The Goderich Star, 1924-08-21, Page 7e
°=a Ado'. Sal 11M0.
Fon t
SO Year
has had the reputation tf tr-;ng a
spade,: remedy ..for -.the reeef of ell
bowel troubles mush as -
Dla r'rhoeny Dynentc r y,
colic, Stofr Pesch- Cramps,
Summer Complaint,
And Ot'her,,.Lobseiwss of
Tinto I c,
Ifrs.: eu' ....z i teas, l & No. 8 Sar•
sits, Ont., writes: --"t' - P - 'r
' had a very .severe attack G
complaint. Z took a few doses of 1)r.
• Yowler* Extract of Wild Street:en
and in a few boars 1 got relief, from
the severe paips,
Ila :Fowler s is the only.. anediolsn
lC_Twee ever taken that will give relief
fa� quicklyt.>' •
t : 'Waft yon oak for Dr, Fowler's Ex -
treat of Wild Strawberry, be sore you
sot w you ask *m3 to some of the
eta imitations may pro to be dew
• Ap It the 'liniment ,eveiyr' - few
:hours to, throat and chest.
lte e!with 1flirsatril's In warm.
eaufltablom'' . u
SIE' 11r$O:- MER'. "
.7 4,7
• -'--
t 41A
v 1 11111 11 11111111 if .I� MI�� _ , - ,, -
plasoliaostamsa laYalaafaa A ,:e1'aott. tL FHB
1 Sunday rel: i :aelsis of AgriaaltilfaR,
Son fiefs* In Osttici r i
Sy luau. HAMILTON, ri,artitrit t, 'Drat.
ease mateabets:trleitiessit4ctatiOnsi es inti►diet#rii+rataiiitiiiglilfatatess [tar "nit ik")s M►n ti 4:1""t P",,
Lord a
a+is«-Waris of the 1'is►ritKt«f raw I
_ .. living opportunity to inquire of this prophet ,,..t• or rho laepaetaaewt a
whielt place was the site of the real ,t;;;ri esteeeeeI.atter eettettaiva ass
temple. ,Again she inquired about week.
. visible thine while ee sue spoke el
invisible. She had Le eouut often ieontributed by i)nteran lamartiusat of 1
heard the leaders of her teeth die. AatrIeultura,. ruruptv.)
That whitens o'er the plain,
Where angels soon shall gather
Their sheaves of golden ;brain,
Accept fresh 'sends to labor
Fresh hearts to trust and Iove.
And deign with them to hasten 'cussing this to them very important The honer of holding the Bret
Thy kingdomfrom above. ' subject. Just as today in religious Agricultural Fatr in Cased* tails to
,,,, Mouseli. ;diseuesioni real religions belief niers Windsor. N.S°. fa 1?68, about 151i
- PRAYER :rows down oftentimes to denoi» inns aegis al;a, tend twos outer Ji##rkuiw x
I tionalism, to forms, en:; cetemontes
Almighty God, thou us b tarot Floeietica fell into line in Noes k
name, and canst come to us accordiuee nd traditions. Scotia, including one at Halifax la
to our special wants. Thou hest t, \'elves 24 -20 -.-Tire Realty of God. 1781 and another in lfing's•Cow:0e t
treated us as if we alone were tby Out of this discussion a; light Thies -latter #* the only one of the old
children, as if -thou hats; not a whole sprang up in this• woman's. BOW soul and societies in the Maritimes Provisoes
universe beyond us to care for and her thoughts went back° to other that has survived the present day. I
bless; we conte to thee. with overawe .things she hand heard and she odd, "I the prime o#ered at Wiadsor were ,
ing hearts to offer thee the praise due know that :4lessias .cometh. which is in goods and medals. To the persons
unto thyhot name, Help rue to be called Christ; when he is come he will bringing the greatest number„ot epi'.« t
Y F tie; tate fawardtd thlrear Yardie of li;naK- .
tenth€ai, noble,. courageous, and in eye :tell us •all. things." Having led her, resp blue super eo rbrAadcioth need to a
ery tray like Jesus Christ, In his. on frollielight tojrsattei tiger he the;; ,ietleer� ris-dal.. or horses, a *saddle, 1"
clue w0 offer our pttitspne• Anieii• ,+ :•ea1ed ie her that he who was: j'riai , whip, ellsire held a medal'wer4*
S. S. LESSON FOR AUG. 31ST, -1924 speaking - to her wa% the - Mesainh. the rewards, and se churn for the ,
Thus to a woman was this wonderful butt cow. while for the beat twelve {
Lesson TWtle -arena* Taika With .a truth made known -not ju*t a pro- eleUni e o „t , S►t cheese, the t'i
Samaritan 'fl Qflt ris. " . • phot, as she thought, but the Christ- • was atx yards ofribbon end 1 a medal.
