The Goderich Star, 1924-07-16, Page 4A SPECIAL
.0.,Auxing 14.1. in Woven asd white, special at
464 55c, Ste, 79c. Each
Zinc Jcrr Rings 25c dozen'
• Thermos Lunch Hoxes at $1.49
Ladies' White Cotton Hose at 19c
Children's Straw Hats at 15c
= •
, •
10 -
• Immo L. & Le
je 1114. Ceedlige &
evessee te. O. L.
eee, Sae
24, Seesail L. Verna
L. O. L. O. ee, 7IQ,
lkiletertlefe VIM ileAelfneflawp •Let).
L. 1.13, 4th owe Getterieb IL. 0. L 14e,
Celine* L. 0. L. 1.54 Geierich L. e).
The county aseerteer eimeidei for the
program of Oddness is elm Square'.
aad aeter is few weed* welcome
bee* AIM 41;ftw did Apply by the
ebohnissa he ease es Ite. E. H. Wi-
ta. it. Whets
Mr. 'WE& odd it palely ,geve him
pleitstneete address; emelt a large gath-
ering es thie, *$4* anniversarY
of the Battle sit the *eyrie. Four
Whirs age he *dimmed a similar
gathering to Omieriele then in the
InaPeeitY Meleser 1st Goderich, and
Wise I0.
11.011. Than.
110. et. L,
L. O.
et that tinte weateerecerneld with
OVER: 40 LoccEs cELEBRATElq$C ewe stifiesdelea were :settled
n w • or aline* with a new
cetelltione ttikfa editing in Ire-
12th in GODERICH
soma swan ma, lees kindly manner, won away Meads.
, who regret hie dead& ea StillidaY. July
Ths toPeukig assstleg is next Men;;Ilth. thapilitit his years, *3, ha has,
day eveteleg to North S. Methodist Passed the allotted SPIL He Was en:
antra, when Censtance Sundae Eseed for the greeter part of his
Weed 'sweet the missionary life is neWaPaPer work and always
=i; esstiteed "The Light qt the Trot * teen Want- teetesisite entete.
-Ties wile lei a Aug* intro- iHe eyes 4 native ef PLY/south, Fmk.,
duction to the 'weer* program ee„ and came to Canada at the sere of
asialikelse Win have A prominent iilace !fourteen years, the fii*uiy settling in
throughout. Teesday evening, it b Simon. It was here that he was
expected that Mrs. Earle, ot China, married and his life partner prede-
will speak. She is a sister of Mra. owned Waro milY Iva October. Mi-
Lexeciey, of China, who mark such Loseconthe had a paper at Port Bever
deep impression upon the school two for sons* time, was editor of Thu
yams ego. Wednesday evening the 'Chatham Planet for years and vise
speaker will De Rev. W. M. Kannawin,engaged in newepaper work at Ridge.
M. A. of St. John's Presbyteria; town and St. Thomas before eoming
cherch, Rairditen, who many remora- to Goderich. Be is survived by one
ber by the Ane *Adresse* given in for- brother, George Luscomb, and one
rloVhIrr Leeu,seinornSbi,indcioeed.,n*be
pntreersenytea:fs. oliinitossniSoybnitiarCioo,urntliitses,lonat. Aeinstoterhe, Mr
• *y on furlough from Japtue the et the Sault about three years ago.
speaker far Thursday evening, willMrs. Vance and a nephew of the de -
draw a large audit/me IA admiring ceased weee here for the funerel,
friends. The Friday evening speak -1 which took place on Tuesrlay, 3.41Y
er is the well -renowned Rev. C. W.8th, from the residence ofethe do
De Mille, U. A., who' until recently ee!k_a_eft's thkulfliter, Mrs. W. A. Mc -
him been e ge era e
er tie I secretar of i Him, Church street. Rev. S. S. Har-
PeoPle madhsei_ pletessentativis the Ontario Religios& Commit, hut has tlY: rector of Sts george's churele eon •
[ducted the services and the pall -bear.
