HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-09-04, Page 3Jow
TRUUDA7, REPT. atk, Mgt
wasiss...as41,7 anew wide ale a s
and the leeks bale Megelle VW welt.
bet nos' selint,
memitless K ,Meal', be
ri mos tom Ila
the srtle•�esee MOM saw 111114
��� skewer
slew! shoot s ?be
i! w ,, kewer Mss of stir shwa
remits ire easalitr to see M1AIMd
/dosing MS. These tso Fps! taste
iodinate tls,i trete 4 a�staea on
ma** why owe tet ser Fromlet+as+trst ed on
sweet clover should not !tontine soat-
istaetery milk fee the sas.it ag et
Eat -
Morris Township Sara Boma wins a severe thunder and winisteres to mkood n. 0. cheddar sinewo. Quail et 1<x-
One:etf the largest and best berm It:anae *P. Ho gate to the side of the a' ' Quail*
A ifilind A II ' Mit TIP Tab eli4& Walker, hitt, wuf blernedme of ' reeds 11 MM- hs " g t est+» ` wa114wi t, err Asa ai . -
Aug. !inns, 'together with shout' f104 t Psd w a Pewesdal �gwtt o[ wind lawn is getter maim
aftionbiti .. tow of hey, the c,uihv,.seli and isle- �ix telendamte Peres in a raw, pe Vis. Mks t nestle
• id Nen. plsmwts.• seat crashed throogi the rear end of ),,e kilned and tete aril sat eontletetied
Here Itlsther Dies fat Ragland .lis coupe. e that gram sed sown thereon the meat
Dire iia Canada Flax Mill season to til moi florets. Meek a Pak
Mr. O. C. Ward of the Exeter Can- Tltt Canatdat max Mill at Ssaforth wan geserail7 he eeetous fora mutt•
ire t nirtg Co., Tuesday of last week re- was partly deetrsyettl 7►lr fire on Wood- her et Years. A "'sow path" Y die -
pat ala Tomas sag teak these reived a cable to the effect that his Gamily an unattractive feetttui sit a
+ut/l eiessetinea l not bad the mother, Mrs. (Dr.) Ware:. of Barre- P•" ay of last wsslt, ,i de dre start- lawn, The Iowa sign et aottaaasr.
eP'+ �tiltletf•' gate; England, 1#i'died`tltat day toll" ebaltt 4 J, seer *ad the origin is a „%imp i� tate Paths that are Mak-
sa7,40 J'A ar *ail wilt stows lowing an operet3on,�" f noystery, as there was no firs used lag" may well be heeded throughout
reeeelas tsad H• afi 'Pills to all themWinghase 17s Wets in the building. It began ii, ...the the year.
who eel's suffering hem stay forms 1st y north sad and from the oily nature of Another sin against a lawn le tae
heart or teens t ,," St. Martin's Anglican elaurch, Tor. the contents, soon *preset • over the Rood. It for the purpas* of wssktng a
Ten ex* Igfilbsbt's IXettart ped onto, was the scene or a pretty wed. building. The firemen responded at glutting rink. A body of fee over the
Reeve ]'It1s, eta ding, when. Gladys Stephan, was un- •e
y druggist or dealer. ace to the gall and loan lots three lawn- In winter is talteltsi ae,rtalR to
Thiele are pug sip ealy m, The T. ited in marriage to Mr. Earl Johns, strong streams pouring' water into completely kill the gran*. Tile gran
km two.� Che son of Mrs. Johns, or Wingham, by the building, which quelled the flanges, will not tolerate for * tong time a
t the Rev. J. E. itdunelleWright. l but it .mut dimlkult to -reach the lire catering Which PreJ,lu,d a awrisamist
t zultism Farmer Clinton Girl Weds I*‘Gnelph meths flax. Their wont has saved the of hair.
