The Goderich Star, 1924-09-04, Page 4.i
rr i • p...aflr- - - '.II
I 11 1 r Irv■
wo t* **Ale
bei. sax} On *Aviv *;crit iM wait Tate moo
aetbesr4dMsa lstlltt must be killed and a spirit et )versa*- pcat►u..s.a. it.
: alaA 1*$ OW
the moo
i h , radii)*
NeicLl.Tharsda7and Friday
Sept. 3, 4, 5, 1924
E of tiro • Producte of Form, Field, Garden shed
Homo. -Prima Lilt rerikaiave itdmd .. _. _ •. _.. .
A new feature this year to encourage the boys and girls
in doing useful work.
Track Events
Two mese . ooh •day,, Thpereis ►'asiniid Prtidaty
Fartiaare Trot or Pasco Puree $150
2.20 Trot. or Pats* Pants $2150
2.30 Trot or Pace ... ... Purse 50
213 Teat or Pacts, . , Purse $350
-Maple Leaf Midway
Comprising a Multitude of amusement feattlre:s. Fun: for
everybody. Everything ctean and reined. This is an
ttntfit that shows only at the larger :Pairs- -
James E. Hardy, If ghtwire Artist
1rV:irl ''s greatest intd- air performer,, will give exhibitions
afternoon •and evening. before the grandstand. •
Hardy -is the man who gained worldwide fame
by his performance on a wire stretched
over the Niagara whirlpool rapids
Prize Lists, entry forms and alt information on application'.:-.
to the :Secretary: ° . •
1t, WIURNEY • ' Dr! W. P. CLARK
President • Sec. Treat*.
Armvitiation take its ;)alae, net mesa tee .*anis
�A Among the nttipps boa alaaaaaaat salt ta,uat masa,
efaasear of people. "tgl*ality may he er..,ee,r mit
impassible." Mr. Themes said. "bet «+,ruts, ai*t1
iqu*lity of opportunity ie not besp r_ 1E4004 rias
lloodol000�.M�e raMos 1Ms re
'rain tie i> t
11. ui1rs»tt eedersrrssta�r�s
d tLItw
_ at
awtta re
R Seeking the Ci*s
Shrinkage of production aced ex -
boo * porta *M Moreau is -costa aC lwoirs-
atMr" tion in the United Kingslssle here led
to the appointment el a +Cswwiaaise
of Inquiry presided overlay !ie Ar-
thur Balfour. Britfell thorn
is seen in the linea of investigettee to
be followed, namely, tho chows' in
each market for British goods. what
trades have gained owl what horse
last in each, what change in the out-
put per Worker* in the I.*diteg indus-
tries, the percent*$s assuage its wage
rates, the volume of sayings marl stip.
ply of new capital, a careful analysis
of new burdens in po*ed on industry.
and special carate* of depression in
industries with exceptionally high un-
employment rate.
ante newspapers} SO
await, la pries* UMW, Mgt
phut once, or
WOWS Sr hand.
Uwe itderertMens atatwe
Yeeriy contract PAS & r
sots per mosso' IS eons
emu: as monthsmaga $6
elas sea ltitarallteM6
poetttooe pIS� to to per sot *acus. Elrat
+b� east tft4ttcara.etl rMM* is ggor TIN
am was be to tear *sate et me poster
leot t et later se crud+• tet
week.or fish
10 cons per art ver t irction ani a
NOW per has ter eves srtaswesnt 1n*
iett1Ws, iceeeaa`ed b' a twaseilt stale.
to as meat
Raatni1carrd a er six Ilse* and under,
Stoma nor laer°
Ae1'erataekn./ete or fatuaaioas vent
roots W hubs*. Lest, Houser
rqr male or to ram* tar Sale or to
t, Armies roc see„ not exceeding
eight Boer, 36 cents each insertion; three
insertions tar ti. terror adrertionuaIs
!n l roporttou.
DWtnrea i(otie*ti isews typal, O0eb
martian, 10 cense per (taunted limn to mer
chants harlot contract roc rummy tdver-
nom. s case per mutton line: Inn to
churr*ra and benevolent organizations, 4
taws per counted 1101.
