The Goderich Star, 1924-09-04, Page 6•
f -
--a ipi kni 14111P•ftene.r.,..•
11 1 1 1 11 11111141.11...46,
THURSDAY, SM. 4tie 1$114.
the bar kat bees akwillbed forever. t
just as tin Wawa* lotl, So United
State% in their=againit
prehibition. are shot the
BRITisif coLummAi.rt,2„fnuty s:ro after ttel trig orielleeVe
keep discrisetly "wet oa tie question
of hew and whore thou. boor is to be
_ 'ow the brews:a
THE RUM INTERESTS --711. I.. THE' nonhcGER's — blaNtsre in polities agbkakili‘liallee (44um'
rawer and
_ _ petitions? tie aatetitive
PARADISE SAYS VANCOUVER WORLD more activelf2 wiekelee 'PIP. My have
t'llteulgclast. "They hatnrrgilenieerd%
Mr. I. B. Mactlo**111 i* Ladies' Home Journal Gives Results went. They have suboklisod some of
of Hit hvestiggiOne the moist influeatial losidS in the pro -
:the -gloss. Tkey have contributed to
vince to talk and en,:e :Zoe beer -by -
than three times the amount spent, the campaign funds of both political
parties and are thereto:ant defeat to
tor drink in governmen: stores.
The promise of the eioderationiste any politician who opposes them.
was that the profit* from liquor would Lest Member I wont to see A. M.
pay oft the public debt, hut that debt Manson, intorno mere of British
has more than doubled in the three Columbia and administrator of the
years of government control. In liquor control act. He speaks of bis
1920 the public debt vote $30,638,561. office "denartment of grieL"
In 1.02j. it eves ril,271.261. In 1922 Ile sand to me: "I am a prohibition -
it had grown to $64•277,303; and in let I believe ,in prohibition -as the
1023 it had swollen up to 08,161,000, ultimate boot but now it is imps-
Thb e ter; gtrhee.flastroagn prierlitay:
Thelleople% Losses
There was no way me knowitig, exe
akCi1Y, how much was spen.. for boot -
kg liquor in _Vancouver in thin time,
but it would seem -probable that two
hundred and fifty.tive clubs would
tell fully es much as would be sold in
-aecengoverepent linnet '..)res. It is •he veneleeed v: :" at the gro--
ocets' leferle, .4' the Retail blerehantie
Ast -. • • d ted e.
seeeee ••• -sietino :mit" 'niftiness
lef th • eetail itivieere of Vancouver is
se. deg very brevity from the di -
W� 1r Ti
nk Mak IiiissLis
*het wawa Mt then k` s oat
of erdcr; win* their takt melee met
plow, all they see4 to 1.14.4 a
few lanes of
• Q.V:ere did et. Thimaa get its
---The eity of St. Thome tom-
me-norate.• Colonel Thomas Talbot
(1•771.11453) some time private *writ-
tery to, Clov-roor &mete, who receive
sad they win t tut, amiNhom fhi a grant of 3.600 acres of land
dutio will bowie to, 'wows mooed the county of Elgin ea, wise settled'
of is bedew thereto* in 1803, subsequently bring-
miottemeweeheradedeeeedefole, Beni ing in Other settlers. St. Themes ,1
writon-miror Ave roes wag troubled *taxied as * village about 1817, ever;
with my kidneys awl tkey were oo bed, looking Kettle Creek and ia now an '
door fox the Aides To baek.
at twos, I teal 5,04 Walk arrow tke important railway eereer.
