The Goderich Star, 1924-07-02, Page 6Siateet- • .10,...1.010 • I, 6/16•11. -sousimmessiOnlimassmissms . t. CHAPT1,4R XLIIL Mrtwors ltealfsetiE. t eelinffee fa las Mirtaialy not often ba Das k abet improbable dreams of fern* tiortuae get to be realised es they veravr >!n. ibe case of Bottled Yorke. hews be want to his native plates. liedgeanleigh, in tall the story of fame faadIottnno that has tnasinatloa had . here loot to virtues; the 406, $pot,1 . wil k bias. Re paid his emitters their abies twee ower; he evade promote 111• Isttts '*tether and abs weld; he wrest knocking at old Galloway's beet suit caused himself ter lee fell, ssaaweiteed. as he had at - 'Sir Roland Yorke. II, rest en tied ' *Mt of the proctors ••rhea, at will, eltreet posrraslo* of his turner stool - .,tbaarta, end answered eallere as it he mom the eeriiable Clerk be used to gee. .lie promisee a tiring to Tont tltltiL*sing, promotion in India to O..rtey; toads a sweepinll how to `*'ilaki a 'Yorke the fleet time he. met • was its thse street, and tolled out to a Aso whether he might be rooted mad seepe*oet Sill, Re put up * !**#+atone to eouttaenorate Ike vie - Iwo of lenkl.ns, Meeting Iterye *why, he nearly cried over Haan Gait.. bantuth Channing'"book was ?a1 lesgtb In every beerlh Anel home -«•ailha. that he !rad lived .referee It: _ The - ,Ietio haft all Louth too late for hive. Vega would be wealthy from lienee- lbtitit. tor her father had moaned Pew ieae ago, end I'd do s good turn for anybody; but 1'd like to glee re a caution. Don't begin by paying 1. Gerald's debt*. It ye do. as sure es ye're s living man. yell *sever have a tdnute's meet far him to the part day of yt:'re late. Set hire free JAW, and -a11 his Wake ;'could be to run up more for ye tet pay. In a year's bite he'd be in tite situe plight again: and'* her,pr his ere.#ttors rw4uld be bother. ; ltt('y* alwsys: - Don't begin R. Let him tight tea.: t..4 debts acs. he best cite." it's; j;:it: whet 1'dllke to -du," said r.it1uad '1•',t n titled allowing, .a e.'ujle hundred a year, or so, for Winne and tine ceildrntt. , I meant E to WI u. It tnia;ltt be paid to bet weelcie, in know. uncle. and I could slip runt.:ling more Into her land 'whenever we -uset. Aho might get a'! 'bit of peace then. '' But 1 don't Oink it wquld ,tie doing Gerald any reit.' kindness in the long run to release hem front hes debts•" Lord Cork* uuddee .most etupha» . calk. Y "I need' not toil Winne this, Mee Carrteke-only Oast she end ;be ►,:,.• . tens sha11 be t::keu cera• of tree .{- henceforth. 'She o zn cirri fie e reyl 1 note ebaek to Gerald." - "111 see -to Biala," Meld. Lord Car. 1 rick: It he le tea • f;at any iseip sit nowt -b; from `xne . 'Ye. run write the note to hire. It would be the -wont ,dales -work ye ever mitered an it ye attempted to help -Naeem.. It ctrl sewer,tutMwwt ease - Nosy as peel, dashed lite the see, sad was shims ea a high desk wile Iega dangling. Tine remark wee *even to recur* for some dtsparestaa ub ervatlos as to Reimers ivruarr d otngs. ".You made at te,eat A peat Odor that." "Oh -._write -rye clone -rata c:s:r, at auy rate.