The Goderich Star, 1924-07-02, Page 2DAYS OF YORE
Tet!' Tl'.Ff4i YEA** AGO
Moat Toe Goderlcb Star of July 7th.
D Ii")
elateria lit. Pareeasage Erected -le
Rev. Mr. Godwb's Time
Qn Wednesday evening. June 28th.
t the regular n ed -week prayer meet-
, Rev. Mr. Godwin closed his three
years' pastorate of Victoria st. church.
ging this. time he hu endeared him-
self to all the members of his metre-
- *Mime and in the fellowship meeting
all spoke�•in the highest terms of the
_It- v his ministrations.
At thesaclose of the service a hearty
'vote of thanks was. tenderee to lair.
Godwin by the members of the trus-
tee board, *heeling their appreciction
of itis servkes in the erecting of a
beautiful brick parsonage, In the
gee steinancial condition of the church
and in'*n perfect harmony which ex-
isted between pastor, board and pea-
. -..- _ .. „ '1Ide were - unanftnetitely-cerritti
and the meeting then closed by sing-
ing "Blest be the tie that 'binds."
Death of Raev. Rohan il. Hall - -
Rev. Robert Il'. Hall, Msthedise
n�iinieter in chine of the Nile cir-
cult, died at the Nile p+trsona�re; on
numbly, June 29th, 1899, +atter e
hit! illness inducted probably by aim
stroke. -Ito want stationed at Nileon�-
i(y a year ago, but had won the hearts
of the people, hiving proved -;e..eself
\'to be an efficient pastor. His
\funeral took place on Saturday, first
to the church, where he heti often
Preached so faithully, and then to
Dungannon cenaael/try. Rev.` Jasper
Wilson. chairmen 4f the Goderieh di*.
trice, had charge cif the services.
(Froin the Goderiich Star of July let,
An Wednesday, June 21eth, 1904, at
Knox church, by Rev., J. A. Andersen,
B. A., Walter A. Kuehenen, of Toron-
to, to Mabel S., youngest daughter of
Thomas McKenzie, Oodericl e *
• the residence of the 'bride's par-
ents, corner of Britannia road and
Warren street, on Tuesday, : June
2•�,8th, 1904, by Rev. Jae. A. Anderson,
B. A., assisted by Rev. Dr. Ure, ,l eale
Detente eldest daughter of Jas. C.
Sutherland, to Percy Cornell, of Tor.
Itomiersoat Wliliairtsena
At high' bonne Tuesday, June 28th,
1904, in St. Paul's Cathedral,' London,
by Rev. Canon Downie (cousin of the
bride), Mr. Georges F. Emmerson, of
London, formerly of Goderich, to Miss
Olive Willianison, of Chttthane„,
a Fifty Tears Married:.
Ma. and Mrs. Win Graham, . Shep.
pardton, celebrated the fiftieth anni-
versary of their weekting .day: on June
27th, by giving a patty toa number.
of their relatives.. ''
=loft UPIlitTS
IL 5. Colissesie
tmarae R A. Rips the Thi_eat. F,�owiag are the promotion molts
nab ,11 01*, Takeo the lti�ir1 fur t3. hello. le Cathartic
The Hero Camay Hine 1xatMa had Pass Seer, hosiers eb.e. Jr. W. to
r . Br. IV.--Erasm Ptesatnaa.:7. Sr. III..
ssu•t•r,srfut d ay ie e.b4s dug at the, to Jr. IV.-Chaiintte Minis; Ti; Fret
abormages at "mai' AI"' ,7Qch- Horton, ai0.. Jr. III. to fir• M. -Bert
bout forty emu taker ' part. 'Freeman, 119; Mary Morris, tell; Aileen
lest I Italy hila from the United
Colborne Bale Association won theiFreemen, 64. Sr. II. to Jr. III. --Fila
), oc the eau
fi;xtrIeretiaary Situation n a X of England w truph f wiliest tsasoiae sadize,
The extaordinarisr situation in Italy States the Crop reports are lea more king ;R53 out of a peetter 7W. Horton' 116; Jean Hunter, iib. Jr. iI t .
