The Goderich Star, 1924-08-28, Page 5•51111=11,••••••111it 1 • „�._ n , R. AUGUST Srli„ IOW it 11 1 01. ,iILII 1.11. Keep Yostr Vacation with a KODAK Whether a week in the woods or*day at the shore, a Kodak 'is an essential part of your equipment. At our counter you'll tied thei Kodak you need ; also s. complete line of,aeoessofies and "the depeadable fillet in the yellow box." rA Kodaks $6.70 ntp Brownie Colima* a* - - $2.05 up 7iaaiflxe Plenty of Kodak Film- CAMPBELL'S DRUG STARE THE GO NERICM STAR ... ._ AMONG THE CHURCHES r Claw* sank* will be hemi et piek • 1 EXHIBm011 BUTTE' For the roost part the day was gist- ships ••••••••••••••Air mer fist. tioaducted by l,iest, Ion, also a comet of remark Wt' talented , ships of school days. bat flea was la Batter mow* Lig wisest at 4 pan, P'eilr f >r Y artists sad a number or brief addres- ea o to the renewing of aid friend- t a s ssf• In Army Banes ps ou Stad.y at FairsAChurch t aox o : Sunday heal ▪ b t men • some but trot services wilt be conducted by the Isis- tor. Subject of sennow, 11 a ta. all f them former pupils u# S '+ do clew tows, ittalaHs aero L'teaatM^-• , e ur ...• . S. The Score t'trrst-•ices! Cr Cool , "The 1110640 Gift and the Flock: p One of the features of the concert Waring ... Have Neat ne., "The of Ttcst:' minder was the singing of Mrs. J. Geddes. of tote SelaaI at 3 P. at. East Wawanosh, whose rendering of Jaw, At the Vittoria Street Methodist p " realty e! the e3+t.tatise favveri#va tCoetrtbuted ire Ontario reseerteeme 4i s'h'ank nest SondaY the pastor Milt be I braeght testes to the eyes of the alt- wgrscuttYie. Tartrate.). assisted be the services by Miss cora ; Mrs. Joist, Solos were Aso given by During the next fw weeks t o rip *situ; mlF`ionary from Mrs. Joynt. b£ Iucknuv.; Harvey Mc- lairs will be on all over the 1p,0rtriea, Wax. ��� at 11 and 7. Sun. Gee, of Auburn, and Stanley Sibthope This taeaas that magi of the llooPle day Scholl at 10. A cordial Welcome stow raiding with Maitland Henry. Ion our tarsus will 1?e very busy lice' to all. but formerly of London, -ng---.1 paring their exhibits. 1 T landhe angled conference of the Huts r' All delighted the audience. The ace I Butter ler oil* of the many things' on ij'tos'byteritel will be held in Cacen �,� cotrpanists were Mrs. P. Ferguson, that will require attesting, because church Exeter, ort Tuesday, tieptem- of Hayfield, and Mrs. John Geddes, of ' erect' buttermsker wants tonaaka a ber Ws. 'Mere ,will be a morning end 1, R Kitchener. creditable showing. afternoon sesabn. The meeting,' On the grounds were Finlay And- • Clew Cows, lttahlee andKltosta-t' ,which will leo somewhat in line with, scion, aged 86, of '.Fast Wawanosh, Have the stables, cows and all the diamond anniversary of the Gen.' one of the- oldest residents of the die- utemalia clown, and dQ not feed the eral Society hold recently in bion• E trict, and David Beecroft, of New cows anything that might sera sit will be old r sed by some of • ; York City, a former pupil of the undesirable Savor to the butter. The trial' past 3dien of the Meese t d e will pay particular ettenttgs to the pa pros s Sultsfor 0;a11. Our fall stock of Prince Clothing for boys is in. Any bus would lie prim l to wear a "Prince' Suit, full of style, all wool clothe and the beet %allot• T1 %Jj s UR t13.so ell hose' clothing. Priem +/1.v'v All Wool Mme's Coat Siwoaters, $2.95 You never bewr.i of such a thiag befowt, did you? Think of it 0 tine all wool Caat Hweii4* in the popular fawn and grey �*+¢- shades. Alit a splendid Coat. Special price A Guaranteed Hat at $3.5O . The "1IORTON.. s tine f i felt Hat, mule makers the use by the a fq.P.C� Brook hat. game dye ass isms' in the Brook bat and to colors guaranteed. Alt popular shades SON C. PRIDHAM & jug N AND BOYS' MAR Music during the afternoon was the Savor, end.11441 Sires 46 oat of Presbyterial, In the new otters next to Bask of Montreal GODERiCH the 100 points on the score card. 1 • Provided by the Blyth brass band, Churn the cream sweet, or with GODER,iCH MARKETS 3ogeiff 0�g - 0 11111li� ._ ;and in the evening the- -Lueknow Or- low aeldtty sa that is what is wanted wheat, per welt, ....