The Goderich Star, 1924-08-28, Page 20,4
Veils are coming hi again for little similar purpose is ot least t remote
bats. poseibility.
Wheat at $E2 1 Ussionspleveed ProOen
The first Ontario whet* of the 19241
'crop was sold or Woodstock markp
et An early 'consideratim.of unenr
at $1.25 a hoshell. • loyment throughout Canada during
Variety in Dentin i the, COMing winter is to be given at a
' conference which will devise means
New dant steps are being devised' of providing the maximum of work,
ler the whiter by dancing musters. along productive channels, and not
Are they, needed? merely for relief or charity.
th Dollar at Par 1
I - Selecting °Imasigreeta
The Canadian droller is new at per An agreement between the Case-
in New York, a further evideneeof distil and Britlth government* pre-
. —
b•.144.641111111111.1111IL J11114~1•44■114411.140Miii,Mom•
riritiltY 'TUGS AGO
(From The Godeverii *or et Aug. (From The Galeria Star of Aug. la,
Mr. Joseph Seek Ersothig levaPereter
le Seisieell
A large evaporator is Interior erected
tialtford by Joseph, Meek & Co. It
will be fitted with dee 'meet improved
maehinery . and. it is empected to be
ready to comments eperations in less
than ot month. •
A Glee* Werke Was mime* for
Mr. Doty Wes Oscan Fattest is
Ohl Chord Poilibeg
That Goderiek is forging shad in
many ways is evideneeu by the item
of business at the various factories
and other institutions in tows. The
detest to join our industrial progress
is Mr. Fred Doty. who tias established
himself in the old brick church build-
ing an Broth street.
The committee appooltad at the Eagle-Casepoliell
Miblie meeting to look irito••the pro- The residence of Town Assessor
posol for establishing Iglus work here and (*Rector Wm. Campbell, Quebec •
have completed their mirmities and it street, Wail crowded with. relatives suet
is unrierstood•they are very. favorably frieride on Wednesday, when, at high
. noon,h' ed Ethhis lel. aresnd Fredt tigerick George
business recover/ in Canada. vides for the placing of fi,000 fawn- Low ittakrtsitooK ' ilePree •
Wereese dee* Liquor lies on fermi in Caneda in 1925 and
A profit of 54,300,629 cin Iiieser 102_6. The British government we. I ereeo.rrefirlabiewhe eel lit iwodoefaasieete ,DsellitwaYrcilti After Bess and Plesiestre The eshing party that left ort moo„ Eagle, of Toronto, were united In
_ ,3,,.. _ sides, fines, tax on keer, etc., was tor advance $1,500 to vach famtly. This _ ji___ ....Li...L._ ........, ... Idenor of alsandt torte kmfaonritoutheunremeea, *rriPieedre 13:7:34:" Rev* lilir• Hazen* Pastor Of
__, lined ‘by filo province of goober in means parted selection_ oe ,settters le Coned* la lose kkatt Ma mu* *A, • nu North street Methodist church, Resist
the fiscal yeer just ended. and proper gouldenee upon arrival in ci""""r""" ''."1".4 .." W"?..." Cla ,.,y nev.-Mr. Grehame eerfennot
*de* at their deitillittlene ieod re -
the ceremony. , • • ,..
Maria. turned to town late on Somber night.
Control of Woods* Matthews 'Retoorne sity ofyear esieittei, its resourcote_N• D. Rouserie, Wm. flutson lute sod. Woodmen of the World Unrelleol • ,.
At a gor.kr0l contereriew of the toe Charles A. Mettitteve, Jr, the for. whet 70W' Teton should be, Eve* mend McDonald, of towns and A. .1. • . • . Monentent
her pet ey in Britain ins October, a mer Deputy Treasurer of 014ario, er... minerals Praeticalb, to be found on Drixht, Hazy Bright and W. L. On ' Sunday afternan the local
earl -e'en for, the mitionalitation -of rested in eeueorma.un a warrent end earth lo to be fogad here, many of Assent, of licieforth, landed at John- corps of the Woodmen of the World
hood.; rg will be anglilialtoll• deported on order, arrived in Toronto thonitin great aleeidenee• 114°1133ln- stonas Harbor i the remainder, *ease unveiled, the monuments that mark
- Cilumiilliat Chertiee AI 1410101111 on Monday and was remanded for her le sent ahreed to be meanfacterfifteen in number, tock in South Bey the laet reeling places a three de-
. An experimental shilswient of thirtY .htJs on a eharke of eccepting od into vazionso articles awl je Ilea end various points on the Manitoulin. ceased sovereigns in Maitland tem-
pi:ion& of Calledien cherries shipped Monty for personal gotin, front Ross back to you again, even the ewes ef
• in London, England, a"Sourney of over of the people of Ontario diseriminat. end Advertiebeir. 1 think yen are 'tote need attomtion.
