The Goderich Star, 1924-07-09, Page 8w.
ii"• , .... -i • . funeral arid other incidentel exe• libiae
°eh migiebe expected toelawri'
_orex... 11,,re had been no marriage tutees. ()Orate had been a good
• , -Settlement on Louise Jollffe; the wee Wtultia ill -•Wbitecr°11s street prison,
*ow left to l'a? Mere/ of her retail... 40110 to death pretty newly witle his
• - In-law; and Longa a generatie ni..n creditors' reproaches, who used to
go down In a body to . abuse him.
• by nature and *unit. Mr. Greatorex
was not showing biinself generous to • when they found tltere was no chance
of their getting a farthing. He and
• -this. In as cad. business -like letter,
eonveyed to her personelly by a trust- hie chambers had beeo sold up; and
• worthy clerk. Mr. Greatorex had In••-eltogether timid had come to con-
fer:ford her teet henceforth • eke elderablet grief, Just now he Wee IA,
' .
be *I o : FPaela, enjoying Minuet on. a surti of
Jpetames yer.r. One bundred pounds moneydretl that Lord Carrick had been Ine
duced to give him, and. oai the pro-
' • IX additlen Ite. wade her it present
. .. ceeds from an article that he supplied
kif( of. . The. clerk. despatehed with Wee a week to a London newspaper.
°the letter at10. money; *was Mr. Brown.. ' hi I ibi I a et
nal OM
ewe •
•••••=0110141 •• • ••••
Roland. York
• By MRS. 11•ENR'Y 'WOOU
"East Lyrae," "Vc nor's Nick," "The OEanain s,
"Lord gakburn't tiaugh.grg " Egg,
• • •
• t lk • 6 - r 1
Costelosiott. ea*
4210 *UMW* and the day Were
Mike tut the wine. It Was the end
pt hely', and, a dull evening. Mr.
Oreetoree was sittlee Mont In the
twilight. id the huge and handienis
dittlegoottet, where we first saw bile
st the besluning of this hi re. Hee-
Pre he bed looked then waiting to
best the eartkulars of Tt. fermate
etspbewei death; ter mor haggard
he looked now. for the Dinh in re-
t - .t -t 'At *4 t •
• •
- '
swift to he Itst000d ei don't lacy
You will the us :auk work. Sir Rta
lead, la the way it Smearing debt*
eat trOutile. mid voting to us to eat
you clear of them." he observed,
"No, thank you, I leave that to
Gerald. Mr, Oreatorex," added Ro-
land, his eyes ehluirtg with hottest
lathe his face meeting that of his
exeutteter. "1 promised Vincent whet*
Ito wee deem that I'd 1;eep clear eit
ermine; 1 as -good es
imh;I'd not go teem mY word to theel•
you kaow. And, what's mere,
wish to."
"1 eett. You will be g demi less to
us. The Yorke*• in general helot bon
proetable clients
Roland took the words seriously,
inerweat that Mr. 'tinter as silent. inviruytbsof;rily,*1111trt.le.1—I'll give
to became as ottalitted sot tor; not you present every year to make
frees any view of matting u for Ittes- up foe the delelency. If You'll accept
self. but that he *debt be ore MS- tt. ' A golden inketa.nd, or somethats Mr. L. a.. AM*, thtehe
dent for Ms &Wu la the house of or that sorer writes I-0 trot
Oreatores & Greater**. to •Mr. Greatorex looked at him with troebted with. boils sallhilplitier vr"/
would In' bentlentee: It been el" a smile. never speaking. Roland re• tried amor tresements, bet esoM it
ready constdotably aurone ted since tamed, thoroughly In esthete, hist uo remit* / the* took
the month of January tart. Mr. Win- sole* low. • Blear -reed bestow fret eity.
