaceeloot why some sueoetedist--way others WW1. have these accumulated *aperient** lig whin% .0 . • 'tutu your rotations.. wa have aa- wen our own oeiley bra tat the "Ifterlinir Bank to *treat and stahlme'lauddlort. WN TOPICS Sept. le, open to e...hool echildren, feu Predintieutry Grade -Albert Weer whieh oeturred Thersday afternoon •00 keit Nix asteie grown from tht• Clinton; Marti* ItuTele (Atm*. p tow. w. IL JAAlialtill, Organist and ticulturmil Society. There are 21 ea* t lax toori on the stoop Hillsboro kite est tke lake fro Gode Methodiat thumb. Instruetiou ultra lu D.carstion in ,ce,,00ral stiverti Director of Mur. NOriti Street seed diatribtited by the Gederich Hor Mr. Anderton has Yaearldell ew Mare pup ae per MOW% • Ke far a toad four miles from Forest, when a ler citron route - Deer Voice Culture, Urinal, Plano.. Vhdin. &vow. rims. Entries close at 11 o'c -• 1. i. Culler. Theory, etc. , s Phone 30-4. Studio mod residence. Chute!' Street. Day m • 'ara• osiosemor, i Sunday. ge',111ek, will be is distributed irt front. of the Star Office Beek et elereauteete A 104 Mr. George WINIams Illoitiree Mr. MacKay *w anagee of „rofessali ummodte Detrotvitraeputudtalled; b:vcolcretiincletwh: teleourgety morning and prizes will bt le N 14 ' neemoried aerriae, la eativaltr _-.• sons in voire. Piano. prim Theory. at Eaglaad. I t 2 o'clock. .4. rink of Goderieh bowlers, eon. oeiiIrlajav: haersaehedretiredtj" fatirovaw11441: :Gs": ve°1:Pen: entitled to superennitation Mr. Gee &elk praising all Ilice oreupents be - 1.1 Its* 4 Goderich, whe, with Ms nu ear Wu driven by Mr. --5lenels prepered for all grader. Tor ento•liworne„wous ____ * ...5im w._ liarriiiou.s ,flimo_litte: vidosit -- quiet- wedding wes solemeleiMod ** 1,- T°01. o oteleoPtured-the se. of the Bank of Contmetrce and li aac• = . Georgeee Chum!. etoitoriott. on WeeltresdaYoSept. 10the The first ciente to Goderich as rstenager of "e....... . send stammer in Goderieh The crash was keerd at the sum -per' home of John • • ALieltEll W. AN'IlleftetiN - -Ord gm* Jo): los Mitta idilk neeth it, reauttleg le the injury et four St. James Quirt+, hondon„ 'also ppm* SeSet .1)ewhog • • slating of A. Goldthorpe, (1. Newton tioneof roe:wiser of the legal torminch *1111 "Iking tin" .1dirlar 1"4"1' _3, temeertatory estaminations Studio at . . eettoete so see coed prise at the Dlyth tournament eeeded by Mr. A. J. Mitereel, tend illa who In Detre* after they had spent the the Maps Elbert, bock to their home .1 • . 11111 1 . !lours by appointment. .. .-. . 7:01tare. 0,10:40. Rey. ei. el. garoy tot/moment on 'Wednesday Ches. E TERLIN6 K .: „,,,„:„...: ,,,,, DikifitXTVIN Or Run.- oMolattog. • . Meek and Sheriff Reynolds won first •-• PUBLIC NOTICE Beatrice, younpaaii ttettegletor riee was won b Tel .* Charles Waite, w•ue salted la p Y fei rink of hood brauch of the) Bank of Hatetitoo • • " d lend time Re srtudgemsetielflyeitli -ths Jon.( and Wes el"aielnnie ran to " . • BAN e (leo. Robert. • Hours 2 to 4; 7 to 8. (Hber marrintamilettrernE W" Tharlim,ramot" "lug eion's rink of Clinton. At the local 1 * OF CANADA • NERS1111). The Blue Wetter Highway Fend sad A. D. McLean end Jos. Brophey nership heretefere subsisting. etween Te subscription list to the Blue - At th II rest C t ' NoTICK Is hereby giveo that tr. part- second. , the underslitawd, al Barristers. Sobel water Highway Assoelation will be . * ' .4111.14.orote - ' , ' . tors, Mot in the Town of itotelrloto has eioned, this teat& Let all whet have- • Clinton Neweieltecoott _The' Huron - ' ths day neen dissolved by minuet eon- not iet paid their subscription to the County -Home Committee tittle.' eoun- Seto:ember IWO .. May keep up its end 0 t et wig - Mum, a nos ; I eputy-Reeve oun y Home Suo Life Assurance Co oftanada • _ • ,treiperoos and Progree,ivo. Assets exceed two hundred and nine millions Aesuranies in force exceed seven hundred und three million • You can rut Assured 'Phone 115 H. R. LONG District Agent • - , INSURANCE AM) lip% roan WANTED • 0........ so ................... 0 A I 0 , Lots and -houses tn, Goaertch . end VerANTEM-eleearders at e good quiet re , fame for sale. • " speetable home at the El Dorado For ell particulate see J. W. ARM- House. Weot stroet. Miss Doyle, . STRoNG, above Parsons Fair, Box. 80, - - - - Godertch, OM; . WANTEDeelIouse to rent, omodern ie Y %convenlenees, convenient to Squere, ,, Houses -Houses * , . Al:p1I to P. V, Box 202, Goderlehe * • 4"---7- -- . _ • -AXTANTED TO BUY--Jeeser or Bri el - All kinds for, sale at about' hell ' T Ole COW, either just freebened, or - What it would cost you to Mid.. It due to freshen ehis fall. leluet be You-hig ,, will be to your interest to ee me be. and quiet. 1'.r sale- four months niet • fixte huying. Several properties on. eew• APPle'' to 3. "W• PRIDDLE, William tali eller terns of PayMent. See my !Feet- . list. • ' ' 'MAID WANTED -A, ilrl -for general 4 o P. J. RYAN, - 2., 49botteewortre oae NS11,11 some exper- • ' _geel Estate and Insurance, lrece..e.PPle Alrg, G. L Rywolva, Wet r .. CIRAIGIIE'S ' - --.. , „ --4-. ---- :---- %._ NAN'Cl..U,Ntell-Itnifl:Wornert -*ACIENM , INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE 1. spore orzif.iycl,1 tilme-aireet to herte • • Apartment -to Rent : . Modern, sirr- .I7reiteWis.1.:111i d te.krilr Vir,Ncligtike'rerre:, *MIME Altartellit1ts, Ore 'S41/Are. - Peeleo- ell-eteeleemion. te, oe, , . lemisiort at once. L CRAIGIE Ar.ANTED-WIreat wanted. E. • T. Dentniller Flour 11118. _TENDERS WANTED __Ile.LP Motet nen -Any" person dew- . ous of making from 410 to $20. o mENDERS WANTED--Terpieroorer the weekly in spare time,..without ioterfer- rchase of Ho it 1 propert, n • ilw %to., present emplognent, eend for lo use on South St. will be received up partieuldrs or• tree earneie book elm, to September 15th...inspection ot pre- ieenial Art", Personal Cerestinas Cards . znlaeq Im°1 olude 'at ail)* time- N.lornUfacturers, 122 Itichrieend West Tor- panev n t I b . G L Parsous, Ohatrinan Finance Corn. °411'°" . . 'volt 0404bn %it LEI FREE RAlt,ROAD PARE TO- NEAREST sent.. • Dated at itudeelete thls Ise day' elf fund do em at 'once, ee Suit Goderieh tY Omen, consierting of Reeve Duch. h k East W h ) !Witness, Dorothy Martitent, L. Knox, town treseorer, wiii receive Mum:tinge, GOderieh, Reeve, Dr. James L. Killoran. Dudley .1e. noire subscriptions. . mono. mer_e_b; Reeve O• Geiger, I.Ien- I AUCTION SALES NeW Superinteedent Goderich Met inOlinton on Tuesday, sao, and wunien Erwin, 01Auri;y2n6etluti: mute ae the transaction of the regular AUCTION SALK Bank of Commerce has bete with the tile.? help. $he fee 1 the people Dank of Comment here. Mr. Wilo ULU . `aShe vales many movements in the town during ltveo were lio Pinnheedlita"14nk hRebinestri; eble to get everyone out. • Dania hes taken an active interest in 1"El his eonneetLon with the bank here liedte*taideu **)*01***11 from F*1." (iti.ioualearsichbe. twhielltsotwilnl rweruaisnuanchitaivier thee ,iset and tne iniured ladle* . were Cooper -Webb . ..0.1 bone and several fractured :IN, Mrs. brought to fewest. One of the efia- see Elbert suetained * broken collar benefit of that interest. ' folTlie01rorriaugs; ,,t,toiotkoylog:eertnt Strate 1 MQ-rPhun a , and ertet, and the other two -ladles badly injured ehoulder second daughter of IVir. anti liirAs.Tioll.,'"" batilY bridged and cut. Mr, OVebb, of Goderiche to Leuito Earl Morphurt practimlly ediellped. injuries. Cooper, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. 8°78 111°°°t* Him _ ' George Coopereof Clinton. The eere. Dr the essembly hell of St. Peter's 1 SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 13Ittren's ' o esa of the quarter. ,Thineo mony. wasoperformed- at St. James" ohureh on Friday evening,. there was At ethe toile of- MN. I). MeLa-te now in charge as superintoitdent et the HoMe ;teem tohe running emoot ' •• cwt. The at* a unique gathering of fifteen sanete properties ete the house -at present the Alexandra Marine ie Ge , , g • h. vestie Rev-. Canon r e new management. Hospital. Shegraduate o t tendantri were Mr. and Mrs. John IL uary boys. Mervin, son of John 1 eeeupled by 34r. tiovier on Napier L. wilt_ also be offered for sale on same terms as other pareels.