, -. tery, Fred. Love, John Tutt and Mr,
front Reis.. B• C., has arrived sefely and others. and in return es an agent sPools. Whitt you need la aallital People and automobiles that knock Murray, the lest named being a mem.
5,000 Miles. • . ing in their favor. trot -Wel to loo good advertieere. "You .
New Powerful Creleers No Election TM* 'Yearhilugsr,Pra•ta 11411"tise "Inn titn Tea'
- The five new eruiseie shortly to be "There is not goin* to be an elec- P''''' ".' n- • '
a i other spot 1 know,"
laid down by the British Nitwit Office tion refell," Maid 'Preniier King, Te Mroievate the Ruhr .
will he larg'er and hsve marine eng- 1 eddressing-North York electors MP- As oi, result of the Intereatlied '
Ines more powerful than any yet Meridiem. As to international relaer agreement at the Louden Confentince_
*1101it . . tions. 'he eaido "We are ,,partnere just ended, France and Belgium
British ,FIrmness with the Mother Coy/resoluta-With our agree to compete the military evoien.
•attztude 4 tbe s •t• h sinter Dominions. There is no such ation of the Ruhr, Germany, by Aug -
Government has tooled tbe Egyptian thing ea a colonial In reviewing the stork
stetus, er An ni- Wit 10. 1914
Insurgent elements wince caused a
' diaturbarice at Atbiira ane Ehartouni.
Peak*. In leingesity
Doctors at the minuet meeting of
tbe British Medical Associatioe, claire
ber of the American Order.
1104.1, On144411! 1 I 441. 1114441111 1 ito4tit Ito* At 1100011 1011111111141901111 11111111111
NOW is the time to put in wour winter supply of coal as
the tonnage put out by the mines is several. thousand --
tons less than was put out last year. This means a
shoree of Coal and higher prices. We have several car
loads of Chestnut, Stove and Egg in stock which will be sold
at $1640 per tam delivered. All ow Coal is weighed oti
your scalts (the market scales).
Shamir*. Wams Paint at $3,75 per
We carr k a stock Of Portland Cement, Prepared Plaster
and 1 itne also a heavy stock of shelf and heavy Hardware. .
NOW is lite -time tohave your furnace olterilaule4 don't_ _
%vai.! pia cold weather when every person wants it 4E166.
nom orders given Special Atteritioo
Phone Store 22 — House 112
--------- •
ot body and vigor of trend are inevit-
_, • able impaired by the riattatiorie of
asthma. . Who tan Wm.:ander the
ferior position. Wo are entitled to of this important conference, Prent- 26.-nrat, Row** trasiolt Of dogmata., roirchWai intend he 04000*ereil cloud ''43f reeUrrift 11:011tIrs gnd keep
. . • - body and mind at then. run efeciencyr.
manage our own affairs in regard to ier Ramsey MacDonald said. "The. - item s .
foreign relatione. ',list es tite vase period of national isolation is ended, sue'lltesu huudret/ iliwty iikentm: Ofleet the Inost POWertill 'gibe Dre-j. D. Xelloxes A.stlinta Reineuy
wets, *rho nail eueneede4 lo dissipates the cloud by removing the
of domestic relationue" and tin* or exchange of vievo. and Of peens ego, on the Stith, Au us in e
Canadian National Deficit reasonable exchange of experience year Se 13,Q., the Romans landed in a'''""*".'s " jmuIPA*0 alanailag" torce
n However Mir r the ti t time * V nt aroand bine hut owing to. tre*ettery .
Causet It does relieve. It does re -
'stores'. theetifferer .normal bodily
trim and mental hippiness.