ter bad takes a ausial. p sty hoppe "it'* auch. an awful deal ot mousy, It is the Medicates I took theei
nod would soon bring a wi e home to you see; tour thouiand Veer, be- lee ••'' •
it: Alletaa Bye was till ex Ilene her sides a _ house and • Iota, of Other R. h. is amenteetatrei cad,y by irbe
name to Alleiaa Winter. The clerks thieve Two people could. never T. maw,* 0o, Limited, eleteate, oat,
12* general looted opt*" it that Mr. . spend It, and it we %mulct, we don't
Winter** pramotlut took Its rise la think it would be dein% riaht An-
"k".""1"11/111111"01101===ri rohd I rr I 4. rerwoholibrI111111 nomad' -
Bolls and Plimplos. fiamewstr lastalniesits of Sete Muds. '
u I Om At my dime* elte
mi crn Ine • MN only would be soured te
re& Should you marry sada, Use
litata would altogether geom. AU
ssarAaa to you iu my latter: I
.01fItia tbo laud gete Sot of spier * asireat te tow. Nat another altilitag
is only Name th*t beds, piracies, er will you eireere froru lait—est life, sr
some enlist imbeatioa at lad Weed atter death."
Auld tweak eve et the utast& • 1 She we, her tat''; sew' It all %NI
What yea meet vow, tole maim e oirt Wove her a.1 on a ump; salt her
feu took a elm* look. betratialt
good testie le hadd top Ole Wilburn sad i
pat tie blood asertifleatlau and deseeir. No Men
•ritriabing totiets or Vilma wattling
redslisseistili e 4' s' ly dinaertshiass.
or mage.grent leraltedleemse Itre.
Bade Greatorex and sow*/ meet
iseneelorth live tolerably far apart.
'rite lune she had so desphod, this
that eke was now being turned from,
would he a eery palace compared to
the lode:hags In *eulogise.
"To pulsing this interview will not
be productive of fuetber restate"
'Poke Cireatorex. taking a Mop
towards the door. "I must beg to
male* You that frieede are wattle*
for see."
•. The eek dr: awey wile them,
A otail Mr. (treat -ex rattemed to the
dining-roont wee. a redeved heart.
• "She le done -with at- last, thank
Maven: Let it t hac). lea together,
Roleach" he added, with a hearty
simile, "Lady Yorke will take oft her
bonnet, ond make It tor us; se she
did when oho was my Rate friend
Annabel Charming." '
.oret estieed is *errata by th• 410ot • *
lard to it WO at length the limed te :1P1 undaubted toneuess .rit and ea-
nabel and I see thing. alike, We
him. He wore deep mourning, The peeityi •hut in *tint of - actelt "Wu • ''llo need to•reiterate tbei news. for
rnean to put amide half .our 111001330;
ge ne a Y Ye
bad of late Elven him so much eon- to hie Culotte .**The rosii is of titer- I are so many people who want help.
ern.' wee deed---•Betle. Alegi it was Mg meht: he hee forgotten self In
nut illness ot body that had ailed striving petfently to benefit and,' You 'see Mr. Greatorex,we Ittul both
Bede Greetoree. And turned his. dart' shield ate: rewsud hint for my Caket .'lietelthirnelltboalletroyn 11 you toltukt.uironeuiri
• to one ever -moving, never -ceasing tu•-• I am sure he will repay in faithful- ,•as a loss," . ,
toultuous sea of misery, but that tar eess...11 yt422 can 40 for him " • 1 - y repay&-Rolaiul- better
Worse affiletlen, illness of mind. -In Little more the 1 this dld Bede &tee , titan by a golden inkstaea," said Mr.
• .,• Igedily sielintbs there may arise later- not it word as tuella nature of what. G e t la in his 11 d on the
--san, whale *peva •ancts ot health owlag te a taw nate' written by Bede la term da jay; or --there Mrs. Bode st :view. Air. Greet -
Vale of WOO. when the uttering ise the benefit or thes salettlInig had been. • young, males shoulder. "Let me corns
not felt so keenly,, -or the heavenly Mr. Greatorex knew now, tor a rev. 1 to you for a week annually when the
help ik never for support; in mental . elation had been made to hen' reamer roses are in bloom, tied de
Mecums, grave as Bede's wee. suck through Judge Hue. liede, only the you tell Ake, year hy year, that yoji
interim*. never come. Atter quitting Oor before his deeth, had posted It have adhered to your proposed siMe
home at the turn of 'Christmas, end letter to Sir Thomas Rene, one teat • to, mode aloe..
travelling for a month er two linker he had spent a week in writing; get- . .
