The Goderich Star, 1924-07-02, Page 41 1 101.1111.1.11 tlOuMill1M1iY.w ilM1„in111i I.FiiSiiiCATE IC MOBS and Sanitar'lj.Drinking Cups, special this g at 1Oc a>< ✓_._ _ t !WIT CA Special value at $1,716. 1-otr will ap- preciate the value of these Cases. BATHING, SUITS -Special at LADIES' SUllifholER VESTS at Inc while they last. ladies' Ginghautl)resses specially red,ieeed the i*1eaeir. •-- -. Erb for the beat TM P.rsoeto Furst MINION DAY IN GODEI , 1 111110111 NI 1111 _. Y.,-.YI.I.uIuu ,rlll.YYPri THUd1W4.11, JUL Vii' ORAIXIATIONto erre the body Ma to moo dr They b.e ars ash *&.o l wish = Tare Yeseg Ladies *nauesafnlly Coat- a family or cense sie trade* and rhos • Comm at AMaadra neaten. many a Christi** doubt. Fite owned tai -Mae foe Plow demi ital is- witk the prayer tkiit Go1's ere rll& 1preed. ban with them. leia spirit guide theta and his power enfold thew A very plowing Sanction Was thu:t Than came sa presasntatioat on bo. which took pie a :t -Aha rdra•--•hairef-+the-Werres- Hapieet-4 z1- .I1wlpitai lawn on Friday afternoon iary by Mrs. D. Macdonald. last, when two your* ladies who have Rev. Canon Hill in hie remarks, completed their period in training rte• said he tools; a pride in our little hos- solved their diplomas as alraduatir, pital becau ie ft had don* splendid names. Th. young ladies in question work and because it was a school for ,ar"rs•Miss Florence Doherty (daughter nurses. Ile was, proud of tier fact, `'fit firs. Doherty, of town), and Miss too, that at last -at lnyst---w4 were Caroline Clayton daughter of Mr. E. going to have a better hospital. The Chiron, Ila nuoa)• The day wee three cardinal virtues the nurse must frim, aiitd`bri; '*nd`the`re`was a +d ss were patience, hers*xaranee attendant* of :interested one who and sympath-aynipathy that leads copied seats on the kaon while the to gentler:as, kindliness, thoughtful - verandah did duty for a platform. nese for the patient. The verandah was borated. in green Rev. Mr. Hadley expreesd his pleas- and purple, the coIo of the hospital, ure to know that such fine pians had and flowers wore in evidence in large been prepared for the new hospital, bouquets on the steps. so suitable for the purpo.. He point - Mr. R. 3. Megaw, chairman of the ed out the improvement in the health Hospital Board, was cliairaman for the of. the nation, which was " no doubt afternoon's proceedings, and after op- due `partly to the nursing sisters. Three hundred- years -ago one- out of - every, seventeen died in Engl*nd„an. *sally, now the proportion was o.re mit of 40 or 45,,and he -saw -no reason why .300 years front now the average length. of life should not be 'better - than at present. . 'Rev. Mr. Hardy congratulated the /ming brayer by Meer: R.,.C.....MeDer- mid, he amounted the two graduatest e Weather' and Lar .. Crowds for the Cele- and enie afnnted upon the lass the hoz« oration of Coned**,Natal Day in Ooderich Pititl •.vas sustaining in tib removal • of Miss -Masterson, who bad been the •- 'very. efficient' superintendent for the ., `A RECORD ATTENDANCE AT THE BALL GAME !past tett months. Miss Masterson I was going to 4position' with greater a Rey Ytasd ay, Tom Barliaitg. ltaeDee>ald (Lighthouse et.), ltar~kk. SHEPPARDtON