•" "The Poly waygau wer ever to attain to one. Lett to your owe exerttnas. you'd have Yet bark here wits notes In your breec.tes:' "Now dean you be personal. sir. was tits' 14agbing rejeluder. "IM Bar Roland Yorke. you know.''"' "And a *sit iltr Raised ye i'il be!" "1'11 try to be a good ore; ' said Roland, einphstteelly, as be caught lArtbui`e syr--wl was neat$ is the place ~eeet"ite ;rte the head of the older, for eais proetur hsd rirtuslly resettled, it. **Arthurktiws•-hs Slut truesae now ask liar.' alga. air. Remise knew It also before he•rited" "I should like to bear what busi- ness be had to die. and who killed WW1" cried old Galloway explosively. "It was done anwu.gst you..1: hum. A nice thing £or my 'old triad Mr. Huntley to pt back to I;lugiand and fled hiseron-in-lawe dead -the bright, true -young fellow that" by loved as the Milo of his eye." ••Yes, I think be wag -killed aaton* stme no there." sadly *rowed Roland, Ids honest Mee kindilupf with `shame. "Rut 1 did net help in et. M,, Gallo- way: •I'd have gtvett.my life oto sp. Itis. 1 wish*.. t could!" "Vitishes won', bring him beck. I saw hits wife yereet'duy-test tallow. thee Is. • ,eine stere 1 eauldn't bear to loop at her." ~ '" "Did on see sweet little Nellist" -cried Rolandeagerleebls aha et taking a turn. "if eveet have a girl of any owe. I hope ebe'1l be like that • "Now lust..Yntt pleltse"to take your- Bolt oft, Sir Roland, and. come in when we're x little lees bitsy," 're- turned wturned the printer, who was Very Much out of sorts teat morning: 'But iierhape aha greatest of oil email delights was that of encounter - tee Mr. Flutter'!J. Boland had lust IT 114111 IERVZ5 •Mr. Mein Coosrll, ferterriile, writer: "'lay serves score in a bed t•ursd:tiva sad, tine beat little would irr:tste sero very ague,. ?€ east wee weak. Asa sct'r 1 seelesse erertn t it would rt_ ( flutter. A Friend A+ihlilssd No Tor Mk* alliburisse Hort awl Merv* Pis ee I rot itx inert and sealer thew tege tarty, anal t►isos thea I kers sot kali tits sligkimet hp of sAy trouble 'with either my Mart or sfe•,es, sad I will *Iwo * rseemii sed H. k N. Pills to ell atom who are ouiforiag from say to et mart re ware. trouble. ' Yea ass Procure ¥Uberee. Heart mei /fine Pills from say awls or dolor. 1,4 11111'o, Lula , TOM*, Ontr • �i4 ft Y` lab' coat. 0e her Paget tlltlshlAl a valuable 'diamond rtes. t*. of their osteuresseet. "Ille won't have a frylag-paa ia* the !tape, Ammtbel. I eaa't hoar is nee erre since gleet tenure at Port Maud. i She turns her lefiehta$ eyes 00 leas. 1Relaad boned it Miami they are tate tritest: sweeteee. and best the wort* eller rera -:tnau, end feels he can nt"vrr be t,•t+aka ,i t'nough that he le to call t:,i:a h::r. (To be continued) •e 1 1111 •• *d11r1pIrlrwaa.•a*iiaT.a„ 1111 11111 ■ullien s+.isss 1 1, are p>re up ply by The Ta Mile llhlezesnJTIicre r • >1;Yipow.t* over the T. sari N. 0. hallway tlnria the ats •of !Cay asmenst+ed to 2me .1* tone el other ere. The ooveaaeats of the i*.elteret echeola will, -sena. 4be.reed, „be breadeasted from radio ityperattsa greet for the purposft by t Cana - titian Marine Department. • This is. S *wbsrry W.A. They are cheap and stir has been at its lowest and M % moving upwards. J. J. McEWEN WEN 3 1 1 PHONE 44 StudIs 3klo Nom 7 lits Dan Otto, of Stratford. Oat., • "1"..."" • set 33 este and hatched .14 ducklings- , . ty, cart i tare,; returttsta ;.:r. nut. Irma thein. One eget wag spearmintThe old-fashioned • cradle • lasted Only a -few mors months and we r .,. iv!.:a a klud . oi• befit.