$ 1.tP,'t to $ 1.10 ...._....-,.-- �--. chestza rovided music, fora nee, • which was held on a door about 80 Keep the cream coo t ess, pe length, ted ' the1 18 h to bring P da by scat judges. �___.. Exh,ibYteon Olds, per bush 45 to 50 1 and churn et r busk 1.40 to 1.50 feet in ecce on awn. a temperature w moult iBadley, per bush.... , 65 to 70 During the afternoon there were a the butter in• nice, firm granules is it Family `dour, per cwt. 4.00 c,� 4.00 number' of impromptu ' baseball from twenty to twenty -live minutes. . games, and following the fine supper A lot of butter shown at our rural Patent flour, per cwt 4.25 to 1.35 i t- Bran r ton 25.00to 20.00 Eastman Kodaks and Filers on the lawn a wonderful display of fairs is made from cream insufac ea pe 27.00 to 28,00 fireworks was given in the valley*' in ly cooled, and is churned at too high Shorts, per ton PHONE 90 The Squatty GODEIICH front of the Itouae;about 9,30 o'clock, a temperature. Betutuse of titta the Dir,, per ton 10.00 to 12.00 Elliott Richmond, of St. Jacobs, I body Is weak and the color pale, or. clogs, per cwt • to f t th r If the wait is unevenly dietrtbuted, 'Cattle, ordinary, per 0.2500 to n,00noweeowreeseewseuresaseemorewroMeetweee OP i who attended, the was mss r o ceremonies a e e- union, which is likely to become a the butter will streaks".• cwt 5.00 to 5.50 permanent institution in connection rotate oa t!<e 8"" chic 1. Cattle, export........ 6.00 ..o 7.00 the Jong avenge from the road was v�ith S. S. Nor 8, Fast Wawawnosh. All of these Wags are eonsidered Cattle, choice, per cart. 5.00 to 0.004 reunion, rho at ofitskindin ' s THELOWER 0 REUNION S S NO 8 a pcdtuthe h tcwill long Abe remember by the judge, as la shown by the Lambs,, per cwt....... ,0.00 to 12.00 EAST WAWANOSH ed by the hundreds tend r SHOW more card. which reed as follows: Hides. per ib 04 to 04 Tlawor . 41 drat t ' the Dairy butter, per lb.. .30 to SO 7r.:tar......., , SS Eggs, Per doz '" "' . '26 to • ^2r, I Winners of the Star Prizes -for Gla- Teeerparatioa er moleturse infer ..sail- . • se New potatoes, per bush '1,25 to 1.25 Seddon:No. $.'$stat Wawanoah, which There were nearly 4,000 in attend- diotns-JudRing,of Garden P1ot4 of east ....�Y .,��.,.....•, a� was lkeld on Wednesday, . August hear at -the -reunion and for several Gladiolus Deferred to Next Week • Packirt: o Mrs. ane'Bone , t d d • t the scene • Y A •velor picturesque event swan 'the district reunion of former pupils of School 27th, sit the home f J hears tthe roads ea ing o' oe lot 36, raonseeisiatt;g• • of the gathering carried a contig- The windows of the Stat office Tata1 f traffic. The attend- - , ems the Qnerm •Cool, el The were a mass of beautiful bloom, e.n= The i�one estate, 'one of •the ,moat muse :stream . o ra c. , Bance was not confined to those from It the weather is warm, the ice r beautiful homes in - Huron County, trancing in variety,'delicacy and rich- simply estimated, and the writer knot WEEK of Sept, 1st to Sap►. 6th d -• ydeleeorAted for the oe-;the imtnediate district, but. the caret=nese of color, on Friday and Saturday who pas - cold enough to lower the cream to casien and the view„ of the :home rup brought many from more distant of last week, and everyone the required +temperature, •it would ---- sed by stopped' to' examine proving be well to get a piece of lee to cool Mondi+v and Tnaulav that the love of the 'beautiful is a the "exhibition" •cream and the water POLA hiEGRI Wi universal passion. The wealth of used for washing the butter. bloom shown certainly indieates that This 'better will be Orin enough , CHARLES ueROCIIfE awl this is a good year for Rowers and the to stand Nu/Orient working, and it will Hl1NTLEY GORDON ow that Goderich have better 'body acid texture, Jul- in the intense dramatic **cites horticulturists are producing the- sins proved 'color and 'snore even digtri- «Shadows of Perles" button of the salt. S--Ii�oi Op -ening fine specimens show Rosy.? Good Serviceable Boots, in . est of dowers• lill�ad,k-and brown fro $.