The Goderich Star, 1924-08-21, Page 2MN TWO
First•Hand Information
110. J. R Thomas, Colonial SePre-
tary, has gone to South Attie*. "qh
see the people in their own bonie,",
and learn *boa their difIculties.
Death, Anions Mame
Sixteen infants a day „di in On.
tario, according to official figures, and
nine per tent, of all babies die before
they reach the age of twelve nionths.
Beets the World
lion. P. C. Larkin, Canedian Iligh
Commissioner, home on a visit from
London, sos Canada is the most pros.
perous -country-in-the
. Death" of Mr. Carrel/
Heat failure caused the sudden
death on his font at Woodstock, N.B.,
on Saturday, of Hee. 1`..anit Carvell,
Chair -ore .ef the Montt of Railway
- ••••••
'10 Prince of Wales Will make ro
*Meal visits in Owed*. He will Pros
teed direct to hit ranee and return
direet to Englenit.
Calker Among Men • ,
The British Empsre Cancer Cain -
pair' reports. that cancer is becom.
ing more laid more "man's Mn.
eam," entering chiefly in the store.
aelt and slitnentary tract.
To Stan rroltegandis
The RuIsnSo1et nee' Pledged
'self to prevent propeganda or sedi-
tion in. Great Britain by the Third In
'termitionale, the Soviet agency for ifs
worldwide activity. .
h tl
is also considering the subject.
Fuel But No Smoke
Through a new p.ocess, slack rod.
in 41ritain, which is now largely a
waste product, will be used for the
extraction of motor fuel and oil. 'The
residue will provide it perfectly
•lissrelokuiewlelss fuel. Who eays John Bull
Assietance to Printers
During the four years ending May
31, 1924, the International Typogras
pineal Union reports °facially Met
over fifteen million dollars were spent
in Aline henefits and epeeist assist- TWENTY.FIVII GODNRICH OCTOGIINARMNS-.
since, of which nearly. two million •
Aesembled At St. Patrich'il Prirk Aug. 13th
Mired in Bonn A group Photo a tw_entosilve old men of Gorierick who gathered at $t. Patrick's park for soviet meeting
Aug. 18th on the invitation of Mr. G. W. Bleck. Their names ere as follows:
Toronto local.
• Beek row, lett to right Wm. Allen (b. 1840), D. Melifurchy (b. 1846), Robt. Kerr (b. 1844,
The • British would not be eoncem
ley (b. 1844), Chas. Me,Ilardo (b., 1843), Jae. Currie (b. 1843), Geo. McMillan (b. 1841), Jas. MeCiure (b. 1835),
trating warships at A.texandrie and J. C. Laithwalte•(b. 1842), Geo. Thonmson (h. 1841), Wm. Wakefietel (b. 1)343), WM. Stewart (h. 1888). 4
Port Sudan, transferring their troops
Front row left to right : Mex. Johnston (b. 1842), James %karat (b. 1841), S. Andrews (b. 1843), John
train" the Suez region- to the latter
rail.head and hurrying airplanes to Sproule (b. 1843), Virm..1. Johnston (b. 1887), Beni. Packwood (b. 1841), Robt. Russell (b. 1843), John Murray
(b. 1843), John Meintoelt th. 1838), Wrn. Campbell (b. 1834), C. Blaeketone (b., 1842)2 AR. Mearieer (b. 1813).
Ithertount if there were no reason for_
it. Nor would they warn the foriei Alldrew (1). 1830'
THURSDAY, AUG. :bet leg&
dollars went to the members of the •
stationed in Malta to. be ready t.o
VIM et a feet hours' entice. Tho, the earlier of these men were gather. ago.
no following historical, notes of ,settled in Goderieh about 25 years
To eafeguerd the ebild from dam -
activity follows an outbreelc in .A.t. "--1 that worms eausie, use lifiller'a
bars, north of Ithrtouns. This un- Ur Job Mc! tomb, born re Glen- I sgb
eu by KA T. G. Connon on tbe owe -
siert a tbe "get together" gattieringi fishie, Tavernen isinhire, Scotlend, A !Worm Powders, the ,medicine par ex..
rest in the Sudan is !relieved to be a ug- cellence for children. These powders
symptom of the quite unconceeled MA Stever Audrews, born Somerset, 'list, 1838, came to Gocerich first in ..
