The Goderich Star, 1924-07-31, Page 7gm i-- - I•III. 41 11
111011146.1013 sass 1.4
For Diarrboika
You ii ola
PNOIMPaastit 00111111114
Sun4ayA° . orATCHA�TAUfJJA
• yy ISAB,L HAMILTON, +Godarlch, f.leit.
1000111>lNiall111111M1t#li10001ltll1i 6ili11111000Ineetiihdedlaill0 f 1 0 11 111 0 0 111 It
Pisaraases+armaro etaasoistelke
Creator Spirit! by whose aid 1 active do the servants to attend to �pt, T. Di11s1 siol. tiptoe
t3 biddingh b i
Come, your Thy joys an silt mankia�, he said unto you, da it.', SIw,„t, Maataetk alpet►ker swish ar
From sin and sorrow ret na free. Vsrltls :•li, The #tlraetr4 tNeaiap+e fee Oli stat Ysui+g i
And make us temples worthy Thee. 1 In Eastern land* in those days •
(John Dryden.) Alikti.
The wt►rld's fuuneiatioars first were laic* a da hiss when
• . Great .astir ,-
laid, l mania decide the 3t: tints; for
come, visit every humble mite; !hint to act had cense:—"Whatsoever
;greed attention was paid to that mush- r• l"'Fwn% ...
* PRAYER ; ing of feet and hailda. For the Capt. T. DiaYe *'pion. " Ate
Lord, Thou art not far front every Pharisees, and +tit >;te dews, except Brother to * Hundred Tialsand
one of u*; for in Thee we live, ar-d they, Waal* their hands o:i, eat not.•
,wit{ be a feature lecturer at the haat°,
It Will Give inove, and have our being- Make us boldine the tradition of the elders las Dominion t'huntauqua here. Ilia
ii�cy. to believe Thy greatnwa and fihy (A[ark 1':S).. lecture, "The Fbur•Square Ruilder," fi ,
[IR f TANE611t$ RELIEF old h by Thy provider The =ueita at this marriage were ,t pita far clean, tvhaieronte reerssttol
g ness, as $ own - liberall supplied with placed
When yoy, aro trouLlyd with dist• tial care and, bounty ace). Y
lent lace at the entrance
the /stomach, cbnletty or tiny outer loose- .to know Thee better as Thou tnakest of the house, and these *.x waterp
vera of the bowels hs euro and imine. Thyself known to us m Thy holy of thione Jesus ordered to be filled.,
diseely purchase. a *tattle of Dr. Pow- word. Give us always a deep sense of The one Jesus
filled them to befled.
Ier's Extract of Wild 13tta;ctierry and Thy presence with us, .Amen. overflow-
Mgto that there could be no edit•
goo bow quirlrty it will give you relief (John Hall, D. D.) don of wine to color the ghole: They
from your bowel tmublts.' could testify that them was no decaept•
Thin Preparation- hat been o't the- SUNDAY -SCHOOL LESSON FOR- ion. It wars waterturned into wine that
market for the past 80 years and has AUGUST 10th 1924, • Jesus directed the servants to draw.
been proven le accomplish ell we rlaini Lesson Title—The first Miracle of out and take to ,the patinas -stole
almosfor-it, and .oar clsim is that it will give I J,sga, - -; .. t feaet,'by this kali anxiety ;,::a ven
troubt instantaneous relief in all bowel Lemma Passage -•Voisin e; 141 from the festive board. it doe*, not.
