HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1918-01-17, Page 2Pp SI ot,* glitifEittolittut Vtbante AWN JOT, Proprietor A, 0, $3trrlt. Manager 1010 JAPIVATY 1918 SEN. MOE, Ten. WED TITO. riU. SAT. ...M... 4.10.11,.... T..1.01.1....V. 1 2 8 4 5 0 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 THURSDAY, JAN. 17th, 1918. Even if the Ontario Liberals have not swelled heads, we suppose it can be stated that they are somewhat Proud - footed. * * * The New Leader Mr. Proudfoot, who is a man of good ability, is to lead the Opposition in the Legislature till after the close of the approaching session, when a convention of Liberals is to make a permanent a-1)- pointment We are surprised that a har- monious meeting of Liberals should be thought possible so soon. In the mean- time, the Globe, we are sure will be the leader M fact, It has already hung on Mr. Proudfoot's breast and on his back the Australian programme or the Prin. ciples of the New Liberalism, which he carries proudly and will enlarge by -adding proportional representation and unnamed proposals of reform meaning, probably, the referendum and recall and, perhaps, direct legislation. The new Liberalism seems to embrace everything else that has been suggested to make the world perfect. -Sun. * The Soldiers' Votes __-__---- Mr. W F. O'Connor, ofTi ial returning officer in a statement issued recently, said: "The impression seems to have been created in some quarters that the Govern- ment is empowered under the Wartimes Election Act to allocate certain soldier votes to particular constituencies, as it may deem expedient This is entirely in - DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractic Drugless Sealing accur ately locates and removes the cause o. disease, allowing nature to restore health J. A. FOX DC., D.O. Osteopathy Electricity Member Drugless Physicians Associa- tion of Canada. -Phone 191 - SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS The sole head of a famil3r. or any male over 18 years old who was at the commencement of the present war, and has since continued to be, a Britishsubjeot ore subject of an allied or nem. tral country, may homestead a quarter section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Bask- atohewan or Alberta. Applicant must appear in person ab the Dominion Lands Agency or Bub•Agenov for the District. Entry bs proxy may be made on certain conditions. Duriss-eix months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. In certain districts a homesteader may se- cure an adjoininx quarter a action as pre-emp. tion. Price $3.00 per acre. DITTI228—Reside Six months in eaoh of three years after earn- ing homestead patent and cultivate 50 acres extra. May obtain pre.emption patent as soon as homestead, patent on. certain conditions. A settler after obtaining homestead patent, ithe cannot secure a pre.emption, may take a pm -chased homestead in certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre. Must reside six months in eaoh of three years. cultivate 50 acres and erect a henna worth 8300.00 Bolden of entries may count time of employ. went as farm laborers in Canada during 1017, as residence duties under certain nonditione, When Dominion Lands are advertised or posted for entry, returned soldiers who have served overseas and have been honorably dis- charged, receive one day priority in applying far entry at local Agebt'e Cake tbut not, Sub Agency.) Discharge papers must be presented to Agent. W. W. 0013.1t, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N. B. - Unaothorieed publications of this advertisement will -not be paid for -1141. CREAM WANTED OUr service is prompt and remittance sure.