HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-09-04, Page 8tr 'LOX EXAM SCHOOL 1. 1 I 111111111MO _ rm. T g THE GODVIIICH i3TAE 0,.........•••••••ensesseeemenemeneumniesesneseeeeweeenweemmensesepowe....m....enenwi IJ 1111111 1 II • • AUBURN DUNGANNON CODERICH TOWNSHIP • bliss Jesie Revert' i visiting robeKr.thoratly neespeott left last Ma Woe, goalie* et Gedieriee. was ties here. Friday es the e**i....* to the Wee- in Ditagsannett oa BandaY. Mr. H. G. Whitfield is spending a Awn Frterfeeme. itr. and Kra Joseph Wilson, of same lair duties **Author neer Tor - bliss Daisy Rpm returned to ve- OPENING few days sit Toronto. daugheelaing re- Indffitheritellit week. • treimobeth, are visit Mr. and Mrs. Hugh 1KcAllister and' Borate, Anibal relative* in this onto. l• Miss,* -Annie end Mary Baxter. of . Tie dap* are slippiig, and you will semi be me tering upon another pier 1 of ettitlies; now, before tl rush, is the titno to come in and select a good 0 • - • ‘a, Fountain Pen and Everibarp latives here. Pencil- Tne mutual piestic tbe Presbyter.' Cooderieh, visited the Misses Carr on . Misses Ella and Lizzie Sowerby fen missloo bead was held last week Soday. We:Afield and Thedford reseeetivelre Mr. and Mrs.-Osbaidestan, of •Gode-iToronto for a few days last week, re- latee returned to their schools at on the lamas tae Maitland., litr. T. Stothers, who had been to Commencing next Sunday the seerick, spent Labor I)ay 'dating the turned on Saturday. rater's iteetther. semi • Mr. J. B. Wiggins left on Saturday vice at Union church will be held in the afternoon at $.30. Sunday Salad Laat week the Knox Helpers' Class for Bar River3 where he will continue o. in the Presbyterian aura had a so- his duties as teaciter. at ti.fl Rev. Mr. Whitfield delivered an ex. sial evening at the home of Mr. J. Mr. and Mrs. R. Davidson and Mas - Was Prayer?" last Sunday at Union We congratulate two of our stud. with friends at Slovak. BUTTERFOR WINTER USE. Lead, wise have been successful in the Goderich, where he will resume his Miss Marion Creek returned to eon le of months at the Homo of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Armstrong, of Adlt ta e Mr. LeVerne Pentland left on Mon- right plate. sod Good Weather • - „ • - - ' a THURI3DAY, sEn. *be lege. el111111 .1 MI EN Child's Rompers at all prices fro* soe up. The plainest 0 to tht best. SEE OUR WINDOW MISS S. NOBLE 1 11 I 11 1 N.* 10! 60X010 1.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ROMIORIMIWIWIRO1 NS The Empire Life Insurance CO. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. ONT. Is represented in Goderieh and vicitsitf by_ C. D. BENINGER WEST STREET — GODERICK 9141% Tilers at 'insurance contract to, fit every need, See Beninger First. b' t, "Whi hStolt*. ter Allan Reed spent the week -end THE GODERICH FAIR soldiere The goad'. are my cel en sermon church. ents, Eugene Dobie and Robert Med Mr. Benson Pentland returned to .•••••• reasonable in price. Coot athibits, florae Races, Greed if you hosier ee keeper* An the studies at eh. Collegiate, Stand Attractions and Midway Hamilton Tuesday after spending A late examinations, Hew %Make sad Pack in Best wrong road yen 'will end up in your t - Something yeu wilt iise and Mrs. M. H. Louden. Newloorough, former residents of this VI g P day for London, witere he will take a Mr. Bruce Gray left on Thursday s... ......r.S. Teddy, of Peterboro, *irked by mot. this locality at present . the 1 ammo with parson. good show should guarantee the sue- • 410.0...