Qod Is
Ike one in elitrin, tout gave a private Cope of tealetter received by
rder, ..Judge Estee from Bede Oreatorex.
"Keep the eab. Don't' unload the "Are you „know so much, Sir
boitee. Mrs. Bede Greatorex will not Thomas. I QIN it to• you and to my -
remelt' here." .
eelt to ;Mord some. Nether explsns-
Mrs. Bede Oreatorox, a widow et tion You have shown Yourself s,a toOnth, leas not lees tultionabie In ' e
true irlend: add to. the obligation by
eppeariutce than when she was a
wife. Rather more so, of the two.
Her deem of tech *ilk ond matte was
' a model for the mode bookie her heir
was wonderful to behold. A small
bob of something white peeped out
= atop of the chignon; looking close It
- might be discovered to. be an incite:if
Quilled net; and its wearer milled It
a widowts cap, with all the brass in
life. She held out ber handjo _Mr,
Greatorex. but he seemed not to see
it. That itte resentment against thle
woman was one of bitterness could
- not be mieteken, Mrs. Bede did not
appear to botice the coldness of the
- greeting. Brushing past Annabel._
= she vast a rather conteniptuous look
towards eer,_and said some slighting
words. •
: . ,•"Whatt are you here again?, 1
thought the house was rid of You.'
- "This is my wile, Lady Yorke,"
- spoke Roland, in as haughty a tone ture marriage that nearly drove me
as it was possible for him to aseume. 'wild. What, I hardly know now. It
_ "Don't forget 21, elease, Mrs.
seems to me that he had treacher-
: Bede Greatorex." '- ously stepped in to strive to take
- She looked from one to the other mY bride from me, to win her. for
_ of them. That Roland had succeeded himself, my one little ewe lamb, We
- to the family honors, she knew, but reerlielnated on midi ethere'she. had
she had not :heard of hiemarriage, deceived us both, but neither of us
The poor Wing governess, whom she
Suspected it then; and we felt some-
bed put upon and made unhappy, thing like *dui tiger cats; at least
Lady Yorke! • A rnoment's, pause: 1 know I did. Whenever me Si:loutish
M. Itede's manner changed es it by blood got up I was a madman—as
both cheek'. Preach fashiop. Nobody
magic. and, she Wised Annabel on YOU may remember, Rene, for you
saw nte so once or twice la 'earlier
knew better than .sturesn which Ode daye—i was nothing elm that wicked
her bread. was buttered. ' evening. At so
me taunt of his, or it
"Ah, dear Me, it'e line to bb you. sounded like one to me. I took up
• Annabel! .What chanson Mace we the Pistol, that lay on the table m-
iaow mat , You a wire and i a derneath my haud, and fired it at.
widow," • ,• him. Before heaven, where I shad
Mr. Ot *term took en imPatient 'so aeon stand, I declare that I had no
Roland was in tbe'see at Onelt.
andthither. B & eds settled down In ting ve it et inteT
rvals. he anguish tet is a- bargain, mind t ar,"lie'estid.
remote Freeelt town. There was a that Comiutinication, and other , eynu will come to us alwaya with
— very amid! eolorty of English in it, things, brought to Mr. Greatorex. , the summer. roses. As to a week
• 'end. 1111 English chaplain, who did the was very- Clare still. He was feel- t only, we'll talk about that." ...
