The Goderich Star, 1924-07-09, Page 4e
Ind is eases
swatry be bee
of sees( ellset
: t ....47LV* TSAR* A00 Malearson and Mr. Gordon Hendee -e` ,
ilrreiert The Gederiets $tar of July loon being the contrasting patties. ander r sures.
u res-
14ah, 1$110) 1 -•----
Pare et Iloesiereen l$isyele 1►eenary Tf1111ETY YEARS AGO '
At 11:46 a. ta. /Monday the lire (From* Tb. Galeria% Star of July Ails,
mares sovaded and soon a large stern- 1904) •
bee of residents were fallowing tki
lire brigade to the Ilennereois sincere, IMMeter Psllew Was Married
wl*er* the roof of the old wad!iaiLiine. A very pretty wedding. took .plan
• d a* a moulding slop, was found:at at noon on Wednesday, at the rein
' to be on tire. The firemen soon had Nemo* of Llgbtboase•keeper Robert
the blaze under rontroi and in ten !Caf*pbell, when bis second daughter,
minutes all signs of fire bad dimip. {!Liss Margaret Graham, wall married
peered. Ins Mr. William T. Fellow, eldest non
Mr. lA T. halls wenn Into ilerireeee.of Mr. Iv. T. Pelow; of Port Albert.
in Goior'iek The ceremony took place on the lawn
Mr. 1. T. Halos, an exile* ensod in front of the dwelling, awl, though
at one time the weather wan threat -
t la-
in fame. Memo -
know tint the
ell 1• its near
tolerate *turas
as it may M
• A
The feet that Bored Africa*
Labor party baa steepled portfolio*
is the ,gawrtim*sstrrat Gastral Hort.
sage, the Natioaal)st preader•etee`, in
an indication that for the immediate
en there* e. be an n sa-
da. Bet tetra err:
Nationalista my will not let their
ambitions •rest, Mad Hlrtsegg may find
himself before Aeag with 3 perry he
emenot tontren maser ..Preealrr
Sasuts Lids A: strew and united op.
position in tt11��• sew house, and his
following mmr it .,demes are likely to
gather• etre*�t�i. roe la*aa been ra-
n by #Ibalaseaertlon in :t b% -site•
Reeerted Dieeerere of Iletmatitsr Ore
In Pik WOW Werk Revelation,
Mer Iron Wing Ifduatry.
If the discovery of huge
hematite ore
in Qatari just grade
*anti' ff the litchi-
picoten Inver is confirmed, all CPI*
aria should rejoices Such, a find would
mean a revolution in the 'iron 'Mid steel
industry of a considerable pert of
Canada; It would enable the snaking
of high grade en* without assistance
from the ore*.now imported from the
United States, and a revival of the
iron mining and manufacturing indus-
tries in Ontario which would Have a
direct and indirect beneflcial effect ;of
.the• whole community. Scientists 'and
prospectors have long believed that
there muat be extepsioe of the great
iron ranges of .:Minnesota and Wis.
consin into Canada. If their expec-
rations are to be fulfilled another gen-
oration will mark these .reported dis-
coveries as mote the meet import-
ant of this.
ssuan, revenue of Winvhelaea, (h*t., ening, Old Sal shone forth in all his
has purelias d the boot anal shoe gkey when benne and groom stead
business and stock of Mr. 3. W. Brod- before the ollfciating ministi, Rev.
ae. A torr of
eriek on the ,rwuare- *rid has taken J Anderson, pan
Itoasesieion. church.
