The Goderich Star, 1924-08-28, Page 6PAM" THE FACTS ABOUT PR ...sapson 'so bac THE OODWR "tat 1111111111111111111111111111,1pp 1111 11 • ir .11111••••••••••••••qr,, t sufferiag essose * dr:lek, to reen the beck alley to taut a drink tramJlits $27$.0et, bevies the city waft* 'War* week ea lc M. *1»; J*** aromas !sad altiliven. the_ hip Sat. elm of *gr. eacortc" ',. °el by ga.427.113. liangOgreles pops- Theiapeea, leredleg, WO; Vs, Yroo- t vr this Passage Iran * aPsabeal by lation in the term of 1911 ifai akaa. yil.wytatiair, ewe; Reek. Com- , Reseesigis Want* *ad MiserY BRmsll coLumBIA'114:1-itubst-rteeby that ere '44)re V res ted eitiseas 1"-ti"IeSoYbo.IVIIIZ*-;3rE9d:-eu"r$L: element: "1 find son* of our most Iti.:ivrito}retureenentdnearroel ;;rsaeot.verealty$ ever "tug.. patronisine boot. ' Anitnterney Generat MAXIM" WhO ad- 117.217. Pt Ike evetuge await speet was, Asistoradat, MAO; Telt Clark* . utters the liquor act for the gov- for boos, last year " ut that Sty, hs rs-stufaebali, $11; Geo. liars*, navel, ol Pe churches. The* Alegi- got bark in Drente A :rine over twv urea' to meet &Pt 1 legIgs, and yet they sit in the front woman and child in the city, and it desk The r Mt- na ",m• t°1" • gth. tagillarp. salient. COVERNMENT CONTROL IN BRITISH COLUMBIA ENRICHES ONLY - That salmi, nigrereat peisons, aril their mallage & t z,timate ambit are really nothing but dollare a head. ' name" wpm hi a book On the "C"'' ws of our ' - i MIS HETHERINGTON Clerk. l are Oat attn. *pee:allyatu.s I - d ° d* • • i - "-• whiskey." • asorao01111.0110010000. THURSDAY, AUGUST llgsk. 111W. sesseseem (To he continued/ DID YOU sum crop TO THINK! THE RIX INTERESTS- --B, C. THE BOOTLEGCER"S dem witieleriita-r:Cre •11.5yEr-r* onn men 1st*, sell nye beer and SandayAtitemewd of buyers soaa 50 ' the prOpAgAnAla Of the weta in4 1•2•111.111i0OD INDIGEMON BY t„, BMON DII) NOT HAVE FAIR TRIAL 4°Ir and dr" th. sidewmik. miRt est arguments is thet under hug ne.i, Nefiv Mint* cittknwadeenr. Shaw:4 tkla.Wa, 1Boate. Seerd retarYof Coin' mires I lagre LWOW apieue out the tile Lefts! Stet** one of the strong. , lies had be bop them in line. That tion so many are by poleottoueld oggeyous to eloper g th. woo, THAT it alwaiii psys to bey fkom to the coLeittutioo or more thq Waimea *warns thet are penis- I *ea *Ur* amid nine hundred thousand moonshine liquors. The Assecistionraaaaalad PARADISE SAYS VANCOUVER WORLD [in ttiete Seeks ri Won to dria: qvc,r worrying 4aileeezer Ire the wa,y to dezrous tont ad.vertimii. Mr. A. 0- liatiumaloi Ile Ladies' HORS juursal Owes Results dollar' emelt of ° booze last year. OPPosed- to Prohibition .THAT newspepere guard their ed. i 1*Thsterear. limist Varfameolnavge°;.°Arnndine:itztyli-tinigre Pebeersomsens indied1923innestheri7 tUhrniTedtb""Stateend raiwiriaolgetillaiseek°11fillifIlLe7trt4io.°ItgeeciktfArlessati4 vertising colo= in a weY that as -1 . , sere* you of the reliability of thoeel Of Ilia lavestigatious , 1 in this peseta*. The seen in Van. from drinking bootleg boom and they for little*** to equal Ift.by's Owe Tab. 1* 13X1t11311 "lambi""rYe turn. Was flailing& but I SOW dOZen$ of men coarse aoll'aill average of three hue- Promise emit if theY are allowed to Ices in:relieving this trouble. They eoltamens'advertising. 