The Goderich Star, 1924-07-23, Page 64r;ti
VISIT the #;bstest .growing city
Ontarithe great Motor
Ci ,r ei Canada. Take advantage
of the Special Excursion Rates
on *11 railroads and have a week of
solid enjoyment in Oshawa., Com.
pietaprogram has been. prepared
•--and no expense spared to give
every visitor a 'royal .welcome
OUR IAN 1 Tin"K'OF;«ilosEn
wt A r Many people fail to eieter.trnl the
l iii r'111� s itiessee vi re, taF..e, w.wk, and es
sieienit ba, k.
Wkea the back metes or b etenta
weak, It is aJ wartier tYst tier keiat•Ns
are affectwr in some way.
Take nonce of ska earaiele: reteve
the bri kaehc, .tug data*. i f suy
dance* uk ee r o:: '.S wee tr au;,laai.
• Q: -•Who was the author of "Sabi
A° -•--The author of "Sant Sick; rhe
famous C
Look of humor, wag
Jwiilie 1r`beadler ilaliburton •
of :lova It was a
production .v
e popular •' ` 6iAWl�.
(Sal years ago and is
*tile For sue estimate picture of the '
Neve Scotia of i6 years ago, it stilt ,
elands unlit**.wilt strengthen the Weak kidneis sad
#- MOTOR CARS IN CANADA ' ° relieve all the terrible pains in the berke
Q. --How meaty motor ears are • 1[rs. A. Hebert,, Pohtt du Cliche,
there - in Canada? } ti• _ ,writes:--F'I'ar twa ;re�tra > �rart
1ere- Caaaia hard, at the end, of 192;, retttly troubled with pains fa sty bark,
566,468 motor care, one-half being int {erre, e x ut 1 qt d nQ relief epi it nI Moak
Ontario. This is an increase of 60,-1 Dean's Ririney Pills. I hexa .just; took
000 1n a year. The first auto was I :shed MS second box, and now the pilins
sold in 1686.ate
ltavo all tlieappearrd." .• •
THE NIAGARA INTERNATIONAL Put gp only by The T. them= par
August 3rd to
WeeksGr w •' t
MeoliosablobiesitS , the
`his_ #or a tl a Eittptt
(*arks axe
Tats RWAi, lAT*A3TUit
By Robes* Black
Mgr: Canadian Forestry Aseeeiatian
Fortin* are lobe Trees wan
trade. Logs are the raw anaterlal,
not of lumber or paper, bat of pay
cheques. It is an incidental stetter
that the forest gives ua telegraph
poles. It is a very important matter
that the forest give us 120,000 work-
men, supporting a half million of
Canadian dependents, and distribute`
ing 600 million :dollars te. rnaiataia
+Canadian prosperity., Conservation
would never bother Sauk with trees
if trees were not the substance of hu-
man employment. The Forest Pro.
tectionist woanld not sweat a drop foe
a square mile at spruce it he ,did not
know that some vast industry, a
thriving town and a thousand con,
tented homes are tied to spruce trees
by an inrepirreble bo�l
We Canadians set 0,� forest fires
* year and nine -tenths of thein
through human . reelciesenees, but
those beacon lights of prodigality
mean nothing if they do not tell us
WitDellC$DAx. JULY Ont 111141 •
Everything to make
a TastyDinner
Fresh Rias, Boos. Tsuisttt , Cscs
Soots. Garr.ts� Letters.. , Witold' i
Preserve Raspberries and
Sugar,bas ken cheap but it will be leaver
J. J. McEwen
PHONE 46 . - South Side Square
BRIDGE _„� _limit , Toronto„ flat. u-. that we have put- the torch to the
/nee -When was 'the International
• pledge at Niagara built?