“Phis is a good comfortable 410lise. hae. mew furoato, Electric Lieettte and Roth. Posseselon on Oct 1st. OLEARINO mnrioN SA1.8 OF o -e VALUABLE RINIDENCE PROPER- TIES. Ii10t1SE1101.4) PUI11%11Tp8E AND ()RATTLES. MM. 11. A. eiclearen, Wtfo ia leavlive G-oderich to join he. feluily Clailfor-. Ma will _sell. by _public al:talon, at resi- dence Victoria Istrect, on. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER VITIT commencing at 1.a0 o'cloek'sliarp. Parcel .No. L -e -The Premises on Vic- toria street atoplosent °coupled hy etieLaren. This is practically a new house; Mu; all model% cOnveniences; rage, etc„ ia Well located and IS Verr,.. deairable property. Parcel No. 2-1he prernIseti on New- gate street at present oecupied by •Mr. Randall Thi ropertv was thermal/1Y .f Polo attic of Niw York 03.4 for tne Toatributiotts to Hospital t,eigner, the latter being a Ater a Inman, of the Union hotel, was the Past ten Yeltra had beeneassocieted Enfieling Fund" the bride. The groom was formerly guest of honor. He was being fit-. with the Marine Hospital at CrWell He J. A. Nfachewstn,Areesurer Nee. emPloyed at Goderich by the Western tingly feted On the eve of his depart - Soupd, d f II ' $ ledges .114 following. additional eon- Purity . Flour basebail team. The eeremOntal was led by Father !Canada Flour Mills Cu,and wee for Oled. Buildhig Pond,. Alexandra Mar. ure to St. Joronte's College of Kitehe Guam Reedcraft at the London Fair ' The Gederieh Art -Craft Pi/nature me and General Hospital, aeknow. tributions: ThOs. C. Wright, Nord. , several years a valued member of the ener. n quiet splen or the arewe bride WM; one of Goderieh's popular and characterized with a dignity that CO.. Ltd., is "gal* making a line ex. behrier Mane .Co., Toronto, Site Dr. I Young ladies. ManY friends.vrigh the might be profitably emulated in their shbiobwiti,nagt stAhearLorayndsoin dFifitteirrentrad"ewsi,:eult. _r $100..mrs. a. 1_, James G. MaSS611. Rochester, •Mine, Young eouPle every nappiness and future eacial functious. Amid the P Neteeton Toronto, $1(); . ... success.. They will reside in Toronto. echoes of an improvised orchestra the in different two-tone Mora rend up. - hastered -.In reepropidate Covering -N. ... Sfie Lir. J. M. Steytte Camden, -Tenn. ' . Lteut Mite, who for the last two' AY:11:gut,..gneets Wert` liptited to a table _ patiently, fprbearing * burden of "eat- Mte. Helen Minces,: St. Louis, mo. : S'alVation-Army Notes The Method. of *emelt* the reed into $5; ,Ersink W. '.McDonagh, months lute been a slating in ,tioderiche -16,'" prowled with a wealth of the steel -braced frame i$ also !hewn $50; Miss Ide Wilbert, DetiTgilre'illet2°. farewelled ltst Sunday night for Titian. AO' erg mellowed beneath a . chain of in one• corner of the exhibit. • total, $18,2. -:*--Lreeovnoreehtelnuretetruppototeellerigeole fairy lighte, all Artistically set forth by the creative iiptiturie et Mrs,. Dor- Children's Aster eltew Mrs. Lle3rd's Accident • (Meer' The Lieut. 'Vent one 'Ye ar in Ind. rirtgton. At the tease Of tkie bmiquet ' The aster girl Will h0 Iteld in 'the Mrs. S. MeV, Lloyd is. slowly re- hnisle VolveriettY. Halifax. where he a eignai for silence witegiven, follow- ,. 