' duty for nothing. .13ede' had not in- Ing it he he eat there in- the twilight. 1 "And Jane shall meet you, • Mr,"
tended to make it n permanent halt- Bede'e death he lied, in one sem°, 1 interposed Annabel, with ' shy lore
ing otaee.boteherweeknees increased Almost eeitaed to mouth, knowingt ',she ie very happy at liar echo • I
greatly, and he teemed twee: willing now what a happy release front Men- I often have letters from her, It d
to attempt ' another move onwards. tal poen Realist have been. lint he and 1 *ere, thinking ot. batel er
• . Moe Bette grumbled woefully; . she could not think with the smallest , at Christina& if YOU don't int
ealled the town a (lease and their patience of Bede's wife never again. 1 "And Neter Manning, too, it her
• lodgings a barn; truth to say, the never again. She had been theeprl- mother will spare her," put In Rd-
roehas Were stmeleas and had as good ' mar), .author...0t. all the miseryrbut . land.. "And • we have talked about
as nothing Iti them. Stoseldnused here tor her, hie .son-eaye, and eome one those thealittle mites in IYales. It
self-estich antuvutent as It wa---by else, dear to him as a soii—had,been, would be good to have -the lot to•
• hiking delves in the early serial in it huts= Probtibilite, living now, • settler, and give' thetir a bit of pleas.
• froahneas. and tante!) French, for happy, Peaceful, and playing a gam 1 ure. Time sliould have a jolly Meet-
' ' Improvement, with alasitiontible Poet and busy part on.tiie world's stage. [mu tree; ,and we'd get oyer. some'
• ' -.Wan. remote de ehanibre, whom the "Will fiau admit 'hitters, sir?"
boxes of Lumps of Delight'froto Ter-
Ilad; found berseit lucky 'enough to 1 "Ehl what!"—end Mr. Greatorex
key, ay one of the' P-- and 0. steam -
engage. In June Bede died; and the started up lair In alarm as the ser- -erg; and ltd bring them up to the
4 •dade of Isis .death happened, be a vent spoke,. so deeply had he been. 'waxwork. -Annabel and I' both 14/VO
either siegulak coincidence, to be buried In far -away thoughts. Weddi "tithel-
that at Roland Yotereet children." • ', - '
ng -day. 'tote this evenine—not .0toY. Plane,. • "And I hope to my heart You meet
Hutt that murpess. • i Who are they?" •have esome. etyour MVO to bleep you:"
...• With Itedeet ?teeth, It month ago,' "Sir Roland and Lady Yorke, sir."repined-Me. Greatorex with unite -
'Gangs In the Mee had uedeeot "Ob. I'll este theneamad Mr. Oreat- }countable enition. "To bless- you
. gone some •fresh • arrangements. orex. • "Ask them to -walk up.; I when they are young; to 'bless. you
Frank Greattiesx was Itle father'. Roland and , hie wife,. passing 1 when thee--wheu they --shall be
sole partner,In the,Praetice. Franh - •
• will 1100a 10 *Ina home hie wire:, the:012th London from their wedding• groten. god grsnt 700 May timer
and it wee to be hoped she would tour, part of which had beenspent have CAW 10 weep for them iii tears
make a Ita, ..• r Mate of the dwelling ' "had
in Ireland, at Lord Carrick a, tho
are, herd to bear but east lit the
of blood' Many of earth's sorrows
than It&late titterers had done. There halted for .a night at one of
. could be little doubt -of It; and etc hotels0 "To Me old friends'''. mid Weightiest that heaven tan Meld
Roland. Net that he had many to upon WO
Greaten:4 a ead a fair chence of re- Greetorex-neerle Roland - stared a little.. The
gaining some of hie domeatie ono 11"ir Mr11•4• "4 Mr -
oat The prospects 01 Bedell 71407 .comPristed eittem. Winnie Yorke atul things seemed nearly asiticOolPrehete•
were pot Seurishinge Bede had. not her children were in Wales with bar Mtge to his view of sated lite, as thee
lett a shilling behind him; a little Mother.- Gerald had sent. thenl. "all he shoUld have to weep ter sante de-
iti i t " Whe that defer- "We'd bring them up In the.beat
• , debt, le faet, Instead; that As. she temetorstry thingeretin he could get feet In the ;noon.
way, Mr..0reatorex," Was the simple
emitter., "Annabel would, you may
beeurer, and I'd try to. I don't this*
1 got brought up in the best Wer
It1Yeelft there was too enuelt scuffling
and scrambling. Mrs. .1'; once 'fed—
i beg your pardon, Annabel."