•••••••11 3 MO Sweetatavored Crowe-. Splendid weather conditions and a Cora Bo °vele. day of tin tette. 4 and Mrs. T. E. Ross and sow neighboritood. ere visiting friends in course at the Technicat School. I or Friday to spend a week nith retr. Mie and Mrs. Seholes. of Detroit. 4 rr ei returned to their home this week at- .or emote', be enjoy Lfirthoeriessa. GOdOrieti lanifse la tives here and in Goderich. aeginieh the Package Off Neatly— INixillelitr; HOUSES- APARTRBITS few days at the-Exhibitien. 'V I BookSt „. .••••••==...... . • ...,...*-....,...--.,...... ep .The stir -no, (Thera, •ter a visit to the lattmee oarentai We extend congratulatiorie to bir. Il Oata-..licateity /rood attendance for an opening night, • 'rollers Corners' Intend bolding their and Mrs. Archie Robinson. stact Mrs. Alex. Mowbray, of Bel. Pays* ' and fine weather *gay and a good TO RENT or ,numbee of race horsee on the grounds regular meeting st the church on Mr. and MM. Charles Straughan crave. upon the advent of a eon. (contributed by concerto Deportment o • We Inesday. Seek lOtli at 1.10,11cek. were guests at the home of the form- bir. end Woe J. Ryan and loliss agriculture, Teronto„) promise a good, day today and no doubt the same conotitistoo will obtain • Miss Reta Graham. Goderich, re- era sister, Mrs. Williams, of Gode. . slimed her duties as teacher for an. rich township, Inst week. . Marffareto *Pent *e weekend and I ;kneaded sp. Institate meting one In the way of attrections there is , . Some very attractire Prieea. Labor Day with friends at Goderich. ttomorrow. day aud heard one 'of tee speakers aisle Leaf Mi y with a good traction, a glias blowing exhibit, a O. F. EY The council paid their respects to the foroner pcirt of this week. , lat*vu. "Geod. bette*. beet; onidiet and some monkeys and ph.. no , masair.romple Bug. Labor Day by holding their regulat Mrs. Abraham Aikim, a resident of I Mise Emily McClure returned on - Never tit it root snakes, palmistry and • numerous eteeting in Holmesville Hall. After - this locality fifty years ago, was re- Saturolity from Hamilton, *here she 01111 *our good Or bettor. and your better. ewes." games of chance and •skill, and three $ the usual routine business the fol. mowing old acquaintances in the vii. , had been spending some time with re- ... it is the very best butter that. we rides, the whip, the Ferris wheel and FOR SALE other year at Union School on Tues- Mr. Alp and his ntother and sisters, • day morning, when school re -opened Ise lenge •Sotiage started on' close me tbe diva • entire's.. ivitis Ibis little of Granton, were guests of their bro. Tuesday for a trip to the West, where nue; , dog and pony show as, the leading at- ore with a full attendence. ther, Rev. W. R. Alp, of the village, see wet pay en extended visit to re - SPECIAL VALUE. Given in Wreaths for the Soldiers' Memorise on Derain& "r- tion Stindtty, also shako cut Flomairs Geo. STEWART Phone: ion ooderlon CAlt & SON lowing arcounts were ord0red paid; lsge the former part a last week. Last k M A. J. Fergusonan make ths,t must be packed tor the merry-go-round; Alexandra Marine and General Hos. latives. 