` "xis of the doable yolk misty and be*Ionger than the bassina;t. • Ah, well, eau say that rummer is our favartte „eke 4:i Ali gar In for mistakes, you: yolks were hatched.It wase. Imo, season after all. WV 1 ►1e•%•- - sainpcee you can't belts it, jurat " A newel t ,pa Serrvice hie Cupid le a wise little fellow; be is retch day Beate a' new •cigar placed t 't 1 drowning." w'ea Ca and nmtlsern Etvlastd•.'talways xntiking-trate as sonar people oAn hep 44113 ona ftsd by aha Com- hes, but never on the market, At lomat it has a new observed Roland with native polar gets metaled himself. name toad new band. neer. "I went up and saw his ve ed Staamn ass Ltd. to the Yesterday. ' 1 say. *hall a ever rout neva haves been assigned that ionto. • 41., , v .O�.i,nv.. 14•WWWAM fy=••••••,rwi,wre•."r011Qli pitch upon the rlsbt one?" • But that Mr, Butterby turned his :ewes Edwards, o►t Pdirt Romano, 0. - eye" away towards the' Guildhall opi- Ito"ite- before be answered, Rased *night have observed rt peculiar shade $eclarws be tants R chicken out of ihita • year's hatgh which out-fresktr wet r , �, as� �� n is n try . ur r k ,freaks. Th has tar chicken ler one b a . f Bread eurioue dt1tt his sctrltions had ,su u e t „speculations seeks butonly ,one li d It has to the slayer of Mr. 011ivera..lie knew crofts their 'steady !!1;111. Whatever ie four wings, wngs, two backs, two • . .. drifted to in the course of years, as then presorted in *kebob they truth novo. One hundred and rite families "Shan't trig at It sir eke t . to •ice brought : into - British front tlrst to last,, it has been about b., meta rwndaettld under private the queerest case that ever- tell un- - enterprise its the valleys east and• der mortal skill; .and we :are content eroutit-eliai;-bf-Fort-Geo w.ri . 1l. £ leis eartune;: her emit. stiff Miss is 'nothing eisi but helping people, 'einert;ed tree, the merest -lac i e one for the future to let it be. I.ewthwaite announced, f awinpp lrha Itteetley. had *lied, and' bequeathed. Roland. mei boy, that has kept nee Sautrday. where to had betii•in the w'on t forget You, B.ttterby. IIe,turn,frome England.recently:. *s t. the rvhote or Ude-to-And little down, and 1 d not like. to. sec you be- thick ot.the :throng,':naking Memoir You've not been, -a bad one o8 thso t .. ' Mies Nelly we an heiress ging it. "It.Gerald. c tn. t get clear with- at home, awl. Inquiring affably the_ whole. A snuif box Wuuhd,,k�e t nit _ A Swedish scientist • claims to o lot tan.netiiatriy, however, haat stow out Asaiataucr. I may conte to the price: of butter of all the Laces, he +ase, you acid, but you should. eolule ,have perfected aprocess . #or the, . • atm". lined halsion':i :to quit �Lontlon for ewer later. :But he.p1 have to try." , xentembered,'and been seduced into Within range -of me Place in Surrey, manufacture ole "artificial wood o" g 1 ' A c►rxloi it. and there's. eontetitinAG:: Perlietps T might be gift toarilow buying a• tough 444 gabder, ors; the .11 be' glad to see .you there•: for halt item50 r cent. sawdust and the 0. telt /About .it: lie had attalra. -to _ Lion a hundred a year. ` or to, for grave aesurauee that It was a 7ouitg :sluteed to firs': end It took hintsome,: bite -sell later," added relenting I;u• and tender goose: •-• Men ne aud the *hire tee loree t .hie. daily sorrow for: land. ."'Hit I'll never have anything.'. ' -detective met' rect.