A I'irewalag at I4eydeld 'That Commit Ilriek Iadu.try
• While the Presblrterians of Clinton The Goderich `Cement Brick Com -
were plenic'king at Bayfield on Tee*- party, Ltd., hair been oremi ed with a
dile a most Iarn ntabie fatality oc• capital of *40,000, and is tempted to
Cured to the drowning of.Alexander, be In fen running -order next week,
the 13-year-okl son of Principal Hui- es the machine is already in p:wition
ton of the Clinton Collegiate Ion- on the harbor beach, R. C. hays of
tete. • Proudfoot, Hay* and' Blair, hes ap-
A Friar Wedditxs . plied fora charter and the provisior.-
One of tbi-prettiest woddfnge seen el directors named In the application
in Goderich . for moo time was cek- ars Messrs. James Claris, George
orated in St. ‘Goorga'a church on Wed- Acheson, Wm. Proudfoot, E. C., Jae..
many just before [tarn, Kiss May A. McInto*h and J. P. Brown.
,w u. 1 A 1i 11111.
$0*th Aftie jw ARaIr.
t�ls lm+tot the 1#rir
Tec headrest end thirty Sour yearsWilliamarmy' both
Non, 0* the 1I$k. July 1000. letui rr of { y late d ree . d i l5.
. oras/., led his mega anress rho Ri ce tied wing moved est lust tad crossed
iioyae, sad or Iseht, ia55a woe a situs /Ogee
river y a brid o tai inHe* away 10
bui decisive light, the a aid esu y at *itaek Jareree acme la she leer era to
which 1* emit yes r more ire t y cele. cop oaf its retreat. TM centre and lett
brats ei throughout the Empire tkaf auy wimp' crossed the river at the ford.
'MOW NAOS In British history. The oaimire war led t►Y the Sanaa,
• Rime James 1L. the deemed sovereign, i Clemlra'ai ow, ,e� wbu was kUled
lead:eels Ireland it ketch NW, ar,d, torr roaoatnit the opposite bsak.
July 12 -Tee Rattle of the Reyne t It 4 o'claak sen tee
July. a gl0d0*aertearaer
with the aw er a* i:iiir supplied
by flee r ib� Seta wing was Medal by,
Preach keen sutarus eeit a i+ivte ee. 1U*m: who clashed late the waters*
gad ptug shed r wise., . e se w'o• front of hie troops. waving hiai swordW,
cgertyomp le too Per Man the
m were his Iotr band, the rij sync► , Wag
co»mpele*d g+o'ilther nava.,'tie oomiurY or sem *nether tat mein,. where ttaolr erwie •p as a remit of his wound.
and �in t et /lie k un • inuring the greater part or their orosr•
rethe mot
Juti+e 1000 when
Kieft ping a ` in WUI}am's tae* were unable to reply
Wnllane ea ,stn Mieir coffee and at once 6° + furious etre ut the enemy, es
marc., ect sonthwa d twines., the a emv. `oring to the water reaching to.,.tbelr
0*' the waiu,au of the t tth. Jn y E armpits tbev were cornpellud t'o esrrY
WllIWuri •reachel the north bank of the .,hair irl.u�rketa and ammunition high
Itiver Buys sad found Jieusos a hi* I above .t ell heads, but once they
army **trenched on the . to doubt ttktP Lhe renal.,,
reached be More there wawa not a
outsldo,tbie walls of lingH w!t{itep trey. misuses James and bis
found*, torillne p1*oc or** the river .
William deckled Warumrrmy were in full retreat. William.
MOH the tolto ramp moral ; sosd while etteriy regerdlase} of danger.. was in the
raelileesly takhtg breaktaat if full view !MOP* of the light, earl had meat
of the enemy he wan wounded in ills narrow *open, one bullet strlktntg the
right *boulder. Througbct the day a tbn 4on oe1 Inetol
boot, "nether Plerein4
both *idea, aid dotpltemtihie pain from
e osaea on
hie wetted William remained on horse. llaratively light, being, considerably IOW
when ii
back until loag atter anoint, a than on any other battlefield of . equal
trade as Anal impieties -of his turves by importance and celebrity, J'ame's losses
Jannis torchlight. Jan*Medina on ta
he de•. nounttng 10 about 1400 mete earl
teenetve behind entrenobments and a William's fatalities to just over 500.
river. had the stronger position. but his On the 1355. July the garrison of -
troop*, both In quality *511 another. Drorllieda eurrsnd , and two daya
oho*were interior to ohoof WUltam, later James IIe4 Irons •the country, -
whom, lengthy experience as a soldier I never to again set.,foot on oda*oda*Vileassured hits that the contest would be
beery tmenonade was stained on
mboth sides were ooh.
ashen and decisive one (Copyrighted).
