The Goderich Star, 1924-08-14, Page 7•
InitnileP,At MM. 1404 11H4.
eseemer 4444.
n..IMAtrlle11 1111 IMIMln
Sunday Atter'noon
ISAREL tustalviv, Gedertiei, Otlf.
Tim oblrestiWW"
44 " ai,,1.IJIi.r ae,aeei111060 nrrlAa • .� uIIP•l WNW*
a - ITU 110TTON
OUT Of W -omathe ons o
Hit arid. Mies !lialiseiaar ei Kiss Gtw-
erstase.t 9htahes IMrsatass With -
Nigher txpe*ittssres, .
alassall*NO tf.{11.rt
.,ai0«I■..i�411001 t11«li� ilasallpaaii i
Thou hidden Lave of God, whose were degrees of knowledge ani revenue
bottom is dropping out of the
Tiara rersntas sell right, ttttien the Govern.
height, - _.
elsteeligenee and Clueet triad est mewls meet ;arae stuueueoed its revenue
Whose depth unfathomed, nn matt elm in any harsh way whom he in res- tumor ' in the Budgets Seeeeh. Hire
lits said "Beebe thing isn't poealhle~ J. A. Rahn► immeoresd the view that
I see from far Thy beauteous light, Then Jams plainly told him that to be they would meati a tote' less of $*4,-
Inly I sight for Thy relo-e : born of the spirit was quite tloaotlter 00,000. During the ceyarse of the
My heart is pained, nor can it be thing -the one makes a run* either' session some other eiangss were
At rest till ;t dells rest in Thee- of dais werW, the other a citizen of made so that finally the Acting Min-
PRA1 lett, heaven. Dr. Leibchiki tells us that he later of Finance theeeet that the lose'
Heavenly Fatties, I that Tient ones meta lad twelve years old of * might total betweirf ;25,000.000 and
Teeth amekhow to be ramong mY - , bends "Cent Yen it'" itsq'eirede , Ctletoias revenue be patted alt $1,225.-J
lows and yet to be with God. Teach the deteter, ""r'0 be errs a eat. 1000.
me how war
� '�' RELIEF me h t k and Yet to be in eon road to yen this: Except a man W. the ehiekms are naw eomint I
seven y a pray tollgate who had a Teaiamew't in his $14.000,000 for the year. The loss in
• It Mi.i. Give
Dveaiatery is seal of the worst forms
of bowel eompiai*t, it comes on ouil-
dusly, and the pains iu the lewd* be-
come intense tiva d:*barges 'neer with
great rapidity, and ere very often se-
euttpeniee by blood.
Dysentery does not need to persist
fur any.leugth of tint until' the whole
,eystwn beewaea %rakenest rind dehili-
*eked, gad }lenity sexy other.�iisease as
quiekly iaudor,nines the strength . and
hriags about a corditem of prostration
and -utter, toiler* that often termin•
ate* fatally.
• Mr. Robert Woodall, leamleops,il. C„
weitee: -"I wax • sorely troubled with
that terrible scourge, dysentery, for..the
last twelve months owing to the after
otreete of ptomaine poisoning. I had
absolutely no control oyer my bowels,
sod atter .trying several doctors' reme-
dies 1 was induced to take Dr. I'orrler'e
,Ext. of Wild Strawberry. .After doing
se I,got imniediste anti complete relief.'"
Apply the liniment every few.
hours to throat and chest.
Gargle with Minard's In warm
Splendid for' Bronchitis: . .
atld sa
r. Testclr hie how to 1"e in"heap be bartf again, he cannot sea the king- hems to roost and in much larger
dais: that los than Ads It • li thought was
yen while walking upon teethe' Let dam of God;"- „Host ra an s
late even now live in the heavenly, mean, my bay The lad gtaieWy re- potlsibie- The Budget Speech wee 1
places with t'he'ist, Through Jesus plied: It meanws a grilttt, c *nge. made one week after the *petting of
Christ our Lord. ilmen:r+rFram "The To be born ***in means sonestbina the new fiscal year and it is found
Daily_ Altar," by J. H. Jewett. here (laying his hand upon his breast) that the loss in revenue during the
and the kingdom of Ood moan* same- first four months tag been actually
S. S. LESSON FOR. AUG. 2 nth, hintt to u ander," That boy ' had $20,000,000
b g on eu tome and excise.