livelihood of thousands of men; we " '� _
b 'el 1 '!t' ( have signed an un#enewable note far , One; when' lateen Jour $crat cn atl4 . d 4 s,
A.-The Intern renal Bridge that Grain Exhibition, Canada has thus our children and our grand -children . hoe and thump �ho sots will still tiro- P b
spans tbe Niagara river between Fort secured the world wheat champion- to pay; Let it be laid down as an eeed to "lawp,'• and ;bakesed:hand
Erie and Black R K was opened en 'ship for the twelfth time in thirteen' ugly and undisturbable.fact that in as any brick. and make your"`peas
O, tater 61, i8?3. It is s, railway years, a remarkable record." the present situation with forest. de- and ea?baae tick; my friend yeti
bridge only and carries such a volume REPRESENTATIVE ' - mend jammed•;; herd agaiwnst awing, ;}}en�n1ay a.tow tip time to C
of traffic tai to necessitate its enlarge -1 GOVERNMENT %iilg forest supply, 'every' :forest fire ' '
ntent fir the building. of a new one.' Q. -What It meant by, Representa must :be paid for. Every. mile of '� � A
There are now five bridges across the tive Government? . spruce or pine or fir given to the an- a` '
Ave:. el A. -The British Parliament passed •nual bonfire will have +:o be bought 0
CANADA'S -INCOME TAX in 1791 the.Constitutional Actwhich back by the next generation in higher 0 �--
tr►.---How much did Canada's - in -
representative' Government to costs of -lumber and paper, in forfeit -
come tax yield in the fiscal year end- Canada, It divided Canada' into two ed industries; in dxtendling public re-
ing March 31, 19°:,? provinces• And gave each a govern- venues, and a• sacrifice of population,
A. -The Dominion income tax, for, .meet consisting of a: Governor, an ...
. lililk Matters.
Executive Council a Legislative
brought t , Tine members. of the Assembl were i
cne-:,istle. of the_country's total' rem elected by the people and were t hold t,ttroii rger willtakeup inn. unties with O
d Quebec with 60
the fiscal year ending March 31, 1923, i Nine and oae-batt pounds of Milk
r h in 69 711,5 9,
representing Council and a Legislative Assembly: are i qutred t4 matte cue Pound
venue. ntarto un o - office for four years, but others were
Der cent of the population'contribu.ed appointed'b the Crown.
July M4 -'l'he (`aptnre of friilrciltur. .ed rwpplie;a of food' and amulet' in '77 per cent; of the total. The tlir<,e y
• v t years airo, the nick of time; The bong siege came Prairie provinces, with 22 Peacent. I' , EGGS
Two hundred tied•t� en y , rp Q, -What business did Canada do
on the 24th, July 1701; Great atratart to an end, on the 6th, of• .Februur, the ,population, contributed 12 .per r •
acquired by light of eon/Matt the 1783._ with the signing of peace he. (cent. of tete tax. ""'""' n On eggs in x22-23? 22-
srpalteet, but lie Teeny respects the hseen:•Great •Britain and Spain, and GOVERNOR SIMCOF'SC'1LEP,RAT 1 A. -Cana a bought ite.1923, 9, -
most °m ortset of bee many horses- slum than time the history of the Fn TRIP 300,000 dozeneand'exported.3,600,000
i . P , dozen ,eggs.. .
-tions.• metegv-»•thp,,£annous fortress of tortrei$s has been uneventful, Q, What. celebrated trip did Lteu..
• Gibraltar, Which. bas beoY!"':iptty caI1 The' town of-Cribfialtui'.. which is Gdv, Sintcae tnaite in -his bireb Bari% .
eel "at c key to ,the. alediterraeeen,.' •situated at the,' bane of the,, great carlae2 A• -„-Holy mdny ports has Canada..
