The Goderich Star, 1924-08-28, Page 3Tree AUGTJI? lMiw, 1d4. . !AL sna 'youINICIALIF - Sea G. 7M[. Whit*, 40 Bente/el leis., R. 0, eiriYs;--"`I here *f all *ay Up, from aiek h aitteltlee. Meld of mhos attend tete to mho Beeteek Bleed Deems whish I did, epee .1i'mese ems tee* I Kaes mew sat - fired flrc* b edachen settee taking it. I met give R,1lt R. al the ersdit for wbet it has isrle for ttae,:r Burdock Blood Bitters has hese opt the at� for tate 45 years, sad d time !►ati amanfaebtired only bIy The T. Co., Ltd.. Tomato, Oat. oattfoPA1H DR. A..14 mar, ostiopettee Physician. Graduate Dee Moines Stilt Col or Oataopelhy, Liaeentiate Iowa end Kt limn ueowommen and children. Conaulton afir ee. �carslo Neifir. U�'A1 g01_orm T.wadiy fe lar. ##Ii iIOO ileeaall at tea. Opiccwarr. DR. F. I. Il, FORSTER. EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT. ' Late Rouse Surgeon New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Ho.Dltal, mamma et wore. aeld's Eye ! Hosppital cent Golden ever. Throat Hospital. Condone IS waterloo at. 5.. btrntrorrl. Tea- lthe W. At Redford Hotel, Goderich., from' Mintiest, Sept. pith; at 7 p. ,m., to • Tuesday; Sept. 16th, at' 1 p. m. ?MUM' P a ss4 •Etc. • UM. EAII,IS:' • T NOTARY .panic Oeitecat Couveraactn5 dent, Goad Comuanfee Represented Phone Ito. f111.' Goderich, Ont, LEGAL Cabe CiIAS. egeOIR, "'rentr`eUclto notary Runge aneonveysneer office.: Court Ronee...0oderlea. J NVRYANCINO AND NOTARY OiOn yevsatette Anel not nem Con iDRepeeooT, YILLORAN & n04MEL, s.1. sirrtatera. 8011Cltore, Notaries r 0. OItca-On eht, square.' Intl +leer-.ttrotO 'mitilton street. Goderico. . Private tunas to loan at lowest "roes. PRW L. gua.olete, 'DDUD..EY noiete3, sur, . . A. CLUFF, B. A. Barrister and Notary Public • • North Street,' Goderich Phone 411.. a.. •,'�„ _-_-AUCTIONEERING frilONTAS GUNDRY. • Live Stock and Cenral 'Aucttcaeer,. Hammon street. 4oderlch. Wee made everywhere and all .Norte 'Dade 10 five you setlitactlon. • raimera sale notes dfzcounted. I:NSURANt• cKILLOP MUTUAL II'Lllt INSURANCE CO. 'Infra sed Isolated Tawe Properly tasured. Valve ot: property insured up to. January,. - sato sa ois,0077LS..0000 FI . MS -James Conon'', Preitdent, doOd leh ; /as, Evans, VlCe-8realdetn, besntvMaod t 3: E. Hays,- Sec.-Treae., nos- innn.. ire r,�o A. Grieve. nthrop - Wiai.Pttrin.Coo' - Mattce - Gems McCartney, Tuekersmlth Tenn Ferris. Oarlock ; John Beonea e". Broadhagan; Murray Gibson,'Bruce- field. At/EATS-1. W. Yeo, Goderich • 'Sandy Leitch, cannon.. Wm. ,,Cneaney, lgilSeai¢rfa',. _I s. actaey,` Searordt. I+ol!c Holders can pay thetr.asaeiametrel at R. H. Cult's Stare. Goderlch,'A. a. Mtor- rhtOrs Clothing ' Store. cueroR, or ' J. Q. 'ammo, hayfield!. FIRE INSURANCE Have it attended to by the ttEST WAWANOIH MUTUAL FIRE INIWI1ANCE CO ple 1878 Head Ofce: Dungannon. a a n n Ont m taATa! i IILNi11 ova' !'RR in/Nemo �MOI.LAR{ Jno. A. McKenzie, Kincardine, pres.; Harry L. Salkeld, R. R. No. 2, Goderich, vice pres.; directors ^Tim Griffin, R. R. No. 7, Lucknow; W., P. Reed, R. R. No. 2, Lucknow;_H.,L. Sa?keid, phone 600 r 11, Goderich; Alex. Nicholson, Lucknow; Wm. Wat- son; Jas, Girvin,R. R. No, 6, Gode- rich; Wm. J. Thompson, Auburn THOS. STOTHERS, T. G. ALLEN, Treas. Secretary. -1"�r s amiw N ood News ets Pkk�dFromOurExchanges Pease I3resaetlt. Merriest at Use was Mr. W. G. Medd, and Ile tilted tb. City !potation in a very capable taannrr, .A- former rsaid.neof titruseels in the agemeat'AuawutleM' person of *las Mary Nacelles, wTx Rev. and Mrs. J. Y.. Fa Irfttll. of motril.al to Names Noah A3ex�,ader Walkerton, formerly ee Chalon, an. Rebinnon eat JiliY Stk, in Mout Ctt7, l'1' nounce the engagement .of their only Unties.She had been a resident of daerltter. Lillian, to Dr. Arnold R. R. that city for about twenty years. l Richards, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Fi.wittg Match [ Rickards, Hyndford, Ont., the altar — _.. _..