The Goderich Star, 1924-08-14, Page 4FAG* FOUR School Children's Section Coder)ch Industrial Exhibition arm''a`' rn the hinter,► .� Brits id y. ram THE ODISI R STU 111/11 -1.1.111/1111111111... 11 1 111111 1 11 1111 11 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 III 1111 11 1 1 11111 1 YI1-•.11111•-wwq,In ,,F 11.w-/F,.YII,II 111 111 1 11 111 1111 11 �e 111111000/1111•111111111111111000/1111•1111111111111000/1111•11111111111111 THURSDAY. AIM 14th, 1924. IAugust, 1M0, Leri Itadolots }aeeasen-� PE P E WIN -da*aihtor, Audrey, of Borluagtere, cod kis woaiertnai nnanub *On KOal, me, Fred Tait, etDstretrt, is visiting spent the week -end with ikr• and Airs, to Kandahar which wee owibly the tieventfai come •ard is �arelly re- i M. and Mrs. Gregg, of Window,- The Insane iteCeseliu d and tie garded as quo of the fret achieve>. are at ,,The Lakeside.. plisses Fry, of Brantford, have re. Mrs. Harold N. Rivers spent uld'turned home after semen their va- home~ week in Stratford. cation at "Tho Lakeside." "mothriilisai erpieit in his tome and friends in town. Jas. Campbell, East St. Class ba of the prise lint of the Goderich Industrial Exhibition is the School Children's :•iea.tiun. As the Exhibition takes doe's Sep. tember Ord, 4th and fth,,.the first week of school, it is considered ad. minable to publish this portion of the list in the local papslre, so that as far as possible teacr.ers-and pupils m*y be preps.ed to crake entries for the various tonpetitionsl Exhibitors mutt be 'pupils attending the Public or .Separate Schools of the County of Huron. )Membership in the Society is not essential to the making of entries. Each entry should be accompanied by the name (or number) of the eekool to which the pupil belongs. See, 1 Specimen 2 Specimen 5 Sped:nit 4 Specimen ._. --(One-half of PENMANSHIP AND DRAWING let 2n4 of 'tithing, 3rd Class pupils. $1.00 $ 't;r S of writing, 4th Class pupils 1 00 75 50 of drawling, 3rd Class pupils 1 00' - ' 7A. 50 of inewing, 4th Class pupils 1 00 75 50 thistre petrels given by,the Goderich, Public School . - w,v„a The name c.f the school and the pupil's class must be entered in the lower• right hind corner of each specimen. The writing specimens must be on foolscap paper aced shall fone twin for urd class rupils (1) the small letters, (2), the capital letter$, (3) two lines of figures 1the digits), (4) the first stanza of "Charge of the'leght Brigade" The writing epeeirnena for 4th -class pupils must be on teetotal) Paper and shall contain (i) the smell letters, (2) capital letters, (3) two lines of figurrsa (the diseits), (4) the first stanza of "The Burial If Moses." Specimens of drawing for 3rd-cisss pupils must be on drawing 'paper 9x12 in., and $hell consist of a map of Ontario in ink, with boundaries, lakes, six chief cities, County Town of Huron. Colors may be used if desired. Spevlmens of drawing for 4tlr class pupils, roost be on drawing paper 9x12 in., and shall consist of a map of the Dominion of Can. . ado, with Provinces, tepitala, lakes, principal rivers and two trans. continental railway lines. Colors may be used. ESSAY COMPETITION 4 . b Beat Featly, not leas than 400 words and not to exceed 500 wordaa, on the subject, "Benefits of the Fall Fair to. the Community:'- Open to pupils erany Public -.or Separate School. Prizes 'by J. T. Fell, Photographer. First prize. -«-Photographs vatted at $3.00. Second prize, Photographs valued at $2.00. taIRLe WOliK . •0 liIntl See+iog opt sample each of the. toll three -cornered mend: nd: straiebt sewing; back or button -biers; t+.'ia buttons, two and four boles. Prins by ono hone and School Club -1st, $ 7 One Iianderehiet, :hemmed by timid • 8 One utnel:tns; damned wool has been Worn by rn tis autumn mnr London, Holmes, of n, is staying Aegb�!