Advertisements without IRC tater
.ions will ba ttteertrat tt forbid, 114
*hatred accordingly* ver rt rreeddfana cotleetee mount
sraneawni adve1t141mrraa14 .soh work, ea
long enough; to eomtplete the trip. .
Priaince Beltitrd lerriot .
Endoraatfon of Premier Herriot'*
work at the"Loudon Conference an.
G erman • reparation* and the. evacua-
tion of the Ruhr, was ve1•y emphatic
when the Cbiahiber• of Deputies voted
330 to 204 frith!' favor. - Herriot in
_iiia finitt speeeh took a's''hiit theme,
"France must dp what is right." ,
Ri*k.O ei*I Arrested •
Postaffire ' Inspector William 'P.
Fahy, Chicago, often described as the
best-known and shrewdest sleuth in
the '*tole Government service, was
arrested on Ttmoil y by United States
DeputOdsrahal Hal Carr on charges
of `being the "brains" of the, $2.000,-,
000 mail robbery it Rondeut,' ill„ on
the *fight of June 12. . • •
MsttDoisild Shows Hie Teeth
Icon. f *meat' .MacDonald; Prime.
_ Minister, bas informed the League of
Nations that the British Government
will not undertake not to exceed cur-
rent outlays on arinamente. k'Ie Maid
that it considerable part of the,expen-' end thus naoa*aiftate lientl•rultirauon -.
ditute Was due to competition . be- there,' cultivate the repeev'en, week
Omit the . Q'%ers, and this •could be qr ten day* until' it occuplea'all the •
elimltgated on, by.by_ _mutua„I,_agt;ee._.gtoundeed lnalr urthercultitatton
menta:.whla~h Creat -Britain.. wets 'uta~- .tattlor Wit u. wtleFa`the rebels tut
weaya.ready to negotiate. .
Harvesting in Progress
Manitoba,Southern Saskatchewan,.
Northern .and parts of Southern Af .
hems ire`Itatentngg to -the inittt of tile, at tantirorribra i r eeured, - ,.
The : CsnaiYien :dollar ' eras one SSentence on September i0 '
thirty-second of one pent more vide Richard Richard Loeb and Nathan Leopold,.
,' Read thes•New.apaperas
h ..• /!'' 20grr solution 'should be *P -
Co•tiperative Riverboats Show
flow It May Be- fora:
nape for ii'faiiw*Riti+T )*Sc Tis sties staid
Twitch oraae—Iron✓ tietlHltate tor
Mustatxl--Aaotl*or Plasm for KWh*
Twttelt—O. Ar, C. Baxley Poptifer
lei .cis ))salted letatea
Coatrrlartarere Mi anon* UArirartnaal;arI, et
*enemata. Tomato.)
Al at retitllt Jet tett years' easperi-
ments the tollowine; Matbudr ore re-
commended by the depaaftment of
Botany of Um Ontario Agrlcufturato
Conejo-, : _ .•
fJs. of Rape to thatrey Perennial Bow
Meth" and. Twitch Grass.
Culttrate the Mild -wan atbouat th
middle of June.. running over it fre-
quently with , the culltvator so Ss to
keep the tolls down, and thus weaken
the "roots." Thinn atapty manure et"
the raf0 of about twenty. tally 'per
suers IIS good .loads). Oeltivate the
manure in •tiosrouckhiy,•aand with a
double Mouldboard, plough allgtttiy
•ridge up the land, making the rtdges
about 2i' Inches *pert; , On the rietger
sow pasture rape et the rate ot 1%
pounds per, sere°. It is.:important
that the right amount of rape be
aowti. ' for if tori • )falai •Sal' mown the
stand will nor too catek enough to
smother the 404i, %tut 11 ou• the.
other handtoo milts *las sown the
;)sats will be too erowded and not•.
grow • rigorously • emough to • keep
ahead of the weed*. now the rate
when the land 1/ slitMRcteatty moist to.
insure quick germination •ot'tne seed.