7 her left knee at Pointe. Claire Bail: e'lu'icii°* kit him t`') hee°t°°-8*Iv** goody gold Winded Waterman feint -fain way Station, Returning from Mon. 40° AtmY .0ftleer' * cadet Mum is musteting molt. lung. pen to the young gueet of heenor, Wito • treat she fell, striking her knee on overha.uled by the lite .1r..2.McLareet, . , don tor two weeks, Ho arrived fueetley WaS Addrelnied by the patetor in dee Star Office win ows next Sat urdaY covering from a serious accident to was studying to bee nue a doctor, but id by the presentation of an elabor-- - end Is in good conditien has electre he si:es of the Plat rule When in- night. servinir terme for hie recotd es a • edit) was threaten she was taken lights, Piece, bath, also a lerge.hriek 0 the neeimeit holm tea" at Lachine and I. NDMENTS and neceseary iiirgeons in are bete. • a reosonable rate of int'eleV° ----- CENT E HURON . a few ' tor Oa tete : • -el Seboor our- enrunieuan-at zi signified hie apprectatione lt. was ill,. boi • ig',1;r, A% rear. iii • per es . ay be. exemlned at moo d IMrte, II. 11. KIngelon, tuother of Lietit. faithful altar attendant. to supprese eesiTA 0 VdTfeltO"' 14ST Ater 'where several operations were found iiianteueiliotsns.1,eft town Wednesda I st tor . Y O feed feeling', Mervin 'was equipped ant i .4 ef d e .t. JO eeeor. alter sPenalog hre'." tvooks with il ShOrt flOW of Words that fully prier to be paid at, time of sat; balm/LI . the - finale, where:Atte rlein ueetis and Mrs. :Lloyd' irill return iquth io 'LT:. 't*ttingthe7ceming 81114°Y• - made to leave $ portio - - ttgage. at ....ELEvramni DisTratrr-0.1,1 .- ' , , . / ciently recovered to 'tend the jour- 11n. tn. Evening seretee 7 p. no - All chorus from the abunatinee of the , . a. ou e nrontees wilt he sold, it/clod- TAKE :NOTICE ithat. eittings e_.,f the. nelee -... . • ,. . .. s‘oluoino. - . Mg in .par.t; - - - e; - Devising Offidelit` fOr.111e--PtirPoTt .0; m -1st ' a a ton , p les, 4. rocking chairs, pieno stool. loath- gkrd •CO. the Voterei HSU te he ueed •41 easereettrate • Reid. sat,ended! tile A "baker's cleeerei of the Lierte blessIng. of' froiteul years in Itleoeol- - oak (Milos- table, 6 d fling chairie, lotto. oerinee Act, 'fee pending for The + eet onto last week; celled by lei istrate hem last I ' -e ' ' ' 0, , _ ERNI to -Ten per een .. of onrehase OoTARIti TEMP ACT, Mi. 'tendanco ve amp tion r. notertrty day0000rrangemen otay "At the same time, everything in and ' b t th los... Lloyd is sum; elm services at tlio•barracka beeloutstrippled their • boyhood -vsflufri en - held aci tollows•SundaY: Sunday sOhOol -Circling thSte departing companion =heart swelled forth "For Hes a Jolly 44 • Iflt5 01 e,ais wtp, re. Oa retes-Revive Orcanbration--w Leme Visit .Winghant - -Good leellove" and-thtee-In'eVed - er sofa bair cloth Iola., oak sideboard the Voting' under lite Ontario Aeon-. meeting of Police Ntaglettretes in 'Th. Club of Coder:lett, motored to Wings lege payoet . * • • 6 •; s h irs, la e writing desk mei.' insirlet be ag rainy el, rung , where at f . tee • Cline, of CornwelL The. meeting was that tow.n they. were eritertained st 0 toofe-d Were all writing- -hold et the ft/Mowing twee •and plows, E. --Jones,' Toronto and C.- II-theointritation ehe Lions Clui-of The regtilar. Monthly ineetIlig of the in tbe Board of Treele cone • ott Itilop• Oesir, 1 full sized foldhig bed, couch; t nantelY: Isms bureau, old. style, 7 -drawers; AT THE COLIIT 110CSE, 001/9:4101 for the purpove of reeteeetnizing. the dinner . Prepared- for :- them at • the: ,i... Sept. 16th, at 4 o'clock. itr---ArW*T. tap te----IiieteMle.. tvlit-be teed single rbed a complete bed room suttee On the 2,),11. -tette Olth, 44;0, 0 ST peoee "th Mattrie • t 2 11 I b ll'oe to ! plaint • 08 to 110 ^. gistrateer Aesociation 9f . . toe • toes spr ngs; tima we ern er„....1 tear tom s Ono, vrhich 'bee been lying *dorm. nut tables 2 seWing i large lists of voters for all the polling sub -di - glees cuptIoard et large kitchen tables, Vigor's for the Toven of Godepich mid ant for acme time., Among other Brunswick hotel. There was a large_ gathering of Wingluem Lions Present, Still, recognized aa -THE place for and a Most enjoyable evening -wits big shoe values, "the- little shop I vicootae and „reeterde, walnut hook that C. Seeger, tie/deride will be. •the questions discuseedowere indetarnun: had. An excellent orchestra preivid.- around the comet"' _SHARMAN'S. _ .411k ease. t gaseline Stove, 'rugs 9x9. 9s11. !Revising •oftleer and' his elerkoviii.oe„ doe he 'ate sentences, salaried conetabies ed' eatertaining• inu'Sic.