For Annabel was trete% to entreat
to Mr. Greatorex their regret at his
son's death. The 'strange emotion.
that had shaken him she knew moat.
he felt for Bode.
"We are both of us very sorry,. sir,
for. hint and 'for you," she said.
. "My dear.' you nee0 not he,' spoke
Mr. Greatorex, in a 1 er. sad tone.
"His ilfe had grown weary; and
duels, to, hint, mus a been like
_a -wakens rut st Ake elemeatteilaye
& little sooner,, a little later—w
arlikatitattatter*". •
"And for the muffs ot 'dockers not
to be able to cure him! Mr. Great -
oral, -when 1 remember him and Vtio
• was In %debt; and the bele for hls
jimmes, had come -over to Mr. 0:eae, wax hidden in the mystery of the
. , •
who bad entirelY renuted his name e.
_oellewiaiert_titeeesiee,edet_geoieg.hrae,_. eworkweseetad elightlixeltekettet lelle
by tellies everybody that hes. brother.
new titbit readIty..usualty talle.d.
' • ateown-Wintee.- -Wetter ii"Iand the-tt*KteltYillian-auldt
was commieleateed to dem lame the' th0 sun* Mrda"d•lueltat ti"
above,ntentioned pais, and' to eee a a Poet IC he could, ,anti meanwhae
stone placed aver the- grave, the in• took carte of Wiany and the lima
ousts: Gerald quietly ignored thatp .
, ocription fer which had been written
• • . down by Mr. Greatorex. .It was short • • ir Roland and Lauy Yorke."
Mr. Greatorex met them with out -
as Might be; " taaly tho following etroteked hoed& giving Annabel a,
701 0. with the date of death. • fatherly leaven her blushing fute
t. . • IIEDE GREATOitEX. • . titegolte forgot her -new eteration,
Aged Thirty•Nlne. nembeteng her only as the sweet and
" alt ye that Taber and Amid& Sid who had inette sunshine
are, ----------------------- den" in Isis house at odd moments. She
k d till uite
emeltt red. holand, mettle part, hatt
'net attained the smallest additional
dignity: he clattered in just as •ot
yore: They were going to Sunny
Mead on the morrow, and he began
telling. of his future plait -is -Tor the
hooey home lite. Ate •GreatOree
Mr. Winter had exee•tted his
eharges, and wee ban Ttn,
clerks heard with very filth, aurprie'
Viet he wim to be promoted; in tact,
• ee-. to be -the confidential manager heftt•
• tore under air. Oreatorex audt,his
eon; cam to whom the °Mee would
• -bale to look up to as a weer. ito-
- • ,
leo sweet an s ei a q
• 41
The simple, sure
•*ray to keep that
Imputing the detail; I now write to
Hoare William Caterer&
"Whin I was despatched to Het-
stonleigh on that fatal minion, wan
engaged. to be married to Louisa
Jolie, and loved her passionately.
''be engagement shad exited several
months, but it was at her request
• kept secret to out -seems. Atter de-
• livering the mesaage and business
wae charged with to John, weaat on,
In his room, talking of indifferent
Matters. said that I should speed
the evening with the Joliffes: John
laughed a latter lute said perhaps he
should, 0110 word led to smother,
and' at Met he told me, premising it 0
must be in conadence, that lie was
engaged to Louisa. I thoisght he wits
Joking; my answer annoyed hitn; and.
be went on to my things about
Louisa's love for him and their fu -
11.1poss—spo. 012412.2.2.111011111P,"*".""wa
JULY Mk. Mild
This is StrawkwiTy Week.
—They are cheap and *Igor
bag limen at its:lowest and is
moving upwards.
PRONE 46. -- - Smith Sitio Scplen , •,
.• .
••, ealsamatees,
objection. When directions are toll littre surf hose vitality ha be-
MillertstWorm Powders arc a plea- intunoue. in its eompoeition.
sent medicine for worm•infested Chit- They will speedily- rid a child' of
dean, and they will take it without worms the health of the
lotted it will not injure the most de- come impaired by Hie attacks of these •
Beate child, as there is nothing of an linterend post&
1• o
• tent Yoke, and, liamierChanntag,
• etaipect for the medical profession
dorm not go up. Hallo! who's thts?"
t broke off Boland.
