The Goderich Star, 1924-07-02, Page 7-T e
Sundt' Atternocn
4sty suita [iAJ mpf, Godatick, t.,waeL.
weft oemi maimposi mt ilelestlsfi
O Jesva, tree vese el praise Thee
With somas of hake,
Feer Thou oa earth richt sojourn,
1r putt and ipotieasboy. ,
Make us like Tbei obedient.
Like Ude front sin-stmias free,
Like Titre in God's own teaspia,.
In lewiy limo like Thee.
W. W. How).
iflfbse tks bs,t*j- angels to cat its teeth,
then is the tine thee the poor unotleer se
nailer the stress ;if great wieiety« The
ehRd'r bowels become loose autl +Barr•
Soil, dysentery, eche, insteps one crane
ether bowel complaints manifest them•
seirus; the gums lmeoa a swollen; ;ma-
kers fora: int the mouth, end in many
etISCS the child scutes away to a shadow
srtl.ereatnisily cleanly et;enes. On the
first sign of any hovel trouble is tb
:luno that the neither Mould use "Th.
/Pewter's'," end, perhaps save the
baby's life.
Mrs. F. l Burger, N. PetftiVIMIL,
coat.; writeat.**4'10 baby.boy **.S 'tory
ski with diarrhoea mid 'treaties in dein
atonwelt when Ise wan cutting his teeth.
T tried mem* ridsnediee, but without
.any results until- my deuggist advised
we to rtes Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild
*treetborry« I .just gave him a, flew
*WI, and in a couple or days he seas
*0 won las he *would -be. -
I wish et ;think you 'err meth fpr
yew useful remedy. I will newer no
without it fu any home." •
=App1 ,Minard's ,every day antirub It inwell With the finger
'tato*. It penetrates and Jumbo.'
Remove s InItut motion.
A retnedyfor every paha.
s tweeme'eged to take part to tiro
• : talk. His mother. 1.s leer
astonish. trout up to hire mad
't .said. "fila; trfitjr Vasttlesai "itwa denial
with us' 13eheW, thy father. and 1 i
have sought thee sorrowing." This
was s natural oetbsarst of apprehen-
1 awn et finding her sole take. up to
suck an extent with either intermit*
that, for the time being, itis parents.
were forgotten. His answer indicate
"in wrhoe isevol+failiar oriel.,' ed the opeal ag up of a Eonseiousaess-
Wank of
on& tln.e of
owl tie week•enu t.ah
° MnlMieiete
111 tr Alleort CC*+wrun�'i1JinN tine -
!d'r. amt.
Mrs. Jena Brodiey *aeon,
Lawler. spent Sunday et Jaaeeaih
Sea. t a recently ',toff Mr. •
sad MA. Ali. Sherwood.
_ Kers. W inerts has returned home
after- a few slays nein her
161* brother, Mi L1eo. Hoary. of Crewe,
Mr. surd Hrs. Walter Hodgins egad
Was Marilee, es.' it.,fn1augh, eaik i at
John dellia's ea Moseley aftereoon.
dente ordsreth all things bo* in hes- ' of seaside outer than that of earthly .' -- - -. -- •- -""'"'- lir• ant hilus.. Wellington Render- •
e en and earth; we hutably be Beech. core:ents. me was growing in spirits geological find soeiogieel spseiaasss• sett and i'ttasity, of 1 eickna�•-. spentthee to put away from us all hurtful tool knowledge and his answer to kir ii'iaahiag too, ems a poetises meek ee- Seatilay aaifseenene with ,dr. and Mrs,
things sad to give us those things emotion was beyond her *rasp. it eyed by hiss and kiss iweitiasra. it i bank Irwin.
which are proat&taable for us; throngh, was another of the things which she was about his twentieth pear tint ther The
Jesus' Christ oar Lord. Amen• hit fn her heed. How its it that ye attetvearstary aesrnictts he'�t Son.,
(The Colied). sought ma' Va'ist Ye riot that I must great `lspiritttal . change t f daaay, Jena flunk, is the -1'restlytertan
which determine :1. thf coarse$0 his *Web, mare WOO attended. , in #kite of
SUNDAY SCHOOL LIMON POR be about sty Father's business? This future lite. AtterDtek's Plil- the wet weather all forenoon. •
JULY -11th, leh is then first reeordsd utteranee of Jr- I losophy of a State hr, "I saw the ,
Lemma Title --The %ieyltoed, .f .Ie. sus and it shows how his mined haddet)r and inestimable privilege tante. ,
Le:been dwelling upon the religious feast diitteai to accept saltation by Christ.
