The Goderich Star, 1924-07-23, Page 8.
lit Ilse Summer Time
Elea Weave
Chi Napkins
will 3eeeiien labour and redu/ e
tests in your housekeeps g•
'What luncheon is over, the
'nankin we bre► thrills°, away
-no laundering to bo botit,•
end about =and the cost of
-napkin is less than ove
launderinng of linen. r. ;
. The watt iu the streams le gelded 1 ur. T. t). Alin IK a•r,•rYn� ► tt••w
' lore at ac:ouat of the leek of rate. )<etria�e r Itf Mr. l+ati,.l t:te n ,tw (' arp?n
Hayiaal le progressing favorably seem ter,
will .cote be anitbcd. The alfalfa la I ,a,r 7,r*,
Lncn<,Jpriueitah,. ofa las((vy trop. Nrt.r aro art►; in;; %%ittt rf•iatisse
xlwtetiaaie Cufrey wba 1'aa deetoc- rn Ntrrrlrtr, i
asia in. Toronto la attending the tutu• p Mr* Mowry • ccturn, at v;t al+enela
` � fere a�eas ike, n e ueesa_s t site Mala ` few(: >1a irJ chert sat le to spent. tli+•
1 liileriat trrh(wl tan.! 1'•NM'urth heaves are l.a.l tree Maar►ii•
arum !tug the kiuoeWer behuQt ' at efs. 1. . or J.(rn+iun was P %%,este
tee/dere:Ix title week. end NM'at K the' !s�'nue of err. and Jit
Rev. C. C. Kafue and his daaghtcr R• -1. +Ilelials1''. s
Luell:void sou Intuit, .are vleinag as Mrs. T. Reuter., and M'-. Bishop and
the beam of A.1'. Stteppertt and Petered• eadherea. wr.• guests ut atria Win.
lag serve.** ot tree bUW Wer sclera. Stotltera, at :4,iitietd, on Sunday. ,.
Do not forget to attend thea open a r lite Envie Math returned on Suntinti
socle1 oa 'tae scnool .grountie areae from Laekaow where she hail been the
Wednesday evenlag. Seethe hill/ to guest of Mr. and >trs. J. 11. McNabb. Yr. and Yrs. Do+ins, at (•1Wton, Batt•
' the probrau►e Which Is to be given, n drat nuisance' has been success- Mat the eigla of Yr.. tianeI,rd Lawlor
futt) overcome by a lihcrd :application phis wcek.
of rslritene chloride upon our 'allege Mayor sad hire. Beck, of Toronto,
Yr. Posher. Dfir; and Mfrs. Jeans' street*. went -Mae Awns of Mies Aante Sturdy.
Patton motored to Ayr for the week. Rev. .1. D. met Mrs. Peters •are° once, the latter pert of Jaat week. .
end. ueurr at the parson4 C after a, dellgltt- I ' 'Vise ?4taattA Dottie, who came on ire.
JSi(w'lone Dsrham.ot Ii tacardiae baa [ti# iloticiay ;(ti t #(erten,•t, and Omit of ** su4dea deeth if her father,
been vitiating at the Loma. of her uncle, ,taper pliers. • tx►turaett to her home in Winnipeg 961.
Mr. John young. Mr. and Jars. \reins, of Leamineton.I wiirk.
' Mrs. Keiser and 'Miss Keiser. 01 'e VII have been sIsitinav, at the home •ui, ate. sed Mrs. Harvey Mathieu, °ED°.
Saturate. Wets veee(t•end guests at rho lite tadt's parents. Mr. anti Mics. Rob.:'
' h f t,ta of ttir,'e1uhn Young Moore, left for their home oii Monday:
Oar* ROMPerli
at all prig from soc
up. The plainest
to the best.
The Toltastrt, of tray 'Varldrail
-1i.ntoriai Sskdarships" for 1964
kers Geon won as foll.owu:--
First scholarship. tris,. $2140. was
won^by Ruth Chetenast of Selma No.
10 Hay, having a total of 001 marks.
Snead scholarship, value *19,M.
was wort by Geraldine Surerus of
School No. 4 Hay, having a total of
582 marks.
1 Third seholerahip, vs.:ae $11.00 was
won by Florence Thomson of No. 14
Hay, with a total of ural marks. ,
The Council of Hay acted wisely ,
by establishing these perepetual
sacholarahips in Honor of her brave
soldiers, and thus providing an In-
centive to her successive classes of
pupils to imitate the faithfulness of
her sons in Menden* 1914-1918, by
the faithful discharge or their duties
while attending school.
The Victor I,auriston . Medals .were
donated for general proficiency of
pupils in Central and Victoria .Schools
Goderich as -shown by the results of
High School Entrant •;xaniination.