• Our prices are the highest on the m*rket consistent with honest testing Ship your cream '‘direct" to us and save an agent's commission. The commission comes out of the producer. The more it cdst to get the cream to its destieation the lees the producer is sure to get. We supply 'cans, pay all express charges and:remit twice a month. Write for prices and cans, Bsaforth Creamery Co. Sesfortb, . Ont. err essereeeer slimeekeem eu.i,l,eini.t:•eirereseregiemers correct. The Government, as a matter of fact is precisely in the same position as as the Opposition with regards to the votes of soldiers The act permits a soldier, who is a British subject and has no domicile in Canada, to designate the constituency in which his vote shall be credited. It also permits him, if he knows only the name of the place and the name of the constituency in which it is situaten, to indicate the name of the piece and the ballot is duly credited to the proper e con- stituency. But in every case the matter is settled by the soldier himself at the time he votes. Neither the Government nor the Oppbsition has power to change the vote of a single soldier, or to allocate it to any constituency other than that which the soldier has chosen at the time of the voting. The vote is counted and allocated to the proper constituency in the presence of election officers represent- ing both Government and Opposition duly appointed under the provisions of the Wartimes Election Ace' We wish all our Custom. ers A Happy and a Pros. perous Now Year. 111111101111101.11111111111111111110111.11inga Ritchie & Co us esommemme"....NETTP.M.easomplowns GIRLS! LEMON JUICE IS SKIN WHITENER How to make a Creamy Beauty Lotion for a few Cents The juice of two fresh lemons strained into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes a whole quarter pint of the most remarkable lemon skin beautifier at about the cost one must pay for a small jar of the ordinary cold creams. Care shouldbe taken to strain the lemon juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness Tend tan and is the ideal skin softener. whitener and beautifier, Just try it! Get three ounces of orch- ard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. ONE OUT OF EVERY TEN Persons in Canada Bought Victory Bonds The latest returns in the Victory Loan campaign show a total of 782,714 subscrib- ers, or one subscriber for every ten people in Canada. This establishes a new re- cord with respect to the proportion of the population of a country subscribing to its War Loans. The previous record was held in Great Britain, where one person out of every twenty-three subscribed to the last War Loan. In the Liberty Loan campaign in United States, Bonds were sold to one person out ot every twenty- seven of the population. In many cities, towns and district e in Canada, the proportion of the population buying Victory Bonds was even higher than one in ten. In a number of cases it was as high as one in four. The achievement in connection with Canada's Victory Loan, while primarily due to the splendid spirit of patriotism that pervades the country, is another evi- dence of what may be accomplished through press advertising backed by an adequate selling organization. Prior to the Victory Loan campaign there were comparatively few bond buy- ers in Canada. The third Canadian War Loan of last spring which was the most widely distributed bond issue in Canada up to that time, had only 41,000 subscrib- ers. The Finance Minister deemed it essential that many times that number should subscribe to the Victory Loan. He assigned to the press the task of educating with -respect to the Loan the reat inasies of people who are not bond buyers, and in most cases had only a very vague idea of the meaning of the term "bond"as ap- plied to securities. For several weeks before the sale of Victory Bonds commenced Canada's need for money to carry on the war and to maintain her agricultural and industrial prosperity was Presented to the people of Canada in diaplay advertisements in 'the press. Eitiphasis was placed in those ad- vertisements on the privilegesandcduty of every Canadian to assist in the' 'war fin; ancing of his or her cbiintry; and upon the fact that if Canada's financial needs Were to be met the great masses °fettle people would have to buy Victory Bolds. The meaning of a "bond" and :the securi- ..e? behind Canada's Victory Bonds were :explained -in :simple, every -clay language* Similar educational work was done volutes. tarity by almost all newspapers and. other publications through their nets -and edit-; Oriel c.olumns. ' By November 12th, when .the :cf Victory Bonds commenced,- the