The Goderich Star, 1924-08-07, Page 7y
m 11 11.1 1 I_. n
xictJl a7T; "al{lf tat 1901
MOW ame
s+alleil MtM r+t 14411tatntwtwt
93�f ISABEL movirom, G+ i, Oaf.
liallit#NISeettes imesii1M 1 filen aellUtineelee
^ nese, ' _ 'the
_i u****4 era; "Mr-
.Emit,.-.t1ie-deirtliak-ui- li�y�xt'sblind- rightmost. ._-.
em . court*; ale► TAM -than
From the hardening power of sin, the pure worship of his Father had
From all malice and unkindness, !boon turned into * esf geeia►.
From the pride that lurks within, The ons who so meetly cosine oat
Ry yhy mercy,of obseurityr b.i .ase a wean of meth -
0 deliver us, good Lord t uxity. Making a seourie of the ru-
J•. a.. Cummins. sizes that lay Das the floor be drove
PRAYER out tiro animals and then, nearing out
We praise the Lord with a common the changers`' money, he wrsrti rmed
voice,- we lift up our psalm of -adore- thedr table*"" But to thth. wlro seeded
lovas, the oi'f*ring' of the poo*•. Ise
What ides► ' " to eut its teeth, tion, far great is the ford, and won.' aa� himself, sonxma.eing Bram
tied* is the time tbM they poor mother is derful is, his way. il'e breathe our to be removed: "'fake these things
wader the *trees Af great anxiety. The confessions because we have done the helm; seek* not trey ]father's bases
and 11 'bowed* bemuse teem and diem . things we ought not to have done; we an house ae tsaerehandisa s *see did
haver, dysentery'
eobe, mune and many ntake mention of the name of our Sa- they resist and disputa his sight
ether bran l auaplebets msnifeet theses, viour, ter he alone la mit Light aud_to -expel theme - it ray leave. heen
trivew; ties Puy beeon a 'malleo, a" our Salvation, . our Defence and our his appearances as wc.: An his mamma,
hers aures they ek ldrm in tlics eastts assay to a altluta la d n Comfort, our Rock and our speech that awed there, but so
• Amen,
and romuzlly death' rowan. On the Jain* their ;guilty sonscienees ac-
drst sign of any towel trouble i$ the (Selected?' qutoeced in hie conduct. "Vico car►^
am that tits mother should usr. R,Dr. _ SUNDAY SCHAOL LESSON FOR not stand for one moment before vire
1"owler's ' aud, primps save the
baby's life. • -
Mrs. F. F, 'larger, Jr. Petawawa,
Oet., writes:• -"My baby boy was very
siek with diarrhoea scudcramps iu his
stoniasle what he weds vetting his teeth.
I tried several remedies, but without
say runlet until my d'uggIst advised
use to use Dr. F'owler's. Extract of Wild'
Strawberry.. 1 just .gave' him' a few
doses, andira a couple of days be Ras
Mt well es he° could be. - - -
x wish to-4bm►k you very much for
roe useful remedy. 1 will never be •
*theft it la ray Goma" -
Apply the liniaieall every tel►
hourst-to- thrstat- d .Ch*st..'
Gaagle with Minard's iia warn*
S lcndld for Bronchitis
,..midAtthtna: __
AUG, 17114 1924 tua's uplifted arm."
Lesson Title• --Jesus Citanest the Time at the comntenceraent of his
Temple. ministry did Jesus re3,yove evil prae-
Lesfon .Passage--.*onn i :19.23: • tices, but the love of gat is a ruling .
Golden Text ---Matt .21 :13.. - mission of man and graduallythey
▪ Aftea the marriage . in Cana of resumed their former ways eo that
a similar scene met him as he,. after
9alilee-the little company of Jesus: hie triamnpbant entry into Jerusalem,
and, hie friends returned to;,_Capbr- event. into. the temple three Year* let -
nautili but their stay was pf short er. Then,°as on the former occasion,
duration. The ceiraven of pilgrims:.- he drove them out, saying in even
was forming, for the feast of the etronger terms: "It is written, My
Passover was at hand and every Jew'- house shall be 'called the house of
i'sh male was required to attend. 30 prayer; but ye have made it a den of
sus, in obedience to this Iaw,,mwent up = thieves" Matt. 21:13,
to Jerusalem to this bis first pas"ssover Arerse*.1741 The Effect on Dlsrlp2esr "'"'"'
since he, entered upon his public, min- - and Jes^ws. _
. Looking upon tins - :scene his diem. CAPT. T. DIN$M0ele urrou
beth R. Murch;*, Birmingham; N. A. ,
"1 tluu,r e�w.