� 50 to $100 The special prizes Star in Bonn tion wilt i offered •by The About CAlostng. front ti • this exhibit• If it should be necessary .to add a brought out some very fine gladiolus few drops Of coloring to the; cream' Miner. . rand'iunning Shoes n m 'etition and ri- �be careful. not to add too much. Better have the u er p specimens ; competition P. butter ale than -to • zes+arere awarded ass follows the dud -t �Ist a ,-stffficient to say they are t"kssnre cured soles. •Jl,ytrao"o<,xucl, growing gills' PatentStrap - iidiiAan and Oxfords, from • Miner Brand and the Seg being, President Fell and Secre- Do not wait Until the morning of tart' Bowdeet of the Goderich fiord- . the fair to churn the cream. The but- - - cultural Society. • - ter will ate in 'better condition and Slippers, $` $5 00 Pest !single slake- 'Geo Leith- will score 'higher if it is made two or halve It 'highly Colored. '. GE's YOUR FOOTWEAR AT W. iJRN'S rIF11to_*- - 7" .10=0- -ofeza� . to ' • waits, first, with a Prince •of Wales ; three dant before 'ibis will give it J. W. MeeVicar, second; with .a Blue time to become t'set;" and the flavor Jay; of the butter and salt will be blended. Best three spikes: Geo. Leith, leave Neat Z'eckagei. Ntlrt6 Side waste - first his varieties being Crim- The packages must be as neat and J. W. MaeVitas; second, -with E.Use a 1301 or crock. that looks ne. eon (low.• Heley and Pink Perfection; . tidylas' It 38'po4'1We do• male "'there.', J. UaYe Shayler; Herader and Hubert vane. A' chipped, or cracked crock will e - ties• duce the score 'under the heading .of .01=0= In' the - bouquet of ten =pikes, un- ''packing: ' named,'the margin between first and When a person has made an effort second was very close and the judges, to make a. stood produet .he has a'• feeling o4 satisfaction even though he EARIN �i • , ,Most Attract ve I Isco pt Without respect for pr..titR_and little rdgai'cl`for cost ' • ,we are clearing away all tlie'summer merchandise: Dresses i In'Voile, •Ratine, Linen alta Ginghams, very special values, p ,1.95 to.4.50q. Stagier ,!Hats Every .Summer •}Iat in the store, -some as.hilh as $5,00 tell to ,clear at $ Logo Sweaters o 'Wool, and wool and silk, sleeve - 11 less, at 0 $2.00and .2'5 First .Grade Silk Mose Vey epe.ial' at ^ 59c ,.a0449c All the neweatabadea. (Blouses Irl broadcloth, crepe' de chine and Georgette, $1.75 to $3.95 0 0 L 0 took some time. ' to make their -deci- sion.. Afterthey had picked the bou- quet they considered the most perfect it was found again to '.ielong to btr. George ,•I.iaithwaite and Mr. 3. Juck eaxne.as•a close second: The first prize in each case was a year's subscription to The Goderich Star and the second ' a six months' subscription, .and as all the contest- ants are already receiving The Star 1 in the home we have taken pleasure in advancing the°date to which the subscriptions of the winners are paid I according to their success. Owing tb the lateness of -the season, o The Star has decided -to extend the U time for judging of garden plots. of 0 gladiolus and 'all entries received u;(. to Sept. 1st will,,be• considered in the contest. This contest is open .to growers in the Town of Goderich and the townships of Goderich, Colborne, Ashfield and West 'Wawanosh and the prizes are cash • prizes as follows: First, $2.50; second, }2d third, $1.50; fourth; $1. Send in your