It is remarkable that three *paella
should • make exactly the same total,
629 marks: -Catherine Crawford,
Central' School, Goderich, Wiilo Hoey,
f, MUr. and Mrs. Detv1I Ituut. of J,;ouis-
vatic, Kentuyk>. ale-vietltlug, AU tliu use Willie.. ae turned i'ti11. Bieholo and two lo children.' Jean
on 1 bast SebhMb utorning there were
elitism at the, tatter's percent, Mr. olid Ttrea(ius aflt a pheasant visit Witt tate" union services, la , the Preshyterlen
• Nee Jobe Mark. ladySt pare:its. Mr. and Mrs, T. Stone church with the • Rev. Ur. Manes In Victoria School, Goderth, trend Kath• ,
s charge. leen Snider No• igtan:sY, each made
trait. peed & abort visltt.the former ppeptrt
tit this week to hie aural, tars. Stew.
Paterson. •
t• v attended the Mission Several front the village and this 629 .total. The Medual are `won by
Catherine Crawford and; Wille 1100.1
en consecration service will..b(e bred
in Victoria street Methodist church.
Those registered es. in attte dance
at the.echool are as follows:
Mary G. Robertson; Goderich.
Carrie Clayton, Underwood,
Ca:tmen Armstrong, Tiverton
Book tote (.. o Bruer t,; •
St. number .l!rm here attends rk .the wily at, cti\;i aegtcr . Wt Tuesday neighborhood elle atteading the summer
, , • Goderich races. • and delierred abs address. Ile'lt'as ae ;t wheel at Godetich this week: We ti*ve
Mr. David eaten is 'titian, visiting itis eornpanied by air.' and Mrs., G. M. ales_ summer scbools. log's_1 and notal rue
" Mother andade}te•r. Kenzie and Miss Libbin Elliott,' . .• , forms', carnpaunity ' leden. Whet its
(• the scriptural injunction:' Train up it
I{Y .N1r, (rent MJrs.1;hm:u
al,l, of t►lean..are • :Mr: and :Mrs, A. B.• Pentland metered obtld'In. the way be sboula go. The
TIPPE IiX� %Isla h Are, t;ilalnnau'. brothels air. to South:inmpton Sei Sttnclay with %1es•
large attendance et ee r • • ` " ret. J. t;. and, Wilfred Anderson, of deperttfro it. he is old b, will pot
There eras. a ,,e a ,tohzt , Intp. a n, depart from it. ,
;Shaine cburch last tiunday. • v oevint h► the peel Wickwire.): ut atftrr1 1 uckrin'w. 1.801• there»'trite avert the, (From another pones ►ondent) .
IJr. mut Tara. Roy Cantelon MOLD rvervnne. 18 huyy making 'bay 'what. esu' xis tit Mr. aired• Nirs. Vim. IUekIt tQ :
visit hiss L tacit Cameron hist Sun. 14.14 s tit r .outrage. - In Noire Jaunt or. the 16th Inst I notla-
Y the tetra �hinrye ( a reference to the deabh.ot-the late Jock Purves, Goderich. •
day. Ate e(nd •mrs. 3. met. or lreeset, Nese, less saner each entiertaiued len of Warr. Dobie. which occurred on the 13th
Tittle Mabel Grigg is home from her en'usiny at a tlelialtttul party • bet, .ot July. ails associates of .,o years ago 1<tabe! . Bitilie, Getclerich.
c 44 t' r relatives lyes ht e
visiting tr n . tt t I, t o oii �' o er h
been ! Rein W rs G d i
wafternoon. At rn ' °
e , (:ala t+ c
and•te u t Tu m
r r E tv i t ii ib tither be ca e
visiting he parents, s Me r teat d a r
,Toronto y e ,e e a ra
e pg.
rite nel+:hpelhutd,1! lorence. Mooney,' God'erich.
No. Edwartt GtrI;;K. Ju}•ing the "11;19 n! Karnes nn tau, to least WeveratoPh 71 wears neo' the a Y,
ales, \t'. 11.. Das is ,hitt; •+c1t1I4rein.• of t..;r . the "11;19"
A_ la
viralf>fogro Mei Ili dN►_ e •
Take notice that all noxious weeds mast kir cut
doxll or destroyed � Wig... _.,. _.. _ _.
And in default the provisions of the 'Totsel By-
law At be enforced.c/y p c�1�' �}�n{�(=7r `T
1�7��.� R. C. F Qti71 •M•I !. �.�1. PY .ESA,
"�.�Ili,eOE Inspector
Wl By-law
sapper 'vitCt served I eiii]p1e homes were --built of togs, the Evelyn Baritone •Seafortle.