Philip was coming in with a cloud
of surprise on his face, white a rustle
as of extensive petticoats might be
heard lit ble rear. He addreseed' his
master with deprecation. COdSeititta
of something to tell that might not
he very agreeitele. •
"It Is Mrs. Retie Greatorex,
"Who?" hurriedly exclaimed Mr
"Mr. Bede's widow, Ma She hu
arrived with a Wench maid and a.
cab full of teettes."
.etep' goe d, ats te .to tamed ear de, deliberate intention of ktiana, hIia
Parture. e turned to, hiro, speak- 1414 not know whether the ptstol wee
ingot het' b tt. • • jutted • • •• 40: not even, thine
el thielt 'Rode t hue 'got well .Nite•• Me Page T) •
if he.wouldo ittseit ttY tell so. ,Ir.rto" ••-•••- .
The doctors made an exsunination att-, •
terwerds, and Upend, as you hare _
heard, that there was no specific, dis.
ease whatever. • Ile wasted away;
*suited and onisted; if 'Was _like as
°though there were a consuming -fire
•ever •velthla hltn, burping bine ..away
AO death." • . ,
"My goadneest".‘ tried Roland.
"Poor -Bede."
'It was most unsatisfeetoeit I nev-
er saw anything like it in my lite be- '
fore," tattle retorted Mee. Bede, for . •
her husband's deseth had not pleased
her. and tube ;resented it openly. Not
• for the loets,..of him, but -for the lose
of ;his MMUS; "I- think. he Might t
ett,evo.goteireal keatruggled:atre -
• le, It you'll believe me, Only the' 'day
liettoto he died", he went_ out lita-car-
••rl-Sge-ftiTtiiifoit office, that he might .
post a letter himitelf to Sir lhomas • 5111,4;11$
Kane." •
Np one, answered her. or inade *117
*ailment: "
"Is uty old room ready. for Me?"
Mr. Orestorex, to whom the gum •
--tiOn- was More particularly put, mo.
• tioned her towards the door, and. ro any winter iniiset.
moved thither himself'. "I wish tr •
*Peak. with you in private for nil •
ute," field. "Pardon me, Sir Ito-
- land, win he • back 'directly." • -
That Mrs. }lede- .Greatorex had
•come to take the house by.stortn, hop -
Ing thereby to resume her late foot-
• ing In it, Mr. Greatorex knew just
ttl& well as she. lila letter to her,
delivered by George Winter. wits•un-
nthnehubtY Plain; and he did wonder
at the letrillitood 'whites had brought
her .1sitheretafter its recelPt.
'Yea ..eentiot TA:we' tiasundeestooa
tue entainteleatien," he said to her
:is they turned into, the roora thai
- .had onets been h 'r boudoir. "2 mus
. beet. to. retie' you to it. 'This haus
tetti, nester shelter you again." •
"glut It must," ohe answered.
= "Neve? agalre never again."
eM least I. must stay here to
some day's, .until I can deede whole
• uty•resetenee shell be," sleepersis'od
!tie • Votes . talent: ties unpleesan
Melee that it always toot; in meter
"Feu eatia deny !M. MLA."
"Philip emit tete you Is en hot'
F you feel itte.)14,Went to drive :
atm wish your maid." Mr...Greater, •
said. slightly streastes. -But tree
FAY .1`00f—It ottee is:lettered in these
0..14 my pecr n2*---yot: roai itta
"I was your son's- weet," rsIe pee
sioliately said.
el will tell you what yen were t
til;:p. If you wish. &stet Pres
"Itis curse,"
"IPs curse imeore tanrelaget
ease after it."
"I cannot imagine what you me;
:lase beard, or be suspecting," eh'
Mid falteringly. "The past is Past
, t t:.(1 nothing Vete 'Keine. Nottifne
eet what plenty of other gees du."
"M*t. tied forgive you. tenet.
given 1."
ttroatOr; as I know He has Inc
"Am 1 to starve tn future. teat You
wallet glee nut a home!" she bees
teeth. driving ether thoughts away
teem her, "Vithet's two hundred r
year? Hew ass to live?"'