The Quality
11 Rae 0.6.. 1
31111 alekt. *I" •
is most appreciated in the rich,
delicious flavor, Try it tOda7e
, boxes, sad, sow, U.. been relieved of .'t. --Sir Guy (Written (lard Dor- --e-1
Phony * frissd sAtisea, taa is, vat , .SIR, Guy cAereeeme I snorter everio afinifeelectrpiebLiduoTthoor eiriisita14151 eernaotufgonlsteanIdasetoentapteriodianifofromurtateeyngpe:re
the Age and capture of Quebec in 1 'Red for *very 1,000 of P0- cent of the world's met reserves, 72
Nettie 'Ridley Pint, .*o I •boasit six . Q. -Who was Sir Guy Caritonfi
my trouble for over four yntril- cheitter afterward) was * British i 11' 1
all thee refer front any fon* of
17,59, and remained atrinected with 4,,uxa.tPe.iiii.a: Ths, x present water power per cent of Brinell reserves and 87
u Me Ins a a tOrt- ofgo.
. DORA tit Kidaoy Pills Art PUt uP ;PAY ettAatt* Until 1739. e S riga a warra
kidney. trouble." --' .11:_e_thetile.rie,s_., rdod will Permit of a per cent -of Csinadit's reserves. $60,- - '
horse power of which 3,260,000 are coal mines and 7,000,000 ,tons wart
t 11 t' 41 100,000 000,01)0 ate invested en the Alberta
I win trwr rneowswed 'Mee's' eat generel who took an eeeive part in
by Tie T. Kilburn Co., Limited. ;mined in 1923.
friend' te the French Cauudians and AitRICUeeTtiffilr AND ANIMAL i BRITISH COLUMBIA'S ,PAY ROLL,
PRODUCTS , q1.-Wfiat is Britian Columbia's- -- -
Another promise was tbat texeo here. The peonle prohbie Act aftee the C'onquest of Canada Whitt ie the velue of Canada's pay roll?.
sided lie the passage of the +Quebec *
"Talk of trieting the' word of a whelx guareeteted them many rights. agricultural and animal_ peoducts? ; A. -British Columbia's pay roll for
went ent into the liuor business. the profits that might come from gov. brewer who has broken eveey proine He also defended Quebec against the) A. -For the 12 menthe eliding 1023 totalled 4160,000,000 and em-
mild he t.educed when the govern. tion and voted it oot. They wanted
• • •
I --------------------- ti N Jernrnent sale of li wit The irreeist- Ske • of the Americans in 1776 and April, 1924, Camas. expoeted $429,- ploying firme uumbered 6624 -both
wa Gove *'G 1 f
1 and res showing substimelal ineresaes
ise he ever made to people:" be
al WoUld giS lief tense el, fox in s me ester* o Canada for 743,000 worth of awricelture figures
vosion of money into liquor ehan. A t masNo q .
' velar end that they JetitiOned the vember, J. W. Jones stated that -high ible argument of meee -eollara talked
:aihde"n roost as to tOust a brewer to YxurnY Yel""
taxation was strangling ihe agricult. louder to them than the argument for !vegetable products or a total of over over the previous year;
government te submit to a vote of the within any regulatioes. , eereteeii.jers ;awn ;half es billion and 'ok-ralf of the tee
people a propositioe ler "leone.dry" vial industry, and the member of better morals. So, while I believe sell beer
* • The 'eity of Kamlooprewith a pope. ernellIdeq..of hew teXes had increased nut me in here to wlinee:seerthis law, v'esent laws but we have had it only eee-ceneee ereee, in 1921, 714090 sums ere steadily' thermally:, night?"
three eers and they are alreadY !arras, 015180) beine pi b tal exporta of a billion dollars, These Ethel: "So; Arthur peoposed last • .
Q. -How ma-ny farms has Canade?
shwa the go...ermine: .went to work. era Innet do, that" •y OeCU e y ; TEKAIIIONVrAKE . Maude: 4.Yee." -
w'th ,,or s- -who • t 'Ethel; "alai did you accept -Min?"'
lation of only six thousand. spent for the brewers .ahe easeof lobliyin for beer bv the lass The •
4223,076 in the government liquor . • o,fanner linked him if ti gmeelanent con- . C . .tplei:orpoowtonwerns.ed.
rilite.40.87:14,7"417 oeil°013 ptheer q."--Whe
*toms last year and received back in g e - se -axes had ?I'M. 40 had neoved a eeluee. Maude: "I was so Awfully excited,
t brewers have not played fair be us nee Tekaitionwske?