r appear ` at' dens went to oversee
1te D. E. Franey, Ayieafotd, N 8., GoldenVera"' 4-41inhn x:�, the work of -the. servants, .He spmke
wrrt :-- rTwo years ago 1 M a'rtroa= Persesr 14- and it was dote. The., governor gave
bled Nritlt.. diarrhoea and severe ermines Oriental. weddings. wwte in olden proof of its being the re>;• at *tele for,
in my vtonueh. I tried several differ-. days, as they are still, times of feast- not knowing from whence pit came, he
ent reetedies; but they did 'not ono to' ing: The ceremony began at twilight not knowing
ed to the when ream that he
bele toe. I beard about Dr. Fowlers its Palestine when the 'pride, covered was ;teeing against all ;assent by
ttried ,bottle otutel of f it, &I only took a aw from head to foot with her flowing keeping t)ie best to the last. N+ ergo -
4904 . veil flower bedeneee and dressed in
do/sesr, acid do a chart time was entirely merit tan be drawn from this act of
ri+oey d}sentety, eoLe. erestip, pains in Snuatty.. Especially make tis et tt,convenl place, pots
rehired of my polo." -fairest beuld out tothe
Apply rho liniment eveery'lair
hours to throat and -chest.
Gargle with li�nard's in warm
SStendid for Bronchitis
and Asthma
robes, would set . 'Jesus in favour of drinl 'ng wine such
accom)ianiment of songs and dances
for the bridegroom's home. Ile, in the as we have. The 'people of Palestine
company of hisoung men friends . used the pure •juice of the grape as
would meet hent +and her maidens on we lege drinking -water . - It was the
the way.. On this praticuiar occasion cowmen drink of the people and .did
dnwt tend to produce intoxication. Be -
home ofd snon* onnewas eclosely co ned thevatently in d ing"well -drunk" indieatties, that the
with the faiieils of Jesus for his moth /guests had thus far been liberally,
er was present not so much as a guest sti}fplxed. '
_ as an oviewer. The festivities • al- Verse 11—The Outcome.
ways lasted two or three days a ssS, Jesus was at tits iiiarriage, as
for thohe'who could afford it, a fullwere the other guests, to contribrttb.
week, In the East ho.pltality vacs as by. Iia presence his'hare in the re-
dtity stud 'pinch mortification, would joieing but he did more. 1Se manifest-
be..experieneed ,if tbere was 'the ed his real mission'in coming to the
slighlrt *'failure noticed. We can world -a mission of 'helpfulness.: For
therefore readily understand Om "con- thirty years he haad•lived'an unevent-
cern of those respoasd. a if 'sitter fui life --but. in •tits; --ante he 'showed
food or drink began to be sttrrn.'Wns That he bad 'been sent of - God acid
It imentuse there was an unexpected was fully equipped now 2or his great
iide?fkli n'to the number of guests that work 'Ile had n heralded by John
for children as a foundation Me hetter
• Captain Upton ;peaks front a unique
Iy„siicceesnal experience as director of
athletics to prominent high schools and
as pbyetrai taatning director tit the
army dining The Great War. •
As a speaker he is magnetic and do-
gneitt. He has the iacutty et evoking
everyoneteseldren through : them par-
ents, and parents through their chl1-
limns T_ _.._ _ - ----
Goderich Chautauqua; Aug.' 9 to14
skins . Possiblyt was notexpect-gave proof•UM.N AB MIL
rbved`wnd. with hint* the hoe Galilleen in a very different way than was ex-
x • i
youths who had .attached `ihemsi.lveai petted. fie was a guest ata marriage vu?l'j' Chemical 1tperiments at:
the wine was running low I $ie twine- as the Messiah -and now he .himself
esus In
' o 'hl divinity, But as
ed 'back from the Jordan. Now he or- the occasion of his birth, it waa;l shown
'toll's person and they were - all 1n In an 'obs�eure country village, ming- --
the A i'iCttitllr>sl f;,tillege Show °
asci tt'o the marriage. Cowing as they -ding with Common hurnan affairs in r - .. - -
did a long.and-wearlaotue jour -a- sitnPle. lion*; `aiid'"tlie wane .gam Oeteating 'Nick *tldtritione-•-Pondet�•.
they 'would , not observe the cu
sof eo>itributing wile ann-provision
` 0 .�. the feast. Concern for 'the honor
the fetidly wits uppermost in .Ma,
'G':iO 0.' mind and she sought out the .