�ieuta recedes* a *maim en- at "iss HolThe Lakesidef Londe n, town. 1v4y at alw #lad diwomei with him 04 proposed treaty batmen their re -1 Mr. Bob Reid, Of Detroit, visited spective countries, and *Inertly after -`friends in town over the week -cud. wards raefuaed to wort a *mesion, Miss A. Halls, of Burlington, is which had dons deepattehed by Vie visiting drier friend, imo Oral Cooper. British Government be the same pur- ars, Jas. McNasghten, of Detroit, pose, to enter Aftluespesin. This led spent the week -end at Over+the-Way to • Great ;'Britain declaring wa: cottage. against the Anatir, ami Roberts was r, Mr, and Mrs. Waiter Buchanan and placed in eeasannaeal ed as field force family, of Toronto, ore tsolidayine in which pros Maly isorad ei the country. Go e"eleh. The campaign lesAsd for nearly Miss Dorothy MieN'aughton, of Tor - two year* and mad a new Are- onto, spent the week-a,na" .et Over -the- ir beipg pieced teen Use throne un- Way cottage. der British pronsetise. Sir Donald Stewart then took over the command . Mr. Scott McNally, of Flint, Mich.,. of the army which was to remain ;in motored Durr to apnea, hi* holidays at occupation mitil tiles country had his home here. quieted down, and Roberts was pre- Miss Dorothy McNant liton. of Tor. paring to go hack to beilliiwhennewe onto, spent the week -end at Over -the - arrived at Kabul that a British bri- Way cottage. ' e ndefeated at ai• - Mrs. Norman Knox and Miss Gla- dys L. Collins nsotores from Detroit to -*,pend- the week nal +pith- Mr,- and Mrs. Norman Colclough. Mr. T. R. Elliot:or Tiie London Free Prose, with ba welt sans, Tom and Douglas, spent a *bort time. in Goderich during the week. Miss Edna Sanderson, of Clinton, and her friend, Miss Steinburg, of New Hamburg; are visiting the fornm- er's aunt, Mrs. A, Halliday. Mi'. and Mrs. A. C. Galloway, of Baltimore, Maryland, are visitliig Mrs, Galloway's parents, Mr. and hire. Chas. A. Wells, Bayfield Road. Mrs. A. P. McNabb and little daughter, Barbara Jean, returned to Termite last Saturday after a visit with the Misaers Durnin and Mr.Mara vin Durnin•-._- Mz. and Mrs. Joseph R. Massey and gad had hes bon M ]Hiss Bessie Cotter, of Toronto, is Mia* Bernice, of Stoney Creek, mot - wend by the sort of the deposed Amir the guest. of Mr. and/Kra Adam Gorl, ored to town this weer: and are the. and was in serious danger of fnnnihi- Britannia Rase. guests of Mr. and Dire„ Jai. Camp- lation at Karndahax• Miss Edna McFarlane, of Toronto, bell, Eaat St, Roberts at alas prepared to march is spending the spontlt of August with -- Mise Again Wagner, of_ Bookton, to the relief of the besieged gsiriegn, Miss Edna Hunt. • and Miss Erma Verily, of, Stratford, and on the 9th of August, 1880, he Miss Corrie McRae, of Toronto, is have returned home after spending a visiting at the residence started fronn Kabel with 10al,000 troops of Mr, and week with the former'$ au nt, Mrs, fi. and a transport force 8,000 men Mrs, Walter Naftel, M. Wagner. and 11,000 aniatals. The road to .Mrs. W E. Weakes, of Toronto, is - Mr. Barney Joseph and Mr. and Kandahar, e313 snflee. -.array, Led visiting with leer mother Mrs. W. Mrs. Mat Joseph and`daughter, Hazel, through One of the most difficult , mountainousareas in the world, and Morris, Garbraid Hill of Mount Clemens, Mich., were the even in times of peace the journey Mise Jean )3. Tom, of New York, guests of Mrs, George Garrick over was one of great peril and discomfort, has been home visiting her parents, thin wa,•ek-end• Thedays were extreme.y loot and the Mr. , and Mrs. J. E. Tom. . Mies Alma Spence, . Mies Teres,, nights bitterly cold, water was iss Florence Elliott is aperading Mannings, Miss Dors Woolcombe' seance and difficult to obtain and the 'her holidays,, with her grandparents, Messrs. Sid Hoey, W. Weiriand R. so-called road was simply a rough Mr. and Mrs. G.,:M. Elliott. Walker were in Seaforth .during the Pastel.track through the mountain Pastel. se Geo a Poi.. . .. r : D t ` •t • - .,old homi'e•Week celebration. which Were continual' awe