•and the even- church 18 yds. xed carpet --.other• carpets allit Le. Knox. whose addrese Is o c. c uniform punishimeneso probation, the" ing Ikaa taken UP' With speech, song t TOWN IIALI.-BlitleitetELS•on . . BRANctz , .. • mats, china, crockery, glassware, cut- . AT Til Complete In itself; Mother Gravee .r . -plOtt Setbet-Ladlete Plusl) Coat, size 40 tory eurtains, blinds, garaeu tools, ho -e the' oith day .ef Septeiraer 1024 to hear use a the lash as PlInisbment, the 0o. an!:1 recitations. The Lions of Wing. et., . . . - 4.. r tt - lie. ht 11 ano Worm Exterminate/ roes not require 41. Apply at. STAR oPotoie (or addreea. A Job for you $2.0-145 Per week. We escoret slIndbunirtrimeesr`Outsvaugt error srteitstrepse.nters' rearornapillaitet: pool intgo '•stthl e lists of voters tension, of parole and other problems. h . . o ' erta DENT--eurniehed.boutie in desire.. -mite, 11.ractor, time/ere meebaniee 11uto %Avant lefty men. we win train you for • Tputms:.....catt village of Bross, els ond that Ili* ilonor T. GUNDRY, Auctioueer Judie%) d 1 • i ittd to make it effettive. It does not fail the assistance of any other medicine to do the work. .seil • S. J. Andrews, the president of the have an eeeellent club room, to which Association pr sided. Y th et '' h ,A• able locality. Apply Post Office hex dredi of n Jobs vacant, Qu.alify- now. Lewis wili bc the Revising Of- , P ,P Good Cattle and eiheep at ' e ,oderie e egates were n‘i et . s Write tinioklY.. 'rite is a sPecial offer A UCTION S.:ALE OP PARM,. PARNi Donakt Whose adtlress is, tirtisseis. God . h r i „ „,,,.. tod.spend atiptleavs.a.v.nt hmouudre or f txmo a fttheer 662 Goaerich. it 'fieer end Ills clerk will be A. le 'Mc SchoOl 163 KIIIR at., W., Toronto- . . ' " • lei 't • . to the li le; of voters f*r hibit Of Shorthorn cattle at the fair. Hotel. It. wi ns unfinttlin' to College ? Be sure you start theln ...............***41.-*****............. e good onto foe fifteen days edention atL .4.-e• STOCK, 11 '"t 011.9.IN, DIPt(EMENTS AT THE TOWNSIIII1 111.1 1' ETPoso , , , ! • 0. a journme 4 • TO 11ENT-Iittom and board ort ((1 . ., Have yon.a boy' or girl going away ,,... erre_ a r cheap elo yoUng- boy en retttrn tor Hemphill Bros., Auto and Gas Tractor' AND HOUSEHOLD FDIINITCEle 011 the Is•t day of October, 1924 tO hear Mr. Robt. Glen nag * very fine ex. Brun3wielc. chores 'about the'house. Apply Box 41. " • ' .N1R• re:TOQYD 710.1.`11° a • er.Zhen nollIng sub-drehelons' for. Ow ate that on that portico ar even ng sc . many of. our local /Awls were away off with baggage they will be proud t pint SAUE-Pure• bred Oxford down largo...it mill of its kind In tilt World. The party seeurog this poSition Ot Loyal store), On ` , ton. 8. W.11„ Colborne 1,smand.form eatet Judge I.ewis Coderlett will tie the Ite- 0 ... - %lain officer. and hie clerk well be It. 1 I to. The berd sire, qv/proper ce. ig , othets in lanulon an . f I 'on f'. C. 1.ec, 111 11 neat speech . on ,the pocket book. SetAltelA.N'S. me exhibit, though not. so large se in • ---- • WANTED -city Manager wanted by ' will* uell by auetion at Lot 6. ' TOwnbitipP ilrey and that His Meteor fanner Years, was of very h h um- of, the best you ean afford. .Our neer STAR OPFICE. from. town, some being in Toronto d elsewhere stock bi pleasing to the eye and easy " R11141:14inh8 'f°4* Safe' A' rika-1"1.1*; tuust be capable of •handlina teen and wearelleseDAY, SEPTEMOKit..24flo• 1024 Fear ‚.111054' address is Ethel., . - treeted Much interest* owing to hie . Well ftENT-Furnished rotrins with, an Pe -e. convenience•s for Iligh school .etto a lesatiable man wilt -secure' a. large ene 1 onsKS; 1 b .'y art -9 years •old: ..4 inplaillta IN to the lists. of voter+ the 24th day of eteptember, 192140 hear asinntilliat.lheoft,y_peexcealrli totpleressAed the hope that in thie near ' 'SPEC'IAL bi;T.fc-"---AL R . -BaYtieid tle*(1`.