The Goderich Star, 1924-08-14, Page 56l Ir I 1 ai 111 loom 11 11 I�ppM■ !i<t Alta. 1 • 1 Aw-rl r .MI .,I, -MM p1I.iY 11 1■ Keep Your Vacation with a KODA Whether a week ha the woods ora day at the shore, Kodak is an essential part of your equipment. At our counteryot:'11 fin the Kodak yon „need; also a Complete line of accessories and "the dependable film in the yellow box." Autographic Kodak; Brownie Cameras $6.70 up $2.05 up', Telco Plant" of .Kodak Film CAME BEL ' S DRUG . .STORE Eastniaai Kodak and Filtiis •. . PHONE 96 The Siang dODERICH, a L.,;- tttoeile alae srwi+e fit Dein► wears io lie sstrt isaaaiys wlrw eYe:rat , ger.dsM; R Boehmer. lits. lt, Static*r, !Llan t 'Caboose. �i slbsr- M'ynt etas *rants d nfa Wa at.ke�twaat taltisat Vier G.rdisstei- D s. 'Les �r, ♦s Boe!nner, K tchrn- ton; y. Iia lflo ora Twwto; J. l4«, tree 4. tae year owa tensa sseretaam�t aaaidagt for hew viola be we ea; Haw. C. 3*ebach, Miss V. Sa. Morris, Betas*; IL G. G. Gras, Ow. Dia% ala to fire city ar mod to the emaacbt ew4 Mid lay tar third balsam brk las. Z. i. Hans. Mrs. Geo. Pa- es Soused; Mrs. A. L. Gees. Adic. atoll seder hewrs; and ask fee geed sand wax awarded the rim es tpeasllDW as, Ms Jaaa Iiattis, Port Huron; vale; 114. Lied ay, Owes Sound; Cba.. Emilia ehiaa. The city rmerehant In the sixth innings ;; Liver went to Misr Leas Arlteson, R. P. ('raw. Dfi. neon alai firs. Roars, l`. A. se. slily lead atom of the ansae goods the hat lint' for the 'naiters and got >w Temente; J. 1...Greach and lady, Strat- gets, Miss D. II. Rogers, Bias Helen town merchant handled. good *lean hit. He and Keel- ford; Mara. J. ?rank Kitchen and chit- Smitn, riantuton; H. P. Sways* and In the eveai* the sntertainaaent lag tallied is that innings. Aad dra. >Irrlaatferd; Frank M. Pray and wife, Detroit; Mrs. G. xlarold Emery, was the play Six Cylinder Love and it locked bed for Goderieh when wife, Oak ?slat; C. Sym.ingtau; jr., nurse and two children, Wtadsoa; A. the Chautauqua tent was crowded for their half of that innings went by Detroit; lire. Chaos. H. McIntosh, CM. W. eampb.», A. ('aelceran, 'Teseonte; the event. 'lire piny wbicb dwaya with no Tana and tine seventh sled eagrt; Usi.7 #iaierasan. jr„ (haR :5 Father° ili*4test, Delreit; W< F. forms elan program of a Cita.atawxua eighth bad no tattles. Than the vial--ilstviiwt. Dseratt; Geu. Af Mair, slack, ?Liss Mritktat elliM &srgeart. course. is always ea attended. And tors went to. bat in their last Waiter's Sondwieb; shined i',onds, horntan t VW. and Mrs, Halligan. Brantford; li. this season's comedy was nothing of and the locals held them to no +�ux. S&*tt, Co H: Davis, ;r•, Howard 'L.`13. McKay and wife, liaatiltan, a disapttaintment. "It is a teocele Then tame the glorious tirade, - Knaggs; Des�eit; Mr. and Mrs. TI. Il. I '^"-•-- dean, wholesome film with a hear. Lindsay went to bet and one could see Harley, Pigeon. 0.; Mr. stud litre. killer's Woxtn Power*, limping in eat message which everyone gets," to determination written in his pose as U. M. Kerr, Z. Yung and wife, Dr i demand evs erywhere can ba got at any quote from the advance literature of he took up his position are; he landed Geo.' C. Duggan. Kra. Geo. C. Dug., chert. Theyarde reopttbl* tepid for the Cheutanqua, and that was exactly on the ball all right. And !scenes glen, Miss Nina Sharman. Detroit; warm h lar sat, can be rem* ry*lfor it• m. story is of a newly-wed sub- canoe next and got away. And it Daniel '. Fox. A. C. Mulch if. S. urban couple who plunge wildly into'I wasn't necessary to pray , any mors Banta, Chicago; Jae. H. Walsh, lir. upon to expel worms tram the systeta debt via the entertainment route. the after they both crossed the