. kit &: II.• --Eva Horton. F#rst to Jr. If
force cannot long be successful as the age. Canada may be called upon to and kit. whew 23. 3. mei. with wee. --Jack Hunter. Billie Freemen. Pri-
1?' First -Hazel Caok•
is another illustration of the fact that optirttstic than they were* few weer , R. A. wits $4,eouct, with ,
governing factor of at civilized country help to feed much more of the worlds The niedai for
the Best lndt> Wuat _mer to iret ase hi[. -RYAN.
Premier ltseaolini and the members i population than hes been the case for more went to R. Bisset, of Colborne::
of his Cabinet are en trial before an' aosne Years. Wh' ' • ie far tee ear#y Le Webster. of tit. Htdeus, lied the 8. O. No. 4, a;oltsor*o
aroused public opinion, front which# for us to speak w#th erta#nty, there sante score. 6.'i, but Bisset won #n- 'he :aliening is the report of•S.:S.
the strength at the reseisti cannot f is some ground for pleasure in 'the shooting off the tie. No. 4, Colborne, for the promotion ex -
save theta if they should peretat in • predietiens ratcels by some that the = The metes were 200 acct 100 Tara*, _ limitations. Those 'merited "P" have
defiance. The kidnapping and rapptt western .grain crop wilt beat the great The 'shooting was ewivaide'red, good, -
bairn promoted, thane marked "-.F"der of eseuty Matteotti was undoubt- record established in 1915. i taking int aeeouitt that „tike Ann hove not obtained the required its .si-
.elly a political trine engineered, it is * * " * were iit•wn.iinimiliar and that. bar of marks. The 't'seniar Fourth
charged, by a member of the govern- Molise Awraageinetst Between British open engine were Class -had test examinations and their
anent slid some of'bis officials., They and U. l3. Navies l The,, ititiiddnal priee•winners Wrote• names are in order of merit: Sr. IV.
feared that Matteotti would surcoet)let,. It.-Illesett Colborne,' 65; and,_,-
itt Ida threat to expose corzdption vend more than one occasion n eatie Doris Hill, Jack Pitiga re, J!itbledo
has •been thicker than aster because E. Wehmter. tat, dliletens. 6.7; 3rd, Ian. Mitchel. Jr,
IV. -Margaret 1'itWedo
wrong doing by die=m in eonnectton the navies of Britain and the United '1''irctan, tit.. tetras,' (sat d4tb. Jar. (P), Franklin Flick (P), Aaron Fish -
with permits, for gambling an4 other Iiovtinun. eederlr , 63; ,4h' C. A• er (R). 'Sr. IIx--Oli�re hill • (P),
government ''eonceese ns. ehe rename a mutual Chinese waters..
in the xat'"rtsonc !"oliwri a 81; oth, Jet -8111-. Myrtle McClure, (P), Dunroll Million
cations of titia elleced ring of exploit- Yangtze River and other districts elan, tsolborne, 61; 7tb. C'• 1'ronse, GAde (I:,), Marie Fisher (I') Jr. Mee-
. 60 Falk 1t Chieaholw Colborne
or* of the public, are illustrated in the where the inters: t% ofTba they , 09; nth, w.',Srxaouds�, Colborne, 57 R m • mCieta are P)) J Laurette le -F Ile -Florence
fact that the niton who actually car* need of watehful ere y 10th, 0. Goldthorpe, Goderleb, 57, ,, ,
►� `ofthe Esipite.
Oiartes 3'nu
toed out the crime included several cerrying''lt out is illustrated in. the
newspaper editors. - ' Few believe that case of the British gunboat Coekcha-
Mussolini himself hadanyknowledge fir, whose eotsamander compelled lo -
or part in the occurrence.' But he has cal authorities to attend the funeral l iter, St. Helens, 05;. 15th. Geo. Sy- ), a o, •lifertitsin, sheer,
bead finding it ei.tremely, difficult to of an Ai+terican Citizen; killed by river: monde, Colborne, ; 10tai, J: laltart- John Ward. Jr. Pre -Elmer Fisher:
IC Pr. -Norma Fisher and Edith
Flick (egotel); Winnie Pith da, lave
tign not favorable to worms, and
there will be no revival of the pests.