If the rape its slow in startler the
weeds May get t /tart its the rbwa
ie roe. A.$
tk..+.,v *Ali lies booka,saa auaaaa. ao r leer tows I stow to think of weer of
.a.4" "no wnm * Ulla. SA •»i MAW your nicely kept Lawes u a small boy
um -v. tsar* *rows Leap a Massaro t„rI drasood up but with wombed neckemienate...Armiater
tesate...ArMga_ lei >et�ies1 *.mod airs. Akan as a tlezeaan in
tlu4Y by a:iae MO el L.14* pewrleta,,e1 treatise drove wlll itis collar' and
411441144 bsssiit 161 11100,7ifs" wr11,astnle el �eU:raps like Mark. Dickens'
Igoets, whodid not paint her free
se ill. best wire joked it as to her neck
1111.1.;.1.1:00/.10. an.1"
! Y
seeir>(raat oras 1.461116i xaeaaaar a•ai xltL
Dow ,--Wiia rote kava such a
ea4 " 3 >ritt*d osatrtiretor tie J. E. H., ,wind
Yen lot post itlts 1faliesiaag is onvaistou the
feast MMea rsaiijret d "63.drrrki 1oulevarda :,
sad searie lira- 1 #blit listatise to two visitors to
A. Moog ,I, f t,1r we badly that she looked like a mend-
ed statue; others vera of +satiric, pro.
Nay mem Ulm a torirth r waste, st ebcd.
But tits +cow wet return k all Nowt owt this tris
it goes of grata a *light taste. y act as thoup;ht or
eneretion. ,
♦ handful of it ala while ea pasture poly ntanieured, rouged and lip -
The staaiteit of a smiles calf lie very Yours,
lip -
digitate, and eltanseta to fuels*saust G. Irl', T.
b. wade alewiy. Th. calf wilt beaus -
tete; grain aantl„(ray wheat It 14 about t•si atsa n 'Iran ciao* pries to "ea
about the best grata teed, ss it takes ateek sad eleau •st*b s*, Itaai remix"
four wetter of ea . Shelled urn Is tarp chorea well" usually has *lank
the place of errata in the mllk
poorly-1lttiag smilers are sura to :a argot -- props troth" -o his rvof hie
siaeltatR as front sway other of loss
anise sore 'Moulders. 1t is *.,d004 tltrila• Qty#„„; ^ • •
;merle* to With, alto sltoal4eiri `iragtr ' A p li *tdi to trove) AE,77i tailor
and night with cold water. This to gatber sus pound of 'hon*y *on-
saroide the 031411100,0t blood congeastfoa somas of ia,IRe *repo of neater.
sacd 1* st once soothing old pleasant Tho.. Wit* do pot beilevt It ora iu-
*0 the sMiagaiat, c vlted by the bee"to ewnnat aha drop/.
. - Sometimes ft's lack et tltae and
likalalWirentilotiata. 4oatrtianee it's just indifference that
Wee* planning the changes to beleave* firma taacbinery neglected and
read* le tee term, etablea..,neat ass- broken, from Date SOMA to the mat.
soar, We the question of ventilatIon - -
first consideration. Anim ai life sa de-
Take a Koh
with yea
Days like this that you've-
looked. forward to, offer 0*,
that you'll turn boat*,
and iqtsin in your ealbwU.
. And any Kodak Is cosnpact
to carry3 easy to work and fust
to use—let us show you.
Cat y.ofa' Kodak here.
40ern$Mc Kends— $6.7sop
,ltaafnYrN3'40 its 4
The Resell Store
phone 1 Godertt:b
Pendent upon oxygen. Food that le h Ir m.L,
weak would. navy* her of — _
*vales tq
aiuitnatl4 or to humour It It were not
oxidized or cenlbined with u*ygef in
the, body. Irixa cannot burn .wttIlout
air, out food cannot 0* "Mulled" lb
the hotly without air. It 1s; strange
toot so much time and study niv*
evert eepeatided onthe problems, of
-lu .dlug - and. feeding.. fend -oat so
little attention .basa.b" lads e t ttie.
atao/t tisig0*tatat°wehtaitii an the hue
elf #. `fiquisettatte t. tnilpal - )lure *1417.
l'linV-tate *tttotli-luu'AMA , wavey tict
puts air will allet asvaltaof0 to the sal -
*WI every hour of the day. so *Os'
-J bteveenson of the *maim Agrtcui-
Ltirirl Cotiege.
()online inane Pio Aloes.