E uunnn QOEII •upon whom it was more. than likely --depended 11 she ' d:ended ant 'the Nazareth
` 1HE PEOPLE1:POWER ; 1 home since the death . of 'Joseph and
who was too the robribie ease of the
O t p.
eyi shortage. , $er cone'ern ..was
BY, �� seen in the direct way in which she
see spoke o him _--;theyhave no sine.'
His reply indiciited.'a*proof for this
' _anxiety. The words used seem hiatal
ELECTRIegy and unf�ilial but thslt'is only because
ij the fail to rekd :_*rig ht tfie Eastern
mind and mannip'c• •nt speech—"Wo-
man what have I to do •with, thee?
mine -Your le not t•,.... " '
tomer'than Cosa or Wood •
t, Coniteaieot, Clean, Quick
out. The 'moment had come for isms . ykltnniitk--Milk In l3rcattruak-
to proclaim himself to be the Son roc lass---l•e. ellsee Sitiige Berm* ltlitk•
God> wi't'h poker over all . created - • aar>v;- s.„,.. t1' 7llacittrs.
things and he did 9t oy bteonuag a "„
benefactor to'inankind'in an bout of iissotrlbnie+: 'My ()starts, ltepartment et
great •perpiexity'.thus Heralding hint-' Ayrrte+ultsrre. •rorunto•h
t tit fell! Jld It tf
�e ec is t
The C11 !311tstry 4epartm nt of the
(Qttltuciii ' A r.•tcuiturat Coils ge ddring •
the "past sear •tirade a- study of 'the
ttreezing point. of milk by • means of
the Hartvet Cryoscope;. proving the
•anparatuis" to • be absolutely .rellabite
self as. the Saviour seat of 'God to
draw sill men to Himself. The discip-
les had 'by John's testimartly'and 'by
es s me'
their intercourse with ..0 be J est ,
his ° %lowers - but now .seeing his,
mighty power their faith was ;streng-,
til.erred:•=es"This. beginning -of miracles`
did Jesus in Cana o; C%alflee, and'
mani£eatod forth I(it�, glory; 'and hn4,.ln detectin ailulation'of milk by add-
diaciples believed s !+Inn"' • Canon wa�torg 'pile Bortvet Cryoscope
Farrar says fa his friss miracle 'having :a scdentttiealiy accurate con -
There are two characteristics which' ` . „.
we ought -,to notice. One is' its divine struction, now tills that mucic needed
He had passed vat •as a permanent ' s nseIfiehness His tninstry ;is 'to he ets requirement: of ail official test,
dweller in the Nazareth home. Mary
was now ane of that great class whom
he came to seek •and to save --a wo-
man -among her fellows who- from
this time forth were to feel the uplift-. sake t{f others, his tranaforniing•pow..i :Chao comparative values of pow-
ing influence of theSavour of men. If er. 'The other is its syn bo ie eiteract (daredsitimmilk and powdered butter-
• his words seem to 'be harsh they no er Like nearly all 'miracles of 'Christ.* •iuilk .were erimefound to be about equal
doubt were accompanied by a tone of it combines: the characteristics etf 'Si in`ex pehe a es.cnrrted on at the Col-
voice or a look that/oily satisfied the -wensk hof mercy, an emblem, and a pro 'lege"121 average total gains per pit,'
fond matter -for s8re*lit oncegave die p ey `' The world avert .7121.8 .Runds fdr auto fed du
lie gives Its iitst the akiminilk powder and 122.$
and.silterward'aicame to torn llellter. ,pour; le for thole fed on buttermilk
ness,'but:Christ eaiwa to'ts+e terre'lan - ,powder. Although the feedlot -value
er lato: the richer soil sweeter. , of t*ese ploducts Is good, the market •
---•WORLD MISSIONS Price •for`hogs and the high cost of
, theeskiinmilk and buttermilk eowder.
ministry of joy and peace.'He who i5lcdectint; added water
to appease his own tore eassarer,..araw _ 4ess of the breed of .Cows tram which.
not turn the stone of the wilderness; `the milk may. be obtained.
into bread gladly exercises, Tor 'fhb' • '1'nwdereal ykirrtnitik:
*Yfitkr. 'a1,W`. QH1.