11th. Isaac Miller, St Helens, 117,' Mit, 4. V4Yi.F 4 M4 VY, jtf0,1 .14 Y,.�
12th, R. Bone, Goderich, 501. 13th, P. -nim. Jr. I'.-•-Nornisn Hill. Sr. Pr'-
231seset, ceeborne, 6; loth, Joon web._ Ruth Pitblado and Hary', Ward (eq-
1I''tblad Fi
control the unit elements of the irates Ind to execute two of the men.,son C'aaihornc :► 17ih It Vatson =.
has not hesitated to inflict shat dist - at this •tiiiie s.ucatuse of 1 r ' ' Fatbled° And: Clayton lftili#on' (equal),
A �' tion in China Helens, 1!?th, T 2i;. ltuudle. Goa --
at times,: btu ' an open grave the. great powers. «rich. 5^; 20th, T. Foran 8t: •Iielene, Jimt Ward, Jean 'Ward. •
question'aTiether,he will, be able-jo The fraatmentary reports received of • 52; .,21st, Jas. JracIricar, Goderkh. G. E• leNECHTEL, Teacher.
farces which pint hiin into power. -Be oncerrrtrd in the eririwe. The. situs- Gor erich v3 .19th, Tl laurdou, tat. W to
ret banes d to •on idles and ' •>>�+ ci J 23rD 1 Sy Iieienti
*heed. His denial of their complicity ell to foreign bust' el.; 2'3rd Reg 'Williams.Goderieb
u a slight �, : -•. a aIo .: _ the child. and to "elfectuill that they
t reigmamany 3,"stsi, 1'textt,,, Gotdtbari►iY, Col>xsa•iie, 47. y Children' C ry
control the Faecisti in the sem peril sur loss misoi a 52; _lac , pay,
Meter's Worm Powders. destroy
misstans, its
w air «� ? worms without any inconvenie>2ce+o
in tine recent crime is net convincing, nese interests, givebut1 ht idea 1 4tIi A H sister tt (oderlci} 47.
* * * of the ,chaios the
13rltipli Squadron et victoria parts This must be -settled if Chinas The 'tyro prizes trete won by J3 e from
e body_ �h pe sive . r
-"'"With the arrival of the British spa s to make anything of herself and (.oldthorpe, atotbaznc 47 (x 31fi-
'clot ilervice uacinn at Victoria, Can. cease ,to lie. a menace to caii`thieect 1.'hc'ri;ore St: Hoene,: eo; It. Bathe .,and bowels and leavaethem in a coed# CASTOR : 1A
The auto that resembles a tortoise
doesn't turn turtle.. .
• f They - oroug y cleanse e stomach
as kens are again reminded ,of what peace in the: Far:East, • do„ton. Colborne, 36,
this country and the Empire owes to• ”
the Beeti�h fleet. Whfla the tinea on * * * Relieves Asthma at Little 1` xeenee.
£ l� our coaa#a will have the .advantage a British Mint to Turn' Jett Russian Thousands of dollars have been
Four It a 20 .aei'l:t 14 fine years aitiwas his recantation, or.tor he st ac, seeing both the shine and the inen;l •:' Coin° vainly spent upon remedies for Beth;
on the ghat eine 14aa9 Thum* b taken 1a rt alit tothe stake,
v rn
meat took .
t Soviet a a.
i• e S t ell s As hm
a • r o s nee the. B' .D : J. D' $ o t
e t e a it of s n hof. �. .