Com`T. Dinagarsee U$
t --
Rtnlueet. Masai* IMsaiwr yr,* s
Manage tar Ohl seed Thies
Oak T, TYasuors Uptss , «�
bather to a Hssadrel Theersa41
wt* be a tetter. Letterer at rase ens.,
dg Deestalea °haat: aqua bare KM
Meter* "The Peeet' ]parlor," la
a ptee far *teal. wdedasosne r.ere.tiss
N -o wQ�iian. can
be homely who
.flit si de tntit' .lad Which araf igu a is 6c, r cona�t'.•
tlz. beauty *wry woman can,
• a ,or worm* can be called thorlties sax, to keep your eons- The ,sia,plee,'eae ereee too,
You cannot *ad a more effete
Atte beauty treattment. because
haelbve is blendeelreek rate
ire suet a s" ml�-- fit -some dor
feud but t{ , Taal -
And ft le dive. Let it Campine.
for your wholewhat it does
for the face. -
See that you get Patmotive-
which is never sold unwrapped
All dealers have it. In a short
time improvement will be notice,.
able, eacoureging. - . •
vino Mas kept the plexfore lovely, radiant, youthful,
�avail eerie _of youthful But beware of harsh cleansing
� tact ltd - -, methods. They injurer skin,
syy'asslllion of women 'Wash thoroughly with
t serer Wa, ate pl* t a . Yost Palmolive Soap --•each night 1* -
too nae estierp y it t'e keep lovela• fore retiring. Rub the crRas!ny,
sassed, gasses, flees cigar, fresh skin foamy lather well into th. tiny
Nature gave yon. - pores, Rinse -- and repeat the
This *tom eon awed washing. Then rinse again.
Oman the aide regularly, au- Then -if skin is dry' -apply a
little cold cream. That is all.
Skin so cared for is not injured
by cosmetics by wind and sun.
or by dirt.
Waste ea
trews' for.
1 .n..
Cole and 'party, Detroit; Mrs. Eliza- • ns
Verses l3.14 -The Tea* DeRI pies stalled the words o e pea
-=- anen-Farrar-3n- his-his-oi'sehri,et--ist: "Th r'ithol ot"-thina' pus'se.1.etit` 4-e-eltitdr mist sa fouudation-tor-tetters Scotts Detroit;, -I1 -J. Rosebush.end- �.._
,, wife, Mise Dalton, Dr, lltarrowa, Galt; Eivey ng. to make
rayed of this passage. We have al- A ad, marked de They saw revealed; to ' citlsenship: ' Mr, and Mrs. Wilson and eon Jaek, 1sj
ready seen what vast crowds flocked • a degree, the ruling sentiment Captain Upton speaks from a unique-
be don. H. A Gunn,,: Dorothy
ah BGa Lon- i r •
to the Holy City at °the great annual, of,Christ's life and. that which should 1 .suiecesstun experience u director of
feast; Theta, as now,. what immense - the aim of all hiw followers to- athletics in prominent schools and Mias E. Heinrich, Dsrtroit fir. and • a�XSt Dinner
multitude, 'composed of pilgrims front day -purity ih life and worship. The as Irbyslcal • training director In chi M .C. J. Parker, 13i1ward C. 1'�trker,
,every land, and proselytes of every Scribe* and Phariesees, en recovering army duringrthe Great; .War.. l#rantfoxdl Iter. and lttrs..T. M. Rid-
nation, brought wittt.. them • many from their utter astonishment at the As a speaker he is magnetic and eta.