home - and firs. F. W. Bannigartner, Mrand abate the sufferings that worms cause of their downfall being the high plate-Goderich had won. Maybe - and Mrs. 111. `•lt;. Gtivin. Mr. and 31sT cau$e. There are many rnoihera shalt ► re$loiee 'that they sound available so powered automobile, or rather the the crowd didn't cheer. W. Carpenter, I[r. and Airs. 1.. L. company it leads to: ''Payments fall Carpenter, Detroit; Winnifred Ferg- etfeceive a remedy for the relief of Well here'a the score; their ehildtrrn, AB R H A I't? F h*w. ifatnsas City; Cuciy. Ilsventutn. vemaabarraitsed• Near • embezzlement Wilson, ss 4 0 0 0 0 0 Chicago; Mr. nasal firs. W. E. flacon, One cure the old-time surgeon waw, • !and a lgst jab follow, :,aeir toleePeed}Markle, 3b 4 0 1 1 0 1 !`lean York: lir: clad +`,ire. T. F. Alt• not at all particular about was a man., revels ;Malls the 'young husband tea- t Hilyer, t f .. « 3 1 2 0 2 • - Namara, Sarnia; A..T. Peoples; Mia; scare. ,fixes, in a philosophical mood,,'that it, Keeling. 2b 4 1 1' 0 0 0 M. Parte, Detest; W I►. Bartram, - 4 isn"t the car. but, the company it MMGretavy, c 4 0 le 0 3 e Loneion; Mrs.:Chaa. H. Schumm, Pte- The Poor ltitit'a Frteed.--Put up in ke+epis, that belays the mortgage fore -trait; S. DMs Itieulin, Iiamilton; G. small. y portable Vasey, 1b 4 0 1 0 6 1 bottles that are �yaatil closure. Ile immediately denounces 5ehwan, If 4 0 0 1 3 0 McLennaas ��'if*s J' Wiseman and and sold for a very small num, Dr. the "human eponges." cuts them off Briggs, rt.. 4 0 0 0 0 d wife, Clintenari; Betty Booth, Chicago; Thomas' F.clectrie Oil possesses pow. the friendship list, gives up the bun- Whinfield, p ...3 - 0 0 " --0 0 J. S. Eoot and party, Loudon; Paul or in concentrated corm, Its chean- galow and makes.a new start. ,.,.. ,... ,.,., -.. ,..,,11 Clark, Chicago; Helen f estrup. Mary nese and the 'varied uses to *bleb it Yesterday the entertainments con- 34 z o e iF 3 Sortnson, Florence Baer, Toledo; can ba put make it the poor man"a slated of the ].aura Werno Ladies' Lorraine Abbott, London, S: W Lan- friend No dealer's stock is complete Quartet and the lecture, "The Four Goderieh - Al§ R H Al.P11 E don, Cleveland; !logo ik«randt, Chita- without, it. Square l3tiililei:" by rapt.' T: Dins- Weir, of 3 ' 11% 1 0 0 = go, Capt, and llfrs. J. 'IV. $eresford, more Linton. and today. (the closing: Mitchell, 2b3 0 0 1 0 Toronto; Mr. and Hrs. A. H. M. Gray. After all, •about the hardest thing day of the Chautauqua) Vierra's ill- Lindsay,. p. .....7 .4 `1 1 ' 2. 0 don and children. -E. Wild. Lo'edon, q keep clean is a record. waiians and Virginity Slade in a dna- iiayne'sr c 4 l: 1.2 0 1 E F. Law and wife, Port Huron; Ada - - matin entertainment, are the attrac- Robinson, 3b 3 0 0 1 1 1 Ruth Jones.. Chautauqua; Wm. Gray, lions. Snatford, sa.....,.,3 0 0 • M 1 1 Windsor; G. W. Strelinger and wife, FOR FI.BiICilElt►S The morning _ -.-._ _ trame .. .« elan- •« Bisset- lb. _... a 4 0 3 7 J; Chas. G. Str'elinger, l;irminghanl,. 3 0 0 0 1 0 Melt; Eva R. and Ulla P. Stocker, 0 AN S 7" 0 A 3 0 0 .0 0 0 1111 I,IILM,.,❑ memo. iloollimemulmommapP•PlemilIPP.Opporpo due; the newly-weds are financially Owen Sound THE CH i:i TA U - morning :programs :have been mush ' Struck Out --By 1't: ainfleld 10, by • '• enioyed 'by the children. ,Lindsay 11. rine • nes: �of Entertainmen#s Included :, rn There is a deficit of between $251 Bases on Balls -By Whinfield • 2, tlieand 2,300 to be inane, qp by the guar- by Lindsay 1. , k �d Chautauqua Programamore .of this r enr.'s *Chautauqua, and Owen .Sound --0 0 0 0 0,2 0 0 0-2. with•this facing them, the guarantors Goderieh --0<0 0 1'0 0.0 0 2••il. Chixdren aryr dren have consisted of story hours