will , clear the system. entirely of
Egyptian ambition so take over the shit* Hiltland, 1843, came to•Gotierich 1851. Has been away fret" Gederietl worms, will regulate and 'stimulate
government of Oast country. ThesSu. wben 10 years old, in :853, attended 'meows times in this iniereal. if Any the organs injoriously affected by the
danese ore also exit -Med, however, echool where own hall now stands; i one thinks that yeare mane for old worms, and will encourage' healthful
over the price of sugar, which le eix where Court House .stands was the i age, be should hoer MA Mentosh play operation of the digestive processes.
times pre-vrar rate& playground for the boys of the Tovvn. the old Strathspey's and /tees, on his As a vertniftge it can be relied. on -
Trainin Bo* t Mlen, born in Ceborne I violin, not a slow movement in them. for its effeetivenese. .r•
g )4 ohootTownship., Feb. 14th, 1840, has been or him.
The National Rifle Association, ;in and out of Goderieh ever sinee. 7dr. John McClure, horn at Wilfred, • Only the uninformed endure the
1 Mr. Chas. Blackstone, born in city
York, •Yorkshire, England. Sept.
14th, 1842, has been 48 years in Can-
.: ada, was in Clinton for 0 yes „and
- heal:men in Gocierich for past 33 years.
Mr. Joeeph Currie, born on 7th eon.
-ceittion Goderich Townie Ip, May Nth,
1843, bas been in and out of Go,derich
alt bisiife but retired to town about
15 years ago, .
A Sena" Re f
' or
. Parliament at its newt session will
probably be asked for. a reform mak-
ing it compulsory for. the Senate to
adopt any bill posed regularly by the
• •TheHogMsrket
The, hog market in Canada shows
• 'signs of •reCOVe• ill a twenty .per
t reduction in theinumbef of hogs
v, e von ro s tbe Iznperxa)Challenge
Meld rompetitione among cadets in
all parts of the Empire, nes made it a
condition this year that theft must be
"Mass wineeney" of tints, as opposed
to the old method of encouraging the
few laid •xieglecting the4many,
Leaving the Rehr
It is anticipating that as a result of
the intevollied meeting in London,
French troorrazivill be vvithdrewit from let, nottoolo canipben, boo tro
in the Uniten States. Higher mices
the Ruhr in 1925'; The Preitch as worrie ifasa came to
are ariticipated Om next Year' outnot to i t ' '
er wo agree le e Goderich'hy tent (via Penetang) In
War Cloads„7 evacuation. Germany must first give toe% AIL Campbell its our. totem 1141..
-• A new Balkan Warbucket by ihe a fair eerereeee ef hev-intent100-10 scalier andeollector. Ills recollections
&inlet of Moscow in threatened, the carry out the Pewee reperation plan., of Goderieh would fill a, book, end it is
• aggressors being -the malcontents of Wheat and Cash really too bad that some definite effort
B ri Srrbia and Ito •
" The estimated three hundred mil. hos not been made to preserve his
whose professed aim le one federated .. . - , wit .
Belkan republic, uon mane' wneat Ow
Opp tn tuft est - Owmage, .
. thus far will have to net the farmer _ Robert Kerr, born in P.olinburgh,
• • Par* Preeperiti $126 a bushel to equal . )'sat year's -Scotland, Deco 1847, was 'II sailer and
Punters throughout-, Canada are bumper yield Which netted the fernier -haft visited the prineipel ports of the
beginning- to receive more adeqUeni 80 rents a bushel, with* *roes price = world. -Thosewho were present and
• returns for their products, and 'after of 31.50 this Would probably be peso heard MA Kerr's stirring recitation
four years of unprofiteble *meridian sible and that- in the present incite*. also his wonderful voice. in the smig:
art commencing once more to prosper. tion. -- • "An Irishrotai;"wUl tot soon forget
. Price er whott Etaltar With, the S.vlet • either, •
Its has started at varioue • The Anglo -Soviet treaties 'sigma by
point's, In Western Canada. Weather ; Premier hiaeltotteld rend not yet rriti-
conditions of the past mautia have' fled by Ohe British Partiatrient do not
been favorable. Wheat prices at -contain the signature of the King.