- ' ' ' • " organinig a direct selink force. our ex- commencing at I o'clock sharp; the .f0117 ,1- kT THOMONI'N HALL.; SEAPORTH on great elze and smoothness being dents'. Apply to Star _Oeflee. . . Only responsible Pei7gints need Amity. •black Percheroit mare,. -3 Years.,old ;„ I regular' ineorne. 'Permanent position. bita.ek Pe-reberaon minare'', 8 -.years old; 1 lser mottle polting-subdivisIons for the dunce .breedirig stock f'irotri which lule tre All present voted the affair a most eye glasses With best flat spherical' • :futut,e' wt. -would have the p emote of a visit' from the lAringhain Lions. High grade, gold-filled spe°0tPLEes and fence In other Cities, bae.proven that, owing: , . etinteontriit P4174. , • • sk-4,ED HIE volt s.eLR.olove suer fur opal Silk foolery Mills of Canada 1.bi. black Percheron 'more, 1 •eear old; 1 P. te Box 1601. Winnipeg'. Town or Seaforth mot lhat IL el. Hee- needs Coderich will ha Iloolsing officer is' descended. Mr. Glen'i , exhibi4. of chi°Yabh. cliw' . • . lenses, for 'only 14.0. All ether . This Tlye has yielded over 40 bushels. , , ' , ---O-.-- Loath hoese, 1: years: - uATTLE- Whose. addrese'le oestforth • - . - • • ' • style of frames and lensee at lowest . . under very aveisage conditions. • Price $1.10 per bushel atothe farm eas.t ot . Bentrallero IL 11. BAER. 11. 11, No. 4. (loderieh. Phone 1112,- Colborne Ntunl- . sale a cinantity Roien„.itye, VAIIM FOR SALM-consisting- of Inv "L- TAO/ half Of Id .Nro 18 and West- mut of lot No 10 both on the 3r4 eoneession of West lAttwanosh in the couni.;* of. Huron,100neres. (in these lands are or.!• 'sled Pia roomed Dome house and twe ...barns ono 40x00 ft and one 30x50 ft. tibout flinty acres cleared an erre and , nen hal(, nod °rebate"; about 23 rieres • -wood land balance roughly dearer] wed ekd far pasture with never failing spring creek running. WIN:Wall. Fee lornis and furtitur particulars apply lo MRS, P., M. WILSO.N., R. 11. No. 3 Auburn:Miliaria bay Pereneroit mare, year old; 1 RI and lilts Clerk will ,be A. Wilson. Leicetter ets in former,. year* Building Ntoitere.:_iot • _ teee.sprices„..;.gyos oxamined-by--Mr._.11ugh. rune:wed Holstein bull, 18 nionthe AT TOWNSHIP BALL, 61W:ft/NV h premier p ace and several farm. The British Ameri an 011. ( o. has r n folrinerly- pleat expert .for leg.. 1 purebred Holstein cow, .4 reare the.24th.day of SION/Mee, k to.a ers availed themselves of •the elver. a number of men at evork preparhig , ents,. oronto, an later for Henry Age htS anted ell9e .sept. ifth, Itego 1 Pyrbred complaints as • Le t Oslo of votteo for tunity of purchasing foundation stock the.ground for the foundatioh for the , 1 The cereftil attention to our cuittomerie "ordere and the esplen. Old etoek supplied for years past warrants troln baying a repre. seitteelve or two in this county, Ltberal coturalselons. • Free our- : fit. Welte at brece for Eaolustve 'Territory. THOS. W, BOWMAN & OON CethIPANY A:tipGtytrA.E. ONT0 „.„. STAR*NuttstatrEs. Saturday AT - Special .e Pavilib GODERICH BLUEIIRD ORCHESTRA. (FIVE PIECES) OF WALKERTON. Dancing from 8:30 to 11:45. Morgan & Co., Montreal. The best Holstein cow, rising e years 0 au the polling eubolleleiott for the town from the herd and flock "• t k th are going, to Or. d d t • strip .of Colborne and to Seeger, tleslli(i Law .Thin of icilionin and Immo 1.s rage,. tan s ey tic. on eot.'/... across from the te ey 1.1/4;• lt. moderate price& THURSDAY., FRI» . optical work to be obtaine an a Feb. 3ed: I gradeolIoletetn. cow, 6 years old ehte March ith; 1 ptirebred Holstein AT C.ARNEtHE LIBOABY,IIALLOOleA• y RDAY S t mber .18, . -bo in ettife i blue•lijack COW 6 years. pia • . heifer, 1 year oid; '2 loom.. Holstein heir. poRTII gn the 25th. (WY of septein-lier...u. Killoran anaVudlay 'E. MAMAS eislit' - The livi fin/Veer/1*d gni by Jura" improvemelit4 .at St. (/eo a. rge' parisir Kr e • . ()RE, Gotietqch. . . Office 'an the- Square and MT ,1101111e$ -1.... hall. The -frome •w;irk of the addit- . . • = dow from the notth en«) 1, Wild* is ine and -the my And mi.s. jet -nitwit Taylor of we,t, v.. .1w mosh de -ire to