Less`bn Title-Jeetii Talks with Ni- grasped wphayt was beyond the comPre- That is itis say, Mr,fRobb has lost dur-
calemtta. • hension of a Master in Israel, ins dais time about four«firths of the..
Lesson Passage•• -Joh 1.3, R-17. Verses t1•iz Iftustrntive Teaching• total amount he thoairht he would
Gorden Text -John 3:16, ( Jesus , as he so often did in after
lose during the whole 12 months,
Verses 1-3--A Remarkable Interview,days, directed Nicoftenus' attention if the lova in revenue continues at
Y the rate that has been maintained
This was that rnemorable visit
to *slur'. We hear the wind and see during the first four months of the
whit:h took place at midnight upon an its erode but we are ignorant of
fiscal year, instead of losing $E5,000, -
evening in Eastetr week in thecity of where it comes from aced where it 000 or $2+6.000,000. tee 'Government
Jerusalem. It liras made memorable goes and then he added this deduction will Imse $60,000,000 in Customs and
by the personality of the two men and "so is every one that is born of the Excuse. - There is no doubt about this,
the topic of conversat.on. Ina few spirit:" The returns speak for themselves.
verses we have the great teethe of . But" the mind of Nicodemus could The customcollectcona supply a
Christianity expressed in answer to not get away from the thought of a irooti example of how far 4ut bar,
the honest inquiry of brie of the great physical *mina birth and again ask-
. Robb was in his estimating. lee ex -
men of his time. The inquirer was ed „Ham can these things be?" ected that the lots might be $1,225,-
• ' the Pharisees,
one of the proud sect. of,
Verses 11,13 -Christ a CIO*, 000 for the year. ' During the firs
the Pharisees, a member, of the San-
hedrim, a master in Israel; the inquire ' When Nicodemus came to Jesus he four months it was actually $4,781,-
ed of was Jesus, a Teacher sent front ' used 'the term "we," meaning'himself 000, or nearly four time what he
God. He had startled Nicodemus in, and ,those of his clash, ]sere Jesus thought it might be for the whole 12.
to, thought by his authoritative way does the same, meaning 'hiztrself and If the rate of loss.. these four
of ' cleansing' • the, temple and' after- hip diaciples.. He sloes `not make_ months is maintained, the loss in
wards working many miracles. rico- statements he does wet fully under- stead of being $1,225,000 for. the year,
demus was learned in the Law and stand. „He knew tide troth of aide new wilt be over $14,000,000. Of course
the Propeet:s, but even so he could doctrine ;he had 'come to proclaim. it is impossible to say just what will
not grasp the sfignific,snce of the He )rad seen and could 'bear witness happen,, but it is now known that in
promised Messiah coming in the per. to the change of heart experienced by less- than six months .the Government
son of a humble Galiilean. Ponders those .who had ` already believed on will lose in revenue as much as it ex-
ing- over the events of that Passover him, but, "ye (the Pharisees) receive reefed to lose during whole of the
d d d t t not our witness. - No man but the Year.
week he eci e o seir:; an interview
with.Jesusthus showing how featly one who dwelt from eternity with the This is an ettanipte er scientific tar-
ifI-mang as" kiunderatcod by the Kin
interested he' was. It was no small Father is able .to speak of hete
risk he took .considering his position things with the ,certainty wield which Government. 'Ms is an example of
in the city and. the agsinted, condition Christ here; conversing in bodily •form the careful adjusting 'of taxation to
with Nicodemus, makes declaration of the back ofbusiness. There never
of the people, so he decided that his Inc divinity. He' was in heaven while was a Worse example' of hit•and-mis.,s
• visit must be made secretly. We are on earth (John 1:14). financing. If the Government had
not told 'in whose home Jesus was merely 'shut its, eyes and slashed the
y M is 1Viissiarr. revenue with a kttfelt could elatedly
that -of the writer ofthisgospel. 019,101V-to
V Jesus here states`the reason why he have done worse" And it is under
are not told° how he gained entrance canine into the world and gives to Ni- such conditions that busihess is ex -
at that late hour or in what manner eodemuts the very care of the gospel, petted to preeeer.