rriananx, t; and entertainments by the Misses Carrick, xf . Merybew. and Hanenian; Ma" Ruth 29 d $.12 10 .4 Jen`es: cartoonist and story teller; and the Columbia • Marionettes; apd the Double Play-T•Schwan to Vasey. Belleville; Dr. S. S. L. Phitpen and GUARANTORS FACE DEFICIT. OF $250.40 TO $300.00 The Dunbar Male 'Quartette • Mad touidhed upon. tie North . American Bell Ringers *as, `the opening attrac- Indian was the original owner of this' tion at the rChttutauqua .in Goderich continent.'but the white recce became this year., %hie ;group of 7ersetile .predominant because they developed artists giving. "the entire program 'the•natural resources of the country in Saturday 'afternoon' and the musical 'place of being satisfies,: merely with • prelude for. tie•evening entertain- game and what the'eath produced of ment. Their numbers oil the bells its own accord for food, fortunes were very clever. These 'bells were being made inthe process of thiss'de- cast in England mid in from the. velopment Would -the- time- come sal bele of the 'treble down to a when the civilization et the -white fa- 26.1b. bell. 'Serne.,,pf' the beat over: eel' would dry up and blow away? tures are played bn these 'bells and • Dr. `Fox.iin closing refereed to his they lend themselves :best to the': in- former bisit to Goderich' and said terpretation of';such and sacred musk that these two lectures which he had rather"' thani, the faster movement of given in Goderieh were really not'.his modern music, but the ringers ' did best, soithat if the people :really. - --• --give•-one-of the more or- less recent wanted to hear him at his best- theymelodies, the .one about the bananas, would have to 'invite him: again. of t ern to the amtldenient,of all. As• vvc•Mondaa�' y f e oon and evening the lista the members of the quartette Betty Booth. Concert Co. .gave; moat are ail good' in solewarlc, and 'in•quar- `:interesting program.;, . There ere tette work anice effect 1s. given;•ln dthree mem b ers:of thecompany, the he organizer and director being Misstheir prograns: included a wide- var- iety of selections.Violin and read- Bett tooth, whole charming sin;ieg in numb er siresoznclu ed in ' it� ea tiv a ted� au tu nce,:. ,Sae .program,'two yilirs with-'eDiver/al w� . r DivertalViennd, Dr- Daniel Fox of; tbe! University; berg Companyehd her voice is very: of Pasadena, California,. who was on 'sweet, "iaeh • and' vibrant. Her, masse the Chautauqua platform ;n Godert costumes' adr} charm to thn reveler?ng .four years ago, was, tne ielcturer s* of her various numbers.. urday evening, his .object. being' Hugs Brandt is a Parish pianist and "The Philosophy of Common Sense." •comm Poser. His emory* of musical The subject might have ' a prosaic 'cotnpasitions is 'wonderful as was sound but so interesting did Dr. Fox shown in the request that the cud- make it'sand so marked with flashes ience name. a -Four light operas 'of humor, that even the ohildren gave from which he svduld farm a medley. the best of attention throughout. And hisability at the piano is equal -1 in mane eases including the same per- Hit by Pitcher -By Whinfieid, Rab- . sons who have, stood a succession of insone financial losses on Chautauqua; they Left on' Bases -Owen Sound G, did not feel disposed to again sign the Godeileh; 4. guarantee without some sort of as- ' Time --2 hours. surance that a good number of course Umpires -Tasker and Kerr tickets will be sold: tor" next year and, '. with this object in view, pledge cards RBGE!VT, ARRIVALS AT. HOTEL were circulated ° on Tuesday night, SUNSET ' • which h ch were eigned by r. hose who agree to take tickets fornext Year. Recent i.•egistrations at Hotel • Sun- _ . 