name, lot and concession, or street •address by does not win a prize.. There is al- ways this fact to bear in mind --the ,.nrlaes are fetus In `number but the competitors :are, often many. -delle Millar, O. A. College, 'Inept'. ' MERMAID COMEDY "Wedding Slsowers" Wednesday and Thursday - THOMAS MEIGHAN laid ' .LOIS- WILSON it Booth Tarkington's great boats *tor :`Pied Piper Malone" - SUNSHINE COMEDY "The 'Income Tax Collector," Friday and S turday • " BEBE DANIELS, JAMES RENNIE. and GEORGE'EAWCETT in a strong Sam Wood Production "His Children's Children" ' IMPERIAL COMEDY .'• "Why Pay Rent" ' FOC NEWS NO. 28 Matinees -Mon. and Sat. at "3.00' Wed. at 4.0 • Watch for "21," Goderich Industrial Sept. 3, 4,5 • • • Meuse of Lamp Jaw. Lump jaw is not a hereditary dis- ease, nor is it directly contagious or "catching." It.ta caused by the in- ♦asion of a punctured wound, lacers-•' `tion or .abrasion of the skin or mu- cous membrane lining the mouth by the •'ray fupgus" {actinomyces). The disease technically .1e termed- actino- mycosis, from the fungus dienttoned. In probably 'a majority of caves the: •disease is. caused; by the beards. or awns of °barley, rye, wheat or wild grasses,,, or the hulls of strawof grains, and possibly the stalks of fod- ders carrying the infective spores of the fungus into the tissues. •When pus flows from an affected tumor or _ abscess, cabsed by the fungus, It con- tainer canary -yellow, -gritty particles which contain spores, and these get- ting onto grass, grain, etc., in time reinfect animals' when wounds. occur, Sept. lat, and we will ail Lige to have For that reason- an animal that has a discharging actlno the judges visit .your, garden and mycotfc'sore or judge our gladiolus. abscess should not graze With, sound y cattle,-and--had-better be- kept -isolat- „ ..OBITUARY sed. „Ai some of the pus may .also get Into milk and contaminate i4 a cow McNEVIN.--One of the most genial affected with a discharging disease of Shen, one whose happy smilo will centre should not be used for milk long be remembered, by all who' knew Production. Itmaybe added that him, was Mr. Wm. J. McNevin, whose the meat of an affected animal is lit untimelydeath ;on Friday last as the for use it alaughterlpg Is•dorye,before ' a emaciation itecaused or pus forms and k 4� result of an accident some weeks•ago while the animal is otherwise In good ,q at the Western Canada Flour Mills health and eating well, The came is Uhies Ready-to.-Wearlos is mourned not only by those true of milk: But if the lun; has Y , nearest to him in family ties, but by. -become-an open -•!tore- miegersfieet;" m. coMp I Ese1ym,o who liacT tthe pre0£ 'nor.mllk of file affected aminal is fit. knowing him for to know him was'to know a friend. 4 oars GODElit1CH for human food. Mr. irirNevin was East Side SQ 'WOKE o :0=0ort` Born in the vicinity of Dungannon, a Grit for Helie. Come to Goderich Fall Fair Sept. 3-4-5 3 Big Dollar Days at M. ROBINS If you value your dollar, watch our windows for real savings on Men's and Boy's Clothing Boots and a ShOes Erindliig Raked Come gild SteRefire Baying M. Robins • son of the late Mr. Donald MeNevin. Remember that the , grit 1n the s, -.' For the pas% twenty-five years he had fowl's gizzard fulfllla the same func- been• a resident of Goderich, coming - tion that teeth do for anneals and here, after some years in Zurich and Human beings. Unlike teeth, bow - Exeter, to take a position .in the Big ever, sand soon wears smooth with Mill. - Mill. He was closely interested in constant friction and becomes un - the work of Knox churc?t, and for the serviceable. Consequently the fowl's past seven or eight years had been an atop must be replenished frequenter elder of'that church. Mr. MeNevin .with fresh grit. In warns weather was a Past Master of Maitland Lodge, fowls. secure a sufficient supply of No. 33, A., F. and A. Ids, end was also •�ali:dtng material from the ordinary a member until recently of the Cana- range lot. For this reason we are dian Order of Foreilferb,, IIs is sur- abs to be n little negligent r pro-. vived bytwo daughters; Sire. A.