The Goderich Star, 1924-08-07, Page 6.000.0., *MO ILI • ill iiu,Ili Ili ..ori 1111 11 mil wirour 1 vow s THE .111. 111 marrow • 011411144P41.14. 114111111111A1F, °'- liiirMAvF, &Maher ?th. 3lU• 1111 111 11 111 • Andrew's Fsresbyterian Church, • Port Albert A Hist Laid Its f~. Daughters r ° In connection with the celebration of the prepared. by Rev. B. G. C -._ .our Misters • We have been specially favored as a congregation is tine ability and character of . the men who have ministered t0 us. The first pastor, Rev. A. Y. Hartley, granduated from Knox College in 1873 and was inducted into- the Port Albert cd *rge in December of the same year. His first text is recalled by ' one who was present, "Brethren, aty heart's deske and prayer to God for 'Israel is, that they might be saved." Romans toil. -Mr. Hartley; labored with yunfaltering zeal for the Master's cause. During fiis pastorate the first elders were elected and the Sunday School.organized. He passed to his reward recently at- his home in Toronto. "Blessed are they who die in the Lord." Rev. R. W. Leich, inducted May 15th, 1877, was re- membered as a "big" nran, friendly and sociable, a very earn est and forceful' _preacher and kindly and sympathetic In his: pastoral work. An old timer writes, "We rejoiced when Mr. • Leich was to pay us a visit."• In 1884 he removed to Point Edward Presbyterian chufttr "`-differ a Tong vacancy, Rev'. D. Q. Cameron was cal-: led. He teas an interesting and impressive preacher. His appeals were very effective and his pulpit style very pleasing; He obtained good resultsin special. services of prayer and consecration. Mr. Cameron was a strong advocate of the temperance. eause. Erskine church, Dungannon, was built. during his pastorate. In .1889 he removed to Strabone and Kilbride, 'At the present time lie is the veteran clerk of Swift Current Presbytery, Saskatchewan. 't Rev. R. Fairbairn, B. A., succeeded Mr. Cameron. . He - was well versed .itt $yriat. and the Confession of Faith, very kindly in his manner and possessed of good common sense in his views. He was a born student and his only recitation was pulling out Greek roots. After graduation froame, University eft: Toronto and Knox Coltege in 1872 he occ ►ied charges at Essex and Willis, near Orlllia, then Mildmay, •awed by • twelve years at ,Dungannon and Port Albert. ;tl►critical ill. • ness 'forcedhim to resign when he took charge Of the British and Poreign Bible Society hi Toronto. •'He' we a scholarly: :x preacher of More than usual power and:of.strongtesolute pun, I "W. ! Il Rev. C. M. Rutherford supplied for about one:yearand received :e hearty and unanimous call. Ha' Wats .born at St. Helens in 1854 and educated in Goderkh in Galt tin-: der the famous Dr: Tass'te. for a number of Atm he taught. scha 01 Bruce andGrey Counties; %si received theological training in Knox College and Union Seminary, Inew4yoric. ' During his pastorate he was acture In all phases of work and the missionary cause of the church progressed while the - church building was also. remodeiled. "He was a faithful and devoted servant of God, a workman that needethRutherford- later not to be ashamed _tightly diiyiding elle Wordof truth." ..