Mr. *aunt Mrs. Jint Johnston. eT ieb, visited at Mr. and 3dee. WJohnston's on Sunday. Ire. Joiai r 1 " ppreaelled hir farewell sermon on Sunday Last. We wish him euceesss in his new charge. A aulnber from tkia neighborhood attended the lawn social at Dungan- non last Friday night, and report a good time. - ► Don't forget the lawn social at tee Anglican church, Pori Albert, on July nth. Supper served from 6 to 8, af- ter which a good program will be given. Everybody cone and have a good time. , 'Dr, and Mrs. Humphrey and chil- dren, and Mr. Harty Hayden, rooter - ed from London, and visited it : the home of Mr. Frank Ilayden. Mr. Harry Hayden intends :pending some time with his brother...._ Saturday *,vile rather a wet day for +a • picnic, however, when theme who went to the lake discovered thh► wee- -the roan was not going to laver them they took their baskets to the Metho- diet churchhall. - About 5O sat down to a table of goodies, after g fine treat of ice cream, and a good time was spent. Th+t W. M. S. of Sheppardto�l'n t scope for her abitiee and better Haan- committee on - holding the exercises Baby. Chow in Forenoon With Twenty -Three tial • returns, as superintendent of ou amid the beauties of nature and i ,Stratford hospital.. She wan leaving red ed hie own •congratulations FalltrIes .. - - >lldrenf11< Ct'1i<INII ICC , y Contested' 'with the heat wishes of the Board, and those of the comntunity he repo* - who would find it the more difficult to seated to the giaduatee, D0124100n Day was a beautiiul' day result might` have been *different. fin her place on account of .the en- ' After the program refreshments • and the celebration in Goderieh prove Haynes pitched the first part of the, ciency with whish she had filled it. , were served by. the D. 0, E. ed very attractive. The marnirg was game and was relieved by Lindsay in' • Another matter Mr. Megaw men - devoted to the children; cifildren''s the fifth. A . good deal, of interest tinned and the announcement was Tees and the baby clinic taking up centred in the game from the. fact received with `s VICTORIA SCHOOL PROMOTION ecce ed applause, was that the - the time • tin Pitait noon. The boys and that Jack Young,' a -former-member= final draft of the pions : for the neer!. The' following.. are the promotions auris entered with zest intothe vac- of the Purity Flour aggregation, was hospital had been received' and the which , *ill take• place in Victoria:- ions contest' and in tome events the pitcher .for Stratford. His old team Board intended to call for tenders the school; in November.. Names are in races had to be run in sections. The mates on the Goderich team succeed- beginning of the wsek:.and;proceed at order• of merit. Those narked with once nth the work, an asterisk were • absent from their Rev Mr, o in examinations o . F rd, being i called on for n n • account of Measles.. - anar�ea. paid compliment. s a �at the dome of Mrs. Ro ;Bogie 11on= day afternoon with -a good atten:lance. °After•the business partofthe meet- ing was conductedthe ladies enjoyed very interesting talk from Mrs. An. drew, who ,is superintendent ot the W. M S. of thisdistrict, ant also from her•daughter,Miss Andrew, who is taking the social