REV. C. CRAGG. Wirighent
London. Tee may inelleteon now to be Vesper Spatter lit Goulorisk Summer lately returned, to the pastoral werk.
settled was the heaudere question, t Scheel Jelly 21-28 Bottle:, the miseioneey ers were Messm. J. Doyle, Aes Pinter,
feisty a/tech was presented by the nee- Sanits and P. W. Woolcembe,
• Mr. While inteedsoodi a few eub- •
Joets of Provinalel %Serest and men-
Dressedrir Orange Ines _ . eY le . Art further examples of what the reee"tedt wit .repea r ay
want emei again. Those vibe
gehst enneetratopfittbilre
Of the grant
far education ;2,74,-. .whicit the order had spent $15:000, the opportunt
•.. 000 Wittf to go 1* grants to none and the /Wart, eitse at Stratford in will 'ha cOrdlallY welcomed to all of
sehools; this Meant
Holmes Follow Mayor.'s Words of Welcome wtomi)tt ithge srosec000rt- which 01;7: nygonf In'earribudotoss,e, the beeoff;.thbolerinevNenatinhe ssetsselhounrseilitheoicathnzvionlekinhge
owed in; At 8 re I% •
Addresses by Messrs. Wiplik, JoYnt, Spotton, Hadley and son goverrinient
to the p,eople of Huton cOunty for abdUeted by the father and The afternoons will be given over
eduction. , ..a Roman Catholic isstitution et Ham- I
to recreation ill the form of tenoni,
i Mon. The Orange Order took up the
• The Glorious Twelfth' evo or favored when another great questioncoseeand deinanded that the children soft bail, •voller halt, gretti, games,
with deltghtfel Weather and the eele- lean democrecY be suede stifefocrallilleo;.$101113a4;4rhelPusEe.g.tilneket fcrtolAtitreicauletrureleidtQunerai
world? Can the peopht be troutaisof :t--
evo jthw. ehe greatest anueurit of liberty sonmarn:ree er onmaantipts. 4 Then the -Perien. he,. erred to ale Mettler, and it vim reIteoVn;t.:Lwro.. NvFiliinladyir,ec
the lergest crowds to town thee have, ty* imillptehry•ttrIlgh ercesalve liber. Agricultural Enquiry Comnessio th. Vh1
• bration at God:nick brought one of he appointed the e on y Proteriteint organizetion that "
ever been ;teen here. The streem of life of. the -peteone and he believed thee would be abli,11 Iteman churchewate the weal .2.5.
- Best tioned some things the leeruson Gee- Ilion circle le North Methodist 4ENKINS-On Tuesday, July eth
Winsham St Ntinsbor on, Perade-- rave W shore Order wee net far amity evhen
eere er 0 Township in the per- phoite Oederick
son orttolistid Hill Jenkins, brother cit • „.
he " church last winter anti was so well teerepassed. aws,y another ot the ram.
• Gotterich Boot Ladies. Lolifie ofjoasle st0000;ieooro,aooarifohtto,eotisoizo:02,,,-,
„ Orange Order; was doing for the de -e;10 gale. Many who saw it before
000 for hYdro and egeopo.for fense of Prot,estantinte the speaker ,
mentioned the Trembley omie in • have not seen g
florid Anchor Placed. on Soldiers' Monument gration.