t b vie- • „ , e roe . es en storms of sand and gust. Rob- Harry Videan, St. Patrick St. . register of the Seaforth Old •• Home ' erts left' nothing to enace, every were Air. and••Mrs. Henry..Bul- Mks.. Harry Puddleombe and son week Mpein and ,, move an .the march had been careful- lard,Mr. and Mm. Peter S ly thought out beforehand and was as E - R. Wigle and Master 'Wigle, • Y p Y visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Among Goderich people signing the Foot Guard, was in the Red River Ra - hellion and was three years is Eng- land with the ]dishy rigs shot*. Mrs. Xidd, formerly Many $$Gre•• gor, of Goilerieh, Maurice, Kenneth and' Eugene (son$), Detroit; Misses Maude and Fenella Kidd, of New York (sisters); William E. Kidd. of Vermeait (brother); Phillip Cook, of Londoaa; P. Lennart and son, Edward, of Montreal, w,re ion Gederieh- t $--at- tend the funeral -of the late Mr. Geo. Kidd last Thursdsy. .Out of - town gaiety et me Blue Bird Tea Shop at Biwwwater Beach: D. and Mrs. F. A. Moline, , Toronto; )1r. and Mrs. A. 14. Shaw, Mrs, G. E. Davies, Port Colborne; ars, Simon Rae, Miss E1lasor Ras, Miss Sheila Racy, St. Marys; Provost and Mre. Seager, Toronto; Mrs. Preece* M. Du Moulin, Toronto; Bishop Frank Lau' Moulin, Cleveland, Ohio; Mins Mary A. Du Moulin, New York City; Mrs. Francs* Du Moulin, Toronto; . Mrs. .Lillian ¥*clean, Toronto; Mrs. Kath- leen, H. Harper, London; Miss Bella Beek, London; Mr. and hers. Charles Hunt, London; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. ifyerx-New York City. . THE DELICATE GIRL What Mothers Should , Do as' Their Daughters Approach Womanhood if growing girls are to become well developed, healthy women, their health ' comet ba carefully, guarded. lifothcra should riot Ignore their unaettl• • ed moods or the .various troubles that tell of , approaching **manhood. It is all im tant timelife. � of ii Where1- ac lar, beadache,buckbe and other forme of anaemia are evicleri't „you ,duet pro- vide the -sufferer with the serest means of making new bided, Remember pale 'bloodless giria"abed• plenty of nouriebment, plenty -of $seep, - uad regular open air esceroise, But to save the bloodier* mutterer Oho must have new.biooe- and meets ets the Moot' ease so well as Dr. William*• Pink Pills. i These pills inclrease•the supply of new, reel` blood ;,they a!atlmukite the appetite - and ,chive the weary back and liaubs ; thus they restore health, enel.charm; and brirg to anaemic girls the rosy cheeks and bright eyes of strong, happy girlhood. You can.gor these- pilie'through • any dealer In an dict .e or by mail at 50,cents 1 a box from the 1)r. Williams' Medicine Co: Brockville, Ont. stayed at t1ie Over -the -,Way Cottage carefully executed, and he started riff last week visiting. Miss Jenkins... Mrs Norman Knox Miss full of hop, and enthusiasm R Mies race utf, of oronto nes Collins, and idNorman C 1..- G D . T ,Gledys L. iasm. e covered the 313 miles in'42 aye with. spending her vacationsenth her..nroth- = a , r. n res, o - er Piro. Rbbt Duff, Hunan Road•' slough and children, mo;,ored to Clin- : out mishap rind marched to Kande- c- in an a- , ton, Blyth and Wingham on Sunday owing :• Square putout her on the 31st of August. 'On the Bless Allse Johnston of Barrie in • rn Mr Keo car. machine stitch; t"9.. day following be attacked the twiny, on.u' two weeks' vieit with her uncle . M'r.$and Mrs. Harry itneeshew ar:ii 00, end, 75e, 3rd, ;,Dell and won as great victory, which Com- and, aunt, Mr, and. Mrs. J, E. Tom. three' sons, Harold, Allan and Billie, t 25 • -pletely restored Bruise authority in Mr, J. E Elliott, of Hull, Quebec, •is 'of Toronto, are- viisiting at the home Southern Afghanistaan, . in town on a• fortnight''* holidays,; vis.. of sMr. lfnneesha e.'.. -_father,... Mr, :_T..