O - prepares young risen ands jiiung
North Skis ERICA
Nertk cissa **just/, . ' OOPERICH
women for Busirtees, which is now
Canada's greatest profession.
We assist graduates to positions
and they have as/practical train-
- ;0X2i01C"" . F ing which enables them to meet
with success. Students are , rP-
gistered each week. Get our free •
-Feat, tir /iIiEA,t. catalogue and learn something 'a-.
bout our different departments.
i1111ta1'r*r Sn,N.114 lr yt • Sea
islit.>ata#ctMn+'1'1J16i 1'Mt.-Atiffarros Ston.
T. SW-r•t1RTS' ` -'-
gulp and Arse, Livery
flack Stables, M.
Montstir& Street `
Just off the Square
'isles Meet entrains acid
Passenger Berta
Paseo:merecelled for in any
Part et the teem Car ani
tales at 0. T. ft. er C: 1'. k,,
Prompt Service and
Careful Attendance.
Oar Ursry acid Meek bowies
will ba sap►.tr-dste
in, event respect.*
• Year Patternige fsltcitei ..
Pisoos 117 fieutrwtl Street
Women May Depend upon
Lydia F.. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound
Minneapolis, Minn.•--" i bed heard so
trivets about Lydia E. Pinkhant'a Vege-
table Compound that
when I realised I'
needed to tak#aome-
thing to relieve my
pains and backache,
and to help build a ate
up I began to take
that. I had been
sick off and on ter
years and barely
weighed a hundred
but now f
-ve bad such good
to Mrresults that I•recOntreendiottbs awl
s. J. J Ettesila,,
18ttt Ave. South, Minneapolis, Minn. f> i
Laundry that makes
clothing money go farther
Year sheer. lovely tiengs- errpe, tine silks, lace- will be
found to wear much longer, laundered this way. Perhaps
as much as $O*. And your• clothing money buss just that'
much more. Icor tkvse, snowy -white, crinkly flakes of punct
soap del a& harm the most fragile fabric:. If anything. they
brighten sad renew delicate colors. The foamy Store con-
tains nothing injurious. But it gently dissolves -and removes
all dirt acid soil. -
• by thousands, of .- wanicn=for- all washing and -household
purposes. They really cost no more than the most ordinary
sopa• Lin
for they are potiung blitm
pure soap, and so g f uch
for i>l+ar. e them M the washing machine, for the small
hex 8 wash, wherever you need soap. In handy one -pound
packages. Ask your dealer for them today, •
` TIM PAl! 401r1Yg COMPANY OF CANAbA,,ltal •
.Sataant,; niiage ]serer% 'afarwtai.`.
There is alwitys a tendeDCY that
when green feed is sirento cows
thorny before tnitking that It will imw
ito oTesotepI
bythas donstWi fol.
law, but It to not considered advise
able to feed 'green fodder. silage, or l
other strong smelling cods Jot be-
fore milking.. When cows are turn-
ed into pasture in the spring there
will be developed in their milk a par-
ticular odor that to some people is
quite disagi eeabllt.. Alto lbws turned
on 1. sweet deist,ii: nd perticularl7
Mow pa: hired on rape or grceerye,,
will impart to their milk • a very
strong odor, and possibly a flavor, int -
less they ere taken from such pasture.
peverai hours before milking. Not
only does the -tow seem to pass on
this undestra•bt + .odor through ber
blood to her milk, but Where &trona
smelling silage is fed in the barn the
''odor is likely to be absorbed by the -
milk at the time of milking.milking.For
e hese reasons silage and other Molitor
Feeds are best fed after k»tlktug:
Itieb'It' In for . Laine Back.—.11. brisk
rubbing with' Dr, Thomas'' Ecleetrtc
011• will relieve.lame back. The skin
a e l absorb the it an •:it
vviliiniinedi to y ab b d �,
wilt penetrate the tisanes, an,and.