people, had been educated very, largely to ;the need for the monf.T, -kehind the Loan and the reasons lir every • pev. son who could possibly do so should buy one or more Bonds. The preparatory educational work in the press was follow- ed up by personal solicitation by a most efficient Deminion-wide organization of personal workers. Concurrently with that personal solicitation there appeared in the press a series of "selling" advertise-. menta emphasizing .the Immediate privi- lege and duty of every Canadian to buy Victory Bonds, and many editorials and news articles along the same line were published in every newspaper. The press publicity created an attnost phere anctajtnowledoot, the situation that in addition to securing large numbers of subscribers without persOnal elicitation made it possible for the personal workers to do their work quickly and effectively and with infinitely greater results than could have been obtained without the educational, inspirational and selling ad- vertisenients in the preds, At the conclusion of - the 'campaign Sir Tho.',as White, in a telegram to j, IL WoodsiTresident of Canadian Press As - 'sedation, In, expressed his sincere 'thanks for the fine spirit and splendid energy shown by the press and his opin- ion that the press had every reason to congratulate itself upon the cilaraeter and effactiveness ofthe stavettisitt, pro* paganda, TAO WINGUA.M ADVANCE Male, SUNDELIUS, nowest of Metropolitan Grand Opera Stars, singing in direct comparison with the New Edison Re -Creation of her glorious voice, This is the Edison way! The record of an artist's voice is not a Re -Creation of that voice unless it will sustain this test: The voice Re -Creation is placed on the New Edison. The artist stands before the instrument and sings, Suddenly, without warning', the artist ceases singing and the New Edison takes up the song alone. The Re -Creation of the artist's voice must be so perfect that those who listen, with closed eyes, cannot tell when the artist has ceased to sing, 'EDISON "The Phonograph with a Soul" is the only sound reproducing ins'aument which is submitted to this test, and the only one capable of sustaining this test. Hear this wonderful new instrument at our store, 104 di D. BELL, • • Wingham, Ont. '' East Wawanosh Mr, and Mrs. W. J, Dobie, of East Wawanosh, have the sympathy of many friends and neighbors in the death of their young son, Norman Kerr, aged 4 years, 4 months and 5 days, having pass- ed away on Saturday Jan'y 5th. He was a bright little fellow, the idol of the home and will be much missed The funeral took place on Monday with service at the house at 2 p.m., folloWed by interment in Ball's Cemetery. M2tet=M30., WING HAM ASTONISHED BY MERCHANT'S STORY A merchant relates the following: "For years I could not sleep without turning every hour. Whatever I ate caused gas and sourness. Also had stomach catarrh. ONE SPOONFUL buckthorn bark, glycol. - Me, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka relieved me INSTANTLY ." Because Adler -i ka flushed the alimentary tract it relieves ANY CASE constipation, sourstomach or gas prevents appendicitis. It has QUICKEST action of anything we ever sold. J. W. McKibbon druggist. I.:10I1411141111144°14I • Farmers Attention'! We have opened up a Cash Produce Mark. et in A. H. Wilford's Old Stand '- ,where we will pay you. the highest cash prices for. .. CREAM POULTRY, BUTTER and EGGS. Gunne Shur Crop Fertilizer always in Stock. GUNNS LIMITED E. R6 Harrison; Branch Manager Our place of bueines'l Will, not be open after 6 OiCloelZ on Satur4aY even. • ings. ketisow~rowesoiotersimeoweee4eowissois.00~~~11. ii1tilliamiti=1111111111111111111111111111111111110111111ftemsesausamasuaial Ihutviay Jan. lyth /ittl MEMHIE:N OE L'AcB 44'4 1/TXXXX74:499Nr4PXXXXXX15-4N,XXXXZXXXXXXXXX101001 ! InWingheni 15' Yeera Aeo ea TeLora from 0'4 THE ADVANCE* Jaatiory eell 1903 k)e'. 