G. G. I EXAMI'dATION RESULTS minute and a gold medal given by the
Remington Typewriting Co. • -
AtaexY'In ltoh ..encores IL Honors in _
Proatotiotis, Cemmrercial Ditelomas' Shorthand' and III. Honors in Book -
and', eckolarshtip Winneree, ' keeping, and will require to improve
Royal Canadian Montell Police Jm1A. the use,of the land on a cask .,'ental Depositors a Moral Claim to lie -Min• speed in Typewriting to complete.
lee ids i jj barsement� The- following • are` the promotions Marian Wilson secures .peas stand-
- a. ... ..
basis were taken Into t
eons ,.on.
AticLeod, Alberts, -. been wit. This was,
probably, .h_ fairest meth"' 1 ♦ ...,.-4 u..,..1....i principle in- w.,knrm rr. liaised on nn the average e'1 Shorthand and IL Honore
Ytgoing and participating in the pie- od 4f reachinn a satisfactory cenclun volved in thefinding a, the Banking the Juneexaminationsand the aver- Typ writi4ng:..
� .
•- turesque jubilee celebration of the Ston in the matter. Except for cot. land Commerce Committee of the .ellin age of the three previous. •series of p- gton
Royal Canadian Mounted Police, ton the' method of inquiry and the de .C*median /louse of .Commons, that
Eetei nisbed as the guardians of law vision •reached would apple to main: white depositors in the Home /Bark examinations:
and order in the days when Weetern ' sections of Canada. As this is:writ- ., have no legal claitn_to,reimbursement A. Full Promotion.,
Canada Iackeel ra'Irvays ' nd prpperly i ten there is a feeling in toe wheat ex- they have a moral •claim. Tiria will I. Hamra -
the history-of
municipal organiratjons, i changes ea a trend higher the Adamson Memorial Scholarship
the history- of the force to this day as prices for wheat ran sm augury of what. making a strenuous fight in neral of . H.' M• Zevitt........ , .. _ ... , ...?7.:1
per cent. find is
ha that thet nd toward high greatly encourage those who are B.3.Sandy
Donaldson secures 2nd .
Year standing in Shorthand an;1
Bookkeeping: .
. Scholarships' ..
7n 6 Margaret Redditt is the winner of
in Form II. with '7$2
clouded with doming deeds and ro- is actually to be realised. Few peon recomliense from the public viten. IL Honerx- -
mad* Incident Behind theca and ole 'would begrudge better times for It is ,raid to be° poisiple that the, V. Osbaldeston ,4 closely followed '.by_ Harold Ileaitey`
with 72.2 per cent.
70:4 ".
rded'out amid hardehipa'and 'difl)cui- Egyptian tdd theital f li let A.McKay .0
heart end mind only for the dramatic. Wliaiever itrs origin the agitation went was in .practise responsible for 1i. livaaeell. t;7 2 h Al -
the •colo�ring.of the scarlet and gold • gricudture.�-our basic industry'. .House . of Commons would psis a 3. 1Git'allalce...
uniform is ata* a refold of duty. car-� • • *' * measure of that kind. Buell action 1:� Bowler.
r3 Jeans M Winter is the winner of the
Meddle School Adamson f the
to Ien*and. far Co.trol of wo . mean comm o ,#'ar *. , c Y" - with 71.5 per cent. Both of these
Ales little realized by those who have i .