'd ti nt $31 50; D. A. Sterling, post told . Butt under oeit ehanges la, the 4f the cement foundation of new buid- her duties as teacher, at Alecastere 'JOUR STUDIO. pita!, Goderich, 8 weeks' care of pa- wee r. erguson lai , -Miss Edna, Pentland will resume looter use. , ' James E. /lardy, the great aerial former ave a shone ed, exhibie • per , g n & goaa pine°, to sea your e. • sheep ing, He intends it for his hearse and where she haa been teaching for we- . tion Of Ids skill and daring and vi*- spikes, $4,15; Leslie Cox, general store room for his business. claim, $10; Thos. Betties iron for tinned illness of Mr. ;Wallace Black; wintek use -are best quality, ot butter There is a very flne and large Pleftst. - vele $300; Jno. Potter • post and days in Detroit viaiting relatives. . who hon been cofifined to bed Or ats4 lerse temluaratures for. bolding. showing in vegeteblee this year, one . , • R. R. SALLOWS keeping, and two things new:wary for tors to the fair tod aY end tomorrow will see a eplendid exhibition. Kodak Films, Developing and bridge, $20; Fred 13e11, iron for Miss Sadie Carter and her sister, lev4,w1 term* 2 Printing done. ie pals to bridge. 41.9.50; Fred Bell, cement eul. Mrs. Eill• hevP 1)°" gliendiTig few • e are sorry te learn of the con- .c000l results when keeping butter or Mr. Hal motored down. for them thisseverha week. , couple of weeks. . a • Use Ckart, Sweet Flavored. Greene. 0 le bestthe : a nails, $3.80; Fred Bell, Tyndall's The floral centre piece tie beaetiful, bridge.. $480; Sam &inersole supt., Mr. and Mvs. Burton Roach and Use cream that tuie a clean, sweet though hardly quite up to last year, salary, $30. Stook threshing is largely ueed. in/ 1 Capt. Sloan's request for a grant this neighborhood. Ow g . . Mies 'Erma motored to Toronto on Havoc. Chum it at a temperatime• Saturday for the Exhibition. They low. enough to bring the butter' in' wOrk are not quite so numerous -as WOmen's exhibits of art and fancy in to the ex - I to the gruit Show was left over for eeptionally fine year for growth the returned on Tuesday. • nice Um, granules in from. 2.0.1 to 30. sometimes a - couple of ' LEEBURN next meeting. The I Mr. and bIrs. Roy flon.ris and fam- te exhibitors 'who usually heft a good I R. G. THOMPSONt Clerk. turning out well. m na s. fly motored up from. Stratford on et by any chance the butter comes quantity of stuff being absent this The tenmerance„ portoon of Col- , _ i The annual picnic of Union church Some of the mothers' anxious cares Saturday and were the guests of Mr, gat, be very careful .to get rid of yam • ' - borne Tewnship *ill rally Menden Sunday school was held on Monday have subsided. this week. The clone ancl bin. T. G. Allen until IVIonday. At the time of writinog the entries Sept 8th, at 8 p. m , in Smith's Hill afternoon at Black's Point, and Was dren are off to scheoi agam. one I. Mines etimie, 'Celesta and 'Mollie in a, eage qt this kind, to of, an. extra- in the stock classes were not fain so the buttermilk. It will be necessiuy - Presbyterian church.. The parposc; of' a Wry successful event. The weath- was heard commenting, 'When I was that we cannot speak deilieitele• ore to f ed Carr alse brothers, Mr. Ralph wash Water. • " voill be a large representation from _ ____ .._ present. Games of soft ball, ismer midsummer holidays. • end viontora at the hrane -of W. H. and Jack, of Winghane were week- Salt the butter in the usual. waY, er was a num r were young two weeks was the limit of , • • coming campaign. It is hoped there these. • • and quoits wee participated in by Mrs. George Feagan had the Mis- Carr. and work, it thoroughly, Should.the. display of rugs, iinoleums, laidiee' Messrs. S. A. Gray Ct. Co have a old and young'. After supper races fortune of breaking her ankle last . butter soften during the process, of, ,,..e _ . Amen seethe four polling- sions. • were held, the prize