servicebranch of the deaconess training in '146rpnto ' WEST WAWAIIOSH winners were as follows; • • a ed in hitting hint fairly. veli; .getting Girl* 11 hits, four of them two -bagger: and Girlal, 6 yearn and under --Dorothy one a bother. Another former mem- Lee; Mabel Johnston, Myrtle Town- her of the .Purity Flour tears was on that ,'�tratfoxd line +, in iluriing dr , p d to. theJr, 1V, to' Sr. IV.. .business . -ability of the present chair- Olive Young, Billy Thomson; nor- sllelld • ,..:.. , "_ ►� at ;man of the board, . who; had occupied. °thy Clark; Jim Salkeld, Grace hoist!- Gills Years and under Wii,nifl ed first base. Weir : bed a perfect levy many important positions, but none ra Albert Baker,Walter Newcombe, • # y at bat three hits out of three tlmea more responsible than the one he now ar a r n,Geof Murraay> Gladys. Motean> Dgrie keit+ at blat IXolson for the visitors head or t1 i Marie Thontaa, i)onald Morison; Geof= e ped y reacher, favor -o on the board for sevenor eight yearsBwnMSGrigg, Define AlcCrea h, Mari4ryStretford. The following Isthe b 1 ,roee,elvnmith, Ted Jenner, ; bus yearn as chairman and they IadDannaBell Robert -Oran, Onam, ei n Mur:. .f ... , Ee r , Reggie Newcombe,. com b e Gr t• on • • fourhits out of five chances. The Mr, Fordsaid he himself had F en Fred Bridle-, Garteralmils 10 Sears and under ---Mary Haat score was 11to 8 in . Y4un. seare and summ2a madeefforts for a better hospital butGir1s 12 years and under -Ethel '•eson> Dona�MGiay, Donald Motion- Sterling, e )on. 4trrli»ga KateleCn Luke, Bessie 0b- • G:deii h ABit A�POEalwitYs when they had gine so faraId'Ruth Allison, Anne White; Ise- �.nsy, 2b, ,..,.,5 1-2 4 1 0 they mime up against difficulties and ..belBorriman> Hilda -Janes, Violet Grls l4. years and and r_Ethel Robineon, 3b.,.....5 S' 2 2 •s 1 an impersonal voice said,"Thus far Clark,'Irene Ruckir)a, HaneGi, Sterling; laillar'et. Groves, Kothieen Mitchell, c, 2b.....5 1. 0 1 1 1 and no farther." This left' the course Bob Black.' Luke. Haynes, p, c.. , . , eli•"•'1 1 ; 2 . 1 which the Board was now taking op- yortrT �- Spaff'ord sa .4 1 0 . S. 3' 0 en and he had no doubt that :tete , s : die and Mary Grtgg, Verna Moore and H D t Walters, I mead the needle race Edith I'rid /` , , , , ..... ti Sr. liXr, to .Jr. IY Hovey, 111►,. « , , . .. ; 4 ,1 2 1 10 0 : would show that this course . vi oul'tI S. S. No. 2, W. Wawanosh The follewiug is the school report of midsummer examinations; total marks 7,5b, ' honors ' 560,• pass 450. From: WI to Sr. IV. -.Roy Flail - gen, 88O; Frank 'Phalen, 529. From Sr, - III . to- Jr.. 1V. --Herb. Finnigan, ;643;. Margaret Dobie, 600; Georg; Hutchins, 578. Jr. III. to Sr. III. - Cora - Fin igen, 589;' Mary Finnigan, 544; Dora Bute inti 503; Reta Yo y 1L" 450 r . 'Sr. 1, to'Jr. J III. -•-Total. 650, honors 488, pass, 390 -John Hutchins 489,. Margaret Andrews 450. I. to Jr, IL --Mary . Dobie„ . Ruby Hutchins. Pray to L- Iitehener Finnigan: Pr.- Verna Hutchins. - - M. HOGG>''Teachar, Mertina Hussey, Grace Burris and of ; ...,> , .. , ; .3 1 3 0 0 4 yiei ;aCtiCAI a end beneficial results onors- oro ijy. urimpEleanor Whitty. a e If..........5 • 0 'J O 0 0' and that tall would 'help -'towards the Clark, Olive Moi Crregor, Mofrison- IIFIEi' L tom I MacKay, Ad 1 B kl b:i k Junsar Room S S No. 8 Aahlield ure. ii$; Willie caliiwdl. 