' Gib iter is a rocky promotors` at node holt re civilian populatinli of 29.. • Lieute.pov, Sinacoe en `December 5, A; -Three hundred po and hair,
'thee southern e.ttrenity of Spain and: 000 which lass• no voice in the .roti.. 1794, started on his celebrated trill o'bors on both the eastern •a 4 westerh.
rises to a height of nearly, 1500. feet-ernment, this beim* .entirely in the from Toronto to Kingston, in a birch coasts of• Canada are' fisted inea new
above the level of the sea• It coe�ers , hands of militareecommander of the - bark'canoe. •Simcoe Was an English edition of the Department o Marine's
an area of about two squaremiles.and : fortress who acts' iii, the rcapawity, ed soldier, 'who became the 'first Govern- Port surd Barbee Directo -'Ton'
is cone' eted with the mainland. by a tfovernor. -or Of tipper Canada. This canoe trip' years ago.there.were , 240• of such
yon-1'in isthmus, The straits -uuliich through the ,biting cold, and threats parts, so that .the shipping bu.'nese
eparate Gibraltar. from 'the north THE 'CAUSE OF S1l�KNESS of storm, proved to the province that ig either. growing eaten ely; o • the
coast of Africa are only 1.1 miler wide, there was nothing effete aobut'.this Poets ore beteg •counted care -
and from -a -strategical standpoint -he Almost Always. 'Due to weak • _ Englishman: We awe ainicoe *Pell fullSe •
y e and leis 'it rm stand that there`shouIii • -
inthe British Empire as its guts cam- be ane law for. white .man, Indian and SOIL I!Eft'ULt'1T is':P.Pr8it�il,1.r'
manse the entrance to the .i4Tediterran- ap in from accident or Illness doe
to .negro.' • This 'meant -the abolitiort of 'I,,ollotrilig T7 t the yid Sgrre •-i+ii►iu
:can Sea., infection, abreast" all 111 ltewlth ars-ria 'slavery 'in Grenada, and the treatin>y lir l ..
The captunt a Gibraltar took; place trr.m one lee two reasons; The enietake of our Indians with wise honesty: Q hosphata 'With Wtuettt ..x °
- ' ,' "during" . tht*traet�}tlty. • Conflict` :known that people uial:0 is in not realizing '•, per1n enta With' Potatoes.
.as the it's: of ilea spariislii Sucre:; }en,. that.both of.• these Mire the name cause PROI)GGTOeN �,•
The three demonstration plots that
'In which' trioti. .of the great powers of ;at the coo'', namely poor blood. Either .c. bare been started as follow .up wort'
hioiellesaness or seine otbee trouble ,or •Q.• -What is the annual value of. connection with thrsoll survey era
Europe were . revolved, • and Whim the nerves wilt to found teen) the rev). Canada's primary. production . . in interesting results. are
commended in 1701 and lasteai for: an tor almost every ailment. . if }ort are A.. -»Canada's - primary : production• ' Outstanding feature. .sor • far is the
13 yearn, Pale, suffering ' from headache -acid daring 1923 made . a .remarkable re- proved benaaedciai effect.. of lime and
On lite 31st, of July 1164 a °rntixnd hreattitessuesai, with palpitialoo of the cord,. unequalled •it is said by any nth- .eitiolittleoric stela. Oe tae liglit easidv
• e .r t
fleet. of British mid Dutch shrill int- heart. poo sure awl weak ciigaatioa, .
r , 6be.canne is almost alwrtgs: twi,r bleat , er catintiry. of similitt• population, The soli of the Norfolk, Coetvty. plot thgr
dein the command, of Admiral Sir elf you " lilitrrsous ireadt~t hes, ukura-• term ineludes •the .revenue front •farme 'increasing amount of 'deeayin;, or...