...Il ....*neap
,,..., >RgCitlliiDe►lf, 3UIX
Yon can do this bv. buying Your Shell
and Heavy Hardware, eernent, Coal, etc,.
at the Hardware Store at the Wharf.+
1i4ad.r Twas*e, per L. 141/4e
lir Fork Rai e, per Ib. rr 26c
5ercan Dears sand Window Screens, to cher out...At Cost
Sk h+ot Heavy Gain. Iron Watering Troia** It... $12.50 •
Pertla*d Cement, per sack 75c
' Sacks 20c extra, returnable at 20C
WilliamsSissrvello 'Paint, per quart,
per ,z gal. $1.95;. per gallon $3,75.
Beet Anthracite Coat, C nit, Stove, Erdiper tops. $15.75
CHAS. C. tEE •
'lo Rest With uAstkate.--Asthma
usually attacks at night, the one tifne
when rest is needed moat... Hence the
Ica* •of *trength,• the nervous. • debility'',
the loss of flesh and other erns which
must be sineected unless relief is. se-
cured. Fortunately relief is possible.
Dr, J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy
seed" , Rouen • by moon, hent to the principle that the govern- a Groves • ' •68.6 are of the value sit ;?,x:00
It IN probable -excluding the Expsdi- which demands that; t atoll have • . ase *ring to complete in
p4 g;ebra, Geometry, French and Latin,
1 � financial; inatitations f Cornfield....-
no orgeniratton in this counts has r and /nay seen o . > ► fi4.4
Y gerous, get beyond the of a system of vernment," bank n F w W rn k !'41 lie Library fBasementin the mortr-
the soundness of all 'the banks and III. Honore.-•=•
o the country, G. .. , . , • , will •have to attend school in the Pub.
ttonary force in the Great War ---that full control over the Soudan is den. This would carrywith it the necessityA. E. echter
a oa •'6 /legs o the sec befere schoolopens.
S. M. Johnston., 6f J. P. HUME, -
J. F. Andrews -
J,: W.. Abell.............., .� s;r.� SCHOOL REPORTS
. beensuch a a oaz dv Pollee,. thouement goh r .control of the Egyptian government spection es thorough, and complete as
it has 'never sought publicity and has, which encourages at.. ' Britain is not the dew could hake it.
likely to even consider the propel al. ,,. * * t
preferred to carry on with the quiet, Egypt has done well to get ado corn- 1'nr•tisr• Eeetpnrar' Chelnber- ` •
of Cour•
thoeoughfesa that hes Amines been its.; plete a measure of home rule as she
*sate :Meed
characteristic.; The aect•1'4letrlo writers., new enjoys, so soon.. The record* f •sat - M. 3. Johnston 64.5 S. S. No. 17, W. Wawartash
r. for the moving pictures and some her
Worild a ditlicult- to recognize; the ac- -
teal records show that. the - aecoro-1
plisbments of the Mounted Police sur•
o t Mann C*nadi*n* .have'. been rom- C. M.
• Jewell ....... .... •...@0.4 Thefollowing is the report of the
press of the Chambers of Commerce
__ __�.___-- . - ____al gags•.. inent•in the proneedings of the con-. Credit _ r • pon examinations: -p- -
' novelists have given us a force that its E. F. ;Currie.. , ..
From 'Jr. IV. to Sr. IV. Dorothy
of tine British : Empire held In London. E. J. W. Porter tr8.o inion, Adella Berg, Ella: Sproul•
of the British Parliament against the ' complete the. subject mentioned. ' are A -
proposals of tyre recent Imperial Con- P. E. Sheardown (Art) ... 75.i> Ethel MCharben• ;Pram Sr. IL to
ference, . The ,defeat.. of these , trade G. M. Haache (Art) 65.2 EdJr. 11L -Charlie McNee, II -to' fiore,
. _Edith._Sprouh••,�•Frarn•-J'r.•••II••to•�Sr If;
preference proposals. was- by, a very E•• A .Humber (C.' His., Lannon6$•h _Hilda Finnigan, Melbourne Culbert,
narrow margin and the likelyona ar- L• J. Fy° Mutch (C. Man)... . • 63•� From Sr, I: to. Jr, II. -Evelyn Gii� en,
isietg out of them are likely to be I. H• Walter (Art,.Bot) 43.1 Stanley McGratten, From Pr. to Jr.