he introduced, hin self but doubtless
To ,illustrate he refers to somethinfiel The situation. would not, be so bad.
the oriental ceremony was fully ob- 'very familiar to every Master in Is- if expenditure 'were being reduced in
served and then he at once made reel, the lifting up of the serpent by like manner. But it is eat: , As a
known his mission. Ile used the Mosseslit the wilderness that all those matter of fact 'it is'higher than it was
fort*of address by which he hiniself bitten, by tiering, €iery-aerpenta might during the first months of the last
would be add*essed'c "Rabbi," He 'Wheeled by looking on the image of fiscal year. With rap.aly declining'
then went, straight to the matter up- the serpent. '"Even so, 'must the Son revenues on one hand, and higher ex-
on which he had beet' ponderink, thus of Min be lifted up" that sinners may penditure on the other- -where will
opening the way for Christ to reveal look, and be saved and have' eternal the country land?.
himself.. Ile ,declared- Inc, belief 'in life. Following ' tins Jesus. nttel,ed Ti the Budget sneech the Govern:
Jesus ata teacher divinely, instructed the most wonderful proclamation even meet ensured the Country that stein-
but he does not speak out plainly and
humannears. gent economy would be
practised. d and
ask, Art thou he who should come or "For God so loved the world, that as an evidence of this it gnid--a Look •
do we look for anotheree Christ, he gave his only begotten Son, that at the estimates, they call for an ex -
looking not only into his face but into whopoever believeth• on him `should ,penditure of only $400,000,000 this
his heart, answered not thin-3inplied not perish, buthave everlasting life. year .against, $446,000,0.00 Last year"
question but rather, what he read For God sent not .his 'Son into the' But don't forget the .camouflage. ` In
there. The striet Pharisees regarded world to condemn the world; but that the first place -there was an additional
themselves as Abrabai.i's children and thf world through him might bei 56,600,000 in . the supplementaries,
therefore heirs of God, but Jesus' *alai same."' ' ' then $20,000,000 for branch lines,;
to him, there is one way and one way nearly $14,000,000 for a bridge and a
only to become an heir of heaven and , . WORLD. MISSIONS viaduct in Toronto and Montreal, .ard
that is by a new birth. Except a man In the d $5.000 000 for Vancouver Harbor. In
Cheope% than Coal or Wood.
Canveoient, Clean, Quick
Neth Side Square, CODERICH
)"MO FEC'r MierlAKt1TA a0N,SPU13tS'
JAW its. -1 Ma-IU':E* *.' -At set kW Stel. -
;into and }horse Livery
link Stables, Etc,
Montreal Street
foot off the Square
'Busses Meet ail Trains ase
Passenger Beats
i'asstngers-called for in any
Part of the- town .for all
trains at a. T. R. or C-1.**
Dap too.
Prompt Service and
Careful Attendance.
flier t.lvery mail Haack &srvles
will ret Imood ap-te,dste
la every respect."!
riar Pr/dressage Solicited
. Plums 107 Mhatrsal Street
hf''" OR[R
who today enjoy better shams
a r
hs l
Less tittle is used i* the Dominion. now, for
shaving. And the milboas sof once who save that
time. are also saved acre, irttated faces,
lions Te find opt what the
ound out join
bout these
iag creams. No #xpeaxe to you. We pay forths
And you will discover why we worked for 10
months. making 130 experiments, perfecting
I'almolive Shaving Creat*. You'll at pace appr-
date the 5 distinct ways in which it give* bete*
1*tBBey multiplying itself 250 times in richest
By softening env beard in one mustsee
without "rubbing."