Lesson Passage --•soba 4:7-I4, 24- the prophet, priest :.nd iting of souls The Progress Of tliiaaals•n1 A re
26, 81.33. - - - who came to reveal God as a real per. rotir u Al watt naturally "FlYat 1141443.4e
Golden Text--Jo}tn 4e24. " . `sonai God to be worshipped et spirit .but it is worthy of mention that the
Verges7.14--A Noon -day Talk. ••ane in truth. erne Province to t$roduee imported
Be .the well of %mhai Testis. weer,. Vetasea 81.35. -Harvest Time. stock was New Brunswick, which
led in, body when journeying with his ` Pr'hlle. talking with the woman tie- brought over, 101826, feu; ilhorthor
y sus quite forgot his weariness, .aUd bulls, whish "erre trecefrded itt the firm
disciples from Judea to Galilee, snot volume of the 'leeeigllsh Herd Book.
down to rest . while the others went hanger and. thirst, .so that when his A lneilrat ee:hlbition was held is
into the city to buy' neat. 'Hoes not discieles returned, bringing food andA d A prevoton, N.B.. in October, 1$62.this need of rest Say to, us that 3es' urged hint to eat, he pt.eeeedeed to talc An Agrleult%u$1 Society was organ-.
was physically not the equal of ills to them of the zeal v urpose of his teed in Montreal In •1788 and another
companions showing Ids human aide' life: "My meat• is to do the mill of in Quebec in 17$sr. •
es Is. ►narked thee& ? him that sent tree,, anti to finish Ins The First Society; To upper oiuotl,a.
-.Soon his attention was drawn to a Stork," The mere eup»lying of tern-`lSettleinent 'tet:. oatsurio commenced.
women coining:for a supply of venter, poral x,eeessities, though meet men .in 1783, and tet°17sY •had progressed
She. rs to us a Fsamm
eleas woman but- make it their chief eencern, 'rsa [small :suflfcientty ,altilttg ;the Nlatt:ara river
this seemanir ehanca' meeting with a consideration in ,the sight of those ' and peninsula to justify the tonna- ,
§tritntrer makes her immortal, Hz' ,who leave right vieas .of the real de- tion of. an • Agrkultural . Soolety ata
asked .her: for a drink and we' are not .sign' of human life. Job, when pour- . October 28' of that year. This
' told whether she gave, it to 'him or ing Ont his longing after God to one- pioneer .Ontario aoc#ety had its head"
not brat it is scareoly'probable that of his friends, said: "t have esteem• quarters at Niagara -on -the -Leake,
she refused, though wondering and ed the words of his inonth more than then known at. .,Newark, Governor
sneaking cut her wonder that one who MY necessary foody"' Jesus next rale Simeme took a great interest la it
°. she . could plainly see was a Jew" led their attention to the work he had and was its and preatdenc, The oboe;
should even leek her: way, let alone . been doing in their 'absence. - In nat- ea3ort a, of`ltes members were directed'
speak to her , and :ask .something of are it takes four Months from sowing to the ltoldtng of monthly meetings
Fto discuss agricultural questten�and
her. This was Jesus' way of netting reaping tintei but tie in talking 1n aegaicaltural library was else es -
=neo "conversation with the woman. frith a won�ea lead sown seed which taWisaaeYd. The holding of an exhibit
He aroused her intieess at ones .by rmmediately't9ok root end sprang 'P tion ;naturally followed,
his next utterance. ,Islas Nicode'mus .and bore. fruit. •"Lift up our eyes. • Agricultural Societies grsdu*Uybe-
in his mid -night tel, Wit iius this , and look ox the fields,for they are name. organised -all oven --Ontario, as
Samaritan -woman did not gra the : white _ already to harvest, The wom= settlement In the province progressed..
significance of Christ's words• but said' an had iturrietlly left her water pot In a834. :the Legislature vested rein-'
nractieally'eHow can you draw water _ and. ret r'ive'd to the city and told othe Goias governing same rand set,apart
without ropes?" Again like Nic e- era. „Conte' see a than welch told" me Elgbt hundred donnas* was
i Soci t
.apportioned to "each D strict e Y
rrru4 who.` thought of Human birth all things that. ever rind; is not thin: to enable 'It to'"hold- an exhibition in
While Jesus . spoke: of spiritual' birth, the Christ? Then they went out of ,addition to the work it had previously
the woman thought.of queneletng ply -'the city and carne unto him" ' Jesus,' undertaken.