Younglawns should have
A. at. K1tiT, osteopathic
Oradwte Des Moines Still Gan of Mr• and Mrs, Morton Twee, former gneett loss not only to ,,ata company Lawn free of snow in winter, is 'the-
t se alumna to be superintendent of the piano time. The old ,building was destroy- Bre.," sprayed about tends to deflect
Miss Madeline Enna. -daughter of Surrounding buildings elan. It is a re a corer-
Phy■ictan: Ing Of snow. A wind-swept town
osteopathy, eteenuate rows and Mets
ichigan-residents of Clinton, w:iere Mr. Yates but will throe' men out of work for et lyy to lose touch of its youatover
ittate Boards, Sparta! attention
of etdn,en ,ad children Consultation tree used
Mee corner Nelson and St mumsu" ' factory was Married recently in ed four years ago and the new one the triad and holds the snow.
Tllllmucomeor est Dr; Heltenuum. In searorthGuelph to Capt, Samuel Clelland was equipped with every safety de.
• --; Clegg. After Oct. 1s: ;; ley will re- vice poeeible against fire.
SPECULUM aide in Brantford. .• Falls Asleep at Steering Wheel
jos.. T.. 1.11. •
FORSTER. "�'"`"h Douglas Ferguson Deceased Mr. Garnet Sillery, son of Mrs.
ITN, MR. NOslt, THROAT; With no small regret Brussels relit, George Sillery> of Aun street, Sea -
Uhl Wiese eertreon ,New York that- Hoeg and old friends learned of the forth, met with an unfortunate acci-
eatc tend Aural Hospilei, aesistarie at urate dent' Wednesday n
Bead's eye Hospital and iso den tt.luare : demise of Dougald' Ferguson, a well
y iglu; Aug. 20th,
Throat Hospital, l.00ndon, n�'• known 'i'eeetlworltrr oweie ant atilt a for- ` Uro , which might have
phone Was•Itrtoo $'• >ttretttbtvt Ta10 mer old boy of Brussels. He passer], proved much worse, He bas been en -
At Bedford Hotel Godench from away Sunday night, August 24th it!"
gaged s'nc �th Normal School 1 d
Select the boar for tall use before
you are ready to use him. Get him
accliWated to your. aurroundtngs and
method of feeding and ears, Never
use a;ryoUng boar until he is past:
ten menthe of Ilge it you want large
strong litters.
"A hen in the +stoop is worth two
In the tree top."
n 3 e `Q orina oo l closed
Monday, Sept. lath. at 7 le m., to 'Wellesley hospital, Toronto, where be on truck for Silverwoods. He and • EFFICIENCY IMPAIRED
Tuesday, Sept. 16th, at 1 p. m'. • had undergone a critical operation, a companion lead been driving night
NOTARYPUBLIC-11u 'G, Tocock-Walton Nuptials 1 cream to Watford reunion. Garnet Badly Handicapped
and day last week delivering ice Why Many Men -end Women Are
A pretty little weddinw'was maim- had been driving -for- some -knife and
nized at Oesington Ave.. Baptiat had colied his companion to take the When you are so run down in
OeneratRConYvsyanctnp dons '. church, Toronto, on Wednesday af- I wheel while he slept. It 'ie /supposed health that it impairs the efficiency of
(load Co let Represented ternom
on, Aug. 27th, ut 3 p, ., when the other man had fallen asleep, mil your work as Well as your power to
Pil1oa sae. Ootteriob. •oat, MAA Josephine Walton, of San An-, the truck ran into a telephone pole,. enjoy your leisure hours, or obtain
LEGA!.wawa' ' • tonne, Texas, became the bride of Mr. breaking the getter off. ,Both were !rest, it is time you looked to the
E. G. Pocock, eldest son of Mrs. R. iijured and taken to. the Strathroy - cause,: If you do not, a serious
CHAS, •sgA011R, i', C. Pocock, ° of Wingham: hospital, where severer stitches ,were "breakdown is almost sure to result
alarrtst,er 16oltettar. IMAM Pupil needed for Garnet's face. He expects,' sooner or later, In.. nearly. all cases
and t;»nveyatncer c Fraser' -Redden ,
(mica t Court Bovet. ttoderlch, Ito be around again inti few days but this condition, which doctors usually
V NVI:YANCIN(l dl mum'd quieft weddingAtook place ori Sat- in the meantime says he looks and describe as general debility, is due to
ur ay a ernoon, ug. ,2 , at our.
o'clock at the Methodist parsonage, feels like '"Mr. Jiggs.'