Nature's touiC* for young growing
pigs are exe3C*/e, sunshine. pwent7 of
giveu succulent teed,. said mem aulr
rounding. :ductless wisp the titter,
therefore, will depend on getting the
IOW and •Rigs on pours ee soon as
posslute. ' At is Junto AS important to
the health and thnft of the little that
the- mother get eternise as It ia' tare
Asa result ox the depletion of our
forests, 'ministries dependent upon
Wood. are .;dreamy going: out of hull
!TUI the) inevita0i* depr.asittg
;Annette* on etc lacalitie%. Li mit
ekhauetton of the" forests its leaving
great stretches: of foald in an . unpro-
ductive condition. resulting in vir-
tuar Ilpovartsbg3ent, it Mot depopu
laatlett,' oZ very opnelderaible• *reals, .
or pastured, -any words r*smash, the'
field should be visiles +up 'thea last
thing la' the billeting put .In•-,irith a _
hoes eroprthe MitMing year•. This
iehould~ not, be rneeesperyc it t reed.•
time Is hese - again to get your Boys and
'Girls prepared for,. the - fall term. at school..
They vrill reed good strong serviceable $hoes,:`
the kizid that will stand a severe test in au ' .
At our store you will find the most complete
stock of the class of Footwear that will give
satisfaction at tbe,lowest prices :possible:.
In Shoes for Working omen our stock has been
selected with the greatest care from the 'best.'
manufacturers and does notinclude anything
that wl'l it:,t''give a lot of ear. Prices were •
never more -reasonable t:iyiaf ,
TEE - STAR:. volt. 4,0B: 1?RINTJNG '
• binders'a* in the Yvarm.'*unxhine they Spoo With Aron •tdnipb*to:. to -
turn into sheaves the fine Wheat crop, • iltastroy etestar t•tat t3eresil •Crop/.. -
'wl,kh: will .yield a toed profit. in Iron sulphate or eoppssres can be
other parts• of the West the crop m suecea,fully• used tot destroy tnu*tard
rather Poor, but hi these areas. patio- In atata4iug grain Without Injury to
tureit and coarse grains War *Uterb theoerop.
stable than .the American__tionir can who mitr4sred a Chicago boy,• will
some t t the wheat losses. Prepiaraattoo of eotutioan,
>E`riday: know their fate On September i0t
Price at Wheat Judge Calverly at - the conclusion of
Wheat on Winnipeg market is,* the trial stated hie deeiaion vrall he
ling at 91.31; Ontario svheatwin Tor* given on 'that date.
Onto $I,18. Sleeping Meknes. •
Geneross: Prince Sleepni* sickness is becoming epi
The Prince of Wates, who • visite dei»ic lit' Tokio, with. heavy tnoxtati
'hie ' Alberta Ranch next week, gives „Seventy per ..cent. of those who died
to charity about 360,000. per year.„:.. were over sixty years of age, and on.
)*Naval Defence Necesstity Iy ten per tent below twenty .years.
° ' Vice -Admiral Meld, rn opening thetk ort o33gtn of this diee*ae 11 not fret
Toronto Exhibition,said that the. Sri- r '
tisk Empire •meet continue to '"rule A Labor )hove
the 'wavee. • The American Federation of Labor
Crop Rstinllate )bore* endorsement' of Lafoliette, the prod.
dentist candidate of the "Proves-
Official estimators, usually relit-
- elves," is )oaken upon by the seers SA
bler now. place the Western wheat .the first move in a Labor party in•the
crop at well over 340,000,000 bushels. 'United States, distinct from iReprtbu
i Beer Only in Bgttleel cans and Democrats.
The Government of Manitoba' bas No Baan Aitoewt
ordered that hereafter beer must be For. the fifth time, Chart is A. -Ent»
sold 'only in bottles, the ,sole of thews. Jr., former deputy treasurer of
draught beer being entirely .elinin-ated. Ontnrto, has been refuted bail pend-
New: IS+irti Appointed ing his trial. et the atassittes titin
Dish** on four charges. one of which is thst
Bishop ' McNally, of Calgary, who he, being a public officer, did 'commit
speaks 'French, Italian, German and a• fraud on the public. Ball as hfgli
Engli/h duettist, send also a recotrnitt- tag a quarter of a,millfon dollars was
ed art. critic, has. been appointed Bi- offered.