-to face. • ; :Mao dead. ttoluntes Private beliet to do with his debts, or suffer Mello' "Weil?" said Roland, dangling the *0. that ht. ,should iietee cease to look to inn :to pay. thein.'" • goose aubis hand, as unblushingly einem for .Ilanaiait,'btlexed never rile- -. Could Gerald, in tate dletabt and ' as'•though it lad been it bouquet of Kt t►beratorninr;, or Mateo Peat at night. 'gtoanty Abode, but hwee heard this; - titmice newer* -• erlit*'coat thinking :of hien. and Gerald's - hehad surely been ready to "hoot the "Well?" retu:ned� ler. •13uttist:lly'• esissatible work. Ile metered on the pair of sltealtertt; and with snore in- IHaw are.you, sir, . 1-hear'd`e0u abode eat Sunny •Mead. bit noted troth' *rational malignity, too, than he' had . were down jeerer"., ' ,• leers .forth, rade himself .aequainted .shot Sheitincent;But we begriu the "Aye. I've.' come to set things` erne" Itis, tutor a posttiuu, and what his ebapter et Relstonleigh. For oncae. in .1 etreight that i lett' crooked. - And astute >olawceuuea would be. In hie im- Its monotonous life that faithful city glad to' be' able to.do it.at last. Youtvs. iirar*it•Way. but honest, Neel to do, had round'solnething to arouse 1t I heard .about are, I .suppose, Hilt- s:104, he apportioned out plenty ot= from its jog -trot courser :and People terbyx" emit for himself:- and not, much to flew to• three floors Ando windaws•'to 'Tye heard," • assented Butterbee. •asspieetrd, :ataaotxing recto ell thi6p;s.to gime titter Sir Roland Yorke. it did ' 'You are Sir Rolaaad ,Yorke, and • wee!Meda-*•ilii 0/ frivolity andidle'netls. not teem touch less itnptobable. that - have come into the runner estates end moi- would rather nave followed - the tinge -honored cathedral Might honors, #hrongh t:ao untimely (Leath the n"til day by day, than - sotue night disappear altogether, than eat Sir Vincent. ' A lucky ehot for Pah tett that,: -.11e first few weeks he - that theonce improvident srItool=tidy- you; sir" . aflMmlded`Ma time between SupneeMeed: cit tett' too gotta repute. the 'caleleser •'•; "Luck?" groaned: Roland., ' Well. pre Unseen.' Yellen lit town, he. drop- - tun -a -gate who bad 'made a moou- - In one sense I suppose • it pis; out - ata i.;,.,4 itla old irlenats: with -nu -=light -flitting, and., left :same iitte; `don't go and. think tee a 'heartless_ lire eueltiarlty: proapeilty ..and a pounds worth of debts• behind hint. camel, •llutteray.: I' declare to you lethe +ootid: not • cheep Roland. The should • cone 'back Sir Roland, like that i Y could bring. Sir Vincent • faihee aid clerk saw hint very often; A hero of roataue3. Fruition never back. though .I bad to return 'to mX ... set tea mid muttius uccssion- 'answers to :anticipation --a" Roland work maim end ;the turn -up bed - anile stn itered• by a guest who had 4 found, nowt- that bas galeen vislotiss mead at Mre. d.'b,'ird de it this Wa- llop *pip ittite. lie refurnished that - carte to be r eailsed.. The romantle ute cheerfully. When . 1 sat . by - :'l1lad 'a house for her Atter .a charas of the oC1-i, ctur1':! dreanx err t • watchinir hint die, 'knowing he was ,srp :t le• foe a first Mee. •wanting; the green *rte. reeve of salee e tsafls:••.�,. , b. t t , Colnft to make recur for m , 1 felt and tie 1 t totem lite T else oh t d: • not 'a the b on. The t b y r. almost 'i. ,vreul o veer t downright twirl ai io sas - o d wn 1 wicked: a -.elk* visitor.i".olend had the•honor of hale Ott itis tweet: lee v;v:d !;•100' el Any '01e0 brother must have felt, badho neter•taltttu.,wns Lord tlarriek. His =Imaginative irohlt:.,a...l .at.,L:,i.'