ss P*sete.e.444e 2140,0. ): which he was celebrating far the !lest Humbly believing that through serer- `r ;As a nit,eie- �l ext Ito -
Gulale�a+�ezt.`..T�lrluia 242*g, I atoll for hey itehfoere tk+t n
fesaion of his dependence upon God aloud sole do and having felt has swine duosd and the bay mail peat read:ty
time. He there Madel at ;public pro- sign mr'"c'y and Comte I !emus bast en-
rs Yellow- The bawl anal"la ora„
New Testament' history tells ess but 'and his duty* toward* God --My Path- measure its effects on my still dilln* av` tl,the vines are cut when most of the
little about the boyhood of Jesus. er's business. He returned to Nazar- ed and. deceitful heart, it is my desire pods, cull grown and .a cotisldete
Boys, until, their fifth yea; were un- `eth -with them and was once again a to show my attachment tdatkes coma sable number of tbetit ere mature. -At
der the care of the mother, after- child in the home honoring his fatber of Him who ,flied for me by devoting that mime tet e:rowth none 07 the bent
wards they missed under the father's and his mother. Although the boy my life to III* servtee."
control. The period of boyhood was' Jesus became once- again a normal \
from the, 6th to the 13th year. _;At boy, his mother would not forget, the''ING . ROUBLES
twelve yearn of age every Jewish Jerusalem incident. As the saw him
AD •
her vedette* will have eremite; their;
Warta and theplanaee.,t, ► . VI) orae
„ •&aia:
t, . •. t.. sit; .v.ia,.
male child became a son of the law, day by day working with bra father '~`~'F .," ".' .."' "'" present
and was permitted to take part in the in the carpenter's shop she would re, Baby's teething time is a .,tithe, of for cutting your Weed crop -you
celebration of the,sacritd festivals.vals« nrtark the development of his phye1cal worry and anxiety eo moat mothers.
The little ones become cools' pee.►1eh; know a :litchi in time :assets Hina.
Josepbu*, the Jti'eteelee' Ways that frame. As she saw him reading the their little stomach becomesderar•tt'ed ABvsfll`lsE IN ., STAN
from the very dawn of. underktending Old Testament sertpturen she would olid eonatipation and colic sets in. To
a Jewish child learned the law by notice his mind developing Mario his "make the teething period easy on
heart, and had it, as it were, engraved knowledge increasing. Aa she sari beby.thensatomatsh-airdebowels:;must`be
--- on -1 s -soul. •- It maybeastureed-.that. him •...mingling with other • boys and kept sweet and regular. This tela he,
Joseph and diary would be no less grown-up friends and ' c auntsnces, done by the use of Baby's Own Tab -
zealous than others in the „discharge her heart would glo th mother luta—the ideal laxative for lithe ones.
of this sacred and imperative duty, pride as she noticed how every one The Tablets are a sure. relief.fot all ,
and Jeeuat would, therefore, at the age loved him for his kindly disposition; the minor ailments of childhood such
of sheer seven be sent to the element- and by degrees she would come to :tea- - as constipation, colic, ' indigestion,
nary. school, which in every village... lite •thatthe spirit of . Grodwas dwel- colds and • simple fevers. They al -
was attached to the, synagogue. ling in him in a large measure. She vises do geed.... -never bairn. The
t. These school*' were called "Houses of hid all these things in her heart,,,,,&* Tablets are a sure relief for all the
the Book" and from them scab pupils she had done the visits of the angel,
minor altmente,,of chltdhmstl `xueh am
as desired to become teaceers .passed the hepherds and the wise men The,-,eonstipsatiop, colic, indigestion, colds
into tine Scribal College where the boyhood of Jesus has become the ideal 'and simple fever's. .They always do
great: -Rabbis taught. Not being in- ..for the youth of every' age. The lour- good—never hone The Tablets are
tended fora Rabbi, Jesus never at= fold develapntent has become the aim sold by medicine dealers or by -mail at
tended one of these; but onto Ile sat of parents and teachers so that one 26 cents a'box from Tile Dr. Wtlliafm*'
at the feetof the Rabbis at Ansa.. hart of the child, may not he ;given medicine; Gi Brockville,..ort.
Verses 41 -51 -:-The ?lielparabl[e ourn�
Jesus, who grew .that nurture of body, mind and soul illest people who claim to be sen-
ey, .• may go hand in hand as in the ease of tented are merely resigned.