'My eiteortunendetlon to you was.
that put "Auld le Boulogne;
_ eque er near your mother." Mr
oreatosee answeemli calmly. "The
two hundred potinds via be *mole
suateleat -for Mate*
s•Tere hundred gonads!" !he re
forted rudely. "1 shell tommol thet
*a say dress."
"An you pleaeo. of merse. It is
the sum thAt will be vont na b
is the best remedy
known fair :sunburn,
heat rashes, eczema,
• sore feet, stings and
Misters, , A skin food!
As ovoid, antirSheye.-40{-
addeplquancy -
44.4. ••••
Yontlifsd complacions one becoming die 11210—even in Wad& life and later years.
Pot saw follow a simple rsde.a method yaw, too, stay easily employ.
Do shit at sight
Cleanse the akin re/Wetly. ay-
thoritiee say. to keep your cons-
plexion lovely. radiant. youthful.
Set beware of boob cleanses.
ethode, They injure ski&
Wash thoroughto with
=6ave Neap -, ktitele men ble•
r:tiring. Rub the e
foamy lather well into tlriI4
pore', Rhea -- and repeat the
"stashing. Then rinse agem.
Then --it skin is dry -apply a
little cold cream That is all.
'etatin so cared for is not injured
by cometits, by wind and soot
or by dirt.
1144 11404/14) Corea* 'pay
' You cannot find a more elite -
tire busty remould Stumm
?sleepily* Soap is Mottled of rare
atal,"~ tete
Vprimest sad
pvesheee gge
10c eelPsobaselktelleep.
palm and olive oil* -famous for
mild but thorough cleansing
qualities since the days of• Cleo.
patra. And it is inexpensive.
All desats carry Palmolive
Soap. Try it .for just one week.
See how it does improve your
skin. Note well the name and
wrapper. Pahuolite is serer ,old
Costs so little that you may
enjoy k for the leak deo.
Wisraipig Torome Meatteel
o •
ry Our ‘‘Ment Bread I
• pp
• •
Telephone 114
and our salesman • •
win call. .
• , . . -
Cakes and• Pastry
for every.occasion.
• 0
Give us the QpPorti.lniti4 II
: : tQ serrie you.
William V. Richardson
West Straet Sai2ory Opposite *soak HAI
.2= -
An Invitation
To all the people who nwy
visit God erich ow...the
Twelftk visit Otir • start
and look through oar Ii2dM••*
togli lof high-grade
Why not pet it up now • .
• while suPPitelt '. ,
are Plenettni . .
•and heeermillive? ' The Store of a Million Gifts
ISM* ilta ca, omit I
NIU 0010.1
er Perfect Seal
Wesley Walker
West Side Square Godorich
- . .
Canadian Teachers' Federation
Convention at Vittoria, BC.,Aug. 12.16
Ilere le a wonderful opportunity to view sad study the scenery
Weer glorious Doollaioa se arse hand; to see the beauties of
Ontario. the Meng Wattles, the Majestic numb** and the
• sparkling waters of the great Paelec all In this Very comptets
junto/ to the Conventioo centre.
Spacial Low Farad *Ors all Ontario Points
A special treks de Luxe of the Csnedhwt National Rath'*,*
corrying the most modern type of *Mated equipment, with radio
set complete. leaves Totoato, July glith.
A nueilert et erptiersel teeter May* tole* es Ow Mere trho. Piet
laerreatirre, .Ti. rail sad Weeping est ticket,.ser=oto.
issed ttsee
loser •1 the foltorehes elletere **f thei Platt* Ottweet
TOROMO--Itr. A. 1 Iltyson..ty Illtearthera Ave.
HAMILTON—lifs. L. I. Cathie Ist Iltwardalos Av..
HAMELTOK---ggirs alma G. lbobertts. 117 rim Are. flout%
.e- ear Croadiut Phedefoll
Tidies Olgtar •
- .44.4.4•16 4,44 •
• "14
01* •
•• • '
no • •