Winnipeg are :fsiirly oleo -4-M 4148 Theriirml-much variety or sinitilen nit
and in the East at p1.29., . the validity of these documents!, whkh
Bottum, modern Dram also, it is noted, contain invaUfeirence old . hie parents tante to Canada an]
to the Dominions. , settled at Rsittenbury's COIMeeS
Ladies net ttearing strictly . high- ....„ „, .
necketinclothing and long sleeves will rowing ordli Moranto-.., _(Clintori). Ile halt been in this neigh.
not hereafter be admitted to audiencel E, A. Bendall, whO eontrolled the borhood ever eine..
with 11* Pope, aecording to an official motility of the drama In London dur- Andrew Meddle, had the honor of
cad. Notre Dame Church, Montreal, ing the war, a dead. Be dolled his being the oldest man present. Born
or* island Sandy (one of Orkney Is-
-----.....- -----.. _
• ,... lambs) near Kirkwall, &ottani', in
• 1830. When quite young Ws parents
Thomas Gainey, born in County Ca-
van, Ireland, 1844, mint* to. Goderich
about 65 years ago.
james Gordern,.. born 4satist4and.
stare Amapa (Mier -ifirthtiesti)
1841. .When he was about Years
• 1,1
All intending students of the University must
occur* application blanks for entrance sufficient.
ly early- to enable them to return their forms
andqualifying certificates to the Registrar NOT
• Registration. Dkv-Idoodeo, Sept. 224e1 *ext.
threes and Diplomas: Yi. A"
• M.D., Dr. P.H.• RA. in Nursing, ,D.P.II.,
The Vaivenbity ecricialinet lit indieldowd ihwerenten.
Loan funds and scholarship* me provided to moist
arabatioue and desetvisig students.
• • For ltformation
X. P. It Neville, Ph.D., Regkotrae.
OW is th• e time to put in v. -our winter supply of coal as
the tonnage put out by the mines is several thousand
tons los than was put out last year. This means 1.
stlorW0 ol t.oal and higher prices. We have several car
loads of Uhestuut, Stove and Ugg in stock which will be sold
;A S16.00 per tan delivered. All our coal is weighed on
your scales ((he market scales).
Swan* Waikato Pat i4 $3.11 per gallon
We earn' a stock of Portland Cement, Prepared Plaster
and lime solea a heavy btock of shelf and heavy 144rdwart.
•Now is the time to have )our furnace overhauled don't
wai' until col(' weather when every person wants it done.
1 ' nom seiline otooe ilsoodol Avow*"
Pluto. Born at — Mow lit
moved to Canada. settling fora time
near Hamilton. • Mr. Meddle retie to
Goderich in the year of the Russian
War. • . . „ .
• Mr. William Johnston had the
honor of being one of the oldest utert•
present. Born ino this part of the
country, and is also one of the. livel-
• iest. Hie recollections of the early
days before the railroad was built, of
teaming the, lime from Piper's mill
• •dor the eonstructiori of the court
house, of his trip to the gold fields of
Cantering' when they went "around
the horn" are Moot entertainirg.Th
til very recently Mr-- Johnston has
been living in Chicago. Ile was born
on the 4th toliteeelon Goderieh hone.
ship, in 1837.
Alex. Johnston, barn in 'Miner
Shire, Scotland, 1842, Gode.
rich when about 19 years of age.
Mr. j. C. Laithotait,e, been Gotle.
ries township Dee. 6th, 1848. Retired
• into Goderich about 24 years ago.
• Mr. James .Mellicar, born Chatham,
• - Ont., 1843. His father was a stone
MIMI and in 1847 mune to Goderich
-, to build the lighthouse. Mr. Novi.
neer Merrielonlle, Jan. 170, 1835. 'agony of corns. The knowing ones
Lived in McKillop township tor- "a• apply Ilolloway's Corn Remover and
number., of years, moving into Gode- get relief. • •• •
rich about 30 years ago,
Mr. Charles Mc/lardy, born at
Skene, Aberdetenehire, Scotland, '1843,
game to Goderich, 1853.
lifr. D. McMurchy, -horn in• 'HOW
Zrortratipo York County, Ont., 1810,
been In Getlerieb for pica 17 years.
Mr. John Murray, born in Island of
Ilotshire, Scotland, 1840, has
lived in Goderich since 1872. In ino
youth Mr. 'Murray served ten years in
theBritislohneryt-bis.eervice number
was 1755. • War in the "Black
Prince," also in the "Lion," v.hich
was one, of the test boats of the time.