Ideal. thirst while Jesus was. creating In.~spite of his fatigue ahc thirst, ser- AAgricultural Society tor tees
in bei•'' a thirst which he, alone could: iously se:t about seeking the'comer- e0oa unty et. York• was .organaeed in.I
quench by giving her living -"atter. !Sion, of this woman. And, behold,: 1830. Seeds'and tnaplements were
She didn't .see farther than the ease what a glorious remit 1 The city' ,procured from the Old Country tor
I woul'd :be to. her not,to. have to draw was moved, and a great lia.rveat was, .members. A progressive member wan
water for her:, domestic wants. -At found ready to be, gathered in. sent to New York State who, par
this point Jesus revealed to her les "Let us not be weary in weli,doing, 'ebased' tour, bulla for the use At the
sdocie , .Bosun
eater • an ,eildbitioli
power to read her secret life with its for in flue season.we.s-.ail reap if tin . '
elating sibs.: In the last part of her . faint riot." *Id,.
1d on ar ippnit sub)eCts.
'nswer we see,how she realised that ' W RLD MISSIONS Iiirth'of the Pioii'ineiial Fair. -
the stranaei� was indeed greats r
than our father. Jacob who gave ur ";lepali stuffed his Ovalle a and lire 1845 g f"rovincial AssoeftToa
*he tve1I, and drank' thereofiimsaelie, bags with the precious little books, was formed,: and In 1845 thea nest.
and his children; and iris sortie" for far ,he was, about to spend his well- Provincial Fair was held in. Toronto.
Che' exclaimed, "Sir; I nerceive. that . earned. furlough on: a missionary tour
thou art a prophet." Then followed through • his own home+land, As 'he
a theological discuesiion, In the days trudged along •the shady road•;that
when the ten tribes revolted under led to:. the .frontier; he sang with
Jeroboam he set up his court at She-' light-hearted glee. fat ties braveaol-
clam and, lifter a time,. altars at Das, dier of the Empire had learned to
and. Bethel. In. after days it 'became :love the Go'pel story .whicix had,
a much : disputed eban(fed his men "life. In the . camp
p gaestieo�r among 'he •n'as known : as- ""1!T aii the fight -
Jaws ropeSamaritans a ' to which was er," but his comrades knew that there
the and place of worship -Mount
Gerizim or Mount Zion. This worn- was something else that marked him
nn though a great Zion
was - out as ,a man o€ strength. He was.
Travel By the Fastest Route
The special Harvesters' trains of
the Canadian National Railways from
all Ontario points as advertised, will
makes the fastest time be Winnipeg,
operating ria the i.ew Longl*e cut-
off, the shortest routi, between Eas-
tern and W-estern Canada. - Harvest-
ers travellfHg, by -this route will, nes
rnneeegitenee be-first-iin-the-fiekl. The
first train leaves Toronto one minute
atte,• midnight of August 21st (12.01
al. August 22nd). The fare las a
flat rate -ef 1115 to Wit.reoeg and hell
e. 'cent.a mile beyond. 'Returning the
Rare is a half a 'cent per Mile into D•
elrio • for Presevxn andiMaking a`
Winnipeg :and $20 back to starting .. Pj
irreligious and, she at onee eized the clean in his life and action,_ honest
and,. strain htfortvaed in ward and
-- - ••- deed, • "Ah," said they, "Nepali -hare
CANADIAN NATIONAL RY the light,. and we knew it. His 'life
is a message which is as clear as his
'TRAIN ` Y oven bugle -calls.- 'Neputi is a mane"...