The only time pedestrians have the
right of way le wheri the ounhulance
is taking there to the hospital. •
• great qUestfon min truly be, "Whitt Pared for a delleit of over $12,000,000 tint*, *step by step, the work of eaalloat date In the okay ot our Bemire to retreat 00,000 the river Thalami se
Tit ot which them Is any written record or entrench 11444fml(at Verulsinl. es tern
, •
they have euceeeded in prolonging the Sir Reim, lhornto. sPeakiag bag be° *
must con. - wisloli has previdee historians with the ills "WV taseivaiisuuga Was C4.3144/1164"
term of human life. Therefore, the Calgary, warned the public to be pre. onlr beginning, and we
• Wog 4a. stubborn it$14. the Week)...
shell we do with our graildparentat" in the operation of the Canatiiiin Na- • Pe*e."Malking ari restaratnin' There 11 relieble niter&
)1 ti011ei RellwitY ;in 1024. - • He says the is si, long way to go before we resice swine Crosse ,th groat no aitlistx %greener wee tweed to,surreneo,
. , i .. .. ,
De Valero' Again e Roman , .
year started off well, bet lack cif the gold of Europeen peace and se- getterei. bevilig cOmpleted the con. •eoe' see, hieing sobilued the who sr
Fainonn de Velem, the Irish •Repub. • L04140.11, Canada • •
buttinese followed the nese depres- emit', but I think we are on the right quest eitGaiii, new lArtews is Femme .stbe $011there British tribois sue
°Punted tarthe Pardon
litroot leader, recently released fromsince epilog bss resulted in ear, rood:" Among the problems' yet to detenottiest to crossover to Britain 7' baek to
-el *4 4111443
Prison, 13" veitellited fornier rtel ling revenue. The reduced Yield oaf be tattled are the inter -allied debts, In?"the Petit** of the joiloid tor tribute to Aimee, wout Cf4tbk
haring sided some of the Oreille tribes nia arinY•
• ,
leY of independence. ;twirl,* frotri syestern wheat this year will also afe diterrniament, national SetrinitY and in their 401 itiatinet th0 Boron in- The tribute was *lever paid,- an')
his llery speech in county Clere, Pfl- fect freight revellUt *aversely. the tomposition and aut ority o ts waders. ;hie before midnight -ort . the the nest 07 years t itoUnos re
0 sem hos not Moderated-hine wheat short" Leetree of 'Nations, - ee,h, setguee he "tun from, theettastet telly occupied -in subduing risings .
Doentelt after _the .avvent---ravfew-.7afteieuy etuety, Iiiiitie i big gide-op.• . jUSr. . CEIRTere(ree te lend, le Dever so. but when he the eteUnglient BritOnsi acitt it usiiiitiot - --- ,
TI(144 °Ileki portunity for the maitre and wheat - • ----- arrived off the perish meet in, the autilithe Year 43 A.D., that the Usurer-
--- -- — - the .11Ortli Atlantic. Fleet, remi
t� 13th 1924
Over $30,000 to ,Citaii ,s*
112.4 Prize List is extensive and the classification will
prove- attractive to Exhibitors irr all Departments
Show Automobile Show - Pore Food Show
Gau a naat at 8°1111Pa' en.13°444-1 :1104441 -We artrEettbeet",
•I ith "
• ' Admiral Resigns •
A red? in *the iwheat yield In MARS IS .CLOSE TO 'FARM ot which were legions of, sent ere,
Tbe resignation of Adtritral de / ir d. and Wales andesp lees Area • - sue firsteluteutedu were poWeriess to exact payment tune The
. •
that it. w** in the cabin of the Queen exporters or ceriado. Daly ten A Welter from Mars and Ills On* e.arly home ot the 26th. the sight of the iv ivii4 able sParettt sralY Do
. Elixebeth. the flagship of this fleet, wheat shortage is so serious that the ' Son View Goderick front 'an* cliffs* thronged With mighty host or oraufficient 10e to . sticeeeshillY effect'
Ggn Glies warned le
aimed_ Orleans °soiled him to alter bis the noliqueet of
thet theerinatut ei Atfoplane
or of the High Selt•the seism 1 • 0- . overnment the peopto
. plane, and tiemoied into pegweil Dee, .(Copriighteli
as Fee.
econoriiisein breed mitIng as well a* tob papa 4b not kool„ sin*. where artet.,,, a, dearheate,, gght, he . 4, ,
Gentian Pin Wavier: announcing that they will hey* ehapedAdm_seterget______ exneeeted.alitnoling hisarniye- -
- •
France-11eseliienated Intret-60-irg make bread ot intarlOr inaternis"The Square.* InY $01. Geyser eat trii hie comp close to the eu woav ""'" """•'.