. { ..,,.e 'i'r is
_ .._ _ . ice pe...: nri, sv ..nine Jiro. 1#athe after. Whiter the* young ladles dispersed coiners :addled or ,dovetrtded, -The } n Webstsi, Seaforth.
BENIIIIL tER- mother Sirs. 1►turlow. , 1 to their several' homes, much pleased cos ering was basswood heoepe. • The_ Murray Savauge, Seaforth... P
cult° a number are attending the A rttunleer in ttaw etmununityhave with true afternoon's pleasure. small cleartnge here and there marked Eleanor Plumsteel; Clinton. T
; lamer i3cboot In (lcderlch, been t'iek with the mratels.=, We wish .We nireteestanei met, [ievtnal to . ttre the etfortu of man. on the unbroken tor. - Nellie Cowan, Clinton-... .
Dir. Elvin Long,. °of I daron'en, is therm all a speedy •recovery. osta. The deer will bear. and tbe howl.
*iat►tng 'with bis relatives and 'friends , met ifhat several gacdeniiae have been albs .waolret+• made the Merest resaaad=`1 Salter, Clinton.
Mrs. ,kart'~, vvho bay f 'ii sprndlufi broken and partially drat('ol'ecl by with h the r widni ht $rite. 'rhe school_ baton, Clinton.
Leis. ° •'utu •
!lint • 4 -Illi. frit�rntg• In SVIiidteor, .rte's ami horsey running at large 4119 t t B BerEva Carter,, Clinton
days were. shed, The axe .claimed' the
The Quarterly Coiatnuatad service :tits • relented ted tete her keine here. the rn.ul`<, the byla'v .passed by . 11te winter ri'od of the year In , tearing up Ida Collings Trowbridge. .
will be held to Bessetnilletc cburch at th1 ul i6tlt it Fad' death oerurrrti ca111111 in, titres riegar(i, 1:. to be strictly this forests.The Itical. questions: Mary Thompson, Trowbridge• -
10.1)0 a.m. noxt Sunday, • when Ike', J y v t sts po 9 y I# , .
when Nltsst Charlotte Simpson p:}'tdev. en. "'mum! #a this ,effect baying were cpslferet t, the tamale compact rult3 Leapt* Marks, Trowbridge,
J. W. ]loth of 3tanlcton will preach. :teas, at the !tome or her parents, r\lr;, beep aei:edhted b'. ,'our a correppon(tent. ' giving place W the.faentatian by t rule Gladys Jackson; Teeswater.
31rai1 ktattgers Caurtliind Kerr, Lrip anti • MV •
.. Jas. ' Simpson. aili('it stilt•. t.t�ngeetulations • .ere extended to lation, and the union ot the two parties Mrs. Mallard' Exeter.
011111wr .and nolle atrlwmer accom• ,a :hr •is extended 2 a.attte.bereaved lines, .� y for the confederation of the provfnc s= '
*Mahal by :their venter, Iter. Sit, H.
l t l l rueupal F. toes and eel candidate Mamie' Pridham,.Monkton.
wee weak( ant# ;were successful at the tat° the present Dominion. sir. Dottie, -
A Cu*,mm . terov la • t Foreea a cam . at recent entrance •exams, , Of a chaos ra .vgiEh the true ch"araoterlstto of the Scot.- Ves#a•:Weeden, Madden. ,
• • I;laie,atea *rev b u]ear T?areete PORT ALBERT*tit fdbee . I<lttx actions gave" no un- - - Dorothy Palmer; Monkton'
•nine tylia wrote. eight eters successful, E
You will notate else sated 1' you certain ac,nnct to pin prinoipiet�< With a, Chas. Merryfield; 'Monkton. , .
et beer sayof theevealn addressee of the miss :stare Cun►aingliem !spent. 5uni}a , per • of these • taking .t eond .odes it lu ero•8tr t'n the indiiclpality, lie' Maud 11owe11 Goderich: j
g ti tree •letneard,nt�. honors. Tfies are as follows ; r Lits cep ,
• Ie.ltor•atg Sommer School speakers. wrvetl in;rlfbe'seoaetoll eeieral years. Leola:Herlt, Goderich.