rare both from the north end !oath, Excessive liberty is hewleeenese and' to make a report that would reganization on the North Americanult in
lawleesness is fearfully .prevalent in benefit to the terrItulturel ineustry. continent . The Orange Order WAS
tstartelpoito poottui,:nian eiterwlyst; nTohteloSritiguabrte.. many a democracy totiay., Theliber7 on the natation of immigration Mr. trying to raise. a tend of jima
Was re ties we enioverere parasite:I at great Wigle said his idea wile to go slow. for the purpose *i'carrYblr such cas-
es through the 'coats. Re was glad
to believe that in another year the
United church of Canada would be in
existence as • a militant organization
fore every efreet leading to it WW1 .,
price; let us, not abuse them by -die- Immigrants should be "hand picked"
pocked with min perked, and along regard of the means provided for Oa and must be sthetorbed. At the pre -
the honk et the end of West 'street welfare of all as expressed by law. dent time the great call was for farm
&Iso was used by ;mine for Parhillg. "We also enjoy leder great relig- help. He believed the farmers should
It would h*ate to say that there little liberties. These too were pur., try be mike the term helpets' Job an standIng for Protbetantism. Up to
e ,
wetted, be substantially over a thous- chased at. a great Price. We mity all-theerterlound Job, paying less in the present the Proteetent peoPle bed
e. end mire in. town on Saturday ie ad- each Pcsactis our. Bible and worship the winter time. And he thought we fallen dawn edieribly"in their work
dition to those belonging to, resi- God in our own way. This is the ehoirld open se'bureau in Detroit and 4*.1rOt•estant*e
dimes and a fair estimate of the heritage of every Protestant. To adoPethke . slogiet "Back to Canada Selmer Grants- R,eplaced,
number of ptopie, in tovere would p1o. what extent do ewe make tuie, of this hack to Ontario." , " The French population in Ontario
hohly,- bee ten to erreivee thousand. neenelet Rave not too Mane of 'I sle omega brier *eerie for pretties had doubled in 50 years, and in see- •,
Goderich is an ideal place for such Protestants in our reaction train the •• sive me, Joint • . s teens where they beceone'predominaa .
an event asen Orange eralk and some autocracy of the Remo* Catholic ,.. e • , the public sehoole,*ere being, closed.
of the- visiting Orangemen were church, in placeof worehipping Gee - Mr. John Joynt, M. P; for North
heardte aMmont that they had roe asThe epetiker WOO•Pktit0Ata.,1 se far se it
the Bible direett .us to worship Egrets, said there never was a time went, with the action of the Ferguson ,
vie taken port in a better Walk than Him, have not too many of us refus- 'when the Orange Order was looked
Government. with ersefeumrena$
the one in Goderichlad Saturdays or ed to worship Him at elle What I eon.witle more respeet. than nose, and school grants. Th
a better' terms ed one. " ' . am afraid of today is not so much the he was proud to be an Orangeman. which had been diverted by the Drury,
. ,. - .The town wa ay with ,,streamers .agtroMil°11 of lhh Rennin Catholic Forty Years ago there was an element Oov•ernment,• WI 'been repisiod ine
ante and, two cods church, but that we es Protestants, thee Was beginning to look down on.
and strings of, pen the, treasury. This wee, all right for
• ar arches of ,weleome weie erected, through carelessness, Perenit , our Oringeteen• These were the days this. year; but, he warned the mem-
one on liamilton street and one -on splendid religious liberty te degener- I when lifetimes at an Orange *Auk bars 9f the Legislature,to be vigilant.
Hittelten street, over the route of ate „Into . . odlessriees. Far better, soinettelen hod to fell *peer the pate S..
low legislators were inclined some- •
REV. W. A 1. KANNAWIN, Hamilton
eetry from the north and from the, have, less relipous liberty than to; ea, er be tarried upstairs before the times to let thingi'get east thew**
pretty decotatiVe effect Wee .110eUred think as Protestants we are alive to toi000tlik, Today user° was not the tOrange Order thtokerever every - Leider-Itilde-Study-at-Cylerich-•-:
Milk, while areas Nireet street a very have no religion at all. And yet e -proceasion berate on Attatit-Ot in,„- ..
I red, whiteandblur. thie 'tenger. I 'hope is. Otingemertlalightest . iseidenee Of Intokliutintio tile-11c!g'iusrisji4nt,f,bial. iadtgeeeding enbefeeireoe ' Suintilei School July 21-28
Arland -Anchor Permed on Menument you 'ire baffle 'alive. ;On the. one'i Another thing that Interim hill :
ee Vent address M. Spotton urged his, creation is Weirqualitied. s He has the'
- 4 teatime of tbe. Wetting program hand it religious autocracy, a religion I was etha Peat - Arermdetwne„, ,.. ..e.„ee. beerere to heemee, members of .the natural gifts .for thits 'hied of week,
e• ,,,
e ' was the toying of a very ,hendsotee epeompubdos and fear; on the other eoutignwn in the prima Iii big Own artierplenty or 'experience.