„ George Rooke. aneliored off Gibraltar, ria. sciatica aud:other aerate aiatt,.,tbe ing, mining, :fishing, trapping, (tour- genie matter Is beginning to make it
hrch at that time belonged to Spain, slice is exhausted nei+re+. Put run. ist: travel, etc., and is estimate„': for• telt felt•1ir `tile irnprove3 texture At
(:Land landed•a strong folio of marines . (oive_ nerves are, also a result at r the still. and Ilycrcnueeil err>gyields. .On
poor last year at $290,400,000; alt three, of these experimental pots
stn tho.3sthmtt?.,: Allthough i.ut off pt:luacl, No that tbe two (-liter causes at T14 -.--
•t ...JUNIOR RI:D CROSS certain, mixtures, of. fertilizers are
• q 'frova -a rty� chenee. olerelief -from the i theta ere outaend the sante. I,
• mainland, and with no hope of. hold- If your health is poor` f you are pale,: .Q. -N1 at is the Junior lied. Cross`. X n Poring eswrlts, tektite other
nervous or dyspeptic, . you ..should give • A. -The • Junior Red Cross, is as .
Lime Phosphate. .Pipet, Whiz
'Wheat'. . - .__
• The Mao 'phosphate experiments
pleenedtto, discover the effect of Linew,.
lime and acid pi'soepibate_ and. mixed
fertilizer' on wheat an.d.,tbe ,sttewe;ed-
1ag Crop: oil• elotrer, bane given Int;er-
'esting results: Each, experiment eon-
• slated . of four noir-mere plots, and
ttl+eae Were later down on three differ-
ent farms. in eight different counties,.
twenty-four experiments• in iii. AS
theae experiments. vrere•.starteaf tut thv
J,a,li of 19 2. only the, wheat erop has
been harvested. The clover. however,
shows. murkect difference,. in develop-
ment In the vsurious•pi.ots and inter-
esting results may . be expected next
season. The eurstice ilatg reauita so
far ;obtained: is tint . acid phosphate
increaiu d. the yield of wheat in every
experiment.. • The average for the
S,heek plot was 22.2 bushels per acre,
and the add phosphate plot 84.34
'bushels ' per• aero, -»aa increase of a'
little over eta Per rent. • Assuming
that tlh.e:addition of the aced phos-
phate at the rate applied on these ex
perintents Would !Ave giiten the earner
results on, tare 7t7,3a31' scree of ;salt
wheat barvest d in Ontario in 1923.
the..-vaiu.� Oi. %lie crop- would• • have
i etre taereas>4 by nearly eight mit-
lion tt;rilars. at a profit over the entire
• fortress is one of the most valuable, Impoverished Blood.
,ing out;.: guinst tbe.for�midable fleet ie
the bay, the Spanish commander
pluckily' refused to . surrender. For
• two. day's. Rooke• subjected 'the fort-
e ees S, i, . a • terrific cannonade, which.
Dr. Wtliiaius', Intik Pills a:Isir trial.: its name indicates. an offshoot or
These ._Pills act dlrentty' lin' the bleed 1 branch of the Canadian Red Crass.
tial icy curiehmg it give ben° strength to Thele are over 500 Junior Red Cross
worn out nerves. Men and women alike)
ireatly benefit through the uir; ot;this f Soezeties hi Ontario alone, with a' to,
Netted of the defenders guns out of medicine.. It, you. are week or ailing. tal ntembe1ship, in' 19 countries -of 6
action, and on :the Moroi/in of tile. !tette Ytr. Williams- Pink tills aw par trial I million children. Health, civic sera
24th. he ordered the whole of his
:and you will be pleased :with the bene• ,vice,' national projects, and internat-
l1tiat,teasultathat tvi11 speedily to
Tonal friendships are among the ad -
force to land in smart boats j{
If yrtut dealer 'does Clot k ttit:sel ,
enirable objt,xives. of their organize-
and lttorne the heights. After s short pilksyuu cauget them t,y' wail tit 6F► •
but desperate spell of hand -to -lintel oats -,�,. box from the _lir, Williams" •
fighting the Span}urds urrirnalu°eJ, .Mollie rue Co.. Brockville, Otic. THE CANADIAN APPLE
i f'! ...
and although the war ' „ewes Men, What was 'the Canadian apple.