...1..t'.11 •,tot pilar. •Did' you read *bout it la. w iethrt*baire* iordship tree nourishing to At sober tint en ie. usher. 1.01.11.. the nowsi. apereee--thtuy had got it all - err prion• again. and gave Roland WW1nestle :,.a lithe►lAitee end • hoe .a . ase pat mi. -might be. I can't think. a. whole week .0 hie hearty. genial, •as oyer, but hie „mind !lad' ~.tats "�- •' for my part, how .they lay hold ot>. ainotal-natured Complete'at :4atnn7 good deal .f eopisrience, and realer= things."" 'laver!;. The thorn in. the rieah • was tion had come to tapas; The chances ;, Butterby nodded : a aisein. . Theta iiRersld..,tele it hni.i erred that Mr; Ger- and changes of the world had• vorked waa little he did not read if it could - segleeaeeer Carne+ to a oriels diving thtftfi ,elfoct; and the deaths, caused In aha:remoteeL depet!ee concern kite. .t>rt^. wrre)t of Lord Carrier' stile at .directly or indirectly by Gerald, :sat, "11» payhraa ;up, iiutterby. Peeing'ieesute, M_ad, tot the Met day of it, - heavily oit tile- generous heart, rverybbdy. and samethung over. If iotwatt't:iey wt"'e" in the frost, and Adapt'" curie lies on all things. and ever I :get into dt,bt again•eall me en flipper wail importing to his nephew :there can be no pleasure . without owl. Oalloway groans and grunt#. orf theories for the best cultiva- paler --Roland -did• net- nslsr It. rated_toys. I- ahalh ; but • 1 fancy he it,At'lir ttktld,.-it_ atrv*nt tan- ant its ='!:hough of cherm was left to hiila. knows better. What do you thinks 416"11441nee the arrival of a i,sdy, whti Atrnabet was ataying-- •with her lie took off his hat to me in . the bid' some in great haste 'front_ the mother, *ad things seemed to have street yesterday."' formerly • heed tosetrar station. She appeared to be gene back again to the dear old days hardly.- and to the over his !der e• !sit ep{rM:-rata, tin man added. and said before Roland h.l known the world, sideways." aiie utast it on"e see Sir, Roland. • or tasted of its carte. Ftoland` went "flow were the folks • up yonder, leCeres* beyond doubt: l'or when sidling .upon his acquaintances con- Sir Roland, when you left?" asked mels id went clattering in. wonderinr tinuaily, distant and near. making iiutterby. Jerking his hen,} its the th- igh* it rsouid be, there met hint the hlrsselt at horse everywhere. Ellen rection of Leaden. ."•Ii'Miss Rye all tttastlwitataed fate of 1h'inny. She had Ohantxing, wore to A threed•paper right?"' leaefght down .a ;piteous tale. Gerald, with grief. was visiting her father hu ..1111,' fthe's +unc rnemon jolly. Th. erreateit the previous day, had lodge her maiden home. Reny made Its teat day 1 caped there. Mrs. 3. said Imp aka that theory Prison, White* charm now: The young widow would she supposed she and Winter -they sew" trtrset, he had baldly sent he° probably take, up^ her a bode at Ike-. cell him Winter now ----would be =sk- is salt -Goland to par lei" dote anti• atoalelgle in spite of Rolaad'a strong h to a snatch of it. Clem that. 1 told vast; bisrt free.. Winny, s:sbh:u,; Laver tide ce that it should be near Sunny Mass lbw I'd buy her the weidttxer ' writs luncheon that Roland goo let a• mead. du se, twitted of beteg property ,isrstdly set her down to at once, Pro. "I told you I should be sure to get ;,r ;t;,t. i, u es eddied me not to talk "Pet! 