;WIROtt le eRsoiN hie ° s��nerd, two• p sonage, red corpuscles. When the blood is
verauolner snit Notaryr ruhtle Crediton by Rev, D. McTavish, when Ithin and weak your whole system
Ronin OT is eons, ri tarHOL , Lloyd Fraser, son of the late. Mr. and RIPENING
Mrs. W. Fraser, of Mooresville, was' IIIPEN'�Y �j"N E p p.:. energy, You lose appetite, have no
ur., rte. energy, your nerves trouble, you and
otaca-on to ftgnare, • rad door tram married to Miss Gladys Redden eld- I you feel restless.
What you need is help
poor blood -blood that is deficient in
oarsman evert aoderica, est daughter of Mrs. Catherine Hed- build
private runes to loan at lowest' rate,, den, 'of Crediton. Results of Nine Tests at the.up
W. t'ROUDFOOT, Il'. c„ s _your blood and you should begin at
J. L. IILLORAN, DUDLEY HOLMES. Jur, Clinton Rink Wins Joynt Trophy Agricultural College once to make your blood rich and, red
"' -•-.-- . I by takingDr. _Williams' Pink ills,
The silver 'cup donated by John i I'
wfoynt, M. P. P., president of the Jenek- Iereentrge_of Shrinkage -Under- the You will soon notice the difference in
now . Bowling Club, was.. won at , the ,. l'arious Trials --Cheese Often !sept' I your health by a better appetite and
Lucknow tournament ' by • a • . Clin€on T`cb',i nr In .Caring rnoh weet 'increased vigor. The reason is that
rink with Mr. Robertson as skip The (;lover Milk=!rill Make. Good the new blood: created by Dr. Wil -
second prize went to Mr. MacDon- cneesse_Winter Lawn Protection. Hams Pink Pills stimulates all the
nell's rink of Hensel!. The first and organs of 'the body to healthy active
second in the Association went to Mr. (Oontributed'bv Ontario Depatrtment of ity, and so the system gains nourish
It, A. GLIJFF, B. A.
Barrister and lslotury Public
North Street, Goderich
Phone 411. rr.
�Oefl , Agriculture, Toronto.)
Lire skarn .and General Auctioneer, Archers rink ofeRipley and Mr. Ten•' nient and strength. If you are weak
Hamilton street, Oodericb, nant's rink' of London. The speeial The Dairy. department of tile or out of sorts.. begin gaining new
suts3alas matte everywhere and au !erecta `vas won' Mr. Reid 'of Goderich. strength today by taking Dr.:Wil-
ta to nits you sattsractlon. > Ontario Agricultural College made
verniers Bale notes dteoounted:Jeffery-Brown -..-nine-tests dttrtngthestsntBtet !Sea Hams' Fink i2i}la, p
INSURANCE -A very pretty wedding. was solem- in cheddar cheese curia,., .Fottf.una•
• dr'uggist'or by'inaf sit-i0'eents'i trek
You can get diene pills from your
mcgiLLOR- nuenAr. s nixed at d.SO p. m.,yug. 20, at the form cheese were used each week:. from The Dr. William ' 1M9:edicine. Co.,
ll>7<JJ home of Mr: -and Sirs. Seth Brown, on i',yas �k ted-lit--t-he endue -room Brockville, Oiit. s
urns when khaki younger
!team sae Merited Town !copeck' insured. lJ -b , gh•
"directly from the press and allowed • •
value or3,;5eirrtir insured up to ;antlers.. ter, Mabel lei„ was united in marriage
�sto st
to rt' main tbereti foe• one week, when SCHOOL FAIR DATES FOR 1921
Ol' It s=Maines Condi Presidentr m Mr. Harold Jeffery, son of Mr, and
Mrs: Geo. Jeffery, of Us,gorne; in the it was. lei iov,'d• to cold storage; ope
presence of thea inimediate friends of wa-i put in cold storage at once from Ashfield, September 3ti i ,
the contracting parties. .Rev. F. E, the press Wand allowed to remain St, Helens, September ti
Clysdale, of Main Street Methodist there, one wan .put in the curing- Bluevale; September !Celt:
church, Exeter, o fctateG, Mont for three. to six days,, then Wroxeter, September 11th.
paratlined and nioved to cold storage; Gorrie, September 12th.