active in -British and Empire politics d. B. Allen ,(Art) ...... G?.i, Y -.-.Clifford -Culbert, Carl Finnigan. .
for year* to cone. The Chambers of L. P. Sturdy (Lat.) Ilea^ Si. Pr. -Lenore Stothers, a Willie
Commerce, gatherings, nevertheless,' H. L. Straiton .Liter.) 60.1 Sproul. Jr.*Pr-Emily McGratten.
beim much of interest for all who are L. Ferguson (Art, Bot.).. 4.15 . : IVA L CARIt, Teacher:
actively or. -.•sentimentally' interested k. M. Winter (Geog., Lat.)5:1,3 '
in the trade development ., .,-._ r.. �T Woriall (Lat.) • 68.4. . •.--
as ' Aire. -
piss all that the imaginative minds
of . aluthors could invent in that ' re-
} le-Prinee of Wales Heart Free °
-Britain'is much' interested in the lc+e
port that the Prince of Wales having _
celebrated his thirtieth birthday, has -
premised to. look for a- bride. Per -
here be bats --the story will Tose' • none
of it* bee�lnation in the old land
white the P'riaee is .n idol. But , it
is to be noted that' his prospective
visit to Sorith Africa, p tport ee'for
the general election in that..ecuntry,•
may be proceeded with in a nOe
months, although he has recently sale)
- that: he hopes to-vistit -Caned* -in- the
Fall. There is plenty of tine. bon
Omen now and then for the Prince to
make a choke, but hardly . fora mar- -
;digs. Royal wedding* are not thus
A good deal of the work of past meet. G. G. Goldthorpe.... ..:..5$.* otn Sr. III. to •iV,-Grsrhatat -
ing's,has, been nullified by the decianon B. Partial' Promotion,-.havingy to Mc1�ee M Girven Elmer Poul
` w..` '- Jr -
`has proved tts rnreits „through near*,
Of service. X Trial will surely eon- '
C iiildren Ory
Bell• ' (A,rith.) 57•
* * * - . A. B. Sturdy (Alg., Fr., Lat•)57.2
Canada Exporting Electrical B. G. Black (Arith._ Fr.)..•,.56.4
try T. 11. Brownlee A'- th Comp.
it -/nay surprise same people= to
M. E. aohnatoir ( Vt..). 52.3
know that Canada is becoming an ex F M Vroomein (Comp. C. His.) b0.r3
porter -of electrical • machinery. This J, F. Rosa (Comp., Lat. Ie'C.) :.50
, should, however, be - the case in view
of the wonderful electrical develop- Proemotion. to 2nd 'year Commercial
A. Full- Promotion ' . . • •
11. Honors -
•C. McKenzie.. ; 40.0
I). Panzer . - • Y 66.:,
B. Partial Proration having to com-
plete the su jects mentioned,
E. T'hontpson (Ste►nog.). 66.1
M. I. Garriek (Arith., C. Ills.) 62.8
11. B. Hamilton lBk: kp.). -61.8
M. M. Tobin (Camp. Stenog.) 60
1). L. Plante (Comp.) 57.7
P. Hunfaivy (Arith. Stenog•) 50
A. Freeman and E. Fein's promo-; •
tion is under further consideration.