347, George Moore, 264. Sr. II. to Jr. 111.1 -Paas r16, honors 4118•-Cattiberi*r Peters, 544; Gram Young,. 623; Al- lan iEaad. 421`; Everett Erringt*n• Sr. IL --Pass 225,, loners 2$l --Cora Staley, 316; Arthur Duff, 281; Edon Culbert, 274; Wilfi*d Pentland, 274; Harvey Mole, 269 - I., teal 15 --an.; na Reed, 61; Claire Pentlande 57 Amy Young, 42; Helen Anderson, 40; Fred Barlow, 36; Bert Whyard, 16. Pr., total 152 -••-Aima Nivins, 135; El- len Smiley, 123; Benson Parks, 96. B. Class --Mildred Anderson. Wini- tred Begley, Cannan Maines, Mar= Sorie MacDonald, David Nivins, Belle Swan, Wilma Treleaven. C. Clues- Myrtle lue s -Myrtle Caldwell, Melville, - Culbert, John Parks, Willie ;Reed. Agnes Young. Number on roll 36; average attendance 31. M. M. DURNIN, Teacher. BRUCE COUNTY HAS 10 MILL ... _TAX HATE: -.: -- - ' , $2',OOd Grant Bach Voted to Walker- ton and Kincardine Hospitals Tbe,euni,ner :eiaion, of the Bruce. County Council wa:.field at 'Walkerton retoently. Any prnapecta of lowering the tax rate oe the county faded into thin air when the oonxacil.eleciaet1 to defray nut tbie year! ranula the ,80.OQ0' doe the provice from last yew's highway opera• tions'. *The county it seems. Is oblk'ed to pas 20 per cent towards the. con- struction ot the Partneri. Highway You wouldn't go on.* vacation with running through 'the county from mild: dingy, damaged luggage if you knew may to Kincardine and, on t�sia, roach how reasonable you can get new et .. Bruce awed the Province 126,000 tram Sharrnan's. ,1922 operations. which it paid atlast', �.» Jauusry'e session. Inatead;,of leaving. ERICH MAR +' TS the $35.600 due. for 1923 work on, thio 1 '" • roadway over for next yoar'a Council to 1nit at, per bush.....$ 1.05 to 1,1Q.• finance Bruce council decided to wipe pats, pen bush to u0 the . entire debt tint and as a cause=peas, per bush. 1.40 to 1.50 quence 161.000 will nave been raii,ed 66 to . iii from Seta vear's,taaxcq to inert this. Berkey, per• bush.. -4., �+•- deflott. Hence the 2 mitts rcgnired for Famtiy .flour, per cwt' 3.201 to 3.1(1 ' this .purpose explain wiiat'.•*bot, the Patent flour per cwt.. 3.r5 to 3.fitir county rate to the 10 will figure, or one. •Bran, per ton tl ..• 25.O0to 26.00 tenth of a mill higher than last year. ! Shorts, per ton. • 27.00 to 28.00 • ' With a rate or lo en ovet ydollar or the l Kay, per ton: .:•10.0` to 12.00 ,assessable ptroperty of the county one Hoge, per cwt....-8.00 to 11.00. might be apt to think this a record•fof Cattle. ordinarys, pec Bracer but isl.iookingover ,the past wo.i 6.60 to 6.00 And 1821 decorated 'with "12••1.8 mills Cattle choice' er cwt 7:00 to B.OA' and 1422 with a 10.1.2 mill touch. *e the , p groaning tiax-payors ban take cominrt Lambs, per' cwt, 15.00 .to 16.0& from ties fact that things might have irides, per Ib. 04 to 04• en w rse:- -2 e o b a b 2 t o . 'Dairy butter, pen lb. . Faces are easily made upbut,.lig.. Eggs, per.dox 25 to ' 30 -- urea never lie: Potatoes...''%".... .... , 50 to ' It0 The man who ` keeps his chin' up *1111. ,1*.R' ++* •;:E7.XAi.., - elevates his !aliens.. h1 t s WOW Owe 3q Tahiti:' Lots of •these 'folks who say they ,aaa.,.;.