* ............Sil Earle. of China Thursday ; Rev C, i eorge Ashton took a trill tib 13ay held. Niers ,AndseSon, leant arse 'and Amus rat esu a ci•
--.- - Pans Parker, Blind Head
f . ' ' ' r o he wan bereft or' '
-`W. Doli! ille. I?'rida ROT. W. ' ,-Alii1- held on Sunday. • (:,lett Bei;►?; tl onors) ; c llermaiif Ga,; : tris ptr1nei to lite.' Two daughters pre ' Y a , li
•*ie Suoda . y r , f Setae, swan .Pentland, ltax. -1#uff . anc1 _ _ _ stht:r HanneT; :'Ifirktaft-
y Earl McDonald mxl-vvffrr 11avog+olees ... tleceaisedTiGw'.'ivr ane:(wn, Gordon. ui~
sir. 1' Walters sad 1;. H. alters on a motor trip to Detroit: • (E.�el,`n Culbert {pass}.. Alberta.. ore.' Sv Iso, At Gnelpb.. and Bessie Bickell,. Kirkton. '
testa* weak fpr Michigan Co at the
It Is. anticipated that, a lute class of -fere. Dingw ' .fit East Waw nosb.. bee G. Butt, Monkton_ �.. : Nis
• .l e►1 he h r and airs:. tie nrgr C:urrPlt and ladies 'alit avail themselves of the oii is survived b ono sea. Wtillatn. Jahn. ,Rev. J. 'W. Hedley, Godersclt<
triter et ser•ytte►r•gid des of eltildren xisttt,tl it .Ilarry•Itt'vkius ontimelier.w ooh and bre daughter. Viola McL'ud Bluer se.
slteirelate.,'itlrarH(»►ltigsr:acicompWCed, • porttmtyat attending the eleSs„ of lVeilt iipa gp l o , a.
byh[r. Verne Gledhill. They motored Sunday_,..:., • • I which will be In charge' of a eelgpe-, Mlente,tot"Wittelpeeg; and bythree ala• :Annie, Cumming, Mo:esv7.rtlt, •
site 'tibula elista* * a Journey or nix Jake:(.ouslnst attentled the funeral of tent nurse stent by the department, and ,tere•'Mre. WeB. Murdock. Of Washing: Laura . Snell, Londesboro.'
atadiettalll1 Itttx tulles, and in order to his brother, James, 8i_.pnngafnon last which will_ open Monday, Aug. hilt, ten state,. Mrs •: Currie, el Wisconsin ----an- • .. steak thephice in time for the funeral. Friday, .. - I and •continue for two Week.i . Appilce- and ills. Wetison, :gt Colborne. "Ills re• Edith 'Sentra*, Ta .era Lerdesborq..
•.._.�theY- wert<-.t:amPlitied tw>I(ravei� mate'''- gli ji ce llekin k:• left on Tutteety tions for membership seat be receiv,r.,l.
mains were followed by a large nnmleer Edith God ch:
kdo.r ti..). 't li 1St ' 1 . - hi• the'eleie etre:l,y `-ef"the aVotileita In
of friends, sad �olii s ce ttatntatrces to- Dr. Kaitn:emit, Hatailtou:
r +...:: - morning'for e , est, w;± 'vis 1 Kern , Hamilton.
i kasant ieolttlay, . t: stitete, MISS a#. M. Jict::ourt: -or lire. H. Dill a ;Remet.."".4wti,erh•^ah0Y-Vitro i i'' Mrs. Ifrinnavvin,
GHHERIC TOWNSHIP. Alex, Mclienttte. of Sos atrhewen, lss,•'ll0 C1' vtet'• res.. » , tetrad for their lrsb aentt{Bleep, = Jack ` Earl awu1, Hslmilton:
k p• 1 • Billy 1'Cannslwi'n; Hamilton.:.
v'Itriting ids mother.,. airs. Donald •Jlc-• \otwitltatandin -the. threatening
mos Yarltatet llairsbatt`'Jias returned t;iQrr - sc�Q.o , Vera Howe, Clinton,
yeseeboaaees $ em, , , . • Ennio, for a• fete we'eks.:•' 1'sl►iivv'ers, the garden party of St,'Psuitssac_ Verna Howe, Clinton.
Wines Ells and Ida la Solearby lett fairs,' Standish and daughter,,, atur• ehurr h on• 1\ ednesday of , last 'meek A: ,tgrgz • t a e; ape ,,apt h •Inter• Clara Mcltiarreen, Clinton: •
,Friday on a visit to relatives et But: garet, of 7ecesvvater ate �paylt g aplea• Ass ..attended b, ea fair ern vd, .'I'1$e tt..Showar.lit, Ysrr)otts• emotions A. E: Million,. Brownsville.
Ara. sant visit to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ,Adams. supper .was, served in the Pariah hall. , Ethel Porton Brownsville.
M`ta congratulate the entrance class r 'viten those present Avail the needs , Godo suirt}llet•- ou'1 is in II - ,•
The „arnrers are ver hurry at the. ., ons Groves Brownsville .