4 The Laura Werno Ladies'' Quartetteici{aMise Et and l bleMrs. , Mies Leis -were--very highly vsp . 'ceiattd. They Hamilton;;- Mrs. J. W. Waiting and play as well dello stns and; instrumental. son and chauffeur,. Detroltt' Mr. and trios nen cello and viol soros we're Mrs. Frank Macfarlane, Philadelphia; prominent ori their programs., Mies Mr. and Mrs.. Wm: A. R. Slater, Chat Laura Werno, who heats rhe cern- prominent ham;. J. Wm. McKenzie, 'ioronto; Mr:.- pang, is a clever reo'er.. •. and Mrs. E. xr Parrish, Detroit; Mrs?. More Tipton vas the lecctu Wednptony evening tur;rer. rHe is Dins- Gordon.Grundy, Detroit; biro. E. Rod-:. .. popularly: known as "The Sig .Brother !leers, Highland, Park,Y Teich.; Frank to. a Hundred Thousand .Kid.." Hie -Seley.. Walkerville; I.e'en T.;.Baker, "TheDetroit; :* A. • W:; Irving, wife and address a . powerful appquafo Build, daughter,' Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. -e.--". was a rradatom• for clean, West, Tronto; J. Munro, 'Hamilton; wholesom b sisreatio...or young pee- D. Munro, Guelph; Dr. LF: A. Moure lle as a basis for better famous i Din- wife, Toronto; Mrs. and: Miss F. fie is.the founder- of the whieDin Du Moulin,.. New Yorke:6; •H.' Baird, elle `Upton to baseballtinier wh'c • ' Y u s a h are p W. on o o au • $'l , scattered;•' threnghouti. ,the ,. Western., Joltit S: el irks , T r ntq, f' 1 -part Ludon, Detroit; E. D • McCort, Ser: part'•of-the United Stated and 'Canada and also. found in -great numbers in maty Mr. and Mrs.../. A. Law,° Harry = Neer Zealand.. fie believes in `boys Law, Murray Bray, Kitchener; ..Reg and girls;'. believes in•.t.te worst of F. Scott,wife and boy, Angus Mal,*!,. ' them, or what often look like the laza, Lindsay M. -Scott, `London; Myra worst of:them. for itis often the lacy McGallare;. Mary McGailatn, Cora of ome,one to be area' Eisend and lGarson, Road Gerson, Port Huron; pal and lead a boy in the right diem- Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hodgetts, Toron•• tion. that drives him in the wrong, .and rsG.W. RHuau �Mr. and Mr. d this butt8t be`d to:0'way of genuine inter• - est and'friendship for the -boy. '•Cant Sarnia; Wm. Manning,' Mrs. W. H. Sa 1•; Miss 31. WAX Me Persona* is Ikea Is [h Is Your Hart Of all the articles that a sa•it wears his Hat alone fully, for ly sad - flexibly, interparets, - Lao personality.' Your suit is buttoned on; Your collar is fastened ens ; • . i Your scarf is tied on ; Your hosiery is drawls salt; Your glove is squeezed a; Your shoes are lace I en,,, loot. Your Hat is put on. Your Hat, by tis poise and pitch, angle and droop, cast be. made to take an as many very. int moods as the face atelier. neath. • A Hat may look eats uratic' or vulgar; serious te* humorous; gloomy or chianti; dignified or tiyupant; rodieoli or Conservative; fresh or wilgoi; . alive or dead. four Ilut farm,. hence it =should be selected al; leisure, not bought at rimless, to beft reflection of the weeret s character,. capacity and initial"- duality, instead of a ref ectiete upon them. • Our Fall Hata•.are int.. Coll and see' Wan. .C.1V4 Sea Ner'r ant Boys' Warr wife, Owatse ' Mieh.; ,, , Phippen JIiIIi0111ii MII111MIMMIIt1I11I I0tM i IIII1II�t1OMMI1t011111110 'and wife. -H, Q. Hagan and hits, Kit- --• De. Fort somata •problems rather to his memory. Miss Booth also is thane supplies the' solution. For: in= a' clever pianists and the duet num- stance he was outspoken in his con- her 'by her and 3ilr. Brandt was very demnation of a system that left a fine • • man who''was "let out" of his job, in Pani Clark, violinist; : is a Wonder order tof make way for a younger and his offerings were muc;t 'enjoyed. man, unelrovided