'1 a 1 ase afg
el t leest
P 1�
u , ow a was
a, en ur e ie m a , .-• •
other; one of the great outstanding where he met his terrible' 'fate with 'alone of the interior, cfttee and *owns Russia is to have the first -coins ma and seldom, if ever, with any re•
n theet 1 th , of • -
tea t Reformation, -- cin o et heroic fortitude. e.
or is
;lisp Chttrchi wits born C mer wrote e7vee 40 : tbeologiesl
yery little to authentically kitoernef won nd many hymns, andtram large:
lib oderty lire boyoail the Met that he ly r neihlo for the Book ot. Cowman
reoelvo d his tint education from 4 lira mfr used In the Anglican Church.
country schoolmaster, inti that at the (Copyrighted),
;ante of le he warn lent to Cawbrldge
U isnot i '#v in 5 h e a ei n �•t _t�.pp� Q �y{ .. �i, making a tour of the world end pay- twin for the resumption of complete preparations. 'Your` dealer can.sup-
m n te, here 1 t0 a beoeed non a vu no P
]fclllgMsr,yf Jersuy C.allefle and Medved an ing .epactal .visite to the British overt trade and diplomatic relationships, Axe- ply it.
• ',appointment 15eloctarer at thee cent. ....- . sees Dominions and ..possefsions.. Its ;ported from time to tiMe tie having
waraslty; wbiob he bwlei -tor. 1!! leen. y f'eaphe are Low Spirited ant, �- flagship the "Hood" is, the greatest' leen broken off, are' pr"o$ra•ssing $at-
;soon altee. efdeing his foilowshtp' hese • e • prod . battle cruiser fn the British navy dis- itfactorily. Ais in the case of Ger-
has r ear-
n I. arrangements having, lieei*.: made chitrge. The British mint ee Remedy, despite its ass�anco af'ban-.
this. The fleet under the cam- ed the contract for making them; the efit, costae. so • little that it is within
for 45,000,000... This step . al #r Frederick Field order being� a P r cit of all.. It is the national .rein-.
n�caid of Adman S ed I ea
left Devonport in. November' last, Mid ie believed to be an indicaton that the edy for asthma;: far removed' from. the
will arrive' home' in September. It is negotiations between Russia and BO- class ee doubtful :and, experimental
but died within, a „. -.�, ,
YOU. cxi ut r wife
- • =,piicing� 30,000 tons, having a cpoed 'many the Old World is beginn#ng to _
• fur i'ltmtl after bar depth he mutinied • ,
_ Air 1t4I � orders 'and. '.wen otda4meel in . 'Needy fall Women . and most Men of ;aver thirty. knots an hour find . filet, there , trade and =
in 1,29.- - .- suffer at times front fits of depression ing oil ;only for fuel, In these times business arrangements'. of some '• hind
Hie aiivioece inent to royal faxen was and low spirits. '.Everythint seems a of peace, so far as the Empireis cbn- with Russia tf; a -real 'European • set-
Ltiu. ieetilt at a c.Ii4nce aueotia in lD2R burden; then come periodic of xle�rirous
corned, the British navy is lfet tle;nient is:to lyse. reached:'
with two of Henry VITT a tnlnleters, et .r •tabil•t lie diches •and wearfnese to the 'lowest pomaible strength co *,.u; .
Catherine. Ct knwar• expressed. the tality because their blood is ptAer and .to be at, the
highest iri naturally. whoa ^Another allied conference ,is to be
view•thet the nescestsity ot an appeee, to nerves ere ;starved in :consequence. ciency, which s a r ly, _...,_e held in ;. laxly. Britain, France, Italy
the Pepe could he eiie►ieaaeii with,: and The Poly way the nerves Csn be people of 'the Iimpare expect. unci Belgium. will' be represented an a
* *./*
the divorce granted by' the Rogiish' reached* is through the blood.. By en- tumid and official• canpc#ty.. The Un-
agoteiilMticel` courts, it It could bo de• ricking, the blood with Dr. Williams' Mount•,Everett Still Unconquered kneel States may .neat take an active ' ekleit thea � e king's inerrittee with the n is the stare nerves etre sup -r' Mount Everest iii, the Ilirrialayaa onpart kit the,•prtaceedfngs but someone
w Nat life eieoaesed brother will 1I1• 'died with just the elements • they the borders• of Nepa1, India, and Tibet, "le he there. as an observ, ; •:on • behal€
I.• •Thls opinion watt commuele ted to need.. Thio i° proven .by the miner" the highest peak in the world, hi atilt of the governmeirt. Following• the
the klag. and Ifo lost no timoin sending lent a of Mrs. J. E. Dadson, 12th Ave.,. •..unconquered: The third organi ed recent informal meeting' between Pre-
for. Creamer, .orae :000maitm)Id to give east, Vancouver. B. C., who :stays:-- a' upon the tepnioat of rider MacDonald of Britain` andFre-
the three them cilsoueset1 the People who suffer in this way' leek vi- saisteiit with its duties; but it is said A, other Allied" Conference In July
king's' elesire.•:to divorce Queen standard of.