'Anel teacherot__•Stkl,Nr.dMotilepapes hay, rvltirit II_:z,r:ery._ ., tIn' nrr _.titan•thorotteiily .pa:dished,:Negress tiuet•week, with a.le,rrge•sit-_ ' .
7,+ ____ WOK their ttttatns saocesatuily r(crait.'vArnt weather' .i s ideal for Ira; alter vvhtelt they repaired to the. limn t4ndanee, antbnngt li intezeat is being_ 'Gladys; Grortss, Brownsv313e.
o! lir. D. (,lerr, ev.hrre an.exeeIknt Merle Scruton, Brownsville.
Mfr. and Mrs, Tbox. Breeden .and ntaklnR.t#rken in t,,,tee .„„exons, °
'little daughter Mary, Stanley Town. _ pratgram, as..lisi'eeecf .to -...'the• proeee(1�>; •,fie opo lits seasiort wilts on 'tPa~d MaraMarley, Brinaley
• Ithtpt spent Sanctity whit the formers Th a Medical gehie�coasentHto al oa ter• ,bt the rveni(tg were in the rtrigfibor . neatla evenitl>t' fti North `ntreeb'i4teth- Edna Siroldice, Brinaley..
til , Kn. eha&wi csr. ' . • • pec s 1 tog #lose o! 9_tee 0 ,,. Rev, D. McTavish Brinsley.
vices to be resp poli agile next ounJaY •odiiet church.; when,. the Constance
• A
many T~otil ,cer'orraeVII _anti . at both of our,oburchea: ' .'Phe regular meeting or. the Dengue- Sunday acliu4� Presented the mission- Rev, D. W. Whams 1, Thedfard;
' ail 'tt teed "bt other makes of ears, 'There hf•re baa been nq_ servlet in the :,n non, - brewer.. oft the Women's Institute. are pageant :"Trete' Light ,of .tae •- Qlive Burs, Thediord:
se • to Bit� yheld and took/sit
•t sdicatl : or presbyleriar tiMttcheet- for. will be -'held at the lakersidacottetre of. World." • This is :x prodrietion whic'i •bine Watson, Parkiitlt.
art) -tonic is Wednesday o la three Sabbaths on account et so man lilberatet ons \� edo sCrav3u1vd 013r• 'oart wan first ieil4 lin Toho and has'beert 1 • W iMdss, r ler.
>sJ) • port'It good t tete, rases a • nieaselss. We expect there y L Y rr .bond
and Mrs. Gordon ltitchle.and two win be. service . npxt, Standee let rho 1 P. in,. to which all the ladles of the lady iii many pittpa dlnee, and • a _
ski d -it Leggasirl'atpl lial:otd sad Pias l,)sUtutr erre rordiaiiy lnvttea. Valun• lady evllo-'s eat the pageant on Mon Mildred Grey, "Londeaboro.
t►aual time, ► p Mies Lyons, Londesboro. .
INC& elzb and Mr. Russel Ritchie of- " tete seanld be •gratefully ,aece ted .day , Mesta it and hitt' been It re--. Mary. Goode; Behmiller.
We •area stn reminded of the ;bort- p
' wash to
LO la
la Vi ria 9
•. o f rho" ; i av# c i o f rA
n Sirs, 1t bt m t ars or 'the ttr-.
Mr. and se
ow and YP
llsseit act'+►.
Elizabeth h ill Bl
t bit h
Charlotte be
, Jt .
Sourer • Jf were the guests. Sunday •of nosy of life by the death of pair="6f 'carryf ng 'the Itidtes to rite late ke the cs>9oament that. it. wee bet- J3
ramp:oda daughter of James,
semitone, Tonne Millsp'Blyth.
Ifir, . +Yrs. lzea• Johnston, I der tilts oet.slon.. An address will ,be ter given at ,Goderich .'
Aga • n party wilt be tiered on the" of - the strand n ,( r - ion, gvhiclt took tlettvereci• •hy 'NW.* time 4 '. ori the About fifty relook part and the cos-.
Mr. iliortimore, China.
c! .:them Cox, 7th coacegstoa, oii plate on \wines er. " m eeasc ; .at rite subject, *Teetering
a Clommunit . tumee were beautiful. The first chs`- Mrs. Earle, China, �;
vetting; the i, 1alt._.Eaane• •Ireutte t,f seer lather. Itetecasr,) " as a Spirit:' Mildred: Button, Constance.