Rl rtel d Tf TO He marched elope- the toad, rested
Deily sxesept Steinway the
sleet under the trees or beside
the river banks and crossed the fron-
l.vo. (,oderich 6 Oil a in. 2.20 p.m, tier into Nepal. Cautious, but un-
" Clinton 6 2:1 a.m., 2.52 p.m, faltering, he entered village' after vii-
Cheaper thani; 61' Tond Seaforth 0:41 a.en 3°12 p.m, lage in the cloned•. country, and after
•t. iCI( . eliteeell eke temtem:3.42 pee. he. liad: passed on his way men and
CoflVlLeil ,'tYallattl. Arr 'Stratford '7.30 a en..t l0 pm women who 'could read bent over the
teeth Sideri4ware. - t80D1:RICi1,
•'F'E f'f IT HEAL''
,•efts,,, r;,ctAst.S ., ws;,•, VI1:
dos* ler. rk Ma-ifYi�i'3ee "At vl lest Seams•
guts anti Horse Ling
gado Stables,.Eta.
Montresee $t t
fust off the Smart
'Busses Meet ani Tritan end
Passenger Boats
Passengers called ter In any
part a tits taws ter - ail
trains et O. T. R. ea' C. P. ii.
Prompt - Service and
Careful Attendance.
Oar Livery tut Mena herein*
will be lomat opts -date
la swot•' r'iepset.t
Vowpfatireewlgw shNsrr
Pinson 1l Street
M N 4E
�. , 'hitriienei R.nli .i 20 pen.
yet red story rinted word which
a Savour's loves new
Guei#ih 8.45 a ne 5.50"p.m. Nepali. paassa id on has way : sounding.
'- Toronto ::10.10 a m. 7•40 his elation call, many' a dark heart
13etuoping-taeve•Toionto 0.50 at, m., that had longed for spiritual dawn
12.53 p.m. anti 6.10 li ris heard a more glorious reveille -the
Parlor Cafe ear, Gndedeb to Tor daybreak call' of the violaterof the.
into, on. morning train, and Toronto king of kings. •
ereGoderich 6.18-p --nr.--trairir-- (J ocrlj.
Through coach Goderieb to Toronto. SCHOOL FAIR DATES FOR 1924.
F. F. LAWBIele CE le SONS Ashfield, September Stn.
rower Passenger diel 'tickets Agents $t. Helens, September fish.
• 'Phone 8 Bluevale, September 100.
ti[rroxetet, September,11th:
T HEY Tl., THERCorrie, September 215th
Clinton, Seriteniber 1Gth,
Clinton Rural, September 15th.• .,
NEIGHBOR Zurich, :September 18th.
' Varna, September 27th.
Dashwood, Septenrbrr lath,
Grand -Bend, September 19th..
Porter's Hill, September ,26th.
� Colborne, September 22nd.
• Wore Helped hy► Lyila E. Mak- Belgrave, September 23rd.,
Ethel, September 24th,
W..elll Tell Etch Other Hew They
Bas's Vegetable Celpor
Blyth, September 25th and 26th. - to the keeping and inaiatesnauce of
Winghant, September 29th and 30th pure-bred male animals for which.
WoodbridgeOnt. ""I took Lydia >a, Hensel!, Ocbber Ise: ' • tlieyy receells certain grants. all the
egatsbie Compound for fs- Crediton, Oetober 2nd. societies hold tall fairs and exliibl.,
nudee troubles.I would have headache*, Winchelsea, October 3rd. - Lions, 'Spring stock and seed shows _
Wheelies, kaclies, ns .between my shout are also conducted with great sue-
un my shoulder -blades and A REAL CAMP HOLIDAY tens. --J'. Laski. Wits"' Supt, of
draggiog down feelings on each side. Agekultural Assoclatioa.
I was sometimes unable to do my Algonquin Park offers a diversity . .
work and felt very badly. My laothst'. of interest that is not frequently found , . Before you can have real good hogs,
in-law told me *bout the 7egltab1 in Summer resort districts. Besides of any bteed you must hue a good
Compound and I got some right away. the Highland • Inn, headquarters, for hog mother anti a good bog sire. Tits
It has done lata more good than any
other roediebeo i arar task ood,Iwzaer'r, ,tourlats in the 1';iyk,Nominigeo Camp, ,idea is to raise big titters dart will
omffloo it to my ooighbors. 'haat aro anti Camp Winessing, consisting of n ' grew rapialy'aim larcge nasi Irwin* tis'.,,
quite welaotne to tots this jitter se a series of log cabins iacated seven and must t ►sit for ahs innate fesi. ,
ers,or offer
t..bonaialelif,�Mrs. Ethinkitwinhelpsems ten miles respectively, frontheadquart` SOME FALL I•`Allt DAq'E'3
saireret. EWA* SIMKOitl,comfortably furnished quart
- R. R. 2, 'Woodbridge, Ont. ers with bathrooms, hot and cold
Iansarly. r.ry *six'hbori ood in wst'y" water, end other conveniences. These (Toronto -Aug. 23 to Sept. Il.