Over 36,000
OP hill atnrit at Cambridge ant denote "AbQ_utthree yearn age became very .'its 29,002 feet has failed with the neer Herriott of France, hopes are ' r molts, M- • A ,' do- you'.
Bionstut awIOJ,ffe-t ►er 9P`eetitnia1theele•, .weak Ind nervous. I had. pains in any death of :taro white members -of the' held -Wit the German: reparations; iiaow whoa epeakingee
divorce._ r- aver three
eked oe. _ Fo t x b
las e:basiswhere jh putonawh t, '•
doubtsomething s �tvlll .be
Noquestion s e esd fromexpedition.u on
andba and also ufi r .
side 'hack, al
ran worked t em
Ci tmer o a problem.
the' noirh
ilmbmailty o» the tied. >Mfey •tbplst lie, iq' .frequent pains in the back of my* held been added,•to.the sum total•of •sc;en- an early_ settlement on -definitely ac -'No, haven't the . `
his position as arcbblssiop� el Outer. and neck. I was hardly able to do tific .knowledge . by' the information .cepted terms will be in sight. This ` , idea. -
. bury, pronoiinoeti judgentattt that the seething' about the house. I would gathered in the attempts; toconquer may read to theevacuation of the "Ira Irene --- we just hal
• klaitt a marriage with Ciasthertsse was Wake With a .siert in the night Bind this lofty giant. - Yt is, however, les4 etuhr 'arithin a ,year. 'Mare' import- our 'telephone installed and
,pull rind vole. Be reniaiued fa high' my heart, lel flutter so teat it al-
favour with. toe .ficklemonarch until moat .choked ,me. 1 tried much doe.,'
tee end of bin' reign, and • became oitlkoR for*a medicine but it did me no Per-
th!' ohie pre/lac/tern of the Itetormetton. insolent stood. One day I read about
Un Tris dtiatli•beei Ilemry appointed Dr. Wlllisma` rink Pills and derided
Crammer one of tee romans of lite youth
f�l stiecessor..kitweed i'Ie during' whose to give them a trial, These pille pro:
rdga he played ao prominent part in the duced ouch, a beneficial change. in e
adwtnlatrattoa of the: MAIM And.yicax short time that 1 kept taking them un
e00ugeticaily.,angagect.-tat Arany esti il-1 hadgeed-a-do:en-boxes::-_By this-
, hang the reformed reiigiem in Eng, time there Was such -an improvement
When the boy.kisg died la 155t1 in my, condition that friends would
Cruiser attncliecl biniaelt to the . party isk me whit a was taking, and of
rbioh supported toile' Jane Ocoee and Bourse I was only too pleased to tell
nominee Wyse .to -rho lanocent young them it was Dr. Williams' Pink Pili°:
queen of nine days when all her other
*Alienate hid deserted her, and be *tin •now feeling like a new person
seedily refused to seek safety in flight, and am doing my own housework.
On tier anemia* of Mary his down• We would not now be without Dry
fa►tl was spawn ende:mete
dpl, alie Williams' Pink Pills in the bowie."
visas eoMalew ix, cieaih Ser lit h treat•
YOU rain get these, pills from viler
' item at she /awe time as the trod lldittee
Lally Jaae•and her huebeed. The un. dnuggist,,or by mail at 50. cents *•box
fromThe Dr- Williams M die e" e►.
isaiaan was asst la►rricd out, :said be was� �p � .