4;11unkenness hed wildly increased their feet wet th • 1 thi drip'' of lienteere month. When that much ince the government went into the ping, and they paid -from three dol ished me with statistics to Prove that come Without overeeets or overelsoee deed aad 11t3 thousand dalliers' worth Make and seal beer and win* again, have orove4 of benedt la thowseds oe TUAT there le much difference be , _ ter e o vie - boas le add In one month in a city liquor. In the last five that will put an end to unwholesome aGmee• Comeralait taw Km ;oa- tea ellagaP goods and good gondol "Ilitail toots tahr.i. rrodol tidigestion* but tho 'Tablets Lunette. ismeenlate Coot -option, Qts.. cheap -imitations of good goods elm Jne stethetics to show thst drunken- of whisks*. Men came with. rents in-' elpseand populetion. I need no sta.. average of sixty theueand persons -..' etet her right. *ad now I, would aoe be -Til--At sfrndores. that sell good goods: booze -business ; end ihe wets gave lars to five dollars alneee for bottle; 1.1 left then a hundeed and twenty 'open sloes in the United to "My baby was a suet *germ easily, bik nese had decreased in gem same per- their shoes and paid enough for boos, tistles at armies for drunkenness to - died eannuallY from alsoludism. hut without them." Baby's Own Tablets cheap, attvertiste,that intereating fact • - - - - - - _ jod„_ Bot_l have become shy _of etes.,,to_ have_hought i Th g new pa r. ere ig, the .litoderationiste Idled no *are be *resold by nuelictle (teeters or bv pail Advertrainf la what has put them in eistics sebout drunkenness, especi:dly were men old and bent d eh en hay vanities AWk that drink is canalise great areeeesie waste -and * lot of rause Of that* et 26 cente a box from The Dr. Willi. .. om cities elad, Who shivered an they -waited at ntisor7 In that city. The Moderationists of Bridal!. Co- alita'lledrine ''. Pir"1"11"14. - goyeininent and the city the counter fer their liquor. •There Instilled of statistics of drunkenness lembia made the same lent of emu- front it pirevince and ft t• e ocoirseils and police ere encouraging were men I knew were habitual furnished by a government end a pa. ments when theY were asking the COLBORNE the drinking of booze, as they are drunkards, for their noes were red, fort* friendly to the liquor.inter- voters. to chuck the prohibitory law on Colborne town:001y triune' mei0in doo:g in British Columbia end some their eyes bleary, their faces bloated seta& I would rather take the evidence the 'scrap heap. They were greatly the hall at 2 p. Aegttait 12th. Tice to Its municipalities whom statistic* rim hed their packages and burried eat. rouse:la of the- bootlegging taw the Saturday eight I made the concerned bee clubs us und bast war*, abeturnt'ss,Tkih io,bliboottl Brno!, minutes were adoptecl Pt read. • • end their hands shook se they grab- I statistie* of drunkenness mom Then there were well-dressed men Yariteireer- the thousands of men,. gars, and they premised thet under, en to Russel Hill for $25, ons 15c The weigh scales contract was giv- . who eeme in jauntily, and young men simply that so many peraons, most** end boys, and young women too; and habitual drunkards, anyway, became I saw boys and girls buying whiekey so boisterously or helplesely drunk there that day who were so young and that the police had to 'pick them up. small they had -to stand on tiptoe to You tcannot begin to measure the ex- vetch the top of the bar. tent or the evils of drinking by sta. aisties oaf drunkennesi, hem* those To me it vies most pititful to ;me who beton* so drunk that the Y have the women who tame. Some ceme e- to he errested and so get into the without coat% and stood with their the limelight. They are always rea- dy to reset the demende-of the busy- Put int* only by The T. shoppers. Llialtedc Toro** -Ont.