'*1*I ApPenweir, Baden, Germany. iPries of wheat and flour have ldrout- riot But We' a "circle" and see -shore, tea although he was able to heed ehurch so reverently just De-
* defeat the repeated exesoke which Lite
fare the service began.
Silent.. on both sides attended the de. dY 3umPed SO Per cent, which lute sextuarep Go'd - Britons ineele upon hie legions be did "Well,* repliedthe old ,rnan,,ethates
Partin*. of troops, tut immediately ;been followed by a corresponding ad- They call it "vinare and•
• sot venture to tallow them reeeinliod, a yak question an*. gie ,ea a fair'
sifterwerds German ;Republican flags wince in odl bakery products., • - rich never make any reletakes,
. . se" bad quiCld "4/7`eti th•lbluf°k0 answer -1 dewn't know what, other
11411.6 Yule g g every gentian* Saute, in. Goverment innYA011. 144111 to y err ate s , .
—1;014— fesoses aud swags Istauders, atd-e-lee.t: vele tole but r-uti.alwoiye count vorty
&loathes end Harvest Preeident•Coolidge In e.ccepting the, What is that bonding in the centre
1-, • The 'best news in tile Vretst this Relniklicah PartY'e nomination, add i like °Yet Par* st e still of three weales he determined to myself .",
Wretched from aatinnee.:Str egth
tbe people went a rover:int
ent of That's the Court House, wbere tile reehtn to. Gaut and - eeroe emit the
week is turishine PoP aind elitribing the**. of his e I from the aurrounding eguntry following year with e larger army. •
addre. _
• common sense. Muchm, • nd entertainnient ,In the summer of 54 B.C. be againt
• • reometer, which are put ng e na
- might quite as appropriately have crossed, the tlhannet ^with a :Ore* Of
1 it ' bein meted out.
• he said •In the common thi o
rigs f g •
there t o, papa? armada ot 800 'Mips struck such terror
No son, they live in palatial homes into the bearts*ot tbe Britons that tiler
come 3
touches on the ripening grain a.ntl hal been givin in Coined*, oe any other ivih le his 80.000 toot Bohner* and 2000 eavalrY*
tenine the harvest which will begen- country,. particularly *bent • Do tne King etur nes lal• the wave Welt of his formidable
(rel. throughout the Prairie Provinces
next week. • " •
The Western Harvest
With the bervestere excursion
starting this sveek, the Western crop
ItitiS he said to have almost reeched
maturity. Fortunately . the i,weether
• of the lett month has been favorable,
life les the strength4 the nation,
and it is not in the brilliant coueoP. in different parts of the town. nee anon its appleseb, and Caesar wel
Bons arid strokee cif genius thet we But papee-Where do they vied to able to land his army without oliPost.
0011 find the chief reliance of the, dispense their wisdom -said raise. the tion. It wits a, 'sleet ftrtutuite thing for
him than the British nation eontieted ot
country, but in the- home in the tax rate? ' 1 .
force that leeks to deseeratii or deer .dull red building behind Hoey's
Look my dear son !—You see that Wargo natilher of different tithes and
grg:- chttttt3tentrteLletVi:inleylluntelLIPtilott
echool, end. in religiori. Every ern
. cery $tore, where egg* are sold? as otherwise the overwhelming advert -
and with the prier at *bout $1.41/ the e roy e
money value of the crop probably will 'power hoar endowed the people ' with Yesi• ?ails* "the islanders In "merle/41 nttengt4'
I e 1 meeting end would enabled them to' etitillY
be mar* equal to that of 1923. • • an inherent epint°f reemistance.
Illt, Ceal for Electric Planta . Dig Things. (lmas - it is ode -that peontes
ple coter miles
Sir Adam Beek proposeS -to 'mei "I isy'kinettrites think you Canadian:it ,i') the al?