- went to school can't prove at, ..r T� a a•. with yes Days like this that " 'Ve looked forward to, offer pec• tures that you'll Turn back to, again and again in your album And any Kodak is compact to cat't'y, easy to work and fun to uses -let us show you. GetyoatatOdale here. - • 4lutorraph;c Kash 0.75 nip 4cct;tsories--Supyilcaf H. C. DUNLOP The- Rexatl Store Phone 1 ;Godericlt • Boot: !tee -Mar 'Tobin, loyu ;(nark. Enact, x} ,4: 1 . 1. 1 0 '0 completion of a splendid hospital. 'Adele roc e . n y -- «�; ••--' i � d t' isls sf __paha-Gertrude Evans, kludxe sla, "White. • 40 13 li .2b .31 graduating. Goderi h .hon ital, though rot Nteine,, . • Hilliard Tremblay, °' Lola J r. TIL -Pries 417, hon- Iducces . r.I cos y i l 1 Stratford .A.B R 11 A NO E large,,had had an 'honorable career. Clark, Ernest Peaehey,-Lional Clark, Brown' 592; laney p 0 ors b21 •-Athur toys, nix yaws-Trim' earal -'Tom Elliott, Phis Lavelle 3h....,.. 3 =3 . -0' .2 2 -O It hold :been , fortunate in having a *Ena Morgan, Kathaleen Luke> ' Edwards: ee .4 1 4 0 5 1 good succession• of. superintendents :.Stanley Taylor:• :. s� r 8atrlin ib fi '1 '� 0 •7 0 and its graduates had done splendid Ho eight year Raymond Dean '' . John•�iuse, 'Teddy...1'isate. ' g, ' ...'' .Jr. III. to Sr..111. work bet* in their, own land and. in Honors --Evelyn Hamilton, Lillian Boys;.. ten ' 1+esrr�•-"Victor Elliott, lFlanaiYati, r�l, ... , ...G' 1 � 0 . 0 4 o McKenzie. lf..:. « : ,6 0 0 0 x A .' 1 the land to the :south. Mr. Ford' said Leggett,- Nellie Bannister. Wm, ItaoXro e e y ears•iond Dean in born h 2 - 5 2 ;l 0 he had been rather intimately asso- . Pass-•-G1>Ldys Shore, Alice John Boys tw*Ise yea las MCltay, " oa � ► b ' 1 3 Hx ' ,Tee n ' M rk 5 1 2 ' 2 5 0 rated with the 'medical profession sten' Billy Thomas Kenneth Young g> p t Victor d .. * icon iClliatt' till Claytvp 1VlYins, Ld•th Priddle -H ve -Johnston a elided I I > Taylor, i}, ea r W •` Jo or y ys' ,.Hien, 4 rice. LIyears* 1 5: 2 rl 2 1. 0 and the 'nursing ' profession and John `Steswart, Ruth Worsen, .Wile• ya thxeae-tegg*d ra (Young, cam, >:..,.� c Wi ie Wilson, Har • Cook, 0 11 W n x oa to ix y , (Young , .... , ..... a 1 1l 0 0' placed' them in the highest posltro'n. Stuart, carter oil : Albert Baker, �_ ..-, i A'* closed his remarks by wishing the •i > ar y . Billie proses and `Wily on • `.;4 11 14 11 28 .2 graduating, nurser success. ROOM' IV. • 4 p, 44 y. e r Hunte ' administered the Fier- . ' Two -base hits --Lind Iola es, D • Hunter Sr. III:'to�Jr.:.IV. days, runnier broad jump, 44 yaearaissaY, � bas, N Hove Bisset Flanagan 2 Dotson,. ence Nightingale : pledge, the:gradu- Frank' Young, Florence McDonald, --sC of , . Mervin •izaannon, y► > i+'Iain14 g1�aldtck, Three brine hit Doleotl Atte repeating it .after him, and this Mebel Brownlee Joseph To•Ylor' ! • Y. 110 '" .roe -le ed raee, 14' .ears Home-fint-Hovey: • was followed by the presentation' of Theinla Hoey., Lorne Clark, Luride -Joe wmattA. "and k�..J. Wain nock a Double flay --.Robinson. diphenans by, Dr. Macklin. Miss Man- MacDonald. Benson Sanders, Lena Donald McKay Sand Morison McKay, Hit by pitcher be Lnldsay Ed.c arson, the superintendent, presented