.1 special teat wee of program Wilebe ter, bright young woman in her drat actor to "appeals is one of the •pre- Mr. 'White, alta
• numbers py otn. (3uIt, of tioderieb and .-ear all ball been emitted to her • 'There passed peacefully aw i on phets of old wile makes a prophecy Mrs. htti ,Nile..' ••
Jas,. ; Dohcrt .. of - Gunton. Adrinisalon led feb-r';'selm0 lrtontlls and bore her sof•. Wednesday morning, July Toth, at his foretelling the tenting of the light o.
..$ and Note. 1 fining 'with great Christian patience: biline in Dungannon, Mr.. James Con- the World. Then thee/scene shifts to Jennie Marquis, Nile.
The funeral. on Friday was aftencled by. sites, mesterei husband of the late Dora, the manger et Bethlehem, in which Olive Shepherd, Nile.
a large -circle of /sorrowing friend, and • .1►tnt.ton, .lit bis r. Deceased eceased the light, of a candle appears. The M. Tolsnsten. Goderielt.
y�� �•1t ' ' neighbors. The remains 'were Interred had la en in poor health for some time Magi come and present thew gifts. Lula.Johnatort, Godar:ch
Beadle Horses eitt Dungannon cemetery. • see extend past but theeent earns- somewhat Mutt• •,1,y1e motber'li :there anti signs a Lr $ogr3taoti.`ColSsiance.
1 st mpatUc to Hees berea'etl afather, l denly at the last; as, on the day per' sweet lullaby. Three beautiful angels IYIrs°' W: ire. bless, Benmttter.
t FOR HIRE mother brothers and sister,. le ao .tn Inas 11114 Wag alllr to Kit up for some Ella C. Thomas, 'Lakeside.
re prepare' ;t place for you, 1 welt ..tette' tame Ile leaves- to mourn hie loss one appear• fihes) .ramex the spirit of
sell. Jollepry. also several brothers and Cht istianity and Iights her cardio
Rebecca -Thompson, Donnybrook.
NEV RED BARN allaIn and veer Isn eon unto-Myself"that Florence Slatter, Blyth•
'c:sere I tuntlieree yr* may lu• also. s,istetS. tar whom they. sympathy of the from the light in 'the cradle, Educe- I#aaeI peters, Blyth.
sows Sl., GOi>gttdCll .• } r,►mmttety is extended.. Trete tunetial, tion, Bible teaching, and so on, appear Mildred McElroy, Blyth:
Gond reliable drhdng horses for ' It Will Prevent Ulcerated Throat.."• Service at whit. •many were prttt;rnt, and all take the illumining: power from
V. Finnigan; Nile.
tale at all Want • At the first symptoms of sore throat,
was herd tit Gt. Partial Warner;Ileo. E. the light in tke cradle. At the backs Florence Signa, Goderich.
At& Pee Sole• -1 heavy Clyderttete ' which .presages tilcereation and infirm- 1i:tvi., and Mr.', Bruete tray •etbntlurtinx the Star of Bethlehem. The pageant
• colt, 3 years old, wellehisg 1400 Ihsi station take a spoonful of Dr. Thom. et•atlll the' rem"! were laid to rest in Was very beautiful in its . presenta- Sylvia Segos, Goderich. .
y titins apron centrlgry. �H,e pall -bear' ion and in its symbolic meaning. Mrs Harold Ti innigan, Gr clench.
i- Good storage for cars by day, week ate Eclectric Oil. Arida little sugar reit �i►e•ing ti'tteasry.4,.lticirlj'01, .Jake itnd a.;geed* evening Rev. W. G. Orel Finnigan, Gt>slerich.
or month. - to It to mai* it palatable. at 'Will al. alt t tee Cooxime . of Wes ea Treat rte• day Mildred Daugherty, erich. sh...
i ,�' Mprtlmore 8. A., of China. ens the
�I.ulto 1. asJjt�ttestr Iatrery'' , - layi fire iriritati5 prev,ant the ul-'eth..!eert, :tte•ti•rs's misee,,n and skews spetrki ,.Fend "its. told of the blttek Evelyn Dougherty, Goderich.
P..: Sall. arta lcstettaetgci liana i Cel !Mit is that ante ao .fartlther�i Itrlxvv.4ti \tr. Kda,inl ttulr Florence Dougherty, Goderich:
+ patnfttl. Thome who, were periodical- I sin*. a u,•1'he'v. : , :..._. clnuda. rbf militarism, banditry; the,
i opium` traff in etc, in Chins, through D. McClure, Goderich. •
y subject to quiaaJrl.liare thus made c
I 1n , tc ilt'of tin "nal inlet+ t ly s;ll►e• R. Vv`. Miliaon, Bethel.
'�` ` 1it�aaa�tr r• themselves ia+ral % to attack. r,irdr el der At1Ka' ' i rvt at lhin• �"hich, however, the missionary seer. •
Annie' Bard, Zion.