•• Fore* IL to MKiddk &here '
A. Full Promotion
I. Honors -
M. Redditt
SH. Hedley•
IL Honors•
H. Falconer '.. .72 .
A. Johnston .:61.7
14. Cutt 67.6
III. Honore -
R. Hoey . ..66
N. Ryan........... , ... . :..6.1.6
K. Gardner 63.6
E..: Horsey
M. Middleton
Credit -
E. bowler 5$•0
G. Jewell 54.9
P. Partial promotion, -having to
complete the subjects mentioned
M. Neftel (Arith., Geom.)61
D. Brown (Fr.) 64
S. JI1'ferson (Fr.) ... ,.... , . 63.7
• L Bruce Gram.) 130
I. Bisset (Arias; Geom.).... 58.1
E. Ogram (Grans., Lit.) • .. 59
R. Xeesentaw (Fr., Lat.) ... -68.9
A. Davidson (Arith.) 58.8
M. la[urn(I,at.) ..56.5
J. McKenaitty Arith., Geom)..56.2
H. Quaid (Georn., Gram.)....56
Crawford (Geom., Lit.,
Comp.) ..55
G. Ryan (Geom.) 83.5
('. Archer (Fr., Lat.)..., 53
Grate Hedley ofd Bertha Wagner,
etno were linable to complete the June
examinations on accost of Illness,
are *flowed fell promotion's on their
year's retard.
Co*mmereial Dlege*rems
hastily arranged and carried out. RRGHOGi. PARKA hent of our country. Rlectric*1 ma-
Many folks in Britain believe that theehieery .with a weight of over one
Prince i, not-heert tree, and others Prosier of Fibron, whose 16th"mel million pounds, intended for use by u
argiee that he doesn't want to marry that his cesatry he given aianterel ref pulp and paper company in New-
lin' The latter .also point out thatgym, ie .re[msid irlt Ilritaia. foundlsnd, has been. shipped to that
there is a difference between protnls- i n country from •-a- -Toronto 'eetabiish-
Mug to leek for a bride and finding onetiaras do not entitle .5e"t'`'1b elaitti the- trent: Other orders of a like charac-
within a definite time. I richt to govern the Soudan, whose re -1 ter are 'expected. (r*nadsl,'s future
.. * * Igeseretion was a British work well lies in the development of her indus-
Meobinery Needed to Prevent Strike* carried out. Rend* the danger to trial as well as her agricultural nos.
in Pablie 1Jtilitiee a communications with and control of sibilities.
Some kind of machinery to provost!other British interests and territories,) s 4 • y.
strikes of public utilities servantsare very ria% Some of the advanced Nine Per Cent. Fails tq-Induce Loatas
should be the outcome of tete total members of the British Labor party. for Russia.
strike which affected Taromto, Mon- may be' urging Ramsay Macdonald tel A promise- of nine per cent. inter-
trout and one' or two other casters a suicidal step in this hour. He la est was no inducement to London
directly,- and nil Canada iedirecuy., not likely to hang himself to please bankers and financiers to make *.loan
In the interim it would be better for them, and haat, in tact, ,plainly inti- to Russia. While the general feeling
the whole country if rerrisalaat ons matti that the government "now'sethi$ to be in favor of a renewal of
were 'dro arced* to the Egyptian propositions.' complete Aped and the strdke *towed p tee. trade and financial *clan„e-.
to take its place on the list elempkea- • - • * * * .menta with Russia,, there is no, dia-
sant events in Canada's deoaentiec his- Strength of Premier Mussolini position to add to the litter's ine!ebt-
* * # The strength of Premier Mussolini edness
se o Bei hasbeen$ established...,
• •- of Italy is shown in the resignation of . ,,,
Trend rowan} Higher Prices on ail .riiemberxpf the ministry. with the '
limner- secretaries well, in order to Toronto -Aug. 23 to . 6.
In a general way It ha* been se- allow him a free band in the'reorg- Toronto -Au . 3 to Sept.S.
tepted that in r*any areaa.rn the Am-' anizationa that may be necessary in ,
trim continent, wheat and oats were view of the prevent poitieal situation. l London -Sept. 6 to 12.
actsaiiy ei ewet a lees by the farm- Italy's "strong man" may weather• the Exeterrpt. 16 and 17.
„ ere in the list few years. The Agri- storm that the kidnapping end mur. Kincardine -Sept. 18 and 19.
cutterel Departtiewt Mt the United der ,of the Deputy Matteotti caused, Listowel -Sept. 18 and 19..