In the itlth chapter of Deuteronomy 'increased in •wisdom
there is a full account of the reason and stature, and in Eater'. with Gad It pleases aMtn to be told he lain
foribe otzeervanee of the feast of the and Haan ,• his prime, but'tellLit to a woman and
Passover.and at: the manner o;.. itri
'IV0RLD- MISSIONS-` her feathers; get -raffled
observance. "Three' times a year The hotite in which David Living-. -_...... w.
shall all the.. males appear before the .stogie grew up was.liright and. happy,
Lord thy God in the place which he and presented a remarkable example
Obeli choose." Jesus," -therefore, haw- . of all the domestic virtues. It was
ing • come,' as we . aeouid say, to ,that ruled -byanindustry that never lost
period of Iife when a child takes up an hour of the six days, end that wel.,
mere prominence than another, but
lito.,,.....%....,..0ta;a1labC~- , e)n,htmself%the -owe that hila Permits eonied.and.honored the'day of rest,
vst ,, made for him in baptism, went up thrift that made the most: of every-
atY�R PO°Lu with his parents to the feast. George thing, though it never got:far.beyond
TOE ,PEOPLE'S POWER 3fatheeon,'D. D., says'of this expel.. the hare necessities of. life; a love of
fence: "He did not: know when it was books that showed the.presence of a
Go_ .
s over. Crowds streamed .from the_ cultivated taste, wt`th-u fear of 0o..
,,, - - bua1ditit;f blit the boy remained: *that dignified "the bfe which; it :mould
0 pars -ds left; but the bey remained, edand controlled. To the last David
The inner circle of the 'odors began Livingstone was proud of the glass '
their private business;' but the boy re- from which he sprang.
ELECTRICITY-inained; His `Mother thought he was The many -sidedness of ids charac-
. by her side;: but she had lefthim be- ter showed itself early- for besides
hind --=behind with . God:" The feast being a great reader,; he need • to, scour
was over and.the bands; of travellers tiie country .an search of botanical,
hid set out on the return journeyand, e
Muni. tilos $gsttte, . - OOiiEw
per this (ship o W,cd
iiif1ii11111110 . Oak OW'
as there were many friends and .rela-
tives; among them, Joseph and Mary i'-
�uot uneasy about Jesus'•absence ,gyp DARKEN HAIR
from their group until night came on t.
when they searched for him in vain. :
They turned back to Jerusalem, �� TEA` -
y and ' APPLE' SA
on the third day their search wet- s '
• ed wheirethey foued him in the temple
,sitting in .the midst or trip Rabbis. Look .Young! firing Back its
Upon this scenegame olatherrand.N
Natural. _Coto. , G1csi
motherdna-were -tilled- with
amaze ' e ' Attraetivenrttsu
ment that one so young ehould..i[a I �`
Common garden- sage brewed into a
heavy tea with si 1phur added,will turn
gray, streaked and faded hair beautie .
fully dark and luxuriant, Just a few•'
applications will prove a revelation if.
your hair is fading, streaked' or gran."°
Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur reu
,111111DEOZT allOte.eastsTAIION.10011U1stS
allt OlartdrillikatetetleaMl
T. SW AR` "Si
Into Bei Anse Li ori
tack Stables, Etc.
Mew.retreastr stow". .
Jost off tiee agaare
IIYlaAL Fiits°faptASS AUTO ! Ill 5%'
'!!:salute Mort MMI MON* atoll
P000l aali'sr OW*
ahsll,iw fur Wool
�eisYt i "thhstone tor all •
trams antOST. it.or C. P. ft.
Prompt dace and
Caratud Attendance.
Ultra wad bask Sorvke,
:YiissM1 tot f ..1 is duns
Iran *wore rsspust.g
Year�sr 0.4
f wilt
II1 $r'ust $l
#<S'asyroso. corer.
prepares young m n n Young
women for ,Business,. which is now
Canada's greatest profession.
we. assist graduates to positions
and they have a . practical train-
ing which enables `-them to meet
with success. Students nee re-
gietered each "week.. Get oitir free
catalogue and learn something a-
bout our° ?different ° departments.
D. A. hict,ACl3LA N,
For'Wo an Who upon
Lydia E.'s`Vigo.
taiga Cueyatpoutd
Greealdlle, P'r;-''z t° ok your mead
tbrasgM the Mange of Life and It
wonders for rata
I was down int bed
when I f ted,,.,.
take it and
fimebee and twee as
iand weak
that. is ta�t bliaek and -
er" aawa.. 1
would not know ~ I
woe eryi fuer Sissee
I Wee boost titbit*
pound I�yorssrVp1� tilt
Yesnly ars„ and lay tineas& *11 bil int
I leek ��rr . sued I ewe all to tiss�9
'Votasb,Yiew M orsssi.1 els m I will be
fire'# ager1ssws.rww.Itrisbo
t�raastcwrites •
"""t ywlaaa' 1tt. resMed aternew say women er,
tit to sass« "-••lain#. JOIN
liners slsaeiiate leo tides Mees
arses tatyiaa nal the wet stat =
• "7e. c-6
le e:.
o b seftn
h. ensu
home, thought t
bottle of
get a
is to
An easier way
' ipe a
Wyeth's Sage nd Sulphur Compound
at any drug store . all ready for trse.