needs, • The traveller who novr visits, conduct. 'of a,young; unknown mandell'Stretford; Wit" A.11' Sister and
gnent. BeHe has the faculty of reaching ,wifs, Chatham; I.2. V�'. 1Mlaxwell, wife
Jerusalem at Easter time will make dressed in the garb. of a despised,.na- everyone -.children through their par. And' Chatham' St, . W' l '1V`. ei tante
his way to. the gates of the ChurelOof lillean,.questioned him as to his right sates .a'ad ,parentte, through their chit -
the, Sepulchre thxougla a crowd of to do this: amasfng " thing: "What dm. . elan, wife and family Windsor; Mr,
vendors of relies, souvenirs, and all sign shewieet thou onto: us, seeinst .., and ?drs. W. L, Clucas, St, Louis;
-squatting- -on- that-thou"doest`�these things?". -Hie vxuuf Wtau�lqua,,.Allg.. 9_10_ #;4- 3 .:t' ....m-gAtish, -,.., [..Smiths Lndon
the grounois 1111 ; wit,xe space
. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Barnard ancd
the ground, . fill all the vacant space reply 'was,. lake to •hie conduct, quite _ '
before the church,; and overflow :into beyond. their comprebenaion: "De- daughter, Detroit.
THZ P tt21.1IV'.R Cllliat!!Atlls OP
'Velasipeg Tomato Montreal
/Me *reef eyes ,iis-sag a !let`--•1ta►*''
iirsIsi'es rrus rake s. SAHA" Si,r .
the adjoining stet. , Far more num- stray this temple, and in three clays l -•TRY A' CAMP • HOf.ID±4Y
Brous. and ; far ntore noisome must will raise it up. This temple - SUNSET . `•
i6 havelbeen.the "buyers-andMiers' rho- the -temple which had been -so long in w: R cently ;registered. t_Hotel Sun=• In the heart of 3s peerless lake land
choked the . avenues leading- to the building and even.yet was not finish. setali', Bonds, Mr. and Mrs. `A.: J and t'ir!firi'Ntltare, expresses the frits-` - -
temple at this passover time; for ed, •the temple which was a marvel to: peoples, Genevieve Peoples, E. S, anon of Nomfnlgan •and Minesssssiifig
what they had to •sell"were not only the world for its wealth and magnifi- Peoples, Lulu K. Trine Mrs. J. A. camps consist of a central lodge sur -
trinkets and knicknacks, 'such as. are Bence of'atructurel Jesus was,speak- Tivey, Jibs. Win.: E. England, Mr.`and rounded by' log eabitls, comfortably:
• now sold to Eastern .pilgrims, but ing of one thing --his• body as the Mrs. D. C.• Stevenson, W, Wilson anis 'furnished with bathrooms and hot
-oxen, esa sheep, and doves • On both temple of God and the Jews.were three daughters, Detroit; Mre. Blanch, and cold water always available
sides of the eastern gate there had thinking of another thing -the :mar- Sanborn,•Port Huron; George F. Ger- you have all 'the canaaorts sof home
r-. _..-and fine, service that Canadian Nat«
lung tau established tile -shops. of ills temple in Jerusalem.'4esus was man, Detroit; G.A. Mclennan and
-srf merchants and the banks of money- giving 'them a sign that he wasthe wife,.'Clinton; J • Wiseman and wife, tonal management assures. 'Campss'
►olktoa changers. .. he..latter were almost a Messiah, but `neither disciples 'nor, Oilmen; Mr. and Mre. K. $. Bulman; s open from July lax to August III sr
_ necessity; . for, twenty days .before Jews grasped'his meaning, though his i L. Stuart Bulman, Plies Gladys Bul- For information ad rests, Manager
USE urnilo. POWER the'passover, the priests began to col. words were` not forgotten. The best man, Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell
y sank mto the minds S-, Calhoun. Cleveland;. Mrs. Mornhv, Highland Inn, -Algonquin �1'srtk Sts.
THE PEOPLE'S:,..POWEB. lett the old sacred tribute of half a proof'that the tion, flet:, or
i shekel paid` yearly . by every; Israelite, of the Jews was the ••tact that his ac- : Miss+ _ Morphy,, I. B.-, Meephy,., List- any agent of the Can•
o ata *meet rs br • ht t i s ':n tiro h in ' el• Mrs C. M. F rite Miss is Tae• . adiaaz' Railways.
tv}ttst 'r i h' r or s n c se ou h e a ow , ss y,
he rc o a u g �
;''� p , g X ,
n P.