- - - That they have put themselves in the puldie terfice by tritthful solver- e" Ming Matters. tieing. Mir War Trembled liar For Tho Past Woo som Petrie D. Bares Conies 31 wrOga:-"J. Ala awfully trem- bled "ink ay liver, thus lam yeer back. and used to gee swell daisy spell* woulti hes os sit dares while I woe doing lay wok. la Se atoraing, wkea I got up, *y togas Ina mated, *ad 1 kad a bad taste is my mouth, mid efteetintes was treeblea with pair laythesesek. I *feted ix OS trey mad fora ot se* wig* iset red yoar ISMAINItri told nee ef kavieg red theme theist detailed fitate 'Aka try tbAex, sea 1 elm truthfulle say thee goy perminly did me ot be of good. T gamete mow mod them toe highly to all three who are suffering al I aid," Yon tut procure illibeee'e Law Liver Pills *1 511 &modem or &dem THAT in the sterol that advertise ;$i*Ni:elie required "*.toths:altkePlanuttedsbotindioll You Will find' that they not only sell limburger cheese. peglengee°°(ItsliepelkPleas' but yerrecewillivienXg.. mere rapidity and hold on to them Milk will take .up Impurities with. meetly young mem saw that night.' government control the purity of all I per -draft basis, on eno *1.8. service with t e a, a y crowding to the liars. treating, spend- spirituous and malt liquors, would be 'Hugh Hill and Jno. Gralbern. wIthi greater tenacity then setoostenT also find them courtesy and eppre- other good product. It is, eaeler to keep milk 'clean by • Int their wages, money Jesting over gui.renteed. The township rate wee fixed at -I dation. • . keeping the dirt out of it than it is • . the bar that ought to have gone for Major R. J. Burke, member of the mills on the dollar for 1024. I THAT you will get what you want a dirt hie can- to eleoo, &e .,..&,,,r t e• .. rent or to pay the grocer's bill or to Provincial peirliament, in an achirnise : The following aceounts`Were passed and not an iluitntion. You will find tamipated it. A clean udder will ge ' buy a dress for the wife or baby. before that teed:di:we, said: "The land ordered paid: Geo. Williams. itheY buy rikfit ani sell Tight. far toward clean MU** And a few I saw many men in various stages brewers of British Columbie are pole.' eoldiere' memorial, $600; Signal Prtg. THE THE NAW OR • WOMAN WHO second a !Went. in wiping the udder ot drunkenness that night,. and I saw ening the people. I have been drink- Co., voters' lists, Part In, adver- senieeees 0001) G001)8 WILIi FIND with a clean,' damp, cloth will- Pee - Undoubtedly thousands of men were in the hosPitel. I had their beer sine- Co, lumlfe, $2,-.02; Dont. Man mas i PROM virBusums CONCERNS ' GaOrIth. I'Lan• . TIIAT IT ALWAYS PAYS TO BUY vent much lumps trouble. Encouraging a now to• give milk hundrede who had a "trop too much." ing their beer nweelf. and it•pilt rue tisernentel,_$20.88; • .1 statistics, are like e drop in a hueket celd hands up their aleevee while the drunk that eaturday night In siancou. lyZed. the same beer eold by the goy- ellinery Coo rePairs. bolts. ni".s.• ;5.41; WHO INVITZ THEIR BUSINESS ....,,„,,,e a %warm ettio,_1 le,,expenelrre to . ••i, tampered with the great number Who clerk wrapped their bottles. Half aver, but oot fine dean got into the ernment in .its stores. and I found f Municipal World, *applies, 42b•.; ,Tee. oeffReetroff THE' eusvErefeibm -liet' Ow4s:4 Emotil whr a e4)*"Plit* r i 1 decline to accept made*to.order arms, and she paid Rather than take statlatice to prove' and rosin in may beer. And thie ex- GeoPowier, hardware etriiear. ;3, ! COLUIVIN,S OF2TIIN NEWSPAPERS. ,, lour or Ate per cent. of fat int her i,,,e, - never get into the statistice. dozen mothers came -with children. atetistics by being arreStett , Mid been drinking ether and arson* Carrie, hardware . supplies. $10.51? I milk la gt. It LL a rugp-raolved problem" but as proof that booze is more or legs of Seotell whisky; and that baby needed take -the testimony of Charles E. Tis- and nearly' killed me. Now, the brew- Xas. Adams; work on, Seltlineef -hilt, the qualities 01 Di. T.loroasr Electric . re , wor on . s ; • ite . .