51........,-.57,A*70,WW ISA RD'S---------,-' _, Turnberry ri,re -il ' ' • - ' - , g , -1- ,- - te• i • , ••,' .;,-i /7 Reeve, W I? e' -: - . ) , 1., Musgrove, Kelly, Cepeetiti huti.er- `-• ford, ce-,1 The election in East Wawanoeh result- eqeS ed as follows; Reeve John McCallum, ! Councillors Beecroft, Ellis,. Menzies and tel Wilson Lucknow Council, Reeve A. T. David- son and Councillors W. C, Treleiiven, I), Sheriff, G. H. Lawrence, J. N, Brown. Messrs T. T. Field and W. F. Vanstone have fine displays of Chrietinae meat, and their decorations were very pretty. The displays would have been creditable to a city, Mr Field has ordered an elec- tric motor to run his sausage machine, Our butchers are live business men and have an excellent trade The semi-annual meeting of the L. 0. L District Lodge will be held in Wingham next Tuesday. The Grand Lodge of On- tario West will be held in Wingham early in March, Last Sunday was the seventh anniver- sary of Rev, Wm. Lowe's rectorship of St. Paul's church. Mr. and Mrs. Munshaw are occupying rooms over Miss Boyd's millinery estab- lishment. Mr, and Mrs. T. G Tipling of Goder- ich. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Amos Tipling. Mrs. Ewen McKenzie of Culross, visit- ed her daughter, Mrs J. Milne at A W. Webster's this week. The Council of Wingham for 1903 will be - Mayor -R. Vanstone. Councillors -R. McIncloo, T, Bell, J. J. Elliott, W. F. Vanstone, A Duhnage, S Bennett To by-laws were submitted to the elec- tors of Wingham-one for extension of eel the waterworks, involving an expenditure , of $21,000, and another authorizing the Zee construction of a trunk sewage disposal , works, at a cost of 5,500. We believe that if the time for discussion had been a couple of weeks longer, both by-laws would have passed, for the schemes were e gaining in favour daily. Unfortunately, both were defeated, and whether from a tel sanitary standpoint or that el a progress- 04 ive. up to -date town, the property -hold- NceZ, ors decided to authorize neither. Vsi Butter is quoted at 17c per lb. Eggs 20c. Potatoes 50c. Wool 10c. BORN Simmons -In Wingham, Dcc 20, Mrs. A. E Simmons; a daughter, Hart -In Wingham, Dec. 26, Mis. Ezra, Hart; a daughter. MARRIED Hill -Ferguson -At Whiteclauch pareon- age, by Rev C. C. Keine, on Dec 2lth, - Mr. H. Hill to Miss Jean Ferguson Cottle -Taylor --On Dec. 24th, by Rev. C. C. Keine, at the residence of the bride's father, Kinloss, Mese Belle, daughter of Mr Jas. Taylor, to Mr, Geo. Cottle, Whitechurch. Lind -Brandon -On Wednesday, 24th Dec., by Rev. E. A. Show, at the resi- dence of the bride's parents, Morris, Aggie, daughter of Mr and -Mrs J. H. Brandon, to Mr. James Lind, East Wa- wanosh. Allison -Brandon On Dee. 24th, by Rev. A Shaw, at the ' residence of the bride's parents, Morris, Annie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brandon, to Mr Walter Allison of Belgrave. DIED • Bone -In Wingham, Dec 2e, Mary Oak, relict of the late John Bone, aged 07 years. Egleatone-In Wawanosh, Dec 35th, Ed- gar, eon of Mr. and Mrs Jno. Eele- . stone, aged 9 years. SATISFACTION . G 1.1 A la A RISE `v.D or Your Money 33aels: f:Dc. a bOx. 6137172:_eAc_fckrt2.0 411- 411 irri XXX rit gitr4r4 Wiffir4 XXX XXX XXXXXX TICXXXI 0 I "It apagoosnerarmadain.augaassm....."...R.,,, 1 II Our January Stock Taking Sale will be Bigger and Better than over, We have an unusually large stock on hand, and we must sell all our Winter Goode . and have marked them at prices which must appeal to your Penile � eqya, omy. Save a quarter a third or a half, by buying now. $5000 worth of High Grade furs and Ready -to - Wear Garments for Women, Misses and Children on sale at prices the lowest quoted for goods of this goal.' ity. COME EARLy FO it szakeadoiag`,,, 2'L tr.SH C OA 7.1. -10 Women's Plush Coats to be sold regardless a costs, every coat made of good quality plush and the very latest etyle. Reduced for quick selling as follows: • Lot 1 -Plush Coats, reg value $18.00, sale price • ..i20-..01 Lot 2- Plush Coats, reg value $25, sale price Lot 3 -Plush Coats, reg value $30, sale price Lot 4- Plush Coats, reg value $40, sale price.. fle/0-00 Women's Black Zebiline Coats, reduced as follows: $15 coats sale price 818 coats sale price $20 coats, sale price Women's Stylish Coats made of good quality Whitney Cloth 815 coats, sale price $18 coats, sale price MOO $20 coats, sale price $25 coats, sale price 119°00' • Women's Fancy Tweed