Helen to Oxford( where be was placed Brockville, Ont. •
ors trial tui A heretic. r
k`aoeratwkith death by burning Grab., If one be troubled with corns, h"
mer'« courage fatted hien and he signed will find in Holloway's Corn Rearovei
ai oeeaslatioat . of him falth, but when on an application that will entirely re -
111.210. March Me he main takes to lieve suffering.
itt. Marys Church at Oxford to make at .
pabila abjuration. which would lire'sprodIk'il.better to mane your pleasures
npoti he temple bt Englaand a pluckily than to buy them.
for acieeee and More..forathe thrilt of ant than any of the surmises and pre-
aehievcment tbat•iaitannv men iittempt dictions is, the statement by. Premier
to prove thein•` muperiority by reaching Herriott that Britain has :guaranteed
the highest peaks or other unexplored France; assistance in the event of ag-
parte of the earth. Everest will be gression by Germsny Though thus
conquered in time. Meanwhile this is understood to have been offered tee
controversy as Teethe wisdom of these fore,' the French .press seems to have ".
uttentpteci feats will be continued. the. feeling that in the present in-
etanee there--has-been.-a.-.much.-more --__-
Hopeo'Flnd"Meeints_ofAllaying Poll empbatk and unrestricted offer' than
' ileal Uiireet Itf Isidia previously. Anyway, France :seems
"` It is the -hope of the l overnment of- to he quite pleased over the result of
India to•find some means of allaying the conferen( of the Premiers.
the political unrest in` the., country,
which' as giving egitstdra a line Rotaatrarx4 a bagger Spot
(hanee to -work serious mischief.: A Reinitiates se. ;Mime to be a danger
committee of in tu'ry is inveatigntiaag spot. There is little, doubt •thee -the
tee act under Whieh the country is government is putting the country in
go%•e ned at the present time. The ;Unger by its contfscatoryy methods of
idea is to make such changesand am. dealing with concessions granted to
end/Rent at is possible in toasting ,foreign companies, and, by the corrup .
circumstance's, with. a view to. rectify- tion which costain; Sts financial ad
I theiegl t you 'would like to
know our number."
*'Why that's fine,- Irene, I've
°tt'tiit wished your mother
had a telephone."
Ant set Mrs. Brock returns
to lain paper with a new
sadter appreciation of
the • .that`- "every -new- _
ager adds .to the vain
st YOUR telephone."le
Of thee:net gain of52,018
telephones in Ontario . and
1923, over MOOG
(or TM) ' were installed in
Narehanta and ^altop-keepers
siottld niot a tsdoak Ode
-Mtge addition to 'the num*,-
bar of hotiselioleta's they
cm reads by telephone,
By our New Latest Device„Automatic ,Air Compressor,,
also Air Tower, .which enables you to 'get air :at any
time yau wisb,•rio waiting, no fussing or. dirty hosei`toY'
handle. Just stop.and help yourself • assin
Slag the "Bute Water Highway; at .
P. Vii. Sex :474 ' � .'...- Fiume 398 r 2"
Also tietribttitora for tee.WATEIt-LieSS STORAGE RATTI:RIES'
rhe battery that is _proving a wontlerfut suci:ess.
- 6 Volt 1.1 Plate Fully Guaranteed, for.
Ford, Chevrolet,
5 nO
Ing "Imperfections." , Grave diftfcul- ministration.' Politicians . who are �'`, X►., r y
ties are in the way of meeting the de- more concerned 'about Clinging to of.