Bowers-Dorrance and one was •aflowed:,to remain Ii • Clinton, September 15th:
The marriage took place at Sees- the curing -room during the whole' of Clintt)n Rural, September• 1Gtte
forth on August 20th, of Annie Ver the ripening period.. The chief oh,lects" •Zurich, SeptenSber• 16th. •
Varna, September 17th.
Dashwood, Se'ptembee •1Stie
Grand Bend, September nth.
Porter's Hill, September 20th, ' •
Colborne, ,September 22nd:
Belgrave, September 23rd.
lttheI, September 24th. • •
Blyth, September 25th and 26th.
"%Ingham, September 29th and "oth,
Hensel!, October 1st. • •
Crediton, October 2nd.
Winchelsea,.Oetober Srd.
dad/ince • .Jas. Evans, ice.Prestdetit,
D�th ewood ; T. E, , Hays, Sec.-Treas., Sea -
tor ..,
D18ECTORa-D. 'S. McGregor, Sesrorth ;
O. 0. Grieve, Winthrop•„Wm. With., Con -
Mance ; oeorge McCartney,, Tuckersmtth ;
ro!tn Terris, Ilarlock ; John Bennewlse,
Broadhagan; Murray Gibson, Bruce -
MIEr(TS-J. W. Yeo, CoderICl ; Sandy
Leitch, Clinton; .Wm. Gaesaey, Seamen ;
e uI,..hlev Searorth
Polies Holders can Pay their assessments
at R. H. Cult's Store, noderich, A. J. Mor-
rie 's Naytting. Store, Clinton, or 1. H.
Have it attended to by the
Established 1878
,!lead Office: Dungannon, Ont.
RATE: Tmlarr niers P[R HUHDR[e Down
Jno. A. McKenzie,, Kincardine,
pres.; Harry L. Salkeld, R. R. No. 2,
,Goderich,ares.; dieectorse-Tim
'Griffi'n, R. R. No. 7, Lucknow; W. P.
Reed, R. R. No. 2, Lucknow; 13, L.
,Alex. Nicholson, Lucknow; Wm. Wat-
son; Jas. Girvin, R. R. No. 0, Gode-
rich; Wm. J. Thompson, Auburn
Treas. Secretary.
onice Dorrance, daughter•of Mrs. An- - of the experiment were to note dif-
nie Dorrance; of Seaforth, ,to. Henry ,ferences .in the losses of weight, and
Bgtvers, M. A„ of Exeter, son of the the effect upon quality of W0.0 leesL
late Samuel Robert Bowers,of Mon -treated by these four methods. All
the cheese were weighed when taken
agban, Ireland, and 'Mts. Bowers, from. the hoops and again at the end
Termite. The. ceremony was per -of one month, The cheese were skit. -
formed by -Rey.. F. H. Barkin, D. D, ed when about six weeks old, and
The groom is the popular science again about two months later:
Piaster of Exeter High School and ! Pertent;i„e of tihrinkage,
.0 he bride taught for s,mme• years in The average percentage or shrink -
the same school, resiga',tg in .July of age was least for the' cheese placed
this year. In the . curio,, -roam' for ono week,
Young Turnberry Farmer Killed in then moved cdceld. storage'.' Thu"Runaway paraallised and then moved to cold
storage stand next; and the cold stor-
't'homns MacDou all a. son of 3MZr. -_ -age Salkeld, phone .600 r11, Gbderich; g "a,e lots. third. The greatest loss was
In the lots allowgd to remain In the
Curing-roou, for the full' ripening
period• of one month, The average
p; reentag"•s of shrinkage were .1.93,
2.41, Lett' and 4.42 respectively fora
the four lots. 'Vlore' was little ,011- -
forence in the average score of .the
• 0..heese for the three` tote In cold,stor-
young mail being thrown upon the •i age'Those placed in the curing; -
horses. The team .taking fright ran roost for one week and then moved
away • and the driver was so. badly
bruised that he was at once rushed to
the Wingham Hospital where he died
a, few hours later. '
Narrow Escape
W. C. Brennan, of the Brennan
Paving .Company,, had a narrow
escape -trent death -on death -on F'elday"'after-
noon, Aug. 22nd, on the Kitchener.