By the lather that lasts 10 minutes, if
By the way tetra strong -walled bubbles
hold each hair erect, for easier, cleaner
By that. cool, toothed after -feel -Mise
result nf_careittllir_blende+tt pelm and olive
Millions of tee* could tell you. But it's more
satisfactory to find out for yourself. If the test
jkosli fail --tee arc the ottiy losers.
Mail your coupon today -and get 10 slt*vcs free,
"-s,Mt Alt la arks swat to Rea, Rrl�t
C.r„May et Masa*. iii.. Dopa
Tornio. oat
Nas,.....1•....,...4. ...r«,44+44. .
.... ...
city ...... ............. ..„ ,44.44 . .
(Kincardine Reporter) 1
Who has not noticed this summer e
m er of cars rker Everything to make
daily on. Queen Street. Close obser. •
vatic* will bring home the point that
these are not locally owned cars and a TastyDinner
the increased number pa
year 1866: a holy man an a
be born again (that is from above other words, the Government secured '
he cannot see the kingdom. of God. •high caste boy stood together on a
a the authorization not uy 5400 000 000, .
road and the words uttered by the ,
This was 'a startling reply to Inc former were these: "Away with but of an expenditure of $446,000,000.
words and he waa not able to Catch you, unworthy son of pious 'Brahman I • - "
the real.meaning. Then, as tow, parental" The boy stung to the i FASTEST HARVESTERS TRAINS
(1 u - - _ - _ j quick, walked slowly towards 'hits
6AOIANWNA i �ONA4 -- trains of
RY, home and there, chut, he knelt down The specialharvestershoosing the darkest NATIONAL. RAILWAY'S .
corner in the tiny ' '"
and 'prayed: Then taking out his the Canadian National Railways from .
Tamil. New Testament he" read the all Ontario• points advertised, will
*'tory of Nicodeinnua. Some thought make the fastest time to Winnipeg •
bstgy'Excetpt Sunday made the tears drop upon .the' open operating via the new Longlac cute
Live. Goderich 6.00 a.m. 2.20 p.m. Page, and for a time he could not read off, the shortest route between Fast- -
" Clinton 6 25 a.m. 2.52 Dm. another word. He then had ati inter- ern and. Western Canada. Harvest-
'`' Mit said: "My father, my mother, no' consequence, be first. in the field. The
ehele 7 . 04 a.m: 3 . 42 ,sit .
" -Ses,forth . 6.• 1 a.m. 8.12 p.m, view with his father and mother and 'ers travelling by this route will as a
p one knows how dearly. I. love you first train leaves Toronto one minute
burr. •Stratford 7,30 ani, 4,10 p m.` hath; •your world is mine, and you are after midnight of August 21st ' (12.01
";Kitchener &20 sem. •r "30 p.m: everything in this world to me.- Yet a. m. August 22nd). The fareis a
Guelph 8.45 a m. 5.50 p.m. there Is something higher, and' a call flat rate of $15 to Winnipeg and half
" • Toronto 10.10 a ne 7.40 p M. stronger than earthly love 'has conte 'a cent a mile beyond. Returning the
Meted ning-Leave Toronto 6.50 a.m., to my heart. For . nothing in the fare is half a cent per mile into Win-
12.55.p.m. and 6.10 pen whole world would I leave my mother nipeg and $20 back to starting point.
T save for Christ, and now I am pledg. Comfortable, roomy, , convertible
Parlor Cafe car,
Godertcto or- ed to serve Him and follow Him. In (berth) Colonist Cars of latest de -
onto, on morning train andd Toronto his later manhood th sign and lunch counter cars serving
to Goderich•6:10 p; tn. train, is eb k si
oy was known
Through coach Goderich to Toronto as the distinguished Judge of Madras. food and refreshments at reasonable
the first Tndiari Christian to be chosen prices will be attached .to trains.