- 0 24 ro `r5 i5 ,ll. For lila s)Slendid-.aitt eieei duriai dile 'itiii his mother"'" liiris SDs "axil' ex4tihitor - , .. tort. •- Kneeshaw, WeterIoo•- St. , 0 Ilollle, c:rochetcd edge campaign; Itoberteseieeived,the thanks t' . Mrs• Roy •Stack, of town,' hes gone Mi, and Mrs• • A. J. Ross and lii:tl'e , 10 clit•1's Puller,.,, .cool of #$ both Houses; of Parliament and to Byron. to visit her liuslmnd,.Mr; R. -grandson and Mr. and Mrs:`Alf, Carr; ii a,isl s sem and 'Scarf a rewarded With a baronetcy and Black, who ie in -the hospital there. • tot ham and Mr. Itobinsob 'teem .-- the . commaen-of the Madras :errn_y, : . g , Br a WORK When raised' to the pe®ragb lei years se. Glave Vanatter'i of .-Applegate, across the Line, who is -visiting Mrs - • 7 30 o. op. 12 hied Roue •prizes by Vietorla liken einb 13 Ano erode) in Wood , 14 (Inflection nt Netive Roods, 'lamed B y tater he chose the tit' f Ila Miche is the tune ittthe lien* of her Ross, visited in'Goderich this rveelc i.`r -.-Knot ' ft J Rebertir of Kandahar, which showed'• cousins, Mr. and Mrir: J. W. Vat/latter, - "Mrs. " D, L. Cornett and mother, e and tic iiciol that he 'himself regarded his famousi Mrs. Kirby end"her daughter, of = Mrs. J:' Black ,and family and Mrs. C. ; gt'� 7`' S0 march as .the outstanding event of his Toronto,- are -spending' their vacation : Keene motored to Kincardine. on . Sun-- „• l o0 750 7a ao = Roberts was one of{ the reateet : Miss Marded eu ° `o Dungannon; calling :on friends there.._ is -s, good: )lac owe t." 04 -ow .ate -a.ri e.- ♦1t'• Take a Kodak with you Days like this that yore ve looked forward to, offer pi- turel that you'll tum back to, again and again in your album... And any Kodak iia compaclr to carry, easy to work pond fun . . to uee--let us show you. Get your Kodak here. 4aam'lll k Kodak; $6.7,5 up • ' 44cfJJorio" SirOl i " H. C. DUNLOP 1 . The Resell Store )"'hone 1 Goderich' The tower of the original unit of the •Goderich Elevator and 7•'.raosii Co . is being painted, - • _ - Igo c( Ir Wow fer 00 ir*r0 ta, "'Pith( ,inawore So many autoistsdo not believe in' eigns.• r:.w. No surgical operation' is ,necessary in removing corns if Hdlloway's Corn Remover be used. - Modern dancing .devela ee- every. p y thing`but mentality: ;O It STUDIO. • i caterer. I id town at the home of Mrs. Halliday. ...demi, returning home Csy* 50 •l uei now Anil . g j ti; f 13ran%inrd is place to get your %en Mesiondole the ofthe Empire, Codas anteu 'Aug. -14—Relief of the Pekin -Lege- ) } `trons Twenty* -four years ago, on .the lith of - August, 1900, the • plucky little garrison within the walls of the Bri. Cosh Legation at Pekin was relieved Otte a siege of nearly two months. The outbreak in China known as the "Boxer Rising" began z in 1849, and at first it was regarded by the foreign powers es simply a revolt by a small section of the native popu- lation which the Chinese Government Was well able - to keep ...in check. and therefore not likely to prove a source of danger to .the European and Am- erican inhabitants of the country, but I by the end of the year it became aap- parent that the outrages committed by, the Boxers against the' native Christiana and their threatening atti- tude towards all foreigners was bang evening of the 13th of :August *et Mrs. cueing, £ Washing - the British'commender, Gen. C,aaasies, Another nice thing about being poor, ton, D. C., is visiting at:the residences was able to reach the walls of Pekin is that your friend* don't insinuate of Mr• and Mrs. J: y: Craigie and with a column of 30,000 men of var. . that you ere a liar if you. say: you Mr, land Mrs. W« Ab"all, ious nationalities• haven't ten dollars to spare; Mr. and Mrs. ;rank Utter end During the night the Russian eon - ( soldiers"nethe history df our.Bnrnire, visiting .at -the home iii her grand. Clinton.New Era: Mr. Earl Coop-,_ -more beloved by his troops, who al -i Mr. Raymond Weakes, of Toronto; Years, spent Inc week -end at the _ways ways referred to him by the affection 3e visiting at the -home of` his