'that she felt *flee one at leritt on and make oay eortuae soinettu ee ea seal. I one. Butterb7, that was at tin three little girls would be ever. fa11oway" s mistake of yours, that was --the ts,rtntl, lila the Are when aite got back The old proctor, whore health was iatiias isr- Into ruetody for the ode '1+ tineas: _ . (ailtag•-ttopelesely: etetur'ned re *light- itee_71.tell. Jo:rn•ollivrra..'". _-_.' . _ "tea tact ittsttatr�d. ,ro�,siv�:t. wee ._ �-. -rr • FREE.10 quicker, better shaves. Send coupon a You We4ive - 10 comfortable face : ys For ten mornings we offer 700 all -day co fort that tomes from having shaved cleanly, eas , quickly, without irritat1npr scnsativc skin. . • It is Ir test millions of then have made, Making it they discovered for themselves the S dis- tinrt- advants*es sac Produced in PALMOLIVE SIiAVINt,: I REAM. For IS months wt' worked+-•rarricd out 130 labors. tory experimenter -perfecting for you: Cream that multiplies itself +'.*e0 times its richest lather. • That softens the wickedest heard in One Ininut*••-without "rubbing >r Lather that lime. if necessary. 10 full . . minutes on your faree-mosat, luxurious. Strong bubble; that hold tach hair'trect--• for cleaner, easier tutting. - Finalty, a cool; soothed, after.ftei-Y•.tlweeak* to oar careful Mead of paint anti olive oils. Shave this way for 10 days• note the ditferenee in all•day comfort. Alter that you'll never go back to Slot aid methods. • V 'thes�ltoopee today. Get yourl6•abaltwt teak The PAlLMltVIt comma .P C.A *auk Y.+Io 'blower Mode he Coro iQ $HAVH Fast z w.«+w 117.141311? Row �,aar*ers.. Olay... .. ,+.nal -s nn hours chat.. U000 -tiny. oiti .But- balance cif ttt rby.. Isn't this a prfene goaso8: Iver rottuck js J rat beets giving,eeven' ahil1h5I a for IIs and ' chemical.. The hard is oak and can i !'s r nit t �t RR awned, ha.had, ed painteall st ndd,o 'polished. It whip : i ,lie and . Itis ancient . goose went _ � t� vaulting oil`., Reiland frequently' took not'.dgteh to ,e_e ere i . s articles korner to help garnish Lady '"� -`�` 0 a as l ere' tablet theymuch electrifying A t.an the actual e - Ca s- i ,1k�Upf}u t # .din r asectiatn tiof n the Cane- o..*�: to the wrath. of the.coote who teuxld lien Pacific Railwa440', ' maln line f she had double Work. But -it _must 'through the Rockies : ba made not be -thought I;oland led enttrelx tt4act ear. D: C. oleman,' viae ,., aan idle lila• at llelatonleigh.': Apart .president a>r pastern ixaesr ssys_ihitt !thins per$onat calls on lib friend-. tkaffic deata*ie.:s end, lnarncuL con= ship, in the $hape,of drirpping filen drone would detetaxthiie triton "; t7 .. on peopie, he had work on his bends. ' , !tart would be nsade. glided on, and the time came. for Ito- and td depart. Ta depart atntli June, The decision of the Govexsmnent-pf { ` the rovinee of Quebec to rant a I I i h l g 9bd of ; pert acro 4r n c es�- e..� 7�itn '+chattttlnt, ahoui,d Ina rry �i11 re ,� West street' Bplcery. . when he would return to claim is s for lad i ad : suit ilii an ximate ' the t few r* has *mounted "to >e,. in the Itis, lithe he Most Dat t UP. ► :Telt' sit 114 and our•salesman. w'ill Ca}; Cakes 'ani Pastry for every occasion. Give as : the , opportunity. : to serve you .: i� �V�'illxam V. the -.yam them, and nobody also, ss8111 Put tz outlay of ;2110,000; • Clea'a/rance• in land•:•aagd,if the'1taYeretxd`h111p�Aut tai? a psis kelt at not having tie" *rat *ager - ' roxtimatet yeses