• 1 t rend uud t the silver lining of the growth of.
i i irlo' ai it:" .Honey nroptis Emil Portant Godeirich.
.........,.........e..„_ _ -. .�:...:- - ..vee ""1" tic , �.+Ghrrstianity. y
i trent ?.tat 1 ark. 1 Presbyterian church, Ruby Carter, Auburn.
Tessettrr, are expected tit he the kaesta . Bev. Mortimore;repreeented Chine Lottie Jackson Auburn.
of 'Erskine retiree members and 'repair es in the hands of :generals or =nuns '
minister on ;+atartlav'etY'llin4- at eau of generals who._ exact-.. toll-_• .bv. ..: freta Grshiam. Gaderich.
1'. lU. 4 le:ali t 1:case 4'NIieNC't will br• threat' of pillage. 3f the soldiers Mary Howell, Goderich.,
schen in the parish Hall. The program are not paid they will resort to loot Fanny Mew, Goderich.
:'will 4.arttist rte mallet philtres. tease and so the people generally pay so us Mea.. Randall;• Goderich.
and elenr•ds reels. musieai number'$. ;to get the soldiers to Move on. 'Then ' Jean Lawman, Constance.
Ineetlter,rlt dialogues .1481 a :brier •tr;t- the country kr infested with i•andits Beatrice • Letehman, Goderieh.
11!' 1ne tib lees 11a'eti I, I,"?' tile leadeee of who pillage at will. The opium curse,
tit(• party,° lir. J.,hn l.. tltrotran, 1)• A• which 'before the revolution had tern
Wu.eng th,,,e eepeeted to ate part are
Meat., lie feel. Tsr(.tte ort pi treat anal got ,see y well under control, is tow
\L -as, 'velure tin•l German, soloists.
bad as ever and eivilixed eouptriex
spot d rkl'iee' will be heel ell Stm• aro acfking rbau�e1hrcial gain at thea ] English'
fits at Er �ho. presloerion c1urreli, at ex'pe'nse of leebadehing the pe ale of i
i ti ;i, 1u. amt 7 p. at. anti at Port Albert '('Bins. ` ,
at a `p_ ur. Further annnte: -eente�nt'will Through it alltthe missionary "tan i
Ciearance B
of all Trimmed Summer
_ i finer
r E offer you in this tulle practi-
cally every new style popular
this spring add summer. Chic-
hic`summer models including the fav-
ored small bat, lap Models of
picturesque line, jateat��r� pokes and
off the face ideas., •ChUdre*'s hats,,
sailor hats and hits with sport
lines for half price.
nor ispip*otieR k MOW
The &moire wife In►suriun(I,`ep 1pany
• Takeo pleasure in announoing the appointment of
• '. D. Beni er
aa. General Agent of the Company' for Goierioh and vicinity
p *• �yyt .yr /��e LOWEST RAT'EB
See Benner First toi kM'ROMPTN SERVICE
Bertha Leicbman, Godericb.
Winnie McClure, Godericli.
Mrs. S. Allan, Goderich.
Mrs. E. J. Buchanan, Godericb.°
Mrs. J. Randall, Goderich.
Hazel Hill, Bethel.
-Mr. Osborne, Londesboro•
Lily Bell Cook, Westfield.
Elva Waldron, Westfield.
Rev. Mr:. Banes, Auburn.
Mrs. Banes, Auburn.
Rev. Mr. Findley, Courtrlght.
- Rev. Ile. Mille, Toronto°
George D. Curry, Nile.
Margaret Than)pson, ndon.
Rev. C. E. Cra Wi am.
Mabel Livingstone,
- Bete Jt C, . Raine,. Constance
Donald' McPhail, .Goderich,
Mr. Robertson, Walton.
bar: Lyons, Londesboro.
Alberta Snelf, •Londesboro.
Harold l;ongnian, Londesbor
Goderich Boy I3ecterns Bank Manager
at . Prince George. '
}limas In Goderleh .will by Inter-
ested in the aianounee*el at IlEi
relaovnl of -Ur, John Galt, soneof lfr.
and Mrg.• John' Galt .of town,. from
Port. Haney, B. C., to tete city of•
Prime -Centrge, B, C'.; as.manager of
the of Montreal. Prince George
is the Ventre of a large, lumbering
and fits- buying district. The Gazette?
put1I1shee et Port -Homey, makes --the'
fell/swing,reference to tbe transfer: '
Iwwlll:�be With 'genuine, regret that
Bailer citizensIa partk'ular gird reed;
dents. of the municipality in general
'learned that Me. J,' Galt, the popearr .
and efficient manager of the Bank of
Montreal,.. ,,is .to . leaye for Pare
George. Business •. men . and citizens
nlike.bad twine to. regard Hr. Galt as a
perar►anent ,regressive tactor, and his
family a sgclal, :abret:. Mi '.Galt 'took
ebarge of the Haney breech la •1919,
coming direct, from Kelowna. Enter-
ing broil; service. tvi+eety year ago, are
has been -tar some fourteen places, his
longest stay -five years. -i being at Port
Melee. Prinee George ' bas a poputa-
tion of some :2:.'O0. 'has. three banks,
and is, the centre of an extensive
lumbering and mining distr3'et -Ile
leaves for bis new - field early nexe.