F. F. LAWRENCE & SONS' for' a place on the Legislative Council Special cars will be provided for
town Passenger and Tickets Agents of eft* Presidency. •y. women. Purchase your tickets, to
'Phone 8 Winnipeg via Canalt tan National
SCHOOL tFAIR DATES FOR 1t)2•t Railways, no matter whether your
....._�._ ._w,=z.�._ .........,_._. _ . _-4444.
_ . 4444..,
Ashfield, September 8t-ci. final (lestztiation--is a 'Naini oil `lids
-IBUDGE Bl Helens, ptem September 10th. Bluevaie,fSeptember 10th.
Canadian National or not. Consult
with your nearest Agent for train
Wroxetee September 11th. service, etc. '
SO WE IK COULD Gar.rie, September 12th,
Clinton, September 15th.
The world not only needs universal
. Clinton Rural, September 15th. peaee, but a self -finding collar button
HARDLY STAND Zurich, September 16th.
Varna, September 17th.
Dashwood, September 18th.
Grand Bend, September 19th.
Tells How Lydia E.Pinkham'i Porter's hili, September 20th.
Colborne Se tember 22nd •
. ,
Vegetable •Comps and Belgrave,,Septemberp 23rd.
'Restored Her Health Ethel, September 24th. -
Blyth, September 26th and 224th, Look. Young! Iring Rack Its
' Winghnm. ,September 29th and 10tlr. Natural Calor, Close and
River Dessert,Que.••-e" I used to have a
severe .pain in my side. I would be un-
able to walk fast and Mould not stand
for any length of time to do my ironing
-or wazhing, •but 1 would have to He
down to get relief .from the pain. I
had this for about two years then a
friend told me to try Lydia t. Pink.
ham's Vegetable Compound as she had
had good results. I certainlygot good
results from it, too, u the ast time I
had a sora aids, was last May and I have
not had it since; I am also lad of
havingnursing for my baby, and
I think it is your medicine that helped
me in this wa . "-Mts. L. V. Bonus,
River Desert, Quebec.,
If you are suffering from the tortures
of a displateeMeat, irregularities, back-
ache, headaches, melanomas, or pilot
in the side you should lire no time is
[ trying Lydia iL Pinkham'i Vegetable
Lydia N. Pinkhaun's Private Text -
Boo c upon "Ailintinta Peculiar to We -
men "will be sentYou fres open requeot
Write for it to the Lydia N. Ploidada
Medieins fib., Coburg, Ontario. Tt3s
book craatal*s r.hebis laforttsstfos that
ewers WOW*rbould bow.
Henaall, October let,
Crediton, October 2nd,
Winchelrtea, October 3rd.
-Algonquin, Park offers a diversity
of interest that is not frequently found
in Summer resort dictriPts. Besides
the Highland Inn, headquarters for
tourists in the Park, Nominigan Camp
and Camp Minessing, consisting of xt.
series of log cabins beefed seven and
ten miles respectively from headquare•
ere, offer comfortably furnished quart
ens with bathrooms, hot and ° cold
water, and other conveniences.' These
Cabins *01 sleeommodate parties up
to eight in number, and efford that
splendid seclusion so desired by many
city dwellers.
For enformstien address, Manager,.
Highland Inn, Algonquin Park Sta.
tion, Ont,. ar any agent of the Can.
adian National Rallw*yis.
Norsidays people can afford any-
thing they cannot *%ord.
Common garden sage ,brewed 'into a
heavy tea with sulphur added, will turn
gray, streaked and faded hair beauti-
ally dark end luxuriant. Just a few
applieations will prove a revelation ,if
your hair is fading, streaked or gray.
Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur rec-
i •at home, though, is trottbksome.
An easier way is to get a hottle of
Wytth's Sage and Sulphur Compound
at any drug store all ready for, use.
This is the old-time recipe improved by
the addition of other. ingredients.
While wispy, gray, faded hair is not
sinful, we all desire to retain our
youthful appearance anti attractiveness.
By darkentlig your hair with W'yeth's
Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one
can tell, because it does it so naturally,
so evenly. Yon just dampen a sponge
ar soft bra"irt with it and draw that
your, hair, talcsag small
through your,
a tithe; by all gray
hadri have disappeared, ani, fter ass..