They promisedlo be content with Lite
pro'hibition. paediament from Okanagan gave ae neohibitior would he beet. the people
- • all. They have been sellin their e. ekithionwake wee the Indian I don't know whether I did or not If
13 i • A. -'T'
.proats.,,$19,011 ft pet Ioseto the pee. gone up rom $ 2 r to 4302 in haa failed -to funeaon ae it read's evietot eele98•0:713 -name of the late Pauline Johnson, the he comes tonight,
arM, Ontario
pie of $213,4-04-8--.- In 11-pelt,---1023--and-ofeanother-fernserewitle4 neetheethie A "
0 so, -f farms, and Quebec eeecateeee peeeoes ,edioie „met, dip„, dict ,,, di& if dbesre‘
oput hoer at el hours to the Opotieeein
with a population of siethowland, the Itere•% wh°se taxes had increased that is not the Unit of the iqw. iq Nob% TIM' caret
•have riot are not built. that wee.. • A man who will'AINA, luvrcit POWER servedly popular and who delighted
front $65 in 1920 to 4264 in 1923, and bevel-- beceuso the •
• people paid the government _stores DZVELOPMENT hendredif of audiences verth her recite IMuse',1" Ith"init4114 81/141.414. --
els. --Iler grove -is eineStanior Park,
4282,418 for booze and and thirty-two in hav aaa grain wk. of the nubile derlIne exerelee it- told Ur. Johnson that aver the'. G.:4;-Witat ie the Ottawa River
Va couver rheumatisne he cannot do bettor than'
'When AAA IS sufferer from. muscular:
intik-of smother with -sixteen -acres ill fruit smell, behied it. 'A, auletantiel pert break one lave vel4 tyro."
414,920, leaving the oty worse off by
V67,493; and yet, John Oliver, pre- , ;telt totti, reosytl' to arqachnq 4,d" the "anted States the brewers and hquoi
wee taxed $1,251 last ydar.
About the same time Dawson Local is hearth-00'4in** interests wore working to have beer
etch ,Thia attitude
eltier of the province, said in a speech
lest summer that Brnish corneae of the 'United Farmers Aseociation to MP PrOViPeiat. areloeitlee, who n1e and wine brought bac.; again under
was growing rich from government adopted resolutions asking the gove *idol; te enforce ik. ;:•4neelq1.? lva4 ewer/meat control, and X asked him
t ales of liquor: to which the Vancou. ornment to 'remove its liquor store is the ettitncle of 0 - ""n•elpalities what he thought of that, -•
ler •Sun retitled: "N0 mle ever knew from •tlxt commutity because falljag toward bootle.qghn clubs." ' 4`1.1 you ever set 7.- oso breweries
Beene end .wineries going teeieri rind allow
am individual to drink himself rich, Prices and poor markets, together A Breaker of One Law Will
• them to make alcoholic 'beverages of
'nor a community to drink itself rieh.
Increased sales Poor simply mean
that the people will have less money
with which to pity taxes."
One newspeper spoke -of this stream
of motley draining aunt et the province
fq"ceneigration of _money," and
• , gave Ili ne exi satiation for the
of the promo. "People are leaving-
. ,. British Columbia became of the fin.
uncial conditions here, which are pus-
• ; terially weakened by our daily drain
-10 liquor," said this newepaper.