Elmira highway, about one and a half
miles north of St. Jacobs, during a SWEET CLOVER MILK.
severe eleetrical thuneerstorni; when • : e
a falling pole •eraslied through the• Interesting Experitnents In Feeding
rear end of his car. Brennan and his Dairy Cotes et the college --5111k TO DARKEN HAIR
son were driving towards Kitchener, From Feeding Sweet Clover
siTRA'tFti PD„ ONT.
prepares young men and young
women for Business, which is no.
Canada's greatest profession.
We assist graduates to positions
and they have .se praetiraLtrain-
ing which enables them to meet
with success. Students are re.
gistered each week. Get'our free
catalogue and 'learn something a.
bout our different departments.
Brooflou Bros.
The Lading .
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to
M all hotr're -night • er day.
S. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
Godericll, Ontario
All exile promptly attendc:i to
day or night.
!'homes: Store 333, Motes: 3 rw
peter MacDougall, a :armer living
about seven miles out of Wingham;
on the Morris-Turnberry road, was
fatally injured on• Saturday, Aug.
23rd, awhile hauling in wheat. The
yo>anger MacDougall was on the load
and while crossing the Maitland River•
a part of the load sipped 'off, the
to ^a teunper tture oil 40 1'. scored
highest; then the lots placed in Stor-
age at'mice; and ntext the lois parer -
fined and put in storage. The lots
ripened. for the full period in the
.Urine roti: t
were much poorer cheese.
,tt the end of the test. Unfortunately,
much of the cheese of Ontario is
'ripened f n; air Ordinary inary _turint>soont .
for too king a perlod. -Dept. of Ex
tension, O. A, College, Guelph.
VIII imis1-n W IIIUel nousUuiU ell 1 nu■ 11 IuII lar! I lall�l"ou.ul •1 1,na1 11 1 11 I■
miss bot an request
Mother Graves' Worm 'kxtermina-
tee wilt drive em
edtiMsut injury tWorms
tthe ochild,nt ebeycxuw
aion,_. while_ fully -effective, is
60 Pairs Men's
0 Work Shoes
Made of Grain Caw.' °
hide .Leather, ivitll'
or without toe 'cap,
in Black kir Brown,
il, , Sizes 6 to 1 2.
1 •Special of -.¢3.75
---- i
M Robins 1
• Yet people were happier An, the "
days of yore when a women went cal-
ling and took her sewing along.
'9ql\;x" s
,'r, ABE-F'S
14087 THE p ,
Makes Sattssfactory Cheese:
every tree
Cietsaaset a sllteesttls • soul
teeth angel aids dilgeattloss.
Itsitiev'ea that over
eattea teeth* wad area
Its Lwsi-*«t4..a*I Haver
satisfies the easy/NW lar
. itritttelrlaa• la doable
as the e lat e:ant amid
pl+a attealrs It p rooldeas
Investigations have betel earrird GU
by .the Dairy 1) parfutent of the On -
Mile Agricultural College during the
-uninters of 19i112;, andr 1323 -ml the • '
question of using unlit Preiduct d by Natural Color, •Gioas .and cows pa:tturing on sweet -clover for
cheeses making. , About half cif til -3- Attractiveness,
patrons :lupplyin;, milk to the
,.Dairy Dairy t
daPartment of the College t..,c also t i
clover as a pasture crop; .tied the Common garden sage brewed into a i
other half do not. The milk from heavytca^with-sulphud;•w
r.addeitl°turtre ^,
each set of Patrons was made up !ley- 1� ray, streaked end faded Bair bcauta
orate!' oil five tittles during .1cilia and iuII dark and luxuriant. Just a few. I
-2nt e The; sweet tt clover lots of milk applications will prove revelation if
3, illi pounds, 11.: -lion rinvl•3 lots ,four hair is fading, streaked •or gray.