Nova Scotia coal for generating eke/ do not, know whet you lame* said speeches made there, and to beer Bob
Mtge /teem plants he mays will be ne. address 'title week in Montreal. "Big Who Is Bob IltihrY, Min? biaiiitilli nrrars About This irrillible'l ' per Packet at all
email* hi Ontario. The transport*. things are too close to you to be oh.' He is solo cornet player of "The Into Which People Fall i Grocers *ail General
tion and use of 'Alberta cod, for a served by you. Think at Ole inimen. - Gaul& - Band," feral for milet, Many people so ter mistmeeestaed 1 . -
around far their beitutiful eelections tite-ahaistive eTstetu as to taut it like e • ' r .
annihilate theMnvatling AVOW*, As
New littnufactoters Beading Featuring
Catiadik!: inda!triat Al.chievementi
Upended iraktilie 'Attittethokiifielit of 6itil Stand
• nyhoe City and Coeatri meet"
Write 'for Prize List Entries dose' August 30th
SAUNDERS,. Pliesident W. D. JiccKSON, Secretary,
tritity in the proPosed three or four Hon. Quin O'Brien of Chime% in an Henry play "ahow-Soy. • 0.46..
Inners itle
Sir 0 itia)
1 A FTER the firm widow gigantic
1. •4-74. ovens in bakeries have been
1 . drawn,. the bakers continue for hours
• I to bake bread, pies and cakes.
°Why? Because "the' betas of -the
oven 'have retained the "fhuth" heat
at the f"stored"
ire andit.
Sotoo, once McClary's Electric
Ovenlas become thoroughly heated,
the current may buturned,"offtt and
the oven goes merrily along baking
• for hours.
The same principle operates in
Tor -Red. Protected Elements, found
only on MeClaiy's Electric Range.
in the upper room, during the dellb- machine; neelectine Mini it worts ireala Walt Net
erations of' the king arid his council- sluggishlY, - then trritalg it Into %MU, , • aihe
MAW by the. tires' et p rgetives. The Mein tilt nerves
ora in the lower one.
But papa -can tiot the king and t ingestion' ill • F
needs belp et ell times. but * k. • •
thew. that purgatives, lie colAnith,„1:i Mee Immo Rutledge, Nappy Oho
study o theprOcatil of.w or yens
taken. ere iteldoin *4 n"e" on, N. S., 'writes; I think it my
berrotill. et • linty to telt you about what Milburn a
To setegusril 'your digesitien the et
ramie be controlled. Over -eating is risers and 4.11/"U .X."11 WI.. Loi
his touncillors give forth their wis-
dom Without a inuskal accompani-
ment. •
• Not at present, son; when the hare
new town bell Is completed, the mon-
et' for it being already subscribed with silisseys harm u , but...,
the exception a saset owe hundred late enough food to 40144 the lleeee el It -rel. Yew!, X VW .tl•UlAta .Witl/ =I
dollars, thee the wok yin .(he blood. -Remember, tbe blood has to h rt nd nerves, end was so bed, at
ea Obit away pad fill
thousencl ry nourishment to all parte of be * ._ .,
not be riedessary owing to the .beett. .
OW acoustic properties of the eajkii Reece. relent the. blood . eecouess -weak' , ettlitaingi • .
re I ,Ivato *Abu : or
one of these attoi•ko-
body pad dud fuel Mr ita • -en
smi to the marvellous tweetnee& of tad tails to do it* work, indieeetide I would on -'ti neo be in bed for weeks
the voices therein. „.. , arise*. Therefore the sure remedy for ct a time end feeure. that efe was not
Oh look, Pape !-Vijuit's that long ludigeettori Is'to build up the blood. 11 worth eeitig, •
fiat looking shed emir "the - water, you Auger frouthilY -fOrni---01•Itidlite-s.„ tio-e. - - X *godly sterted.the use of .
.oitutholeosoeintove_no_uriehmtnit...,,,bAbOy tri• ' 1111"ILECURPPS .:
where 1 hoer that howling ?-trici see choose Your Met earaluilY and take ' • •
the people 'wrestling among colored HEART AND NERVE
lights'? mum of unDru.PNYViluilettin4V'a Pink' VIII*.