•week -but Mrs, -Galt and:children-wilt
stay at `Month with Weeds In Vas-
courer. pending peerfeion for a' family
` aesidenee. Mr. H. G. McO7ullot?fgb, of
Vancouver, formerly manager et Port
Unmet for some years, and tarorsblx
• known In the district, will take charge.
We bespeak for .the new 'manager a
continuanee of. the'onfideaiee so gene
ennuis.- +s!•, ;! se•d fn Mr. Ge11. Mr. A.. F.
Cotton will remain As , accountant.
Notewortby that when Mr.. Galt :•took
charge. be and a boy were able to carry
the service.' now there iii a e et
• $ereatisity all attributed to theb
capacity and at all times tQiltteous
.treatment accorded evcrj +pat qep, or
" _+enquirer. Haney's reps► wfl Plea. e
Prince George's decided gain. Nat
of Alt°Od wtebes atcom ny r.. amend
dial: Celt to tete; northern home.
NI.W 1Ie.TfliES
he Heat.: lay pavestalte comfort from the growth of the
numbers of Cllristiansl: in China and
children cry y " the progress of the various ephere3
FOR FLU e1$IR $ of the work.
Rev. W. M. Han
nawin. of Hamilton
t `" "�" R was the speaker last night. This
,.,,,.ft(Thursday) night Mrs. Bark, of China
- wilt be the speaker; on Friday Rev
C. W. Detepintre; on Satarday tweenh g,
the Mieaionaty play, "'fire Pill Met.
tie" will be presented by the North
Rtreet Mission Circle. and em Sunday,
leveeing Rey.. W. it. Bailees.
lite "?IU NUN"
Mai which was
as well ree.t,ad ort is (riot wren".
ant* will iia *raw a large reeead
Set.rday ... An additenal ped.'
Out Digulsples awtltiPlistitgc is
Of die DOW fieri
yo11t ilium whit ua for
Iletufifnity R,ul.t r•,l.ra.l, also
vv.,tutrrlll (•elle,, .•f the old
eat -t• r-,
1,01 east .,'lest S•+llr .4199
1- et aril it.ev,• it sow
I uriiestie.
a)l�, .n.l n•e;ttnl4C mike. .e. le,•t•
int seefi fpr {e,btr trer, fie
ata) ,•rra`ien,
kepi la snot 1•.u* )Mas .%.i'.
.► . .+'...� -s 1
.•R•.ea a+tya�q("�. Set.* 1e10*•
• - TO RENT or..
Some very attractiveprices.
f1�e "230 Ilaewic Twp% Wig.'
Duigannon'S io Ston+
I leave decided to sell my
entire stook of Boots and
Shoes•wlthiin'the .next twenty
one days at Cost Prices to
make roost for a different line
pf business. '
Buy your Shoes now and
Sava Dollars
gso....a.r• •.....+ti�i0.
Wt. 'J. , �' , Ib E
(cat. 6as1p6) ,.
Aandunces ,that he hes opened
Pp -To -Bate She itepair Sh ,
err Collerie Strutt!
at .the rear • of . the Bank
oasmeece • and is piepsl►redto
d9 all lines ,of .
:Skes-Malthig Sol Repairing
.0 It 1 ,1 Ir
-, New or Vied •remember
tore F.aelnnl (e oft the Brom•
`miry ot1"irich IstmieeTpirtare
:tat go. If itis a *ova Yoev iitut.'wte
.knitk1 -
Olt tie Broadway a '4'0110116. .
You VPI Laugb
You get yam:Slits
Cleaned and Pressed
Fri Dry quelling Works
Pkw 421 west Strut
or lima
A: - complete new stock of ladies' White Shoes,
in the poputlar strap : and sandal effects;
awaits your inspection. Prices are very
reasonable this season
Fleet -Foot
Running Sloes -.
for all occasions, fc.r every member of the
family. Something new in a play -shoe for
children, ,Canvas Oxfords with leather soles.
You. • will like diem. -