money for. his sour, ant applied to the a perverted manner, against hiir .at sell; Mrs.. I•I. i"incTer, Mrs. A; Pr d r, It isn't the.type of bat .that. makes
"� , . • o expenses of the tabernacle'. service, his trial as an evidence of. his'guilt.lMrs.. Janet Gefodden, • Miss Freda 400 bittern. Salmon hit 1000 with a
Fresh Peas, Beansi, Tematoes, (ilalatbers •
Beets, Carreto, Lettuce, Melons, Water Melons
Preserve Raspberries •..sakire A
It would not be lawful/ to pay this in After his ressurrectton his disciples Leiber, P. Goodden. Grand ..Rapids; jaw boneds
the coinage brought from all, kinds fully understood that it was the tem- T. J. Martin and wife, W. E. Trues•:•
of governments, so eacit man had to pie of hisbody hemeant and; too, `dell and ,wife, Windsor: E. (' Weise". `
procure the little silver coin - in ex- they recalled -how it agreed:- with i Walkerville ; G. E. Bell, Galt;' -0.. --Xe -- worm el�rt:, Salt Rheum
;Change for his own rrency. These scripture: "Neither -wilt thou suffer Thorburn, Brantford; H. '3.. Caven
"merchants and money ea
by db- thy holy one to see .corruption" M. ! and wife, Hendry (evens e,�, and wife, :
green •moved nearer and at length 10:10).. Thus early did Christ fore- James Caven and wife, David Caven
established themselves' within the tell hindeath and resurrection. -This! and wife, Atlanta Ga.; Miss F. li.
sacred court of the' temple of- the knowledge shows plainly that he was Hendry,` Mrs. G. 0, Baldwin, Detroit
Most Sigh, disturbing, with the low- divine and too it gives us an idea of Mrs. -W. -T, Tanner, ?,iiss Sybil ;Tan-,
ing of oxen, the bleating of :sheep and •the • • extent- '-;of • his ;love. • Knowing nee; - Mrs. E. , L. Tanner; • Guelph
the: babel of many ' languages, the fully what was Before frim he set his Mr. and Mrs. 3. 'W.. Pureeil, Toronto;
chant of the Levites and the prayers face steadfastly to go •to Jerusalem, E. M. Woodward, F. M Wcudward,.
of priests.,,* • • where he endured the cross, tasting E. A. Woodward, Lonuon; R, Firth,
Verses 154$ --The Temple Puri ed. death for every" men. . •. ,Windsor; Miss Firth, ' Boston Mass.;
The Sabbath, the Sanctuary and the WORLDMISSIONS t Miss Larkin, Miss Shaw, St. Cather -
Priesthood were all dear to our Sa Jesus, Himself, a Jew, loyal to His rues Mr. and. Mrs: Rutherford, Mrd«
viour, and, his heartwas filed with race, a child of thesynagogue,'. in '.and Mrs, L. Louks and child, Miss
. . strutted in the Law, the Psalms . and Couter, Toronto; Miss B. and C Cout- BCrs. Sitd
___ the Prophets, a pr:eeiatea the histol ier,..Edmonton; Air. .and Nlrs R. B. _ar ,
is mission of His rases `In giving` His f McGowan; Blyth; U. B. Coons and g Otl~tr bled with eesrssema, but after
disciples a program for the evatsr geli- wife, Toronto; 0, \ .Summer and taking thine bottles of burdock Blood
# tan ��l r zation of the world,.Jesus said - "Ye wife,. Mrs. P. Walsh; London; A. P. Sitters I was certainly surprised to itnd-
shall be my witnesses both in Jerusa- l Acheson, Hamilton; '112:.T. Yaild�n, that' 1 was entirely relieved of my trou-
COflYugli a $req, ' ® !1� • lem and in all Judea and Samaria, (Hamilton; A E,: Bunting and wi e, ill .
,w •;.;:•,+•,, p s• 'etaTt' nten. ONT. and : unto the . uttermost part of the' Mrs. Elizabeth Bunting, Detroit; S. • b; That was six months ago, and l haw
R earth." His disciples, .'Jews, were K. Mcfarlane, Toronto; W. Huston,. not had a sign of it since, and x surely
/R 'j`j� HYDRO j"�j p prepares young men' apd young. W. C. Cook, W. hIaahaffe, J. A, hie wish to thank you for Dile wonderful
f �!E STORE +vornen fax Business, which is noir. loyal to this command:. When the cry
Canada's greatest profession, ' come from Europe, "Come . over to Kay and party, StraGiord; P. A. medicine, and can strongly rboommoia
North Side Soars, CODERICH • We assist graduates to positions Macedonia, and help us, the Jew St. Northwood, V. J. Chant, 7'or into; Ii: • It Bur anyone
81os sBni roofsIha�s been on
and they have a . practical• train. Paul responded to:; this S. O. S. call. g. Cummings, St. Catherine:; J. If.