-__ -- Huron County Plowmen's Aseocia. rings to take place Sept. 17th. -ANOTHER wont RE400014 tion intend holding a plowiisg *Web 1 moth et fers. lit axetly Ciliate_ in Brussels locality next Octeb.r.lOn Tuesday morning of last week The ro-u-tloa of flue Webster' fan - The elm/mitt" en location days se* i Julia tenehan. widow of the late lie IIY, first of pioneers in tee vledality of cured fields on the farms of Jno. Work Donald A, Kennedy. pascal away idle I elektsow, which took place in that and Harvey Bryana, immediately her esti year. Deceased was barna in, village last summer, Proved so see north of the town. Waterloo and later with her family eessful that it Was weciu.d to Ittave' D'latthews-Lewey settled in Teeswater loeality. Siete *Wither this year. Th. gattterina° - Wednesday of lestweek was the was married in Clinton by Reve fere was ahold in the Caledonian Perk ext wedding day of Miss Hazel Lowry, a Stewart and resided there ever ante. Thursday: the 14 no asci was• popular young lady of Brussels, to Mrs. Kennedy passed away Ave Years attended by nearly, if not quite two Mr. E. H. Mattbewe, a merchant of ago. • hundred persona. Representatives of Forest, Presbyterian Aretiversary at I Reearaeltt the family were present from Torose Mr. -Wm: Haigh Teased Hotel at- The anniversary sarv:ces in St. An- to, London. Ingersoll, Seaforth. Ethel, Belfast, Nile, Stanley townabip, bet.ie, "Grand Valley drew's church, Bayfield, Ates- 17th, the main front Ashfield - tnwmship, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. le, HIyth, have gyne to Grand Valley, ivtle was crowded to capacity both "morn- and igreat•grandchilren of the canal, .i Ile Emigh has leased an hotel. They'e• ing of ronta ning.oen G. oat dian progenitors of ttte family are were accompanied by Mr. Emigh s fa. ing serpmons. anebed two loga.YAtnd . The musical part settled. ther, b4lr. J. G. Engle and sister, inspir Wes f the service also was of a high ar- The weather es that could, he 'VisaAo 11ie. desired, and a delightful da was der, the congregational singing was spent in semen ease sports, racial Boy Hidden in Grain Hurt By Binder especially hearty; At the morafng converse and the inevitable hotnetiltei The little 4-yeateold son of Mr, eerriee Dr.. Smith, of London, Pm"- repast. A substantial program of Christ.. Hechler, Stanley .. tp., was ed efficiently at the organ, aidfine we- rotes and tether athletic contents, hit by the binder hie father was drill- los were rendered by MissSilvester. many of them of a novel andhonor- ing recently and a bad gash which re. Detroit, and 'Mint Cu11is, Landon. Mra. ons.character, - bad been prepared, quired `'several stitehes to close was Ivey, London, , played a violin solo with an alluring array *1' prizes. The, inflicted.. The little boy vias sitting during the offertory in her •uulual fin- contenders were many end •-the wing} ' in the standing grain. lilted style and also supplied it violin ners.had to fight.th.ir way strenuous- 1Noitater Stnr%eon Captured at St. the e e the orgMissanist witssProf. Ann Geeo•af Torone to, and held yMr�.