1C Q
2 � ' n.
waged in the intonate of the Archduke . S: HOOL FAIR DAA FOR ` 1921 crap in 182,.'
Charles of Austria, Rooke hoisted the ¢ • • .
British flag and took possession of. Ashfield, September Stile the fortress its the name of Queene.St. Helens, September Oth.
.Ane, an action which • was subse- Bluevale, September 10th.
queatly approved and rearmed by . Wroxeter, September llth.
the British Government. • Gerrie, September . 12th. ` °
• Fiver since that day our Mee has Clinton, September: XGth. -
floated above the fortress, and the Clint/et Mural, September I3th..
many valiant attempts of tee Span Ziricb, September 16th.'
lards to recapture it during the next. y,'arna, September 17th.
SO years proved futile. • Dashwood, September 18th. .
In 1;^g.9 they commenced, with the, Grand Rend. September lath,
*id of the French fleet, a siege which Porter's Trill, September 20th.
lasted for :.t. years and 7'-montly, and colberne, September 22nd.
is ,gennerally regarded as one of the Bele-rave. September 23re
neost memorable sieges in the history- Ethel. `September 24th.
1 . A. --Tee Canadian apple .crop for
11923 totalled 3,37000 • barrels of a
value of over $20,000,000„ The app-
.ple export industry is rapidly ,grow-
ing, especially in the British Is1es
' and the fruit- has a high reputation
• wherever known.' -
t4.-$ii'lto is .1. S. Plaskett?
A..- -••Dr. 3. S. Plaskett is the Direc-
ton• : of • the. Dominion Astrophysical
' Obserrittory at Victoria,' B. •C., with
• one of the largest reflecting tele=
scopes in, Dr: Plaskett has
won world-wide renown iks:'art ashore
of the world. The Britistaigerli:.ote gleth. September 25th. and 26th... 'tete aftend r
the discoverer of a star
'which wart under command of Sir, ii'in britt. September 29th ann. "Otte named after him
g CANADA'S NEW V IIEAT • coat of the skill phosphate o over i /
Giro. Elliott, afterwards Lord .liee.tit- Henson, October 1st. four
minion dollars.
' field successfully combated to furious Crediton, eeteber 2nd: CHAMPION- l e, lnieats With 'Ctaitstoes.
attacks of the greatest arniaieerit eve Vv inchelsea, October 3rd. Q. -Who is .Canada's -new wheat The `Crag o c v:tert'anen'ts wit Do-
er brought against any fortress riper ('laaanpiori': ftttoes lideF' d^uronstrated in eeerr -
bat time, although on many. oeea::- . 0hi1d.r, 03 0r3 A.- .t_"anadee latest. wheat champ- county where h 1d that legueles'nay
tsionsthe defenders were only awed FOR FLETCHER'S ion is Major Strange of Fenn, Alta.,- inetieedtargatherallot'aeeriy;all,tho
• from disaster by the daring blockade- , who won in 2923, the first prize for nitrogen required by; •the tato crop,
running •af ibrtish ships,• tiwhselt land-) • O 4& S 1 0 P 1A wlteat.on the continent atlthe Chicago • and that phosphoric se and potash
.v.......e.:<..w,.<:x.x,,„;,..>wce.„- m -,.•..... :. mx.e.,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,R,14,404......44,,,,,-",,, .: :.. ,,,,.4..,o.>e:a:.c.,nes,.v¢.=w.,.m rs.�aatii.,wr...w.» In Draper proportion riay be tilted to
a, itacreaseaoth the gtyt(ntite and gaui-
%� Chautauqua
%�sty of the met w:itlf profit, '-• •-
Goderich Chautauqua, August 9th to 14ti t. • This 'mak `iaiitetng o�ectendpd to
ine earned of try. the Chemistry de
• • Hawaii" �... � . - partrue�nt-rte ileal (lntaria; Asrteuttural
ive . in at ►n noon Chautauqua
more- rapidity and stein on to 'them'
with greater tenacity tnan almost any
other food Product. • -
• bt is easier to seep .milk clean by
keeping the dirt out, of it -than it is
v, it after tae dirt-t}ua--eo:r- n
-tduictated it.• A: -clean uuatt will- gel p ,.
tar toward- clean nick, and a few `',0
secoutis. spent: is , will lr tete udder
with" a girth, ramp moth will pry.