4,026 pounde. The average preemie ie i7ting the Sage ea and Sulphur rec..ai>es of fur were 3.2 u13d 38, rt;- n at
ayl1- tot, get troublesome.
robblesom . `
apeetively, `There Was practically no Wyet13's Sage; orad Sulphur Compound
difference in 11111 acidities of the milk• at
of bulli 103 at the time of. adding any drug attire all tend' for use. a
the rennet or when, dipped. 1,ti- This is the nlfti hr -r iipc improved by
the addition of other.iulxredienb,
it sees of fat in the whoy tveragiei - A. While wispy, gray, faded hair -is not
.Ise and .1;1 tier cant. r,=sptetil.-L,.' sinful, we alt desire to retain our
i`r„pe,rtion 3f times"! to ,Milk. ysetthful apps arant;e *nil attractiveness.
The average yield of cher , ;L, By darkening yn -r hair with Wyeth's
1.000 pounds intik WAS 11.:,'; par.iitu., i; Sage and Sutphwt (,ompa;und, no °Se
Look Young' ' Bring Bieck: Its '
Lir the swt.ct ,,lover lots *Mt 9Z.• ; can tCIi, becsuer
for the; non-ctov,.r Tote. The yell t.Ut. or evenly, brushYi
ants W moisture in the emelt rite.. thor soft our oil
rile" se tiara: practically Mu 'aalu,.. - *trend
your hal
flu avet.epe "cure of the chi., et, wa,; shuns here a time;
the &tine tor flavor in both lets. 1 t,•' beim
average total score was 13,15 ler the application 1pimmtlfully
clover lot* and lJ,ti out of 13.40 loi
dor, it an naturally,
t dampen: a sponge
1 it and draw this
taking one small
morning all gray
!red, and, after an•
two, your heir he.
> glossy, soft and
Degan's system of ` Touch
exclusively in this
district by the
School of Commerce
You canna , attend ft better
t*chooi so why not register now
for the fall term. School
reopens Tuesday`, Sept. 2, 1924
5teno„ta Iio Ca
$eeretaria1 Special Courses
For information apply to
SoldBerl WARD, B.A., Principal resenby
M. A. STONE, Coni. Specialist
Vice Principal Phone 108
n Stores
yl eV ttiasuel tiM�s e+tleaesaiagr
ekes !er' gest. �"ltiies is Yost whatmoor_-
tie kP lsesrlieti ed their treteeet�r�'iw
M bow at Dtt tom O IOii SW, D, . �t
JtII Itligoa E will eeetriaasetB jre it y II roar lis ocean
41Z pmac, . las
California Seeded or Seedless Raisins
2 Vic. for 25c. 254b. box
15 -oz. Pckt. Seeded or Seedless
Raisins 2 for -- - - 25c.
11 aylieldAlachineSliwcedBacon - 29c ,
Richmello Coffee 1-1b. tin 65c
Pt PJ Ps
PP .1 r 33c
Once used, always used - Ax.r.341CR or LIBEY't1.25�
Na. 2's, 2 for
C -25,
ATS, 3 for
KETCHUP - . -45C
4.Ib, , Tin LILAC
Bayside' Brand. Lombard or Green
Gage Plums 2 for - - - • 25c ),
Bayside Pitted Cherries .. . 25c
Bayside Peaches 4He1'trySyrup) • 25,o.
BISCUITS, 2 lbs.
Roasted and Ground)
LAING'S C. G (Cana. r
dian Cream) SAUCE. haaac
D. S. L. CORN Bc
FLAKES,•3 for - .GG
WHRAT, 2 for" »
Shredded Wheat 1 �C
Cracker) w1
SAGO, 2 lbs, - .25c
LEMONS, dos. .. �Aiia►t:
Anyway man can slain the door more eloquently than
ny woman.
A.` E. Colborne
Sunset Hotel H. C. Dunlop
S. C. Wilson
dew Fall Goods
Are `arriving .Daily
Our Storrs of Ladies' Coats and Dresses for
Fall Wear
;Are waling to hand filo ii da utia a _.. iearc ii >-ta•tlie-illintlte
1. i .,
in Style, and prises are at tike lowest.
Also is here the latest Smart models, and you call purchase.
your fall outfit here at. lowest price. •
ice► the
>r .r. and ,_ . - . -
Fall, Suits. The Newest in Felt Hats. and Caps are here.
Are the closing days of our tlafrd iii;; . irHi vel,ttry Sate. kneel•
Special !Bargains in all lutes will t:otilillttt' to r e." St:,atiirtia ;
TELEPHONE 419.,�rtil.
• 5.