�,Albertt. At Jateph rry Me- derton. of London, and the soloists tan, of Belfast, Mr. E. S. Caswell, A monster sturgeon was caEptuued were Mrs. Barrows, London, and Miss of Toronto, an old and ,,ntimate friend by the fle ermen at St. Joseph recent- Mary R, Stewart, Bayfield, all of of the family, present by invitation, ly, measuring nearly, six feetin length whom -rendered most acceptable --as<-.- hated ae_etarter.- sir. Thomas and weighing 187 pounds, sistance hi the praise !service: A ape- Webster, of London, was *Mend man- s Afr(t. Fred Gales . i mese offering of $201) had been asked ager of e the athletic cbnveets. . - • A. personality closely aaeociesed for and the objective was not only,. _Before the company sat down to the with the life and hiettory.of Seafortlt reached ,but considerably surpassed, well-filled tabies.the prizes were dis- passed away on 'Tuesday, August 19,Altogether the services were most tributed by Mr, harry McGee. Brief ip thedeath of Elizabeth Jane Adams, en)oyable and were among the Most addresses followed, by Messrs. Thos. -wife of Mr: p'red Gales, aged 73 years, i successful held in the historeeorl the Webster, Harry McGee and E. S. Ca'is- Deceased was a daughter of the late church. . _ -- l well, in which eloquent tribute was Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Adams;"end- was Death of Father of Dr. Gartner., of, paid to the courage, enterprise, Indus born on lot 27, concession 1, McKillop, !Clinton try and sterling character of the for MrsnGales agent all her life in Sea' Rev: Joseph Gandier, a .. ` ,ran of bears in whose honor .tile gathering, forth,' having married' her now bereft the Presbyterian Ministry, who died was hell .It was decided to repeat husband about thirty-five years ago.. ori Saturday, Aug. 16th. in Newburgh, the reunion next year, a part of the During the past three years she sof was the father of Dr, J. C. Gandier, dry to' be devote to decoration of the feted from anaemia and since January of Clinton.. Rev. Dr. Alfred Gandier, graves • of the forefathers ' who. tie. she has. been confined to her bed: The pxingipal of Knox College 'and ex., -.slumbering beneath the mouldering late Mrs. Gales, while able, was a de- mpderator. of the General Assembly, turf of Greenhill cemetery vont and active member of St: Thom 'Two interesting and greatlyb • is another son, and Ernest, of New- i ' elov- as church and from the time of its or,, burg and another son practicing me ed members of the ;assemblage were genization, took much interest in the divine in the Maritime Provinces are Mrs. David Anderson,' aged 84, and Women's Auxiliary. One sister, Mrs. also sans.; Lady Falconer; wife of Miss Elizabeth Webster, aged 82, the f roux brothers, survive, Richard and Web- thera. president 1 Tho f oToronto. n a Un a sten family' that snly survivors tet ettled iinn Ashfield M mps N psi ee, Mies ttitlrrtship, and pits. Webster aged 83, . T, Adams, of Blyth; William, of , Lillith and Miss Annie, at home, art; Seaforth, and Thomas; of Saskatche- daulihtt'ra...< I . widow of the.. late Me Robert Web- .. :, .