•vent bitten' future ti•ou-use.• 0
Limourag:ing 'tt eon° to give 'millk *�
witu a `irtiising atom laf .exitdnsive• 9ie
iter. owner. irxaotiY why a cow puts 0
four, or uv.e' per cent.•..of •xa� iii p
milk te see' au unsolved payee e. but p
the ease• with which she will taste the
fat out oa ner• cubit with but sugot
provocation hos been solved utaity
A fih.,t,te• About Lime. • *.
When .tit ,your i seen -stn, isf 'clay
you•Wwralk with •pu.iextee day ,11y day.
throuiiu twiligia Comic or .tirigiit eau-
finn.e,• to try to matte the stet Mote
101=0 -
The Victoria Home hoof
c Sat sq So Club, •
will hoid their annual garden party oa
the Reboot' grounds' on Thursday, July,
31st. Reserve the date.
Anyway jeep year should be an ac-
tive year. '
ry Our "M�erit','Bread
-� eight additionaj/counties, and is be -
College in co-operation with the Agri-
° cultural ltopreseetatives.-Dept.. of
Extension, 0. A. College, Guelph.
w ;a. ...- C:boleta infant -mu la one of the fatal •
e.. ,',e ' ailments of childhood. I1 Is a trouble
that comets on soddenly, especially tint.
r ; f ing the summer months and unless
prompt action is taken the little one
may soon 1>t beyond alt(. liebv'a Own
Tablets are air idelal medicine its ward.'.
ing off this trouble. They regulate the
bowelaand sweeten the stot>,aeh and
thus **tweet all the dreaded summer
complaints. t'oa cieraing them Mrs. Fred
Hoare, Rontb Bay, Paye. -'•I feel Ilabyes
ttwa Tablet/Solved the life of our baby
when she had tholes infaatnm and I
%mild mot be *about them." The Tab-
lets are sold by seedielet dealers or by
mail at *5 mite at bol froth The Dr.
William(► Yedklne Co,. Betaken'', Ont.
•.ta its resiar in llarrsii.• Mai oel$I*il �• tolfe given at the a eni2g Dewtslew Chaeeterso a by Tierra's
MarrdMara, sad stators, portrays aslant Neter the touter an4 erotism et irteat
Were the al/ ,et teor.t li tirltrtg sad amok eiterla eel aNr•oprieVr a atu*iag. tet atateaseirs et.r1 utie be*its *asci
morn f s., 4.i tos some views Suptrrma )deer the iaslrasswats pecialar ter iierered. aasdelg1 ter. lead
, altar, Mew enapetibeely Wry Wag the esu ass s a Mir!' of the trots Kama 1
Heels will not be very high, and
.the new tunic stops at the hips for
late Sumter and for. Autumn, ac -
corning to Fashion.
RRerogsited as a beading epseii$e for
.the *retraction of.. worm&. Mother
Gravett' Wenn Exteriniaator has
proved a Loon to reoffering children
everywhere. It seidorM. Is.
weft preaursied. th.y licit
yariepe to;e.
Jabot *lotee motitfie.
tut that up slow .
'tti sere rumpalhd
abttadant. • •
ItIMitAL Demo •
Perfait Sat
Telephone 114
and our salesman
:•will . call.
Cakes . and Pat'try-
fott 'every e r
. y. occasxonr�
.Give us the opportursity•
to.serve you : :
William V. Richards� •
o West Street Bakery . Opposite,Ma
11b f
aysMo -_ ` .0=0 ° O=0- co
A:Sure Reuel' for Women's Disoi11ors4oda't
in rsatmeMt-tMe- :.