Boni anchor,.en which roses predoni., hand there is the danger of pooses-iludge (490 Belfaet) ,tifteen young ''. ; ,1 ' * ' . ' - ' ' ande_has had
butted, at the bait of ;the., soldiers"' sing a religion diet meats frectioallyi MA_ lied corn Jr; hi the hist twsi T. - ••ReV•4., W,1. Heillei , ' Last week he was director of *.12nY5'
:no,. J. V. Roney said he oonidsoi, camp enLiimiton'enunty, .aed is'this
monument. The L. O. B,, A. of Co!- Mining tit tille %tie I* a inerflum'irake, - }re was eek leading the recreation of the
rich had Arne of this ceremonY, between these two extremeswhich i mr, jay* laid street be the time aurae all that bad been. itaid.
which took. plate starting„ et . 10.30. my, humble Judgment alone, is the and place of beginning otrOrangedism. gang to *Peek oot from the stand- Kingsville Summer School
Tee ladies and men of the 'Orange Christian religion, si religion basal on The Orange orde stoodfor progress. pita et Ore g s
ti ei m •but rather from Rev, G. E. Cragg, It De of Wing-
7' a Koilait
with ow
• Days Mee this that yoettver
looked forward to, ate pia- •
tures that yotyll turn back to,
agape and again in your album..
And any Kodak is cow
to carry, easy to work slid but
to use—let us show you.
Get your Kodak here.
Atairopisk X*44 $6,75ep
' The -Wean Store
c • „
Mra. e, jeekine and hither et Mrs. T.
R. Welliver town. Deceased was bora se
April 17th, 1844 at Bridgewater, now 4.4
Reintesville, and atter spending the ,
Township. Here he •eareiee on as -04 1.050
Wheat er
in-iiiiri to -She pith oonornuiloil. 00.1,,Xich
,,,,,,ner, Nattier hie life in that vicinity, .
successful farmer urtil MS health Oats, per boll 45 to 50
tome) him to lead a retired life towards Peas, per hush.- - L40 to trJo -
the litter years. Tile bite Rama] Zen. liarley, per bush.... , 65 to •70
kine. as ti.ronto Reid Veteran, poled Funny flour, per cwt 3.2e to 4.40 .
recall those early thetatenbie dare of Patent flour per cwt.3.75 to 3.14
the Feillat Ileitis or 1846. In winkle Been ri on ' .-25:00to 26.00
he was a etauocit Conservative, living ' - " .„
_Shorts, per ton..... 27,00 to . 28,00
through the moo politieel history ot
the Oottutr,y and the days ot Sir John A. uay, per ton .... ... , 1 , to .