Another newspaper called attention
to the fact that while eititish Colum.
hitt was spending twerve dole
tars a year for a drink in the geyern.
entnt stolen alone, that was almost
twice as much as Was being spent in
the provilece for wheels. British Co.
lumbia. »reduced a trifle more than
four million dollars' worth of creme-
• • ery products in a year, and spent
twelve millions for booze in govern-
ment stores alone, The total egrieu1.
tural products , of the province were
worth C11,151,000, only a little mere
• :4:4
4 f.
with the money waned tt the liquor Two
* st net] the will soon lie in
stole, bed bought about the 11103
• - Then , he told Me Wow lle had control ,of polities; tlitv•il be in thq,
serious conditzon in the 'Watery of the Falls, •Des Joachinis FAUX arid Alu- Q. --Whist is the extent of Alberta's school well -enough, are ',int' horn*
-Innierity of-fermera- svere-unabierto thtithoe,p1;ecae.edrstilionnto_tthis:ao_farscrxe %et. iryti.lea.nyairawtetyhat yen..eart make re.
Peace River district, and the great beelltrylll will rid° ,ImITI"bpd mette Palls end reserve? is all right Whist .0. xi ve'e, like is
chairs and read the Vie: act to them, gclating the Sate of their proch" he QUESEQS-ItelADS loadkee74i*htert1.11:0569e,e0e010Terileet'llieralis thwaveelPr: ttiomstesa.: reel)eti up
in there be
Powee plan . • to lave the region rubbed wtthrZ
A. -The Ottawa Myer Power De- DESTINATION OF ste.:MIGRANTS Thomas' Velectrie Oil, let the '
velopnient plan; eviiieh- rooks ultimate- Ae-Whet is the destination of the bing be brisk and continue until WO
ly to the generation. oe' soarer 700,000, Immigrants entering -Canticle in 19241' is secured. There 1* more eirtuene ow
hose power, is cOntempeated by the ae-Of thoaramigrents who enter- bottle of it than can be fully eethoet- •
Ontario Hydro Commission, formal ed Canada thus far in 1924, 85' per ed.
application having . been Made for cent went tu the West ana 90 per cent - , . . .-
zone water leases on the Otte's* Bi- • were destined for fame, . Menai Visitor I 'Do yeu leke rer
yer• between Ottawa end Pembroke,
exi to sehool little boy?"
being chiefly Chats Palle, Du Fond • Little Bpi*: "Yes, I We. going to
meet their obligatione exed buy the Th cl. t do Linter. They d "D 't ver give thein (a. -What 'is the Went ot Quebec° tOns
h ey Prom se o answered
bat•e necesszties of life or pay t eir - •
teWs.• . , _ agreed to the est,ablishelent ofet Ranee eeeieeeg.0 oet vow, • wee, Tia teeeeere road system
• 9 r
. .
,,,, ' ,,,.• ,... , mon selling agencY, loqich Would a bung end theil soon want a whole 'A.---Quebee haw a road mileageeof
R lief thr Worien's Disorgers '• .
e,....,,e......A,,Deteektetileaselleeseefeareve—'eamene.„...aneetheireeproeuee,...and....that...4.,„„teee.',44e.,„„„bnten „crook of. theiloor 30,593; 0% which 5;600 arc rends whIcte ' A Sure ,....e s "10 daYs trattillat filis .
etty taxes have gone up too. A ty. would give the government a chance to them, and theeli Poen in imd take have been improved by the Govern- - . orange Lily is. a .certain relief for all disorders of women.: 11 1* SVpile0
'plod example: The 'terns on A house to watchetheir outeut end see that possession of your whole honse, ae meat. Meetly end Is absorbw into the sugaring tissue. The dead. 'waste metter. ,
and lot in Vaniouver encreased from nine went to 'bootleegere. And Ate •Iloy are fIttlifgt la British Columbia. WOOD AND PAPER EXPORTS
02.99 in 1919 to 6106.90 in 1923. and tcivney General Manson agreed to tele heve there closed in the: treited Q d'
there were more sales t)f property fer parliament to submit fiCa vote of the -- at were the woo an ; Dm-
Sfateck 1-....1 them closed. "ii:rhst: • -
per export wanesthe current year.?
nonpayment of taxes ,,lit Varteouver- 0000e -the- question,01 the sale of beer You prekAnd that -you can oatt+rol a
last year than ever before ' by the glass.- • --- ' elmosend breweriws ;na(yr., ..n.illaAillf, TA; Lit-onCeahnono4LingexP°Allpeetile; figii7oete,„.