Miter' appiicstion or two, h* he.
cosies bee stifttily dstk, glow", **ft and'
huasrfa at• .•
many of , them bear American license
plates. There is no doubt that the in-
crease in tourist. trafilc ie the result
of the extensive advertirene of the,
Blue Water Highway, anti through
the medium of their booklets the
twits along along the route have had their -
advantages as stinimer resorts die- rreserve `a�Kaspaerries ani
played. The 'increase •01' tref ie over L e
the. Blue Water Highway has been _ Cherries Now
o w
over 100 per cent, this season. The
credit for Kincardine getting her jute
share of the tourist traffic goes to the _
Booster Club who have been behind
t locally.
les lakeani
In the. heart of a peerless laiid
and Virgin Nature, expresses the'situ-
ation , of Nominigan and Minessing
camps' consist of a central lodge sue -
rounded by log cabins, • coMfortebly -
furnished evith bathrooms and bete g
and told water' always available -
you have all the. centiarta.: of • home
and fine service that Canadian Neat- O+
ional -management assures. Camps
are open from July, Ise to • August 31
For information d sa Manager,
o a n ofd re ,
Highland' Inn, Algonquin Park. Sta-
tion, Ont., or any -agent of the can
adieu Railways, `
Boils and Plnrpislt
Bad Blood
When •the blood gets -out of, order it
is - only natural that boils, pim$er, ar
some other ibidii•atioe of bad blood
should break rut of the eystem.
What you need, when this oeenes, is a
good tonic to build up the system and
lnrt the blood into proper shape.
For this' purpoiee there is ftotkutg on
the market to•
Fresh .Peas, Beads, Tomatoes,. Cucumbers
Beets, Carrots, Lettuce, Melons, Water Melons
Mrs L A. Delbert, Allan, s ask., o
writes: -"For several years I .was
troubled with boils and pimples. I
tried many treatments, but mouhl get
no results.. I then took Bnrdoek Mood
Bitters and became free of my trouble.
It is the only medicine I took that did
rile env good."
It, li..le ismanufactured only by The
T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat:"
Sugar has been cheap but it wilt be
South Side Square
,ata ,O 0- Alpo
Our "Merit"
Telephone 1:144
and our saresnan
will call.
Cakes and Pastry
for, every occasion.
Give us the opportuis,ity
to serve you r :
William V Richardson
d West Street Bakery Opposite Masonic Hall
osetd ,4444 ,��.�,ote=or�--soao,
a' Tablespoonful of Salts if Back Pains or
Bladder is Irritated
Flush your kidneys by drinking a
4 quart of water each day, also take salts
occasionally:, says a noted authority,
who tells us that too much rich food
' fora acids which almost paralyze the
kidneys in their efforts to expel it from
the blood. They become sluggish and
weaken; then you may suffer with a... dull
misery in the kidney region, sharp pains
in the back or sick headaches, dizziness, . .
your stomach sours, tongue is coated,
and when the weather is bad you have
rheumatic twinges.. The urine gets
cloudy, full of sediment, the channels
often get sore and irritated, obliging
you to seek relief two or three times
t ,1'°coli; the night..
?'i help ;neutralize these irritating
. ,.•tis 44;%A.a ,. Art, c {r .ww ywr
'acids; to help cleanse the l:idneyaand
flush off the body's urinous v,,acte, get
four ounces of Sad Salts from any phar •;
macy: here. 'Take a table. r',coih. ee :4
glass of water before break a••'
few days, and: your, kidneys ail::;
act fine. This famous salts is math.
from the acid of grapes and lemon juice,
combined with lithia, and has been itiaetl
for year:, tii help ,flu h and stimula,t&
sluggish l.idne s; also to neutralize Abe „
acids in the system so they no longer
irritate, ilius often relieding bladder
wwtkness. '
,egad Salts iq inexpensive; - cannot ins
jure and rilaFot a delightful effervescent
lithts-water drink. By all means have
year physician examine your kidneys
art hast twici * year,