shop of tisoiiton, •- Settling M.*fat R,S*S*t• •
A Commercial Monate Col. Norton, one of the leaders of
The Chancellor of the Exchequer the 1924 expeditias which made little
has issued a note of warning to'Sri. progress is still of tate opuses that
w--•-:, -�.fish.-. eommerei*l._.intere�sta... egartii111r .Everest ran be, climbed. Everest is
*dangers that may follow romrerelal 129,200 feet high, but it has yet -to 'biT
treaties of European countries with demonstrated that climb*ne can live
" Germany. tat a height greeter thin e!'treita feet
�votM.'Ne-eaidtha kno � �� through F c4Meu=i�laP.:w q Ir Dui.,.
"Learn to reed the newspapers," plied. mliia: eau : be Prepared' by els-,
said Lord Cavan, Chief of the Ireper- • solving SO Its, et Iron autpbate
,tat Staff; in addressing Waoiwich ca- 40 IRllons Of water,; irt*n *utphotevir
dot*, whom he urged to keep up their - dissolved (Otte reedllj*' xn oole ":ter. •
knowledge of, what is going on in iiia, solution • alit► td;, be attain**
'teorid, He:Said said the kris" •tiara tarou>Kb ri. ch,9�ae .c�oS�p, .aa� it la opt, �.
. whet; eti the wprW fe do3 {y� into *prey pump tank. ThN will
tit'*Asst' tali the world fs dei the into the *pray puutp-tank. Thar `will
Chlei' influence on the ntaktlag of pub- I "ma" dirt and•*tua ll. paart1etea that.
tie opinion that underlies fotegn and ire apt to clog the naxzle*.
doniestie poticv. It is not the writ- 'tl° to 414Y•• '
Ings •of political philosophers that Ap1Ply opa,a cabn, clear day just -
eotknt these days. field*. alio* tldwera. It is very
-' Violent Atlantic Storms portant to spray earlyy. 'If . the plants
Terrible, havoc to shipping was are lett'100 icing the tr.attn*nt Is not
caused on"the•Atlentic ceast.front the nearly W etlective. 11 a heavy rob,
Gulf of St.. Lawrence . to New.. York coulee within x4 hours after tho sole-
harbor on Wednesday and Thursday ' ilon' lx apilltesd, tt',w111 be necessari :
-' by the worst storm; in .years , in that ' to ;pray again.
_area. The passengers on evert some tienv to Apply tee Solution.
of the largest liners endured great An ordinary `hand Slump berre:
hardships,, but loss of life, though splrayer. such rut 1* employed to sitr&
small, was. .confined to entailer craft. fruit treat inky . be. useid, or a potato
The ""Berengarla" with the Prince of sprayer eau b.,iigged up to do the
Wake aboard, was on the Eastern Work. meal, of tin up -to -data spray-
tali fringe of the storm and was not de- era )lave a*i bxo*eleaat •atraeh-
eSide 'of Square P 220 GODERICH
4t % Bonds,Qdue Sept T1s#' 1944'
Yorkor London king.
Principal ani Interest Payable Taranto, New e
96.75 and- Interest yielding,. 4.75% .
New .,September Bond List
-opt tre!queest ,
LIMITED,., EST, testi
The nicht
Government and MptnlaiCiijxgl &Mae BOND NOOSE IN CANADA ,
at Special Prices •
a4 soon as rho, first sew ptents in the *sear
3S -SS Kiln ST. 11101:,—. IONNTO
IPs Not Fall Yet but
IE Feels Mighty
W. have a nice line of ° smart wear.
ablss suitable for the . weather, no
;naitter what it may U.
Bench tailored clothing war siiettd,iattltrr
Also a mice lite of reiady . tan. arealsr.
-laved. matt for-ur*S3gg weeds, Theses art• -
]gIt Wheat Peelexoaaatt for large areal►,. a* they -
• cover a when strip at **fell round,
The three prairie provinces halve Care must be Won to see that even
formed the "Central Selling Agency" ' mustard ;loot • is covered with the. .
to handle the wheat Crop.
on the - soiuttott 1>r the circle a# as llae spray.directorates are repreresttatives from : iron 4ulphstAo mkt no *lamed tit any
the* three provillees and an initial hardWarta 4tclr..*••-i.'E. jiowitt, 0.40
credit of 11$6,00,000 luta been securedCollege. 4kteslplh,
from the chartered. beaks. Patch £401 mer. -'putic� torr *obis Twitch
province Will *Igo have its own pool. - acme.