Craddock, Gordon Carrick, ; lrone. Wilsotr McGuire nand Clayton Nivensl' ward•2. the pins, and Dr. Gallow gifts from Bloomfield, *Edith- Lumby. Baby outgoI Left an bases- xoderich YQ strike. the'medical profession of town. ford 12 Dr. lllackltre :poker of the fa ithful . *1 'be bab Clink' was in chs ' e at y �• � ..Struck ...014 -;-BY Young:, d';+:)by. acus to duty, the reward of which the .Mr. R. IL Cutt and Councillor, Turn -,Haynes 5, by Linda** Y.: graduates *ere now receiving and of ter: There were twenty-three entries, i Bases en balls-i.of YOuili; 55;of the days and nights of. unselfish de - thirteen boy!- atnd tenentries, Rhea-Ii'ayynes`P; of Iindsay 'l votion they..had given, _- - =__._ • 19 months'' "aid daughter of Mr. and, Umpire --Tasker of .Clinson, Hig- •: Dr- (lallew, speaking for• the,medi- Mts. Russell Shaw, 01 Auburn,. won gins. eel profession, said they had watched first prize The second 'price• went to 1. -.'Times ;-« s hott , 10 grid- . , . ' the career of the. young , l,idies• who Dorothy, 8-monflni" "old daughter of were now graduatingQand had noth. liar. and Mrs. Geo :Ginn, Goderich Band\Concert in. the Evening ing but praise far them. They had • township, and Walter, 2.teenthm' old In the evening, the- entertainment always been faithful, cheerful, pains *on • of Mr, and lira. Albert Mero, consisted of a••; band concert on the taking and willing, and he Was mire 'town,, won third prize, A photograph Square. The Kittle band of Clinton that if they went out into the wnrla of:.the three prize babies 'was • taken furnished good'musie for the day and they wohld uphold the good- name by lir. J'. T. Fell. Dr. Tillman, baby gave a number of, choice selections • that former graduates had made. specialist of London, and three •gra., on the Square in the evening,, The„ Dr. Gallow also commented on the spate nurses of Alexandra Hospital Lucknow Pipe Band also made A coming lose of Misr Masterson and eonduetad the examination. - brew showing- - end the pipes and congr*tut*ted the - graduates on the MacLean, *Willie um y, Edea-. -_ Baseball +sdrums were quite en .attraction. completion of their studies and. ex- Luke, Dorothy I)urnin, Frank Allen, 'Tile forepart of the afternoon was'ISamb'Highland dancing was done on'.pressed his hope of every success for *James Redditt, *James Neftel, Lew - •taken sip with the ,ceremonies ofthe the platform in the Square in the.ev- them: is Murray, Leak Martin, Willie Mac - unveiling of the soldiers' sriemoriel, ' erne we are en the aubieet nng. -c we must not forget to ., After this came the presentation of aulay, *Robert Weston, Ruth. Mnrraey, 1 pewpl*of flowers to the gradulrtfnq nurses, Mise Phyliie Lawrence, *Margaret Grfifith.' ti the efforts f the +Getderf h band; • Jr. III.. to: Sr: III. - 'Noeval ` Anderson, Annie 'Sanders, Harold' Doak, Elsie Smith,. Ian Mac- Kay, May Ervine, Margaret Fry, Dor- othy' Bridge, Aliotle MacLe,id,• Ethel Whiteside,..