•il, riding the necessary grit under deg. r'n conditions when It is most needed. roz- Horde, of Wolsely, Sask., and biro. It la essential that real sand or gravel Reg. Tye, of Colborne. His son, be furnished. for while oyster shells Capt: Gordon MeNevin, died some • and like substances art splendid seven jreers ago after returning from sources co � !fine, necessary for egg , the war.e He was married twice and produetlo and the building of bone, - hia' widow survives,' also a brother, they do not servo the •purpose of Mr, Donald aMeNevin, in town, And a grinding .the teed. }tinter. Mrs. Fowler, of Dungannon. � sus! _. - ss,.- _'._.... __.___ The funeral took place on Sunday *1' out of town were Mr. and Moss Reg iternoon and was ono of the most Tye and Mrs. John McNevin, London; :largely attended tuners;a in Goderich 1 Messrs. Edward and George Appel. 1for some time. •. The services were New Hamburg; and ]litre, Gordon Me. conducted by the pastor 01 KnoxNevin and daughter, from 'Toronto. church, Rev. R. e. McDermid, assisted ' Beautiful floral tributes from many ' by Rev. Dr. McTavish, acting pastor • friends and from the mill and ' staff during Mf IldeDermid's vacation, and and the organizations to which he be - by Rev. Mr. Holmes, pastor of North longed bore testimony to the genuine street Methodist ' chortle. Maitland esteem and Twain which the deeeated $ odge, No. 33, and the Rig Mill staff was Ilekl, Hee woe 58 years of age, attended the funeral in bodies and the Interment was made in Maitland ces:: pall -bearers were Messrs. S. W. Tay etery. Ior. J. J. McEwen, H. J. A. MacEwen, i . 11. H. Lauder,'G. MacVicar and R. J. Chic! reu Orr McCaw. In addition to nieces and- nephews from Dungannon, among , ' Llioete p><te cit fele the ftmetal from, ' .O.I , I APIA t JAME. HARD World's Famous Aerial ^ Artist, and only living "Hero of Niagara Falls," will give exhibitionsafternoon' and even- ing bele re the grandstand. Showing ew Fa1' Good s -HIIS FALL 'T : S FAIR WEEK and the opening season for fall and winter • wear. Do not fail to ° x see our showing of fall goods this week. FALL and WINTER COATS We i;ovl have a splendid range. of +vin�ti „eta iii i iii i t.tu::e nt Si/t' 1)ur i ora•. 'IR made of the finest cloths, they are all int:rliiatd ,aid t.i iritc?t lilac!; firft; n, (;~e . and l=awn. We have exceptionally low price, t „ . ' coats ane also on the Teddy Bear Coats. 'fhe,y are everyons jel..- .-.. wt ' -u (in • d FLANNEL DRESS GOODS We now have a complete shock of thz hest ° es. Our flannels are full 54 inches,wide and we Lai: vive FANCY WOOL CREPES tl,u;at'1 t•,r tall tlrC ,,nYl till Ill in an:: ',tide. These are just the thing for the comit4 seas,,.t, ir,+tn til, ht•,t wti,,ht • of wool crepe for dresses and the color coin liinatit,n, .ir: hexititttl. \i,. hug. •tht',,e' in it;.l - vjdual dress lengths -only. BRUSHED WOOL SWEATERS These are in plain colors of Grey Or Fa wn and a, `,, iii t � 1t, c't �rtii'iluttie,n .. au�tt' i", grey trimmed with peacock, blue or sand' trimmed wit., i r.,..,r. il;:...trc+.all tirade tit • +'t brushed wool and are. very low pticed.. They are just the tilim tot l+011 tall 11 .1 ■ SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY TOWELS • 'rhea! ' are a snow-white terry towel trimmed with rose, bibs, primrose or Sold borders. They are an exceptional offer at 5S cents each..,, ' +„ East Side , of Square he S. A, . _/ ,1 ILK HOSE, 11011't i°I.t'. •:i 1,t sew pelf , rtt these hose at t c ,l° :tat R. Pure silk bine in all colnr�s_ N� qui::�t1.71�5, 1') $2.25 tin hrl- day and Satyr:.t.s , $i:45 r tit. 9GRAYCO. P56°