for and yet he would In the evening the second part of have us ready to step aside for, the the program' was given by Mr• Sidney succeeding: generation. Landon, who gave some wonderful Economy, thrift,. and such common impersonations of literary notables place virtues, were lauded, and the and talks about their career and pe= ooh�se!barrow rather than the 6-eylin- culiarrties. With the aid of wigs,. dela self starter as an eau -eater. In grease. and paints, Mr. Landon, im fact it seemed that the boy who lack.. personated Mark Twain, Tennyson, Victor Hugo, Kipling and Bill ' lye, ed advantages n Izfe a boy who had :and, with. voice and gesture showed • the advantage in life. his conception :of how -.hese men-de- settlingThe resort to war ra a means of livered some of their,: veil -known af••. international differences ren dinner speeches or may has* re - came in for strong condemnation. Cited some of their poetic comjiosf- We had got past that system of set- tions; Mr. Landon gave e recital that �,�,tling differences. between individuals ways both unique and clever• and we should come. to the point On Tuesday afternoon the program wherewould be th ht of weennations as between uindtvf- consisted of a demonstration in pot- tery making 1 duals. The problems suggested• by the growth and inereasing national eon- seiouaness of the yellow races were Upton wotiId have niun:eipel play- Alarm nn Miss H. Manning, W. R grounds, swings, giant strides, slides, Manning: London; H. McMillan and teeters, sand piles, wailing piools, eft.., wife, Toronto; E. M,.,Tohnston,. Mrs. for the children, and tree elating' E. M. Johnston, C. A. `mann, Mrs. C. rinks, up. to date schools, etc. The A. Mann, London; Dr. and Mrs. C. plea of lack of money, he disposed of E. Badgley, Ann Arbor, Mich:; Mrs. Ch Chausayintauqua hecould d right out to na- Remlke'and son, Detroit; S. A. Fuller- biles parke tent and .*.nG t materna- ton and party, Toronto; Fayette and oparked outside, ih,anad more money were Lillian ltyan, Windsor;_.T, A.' Maar- was not all ntfrds dither, anQ . haen, W . Proudfoot•'L. H. Gildan,Toi•- waa spent for bootleg►: -whiskey than onto, J. A. Jones and wife, W A. would been needed for flee ceof piayground Bailey and wife, London; 0. Delark, equipment. The importance of sir- Sarnia; Chas.,Stecher, Mrs. C. Ste- ectira� the child .activity aright peat cher, Allen Stecher, Dorothy Stecher. shown from the fact that the great Chicago; Winnifred Clark, Sarnia:. J. majority- of crimes were committed A Robinson and wife, St: Catharines; ' by young people, in t:ietr teem.or HEMSTITCHED PILLOW CASES just out. of".ihem. . W jeSmith case xrifei ynden Seism ,; =yam .•.,�, •,,,,•.• . < �.v . _... -•-A canvaee' is 'being made today for Ki G sville; .. U. M'3cAdams, Sarnia; Made ofi ~a heavy weight .clf Cotton :lt.•' the guarantee of next year's Chau. . once eft; petrotea: J. L Utoseh neatly henistitched, Specially priced tug= in Goderieh. and party, Stratford; Fred L. Eye - atone,' Mra,.,.F. S. Eyeetont, Toledo; 4o -inches Leis,* each +46 cents !;eon E. McFern : Detroit- Mrs F i+' 4 inches wide each . , , , , 49 cents chener;-•Mr. and Mrs. A. %. Copland,i_. Winghem; . Mei i •Rateleen Hancock; l g a in rHarvey N. German,'tottnnto; Mitis Ai, Bargains douse Furnishings • ' I'4tietei lii.7M HE old i olored T• man sa.;d, ThGre ain't no fun in the:.. cemetery so -gins ie ma flowers now." li 'sa eapplies - • �` ed n1 to music.atid ,we. ea -if ell •. joy, a lot pf it :before. S wehear' tlie' 'angels i if wea U � Ve d' H. E. JENNER Next Beak of Cooarerce.: • A "large portion of 'our House `Furnishing stock for.fall is arriving and we are giving special prices on all house furnishings toxnake room; to let us pass the new goods into stock. Odd Curtains at Half -Pricer c .. • Several, odd t airs of curtain's will be 'ole red •at half.pthce.. 