thane. their freeeti - . .. , e us peas n oe udfoeet' old, die. April .13th „ 1. grade eiogeteen rick will be the Itmising officet, an cow, 5 years old, supposed to be in calf; hist:leek •svill be Mrs: 0..o. oet000no. Dissolved ; Mr. Holiater Takes Over rounilhotise. . DAY, SATU , ep e 1•grade Durham cow liged, supposed to ton; whose address Is fie te No. I Gods. Mr. M. G. Cameron's Dike Good prcigress is being made 'on the 19, 20. Come 'early. SMITH'S ART dissolved. eeMr. Killoran c tin to eind eornieetion with the church CARDS OP THANES ers, I year old; 1 Ayrshire tieffek7 /Tea. 1.924 td ear complaints as to flie lists been (in .• memorial win- Pyrbrell irog Reg; I sow of voters for all the polling sub.ilitl- ues b-thed Pit &ilon Diet B. O. Iteeuelds• ineieeleh will ' take over Pit. M. --OMPI,KMONTOrei [Jeering Binder. 0. ft • ' t - will be John eke.ay. whose ;.oleirese is Cameron's office. We understand Mr limo ,P see! , , • . Cameron will turn this over to Mr. •____elletoole house' hae,•.heen in"veti back :trot he ighltter% flee Iltew I d "sputum at tile back of (1111 111 rvee111 1,00.,1,0,00.111, MI!, 116; ItP-Vii4ing Urrilitr iind that Ills. ei.eek wl remove and whit will ue tne platform m the n lre.....fr felb.o. Pet, 1,410 with litter of, pigs; 1 sow, due october _151h; 8 Itigs abont 150; 7 pigs about 125 ...-POULTRY-75 hens,: 100 sPritorellIelo ens, white L4-gluorns 13‘ireetic: 11 Ducks 'ht. in good order; I Deering. 'Hay. hake, . AT TliM TOWN HALL, Holnies immediately, befdre leaving 1 Flenry - Plow, -Nil 21 '• /. een Tos-Vn GI -MUM and that seatr.,c, 'eele. Kit toren 'Was cOntinuously :11.11144Wealt \e;'1\i-l'illtre'lNeill.ell:1/471iliNTI'‘iilit'tft.'‘.1:ii1...t,'14:44.- • ler, nearly new; I double plow; set cooletiOi wilt . be the 'refk:sing °Meer., in partnership with the late Senatot Itha wOrk' hall. A eoeti idea of the eon! ' 10ft.: 1 Massey -Harris Mower,'S ft. cut, the 29th day of Sereinber, 1921 to hole t� take dutieshis Judge f h :combined; 1 waggon, nearly new; t Son. whos4 address Is Clinton. • ., while little Work ha.4 been done id r;tvi,11.1 1*;WI:;it..1,11;ire. of iron harrows: I 'hay and stock rack, and that -his Clerk will be It L. McPhee- :Proudfoot for over. tWelve years' iltid I 01110tt)*1811411 184' - 11t1 )1111j(!.!Lit.t!.41.1411-..78c,,‘VF:71,11:1:- land ln*pe ti 01 nf thl P1 414 .4 emit/ties of Durham. and IslorthUmbare.,Pro**rmen aeup aso tei t .11 mean van n;,w 101 had - Taggart Panning Olin; 1 wheeiberrew: Hen lir liOnfr mligaillls lo ill,' list.- ix Me. Holmes is one of otir clever young • 1.4. 4. new, bee.,. Pl.tal foy the .pa.,t eiveek_ Buggy nearly' new; Cutter, nearly -AT 1,:f tNistt•Nrrv HALL. 1. set of sling ropesrl %titers nil tile polliim sith•rtivisoic, At the Harbor . . sloe tile mating pipe.; eel 14 nt C 41 'the contractor conventrieting ,111 the Neetheeee.v 111 1.A.11.: 11 IN ME)101tIA new; Road waggon; 1 road earl; 1 Me- Iloilo im .the 29th day of Septende,e, lutVyers of promise. t Separator, new; I set of double liatte'84: .for th."Iits% n81 ri II, of Mullen and '" The outfit of the Federal •C'onstrie. 1"C. I; emit new material ' 11'11" • • 1set of Plough Harness 2 sets of Singl‘,. Wm. Gbals• 11.'%14' thin Co. the emu any which1\ ha * consolation of his contract .ar the gr. , 4i,, 0. and , .•!. Video 10,45...,1 e% \II. h,!P 14 ietieles. --FURNITURE-2 tabh,s; o'teee.k, in the forenoon ro'l salute ware 'blown by. the v:riolhure !he .1• t4"'"I'l'4::114".1!1. 14" .2. .- lieelleese I l'llaPlcv *IMP. neWl t hal); , Inez errfieer and leis elm% wet le. J. Vote - 13O21: 1 sett sleighs: 4 ?flat reek, 1', k-* lend who,. •411111CI'Sti Lonittoboro. contract. for the new enteelee eleared ;hoists, etc- for buildnee olieNetie,w4 " one numetents Mope , E.