aunt ental' home,• Earl is leaving .for _Tor - ate ni -name. of "Bob." When he and uncle, 'Mr. and• Mrs. Adam Gore. onto this week, where he has accepted - retired.front the army atter 54 years' gra, d;: ITe:ene llda.xeturried t., her a Position. • `,. a strenuous. and britlia t eervice he home at Dundas after two; weeks vis- Mises jean B. Tom and Dr. Mary 1. '' ve tip` his Well-earned leisure to, " ng° with,; some_, ea •har+,rel• tiuee, et .,p' • ranch- tet�a gospel of tri 11i Tom left. on fith ' insti -for a tri pe preparedness, town: through the Thousend Islands, Mon: sand ha 1 than .treat, Quebec and Sagpenay-.River Miss Jean, will visit friends •lin Boston- -oh her return trip to New York. and iso, commander has ever been parents, Mr. and Mrs, Chas: A; 'i ells, er, who has• been in Goderich for some d warnings of the, . greed:• Tater was murdered on ,the street old'veteren been headed by the Eri•} Mises Bina. Saniiexsoxi .Miss Mein- while on his way totheChinese For- tish melon many of .the disasters of r bru aBayfield tale a mral spent Sun ay eign Office, Later in the day the the early days of the late Great War: Chinese troops opened fire on the 11e- might have been *Vette& •beach: flattens, and all the European and -' Mr; and Mrs. Iv'.ari;-Wagner, of, Lit- American. residents, together with a The use of Miller's worm Powders e tie Lake,. have returned home after u rr �' surge number of native converts, tock The healthy children ao far aathe spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. shelter within the walls of the l'Iallments attributable to, worms are l'' ni'.Wagner. tish Legation, which hid been hastily eoncerned. A high mortality among Rev. Mr, and Mrei Follett, of Tor - fortified under the direction of Sir children is traceable to worms• onto,. spent Sunday and. Monday with Claude Macdonald, the British min- These sap. the strength of infants 10 their cousin, Mrs. R. IL Johnston, deter, who took command of the de- that they are unable to maintain the Waterloo St. •' • .,.,+ fenaive operations during the siege. battle for life and.,uccuirnb tonveak- gr._ Oswald' Cr 'e. :returned By this time all communication be- after' ass tnigh''s Hees.. Tiffs preparatim galea pram- home to Buffalo •-after' fortnight's tween Pekin.. and the eeteide werkllt slush .and cold and frostbite from .visit at the residehret '.Mr, and 1MCrs. had been cut off, and Britain and the the icy winds of winter, . In the trent- J: W. Craigie.' • oof theer a fate soiatheirers as a fo ar x', ment of either an excellent 'prepare- Mr. • and Mrs," Westcott, Mi ana couple of months. , The drat relies- loon is Dr. Thomas Lclectri, Dai, as Mrs, McMillan and' son, William, of ing force menatched by the powers it counteracts the inflammation and Glencoe, are the guests, of Mr. and relieves the p+tin The aetnon of the Mrs, Isaac Salkeld. , was repulsed, and it was not untilthedee of. health and keeps it, E l? Ch - a encouraged by high oM pals of the' government. ' The. representatives of the foreign powers were unable to secure itny effective protection a- garnet the Boxer's, nor even an ent- ail condemnation of their actions, and the murder of a -British missa,sn- • My at Shan -Tung was the first of a long eerie* of outrage* against the foreign population and the native Christians. to May, 1900, when several Christ. Ian villages in the vicinity of Pekin were destroyed and the tnissionaries and converts masasacted, tine position. of the foreign residents In the capital became so very Critical that e. small force of marines and, sailors. 400 in number, were rushed from the coast to the protectionof the -foreign -legs.- attml elation, as nearly half of tlbo;de- - tions. fendershad been kilted or wounded Early in June the whole of the for- and its stock of food and amnttmltion eign business houses and churchei in was almost extnxnrtoal. Pekin were destroyed, and .on .the Aug. 9—Robert's Marsh to *and*bar 20th of the month the German min• Forty-four years ago; on t eo Seth of 1 1 1 — 1 1 �.