had net takep Meager° Dart in pongee. vet ..... . - . 5.54 to • 6.00
ur yreaerelloeemwe.hthei, He got tg si e, , per ot.d ci nwatsey....e per. . . 8 .0 0 t, o 8.00
pltfrliAlitlet)."‘ Vialsdirlowgetrile coon
°4 4113134111 16th, 1869 he we* onerriod 'Cattle, choice, per eVri .7.00 to 8.00
sorvive, Harvey, GOOrge and Herbert , Pe
Q4 to _ 04 —
to '' Elizabeth Rolla:W. Besides his
and Mrs. T. 0 . Wallace. ot Goderiobi - ,, . r cwt 00 to 15.00
wife, three sons and three, tleughters•
Mrs, W. ee Stevens, Base Line; Mrs. R. Hides per lb... 4. • • • • •
Dairy'. butter, per 1 .:: 25 to 2r,,,
26 to 25. Jetthil' 1:°InEll o4kci 43tald*enri' dibrlYnad eftliBrre ret FE:tgastc%el*r. 4 ... ... .. ::::. ' ' 511 tc' tA
Ferree ot Mullett, Vet survive. The •
funeral was held leriday, auly nee at Al TP STV 11)10
2.20 p.m,. Service wee, held at the 15 a goo. 34640 to ;let yotir
home on the ieth, voncession; Goderich •Kodak Films Deeeioiene end -
TOwnshaP, Bev. A. A. Holmes, •or ,,
Wesley Ifethotlist'ehureh 'of white:•
•• Printing done. It ea/S' to •
•intenneet taking 4- place in Clinton . . • R. R.- SALLOWS •
Jenkins was a. member ofebiasing• please : -
cemetery.• •
• ""
•• /
411.1111111•111111111111111111111111111111e. • . .,-•
styles of • • . °
Oxfords . Strap Slippers
for ladies and men that cannot be e5ualltd`in•qualiw
and price. Barefoot Sandals...for intss a 1 'id
4.`S c ren
Are here at the very lowest pikes. •'
hain, will deliver the vesper talks on _ ' " . .Life-13uoy Outing: Shoes
eorietbto of the town .aseembled at the Bible, a religion *eke, scow* And when the .eartt come for moo .40 thlift, of the Christian minister. North St. parsonage lawn every even- • 1 • . - e •
&Mere, Mettatie their ledge rooms. Lord Jesus tors reandvealteedielliningtheallibtlehi,
sod. heeded be, the Clinton lend:tie rens** which finds exprestion, not not it. lodge that did ;not sehd
Se to the war the Orange order was
tree to its tradition .and there was marriages as tea which Mr.- Spotton
)/onte had said that in most of these the Re-
rntaelknethIlfavaet always7.ibeen a source of
o'cloek. The vesper f.e!eint,veseaor: on thee ginealks et.....:Iiiist vuasis,oawillygo,,ub.e rubberiff:reen• -: .
•th* 00.rnaX of North street and and the the authority mg from Tuesday to Friday, cow- are without exception the best we r.o1ed
4. Alluding to the question of vexed
Nod, marched around the Square only in Its creed and e*Periencee but sten. 'Ile himself tried to go but they man Catholic church absorbed the
Mid IM to the monument. -Mr. Mew, in loving devoted service to our Lord would not take him as he was too old. fathilee Mr. Hedley staid he had. per thereeaetrop
let:ming. The school would not MI a 1: "les (36'0.. -I: . 9es are reinctr -able,
lete without att. W. R. Mill- , ,
Quardhat of the -L. 0, B. A.; Mrs, and Master." We laver heed in mem an age of r be mixedsonrof London, who will. again have
Spreal, Worthy . Mistreat of the i After Rev. Mr, lledleY'e intdresis, enssirtess as the present and he be- and in *Very rose the, Roman Cathole
_ lop, and County Master W. J. Fal- 'another hentn was :sung, "Will your tiered Oratigeism had something to ic had become a ProtestanL ' elCadartii:lbaes N4:14::ellthscit-00.114-40111gurgur; ' ,"
tester took up their position on the larteltor laced?" This was. folltypted do vrith it. The open Bible meant Following out the line tee:rested
----- --- -(!,;til his unique personality, and give e
•xid we were met today to do honor ,and the benediction, after which the Mr. Trewartha, M. P. P;forSouth
the men who loild down their lives band led in the Nation** Arrthem, Huron. was called. on but was' not aggression of the Roman Catholic
-"'' his
:adilcre;eli. in
tshneomt morning
iangari . f thecl
Wes of the monument. Mr. Mew by the repetition of the Lord's prayer Protresse research, !Audi. the closing message Sunday evening.
ehurch as of the distintegration of , , OBITUARY ' eo. MacVicar
• . the war, the dot being a vete, fit- thus chain, this pert of the proeseg. present at the time and next 'came
efte rieorge •epottoie of winghem the Proteetant church,' The Itotnan
led ht prayer, after which an address 4 t 2 k • k -
tint der for sue en event. The lings.