..="02:1110. •�,a t fug` which enables them to meet And, lastly, while on the Cross, Je= a* elf iss N. '.Carrance, N, .J. 'dor- the market for the pest 46 years, and
„ ranee and wife, F. A. Spence, Toron- is manufactured only .by. The T; Mil -
with success. Students :are re- sus said Father forgive teem• for burn Co Limited
sherries Now *Sugar has. been ch buti be`d
cheap it !ill , elttauc`
j40 •
• a" � i
Try Cour entr�� • .: d
,, ;. •.�, ;(.Hir,6; FEF'
festered each week. Get our free they. know not what they co." Shall to; C. Best, Ford; Mrs. R. 3. I•iiscocks ''
catalogue and learn eomething a- Christians refuse to heed this diem* 'F. M Iliscock', Wi ida:ort; •A. Stocking, ,,.,,,,:,,
bout our'differeet departments.
SUS rsM, sit row--7flrsM 36. -At all turd Stores •Ii imp
womER ur
T. SWAR 1 6'
gulp and Ocnse-Lhtsrg.
Peck stables, Etc.
Mcoskrewtl !i'',•s,eelt
just off the Si ler*
'busses Meet All rrains.rnd
Passenger Boats
P„mssNgops tatted for in any
pert of the. town far all
trains at 0. T. R. or C. P. R.
Prompt Service Sind
Carefllli Attendance.
Oar Livery and Hack Service
will i. fasted up.te.dates
Is every raspatt.,,
YAW Patrialata S.lklted
Piww. • sgo Street
spirit of conipassion? Ultimately, A. Leslie, Detroit; M..IJuncan, ()wee
the Jewis i race will discover' Jesus, Sound; L. D. Hogan seed wife, 'Walk -
and iintet•pret Him in its own charac- erville; Miss J`. Todd, Mt and'" Mrs.
teristic way. ' That will tf a red let- Fahey, Toronto; Miss M. R. Worse
• -ter day fol' the whole• wor tl:" -- MissrB:-RRynelds; :tii»s 4".-%%'ar•rinrrs,. _.
(Selected).. Miss D. Warrriner, Detroit; W. J.
Fawcett, A. B. Caya, W. 'S 4. Ferguson
SCHOOL FAIR DATES FOR 1924 C. W. Wright and wife, Waterloo; Mr.
Ashfield, September 8th.. and Mrs. A. Tillman, .lack' Tillman,:
St. Helens, September 3th. London; G. L. Groves, Emily Grev
MIDDLE. ' I3luevale, September° doth. o h McDsrnau fit bars. J. E. , R.- n.
Wroxeter, September 11th. ough, H° M. Width anti party, Ii. E.
Rama ef Net"811069. lad Corrie, September 12tri.
Clinton, • September i5th.
Distressiug Ana* by Lydia E. • Clinton Rural, September 10th.
r Zurich, September loth.
PinYkbam vegetable aliad
-Varna, September 17th. •
i rooklytt, N. Y. -"I prat tock Lythe Dashwood, September 18th.
.Pinkham'a VagestableCoy%poundlour Grand Bend; Septeanber 19th.
•` ., :. years ago, and am Porter's Hill, September 20th.
taking it now for the Colborne, September 22nd.
Chan 1 Helgr:ve, September 22rd.
traublell and receive eat benefit
Ethel, September 24th.
from it. I am willing Blyth, September 25th and 26th.
to let you . use my
letter as a testimo-
nig because itis the
truth. 1 found your
booklet in m better-
box and rend it arm
fully,sndthat is how
1 came to tette the
IVegetable Compound myatrist r sharp mill
{liven me quiet :levee fp sharpp
night, and abettempetite. I have rec•
oma ended it ithes0 to all my frig
and relatives.'•-Mres.latitattals•at,2062
Palmetto St.,Ittdgew'ood,Brooklyn,H.Y,
_ . For thew,omata swferiag from assrveme
achetroubles mashy warless+ bead.
oyster* the IL
Plnk' ees VegetableWi l
a epilerdii 'rut ►
• woman et.�tMdddle ars wise is peseirog
through the trlsls of that partook ft een
be depaeded rapes to town the teraelakie
room* at Haat tinea.