�. , ._- A iter, who aecotitpanit:C her husband Died in Blenheim Goderich Township Wedding Athen he with his. parents;: the. late , Elm 'Vila Farm Huron Road Code- The death occurred feenheini en + Daniel and Susan Webster, first cam Ir a u , s e Tuesday- et.. -last -v eek of-Gextrude- riieh townshipewas the scene of a vera to this --section,= - May` ndexsof 5 beloved wife of Mr, E. appy event on Wednesday everting. Daniel Webster • with his wife and of last week, when Miss. Marion ' and H. Vrooman, aged 38 years- and 'aline three •eldest sons, Jetties, Robert and i months. She was, a•dau¢hter of Mr.' Louise, `younger daughter of Mrs. Su- Thomas, left their hone in Tipperary t and Mrs. George•.Anderson, of Exeter: Wilfrid li ge eblecame the bride of Mi' County; Ireland, in 1837 and settled i l, e ,• _y, Of Clinton, The, du the site of the present village of ;were most =cement. The church where so many ee the graedehildren. i -1 e en ere e • riming rooiti, Norval id Fi'alton County. In 1,853 Two bf Zurich's pop jar young pea- which was banked with palms and his family, now grown to ten n g a ple were united in marriage at .the ferns, to' the strains of the tohengrin stalwart sons and . five + daughters, Evangelical. , parsonage, Zurich, . by wedding march, played by her sister, hearing of rich lauds . at reasonable Rev. J. ,e itt on Wednesday of last • Miss . Ella, and 'was given away by her Prices to be had in Huron ;. County he groom was Mr. Lee W. mother. She' wore' a beautiful gown made a prospecting tri» to this sec - Hoffman, and the bride was Miss of reside _ canton crepe; with grey ' tion. So well pleased was' he with Mary Agnes Lamont, daughter of .trimmings, a necklace of _Pearls, the what he saw and heard that he pure Mr, ••',Wm. Lamont, of the .'village, gife of the groom, and tarried a bou-. chased 400 acres of land, 200 of which They will. reside. in their fine tipenr quet of American beauty roses,' Rev. lay on The 12th concession and 200 on home on Mill .street. fR, .1. -ieCormttek,, of Richmond street what is now the God+ar.ch toad, but Fifteen YearQld Boy Run Over and church ,•. London; .officiated. , After a which then had not been' opened all Dies t sumptuous repast served in the dining the way through. A cart of the eat' A sad accident occurred at the room, which ma's tastefully decorated ter Portion is now wititif the north" home of Mr. Peter McDougall, a con- in pink and white designs, the happy westerly limits of the village' of and of Lucknow, where he returned . le of miles east of 131uevale about couple left on a motor and camping Lucknow. The writer has been told to take tip work in 1874. noon on Friday, August 15th, when trip. ' of The e bride's etdne travelling a beaded dress that Mr. Webster felled the first tree Ontario owes a great and fasting his 15•year-old y , ye old $on fell from a load grey hat with or °n the site of the village When he.debt to such men and women as these, of hay and wit; run over by the wheels •French blouse and carie a swamp and the original bush who left the,shores of Great Britain • of the loaded wagon. The young man range trimmings, • :covered the entire area.., Having S pr and Ireland o hew out for themselves was rushed to the Wingham hospital Death' of liter., E. G. Courticd hanged with a nearby settler to build homes in the Canedien forests. They but died before an operation could .be The death took„ place on Monday for /dm S fog shanty and to clear ten were men, as the speakers lightly i performed. • afternoon of Mrs, E. G. bourtiee, acres of'land. Mr.. Webster returned said,"of enterprise, courage and char - Miss McPhail at Hensel ' Clinton, following an attack of heart home to bringun his family. Coin- aster, ready and willing to give them - A meeting iti the interests of social trouble and • pneumonia. Mrs. Cour-ing by way of Goderich, they "forded selves to unremitting telt, and often t'the M ' service work was