keens, 4'0 OW, our help in semi I Parade hi the Aftertaste ”
east, was sung, and Bro. Cantelen
The 'big event Of the day was the an" ag e
• • president of theePublie School De.! Catholic chumbWas * religions altto- LtY8C°MBE"-ennring ht* rssIdellec North Sde of *wire Phone 220 GODE.RICH
erae At th ot end of the scale Goderich of some thIrteen or four -
pars o a o oe in 1 a efternoett, • *
Why Shouldn't 'w cottniao stood Godieespees. somewhere be., teen years, Mr. Samuel tuscombe,
tween Vf114 aemiddle pearee where eve
y . Y. followed by the program of speeches
Mr. Spotten
eryone o t to find nate ground.
whIellba :in the Rgnere. The various hedges Mr. Spotton said every civilized He hoped every .Protestant would be
* • Mr. Haley's Athletes !gathered in Victoria park and o the , country had days which it celebrated. true to his heritage and live, as he
"We have come here today to pay iProecemsion WOO MeinlibM street The Hebrews were commanded to ce- otwit to live and pass on to his chile
war tributiof ristwt .to_tile_.natniory and a eind_the Sqnare.eeeeeJ %boats certain clays, the time when deen an even greater heritage their
f thaw who an recently laid down t After the Kihie band of ti1 the shackles were broken oft the was poised down to us.'
• sIvesIn the ;Whit tame of civil owe the following lodges; Ford./ wrists of their father'. The United , Hey.. e, nob"'
• Rev. j. E. lloiittee commented on
the splendid • enthusiasm menifeet.
The parade was one of, the best he
had ever. seen. The principles of Or-
angeism, to defend civil and relighlus
liberty and a square eta' for every
man—if we had not these principles
the country would go to the dogs. It
was not its fisheries, or mines or tor.
este that made * nation but the prin-
ciple of liberty and truth and light.
, A few years ego a great wich L. 0. B. A., Winighata L. le B., States celebrated the leirtlalite,of the
Mighty. nation strove in vain Lucan L. 0. B. A., Clinton L 0. IL A. father of the tition, the birth of the
establish a military autocracy over in ears, °Wert& L. O. B. A., Ford- nation and 'e'hanksgivitic/Day. In
the face of the mirth. Greet Brittiire ; with 0. Y. B. No. 4, Hibbert 144 0. L.1 Canada we had our ,First of ,etaly• .
lemesse and their Alike fought against No. 821, Ripley L. O. L. No. 790. Bee- o And when anyone *aid "Whs. care.
Germane, not only in self defence but vie 1 0. L. 498, Lticknow L. O. L. borate the Twelfth of Jule." he salad,
that, in the tenet:lige -of President 428, Kiriloas L. O. le Me Welton L. I"Why ahoulthet we celebrate?"
the world might be med. safe "O. 7.4. 252, Orange 1 O. L. 555, Sorely it was meet *IWO 11. Tear to
for democraey and Alit surely woe Fordwich L. 0. le.• 642, -Gerrie le 0. L, celebrate those principles se dererly
noble motive. It is Purely the right 1 761, Belgrave L. 0. L. 462, Adburn bought.• 4
JAWS and determine ttrir own system 1044, Blyth L O. NS, Londeaboro Wee Working at Pretestentrem
of every people to form their own , L. O. L. 992, Maple Gregg
. •
11. Alai we needed more teach • • ing of the
of government. The result is civil L. O. le 863, eg e.t.a k. o.j.. ivt,I The Orange Order was not an of -
libetty, and this is a marvellous. Winthlunt..0. 12d, Meml* ee, 0
Pensive organizatione He never Blhl e In the hmne todaY.