'L'her lot consists of one and two alike, in many cases just ono pair. 1 t ,you have an odd window. where you can: use tan odd pair of , •uttaiuk. ci bargain s u can Ravbe: money byI over aur stow yoa onlooking ov. yK Linoleum mut-Cocoa-Matting '`_- Linoleum, 4: yards wide ....:. '1.00 .a *II- yard Cocoa Matting, yard wide, suitable for verandahs. Regular aprice $1.10; .to clear at ` ...,...,.., 78C.. _= If you have any 'gifts to boy visit our store " The 'Store of a Million Gifts ;s' at~ One Electric Washer U ii hl pries l ''•.. S r demonstration 1 e.e 7 t anis fo dam natratto purposes. Iitm u ar t. a d, o Los �+ �- Y t p i 6 will sell for :x•110 •ii, taken e,G Once, es' , ,... y Qften_tbe, Cheapest Alt+ays tbe'B, st The Store of.. unlit West Side Square Coderich HI 111 illi I I U Ii HIIiiIiIiIIllllhIIh illlllll UiNlltll it I II I I 1 . I , I I ! fill Ii,IiliIlllMii� Summer Sa e Continued . A WHOLE HOST OF BIG BARGAINS IN SUMMER GOODS THIS WEEK ! GODERICri 3 -WEN SOUND 2 Harper, Mrs. F. Befit, Miss Helen Gibbons; Miss Dorothy ;Gunn, Dr. C. H, Ziegler, Mrs. Ziegler, Miss Sate derson; London; L. 3. Wiley, Chicago; Pearl Hancock, Eva 31. Hancock, Neb. lie Bart•, London; Mr, and Urtt. C. M• Smith, Mr. and .Mrs. H. C. Smith. I)e-. "tion; tiff. Minim E. B. 1Veston, i. g andan explanation of Purity Flours Take the Pita Game to the various different qualities of riot. Round With Owen Sound tery ware by J. Smith Damron. But ..-- .. this part of the entertainment was in It was a great game, and what was. reality only the outward. The more greater, Goderich pulled out a win, in "'portant._•part- :wet ....-thea-.-lessons- on -the- match•with--Qweee,Saund-9rere 011- Xi te • •.ar. .-- character building which Mr, Davnrort Wednesday afternoon m 0. B. A. A. H. Herr, • Chicago; J. G. Meyers New gave along with leis demonstration, finals: It was -to a largely a pitchers' , York; Junes Smacker, Baltimore; Mrs. Madel Theatre The entertainer in felt view of tae battle and Whinfield, the visitors C. Schimmel, Mrs• J. Banninghuu- WEED Of Aug.18th to Aug. 23rd audience made various vessels of clay pitcher, had lots, of .speed, but at that sen Eleanor Bonninrtteiusen • J' C. on an old-fashioned turning -wheel, the official score shotes 11 strike outs Schimmel!, Leonard H. Schimmel) ..•----- and showed the effect of•a bit of for- eign substance in the clay, . such as a Monday and Tuesday. MARK_ MAIN anti _nilittle bit of wood in eausing the ves- sel to..be erred and collapse, just as • WILLIAM COLLIER Jr. it was recorded in the story of the in a Frank Borzage Production visit of Jeremiah to the potter's "THE AGE OF DESIRE" • house. The glazing, decorating and basin - Christie Comedy . ing processes were all explained. NERVE TONIC What may have been interesting in- formation to some was that mostof Wednesday and Thursday the china steniped se . i;and-painted china was not hand -!sainted at all, but L.ON CHANEY and the pattern put on by the transfer' CONWAY TEARLE process. Two infallible testa of the with the supreme all Star cast in -•no two articles in the genuine hand 'TI .. NEXT CORNER" painting are exactly *like, and under AI St. John, in the magnifying glass the hand paint- ed article appears flat while the trans - "The Cyewt" terre. d pattern chows as a raised afsed pat. « Pride clad Saturday Mr. Damron expressed surprise at Friday i`Ull mix sate Large amount oi~., French china on sale in the stores,, when the English in a "full 'o' pep" special article ryas so much superior. He i"THE LONE° STAR RANGER" laid hs could take a Platt of inglish china and a plate of French china Sunehtne Comedy • and knock the edges together and the "ROUGH H SAILING" French plate would look like a buzz Fox Nowa No Z6 saw while the English plate remained sound. Matinees Mee., Wed. sad Sat at 3.i4. The ditftrenet between the various real hand painted article were given makers of good china was a difference of 'kettern only; the material was the Craning »• -A 'week of super spec.'