- k S hilr $122 - Chea st of all' Oils Coneidering the ease with !Pilch ehe will tikke,the • .4. an Ova under government -control. I eiothinif, and so did the mother. dailonayor of Vancouver, who said In er that wM poison mels no friend of Me Ino. Vanstone, work otr S. fe, * Oil it is the chesPost of an Prenara- Prart4vtelit*t°1°4111.briur ibiLIM11114)1:ecillt 814144111 ' • • . statiatice of !tilted!! for drUnhenne$8 four Atilars for a (mart bottle of the extent .of drunkenness, I would senic lad accumUlated in mv evsteltl` alit Wm C ilr • would --------------- judgment upon Women drove up -.-----------.ress to the city council: "We mine." $10.25; Gordon 17onstone,' work On tions offered to th'e puBlic.• It le to he t • eel mostly by woehingmen and their bettlee of herr down amongst them. that their husbands are coming home Government reports show that front naid Pithiado* $0.50; 'Wm, rsroraetairy procurable and ex -re mod- gsf merchants keep it for•sa:e. So. being youVitveanikinio., tapas:tier::: ,,ii: icg d it indueseke osriebrelegilt.00sunree stink, on 'tasting's street in Vance*. Some coma with baskets of groceries tions are deplorable, in every mad i brewers and Honer then have never; on S. 11.,• $15,25; Isaac Jerkins; wink from cast to coast arid all country , ver, in the heal% of a district. poPulet- and tucked it bottle of liquor or a few get letters from wives eomplaining materialised except to: themeOvea. OW S. 11., $10.; aerenee Walter*" fernlike. It was A large room, pro- I had been in many a sateen in eve dem*, after they have spent their June 1921 when the new law weeit $12125; A. Good (road- supo' end 'brate in price, no one Shouter T:e with-- etilhmtneu.glitotwtrylaiSiltot bnbly sevento-live feet each way, old days in the 'United States, but I wages at the chins." into effect, to March 21,1923, the gov- $.V.5S' implies, $120.55; A. Murton, iont ri bottle of it. , ane; *hen tbousn you . ,eraten saa, to the "ceiling filled 'with more• ll children to come in es men did and -justice of the_ "eget, whe, enid in_n, 'Z22,918.20, and of that AMoUnt OnlY ori, 4C sad gravel- $6T•70; Vriorr- h - d Mee- -aced to be- teed to "lump:* and bake as haset • ding -store in Csnad-a- - Rhone sollist Unto, shat I stew in the goverronent eame in and bought beer or• liquor. muat do something at once. emit. The big profits pro:Weed by the IL, $22.50; Edgar Vanstone; 'work found iri eveiy mith eountere all around end sheiVes never knew women arid girls and Or the testieriony of Andrew, .ernment liquor AtoreS took $1k- • vfork' and Poste& $129•86i W. l Bob's wife, said "You don't hoe and thump'. tita 11911 stili ring rite can Sr you icenpeedlifty-elget different kinds of stand at the bet and buy. openly as public address ; "irrarteauver tads,- la $t,127,22e477 went back to the people ',limit Work on S. 466.75; R. Itre'- bette0 %eluding -vodka. front Antall% those did in that government store in more wide open than ever before, and in profits. These profits are return- Cabe, work on S. K. $40; E. et That so_wen, ydwomr heard of and cabbage awe; my friend sone Wick. and make Mr go.A; and whisky from China end Japan, Vaneouvee. There vote not an inked- any night mays he seen cabarets- in ed pro ruts to.the rnunieiPalities from fore we were married„"' sob replied, ae elle then may know it`s time to give thot lisosseni. work on S. IL.117.50; Byron, alitalerman feeding •hait to a fish af- soil A (lobe of 111110. , . yrarl " Ht, $33•50. for he had eanght IV.' did' calr" ' - ' * Y In that Acre one afternoon I watched tided man or woman arhongst the which no liquor is said to be sad; but witenee they were beeen., Thus, the RUmtnerfn -the et:Mowers conic and go in a