held i theice was the eldest daughter of the aitlard in the shallows followed , severe privations, in order that their hall; Hensall, on Tuesday evening. late -lieu. William and Mrs. Wade and the toad north to the Belfast corners, children might enjoy liberty and prop There was a good attendance, the hell was born in Clarke township, Durham then turned westward to came north perity in thio new land. To them and being nearly filled. The addresses county, in 1855. Her father waa'pas- by,the• first ` aide -line, past the . Back their sturdy sonsWC'owe in great part high toe f theMbl - Christian , efts settlement, W i o smiling plenty, with ':""'...w.,l�wnw+wur �w.a,w.l•I,.a��aa�l.,�,�1 .II,I�.�., I.IIIIIUI,I.�I..l�.I•„ ....I II.^II.w1oum.,l -- - ,�I.li PAC* TERU Celebrate Our Fit ► .B�� With 13* By Real Saving on Your p eri THIS is Fifth Anniversary Week in. DOMINION STt k . 'art! AV Shalt years we have built up the l4rrgsst ,Grocery irganilettthisa in the Dominion. To do this it is only natural for us wield proud ptI tat fact that to win the friendship and steady patronage of so may. ti hou rt'twiifste. out' policy trust be sound, our efforts to serve, satisfying. Qur policy of buying-. only the best which one hag den* � pa en- ables unto buy at lower costa: Our policy of robing saving allele to the buying public, Our policy of demanding quick turnover*, aeanallst* frith Socia► in aur, stares at all times. Of guaranteeing corgpiei*satisfactioat by our money back guar- antee, 'All are sound, sensible and appreciat a di. and these policies. carried out to the .letter by everyone in the Organization, on tbt.n* bind, atoll a friendly and continued reponse -to theta on the pact of the thousands of QUO patrons, on the other. has enabled us to grow to such proportions today, and of egsi& growth we hope, in the hut five years. . To celebrate we art offering exceptional grocery value* at all stores. JEFFRESS. OLIVE BUTTER 19c SPECIAL BLEND COFFEE 7 .....49c - y - HAWES FLOOR WAX _ .45c RICHMELLO__COFFEE 15C w - , & 33c RZCHMELLQ COCOA- 2 1c & I1c KING'S PLATE`SARDINES 25c C O KET, ?HU? _2'5c 2 for RITEG. F» i1i G. SOAP 10 bars ..iok.: • CHIPSO EAGLE MILK ST,. CHARLES MILK 2. for ST. CHARLES M1LK 3, for . _ FRY'S COCOA 90c & $1.60 _63c 9�c & 23c. 21c _ .25c - .19c 24c & 15c • FRY'S CHOCOLATE BARS ` 4 -IN -I Ot POLISH1I S .I 4C. • for - BLACK KNIGHT STOVE : POLISH . •It 110 _ 14c McLAREWS JELLY POWDERS 3 for ., - w VICTORY PICKLES, SWEAT MIXED - VICTORY PICKLES, SWEET MUSTARD - VICTORY PICKLES, . SOUR MIXED - - VICTORY PICKLES, CHOW » VICTORY PICKLES, WHITE ONIONS - SHIRRIFF'S MARMALADE 4 -lb. H Rb IF,^'S MARlj¢ALADE w2%C SHIRRIFF'S JELLY .POWDERS 3 for . - -'.• C WFLOUR ATIN .$1.02,' & AMC i'ATERSt N'S q �j�r n pp�� �'i BISCUIT 29C, 35c, 39C x 1( C • .5a0c F 40c •50c OLD CITYgLor w , M 7 V BRR,I,II '1 BEANS ° ; 'Ita ,63c 7 $G8 c, c c WAX PAPER •SAI "dON �C ' FRAY BENT03" for .. 0d`. - 35C & . eC CORNED BEi 27&07c MAYFIELD BRAND DOMINION BAKING. ie POTTED MEATS! I3.�COI+i, I,a..•. -�F PJWDICR �..- ,.ia7C 3 for • . . . _25C St1C:f 1i1►CC1i+T 15.Oz. RAISINS tlC. ME13A.TPSOTTET) . ,. L. C ,NEW CHEF:..: - , 4 2 for - . s » Y 2 D. L. SALAD s BULK RAI;i tNS DRESSING....Ile'l,� - - - 2J�C +7 lbtt, `. , » ' •. � C•, ee„ tFT CHEESE ,...- , PA13?w �' T:i "� IIlL,tK RAISINS e� �G `n ` $ . f• "C- ib, a a » . .,35C 225.1:2 Vb. baa , ,.,�L.9� s RIIHP$ s .., No..1 LAIeD Cftq`iri:l `S`ZALERS - - •lac = _ -- •6►yet trot., "1.25.$1.35&SIAS . lie PAROWng • SAFDINnS, 4 Cox.2J 4' . - - . `� BRUNSWICK Na 3 SFORTENING c - - . 