town nasi "till tabs essmlttrT there oars Cabin! will a reenneodste parties up 1 GODLR1(1f--SEPT. 3 to S.
wow" wlanw bile" b to eight in number, and Afford that London -Sept. 0 to 13.
8. �'ft "diiretallis tit '
tins ttwtrmtnrt of ailments peculiar to splendid seclusion so desired by many Fxetor- =Sept. 10 end 17.
their sex, stat they take plena re in city dwelkrs. Kineatdine=Sept. 13 and 19.
poising the good trend atm to arises For information address, Manager, "i'toeel- Sept. IS and 19.
Therefore, rya Ire l l ini,, sni Ont.,lor,anyl amts of the Can- I;aylie£d -Sept. 23 and St.
bras a V. pr of s fools trW, l' *diem National, Railways. Mitcha ll =Sept. 23 and 24.
This foam taisedy, the medicinal t Myth -Sept. 25 and 23.
ia+grritents of witkia ars derived erose. Reengnised as a leading marine for Lutknew Sept. 25 end 23.
rose sail �sweia at feswns forty ]+roar
11 the deetrurtiop of "areas*, Kathy `.nrich-•x; Sept. 25 and 29.
sot Graven' _ Worm Exterminator hes Waltham- -• it gad 19.
.� ea
rt i t; yeia g. � - proved a Moon to suffering childrrtl B,
r •els--+Cat. 2 ani 3.
>psaaalr O everywhere. It seldom bile. lfnrgannotl-Oct. 2 and 2.
out of which have grown the world*
wide -known Canadian- National Ex-
htbition, the Western 'Fair and the
Central Canada Exhibition. -
The Provincial Association grade -
telly became better organ#zeu•• mid
developed into tho Agriculture and -
Arts .Association, which did so much
for the, inrproveme;nt - of •agrlcuiture
in the province in "the .earlier ,Gaya.
Among the many metre lines of work.
inaugurated were the estabihshment
of the Veterinary College, the- regi*-
°tering of pure bred stock, the award-
inglit prices for the best kept farms.
and buildings and , well cultivated
fields, And,indirectly, the Agricul-
tural College at Guelph.
Creation or Department of Agrieu3.-.
Agriculture soon became such an,.
important feature in Ontariothat a
Commissioner of Agriculture was ap-
Po#nted; andeventually the Provin-
cial Government . created a Depart-
ment of
epartmentof Agriculture, thus recognizing,
this basic industry as of equal im-
portance with those which came un-
nder the supervision et the other de-
partments of the Goverjrment. 'Thus
out of that little•eociety organized in
1751 in, old Ni*gara,on-the-Lake,
'with ,a- score or.. lessof competitors
and a modest prise ilst, of a few
pounds, have developed not only the
three 'greet exhibitions in the pro-
PASS 81!'#1
Launder dainty. things
twice as often, this way
It's not necessary to keep ;our prettiest things
folded and lead away.. Weer t'heue---•tartan• lainider
theist just air viten as necessary. fist doe* this eery:
and see fragile crepes. sitks,.laces. come from laun-
dering absolutely unharmed. Coates brightened '° ^
tried freshened. if anything.
The great foam .eif suds contains nothing to hurt
the 4aaiutiest (thrice the most delicate Reheaag. It
dissolves the dirty however, most thoroughly --.and
washes it away.
These snowy, crinkly Sakes contain nothing but
pure leap So they go farther. e:leanee more etii-
cieatly. That make., it *tenontictal to use thein is
the washing machine. for di laundering and for
every general household purpose.
If only to try, get some, today. of your dealer.
He-hies*tkenteefat h andy--one•pi um£ packages. -
71111 PAR MciaUn 'ONNPANY OF eANe r'A, J.iw+ul
'Wok in Come
view' iseit JIMA et emir $S weak s
Ener-. thing to - make
a Tasty Dinner
• Fresh Peas. Beans, Tomatoes, Cuouttkrs . .