States has been *sight., some dose but he must needs exercise great ears. Seaforth-•Sept. 18 and 19.
rale*iatl.aa- bared err Words of thou-- The otiposition in the 'Parliament is Bayfield --Sept. 23 and 24.
• aani of fereivera, *eYch'support that not very strong, bet its decision tofKitehell-Sept. 23 and 24.
view mil show third, on the whole, boycott Parliament •nntdt the ministry , Birth -Sept. 25 and 26.
puts were s ge0 by .,hoes farmers was recast end the Faacisti militia 1 Lucknow -Sept. 25 and 26.
wire yew cora, eseton and potatoes. al olisbed or enrsUsd in the register Zurich -Sept. 26 and 20.
i* anteing at boll* eimehmioas the seems to have mads a profound Winghurtt-.SIpt. 29 and 30.
pert se flat the labor et the far- impression epee the earastry. There feels -Oct. 2 and 3.
for ted ids fasdly, asci a .,lat=e for is on every aide a enspositlon io insist' Dungannon Oct. 2 and 3.
The best
`tor th
• 63
,.... ...02
Grate Seeley warm Diploma wink
I. Horrors ie Shorthand tad Type-
writing aid III. Horsed'
it*. Vim Orate., aloe' woe a Breese
llledel with two bars sad a Mow M.
1 >lts a by the fi.cweid Type -
.,.I V
Os, speed 08 /met holo per
• ,
d r
The 12th 'et July it
torbeheld hiOoderich
Be Prepared -
sea's Fine .Shirts $1.25
Ited's White -Deck
Parts - • $1.95
IIes's Kak;o Parts $1.75
.ml's and Boys'
Belts - • 25c'
leis Straw Has.
95c asd $1.25
Th. km, 60iERICN
Was Troubled Willi
And Rid lleedecloes
They Ii kkre > lud ly
MN .
wed xrieedisae a**4eery lera .>,«,
and mwitli y *ft Immo - wile'* Iaitisg,
hied sham talelsg lfitlbnra'a Leas Idver
?ilk the emetipa4iest aid hwrleelws have
mit mgr age bag hnsare
meld a hMe an .chess «ire are
tve•hisd wish their liver ire aeq way, i.
saes Miniere tenstiver Pills.,,
"1 s.4iror PM." have hem at the
i ueiset the ire gpiisstt 30 yam m 55 eiee
eat gnat IMO Item ret fit Thar Wm
Pie iailu04e11atoT al 1s$ CM1 TM T.
fir.* +flti,
Friday, July 11 --Saturday July 19
FIRESTONE 30x3/ GUareeteel Fabric $9;35
DOMINION .30x3% Guaranteed cora $11.25
GOODRICH .34s3% Oversize Cord $13.50
A11 other `sit -at Reduced Prices °
,�1�L.I►�• 777' ; i' 8)rXC' wltj{i• iey.i*st ,„75
1?REE yTire Repair Kit` witk every tire you buy
es Saturday, July 12th..
;:.._...., _. W. M. BELL
By°our New- Latest Device Automatic Air 'Compressor,
also Air Tower, wllich enables you. to get air at any
time you wish; no waiting, no fussing or dirty hose to
handle. Just stop and help yourself when passing
along the Blue Water Highway, at r '
P. O.Be:474 hese 398r2 •
Also Uietributors for the WATER -LASS STORAGE BATTERIES
-the battery thet is proving a wonderful success.
r two -
On the Big Ca -r
or Small Car
Rotting along the city pavement in
the lig car or the smell czar . 1
--Oat on indifferent coolery roads
-1* fact, anywhere
DUNLOP MIES Bake cars, of .11
types "sale-fsotrd " and 'safe F.v
'aotorei ig.
' eminent
DUM . ,E &
5' CO., Li rc,
}Iowa Ofie. & 11
alto 'ro
Ruta anew ha the
Mille ."s'r' '}
s'4i• a. -
• .Ilitte.K