�.1..1..111 --,Iqr iglu lel n,lnilW,4LL•7 • tingent tried to steal a march on their allies, so as to be the flrat to enter the city, blit their attack -was repislsed - with heavy losses. On the following morning a combined assa*lt was made at various points, and early in the afternoon Gen. Gamin at the heed of a small body of British troops forced an entranee through one of the city - gates and the long supreme of the besieeedt legation; was at an end. - - The relief fore, Arrived jaast in time to save the little garrisonln from No Other Foundation is Worth Building Upon Quality is- real economy. All that's new, that's all, in Men's Smart ' ''tsar, Tailoring hand Ready-tm- Wear Clothing. - Dr John E<:Sti*rts has returned•to New Yo f >tspending rk u tc tea weeks . with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Swarts, •'He had as his guest for the 'teesare week -end, Mr. Sid Fairweather,' of Port' lgin• . • styles Of MI Kenny, of Windsor, who is vis iting 'Visa Mary Robertson, played a ` QXi orris and S#gra S�I„ Il"S delightful violin solo last Sunday ev P r.. hada,), 'ilma, Developingand Printing done,, •It .pansl,to please. , • - R. R SA[.LOWs The _ 141oyer Trap is ' what you want if you need a good truss at -a. reasonable price. Send us your name and address and we will send you th price and description- .of. tie'single=and---double-. truss,- and show, you how' to take your measure,` etc. We \rill thenon: receipt of. —me-asude--•r a-and—send • it 'to your by parcel post, on two weeks trial. if it don't prove satisfactory all it will' cost you is 1.0c postage, to return it.. - M0 YI�RTRI 5,S E$ S5' King at" . ares EVER' - ONT. , now' showing an as4ortment up-to-date ening 4 North St. Ttibfiiodist church. - Next .Sunday morning sire • will ''• be heard in a •vocal solo and at night will again play the violin. ` Mrs; J. L,' Thetreau and • son, who motored- here from Detroit last week, and who have been staying with Mir. Sane Reed, of Dungannon, are now 4 the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes Mc- Cracken, of Godericle They expect to motor back early next week. . . Reverend and Mrs: James Hmi'l - a- ton, of Goderich, announce the en- gagement of their younger daughter, - Muth. Eliot, to Frederick Robertson Larkin, of Windsor, only son of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Larkin, of Seaforth, the - marriage to take place Sept. 1st. Col. Todd, of Ottawa, is visiting Judge Lewis at his summer camp fox a few weeks, The Colonel fully ap- predates our • great lake. He is an I expert in camp life, havingbeen, i�t charge of • the 'Governor Cenral - for .ladies. andmen that cannot be equalled 1n .guality- and price, Barefoot Sandals for misses and children are here at the very • lowest. prices. Life -Buoy'.. Outing Shoes are without exception the best wearing rubber soled footwear on the market. Let us show you the different. kinds of these goods. • The values :are .remarkable. - REPAIRING deo. MacVicar North SW of Square Phone 220 GODERICI'I anaimaeszenerrironnanessmanarramlieri entine-eforwse Rourwwheel-braket ~ ae *wand Low pressure tires CHAS. BLACK nom"rho Mii4 *'s *Ad Says' Store W.vfi 's 211 S mus frame • • e M. BELL Harvesters Attention!. • if you are going, .Vest on the, Harvesters' Excursion_shop. 'at Cornfield's and save money. We are offering special values in ladies' and men's clothing. Ladles' Wear Ladies' Coats, Suits, Drees, Coat Sweaters,, Sleeveless Sweaters and Millinery. All at reduced prices. Men's Wear Men's Snits, light Overcoats, -good -, Raincosts, To and Work Shirts, Sweater Coats, Overalls in many makes, such as Caharrt's, Kitchen's, Railroad Signal, Snack -proof, " Big Bee" Brand, etc. All offered at reduced prices. d :a East $ ra it Gantt* Ph* 2 A. CORNFIELD SDK SWAPS Ct1t .