The editor of a Deist •newspaper,, makes its Use prohibitive as nee stock
who :attended the, Conference 'ore Na- milia il}, • eailnutking.
tive 1 ffeairs 'held -at Y 1 !t. ,,.,T .
some 'rntrnths ago at -.the call of the ':$teeChemIst-ry department has also
Dutch. deformed Church. - was very ettediedexperii)ienta.11y the effect of
mac'h"impressed by it Be ways in the warms milk, skimmed milk, condensed
South African Outlook: milk .and milk ' powder In ' making
--sett evrats unique ice tbat it -was Mire' bread. The iiviaole. milk naturally tiad
first at which natives along •with..Eng sates' • of the 'effects of fat, and • the
down aft a
tishmen-and' Dutchmen. sat s>tis tened, condensed milk some of
:'round table' to discuss, together the the edlects of sugar. but, otherwise,
interrelation of the races, not onby milk will not r_pplace sugar, malt or
on religious matters but ;deo tsoeisal, es, id fine fl In malting bread. It has
s' � es, 3/srPuenCy all its, otvn which none
educational, economic and political. it of di e-ae; other consiitu+'nts will pro•
was remarkable throughout, These dui In eonjuectton with these oth-
men had"met to try to solve racial -pro- er lass redients It does. however, In -
Woos. by viewing them frost a Christ- iluenee the Payor of the bread, and
pan ststidpoint. They were frank yet 1tnprove the color of the crust. in
.sympathetic, critical yet practical and, fact it makes st i loaf of bread,
constructive. There was a remarkable With ia•cat+ 1 inniat-iiiP-rethining and
agreement- Dutch, English, black ttigiter toed. value properties.—Dept..
1 nsiuntJ A Collese," nelPh,
and --white, were;all at,-one-vn-ii est ._cif .xta , _ .,..�
points in the great. and°intricate pro- The high' cost of high flying is •still
blems. One can say truly that the eon- hi h.
ference forme a turning -point in the a - ..
history of 'the interrelation of the ` • `"'. a • -T_,
two races in this land." : f
Finds a True Friond ,
"veryrtdlina*wbo'eatueriter'hisltb e
should be 'proud to have a true friend -
like the L Comp�oow�md," says
Mrs. W. E.�'w, $021 Wont Street,
Chicago, Illinois. "I bad female week.
nes• r feet. badly
of my �e was aped ire
bed and I • in ivy bsek ��wjhi�e`b
could think 'e Veg- J
etablee Compound I began taking kat
. ones. estwithin*r.c seen within* b11i-
Ashfield, Septeriber 8th.
St. Helens, September eth.
Bluevale, Septentber 10th.
Wroxeter, September '11th..
Gerrie, September '12th.
Clinton, September 10th:
Clinton Rural, September 15th,
Zurich, September lath.
Varna, September 17th.
Dashwood, September 18th.
Grand Bend, 'September 19th.
Porter's , 1il1, September 2Ot f i'.
Colborne; September 22nd.
Belgrave, September 23rd.
Ethel, September 24th.
Blyth, September 25th and lith.
Wittgham, September 29th •and COth.
lfensall, October 1st. •
Crediton, October 2nd.
Winehelaea, October 3rd.
Use Miller's Worm Powders and
the battle against worms is won.
These powders correct the morbid
conditions of the /stomach which rout.
isle worms, an&these deextructive par- I
asst's cannot exist after, they come in
eontact with the medicine. 'The:
worms are speedily evacuated with
other refuge from the bowels. Sound -
nests is imparted to the organs and
the health of the child etesdilr im-
rose!. r
kook Yonne arlatg lick lie
Natural, C.Ur, Oleo and
1 • •Attractiveness•
Common garden sage irre wed into a
heavy tea with sulphur added. wait torn
gray, streaked and faded hair *esti.
full dark and luxuriant Just a few
*pp icebox will prove a revelatiosa iE
your hair is fading, sireaked are gray.
Mixing the Sage, �ea and Sutpliw res.
ipe at hc)mc, though, is troublesome.