2 for tr LOBSTER 5tr PI�IrIC I?aV.`:S CI'RTO ' • oe,ye peA Lee& b. . -- - .n24c r, - COT7AGt: 1?OLL3' •9$,c iw�iiBE t RINGS OLiktJ,i » •��C lb, 3 Doz. for r"ii g L va`, ;MD ZI 2 for 25C, aeuC-a 19t - jot, 53C. NC RING VEAL i.GAi? lily _ 19C-,:LNCED _21C P. G. PUDDINGS �j rttd, t�+. 2 far • EOXLb'D D1taikse- '. (+r�C 'SIiF� DD}rJ ''"IEAT •. PEANUT BUTTIi:Ry C . M a _ _25C, 26c .25c . .25c DOMINION - 25c toe- MATCHES 3 for o .23c , L SOW" .15c OLIVES _3 I� r �t lb -0s,. %VES .30C EULK COCOA BEE BR ND CHLO. . - y ltri..for .25c RIDS of LIME, 2 for 25c M 35, CENTRAL _ .. _- were /of a rg order and were both o i e ristian church a girls came in the farms f it T instructive and inspiring. Mr. N. W. Clinton, prior to the union. Later, a light. wagon,. said Mrs. Anderson, their, substantial homes and the • • .Trewarthe, M. L. A, in speaking, on after Mr. Wade's retirement,. they re- one of us holding Susan, the baby, est thriving towns and cities which mak , 4 `Citizenship" spoke of the work and sided in Clinton. Forty-four years her knee." Daniel Webster and his of Ontario the prosperous, beautiful tbe-reforming influences of -site Chal- ago,Mrr. Courtice was married to her sons set to work to clear their acre province that it it. It is eminently dren's Shelter, the Juvenile Court and now bereaved husband end for the • ages and were soon followed by four'' fitting that their descendants should he Prison Farm.. Miss McPhail, M. past thirty years she had been a rest- of Mr. Webster's cousins from Ire- hold them in high honor. Other fain. P., spoke of the social'aspeet of milt- ; dent of Clinton. She was a member land, James, Thomas, John and Dan= flies would do 'well; as some indeed arism. Militarism is the chief cause of . Ontario street, Methodist church lel whose deseendal;ts were joined I are doing, to hold reunions such as t.: the Asada' unrest. today. -Ninety- and was very._acive in all depart- with his in Thursday's_celebration.' thas'_of tour good friends and neigh - even p. c. of the debt of the nations megts of church work, especially do Lt is understood that the progeny of bore, the Webster& of the world is caused by wax, past, the Women's Missionary 'Society. She the fine original couples now number _ _. ._ , present and future. Renter. E. Clya- ,zas---president of the W. M. S. for at least five hundred, scattered over I W ale spoke of the present temperance years •and honorary president until. Ontario, the West and the United ituation and, stated that there was her . decease. She is survived bye her States. Ilegan'b system of • Touch, not the evidence 'of Drunkenness in husband, two daughters, Hattie and The Webster families were among• Typewriting is taught the land today that there was 20 Sybil, ai' home, and one son, Deanof the first and most active supporters; exclusively in this ears ago. Mrs. Edwards, of Koma-1the staff 'of the Hamilton Technical of Methodism in Northern Ashfield, . - disttiet by the ka, spoke very briefly. tut the hour was School. Ml were with her when the and among the first of the circuit late. The chairman of the evening end came. Miss Sybil who is con- riders to minister to the settlement School of, Commerce . netted with the missionary work of was the late Rev.' James_ Caswell, the Methodist church in Japan, hale who came to the. Goderich circuit in . CLINTON, ONT. been home' ort furlough during lire 1859 and- had as outlying appoint - STRATFORD. ONT. prepares young men and yqung t 'women- for- Business, whicheis-now -o Canada's greatest profession. -s We assist graduates to positions and they have a practical train- ing which enables them to meet d with success. Students are re- s gistered eaeh week. Get our free catalogue and learn something a- bout our different departments. - y D. A: McLACFILAN,. PrincipaL .. routieo Bros: .. GODERiCHs The Leading furore' Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at 'a11 hours nighII or day. E. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and Embalmer Goderich, Ontario All calls promptly attended to delay or nigh. moos: s: Store Ilea; House SSW past year: one sister, sirs. J. ee. menta of his expansive charge the You cannot attend a better Tiplady, rof' the hese line, just north small log churches at Hackett's nilrl school so why not register now M of Clinton, and three brothers, Wil- at Zion, on the 12th concession. His " far ti"" NI ' term, School After a trillf'yy e• .T lien L. Wade, of Fort William; Ralph name is held in fragrant' memory by , reopen; Tttesf'lay, Sept. 2, 1924 IL Wade, of Barnard, S. Dakota, and the older people, of theaecontmunities John Wade, of Minton, also survive. - i -'Fo i*e? Exeter Girl Weds ` ( , l" Ira are loorgesHsating confection you can buy —and trs fit d i* elendrer a 1111,lor the 111141111" 1 stere 1111401210 Vis. Miss Janet Irene, . only daughter of , the late Mr.. John Muir and Mrs:' Muir formerly of Exeter, was united in marriage Aug, 12th, at Strathroy ' to Mt: Basil Harold Kennelly, of Strathroy: Death of Mr. James Callingwood The, Oath took place tri Hamilton on Monday of last week of Mr. James Clollin*iaood, after an illness of three weeks following a sunstroke, On a particularly warm, day he had ors - /don to work°itt the sun for the whole day, after being used to indoor work and was taken ill immediately after.' wards and during the past two weeks i he was in an unconscious condition.i His father and mother are Mr. and Mrs. Vint. Collingwood, of Exeter, and • Thomas and Ernest, of Exeter. and j John, of. Port Hr eln..ttgre,,..bretllecs.e_ and Mrs. 'liarid Kirk, Exeter. and klra- Chris Wein, of Stephen, slater', COO. What more nofe1 dish for your Chile Mas dinner? Or say *Ow *tactor trot. Paattrg It op now,, whil• hs*ma �rtlflareeme WNW itttLMIcawMM.aI1NIR if aUewa+t bier, aF cour st".:i . Stenographic Ct!mmercial Seel eta) ial Special Coure.s For Information apply to - B. Ice'. WAIU), B.A., ttf*wiest U. A. sToNE, coin. Specialist rice Principal Phone 191 aEoic(�aldersuiys (Y)O)NL1G(T Ci)CtLOS;. - "Fluffy..tarshmai loafs that melt in your mouth A. E. Colborne Sunset Hotel ,H. C. Dunlop -S. C. Wilson • A SAFE AND SUIS' REMEDY FOR ALING CHILDREN kwith This t Uses Less Fuel Save money by:using VP Enatsi- eled- Ware cooking vessels. They use - less fuel: `To satisfy -yourself try this 'convincing test in your kitchen. Take lain SRP Enameled Sauce Pan and one of equal size made ofaluminum, tin. or other metal. Into °each pour two quarts of cold water..Place each sauce n over the fire, The water in ,the SNP Enameled Sauce Pan will be boil - lag merrily when the water in the ether is just beginning ,to gimmes. ane your money. " Use P.'WARE Poaa of Pat4slain and a Heart of Steal" '1lttaa Anlahn! !'earl ware. awe coats •t arey eaanael, Wilde aria eat; Dia a.04 tier. tact.+, 14+11 61aa and wilt art• *11 + linins.. Cryctal ware, tires rarer, white MYW1 cal ert, wits LottSt MIL.ER'$1 PO , w ERS AIN ' teaaeSt,re. :V TAM SVK,(4Y AN* rvr,e tl.ltttmr. SW It MAMA '1