winners in which Friday. She was assisting in haul- e„., .., 3Ir. e. Rogerson and Ibis Mice, of Werke:1g, auk it away in a coqi place 'km wear ; F. Hunt, of Empire steves and • te etc.; Chase Black, of meri's were as follows: Miss Annie leaid o ins in and while a, load was being 'ytn renewed fernier acquaittances , to becoine firmer before continqing. c"---, the werking. - Mr._ i. T. Copper, of Clinton, wilf be ' en esent at tne meeting. • at Dungannon en Monday, also oat- Ae butter keeps best in a solid. rangeS and 'plumbing ; the Teter the meeting es to organize for Ahe ideal and largebe r • f • , •or *5 son!is clast—Richard Porter, Harry built the horses ran away, She. M H rig t at Shepperdton. e the 'curve, not the driver. I !Miss K. Falconer's class—IVIarion as as stated, • • If eomething pipet be hugged let it Louden, Willie Porter, Gerald One jumped oft the lend and the mule ing on rest rs. aro ert tone emcee, or boxes are used , for: Sewing Machine Co., machine •• the .1..BRIDGE (w. cm*. opened Annopnees that he hae Up On; 11p:Te.Thite Shoe RepairAhop • osiCediolorne Street " at the rear of' the Bank of Conimeree and is prepared to do all lines of , Shoe-Makintad Repairing n - winter use, - Vieeterre Canada Flour •141illa, Purity *. ,Porter,' Evelyn Sowerby, Esther Me- On the 25th of August Another ect- Mr; Lai:rent* Smiley accompanied: cost the'sokes, inside ante renetalese Flour, and their other products, the Goderich Art Craft Furniture 'Co., Bob Olce, Eon.' Md'Allister, Boos 'Stowe settlers ee etes loamy, me, .1/eery last week, the•latter havitirr gone t ----------------- iris neceeis.rx, • The boxes have a coating of pater, Xlwain. Mies A. Sowerby'se class— ,cancy occurred amongst the earlieist Inc father, Mr.' T. smiley, to Toronto Ileantittl'. I Reed-ciaft furniture. • Stidle Horses, VATS Tee -nee SowerbY. ,Marion Calwell,. Mildred the General Hospital for medical to line them, With hesory 'parchment, curtturee PbotalnaionspDaeepea efieial to' bine - - Which we. sincerely hope Miner, ' • .rteernednetiXistettAgrite • r Oke. Miss ,Adeiaid whence no traveller •has ever venire-, Intlyalmbeeratient Davidson's class ed. About 'aixte eearte age deceased ee, tale many oecople Mayo a 51 Ib egg e g and grading and, the erby. Misselt. Cike's claes—Eunice G. Taylor passed that borne from box fot winter in„ some cases proper' care of sheep for wooleproduc- UUSU NEW RED BARN MeAlliSter, Lena 'Were% came to West Wawan'osh, where he Mr. 'and Mrs. - Harry Bellamy, a it would. be Much better to nays it. tlime and -thoo District Represent*- . • SOU sr., GODERICII Helen Davidson. Miss H. N11'84485 has since' resided.' His earliei• yeftirs Toronto, ' spent the 'week end with - Put in t 9 lb. boxes. tives office has a demonsteatien of —Benson Sowerbe, Lorne Porter, were spent in the vicinity of Toronto. friends' in Deingantion. They return- eexe trockweetould tle. in good. con., foul brood. in bees mtd son•te edhea. Vken.Buying: FittlithreT, Now or. Used rpmembetic _ Gond reliable driving .1wrses .ter Carl Sowerby. Girls of IL Y. P.'S.— The incidents of• pioneer life was his ,. Mann. ffee from cracks er beeakteue Coo/ matter on the value of honey as • ihkroldl lainitstonsiit. Eon& rvi ed or Monday, beteg' acCOMPallied bY • fievin and Mrs. Praia _ the glazing. , . , tale at 'ell times - Adelaide Davidson, Nora Sowerbee lot When the Fenians threatened Mrs • Cie0141* in article of diet. ' • , ;'.. ' .' - "Ocsul sterageforcars ty•daY. Weea Orr. Married women—Mrs. R. Oke, enjoyed a joke and would recount the son; Mak** motored; on Saturday no onenlege An. titeetidoeenndOokSill ' H. Whitfield, Dave- . Davidson, ,Brock vices in defence of our liberties, , He Mr., ince letin, G. M. McKenzie and to pace sadly.' See that there gra . The W* C' t•Ii.' have a Test Mom. • twe lam" eMil..ffilrarood4. 