The Lion was equipped with the fleet
breech -loading gone in the Navy. • In
March, 1866, olf Cape Clear; Ireland,
the breech of, one of these guns ex-
ploded and Mr, Murray threw the •
shell overboard. Service of Gins na- Blouses
ture today would be'recognized by a
Pension a$ least, but beyond long crepe de chine, broad -
complimented by the naptam,M • Cloth and georgette
Murray has not n recognized in l'ilces from $1.7 to $3.95
Mr m' Packwood, born in - wit • • •
Dean Village, Bedfordshire England, mated Skirts
July -26th, 1844, came God• it —
the March "following the dark day" Wool crepe pleated sltirtS
ep •in grey, sand, brown and
Mr. Robert Ittioisell--•His father
settled in Stanley township in 1830,.
where Mr. Russell. was „,horn June
15th, 1848. lfdr. • Ruseell wore.his• •
Fenian Raid medal' Mr. Russell Atte
ash Dresses
In choice variety of the
latest stje' in Voiles
Linens ttr- _shown in
splendid range of colors
and all ;narked . at ver),
ottraCtive.prices, to 'clear
1$1.9.5 to $8,00. ,
. .
navy. Special at $3.25
Summer .Hats
one of the original officers of the 33rd 'Milo clear -•$1.50.
T4egiment, and led. the test parade of
•this Regiment. He see only. sur-
vivor .of the original officers et this
Roya dies
• . -
• Mr. William Stewart, 'Dorn in" Bor. •
rierness, Banffshire, Scotland, 1936•
Ready4oillear Co
Oat* to Goderich 121'1866' •
John Sproile, born on Yonge St •
York (now Toronto) October, 18•i3 • East Side Sure - GIMERICH
cense to Goderich with his father tr
take up land in 1858.
Me. George Thompson, born abate
four miles out of Brantford,. (nit est Iliad
(among the indiane, as Mr. Thoines - • "‘"` S •
put it) 1841.- Mr. Thompson ewe tr Vould .Not Sleep
Goderich *a a Your* meet and has 14oppild Bed
theerynofaopul:Mtoivaine:itbefiignuriOseitnitagthetel Inndihs, mrs. E. E. Itoa-111, portage
lumbering and hiM business* f.n 'mirk, Mon., writesr-ttAfter turfing
Years. Ras been -living retired. f I .ad " Tlis; Flu"' I woe botherest with
the past few years, but iindilt-Iterd- ...avert -NW haat and nfr• doctor 4111/4.4
Mr. William virakefirid, born in VP tetrilltesilatv sotwbe7itteillre.biowil:tgrib“:1:11;11!butfir"eliesidt.
not to be doing things yet.
city of Cambridge, Englandiletbrustr; to be prepped upwinn geara would
25th, 1843, CIO* Goderieh s. feel as if I sere going to smother, and
about 8 years age. sometimes my heart would boat so fast
VETERANS' PICNIC It niarlPose feel siek.
Sty Maar MAW 14. Te Take
A Soccessfal • --ir'Verit-Should 11 HEART AND NERVE
• • ear's father was *leo inspector of Mt4e Anneal Affair
-atone work eaa tonstruction. Of -Alm •---The- --veterane... pknie---Itehl - • '
, coact honed also the Maitland River Bayfield on Wednesday, August 1311i
hedge, which was built about the was largely attended and was vet)
sem. time. . , suecessful is every way and It wat
Mr. George McMillan, born,. near the unanimous opinion that it shout':
imilskilkn, Ireend, in, 1841: His be made an annul affair. '
parents moved to Canada when he The following are the prise winner
he was quite young. /dr. McMillan 'in the various sports
• , - / , Ladies' Baseball Game
own private tastesby Ikeneing enter- 1 Miss l Helen Leda, p; Mrs. Cree
C k. cf. M s M W tt lb Miss
traimstente which seemed to him zone. oo ; s ;
pooled mainly of vulgar herieettSe in Nair, 24 Miss Gaelie, 3b; Mies Pre-
order that the wilder spirits of the tier. 311; Miss Beaton, ti; Mos. Butler
day might have the amusement they If; Miss Cook, cf. Runs --.14.
needed. This class of play did not Mies romper. e; Miee Kerner, TY
disappear with the war. 'Mills King. Dewett, 2b; M'
c4siteig of tAre Sherritt, 3b; Miss Davidson, as Mem.
sad I, must say -that they did ma
• world -of good; u short time
I felt my helot berme 7aith stronger
sad coed do myown housework without
thnt tired, uoinout feeling. 1 will a1.
way* recommend the to all those nal%
feting front Imola troubles."