Coats must be sold at a big loss to us and • bit gain to the buyer. See them. 8 coats, your pick for $2.00 6 coats, your pick for ..... • ...ga H. 10 coats, your pick for 4 75 12 coats, your pick for Let 9 coats, your pick for • • $7.60 • • • 1040 12.78 14.75 Children's Coats to clear for ages 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and ln years. Lot I 4 coats, sale prices $2 95 Lot II 7 coats, sale price 34.00 Lot III 10 coats sale price $4.75 Lot IV -9 coats, sale price $5.93 FURS, FURS 10 neck pieces, stoles, sale price $1 05 7 neck pieces, stoles, sale price "2.75 6 neck pieces, stoles, sale price $4:50 9 neck pieces, stoles, sale price $6.05 5 Marmot Muff, sale price $4.75 8 Marmot Muffs, sale price $5.95 O Marmot Muffs, sale price .... . , • $7.00 5 Persian Lamb Muffs, sale price $12,75 3 Sable Muffs, sale price . $11.05 Big cut in prices of sets of furs, comprisini Per Lamb, Lynx, Natural Gray Wolfe, Goldtii PM Gra), - Fox, Gray Opposum, Amber Oppottun and 131etle Wolf, , . Lot No 1-3 sets to clear at 116.71 No. Il -5 sets, sale price $1140 No. III- 4 sets, sale price $14,71. '', No. IV -3 sets, sale price $16.06 ' No. V- 2 sets, sale price $25.78 Ladies' Rat Coats at reduced pricet. See them at- $35.00, $50.00 and $75. . Fur Lined and Fur Collared Coats at $18.75, 523, $30 and $38.75. COME EARLY FOR7316 ST CHOICE PItODUCZ 4111.110.81109.011M52511W E. ISARD & CO. Wilighatn, - Ontario ••••11.40.1r, lammonnualsononmint. &verinks\onq the ikbaum iteviAs eskAts. r' .!5; ((4P.•.i did! '01 • t Por FR eE Sample irfy.e notios31 tr53 S Chemin! Os, of Comb, Lietmf, Terme, 110.-Dcu Co. Inc., 202 rtes it., Bunco, ISV. 15! KLLItTET irdMeedek 'rouge and Charles Sts., Toronfo, All grad. Wee and scores of out underoradual or, the past year have secured good besiness nose dons anti still the demand i; far besond our supply. Write for our (Malone, Enter at any UM& W. J. Elliott Pi 'Aetna], kLUCIE) firesivesatanseereseeeersseszelets Every year from Coenemptiot, Milliens could have keit saved if only common sense plcv(ution had. been used in tele lira sts,o. 11: YOU ADE a ;Sufferer front Aelleee, Drone dale, Cataerla, 1 te Lee, Weak Lungs, Cough met Celle --ell Pio. eaece leading tee to Cee eee tieneet Tiihereuleslre YO IT VI; ;J:ereLlitel in Dr. ietroielgaao t. .eeelle'eao. Write tor Tealmoutr%-,i. trel.ttitIri'A.!Nt'Art3 et e of a TRY it just once! Ask your friend to let you "pilot" his'ear on an open stretch. You'll like it, and will be surprised how emits? the end the Whee 0' and Drive Ford is handled and driven, If you have never felt the thrill of driving your own car, thereis some- . thing good in store for you. It is vastly different from just riding -being a passenger. And especially so if you drive a Ford. Young boys, girls, women and even grandfathers—thousands of them— are driving Ford ears and enjoying it, A Ford stops and starts in trek with exceptional ease and smoothness, while on country roads grid hills its strength, and ,power show to advantage:, • • •," • • „ „ • s Buy a Ford and you want to be:behind te wheel" constan.411. 4tt 1 1 ' A. M. Crawford, Dealei, Runabout $475 Touring • $495. ME UNIVERSAL C414 F, POZW, 0.1VZ - • '5 5 . 5 CLEAN SWEEP SALE * . . OF E\JERYTHTNG I am selling off all my stock at and below cost. .- Now is the.time to buy anything you want in the following lines:— . • Gents' Watches, ClOcks,.. Rings, Silverware, Neck- lets, Cutlery, Bracelet Watches, Cut Glass, Gents' c hains,. Ivory .nd• Ebony Goods of' all kinds, Tie Pins, Brooehes, Pennants, Earrings, Post Cards. . .. 'Everything must be sold regardless of cost. .. : , . • . A Jeweller and Optician rixelmoseatemssatrenewsmo .'10(NOX ' . Phone 5.. .. . .. ...-emsestmesisommisee I.:10I1411141111144°14I • Farmers Attention'! We have opened up a Cash Produce Mark. et in A. H. Wilford's Old Stand '- ,where we will pay you. the highest cash prices for. .. CREAM POULTRY, BUTTER and EGGS. Gunne Shur Crop Fertilizer always in Stock. GUNNS LIMITED E. R6 Harrison; Branch Manager Our place of bueines'l Will, not be open after 6 OiCloelZ on Satur4aY even. • ings. ketisow~rowesoiotersimeoweee4eowissois.00~~~11. ii1tilliamiti=1111111111111111111111111111111111110111111ftemsesausamasuaial Ihutviay Jan. lyth /ittl MEMHIE:N OE L'AcB 44'4 1/TXXXX74:499Nr4PXXXXXX15-4N,XXXXZXXXXXXXXX101001 ! InWingheni 15' Yeera Aeo ea TeLora from 0'4 THE ADVANCE* Jaatiory eell 1903 k)e'. 