- Marmot' Jenner, Alice Sanders, •Margaret Black, Russel. Lee; Mabel Edwards, Russ3elm Drennan,, Madge Church, Evelyn. Drennan, Senior. Ir. to Junior 10. Honors -Herbert Bridle, Jack How- ard, Nancye 'Clarke, Sylvia Salkeld. Fred Davis, ±Mabel Bloomfield, Jos- eph Priddle, Lillian Spring, *Jean Morgan, Audrey Wieland, !'Margaret *ad at 4 'o'clock about 500 es war an : McLean handing in tbo •agriculturi:l aYrcunde wh. gatherede' o o e c ,a Edwards ds d lg Len h d DIVISION VL me out in • the morning to wittier the Stratford•Goderieh burl'b m coatuniefa and made things them the many beautiful boa sets Sr. II. to Junior 111. • r' • +fro"a" friends. match. The Purity Flour tel" were llveFv until the arrival of the visiting y Hennes• -•Jean Price, Donald .flag- d*rC ' to the Classic City i» the morn- '•hands. Rev. J. E. Holmes was neat called girt, Wilmer Martin, Elsie Armstrong', int awl last out in a game there 10 to for eh address and he 'spoke in the gift, Wilmer ere!, Roy Armstrong. rm s 1. Cooper pitched for Cnderich: and i,. • highest appreciation, of the noble and ar erne t ge , ltoy rm trong.John- Maarkn for--Sis'atford. -The -return' CQ R alnselfish ravotatloll an )vhiclz the' gra- ate»>, Leonard *cflo atsald, ne .J os game here In the afternoon was much l Mr. and lira. Beg," Bolton`rriotored duates of the day were entering: Hti Drennan Prances Tho a1d,,. Yienneth mere even and, while the Classic City film Hamilton and visited the form- was glad that the size of - the institu- ,luck, n, t IT ,Marian Kenneth! hexa gos the victory, anyone of sev« er's relatives, Mr. and lira. Wm. Bol- tion was no measure of efficiency or Edgar Militate, Berney, Marion Young, Wil. seal Ifs might easily have turned ton. Maitland eon., Colborne tp. ineflleiency, The Goderich hospitel Ed Barker► Olive Brindley, Y ng, Wil. et • the • vktory to Goderieh. For in; •was small as compaured with some liHuey,• *Catherine Calcloitgh, *John stance in the latter part of the game Children V rg. others •but he was sure limited tip. ,Lt . Goderich iso tw 1 1 t'�It FLETC1lt»WS • pliances did not mean limited ability Lave* . DIVISION 'SII. Yeas rtes ideating - :bases successfully. If theyd e . had - on the part of the graduates. The a - Sr. I« ti Jr. 2I« started on these factitia the „� l Cor *" ' 0 $ _ i profession of Horning was a Life til- title Jewell, Barry Wenger, Free- - led with. opportunity to 'show hemisri� .w -� •. ,.- patient*, nese o *arta sym«. , ', pathy, and - the personality of the Betty Thomas, Dorothy Bell, Gertrude. r' nurse was one of her largest assets in NcluSeler, Margaret MacAulay, Her- t Ile the sic froom.Referring tt the +�� Stratford ho*pitRl to which Miss ?has-; Williams, Harvey Strimt;eour: ,"1e,; , S yin Burke McLeod Brute Oat ` i r. �. t' k3ndiu f h end P ik erMUS h k Wet Palmer France ey S Sagelo-'s Iias. - We nest le to have some warm we r l ,WI1.. Get. Tour Warm Weather Wearables Ready -We Have them WE HAVE SOMETHING DIPPERIIINT • IN LADIES' SILK SLEEVELESS SWEATERS Tailoring Our Specialty We alio handle the W. R. Johnston &•Co, "Hottest MOO ready to wear clothing. . BLACK )mss' &ova's Words Mae Nor* tic iyiare terson was going he said he had been ` ROOM VIII. in and out of the hospital at ell hours Sr. 1, to Jr. if. of the day and night, and he had Doris Kitten, Bertram Me f'reath, foiled that nurses at line a body as it Philip Carter, Ralph Walt'rs, Edna would be possible to find anywhere. Brindley, Audrey Smith, Harold Turn - Mr. Holmen said he liked the word er,'Winnifred Murray, Angus McKee- - "commencement" used of such ester- - zie, Verna Barbour. 