ate*. buyers thet day, and so no could in which fifty ner cent of the people city' of Vim -over sport tot auois, Wiitikr.Gralato* 'work on S• $34-- , A „raw wind blew from the liOrth drinikennees, but there WAII evidence halls Are a public scandal, with young- the year entries. Marcie al, togs, and jno. MCI -are, work on S. It, s$22./re be appointed -next month, se new post, Home" now; for that Matt& the,' eza ItlY stream, keening ex salesmen busy have been listed in the statistics, of show signs of intoeieetion. pance the trovorofttent stores for booze in to50;.*ToliteGrahstm, work on' $25'; Tbe Inspectornk General or Bae -to You 'seldom Rear the "Old Y011is lt; filet 'December day and, n cold rain a -plenty ,of the zaiserY and leant and girls sliePing from the trance hall.to received Decrees its allirre of the pro. T. ramie, .wiszle• on S. Mir g18.50; ,T4A,, will receive ;25,000 A year. seldom At horaes: ftromp****•• • • r One Week Only, Starting on Saturday, August 30th ..„ Just three years ago we started in business .in (kw present stand (West Side of the Square) anal to nivk that event we announce our Third Big Anniversary Sale for One Week Only, starting Saturday,. August '3446, and coining to -a close oa•Saturday, *ft 6th. - . , . • - To show our appreciation of the patronage accorded tiq d ark' tg the peat three Yearq 'Irk are ogering, par- excelrent merchandise at remarkably low fignines, fa the L,adies' end *en'a Wear, In the past VS''e have gained for ourselves satified customers -the kind of customer* we hot* to, large in the future:. There %ill be berg -eins for each and di if our custamm,s dining this big sale. Come One I Come All ! A cordial invitation is extended to everyone to come 'into our stare et any tinte Us look °ter t he real bargains just N!,:aitiuLgi:ta be sitaPped...tp )1).3- the:wide-am, ake buyer. Watch for our window disiday; not all the bargains are advertised hoe. t LADIES FALL AND wavrea coxrs. LADIES' PAU. SUITS Lovely Canton, Crepe Dresses in az r FACIORY COTTON BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR -Ladies' and Misses' Velour Coats with n 1 rtotine and PoirtttTwill itlk and large variety of the. latea styles and col- ce ray, black, navyuti- per yard 'lard- wide *regular 22. Anniversary save e Special Anniversary prices.- jade fur citlhos lined throughout. Special. An „ „ $1.740; paw $25.0a Brown shades. Awalsersary Price , n ‘e . ry .... . „ ....I. , ' ... 413.96 i . rrt -late Ladies'. all wool Velour Coats, latest styles, in all thepopular shades with fur ' Itt4 collars and cuffs, lined. roughout and in- terlined."`Anniversary S. le price .. $15.50 -- -Smart -and--estreinely _warML made lam durable MI wool thick coating lined throughout with nice striped lining 'and interlined -throughout. Anniversu _ Sale Price . * ...... • * • • • .417.w For the stout woman nothing is More becoming than a marvelia coat made from a cloth with deep diagonal silky pile and very soft finish. Crepe lined and interlined throughout. Plain -self trimined, or with fur and cuffs, vf sable, titch .or Opossum. SpeciaeOricer for Anniversary Sale. , • Some.thing distinctly new for ladies and Misses is the Crushed Plush Coat made from a Fabric of beautiful quality - having MU& 'the aptrearance of Pollan' Iamb, made in the fashionable wrapp. style the only trimming is the fluffy loug haired Thibet collars and cuffs, at Spisztil Anniversary price. LADIES' HATS *wild Faropening ka ant MR - Newry Daatativaset osookluiction ve4lio sir A . Sein. Mk in sifits paptiar Yew impodiou learagatt, 111111.11 I 111111111I I I 1 I III II 1 III I I II Tielaphous 418 foilt Side Swum •CINGHAPAS BY "IIIE YARD Anderson's gingharns-3-2 wkle Pan- niversary Sale 33e ard. - English gingham 32 in. . Ripplette -,28 in.. wide for . .22e yd. " Blue Bird'and figured kimono crepe, Anniversaey price , Ladies night tows in pink and Irbite with lace and ribbon. Trimming reg. $1.65 for $145 and $1.45 for $1.19. TABLE DAMASK Nice floral designs in bleached table Damask two yards wide. Regular* priee $2.00 per 2,11. Anniversary Sale . 