An easier way is to get a bottle of
SVyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound
at any drug store all ready Inc use.
• This ti the old-time recipe improved by
the addition of other . mitedients,
While wispy, gray, faded hair h not
sinful, we sit desire to retain our
youthful appearance and attractiveness.
By darkening your hair with Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur compound, no one
can telt, because it does it ao naturally,
so evenly . You just dampen a sponge
or soft brash with it and draw this
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a tithe; bye morning alt gray
hairs have disappeared, and, after aar.
other apltitjtijoa or two, your hair be.
cones beinatifelly deck, skyey, sjoit Rild
ivawria*t,. '►
Everything to make
a' Tasty Dinner .
Fresh Peas, Beans, Tomatoes, Cucumbers
Beets, Carrots, Lettuce, Melons, Water Melons
ireserve. Raspberries anis -'-
Cherries Now • .
Sugar bas been cheap: but it will be dearer
south side . o
eedy relief. Try. it a talsb.. convinlh
ed. As the liniment .sinks iii, the a�
pain comes outanti there aye ample an
gronndsfor saY ns that it is
e -
cellent.article. _ ,
'A easels as good as ager st• yle.
Her Liver Troubled 'Her
For The Past Year
Miss. Pearls . L Zinck, Bares. Qerlsr,
1,-85.:nriteae-"I -sari swfatlr taste `
bled with toy liver, this last year bock,
and used to get suck dit*y spells T.
would have to sit down while I was
doing my work, In thetnorniag, etben
I got up, my tongue wits coated, and
I had. a brad taste in my scute, and
oftentimes I was troLbled with pains•
in my stomach.
I suffered inthis way until*'frlegd
of mind who had used yens
tam, me of having used them. Y *Oa
decided to get soma and try then, sad
1 can truthfully say that they certainty
did mea lot of good. I cannot room -
mend them too highly to all those who
are suffering as I.did."
Yon can proeurs Miiburn's Leo -
Liver Pills at *11 druggists or dealers.
Put up only by The T. Itilburr Gf a
Limited„Toronto, Oat.
um .
ry Our Bread
Telephony IW
will coli,
Cakes and Pastry ..
for every :. occasion,
Give us the opportunity
:. to serve you
William V. Richardson
West Street Bakery
0111401 ...1. �N , .,.I ,I,.:. ata0i
Opposite Masonic Hall.
a Tablespoonful of Salts if Back Pains 'or
Bladder is Irritated
Plush <our kidneys by ` drinking a
quart of water each day, alto take salts
occasionally, says a noted authority,
jvho tells us, that too ' much rich food
forms acids which almost paralyze the
kidneys in their efforts to expel it from
the blood. They become sluggish and
weaken; then you may suffer with a dull
misery in the kidney region, sharp pains
in' the beck or tick headache, diazines,
your stomach sours, tongue is coated,
and when the weather its bad you have
rheumatic twinges. i+ The urine gets
cloudy, full of sediment, the channels
often 'get- spre and irritated, obliging
you to seek relief two or three times
(.n' i11n` the night °
T.) help neutralize these irritating
acids; to help cleanse the kidneys titin
flush otic the body's urinous via:.te, get
four ounce§ of Jad Salts from an l,il°sar-
ItliiCy hare. Take i titblt*';lft0tl 111 Il
glass Of water before breaks._'' ”
few days, and your kidneys an:a;° tcti
act fine. This famous Salts is ti:..ndt'
from the add of grapes and lemon juice,
combined with lithia, and has been used
for years to Help :iluh and .stimulate
sluggish 1.idnl'ya; also to neutralize "'`fie
acids in the system so they no longer
irritate, thus. often relieving bladder
Sad Salty is inexpensive; cannot in -
Aire and makes a delightful.efferrescent
IithiavwatE'r drink. fly all rne4n!taliavc
yscjii,�'ph(y♦siciany (e�xt,�a�rlliine your kidneys
at kart vice a year.
,,s.i.sw.r r Awe•n:.:hd:,ae.°eH+,+n,:�.sxu... •