One of the motives that pergaaded' ' "So we will probable, stave a vote on lion -peel',
003,000 worth of Weed na Paritet.
British (41111ble to turn to prohibit it in 1924," Me. Manson sold, "If Vle m'glit as welt try to Z•ontrol a Do .c1 •
• powdei chiefly to the United Segos. ' These •
floe for relief seven years ago vtat people want beer by, 'let's magazine, in hell." e ,; ,
the activity of the brewers and Nem legalixe it, and have ;:e teitet over 1t.• . _ -. :,•••••-, gUreS ale 81°WIllg' lrwritil by month:
e... • . g • . -
intereete in- politica: Later, when qui* law'that we on enZorce." The new baby wasWeil, to the die- CANADA'S ELECTRIC ENERGY;
the brewers - were• campaigning -oil 3,,fir rapt enforce,your-oresent peat of a five-y*1...01d sister who ar- ift:the extent of Colludes:* -
against prohibition, they 'itemised telt., eiee .."e you th:iik you can en- dently desired it shone: he a 'hoyelectric energy 1•
thot government control' was votell fosee that?"' Meese. to comfort her, suggeeted that A. -Canada leads the world z* pee
,•le ,
in, they would keep out of politics "The brewers will eten - behind it." it might be sent bad
. to the ehotearid capita consumption of elece.•Otilentenough for 10 daysworth 150.
tric energy ,
e 4. '.1112w111 ;lend me her address
and. were rio•er ask for a return of went to see Archie Johnston. chair- rhangod. 410b,, -no," sit.r.d the honest Cenqus Bureau estimate. Each! Ienclose 3 stamps welt Frop to an V an fri4e10ps and address. L.YDIX hAnn, moujor. too.
the bar or fel* the sate of beer by tip' teen thee tenor control heard and little girl, "we est* .do that. We've inhabitant 'consumes 820 kilowatt ze' 4 -
glass, They 'assured the IrOterS that tine of the leading iawrers in the pro- used it two elays" hours of electrical energyein a year.; 5(2 ieentNtiOilin 1tsrs AVEKYWfl ERA:
the NM/rested epriaa N extweto,1 immecliate.atenbil end ehyeleei
-01,4. the blood vessels and
perve..,‘ sre toned and itren0h-
• and the circulation Is ran-
:itered to, normal. As this treat:. •
Meat Is based an strictly 'claw-
••-• lino °principles, end acts oa the
hernal foroilOo of 'the dISealle 11
eannot -help hot do good in .
4 •torm of female tronblas inolud- •
Int emayerl 'anti painful menstrue
elem. leticorlioea, tailing of the
wont. Pte. •Pelce Int.0fl per boa
1‘ittrit bs sufficient - for ogle
i3 Lavish Wan moat ottlact bet ei
wouttlakk risitan -1 15. *eta sit
15* koari is a .0..055 liewetlat
SOW sopa saata-.114aattietM-5‘.
'Dews at a stalialteit se
15a44 tS•trgelli
moot taw. 11.5
55. Ilkitisis *tut 9,. Kar.
atila. VOW earths 511.8 -;
latat arms tbor ?ulna aa Mal
stailserraaitie Woe 'I- Orea.., et Aaltrager."
▪ :‘•
• •
t*S4.°14 ***Csetiliftfrats atoder$1"415eThshistatalornimetl
laity *kat* +Mew ladtilata hi
I�.I*iiy.I. *NOWA tO a1r5tsaitt aa ti,.
Pt* .1. Nourwalatia•d" Ity Clothe
Offolosai. It will moo b. *id 55`
III 1 1H I 1 1 11