41-59 ....Unbleached, inAriniversary price $1.00yd. CHILDREN'S COATS Suitable . for fall and winter wear plain self trimmed or with fur colars and cult& at Special Anniversary price. A new shipment. Ile sure an see diem. . Ladies Art Silk Hose. reg 7$c for 49C Black and white Oxford shirting An- niersary Sale price 33a yak. Shurwear silk t vd wide Black Navy and White reg. $1.115pa. Special Anniter. sary Sale Price $1.25 LAD03* MEMO We have a few Normandy %tile dres.ses nicely trimmed with lace and rib. bon which we are offering at * remarkab- ly low Anniversary Sate price. Regular $10.001 reduced to *446 t. assammemee===le., 110 PI O11•1111•1111 $13.95 to $19-06 BATH TOWELS. In assorted sizes heavy and lylitt . - Serge 'Drmes. In attractive styles:- v;eiehte. English makes rust arrivell ' Special prices for anniversary sale. , Poiret and Tricotine dress. . PRINTS a All size iirtwo piemshirt and drzwo. ers. Anniverasry sale 59c a varment ox $1.15 a suit BALBRIGGAN CONIBINMONS All size S in short, sleeves and Ion legs and short sleeves .and short legs. An- niversary sale; ..... $1.19 1 Irs:,.,sicsitTs,. i,_,_ . . , . .__ ..spe.. Wihoite.zir:14d...Nuev Is.ittc.ipie. 1,13._ 2inta. via* - ..„ . in Etatp!izsetysieinsmpeeelal comb. .Anunnixeerrtryar ----.- .- _ _ . -. •• • • - Navy tt.u,d, Ewa serge, pleated An- • • ' ' -;.--- , , -sale' per larmeilt ------;4-.- ---------„- Ilk-- . siversary, Price ......,......: ..4-$24.44h . CHINTZ - . . • in alt the new patterns light and dllrk. Special Annive rsary.g So yi reti.30. : • Ladies skirts itt Flannel wool. crepe pleated .with Camisole top. Anniver;•itry PfiCe • • • LADIES' ILISE DRESSES A 42.95 • In Blue Chambray and yellow Bunga- low aprons. Special for Anniversary.uSt CHiliiiiEWS DRESSES ire Navy Serge, Braid and Embroidery trintrited special Anniversary Price .33.50 • SLEEVELESS SWEATERS - Silk and Wool Regular WO. Aug- versary Price .1 • . 42.95 Flannel Jackets. regular 33.95Aniti- versary Price TOWELLING . - Irish *11 linen towelling, with red border,17 tri. wide. regular 23. and 30c Anniversary- price 23. per yard. . • won TABLE amain 'First quality t 1-4 yds *Me, regular 10. Anniversari-illo yd. ORNFI FLANNELETIV SLANICEIS Large siztr1-4 reg. $3.50 for $IM. • Small sit 1-4 reg. $2.50 fot$2.20. MEN'S SHIRTS • Assorts patterns and sizes, tn'men ',s trip shirts. reg. $1.75 for 9se , White Sport`Shirts, rep $1.50 Arni- versary pre.*Se - Silk Noadcloth, reg. $4.50 for $2.95 • • MEN'S WORK SHIRTS , Best quality khaki shirts, III sizes, reg price $1.40. Anniverasry price $1.19. Chambray Mack and white stripe An. niversary prke sse mops WORK Sodle drev work socks, Anniversary sate 4 pr. for. Men's black and brown cotton socks. Special Anniversary sale tile pr. And 1.1 I I 11.1 I" MEN'S TIES • Arpin colors. and:. patterns snappy ties Anniversary Sale 75c and $1.40 for 49c BOYS' BALORIGCAN comaelAvicosts Sizes 2,1---.32'Special Ar.aiversary Sale per garment. • .... 79., BOYS. sum • " Special prices far Anniversary Sale from ... .$6.50 cp. mum mix SULTS - Fat' men and young men. Navy Bine and Grey Serge suits. Guaranteed ail el • Indigo dye. Reg. price $37.50 for 326.00. . Fancy strip models' for young Anniversary price 32740, mars ovEauu Blue and white stripe and ri:aitz khaki reg. 31.56 Anniversary price $1.49,, smocks to match. 4'11 lo 0„0114: r CH fl • I