11:, — at_ the -north-end-of tha rifiiiii-floor ' •-itiof itellWholeto iatlii-plicat-l'; fiwn-fhich information on the 0. T. . '• toffee ' ' • ' ' also For Sale --a heavy Clydesdale Jessie 'Ringer. Boys of U. Y. P. Se-- - our shores, he volunteered his -see. 'Fowler' and viaiughter, Melnot, " ._ VVIoen Potektug the butter. be sure eon, $Years old, weighing 1400 lbs. or montb. • 1 : We. E. Speiran, Mrs. R. 'Porterscenes of youthful days, even when to Toronto, vaterehlre. *Kenzie wilt_ -cornere 00 well tilled. ' . A. in connection_with the comifig pie- .: - . __A •. • - , ' 4W%. iaTutiiineffitiwork- : Married-inene-Jele Orr, owerhYo theeinted-nf tirner-badrY-PlIteed en'Idine-renlairi ro- . hnt r it 7Vietit Wit her pares, If there le e, or 10. lbs. ofuter; - bt.. .. . Maeda isdisseminated.• • .. i--Ifi-itlititr4bilit-yOU-wanfristel. R. Porter- Balloon race—Eunice the sere and yellow tea! of oktilite,... _Mr.....itnel-nola x "÷--W-oolitlge.--Mr.:71i1 a' charni"4/11-418-4"4" In a Coo le of booths sOldiets' Teed . Peed Sall:land Exchainge Barn. • T DURNIN Vestreia No. 31111 After yonbace been to "The rair" and havenaten too many pea -Nuts, and -drunk too much "pinit Ldmonade?" don't growth around the house uoided ; 'do ifeto mesio. Try "Mean Blues" - for the first feeling, "Never Again" .for the second and "Jot 11 Vullaby" to go to sleep on. • H. E. ENNER Neat Bask sl ....a...4.a. • MILLINERY mailiemmigusolori Modish Autumn . Modtils in _hit For imtnecliitte weari. itt assured styles, correct shades and newest trimmings. 41.01•0.0•••••••••• YOUR INSPECTION IS INVITED Miss Maclikar boors* Strait is still iro torment'frono continual an -le ices nill be• a large representation from en Leber Day, , . i ticipation. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Atsth. blarguerite McLennan has re. turned to Windsor, Via Toronto. rate A.. T. Cooper, of Clinton, will be resume her duties as teaeheein a schcoI each of the four polling divieions. min ke sheopere leo' tee ?Amway 70 0 : . 'HESE good features are all embodied in our ma Remedy changes all this. Relief, immense stock of FOOTWEAR FOR ItIEN, o i' Mr, John Matheson. of Betroit. is present at the meeting. - sear Woodoemelt. ;tacks ere warded off; leavong the af. V16 1 tr ex on -Tuesday - lump into the truck/nod then try to, . P Sowerby and D. Davidson. Biscuit five Years. His partner-in.ille pre- ing: contest—Alvin McAllister. Raisin deceased him about twenty years ago'. Many he Antos neighborhood will be is solidly Racked, patients, London, which; we under-, e I- hematite • • Powefox, Handkerchief race—N.''he having passed the fourscore and M enzie rettoreed morra - - Pieces, making sere that, *etch niece. p 11 1 ithend•ptodotheure'tw7ficwisesionte:steler iimistort4itti e it d contest--Elestor Johnston sand Bun- A son, Reuben, and a daughter, Mrs. Interested, in the announcement of Finish the peeheite senile, stand ire in the main mental' eases: ; • ice Sewerby. Witty/ill, of the Northwest, and Jere- -the marriage of Miss A. V. DorrenCe, • the other is in charge the local' ' ' ' - • ' ' iniarr, at horae, mourn the loss of a Piniehe tee top off eveuly mod V severtlt, to Mr. H. Bowers M. A. . _ pat Men. Rather u in. fig . and the work • n made by' NAROMBILACIISTONES PORT ALBERT kind father, a*aiting the arrival of of Exeter; erlitelo event took place on' over ver archreent paper. A Ulla. • eer o Sa. ya211.0 ALA 0 OV y P er, to this- before festening dowe tee lue, • • • . 