Beets, €ariols, Let we, .Melons, Water Woes -
a_Tbe . Bst XXX Vinegar and Best Mixed.
Sites for Pic ,lin .
point. Through solid Brains will be
operated to Winnipeg without e:honge,
consisting of convertible (berth) Col-
onist' Cars of latest design. - Luneb
counter ears., will be •attaebed to traitta
serving food and refreshments at rea-
-sonabe prices. Putxhase your ticket
to Winnipeg .via ( National
Railways no matter whether, your fin -
'al destination is a poins on•tbe Cana-
dian National or note For feral,
train services. ete., apply toeneeresta
C1►sedien National Agent.:.; - ,
a t
Common garden sage brewed into a
heavy teawith sulphite added, will turn
gray, streaked and faded hair beauti•t
fully dark and luxuriant. Just a few
applications will prove a revelation if
your hair is fading, streaked or gray,
Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur rec*
ipe at home, though, is troublesome
An easier way is - to get a bottle of
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound 2
at any drug store all ready for use. is
This is the old lime recipe improved by le •
the addition of •otber..ingredients.
White wispy, gray, faded hair is not
...sinful, we all deme to retain our
youthful appearance and attractiveness.
By darkening your 'hair with Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Compound, no •arse
can telt, because. it does et so'naturally,
so evenly. You ;just dampen a sponge
or soft brush with it and draw this
throughs,yiwer lliair, taking one small
strand at :a time; -by morning all gray
'Look Young! • tiring Back - tti
Natural Color, Gioia end
: Attrae t#veneee '
J. 111cEtven
South Side •SgafasOsi .
Tri Our"Merit"Bread
Telephone' :114 11 '
. and our sa1mar I
will call.
(rakes. and Pastry
for, every occasion.
Give us the opportunity
steer..serve you
William Y. Richardson
hairs lave disappeared, and„titer an. 1
p Wed 'elet al ery pposite asomc I; •.
other application or two, your hair bee gi
comes,besautifislly dark, glossy, soft and
*ince, but'also•the important Depart- fnxuriaat.- - - - Og=O - ,0 0, .0=0;
ent•-erAgcicititirre-with its-numere,
ous branches and with local represen-
tatives in every county and ellstribt,
bringing infora atlon end assiastance
,to 'farmer( aesirous of making use
ef- it.
Later Extension of 'W Work.
The three Hundred and sixty Agri•
cultural societies in .the Provence of
Ontario have made -rapid progress ut -
late years. .In 1807 a new departure
was Inaugurated, and a grant was -
tnade by the Ontario Government for
the lidding of •Standing. Field Crop -
Competitions, each society aelecting
the desired kind of grain or oueer
crop grown for seed. . .
With the exception of ten societies,
which devote their energies Wholey
Take a Tablespoonful' of Salts if Back Pais or
Bladder is irritated
Flush your" kidneys by drinking a
quart of water each day, also take salts
occasionally* : say's a noted authority,
who tells us that too much 'rich food
forms adds which almost paralyze the
kidneys 315 their' efforts to expel it fret*
the - blood, They become sluggish and
weaken; then you may suffer with a dull
misery in the kidney region, sharp pains
in the back or sick headache, dizxinees,
your stomach sours, tongue is Coated,
and when the weather .is bad you have,
rheumatic twiny*. ,M The urine gets
cloudy, full Of sediment, the channel*
often get sore, and irritated, obliging
you to neckrelief two or three times
?tiring the night.
To help tnuticlize these irritating
lr7hs�rese. sevelo ee.
acids; to help cleanse the kidneys and.
Mash off the .body's urinous wastes, get
four ounces of Jad' Salts from any phar-
macy dere. Take a tablesi>sts .fixl' fu's'el
tis of water before breakfast
ferw days, , andyour kidneys may alien
abet fine: -. This . •famQUs. Salta 'is 4 filial ea
from the acid of grapes and lemon j't1iGe;
combined with lithia, and has leen used
for years to help , flush and stimulate
a1Wt$all kidneys; also to, neutralize the
adds in the c: tern so they no longer
irritate, thus often relieving bladder
lid Salts is inexpensive; • cannot in- ,
Jura and makes a delightful effervescent
IitJ i►*ter drink. By all means have
YOST physician examine your' kidneys
at I.sst twice a year. •