manes, of. the Indian Home niters of face- than about the welfare of the
the iidvaanced' type.' one- if"•these; country are defying • the demands of
Das, a' rioted propagandist, has lately the. great national organizations of
complicated the tsitnatio by openly peaaanta ;who are strong enough to
fid ial'toI
and overthrow tike government and
y inciting
• OM $9.00 P
All ' Kinds Of Oils and Accessories
to n rnrder,
lauding Indians who *one months ago 'monarchy :both, if they feel that the - t
ty, x whites gtticial. a posy
,�,,, It
i Mk latter is also . helping to block re-
' that the day maty, come when a mean- forays. It i' said that the recent tour
y _' ore of home rule on an advanced settle of • the King and Queen had tie ;'-
limy be given to lenge areas ref the Primary object the vitiate of a -for•
-country. In vast stretches of India, sign loan, in widen nothing but fails
however, racial differences and relig. lane Iva* encotenterta. - -
-fous beliefs so divide the people att to For Catarrh.. --It of the chief
make anything like than impa�sxible recommendations of Dr. Thorne? Ec
Von can do -this by baying your Shelf.,
w "` *•• lectrie 031 that Wean -be used intern-
Seen Marvels of Wireless . ally with es much success as it can
Torpedoes steered by wireles* are a outwardly. SeAt'fferers from catarrh
vement of the British Wer will find ththe Oil when used
Went achie. ac,!.
and Heavy Hardware. Cement, Coal. ate.. • i 1 0itee experts. The 'world is getting cording to direction* will give promnt
at the Hardware Store at the . Wharf.. A
$hider Twin*, per Sr.
fanili#irr with these remonstrations of relief.. Many sufferers from this ail- .
emitted of abips, *intones and oth- trent have found relief in the Oil and
tar abjecte by wiretees; it would bens. have sent testimonials. `
•• At far more from those width are de -
141/4e voted ta• peaceful use* than three
Hay Fork Rope, par 1Mi.
Strowat Doers ass4 Wlatiniveitgeeary to dirt out.
'.eft -foot iikovejt Ga wr. Ircet Witt 'T!aais 01-
petliaatti sit,, per sack
Sad, loc extra. returnable at Nr,„
, eearttriss Mamas Nei, f $1.00
per �3,� gal. $1.95: p r ° anent X3.75.
,mitiwrwt tt, ettoir 9littiosto Steve* Egg, per toet.$15.'i!i
-- which have weir as their mein objectin Treenail.
2aik - ire. To be able to send photographs "-'"""' e
across, tate sea by. wireteea, to tack
Tkfair lams
..At Cost acraea continents and oceans by the-. Whoa wrmai lee their kidaeys eat
*erne agettey, trod to make quick jour- of order; whet their born sates sad
.$12.50 , , role from continent to continent by past, all they, tired to de is take s
air routes, is a for more pleasing prop 'Mr hem of
unt us FIGVltE on y > t PLUMING,
MATING .AM latched wpm.
A" THU WWI,* 0000004
specs than that of having countries
devastated by inventions controlled
- freak eennidersble distances. It is 'ebc-
peeted that some interesting revela-
tions of new discoveries will be made
when the Britleh Association for tiny
Advwnceitt+ent of Scknee netts in .
Canada in Auigaiet and Role predicted
that Most of these will have to do
with benefit* far nienktitd.
• * t
Great t'taeie 1!ttgesrts freest C*Melte*
Wawa .
While the reports front the Caea-
dian Wool ni tt#na2 ti be matt lamer -
aide and hopeful in regard to the crop
premise*, these treat other esoutriea
are still potho rdstje. /tram*, width
prvaeised to have IN nnx* l troy► its
galena stet ?nets. k reporting Feat
damage atter wide areas ewlsst to W-
restled rides sand Mit atonias. There
retet•.fssnw Semis * emalidersWe enters
ll Asir lestieihela
• isi wiley t Immo ai Sawn,
of Miss Lea Ziehar'i, meter, le.Re
•eertion...-'rer tiro re ire It WM #
w#tk ley kithieys aa.el they sera awn locoed,
et these, r eerie net wank stress tate
liber far the pairs to cry l,.cb.
Penalty a fried advised nee to me
Daaai's 11140 ? PIN* se I b.ugiat Os,
bone, earl, sew. Mari hese estinced et
ss• trrwbis foe ewe bow ran.
I wl* ruiawrsssat •Deers'e' tis -
all *ow via asidrrrr fesm *ay flax of •
klrhe tasreiis. "
>7aesri'r Mem P seepat ip etsig
by The T. Millers 014 Limited.
tet • .
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