'FURNITURE ElICHANGE . his son and Mo Durrance will be _ was heid lent Sundae'. His rpsstor, eemeomberred sts having been teacher With crock* It will be neceasarr A S R I A S. ' s' daughter.Thefuneral Aelatele, 20th.'3 Miss Elizit McMillan boos gone tu teach in Watvotriosh. ; • • • the Rev. Mr. Hawkins, .of St. Marys Hoeg, Ashfieln, several years _ tie cleati wrapping paper over • bike Marion Tigert Ina returned cherch, took vharge of the funeral ago. hrr. ,POreteS IS Selene& Matter tOti atter •the lid hail boon put on. to her school at Auburn, , serviees.% • large number of friends re, Eeetee•yligh ,Schoor, where Miss 41/.11 bUtteZ „ should be stored in a For Infants. staiThildren in S. Oa •the Broursar of e,Oris . . Miss Tens Hawkins has returned to and old astociatee• followed his more pereeeee, hs e itied been a teacher of clean, dark, place where the air Is 16 Use For Over 301fsaris • her school in St Thomas, • tal remain:510 their last noting place • late. • - - Pure and the, temperature is low Aunt . A„.........s.,....., Guelph. ' , . ramie—Miss, Belie Millar. O. A. u. '^:"...g..--1-- The "McKellar" Wagon botnd had in Bars cemetery. • . The. moist sincere sympathy is •ex-, • y ....i., Stgnature of a picnic at the lake on Saturday. (Front another correspondent) pressed, for 1113r. and Mrs. Wm. Camp- Oil itii_ h to their homes; Summer II v"-- 8000 Stanley Sibthorpe lett Auburn Tees -lay the deattrot then. ttle eon, 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm, IfteDowell end 1dr. bell in the rose they sustained through a• • • Most of the campers have returned Blade Blight. ot Oats, - - - t • • Jackie, a This disease occasionally =peels SIMINMENNINIII.10.111111111111111 be over. ..._ morning on a trip to Manitoba'. : winning. little 'chap of 8 years, who heavy I oases in the oat crops of Sant. /he farmers are busy threshing at A large numberattended the funeral met his death by a fall from a thresh- ern Caned*, and -Eastern and Central English Old Rose Pink andi present. Reuben Bogie's machine is of Mr. Taylor,.13r, last Sunday. One by lug tank Which passed over his bud. States of America lt attacks a so , _ on the job. • one the old pioneers are passing away. The accident happened about Z30 and - barley, Wheat and bluegrass to,' a : Yellow. Clips and &WOW* in Goderieh at the home of her uncle, Ruby Dickson spent the week -end, diet El. S. hist Friday on the pareolistoa ed the two junior clateee of the Meth°. Mrs. Erratt and Mrs. Banes entertain- he Heed until 11, when, in spite of all . linifted. extent. eo says Prof. Dan e that the medical skill of several doc- Jones, Ontario Agricultural Collette. ! Bronze Paper Weights. ' 50o.. R. le Reed. • -- tors could do, he paalsed away. The It Is most noticed In the sprig ' list at present We hope for a epee- icalh:eh, Auburn, next Stooday,Sent. /tit. dy recttery. Miss --Grace bleKenzie kft on Mon.' will Preach. . • at 7. 