ethkvement. And yet this too has ,L, 766, Brussels . O. L. 774, Grua. heard of any Orangeman trying to Pelee -Winning Lodges
lee ?trill, The war wee scarneip over 'way L. 0. L. 119, litisidelph Is. 0. L take away from any Roman Catholic Wittghent won first honors for hay-
.• ens, of his privileges. Bet he did not ift. the 'largest timelier In the parade.
tilke the weak spineleis sort of Pro- BartOVU was first for having the
testant who was *Imola, afraid to ad. beet-dremed lodge. Orange Rill
,tnit he was a Protestant. lie himself Lotete of Howick, won the prize for
was born a Protestank.lived a Pro- , mein, the longest distance. The
testant, expected to die a Protestant, Goderich L. 04. B. A. won the mite
and was working at Protestantism. as the best ladies' ledge. Several fife
The Orange order was the most lihe and drain bands eatered the contest,
"Tiro Monis cod BOA' Store Worth While" eat organisation he 'knew and was but this was easily captured by Cline
pledged to maintain the rights; of the ton Lodge The beat ilfer was Wil
A F -
Roman Catholic, yet no organization son Armetrong, of litioiey, mid John
ew Suggestions - was more misunderstood. There Webster, of Varnitethe Ie drummer.
never a time In the history of the The oldest Orentesien in the parade.
What Far? For Comfort world when them was so tench need • was John Felton, of Walton. For *
for Protestantism end Ore/totem a* number of years this honor has tel.
Straw Hats, Palm Beach Suits, Outing today. He was a stonatent reed* of len to Robert litectart of Clinton
Trousers in different materials, Sport Belts,
Bathing Suits, Outing Shirts, Fancy Host
and Golf Hose, Clothing.
For the ladies• „..eirtar sa****sdiratikttakikepetir kilifiratrhtfiftrwo,Pareki Anyway leap year should he an
Silk Sweaters, Neck Scarfs, Bathing Suitt, . ‘tet them have it, bet they were never live
Silk Hose, Neckwear, ICnickers. IntiAttor tho owe, etederie'' Ae:Ittesitliswertte tan ter* ItheiV lta 1
!over the data et the seperate etheol as
heard for shore, et the taxes. et the
his hat teem had Wee bettered •
Swite Mete NINA' 110161? thrwarbesh lee whets emettry. and le IJ* fimplpfirotaco vows
Gedisrielt had laid ores a precedent
Nuth aim 11"1" • ter the milks Pre** illAat .1" me Mirritel"P"
yee." said the speaker. 'we Yr- 'Mimeses, of
Th Catholic Record and The Catholic Muth intermit dem taker: in the
Register and thew papers Were el- baby shove restricted to the Inane-
• viers attacking the *heel system et diate fertilise of Orangemen. Baby
the emelt**, the "Gail** public Irwin, of Belsrmele, won the Snit:
schools," and thee telt their people to prise; Baby Patterseri, of Autern,'
en their weer and be ready rieeerid, end Baby Annetrotig, of
for the fight when it tomes. If the Godefich, third. '
Iidsurnmer Sale
WeVdies' Dresses, Coats and Millinery
VOZSVGM'r k,;%•
.`se veeeeeeveieee eeeettestersoceseeeemoseotesteteeeeeeeeree.e e • , •••
Ladies' Dresses
Ladies' Dresses in Canton Crepe, Silk, Normandy Voiles,,
Radars, Silk Broadcloth and laney striped and drop.stitch
Crepes with lace and button trimming.
Spring Coats
• We have a. few Spring Goats left whiet we are offering at
Jess than manufacturing cost. In ptivetyn, Marvella and'
Poiret Twill.
Lodioss Hato
In all the new.styles and models at a reduced price, front
$1.75 to $2.95. Also it new shipment of Felt Hats.
For the New Summer Dress
We have a shipment of new Linen, Voiles, plain and
Normandy, in . all the popular shades and , new laces for
asthing and Furnishings
We have s. full line of Men's and Boys'
Clothing and Furnishings at reinarkably low pnces.
Bathing Suits
• For men, boys and misses in wool and cotton, attractively -
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