- same. 'may different decorations and lab see next weeks papers. the *meant of gold that was used r to the credit of our own Joe Lindsay Sylvia . A. Schimmel, Detroit; Winiti- and only 14 to Whinfield's credit, and ,1rcd McGeary, Strathroy; Bishop Du Joe only allowed one manto walk, Moulin, Cleveland;.J. B. Evans,' W. R. while. Whinfield walked two. Greenshields. Toronto; ."fr. and Me There was some good work done in S. G. Richardson ani daughter, Ham - the field. Weir caught two or three ilton; W. C. Kennedy and wife, Toron- good ones, one while he was running to; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Myers, New backward to get under the ball`. . York, Mrs. Barnet B. 'Barnes, Torein- In the .third innings, something al- to; Mrs. Eieen Ward, Mrs. Herbert h3" most happened, when Weir walked Ward, Detroit; R. M. lluttlerlend, De- g secon an t r ut troit; H, C. Barrie, Mrs. Barrie and. the third tut came at that stage. 1t 'son, Kitchener;;: Mount, A. Mahar. • • HERM'S ROOT SHOP Special ClearingSale of White Footw a ~ putt *-... l,., And other Siatltiner lines. We have exceptional values to offer. We invite you to take advantage of bargains we have to offer. Trigs, CM Bags, Suit Clues lad sd.ie travelling geedfl 14 43w Rep driaag as Ua i*1 W. HER.{. r North Sid* Square SHIRTINGS • For metes work shirts or cliit:Tren', clothing, good fast colours, full 27 in. wide, nn sale ........221Axc per yard WOOLS A -hit assoehnehriit: ffiigermg yarns and • odd sweater wools. clearing at « .....9c per Salt or skein RAW SILK• • Splendid for underclothing, men's''shirts children's clothing or sunfast window drapes. per yard 79c UMBERELI.AS Made with heavy cotton tops and well supported with either seven or eight. lows. Some have plain and others have • fancy •haltdtes. On sale teen's #1.891, ladies $1.59, children's $1.19. CHILDREN'S GINGHAM DRESSES Made cat the Net-iinglishgingham or chambray and daintily 'trimmed. Full lame of small sizes. on sal:69c each PILLOW COTTON ' ' teensy -bleached pillow cottons, these. - are raft0 of. our Nigger salevalues• •!t► inch. width •,....sale price 39c years width . sale price 42c yards UNBLEACHED CO'TT'ON 1 his• is a good, light weight cotton, Ut1- bleachc,i and is full 34 inches Wide. clearing at .. ,17ls'ic per yard FLANNELETTE A Nig special hi flannelette, full 27 inch- es wide in either pink or bine designs per yard 22 ceetett COTTON SHEETING 1 jii4 1. ,a Nlt'atched s teeth!;.'. lta.'av ,:light and full 2 and. wide. • at ' • `. '65e per yard' HOSIERY WEEK PURE SILK HOSE These are one of Canada's finest makes, they are full fashioned and a beautiful weight of silk in shades while,airdale, • black and mist. rill sale . at.. 14.49 pair CHILDREN'S HOSE - A good wearing stocking in shades black, brown and white. Only smaller sires left. ,.Clearing at .... ltle a pair FIBRE SILK HOSE 'I'het,e .ire just the thing tor a real good" eveercd tc Mese. They are tram i,,ur re, 4,ul,tr 4t!ac j;, nnil iltally prk'e i, ;tt. S i,TS.. a, ;turd range 'at sham's, , clearing at CHILDREN'S SOCKS (11th, a tew dozen lett, the shade are. '4111 i'liek, i'atnper, white and rose. clearing at 296 pair 79c pair East Side p} of uo>,.�`he e. +1►,YCO . 11,-_ _._ tr