annually,aoubut otdt0 elliaior�-"' ►'- el i th� Meld this est►r $ewe ed ti4 be y it The once -happy home of thee Chan- niisgs bore the ; meek of time's chances wed oranges..; Thu -hawse wee tbe.;s IP, as wear its elesnenti for peso., but; , of 'its Inmates had quitted it Weyer. Meg. Channing. Arthur, Tont, Charle", and Aunabei, he ab n their Morning t moved out t n rn h and, I hi t n i y garments.e -r r faces. their regretful h ea with t 1 r u thinking oreh bine who bald whtlom made Ito sunshine; Hatnbih : tite bright. He::had gone to * •better, world, h there w neither pain w ,ware th a as e nor tears, 'rioter cruel iinjustice nor' heart -breaking sorrow; but. this eon - platten -4e always hard to realise; and their Brief was. !eating. Mrs. Channing looked aged and worn; the bort =and -girls had grown Into men and worsen; In old: Judith - And her snow-white mob -cep. there alone ap- : bared to be no • change. It was at - length the-deeent Reiland's deiiaihtre, trod helves holding a Oriel interview with Annabel, Their stood at :the Sleek doors of the study ,windoW, open to the .pardea, gad 'the warm M y sun shone in gaily. tusking' the orale Ort Annehel'a silk dress look hot and rusty . Thio once untidy study. when they were all boys and - ;Iris together, had been renovated with. a green- earpret and , delicately ppapered.meta* t3se young parker now called it his. Considering Roland's, ditecienctes on; the score of fore. thought, he Pat really orgeniated the -plans for hes -future life with a great deal of wisdom. Sunny -Mead was to• be their sole home and Anna- bel chief' cashekeeper to regard to ready money.•• On that he war re- solved. honestly avowing thee he was not to be tended with money in her socket it - was -sure to go -telae Yeti- dears in: Poraland Place., which Sir ltkhara! had. play held•' on n lease, had brewgiven up: tir're was. to be no toren hour', no tashlon, no gaiety. A.nnobei second -el hens in alt. urging mtoderation st r: nuou$ly: He Wan going up now to stake his bow to the Prince, .of Waits at a levee, and It were be be hoped ha would ace in plish it with ''rssablo dee-runs: Annette* waned b•.: orrsented to, the; Queen on the first irtvuxable opportuniee, atter r'te filleted be Leda' €orke. ria fa,:, ta::t wits dee teeir position, huts ;etre Gee exte Treves et feelti:,nets".!' •ciety would 1en'tbeut end. Suntrj woul-1 be their ;some; and, t� e meld not be d >Wale'6, a erre hely, i•se. They or. teething of tee ere. ;r.et. nVW as they 'liana Wee 1: r: and to both 11 is ono of rose eelt,r "But for gtii:ai to Port Natal, An- nabel, th .es no rknow.nr; how 1 ntig:at haw\turned ague•- es 'regale!, ,lrawlint adttr abaut wte;n, art -sort_ • • the 'Virtue lt. ve been betore► ,nit• 1 nti,i:,t have gone in tor ell kinds roily, end tame to no end at grief. W'o shall be safe dawn at &may Meed ,and Lve 1ik• -�•Itk Rebate •._es for a simile. ••fti'lonareetrph'," puts In Anna - eel web a enter. "-I'$gltins -corks. ' says Roland. "1 lien teaks a good farmer." • Rnt. Roland." she rejoins dub!. testi-, "1 hope You'll . sot dlseeat t t the bailie until you feet that you rare ts1t7 rotnp+'tent to Diu assns;;•• meant. You don't know mune of arming ret." . ?