• Orange Lily is a certain relief tor all disor ers or women. It is itpplted
• locally and Is absorbed Into the suffering sue; .The dead waste matter
err, the r.,rt,e,•+re,a r.+,ti m + . * olitdt revise n e }mined
tato. mental and
r -relief: the blood vessels and
nerves are toned andstrength-
eneii; and the circulation It rm..
dered to normal. As this treat- merit .1s based onstrictly Mete ... y
title p!ineiples,• and acts em the
actual location. et the disease it
cannot help- teat do good in all
forms of female roubles, fooled
. ing delayed and painful menthe. •
•ation, leucorhoea;..talling of the
womb, etc: Price >k`_>.00 per box, _/..
which is sufficient forone
atiuutt n, tier tr t: M r
t tt�. u rt Cee Rrial Treattnen[, entugh la fO;daYs:.vfer7fia,.
will he , ree,to any 'suffering women who- will send me he=r' address.
Tnoios J stamps and address, MRS° 1 ' DI•A :v'V, LADD, Windsor, Oto.
. til` niltirolS'rS EVEttXWHERilt ,
Mite book on request -
NTIES .WH061;7`ER '.
torr -lilt veli our.. • ., :.6a d a legit viler is tit 1tacLced cexebrtd::n. Lett --'hese tw•n Na SW,* reae„Merwt Mete
tar.i' tiara wr * iraant.ti t s17eesaaa, l::t G".--•i:cxie, *h. te.t r' rase and ilii ort iywire. •
The pbotographs reproduced above were taken, not
s century ago an may be supposed, but early in
truly of thio year when the town of MacLeod; Al.
berta. re:cheated its Jubike with a stampede ant!
other goings•un re:nit:ae nt or the days of horse.
thieves ani Indian raids, and 'he advent of the newel
Iioeth-West Mounted Police.
There is * very. pretty little story told in eonnec•
tion -with this celebration. Ruse,' a beautiful race -
This was the only event which in any way tended
to mar the Jubilee. A rodeo was field, some seven.
teen thousand visitors front all over the ' eontinent
helping the cowboys and cowgirls. and the Black••
feet, Blood and Peigan Indians, to 'whoop 'er up"
Three thousand automobiles parked in Main street
and out on the .open prairie, and for three nights the
old•tinte dance halls remained open for the benefit of
those who could not find accommodation in the town -
or in one -of the sleeping cars which crowded the
horse owned by '•Old Three Sons,' a Black -foot Indian,; Canadian Nettle yards.
although fourteen years old, was entered 'again to, •• The Indians, who once terrorised the country-
Tace. This horse was said to have never" lost a race , side, were encamped in varaceeared teepees In the
Meek and beautiful, she was the pride of the prairies, [centre of the town. Here they took part in tits- old.
and as proud as she was beautiful. But her age was time 'war danees under the aria of the reinainitig
winning to till. Though she strained every muscle members of the original sgtatadrora .f th4 "loyralt -
f her body, coaxed by "Old 'Three Sons" crouching North-West." Cowboys and Tutees bad to bars
eat lar back, having Wet the feat she could net their ssy,.bit after x11, the trent was irialnly_ ifs
retain itis sad • for tete first time la her racing lift honor of those who remembered iiite Fall of. 1$/4 sal
Measle flsiaabed second. No more will she set Use were naaebered whit vile "Menlntiea" who established
pinkieis 'ftut xsder her feet. Having trettad Inert Orharlled fig melt, 'WW1 14 tire* :at
boa tbe stain* bade sank to the gr nrd young at heart, they entered into the spirit 4/ the
a lse4 111is it ill Aair al
dt a *ohm heart. • _days tad wets ass active lie say h► "Whoeeia eg; 1410 r