30 p,m, The Reverend peolt. Alp By sympathizing friends and neigh - non\ cemetery. was largely attended Wounk. gloats to turn yellow, bt'own bort, and the deepest sympathy is ex- tended to bfr mei Mrs Campbell in blast he the heads. eee Rod red.. withering theta up. in 00 latter part et the season It. induces . ricls:5asks.tom. . . Mr, Alexander Young' is on, the sick Them will 1* service In St 'Marie* funeral', .which was held to Dungan- and early summer when it cotuses tee ' Ash Trays 2.3c. and ' Set., Artistic fmss.ed little,' day for Welland, where sue Is engag. litre. ' Jas. Woods entertidned the . .. ' ' • Its, read and the aradurie el Dainty Flinver Holdout" Weetdeld Mission Circle et her home their sea bereavement. : damage it teems is largely, denendaat last Moulin; *butt thirty sat down to a. ,..;....) ed to teach. on, weather conditions. The Seneons Hector Tigert has gone to Clinton sumptuous. supper provided by dent when mural nee. del:4100ex and Just the tallingsit1Pricefo% Pelves, to take a course in the business col- hostess. . COLI3ORNE • muggy; weather prevail ere the sea - her cousin. Ethel McKenzie. pleasant days at Kintail, the guest a Mr. rotor, Jr, . a soloist ot Deteole sang home of Mr, and Mrs. Robt; Buchanan, ''''" Was )lees eiglitt• ot Detroit, knout erim$117- In4ecti".. 18, 41b-ietY • a :through the stoma° reanifins, tram , is 1.Vi0OhiAli, -.• lege. We wish hint success. . Mr. and Mrs, Prier and family of Id". it.•)hf• Ann, of Goderieh is Ir. gone most hive/able for. its eevelem. for youo next 4' Party. ....„.. . t. with her son , Charles tor a eyr Florence McKenzie. spent a .few Windsor speat the weelvend sit the ,,-_- . ...._ .... ...*---• -..- • merit. ,.. Call imand see thou.. • School ' was opened on Tuesday, nradehurcee, secs? acceptably last Sundae in West- eon*, 01 nays last week et the bome oe Mr. mod Mrs. J. H. Treble. , With the organialtus from tile snit. 'spattering of the ieavea be tee rain Silitif Si Art and Gift Store with Miss Charlotte McKeneie, of The temperance portion of CO- —Mr. • ana l'frse 'Will P641", °' Two species of bacteria Workiali East Stoat Pima* In . Gooterkk French DO Claiiig Works • • Kinteil, in charge for the year. Sunday with the together are coneidered. necessary to bornio Township will rally Mood:eye uonerlTb. sPent Russell Pree and wife attended the Sept 8th, at 8 p. me in Smith's Rill re.dan. t • Ur and M" 3u° cause the seaso. " 1.y are 'owe 111111.111111111111111111111111.11110111111111111111110 heel In Sint Street , marriage of the. Freent sister, Miss Presbyterian church. 'The purpoee of -.',7 .. . in the soil. They do uot,. nowever. 1 tite Anglican chureh, has been visit- Ira be a large representatiOn from tome her back *phi to our neighbor. No. 8 for the second -year. We wee control this disease except to uelect g and breed resistant varieties. , . . e 01 bis' &Meet the plant theougb. the root. ',elms* Florence MeV/Money, last week. the'meeting is to organize ter the towel, Rev, Mr. Mieks,-* former pastor of ,e°rainif campaign. It Is hoped th-ere moss nematior AfiteQuarrle, has returned to her wheel .at • Little can be done to- prevent or , 0 • -0=12,. .0=00=0. .0=0, -. 'during. the pest vteek. . lilr. A. T. Cooper, of Clinton, will be ' The temperence portion of Col- NILE ality " Style i-. Variety .., ling his many friends for a few days.' each of the tour polling divisions. boon: 11.••••••••••••••••• J1.• ••••••µ••••*••••••*••••••••• present at the nieetinge borne Township will rally Monday, se 1 Dread of Asthma makes eountless Sept. tithe, at 8 p. in., iit Smitiste Hill _ .11.1....am.sisEtyweeloYknorttotottt 11,189,11r. KINMMMIMIMMIMIIIIIIIOMIIIUMMIMMMIIMIKIIMIIIKIINIIMIIOKIIIIII 1!.. !thousands miserable. Night after ASIIFIEL • It h. Thef ""a" }, wen brief respite is iven the MIMI Detroit: Miss Jane Cathcart . is visiting ee the meeting is to orgthize for the ''"" coming cempaign. It is hoped there M, imilielt:in. ;.., i,. sheopeee otao 11. Steep. 