°°°°° en' ansate. , • laffitimmitifintint limulliltunuisintoinuounestomme Speaking' to the.Canadian Club. in ' - London,Eng., recently, E. W .Beatty. Presidet of the Canadian Pacific Beilway, contrasted the "irritating" tortoise-like'slowness" the Canada se reee population policy lit s Lcy With , Alurate a peogressivenees.. "We Canadians: would be wise to .keep• our gataes open for hrsins as. Well as ,brawn," e !res. Onaaidhundred and fifty delegate* of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper = e. - Atasociation "will tour the British 0 •: hike next. summer, and hold their , anneal convention in London, accord -el Opposite Masonic Han 03�Or.�1,.•�•••OIlRO 11 :Simcicflsin gsi 'Suit Cases and s _ One tag to decisi.....,abed eat the tin.}: ilk meeting of the convention here.. The ; Warty 'will leaves ehont the, first of . stxif- will eattead. the British ' Empire Exhibitions.. ,The tour will lasabout six week.. Up to thw end of 1922 dividends paid by the gold ,and.. sliverratites of northern Ontario asaeunted to over $123,136,080. Cobalt camp was discovered Pato in 1003 and hardly began producing loti.I 1006. Divi - donde „paid out of, 'Cobalt.._.mines amount ,to .810, which repro-- a events practically ISO per cent: of the ",+ gross vahte . 01 pt odnetion. Pore*. • ]ane miner -leave paid $28,472,38$. George L. Bnchanans of Detroit, bead of the "On . to Alaska "With Buchanan" movement, will have Iax boys and 24 *dune ;or numbers of the boys' families when he person- ally conducts his party from Van- - ._ lute C -P1. lie # - eine "Princess"' *teenier.. Buchanan thinks. with President 'Herding, that a trip to Alaska 1s a 1'sberal ed es ZagYtr` -Wesley tion to tiny boy who takes it. He is tip ane -third of dthe .viten., this• jlaiantaa pot alts remaining tb rd. la s. . . Ty. ntu:e ardR�4rpaAtfaT� R�r*ke P: on; Ire* Bed,, . . Two 4ft. 62*.. Springs„ $ .5f . On. Rog Coathe,aolid oak trait*, One Rtffriptorator, fit !loo& cattalo One only Uy alotetad ikl0rs One oak Fslrioa Tumbler, loft. farm home,, for Snick sole,,, $10 Aboa*'30 Odd tt to rst take your These are goner» Specials at .quick . s 1e move off our'1 • • in Ex ces • . t0.00. $110.00 cistY $33.00. . e wary suitable for a fc for $1.04 reach. prices to make them Fine twr/iti`leiflrrt Godorkh "Mot know muck or fartislitg"" ex- _ esitns Reload. laps eyes sprntng with - n;rprise. "Atter all try expe'ies,e at Pert Natal: Lusk aC the plea 1 vet is manaaea--ebselaate. onetime eritmsl•--egad the wagons atad carts 1 w; a pet to dire?--•-Nted with salves reemtlaan' 1'*a set seeped is take :be tbrasbtag cud_ mooing ssysstf. eon keel,. As to the irailig. he *heti . stay es antOl'ysa tend 'bite awo), tr . k's t*. grata 10 aallse." sbs i.$a her Medeag Lace a tit. _'M fcnraf&t. pinehtag so eerie twee - bite *mead takes It from her a?* w Canadian Tefcchers' Federation Convention at Victoria, B.C., Aug. 12-16 Hers is a wonderful .ppaa tnaity to view mod study ties sesacry timer &dews Dominica et int isand; to set the beauties or Ontario, the miles rodeo, the majestic mountados end the perhWas stuns el *baa greet Pact& all. this wry ar ieae jemmy to the Cantveuttoa centra - Special Low ices from sat Ontario P.istto A special train ds Luxe er the Canadian NatWest Railway' gip, �, moot too,uly 10th. of en.sted ' with radio A ■ sa*2a er sa,elsaai mato gess art *•torr oe teas stere 1tij. Walt Toss0li"Ita--has r•. A lit:- sols, 44 alt erlfrets kr* HAMILTON • bIt. L. J. Center& 0* eased!!. Ave. kleeliILTOtC--plies Milt G. Belo ts, l07' Ihrele +1 Ave. Sim* or any Ciwtr.Wrr Ptetiemd Thirst Cilie* `,•, 4 •