Raasee rliher, the V
baso a reseed
Look 'Vounnl . *ring . Reek Ito '
Natural Color, Glow and
Attractivsensssw •
Winghans, .September 29th and 30th.:' '
lfensall, October 1st, - Common garden :sage brewed into a
Crediton, October 2nd.• . heavy tea with sulphur added, will turn
Winchelsea, Oetoher aid. $ fir, streaked and faded hair beauti+
fully dark and luxuriant. Just a few
A REAL CAMP HOLIDAY applications will prove a revelation if
Algonquin 'Perk offers a diversity gar hair is fadiryr,esstreaked or gray,
of interest that is not frequently found ; sMixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur nes
in Summer resort districts. Besides pe at home, though. e t bottler ne
the Highland Inn, headquarters for Wyeth's ways id S phu a Compo od
Sage and Sulphur Compound
tourists in the Park, Nominigan (Camp !at any drug stere all ready for use.
and Camp Minessing, consisting of a This is the old-time recipe improved by
series of log cabins hated seven and the addition of other ingtviients.
ten miles r.spectively from headquert" While wispy gray!, West oea hair is trot'
ers, offer comfortably furnished quart lia1'fat aippearancewan �iattrracti eneat,w
ere with . bathrooms, ,hot and +cold y *Lung- east hair with a yetfi's
Tithe water, and other convenieneeet. Te r„ a •04 Sulphur tre0000041, iso one
cabtne will ottomans -late parties up east tell, becswe it iWesit nateraly,
to eight' in number, and afford that se sweetly: You jest damped! 'a
stpl d **elusion sur desired by many or soft llers. •„„ tiLeohcide � it argil lira
Fee information address, 'lamer, er, s lests$ t sit
rrwarsar�sraa Ing. Algonquinor
Park eta- r
.., a tQ 4rlstaiOat.. we any agent of t5e Caa- 4•44,4•44,
ehealt Oleo R a Bait woo, adios ?fadeout -RsR•waxs,
sA gray
freak be▪ .
sett sed
Telephone 1i4','
arid guar' salesman '
will' calk.:' .
Cakes and . Pastry _
for every occasiafl.
Give us the opportunity
: to serve you.' : :
William V. ; Richardson
Opposite Musonitc Hallagaa
adt. West 'Street . Bakery
Take a - Tablespoonful of Salts IT Back Pains or
Bladder. is Irritated
Flush your kidneys by drinking
quart of water each day, also take *alts
occasionally, Biwa u •noted authority,
who-. tells us that too much rich food
i forms acids which almost paralyze the
kidneys in their efforts to expel it from
the blood. They become sluggish and
weaken ;.then you may suffer with a dull
misery in the kidney region, sharp pains
in the ,back or sick headache, diabase,
your stomach sours, tongue til coasted,
and when the weather is bed you haver
rheumatic twinges. +i, The urine pt.
cloudy, full of sediment, the cheats
often get *byre and irritated, obi1i1
you to see relief two or three Balser
during the ight •
To hem digitize theee •`
acids; to help cleanse. the kidney8 and
trill teff th3 body's urinous% gas
four out".: rs of lad Snit:; front am
- rnacy" hero. 'rake a tabieglnoonn£ e. a
gla.a , of water bcxore brealt£a t S 7"
few day.'', and your kidneys - nay filet .
act fate. 'I'iii , famous salts is mad'
from the acid of grapes and lepton Juice,
combined with litlua, and has been
far year:. to help .flush and stimulate,
loitineye; ::Iso to neutralize the'
seids in the system so they no longer
irritate, thus often, relieving bladder
wrstirpe 3.
*lam. Salts is inexpensive; cannot ins
tiorit and makes a delightful effervescent
stater drink. Icy all means have.
hysiciaf etalniine your kidneys -
tvviaic' a year.
. •