'lay. Nu as, Claes as the events of the day, for it Clarence Bridle, Harland Tremblay, was really only. the beginning. To be Jamas Durnin, John Mackin', Gladys st awe's one needed to be a student Fritaley, Arthur Longhair', Roy always, for none outmoded if they Serhrlgeo*r. reached tie dead line and towed to Xisdsrgarten Primary to Pris►ary leers. mrnee want aAa "1040111$,4146011 : Jran,Robertsan, Alke itusion. Gexr- Jasps t,.lfrist->Aist L*.'Ms vb : net Nathieeoao, Kelttt Catt,' Noreaeri were !.Serial .garb aced had re eeivad Bprosal► Xaottla*th Cott, Alma Col - 1444Y ore**. d , Heiesa 't~ktontas, Catbrine Ielur- Vete. Arcs, ms? Jones Batsman ray, Xenfseih Be"'ae, Arth*r Doak. *poke of the nurse's profeesieet as the sow Martin, Waite Jardine, Pearl beset sphere a woman Mita be twig. lteeuMe. Jiasntlf• /me, Harald Ware, el In, rent to Diet of wife and moth- Godes& %two, last >liarsitt, I,la se. Thee who went into it did net Moue. motor L.., mos wide", tInt* it .for what thew won in ft. , *wok. ok. MssosesM geek leo.1t*by it his *Wort therenswserathn was , nett. Whittysn, liobire. Noe. melt tor little. The norms was loth- i r *.l4,. Xentretk Mfiilinras, >:lsrtno,* leg short of a *Water set God's heal- i modAset. Mabel s essaets, Aseefirte hilt aelniatry here art sir*. 'Iii* sis- wows, Jean Raley, laisabeth Mae- taew in the war west the war by lanse►p- ies the boort of tiro rhos. He saag net gar es to X1sJ,raltartMtt Trivet l essep tired mime t* maws eeRradl 114 rel."5 feint to service who t 1I end rue ay. 'Theis oppotllsarity wan not +cake Jack ?hates. Brie J*Iaaatea, Feeble Y Tuesday, Sept .21:924 11 p the beginning d>f• a. -!most sup-. cessful year by enrolling. at tile.• School cal of Go>at#elerce CLINTON.0NT. • -_ The only school in Ontario. at.: - which you can. have the advan- tage of Bliss System of Ac - teal Business- from the start.. COURSES ' ; Stenographio . C'onimoreial foecreterial „Special l Courses. For ia?ormatipn• apply to B. F. WARD, B.A., Principal MJ.A. STONE, Coin. S.peoi*list Vere Principen Phone 198 - *ask watts a p strait of him' • or he sae of :her, weinake then the kind that pleases, R. R.-SA�LLOWS We are- - now 'showing art .:assortment of up -tai -date styles of 'r5� Slippers rs 'oxfordss andStrap . ape. = for' ladies and 'roes that cannot be egnallecd�it1'quaality. • and price:. 'Barefoot' Sandals' for misses-pnd Child -emu axe -.Bert at the very lowest prices. Life-BuoyOuting Shoes are without exception: the best we:tring rubber soled footwear•on the market; Let us show you the different ' '= = kinds' pf these ,foods. The values -are : remarkable. .. REPAIRING . iC eo. � 1 North Side .of Squares Phone 220 .(ODE1 UCH asanamearmactursammerszorciacte . adies".. Summ' ,..- in ratineesand- voiles at reduced prices, from . $3,5O.. to $9.95. Regular prices $6.00• to $12.75. . Millinery. Midsummer_ clearing of ladies - and children's .Surnrrier Hats at less than manufacturer's coat. Voiles A -new shipment of plain . and Normandy Voiles at attractive 'prices. . P • Men's Wear! We 1ha've a full range of Mens Fun ishings. A. CORNFIELD : L.