Tide y **icier _ witivetnent,-- falterer.- «at. ; wut _oisidi --ei *.infan, -t--*orcin..
"Pool" experiment in Alberta last ' laud of twitch traria WAS mode re;
yeast which has hada reassuring et. I cantly by thea .;prirm Dapartnaeut of
feon the other provinces. the aiertario Agrieulteral Citilelte on a
Mars Net Mesiad Iro* field tl:aat was rt mule of twitch atter
' When Merit shot' between the earth the oat .cop bad 1e/n removed' -
and the sun last week, et a distance The laud was so badly )masted
01 30.000;000 )nitro from he esrth, that the held produced it very small
atop ' that **aeon. Atter the oats
radio experts at various point* heard : were removed, the lard wail ploughed
strange *minds. but sutsequent rx- - lipahtf jr acrid tractor.dfsaed twice, - and
planation* show that these did not than cultivated rend harrowed. later -
eontS . front Vara, but «.,,in haat fa the calif this 3Nld "lural. pfnugsteet
eases ware cruors by oprretors oar wise a double -dem $oltgh. 10e front
Mother Earth. The largest refract-' dist eutti*g cis to seem) inches deet
ing telescope arc }htaverld showed *aid the rear disc twelve to thirteen,
Mara as a'small otringe with a patch ; lathes.. This btought loos* suction
Of mould on it -The planet will net us aa4 threw it ea top of the aouay
be as *lee. to et vein fear 1200 years, law of foots -
la the iw Iiptelliapr 1a the following Wait the )peed watt
Spelling mem has etas urged o» plashed toilet Dern la the chase* -row
the President of the Board of l: dues. ` aystet*p hats* diarellyies
ao 'twitch snide
ie>* appelsralt*leu durfat chs- awiesder,
- tie England, on the ground that it sad tee told, wit00eet fertiliser, pro.
is the priaeipsi **Miele of comment. deceit act s*e*rte*t ere; ot Stet eons
cation with the native ram of the tor #*asking;
Empire, and alas beanie* of ' the
grawier acceptance est nglish AS art 0. A. U. *OW rtarwra 1111 tlr. U*itted
itrterratieaeai lasernege. 'fire l°i eti• )twosa
dent uteri that the pro ent system • lir. C. A. %%vita raeeleed a lertte4r
or spelling lead all,Meolties, but the reee*tly tr*r* )Prof. Moore of the -
probisat watt hew to iiart, *von Agtisraltural College *I Wi waits.
take H of aP� mem whisk moo; "bi•Oir prraatloalli asst of
- 1 cert daxvfrig a en trey �+ bariwga ttrewat fa
•1ele,f'ktite rolaeatwe• !et sassy K eat* ams • � Cat MMat,M,
B cK eF *slams to et treat the kr
- d litats areal to se.
bawler writ* Tau syr kr rest ap.
' salver- We will new be a as tat ase aid HATTER
"the Mini* cases lore 111+tawai'di �ss" a =Hca, *lila went fee tee swat Wales )*acre Soo _ TAILOR
Et iiu!/t headed lid Brea/, J. BI. Aar >ti 1a totems
ISIIMe M ha ,visa eaarl� Tia orb, **y urn . hs b51*
I E "d .,
We are after the students because We have
a wonderful range of Suitings at prices that will
1..htit Suits at S38:iU to$45.00
-THINK , "' fit•_ ' ► :� _.:v v.�.•. _
We -are . off to a start on the regular 'custom
built. for men who want their Clothes made in
our own workshop. - Plenty of choice of
materials from$45OO to $$55.00
The Felt Hirt Season- Starts
' This Week.
Your Straw Hat is doomed. Get' one of our
Fall Hats, ill sem, , -"sh a shades. No°
left -overs, tut all ,new 'lusto6t of the oven"
Use our Alteration, Repair and 14444iiig Service4
sigma it its pi** a w 'lust,