Thies the old-time recipe improved by.
life addition ofother ingredients.
While wispy. gray faded hair is not
sinful, we all desire to retain our
outhful appearance and attractiv'el'aess.
Sage SYour hair
no one
^c°ttn tell, because it does it so naturally,
so. evenly. You just dampen a spew i
or soft brush with it and draw this
through your hair, taking one small ,
strand at a, time; by hiornmg,all gray
hairs have disappeared, and, after an. t
other application or two, your hair be.
You are.snro tte •teal anstO
basely remetlxfix tWasaalansi�."
Ineeet Stings, Thorn Scratcher,
Sere daces. Z.*si - laukbiae, boos
proved to, be tke .1t.. • Take at
box with you. •
Mt box. el Am.* co Limos
Beauty Parlour
also Spurt Parlour for Gats
Ladies Hair Trimmed, Singed, .
Waved and. Shampooed.
Bobbed Hair Our • h'
Treatment for 8ca1p5 and 1)ry and t
Uliy Hair has ourbe*ta�tteution. 4
We undertake to keep your hate -i
Its the best of condition. Don't
neglect your hair; brave it sen to .1
at. once by eil�pert bands 1 y°eai•rs'
Irave `you tried aur noted Yews.
well Shampoo .,
I,adi,il-e�omb,ltgs madi-net
to iodise
q at'ttr
Peet Office -Plunge 26
tonics beautifully dark, glossy, soft
said •
so heel,_shsor
Special etabbiki Rates with other Periodicals
� sitars las tisslelarttetayt
awr ewer wreaaes► weite ,nay a on applicationi* eat +ttttetrs, I II1II ��y�� II� yyyyyy
on.puu u'iJA i .1„�L�a a l.a f.aioaiamehraai,F,rM
The Goderirh Stir's: ``::�
The.Stir -auil London tree !Tess, •$6.75
The Star and London Advertiser...... , ✓... x.75
The Star and The tbronto Globe ... , . , 6,75
The Star and Tile Mail and l spire 6.75
The Star and The Toronto Star
' The Star. and°'irhe Farmers' Sun ..... �......... 3.40
The Sear and The .Family Herald and Weekly Star 3.50
'1'ite Star and Saturday Night ' 5.50
The Star and Presbyterian Witness-..-: ,m... - 3.90
. The, Star and Phi..Catl nlie Record... — -.3'.75 •
T he Star and. Mcl.ecan's Magazine .. , 450..
The Star and Rod and Gun • • • 3.00
`t'he Stair and Montreal Witness,,'renewal: 3.85
The Star and World' Wide...'• . . •:-.-.. tCnewaal 4.25 -
. new';.3.85
The use of this blysteer
200 page book 1141 Oar
you a lot of
and saatisfact'
. eaelas►•
TOO recipes -0
*leo vanilla*
afadosael �: ill lets
Write oc it to -oily.
For delightful, flak
*ad big ,!cave* body
yw sr
bowel, rib ie body
gluten and health -g vial; seise
make a� yaw
Family {
wR tint4 CANADA.
Mats Gotatr+At1Y.
Yt11 "iilssti% efensolits
"'Che iharae et tr..ttn.tar. the ,charge at ,r-.wr•
':i tie.e flower escaped°'from as garden is the fish.
1.4 . net found : in inland Canada. Nets leelong to
the sea, to -the sea./nista of the Atlantic shore. and
to the salmon -runs of the l'acifie.. What ere they
doing inland, out. of habitat, "fish Out`of water;" as it
were? •
mt 'when you chance, upon the "inland net" f
the. 'india[i; wound around:- a crude wheel whittled out
of saplings,, something tnaid., some inner *ensu, speaks
outaayingr"`This le the original. The Seacoastnets
of A'inerlca long after this! These.threade,
these back, back, back to the
• Gorden-of-;drden.tinaeeof tide cotitlnent " And regent
• discoveries of fossil -skeletons are placing that_' period
* : back,, meth:, further than that 20.000 -years to which
• $ie had become eccustomeld even if we couldnt under -
stem' -
nderstand; ok . comprehend it.