6 1"i*Idi 4. Satisfac- till 1. if you get your Suits Cleated and Preised 'night the attacks . return and even at Clinton. paid a visit to outdo at Nile , , comes, and at once. while future at- . . Mrs. Keating, ot Westfield, was visit- , WOMEN and CH1DREN# and these features, rieted one in a state of peace and Mrs: Rees and 'Miss 14°18° Mac- • happiness he once believed he could Donald have returned to Toronto. lire. Woe Oita Is On Visit to Detroit litis 16491 *eel" BENMILLER lomat the house of her Meter. tars. fee. . . c.munned with the 'policy of one pride and fair /never eltjoe. Inexpensive and -sold Mr. Ches. Atewart aud mr. John bat) , I . On &rootlet ot the MUM. Ot Rev. g dealing to alt has made our store a poptitar institu- The i it n old friends in Loehalsh. ;MarKensie ere attending the Exhibi. 15• 1 Y g r ar r• there were no presching service* on'Ntle eittuit lest Sunday. itheitifasagy shoe -Store." . almost everywhere. tion. ' Mr, *ad Mrs. 41104141 Jewell ere Mao Mallosigh. of Teeswater. who We can't all go away. Some one Mr. Chas. licGreger has returned holidaying in Toronto. mut remain at home to receive the from an extended trip in the t*stern ., Mrs. Will Hill is on it visit tO_ToMIKS lirel.b"litio. 1.1111111"d„ 0011xasel", esatimitlelt,liislir dtat311144 104 •rlir#16 • , . • • • ' - - '. IN'terletele ' ' ' ' '' '"' ittoanopteled by her tittet`,"Mra. FUItEr. lag Taeitliti. . • ---__.— l e Miss Florence Mackenzie, of Port 'School re•opthed on Ttieedosy with Mr. Whito toed family, et Chetham, Albert, is the guet of her mule, ktr. about Waif lftipils le setendente, Mhos reeareed re mete boraeleatereeday, it. 21011101 id Hennitell being principal sad kr boria; il. tit° WACOV visit with his Rod MacKenzie. at Kletell. leen Campbell, cot Seallorth, being in brother, Roeo. f. R. G. Wheelie at Nile. - Mr. and Mrs. JariVie MiteMeeiale, of cm". ems junior tome. The tentgenftfte portion, et Col - are OM* at *4 boot of , T'he tempera** porteert of Cel- , borne Township Will rainy Mender, iltthetrtit'ritter's father, Mr. D. Marken- horn, „amp will floe Motiasq, t srpt. Atli, at 8 p. m., ioi Smith's Hill 1 int clikapre. tz,, mein Sortrarpoefitt's Hillof1 tpix,browetyteriaahoe eltisiarciet. onuTheiteporpeestior tued kl*kIag to tO *Manias for the tenting ellisperlo. It is hoped there i eitaspaign. It is looped Owe 'oval los a large i•opreeeetatirat from * lame reprowntatlen treat mak eg elks lime pealtag divisions. the tear peeling divisions. o Mr. A. T. Cooper. et Clinton, will be . Cooper, et Sea, will be promo at the otenotlieg. M tire assettag. 1 IOW the tosed_nrysetie" SOStrniS SI PENTINIII AT TIN *TAM awed as ti* wan Naftar." . . Amateur Faishrng Ow Devi lopial sad Priati 01 At Utter Nisi Leone ebur Filthe with no for good work and prompt service, We elan earn. st full stook of Films and printing materiale •J. T. FELL stk. at Leckelelo. Chir withers have returned to their respective schools: Miss bit' the ate droit toe Loiters. Wes Charlotte maim( MaeKsasie be Mee% MINI Agl• wW 11142CAINtit to Onset NW seek tee leargaret Itimetesaart ath Meeistrsita Itaarrink tald inn Tsonsts. cus. .1.11 . Our new stbtk of TRUNKS and TRAVEIXING 'COOD'S fithadi, at pricOs:isworthi? of ri your consideration And inspection. We invite you .. to come itt and look around at any time. SHAMAN'S SHOE STORE W. Reg. Sharman ' PHONE. 188 • GODEARICH • • /