‘cH «111 1»,i seie cookinefire •in• on Sunday .about noon and a parting and ive expect to ,ee Abe tht clock; I Sliding Steee teoneb with Mat-, Me appeals been ilisposed fresses; I hall rack; I New/Williams , AND FfeRTIllett TAKE NOTIGE, ilia/ The Glinrig and the. Riverton werc RIVIlicierermeAr tefitVitaktertNatat'F(1;;Ietrieh in Hfin ro en cigars; 1 bed Reif washstemit 1 throe mill 12 leeleiek Mom gr 1111111 ';111 steam Whistles at the iterbor, • Sewing'inachhie, in good order; i large" : 1,, ‘,01-npl,,..,1 the glean boats arriving the past ; . out amoterli mettle too soot fietee eis,, . ., tee, .t,„e. loot ..11: • , 1.1,4 eupboaol; 3 coal oit lamps; 2 real ;et !lett his mune (4. the. name ofpee week. They each unloaded 190,00c ti% mf. . A news item from lento! e am - lanterns • 1 eioleuttn epriek Life Lairteen 'eon entitled te ore entered on tin. e•ei.1 bushels of °tits at the Transit Elevate the intelligence of a nutter •ateieeld reden;an Quin • fete Lant • new. ; Fete I I J o lel teleell StOve. ,Ertipire•( Oxford: I raii• lir Mal the nallieN of ally persons woo .i „, -", ter, the °former on Thursday and Ott 0..------10=r0r ,. • --, pirc• Anse Range, new: I ()lichee Heat- • are net entitle I to Ill' t glees 141%17 ill'eli ..' ': 1 t On Sundae' arid ort Saturday Itzttne .ete73h : I yllfron.ree• A firutomate, teed oil entered there1141 n . loaot less than '.1- -j the Riverton unloaded the norliOrt of ,r %Rh oven hew: i elear days befere the 41;ey-, fivsi Yoe her, eerie° which censisted of wheet leinntlre Stove; i %%fishing 10.7.,:ti4o. f 90o heeding the alio% e entities. apply. tono liravity: 1 washbeardo Glass; I No. 2-, plain or appeal. to have his it in e or,. tri.n...,0, Art,;t1,,,;,,:d ,,i ffillene ee*,. at the W. C. F. M. Co t Waite' Deetelelturn, new;YAP ..! Ille,stiatie?s or 'ams.,,thor-verpori lt,,,r•*--- -,-. - ----',---e- '----, --: ' 'batiks seales liew. A number of Ccocks,,n ,,r r,m,,,,,,,,,t.fr,,m ihe lists. . the Belehrrs, Glenrig, Glenlyon and ewer other artieles. - HAY AND CIRAIN- .• AND PrIer10:11 T‘liE NuTIce. ited Gleitlivetitre' loadinef for Goderich. Ol'e') (Ores of httekvitteat statute); in. O. 1.I' weir oleo rel must lit' liF 1111Hee III tad- successful Noel- beid- 500 hue. of eats; about lee bus. • ing 'en the, preeerilied form. '414(1,1 be t of tnixed•grain, about 20 itsbi' ee* first ne• romplaniant in ritsplieole. :it'll eiveu At the *mideummer examinations' of ettt alfalfa, well eated; about PI tone lie /11.t.0.1•-ek of the itte%Niteg offieer et Toronto Conserestory of Music the • ef ettoond cot emits. emit storm; aoreuf hit' l'Ide him al llia allilri,SS .1,. Alti",11 i 20. torte of SINN! flay: a - half acre el' beet... fedi0Wing pupils a Mr. A. W. Ander- _ • t eirengoide; a . aeree of vont: I iiJurt The Lee; dee,. ter deliteretut suet, .1;e1 ton residing in the dietriet Pilieteed toile', dog. Vellille -All Stltl14 tit 6.40 anti ppai4„w a4 .t}licni,s:. s' me i will be given on fur/tem, iirte.eele. september tle. ifelit 'many with honors, itt the •followiewg under. meet: cote- iftat amount. It reeler-1'Mo eSetp;einbec 'IA iteli ing approved ,itent noires. A elleeotint. of , rirro; teeplenther iffe 1923. . exantinations: Inteemediete Grade - :1 per e_orit. allowed le? ego* on ereeht Seefertle SePtember ff. 19te ' •, Miss E. Naftel, Goderieh; Miss Ie. most produrive anttheet weluited le irte Meitillop. reeptembeer %I. iGe.i. ;Snider, Drucelield. junior Grade -- amount& The farm, vetiitli 'is One of tee, eetibernee" soptonther 21092i. ,, . . Toweshee Ail! •he offered for Ale eet Etinton, september 77, 4 lee i Mrs. W. Miteletren, iiensit11; Miss E. reasonebl; lb -rinse %%Mete well Is, ao• Ilik1.1..Ntt.; ite.t.:.plwomm.heerboxil, ..., k•Lor tho ars . tIsMairyit46113efr:RrediCel-111-14-Pegili°;:ne`Ti.irreefeinnulusrarYdieel' h(,:•Bri.srnwdeetr-lel.: 1111.1,11‘1% er OD NG. Propriettl... t (OW. tiou Hoard tar the Omni' of 'Horan.. titAllill'. Aile-tiwir i,e., field; J. Bautlatee, lieneall; M. Mee - 'Paled title teth day et . --,feernher INI.. stereo, trellSelii; e. efeek, (; : otiertelt SHINGLES CAR JUT ARRIVED Duet wait • too late. Prieeg are tight Gel than 110W. C.160.ribciech Planing Mills, Ltd Draws, . damvaimmionsaliam===GOoDczEortr....tial ougPlo.iotte 11 0