Ties nets ofNipi on,'need no aid from men: in
order to write thein aellvss as belonging in that class.
of simple thingswhlch appeal! to the heart. When
isomer e . 1an th throwsi'ths u it loo d clearing,
h ri's'tits
oatat h
'speaks to ns with tins same human touch es of "some
hiOght shawl. •
:What et vista of : a "'world of the 'wild and free,
it conjures:up. The !'Twins" so inanimate written
the of this Government's Indi allow
become K thing of life, when you happene;
changedby the hendlwor'k of the. Indian into one of
these inland nets. Nets of a lightneesa. of quality to
complement the frailty and mobility of the dainty'
canoe which is the hyper-seniitivi fishioat,' of this
world -of inland lakes and rives,
lamas '
She neonate, . . ant the sweet eiSell et' the reMS.,' ,«
:. Like some tare veil iR this (ltd bled $ .. MC.
You feel :ynu min ht'.take it in !hand unit run it. theenap`ii
a' finger ring.. Compered with it, how. ,erode ts+maty •
tiie coarse strength of tanned lengths . that is lino:t,.
herring -trap of the Atlantic coast. Bose rude. end
strong,Jhe thick gunwale and heavy timbers, theater
oar -sweeps of the 'fishboats that work the lhenntg;
nets! 'These are fine paintings, Jealously hung ilia ilea
inner. room .... not .many .of them.",,:care: Thenar;,,.
others,. in: the1eauty'ot: their strengtll,.airo the seams
ture in the gallery of Canadian handiwork. Theses
is -no question of superiorityonly an interesting sail •
very: entert°ainin�e--of- dfterenee: Sonietiniea tow
are in a mood teethe sculpture,for the strength et
the tea; and frothing -tan -eatiate :this• hunger;,. shseel r�
it is 'upon us, hut° the way of the.Maritime , . s Zink
or West. x.;
But these inland nets that .stand for Canatii'
lakes and rivers, those wonderful water highway,,,teir "•
mere bridle. paths, end canoe trails of water, Mesas
their own charm . . the. chari,e of freshwater, der
tbarm of mirror-like eurfeces, the charm of the.iaagi
peace and the sweet smell of the worlds.
What sort of world's work,, someone Murmur,;, taloa
be acasmplie ed of these tbv :encumore Philo•
feminine draperies. than tools:tit an :industry!e
The til a nm:die wound u t h i o ,s '
het igre c s shout h e l+t-rexttr
ed skeleton. of as reel do not purport to be a Blue -Becht
of the Iremeneity and`range of the•rreshwater ti*1terKc .
of Canada ... end they .are immense ..• ... ro mush Ile-
'ya•point-finger"of;,the hundreds of min; of lakes sew.i.
rivers opened up to Sportsmen,follouring the eekonieg
of ... "the nota of ,Nipigoi --Viiti,rias Haymird,
t ' 'ater ail d Take Map o 'Baits
Befort ' reakfast . OccasionaU y
"When your kidneys hurt and-. your
back feels .sore; don't get seared and,4
proceed to load your stomach with a•lot .
of drugs that excite' the . kidneys and
irritate. the entire urinary tract. Z{eep
your kidneys clean like you keep your
bowels cleats, by :gushing them with. -
Mild, him*** salts which kelps` to re.
move the body's urinous *sate and
stimulate` thein to thetr;ilaaliwtiwity.
The function of the ktdneeyll is to
tilterthe blood, At 24 itours'they strain
from It 500 grsina!t of -acid and waste, -so . -
wo e>rn reritdlly understand the vital. WAN
portalinee og keeping the kidneys' active.
Drink lotsof good water—you +ghat
drink to , ift ich also get from any
pharniiiitcist about' four ounces 'of Ad
Salts. Take • a tablespoonful in a glom
of water before breakfast oath morning
for a. fe t' days and your kidneys May
then act fine. This famous .zaglt.% is Trade
from the acid of grapes arid lemon juice,.
combined with Lithia, and has been used
filr years to help clew; and stimulate
elogged,•.kidrieys; alsoto neutralize the
*do in the stt'nI'Stothey are no longer-
a source of irritation, Skips often reliev-
ing bladder weakness: .
ltd 'Salts in Inexpensive; cannot in-
jurny makes a .delightful effervescent
lithi*-y!att :drink. whit everyone
ilfould take now andthen t i elp.:,k ecP-
their kidneys glean. ,ind active.Try
this; also keep up the water drinking, .
and . no doubt • you ."nil wonder what
beanie of.- your kidney trouble and
bth`ksehe!,, -By. 411 means have yodr
p iyeiden examine you ki ye at lama
tw ee a year. ,