-11t Rutherfrd - la er removed: to Pine River. He died at Lucknow in Sep tame", 192e, 't' wrwwrrc+�w�••�yN ►r1twoe*. e• ----e .. ' . • Ow. Rev., Gilbert Gomm, at present Minister at Pine River;' was the next''pastor, ,He 'was` of English .parentage;' being - educated at Oxford, After a business career. of six years, -Mr. Gomm ventured' forth into the ministry.,. training at University' of Toronto and Knox College. He was as active and sympa. • thetic pastor, the happy possessor .nf..a winning personality which gave. him a . hearty weleonie into the homes of the. people. • His work among the young was a feature of hie ministry. Mrs. Gomm shared his labors and organized the W. M. S. and McKellar. Mission Band. • -.6.4014 In September of the sante year, Rev. P. M. Craig was in- ducted,. He .ls remembered as an earnest consecrated minister . of the Gospel of Christ.' No one who heard can possibly for- get his wonderful prayers How he poured forth his soul to God tili,one felt that they Were indeed inthe presence of the Most High. - - - Mr. Craig resigned ini January,- 1920, and returned to Seotlatnd. - tch of the Pioneer Spirits of this gregation Why► tion Over, Half a Century Ago, and of its Sons and o Have Been Rearing te Superstructure Ever Since completion of fifty-five years of congregational regational lifeof this.church recently, a souvenir booklet was issued, may, from which we now take the liberty of republishing the following interesting matter : - One June 1st, 1920, Rev. Hilton R. Campbell, B. D., Pit. D. succeeded Mr. Craig, a Canadian by birth, yet received his college training in Worcester; Mass., •Indianapoiis and Prince. ton -Theological Seminary. He also occupied charges in • the United States and Allenford, Ontario.-- • He. -a"man otquietand relined manner; sehoTarly nd . spiritual in his preaching and very kindly itt his pastoral Fain. = istrations. During his pastorate many new ntenbers were re- Ceived by profession of faith. Dr. Campbell now serves at Thompson ittage; New 'York. **Ir, , 4v1.owe rw His successor was Rev. A. G.-Rintoul,-13. A., whose short but very successful pastorate li recsllred with pleasure by all. Mr. Rintoul .came on stated supply and readily adjusted him. self to all phases of coral *an ty life, He was a vigorous preacher of the Gospel and sympathetic• and genial pastor. Beloved by all for his cheery disposition and winsome dilute. ler, he was lido a fast friend of the boys and girls; We wish. •hint a successfut pastorate at Thorndale, Barrie Presbytery. Bruce G. Gray, our present pastor, is serving for the summer months only, titer whkh he plans to return to Knox College to resume his studies. The combined ind ences of the ministers' lives have left an indellible impression on the intellectual, •morat and retia- Taus life of the community. 1,0 . 4'• . Sons and Daughters of the Church Brief sketches of four young people who have served out church in wider' fields of service Mrs. Neil Gilmour (nee Sarah Dunbar) was the second daughter of those earnest and devoted pioneers of oily chute*, the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dunbar. Sarah Dunbar, as she was known in the amici Says. was :t diligent and active worth 1) h • r_x!rrsxtri_r uir,saWr mr..racgs�.« '' , +-•� = THE SES,tON • AN01.4.eortoehr .moil . G. GRAY 1146son ora JAMS QUAID • v DAvit? tvt.4spoimrreri i • n Port Albert church. Her, kindly aciousness eo tbtned with a rare modesty endured her to -all.' ,- ,; • in February, 1900, she received an appointment as .as- sistant matron of the .Indian Boarding School at Crowstja' nd Mission in the West. . With her experience. as a teacher and,: a. missionary enthusiast she found in the school an, outlet•for her •. several, abilities. A fine tribute=.to=her splendid, work was`the • organization of a Presbyterial at Kanlsack cwhich has' the un-' - ique .distinction of being. officered ,:by native --Indian women:- Miss Dunbar served faithfully • for twenty'one years: :She is married and living et 91$ Chestrlut Ave.., -Moose Jaw, Sask.. Rev; �` .. P. M. *Natty, tai._ A young man who received his early instruction in the little church on the gravel road was Rev: F. M. Mahaffiy, B. Orangeville: Fred;.was born:in Clinton'in 1-S--0; but later removes! rvith.his' parentsto take up the milling business at 'Port 'Albert; Through the quiet influence of ';t odl:_ ,mother and in the'. stimulating fellowship with his devoted :pastor, Rev. D. G. Cameron, was , Fred le d to give itis life ta•a larger. service,' With much determination he pursued his studies itt Queen's College, Manttgbe, graduating:: in 190:3: He was called to ,Al. vinston; .Ontario; and five years later to Parry Sound. Taber, Alberta, was itis third charge, where he, remainedfor several years, `removing later, to "Buckingham, Quebec. Rev. `Ma-` haft'y is anew, minister at Orangeville, Ontario. RevAlbert Mithaffy,13. ,!),•' , a brother of Fred,., also engaged in the ministry for severat "years. Albert is a graduate of -McGill University and .a gold --- .: medalist of the Presbyterian College, Montreal. He served in the pastorates in Milton Park, Elgin and Calgary, where he is now engaged in legal practice.. Riv. Robe. K. Pittrliaim B. fl:, S. T. M. was the son of one ,of our beloved pastors and -is now minister -- If Livingstone Presbyterian ,church, . Montreal; The Nation':s Call to Sec 4 JOSEPH ALBERT GORDON, B. tA. "The hearty snap. the honest gasw +r The rode* that the thing it rays. Born September 5th, 1886, at Sheppardton. Educated in S. 5. No. 11, Ashfield. Removed to West, Inter attended 'Collegiate and Normal schools in Regina. •; Taught school for a ptrlod and then pursued studies further at Queen's Univ« city, from which Institution he graduated itt 1913. Again he removed to the West and studied law hi Edmonton. in June; i 913, he answered^ihe Empire's call to arms, enlisting with the McGill University contingent, which reinforced the famous Princess Patricia reegimen& On June 2nd, 1916, Mr. Gordon paid the suprerne sacriflcr. ...•�,. LINDSAY BUl~tROWS ' 1 1~nfsttd in IJ. 5.. As #916. invalided home January i3t, 1917. hied at Byron, , fly, 1919. Burial at Coderkh, Ont. •• Their new timelier et . -n 'r" WALLACE CUNNINGHAM.-- rlibted ft Maple, Ont Served iea Q. O. R., C. A. S. C., and Royal Air Reece. .Return- i 0160. 1 ed April, 1919. STANLEY HAYDEN Enlisted in Duluth, U S. A., Feb. - 1916. Served. in Transport Service (railroad "section). turned 1919. 1919. WILIAM LORNE JOHNSTON.—lnly�ted February, 1916, wit 161st kuron County Battalion. Transferred to • 51918th Battalion, Frelice, in October, 1916. Returned March, 9. THOMAS McGEE.--Entered the service February, 1918, and after duty overseas returned June, 1919. • ALEXANDER McKENZIE.--r-Enlisted., in Edmonton with Princess Patricia's • Regiment. Transferred to artillery, with which unit he served till transferred: in 1918 to 43rd Cameron Highlanders, wounded August 8th, 2918, at Amiens, Returned December, 1918., DR. HECTOR MACKENZIE, M. B., M,R•C.S.,.t.R,C,P., 'enlisted winter of 1915,at Kingston. Transferred to Imperial • army, Commission Is lieutenant and sal. first service in .hospital in Egypt. • Later .' promoted to : again' and became - iuedica�3w cer. zvi La •. �,ssP,rw.regiment:.,iis r rice. -<3 fur ied�..._ to Canada and was sent on special medical service' to China, Once again returned to England and after broad and "distin- guished service returned to Canada in summer of -1919, DONALD, MACKRNZZE.-Enlisted in London, in May; • /918. Further' training in Halifax and English < amps. ' Saw service in Belgium. Returned June, 1919. J. 'BALFOUR S1MPSON,—Enlisted May, 19-47, in Por- '• estry draft. Served with 75th Battalion in France., Returned. March, 1919. , DENSMORE:" WILLIS..