My son, that is not howling, nor •st Then moat the tuetteneeet that new " PILLS;
sheep -nor are the people wrestling; blood tempi*, your digestive systenewili and after using the flirt ben 1 saw I.
what yen take for howling Is sweet _ respond naturally, your appetite Me was getting relief, and atter using them
musk played by sexophones in an or. prove and your tood will do yoo good. for as *bort time I Iowa that thee did
ehestra, so that decrepit old people SO hews to improve Veer digestion by far one what no other .teniedy hail o -or
can sway to Its charms en a essay starting to take Dr. •Vilillattee Pink demos. -.. • Ia
ticalr and hseane /***g *gal'''. 41ailliiTiOsenDea% gei - these int% troll VLIlr Milburn 's 11. k N. Pills ere for Mile
at .
sold that a reit caned "Methodists*. 40000 or bY 3330 lisola I/' "" all druggist* mid tinders
t Oeuoily T, *Muni Co.,' Limitiok
tut up
much favor this feria a reiuvelettieri.. trom The roe. Willeirese Mottle!** ' Co., by The Tomato, oat. .
But, papa, -in a beautiful sequel- :Brockville, Gat. • ' , • • .
tenni hamlet like Goderich appear* to , . • - •
: he, what is the need of the extra. ef-
to •kosell Yearer_t Sere* these
people are net ti*obled as we are at,
home toy Ford ears, berithogo, end •
poor relations? My son, mid to re-
late. they ere -end by event worse
thingineedill I over tell you a “nikow -
tor Ana the dire effect it has on the •
ecettasualty at large ead on',one, Reg
Sharma, I* partkit6tr,, who has suf-
fered untold spay frown it tar years.
hut wa axe melba abed at gas, and
It we are text 't* crash right in the
middle, of tsi.tsropor In tha square -
Virile fatisirl-vesii. tali it a* Nor'
taro" Dare it t' -we iwe totter how
17 ivormaio-orro`ro labs r tar breakfast MK* tiaoliproltootstro; mere avatalli*** OAS
seer-41140tOtilag 114. pietorelii**, the artist*
sa4-The "Owe Aird sviielp tather
awl see assimen tieersitli Siam *4 typ4as1 lila et Camels awn *Mar letaiit
J. E. it.
•By Our Neto Latest D.eviccI Automatic Air Con or,
also Air Tower, whicb. enables you to get. air . at fly
time yott;ririls i; no waiting, no fussing or dirty. b.ose. to
" handle. Just stop and help }ourself when passing
along tbe Blue Water 1E0*am at
Ct. Sox 474:"( ' - Mamie 398 r
Alio Distributors for the WATER -LESS STORAGE BATTERIES
" -,the battow.that is proving a wori'dorful success,. 4
&a! &Akio,
too. as Toronto arr.
An Witeraillbe adaer is raw *Ma
tease *boa isetiiing the other M.
is 6sturst661
-- or-
• _
sersi•as spidsoi poritaybolt
*4 lentsliesraf tire SIMLA Illaievere
Ail 114. aillWrike014 dative*
Sams tea Isisassity of
*v1 ax s is oit*
pow tows sow lareamse Vtliiitreeet IReates.
treefibitif.,.. JOE! 9. port, illaseete*
"Mardis( Oa
Bargains -In House funishings
A large portion of our House Furnishing
stock for fall is arriving aud we are giving
special prices on all house furnishings to make
room to let us pus tbe new goods into stock.
Odd Curtains at Half -Price
several oda pairs of curtains will be cietred at half-price. The
lot consist* of one and two alike, itt many OP.Sett j1110 one pair.
If. you hale an odd window where you can use an odd pair of
curtains you can *ONO money by looking over °tie hargeln stock.
Linoleum and Cocoa. Matting —
Linoleum, 4 yards ..... ....... M.. Yard
Cocoa Matting* yard wide, suitable for verandahs. Ile•guler
pre* $1.1O, to clear et 786
If you:have any gift's to buy visit our store
"Th. Store of a Million Gifts "
Os* Electric We/her
Slightly used for diumostration purposes. Regular price $172,
will nil for $1101( taken at once.
Witsity Walker
Oft** tire Cheapest Always the Sint
The &ore of Quality
Wait Sitio Square Cerferiek