Milburn's N. N. Pills are for salt
at all druggist's slid dealers; put up
only by The T. Milburn Co". Lient44
Protestor Joliet' /feeler; the ;1•IeEaveri* et; His* Shaw. ef; Miss
McLeod If •Rune 11
ent Oxferd biologist, who •is visite* ' •
• Canada jvnit stow, has told an *Wino Mett's Baselooll Cone -
•• that mock his been lone in prolong. , Mutch, P. ?dutch, ltey eta:. P
lug the adult life and Warding off Carter, 3. Stirling, &Dodd*, L. Karl
tandlity by hiatus...A or glands. Ile son, D. Walton, T. Morgan Capt).
said the flatworm would be made t.9 1Rens-14. •
Wow forever. B. sow: mileferten.21, Blur. W. %oh. N. MeDoneal•
Tarty as yet this ending tally to the 'V. McElwee, A. Jackson, L Retort-
datworat. lost who know* what the *In, W. Ifokrit, C. Weatratt, A. Boner
Mare may held 1* Mere (rapt). Runso-4.
ltessenthetialy the Dead IWO*
Sir Arthur Currie la the roars* of Barren Boxiest -A. batter. 1st.
a* address en Benda, said lot pert: a.; Potting the Sbet,00fferelit Standoss,
"The 'meat period. bring the asull-Ist: IleverlY Nag: 3114.
refuel af the vkteriems Allied drive,. Oilivera" Bons-Kakor 01144411, 1st:
beginning on Anent 8,191*, are days 'Xi* 31040‘ Rad; 1.4. Mersa& Sri.
be bo otoorially remembered. Belt - N. C. 0.'y Bier-Seegt.-Idalsor Da-
AimLedsmodoore hod called them xis. lot; Ovhd. Povenir. Sod.
she Mark day* of she war for Ger. Otiose
away. 'as milMioss is sae* et them P. 0
ht the torsnomorre Imlay. The Bd. Ladies'
tisk 'Empire will set fall. so los: as Mies
Oa ammorior et past aeldeveuseets Says'
Mods Oak loose. and so hog OM the Dodds.
high sptelt le maktain. Okla'
*V Grace
Miss Mayes*" let:
led; Mee break 104-
V. WNW. 1st; W.
CI. Whiesides. fled.
soap. 1.5:
11. OM,
'NUi) �ti
There is
only o
all the Ms
Thu to it***.parken the roe= as much as possible, eke.
windows, raise oaf of the blinds where the sun shines in. shout
eight lacier., pito, as many Wilson's Fly Pads AS possible cot
platen (ProSPerlywetted with miter bot not flooded) on 'the •
was lodge where the light is strong. leave the room clown!
_ for two or three hours, then satecp up the flies and burn them.
$ee. illustration below.
Pot .the plate* awe, out of threach ol childtaa yogi)) re.
gaited in assother room.
HE New Special Six is essen-
tially McLaughlin -Buick in
character arid Performance.
The .same body lines, the same
motor and chassis construction,
the same mechanical excalences
that characterize the McLaugh-
lhi-Buick Master Six are embodied
in this Special Six, while the
Master Six is longer and larger
the two models are identical in
mechanical design: -
Pour weer Brakes and -Low .
Pressure Tires, of course.
The handsome Duco finish ac-
tually improves with lite. Ci/i6
East Street Garage Phon o243
• .
By our New Latest Device Automatic Air Compressor, ' •
• :also Air Tower, which enables you to get air' a any
time you wish, uo waiting, no fussing or dirty host to
handle. just stop and help yourtelf 'whew passing .
along the 'Blue Water Righway, at
474 ha* r 2
Also Distributcors for the WATBRESS STORAGE BATTERIES
-the bates, that is proving a wonderful success.
..$1,5600 TO
MeUK a 't a WINante '1;4.'1 'IPEG
lausitewers. Alberta. E404441‘1111. Carr „ lideLlsool awl Emt.
Gehl Mel AMON& Alad-Teeseee, Carkslass Etat, Beetess, Wiessferd. Celliameuest,
Ur A All Pasisemeg. Midi -i1. Parry Seuest, Sestbary. Cepreel mid east thwart la
DATESAwaisseiaStlels-Tessisme. laglewood jet. east all awaken. 11414414 NJ vim
Special ?mho 1i&vo-cSterogatra Theo)
Tottotrro &MOW nate -12.SO p. as. awl 10.30 p. at.
• . Th-60:11:31,11ViErUert=lit_--"*ftees.
tie= itzis Malme-t.M="1211===="14 loc=a-ts" bra f.Oma
••.• 7_,