---Enlisted May, 1917, in FNo. 1' .:- Forestry draft -Served with 76th Battalion in France. Re.. }turned July .1st, 1919. • 8tJard f Minagernent •' The -first cord of the Managing `Board givesthe naves (*Arthur Bennett, JameS Young, John John Ben. nett and Robert .Quaid. years,front _.1.$7S .t0 -102, #h foil7wing ittete ,. served as managtrs John B'enttett,Julius Weis.,,; Joseph.Dutt • bar; Janes Quaid (Sec,-Treas.), James Mahatfy, James Scott; w' George Irwin, During; thei ' period frm 18.84' to 1895 six new members �, appear on t. a oils of the Board : Thomas •Wil&on,.James , .. Stevenson,. Wrri. McMillan, John Green, Elisha.-Maw and Al- bert .Mahaffy. in 1893 Mr.: David Johnston was elected as manager and two years later was appointed secretary -treasurer, a position which he has held for thirty consecutive years; serv- ing the congregation in a most faithful and efficient manner, Apparently the congregation set the approSel on the se- lection made in 1896 when James' Crawford, John Cai'npbell, , Angus' Gordon and David Johnston were elected and corttinued in office for seven consecutive Me"rnbers of the Board .at .various intervals since ; 1903' were James O1vet, Walter Steel, William Crawford, John Bennet, jr, 0°144 McKenzie, 'Richard McWhinney,' Jarvis Thoriras•Dickson, John Quaid,;George Richardson and` James Johnston. The Board ars Constituted at::'present Consists of Janes; Me. • Milian, . Richard McWhinney, John Bennett,• jr,, George Ash:. ton, James Johnston,,James McKenzie, and John Quaid, Sec,, 41 The Choir The earliest recollection of the Service of Praise is that of the old precentors who lett the congregation in the solemn notes of the old psalms and paraphrases. ' Mrs. John Quaid was the first precentor and was followed by George Caldwell, whq is at present living itt Wtwanosh and is a member of Erskine Church, Dungannon, • Those remembered itt the first Choir were Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett, Mrs.: Murray,Annie Crawford and Maria .Cald- well. well. ald- u ' It is interesting to note that the introduction of. that dis- turbing instrument, the "kist o' whusties," modernly known as - �. . -•----the•` organ; was successfully accomplished through ilie' efforts - of the Sunday School. Miss"Hattie Mahaffy .be'came the =first orgaanist, Those who succeeded in that position, were Miss Bina Bennett, Etta Crawford, Mabel Quaid, William Sage, Blanche Olver, Winona Stevenson, Ethel Brown, Lina*Willis. Mrs. Will Crawford has rendered faithful services during the past ten years, being assisted at intervals by Mrs. John Quant and Miss.Ethiet Brown, both of whom have given willingly of their services. M , The Choir members are : Mrs. E. McDonald,Mrs. John Quaid, Miss Lina Willis, Clara Willis, Ethel Bron, Minnie - Dickson, Messrs, Will Crawford, Earn, McDonald, :I;red D`iciew son, Roy Ashton, Reg. McGee and Harry Lednor. . er a .til The. c afar Mission Band The first Mission Band in this Church was organized in 4917, largely due to the splendid efforts of Mrs:, Gomm; wife of the minister. Mrs. Lundy, Mission Band Secretary for the Presbytery of Maitland, gave generously of her time ire' pro. mothtg the work. The first leader was Miss Mary McKenzie and she was ablisupported by Miss May Dickson, Vera John- ston and Pearl Jojlnston. At the first meeting of the Band, it was decided to calf the Band after Dr. •Margaret McKellar, our Pre*ytefian missionary to India. The present officers are : Leader, Miss Eliza McMillan ; Treasurer, Miss Clara Willis ; Secretary, Miss Ruby Dickson. MSI Tarim zza Ars Cl The I wh tire„ ix 1 dr tt d iter 1.14 kern tot eases thl and first Nig base tit r'owler'1 babr'a Mrs. ' Ont.,. wr silk wit email 1 tried any refs ene to ua Strawbri dome,z aye w�+ll x Rie your us witkettt ISE 1