51........,-.57,A*70,WW ISA RD'S---------,-' _, Turnberry ri,re -il ' ' • - ' - , g , -1- ,- - te• i • , ••,' .;,-i /7 Reeve, W I? e' -: - . ) , 1., Musgrove, Kelly, Cepeetiti huti.er- `-• ford, ce-,1 The election in East Wawanoeh result- eqeS ed as follows; Reeve John McCallum, ! Councillors Beecroft, Ellis,. Menzies and tel Wilson Lucknow Council, Reeve A. T. David- son and Councillors W. C, Treleiiven, I), Sheriff, G. H. Lawrence, J. N, Brown. Messrs T. T. Field and W. F. Vanstone have fine displays of Chrietinae meat, and their decorations were very pretty. The displays would have been creditable to a city, Mr Field has ordered an elec- tric motor to run his sausage machine, Our butchers are live business men and have an excellent trade The semi-annual meeting of the L. 0. L District Lodge will be held in Wingham next Tuesday. The Grand Lodge of On- tario West will be held in Wingham early in March, Last Sunday was the seventh anniver- sary of Rev, Wm. Lowe's rectorship of St. Paul's church. Mr. and Mrs. Munshaw are occupying rooms over Miss Boyd's millinery estab- lishment. Mr, and Mrs. T. G Tipling of Goder- ich. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Amos Tipling. Mrs. Ewen McKenzie of Culross, visit- ed her daughter, Mrs J. Milne at A W. Webster's this week. The Council of Wingham for 1903 will be - Mayor -R. Vanstone. Councillors -R. McIncloo, T, Bell, J. J. Elliott, W. F. Vanstone, A Duhnage, S Bennett To by-laws were submitted to the elec- tors of Wingham-one for extension of eel the waterworks, involving an expenditure , of $21,000, and another authorizing the Zee construction of a trunk sewage disposal , works, at a cost of 5,500. We believe that if the time for discussion had been a couple of weeks longer, both by-laws would have passed, for the schemes were e gaining in favour daily. Unfortunately, both were defeated, and whether from a tel sanitary standpoint or that el a progress- 04 ive. up to -date town, the property -hold- NceZ, ors decided to authorize neither. Vsi Butter is quoted at 17c per lb. Eggs 20c. Potatoes 50c. Wool 10c. BORN Simmons -In Wingham, Dcc 20, Mrs. A. E Simmons; a daughter, Hart -In Wingham, Dec. 26, Mis. Ezra, Hart; a daughter. MARRIED Hill -Ferguson -At Whiteclauch pareon- age, by Rev C. C. Keine, on Dec 2lth, - Mr. H. Hill to Miss Jean Ferguson Cottle -Taylor --On Dec. 24th, by Rev. C. C. Keine, at the residence of the bride's father, Kinloss, Mese Belle, daughter of Mr Jas. Taylor, to Mr, Geo. Cottle, Whitechurch. Lind -Brandon -On Wednesday, 24th Dec., by Rev. E. A. Show, at the resi- dence of the bride's parents, Morris, Aggie, daughter of Mr and -Mrs J. H. Brandon, to Mr. James Lind, East Wa- wanosh. Allison -Brandon On Dee. 24th, by Rev. A Shaw, at the ' residence of the bride's parents, Morris, Annie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brandon, to Mr Walter Allison of Belgrave. DIED • Bone -In Wingham, Dec 2e, Mary Oak, relict of the late John Bone, aged 07 years. Egleatone-In Wawanosh, Dec 35th, Ed- gar, eon of Mr. and Mrs Jno. Eele- . stone, aged 9 years. SATISFACTION . G 1.1 A la A RISE `v.D or Your Money 33aels: f:Dc. a bOx. 6137172:_eAc_fckrt2.0 411- 411 irri XXX rit gitr4r4 Wiffir4 XXX XXX XXXXXX TICXXXI 0 I "It apagoosnerarmadain.augaassm....."...R.,,, 1 II Our January Stock Taking Sale will be Bigger and Better than over, We have an unusually large stock on hand, and we must sell all our Winter Goode . and have marked them at prices which must appeal to your Penile � eqya, omy. Save a quarter a third or a half, by buying now. $5000 worth of High Grade furs and Ready -to - Wear Garments for Women, Misses and Children on sale at prices the lowest quoted for goods of this goal.' ity. COME EARLy FO it szakeadoiag`,,, 2'L tr.SH C OA 7.1. -10 Women's Plush Coats to be sold regardless a costs, every coat made of good quality plush and the very latest etyle. Reduced for quick selling as follows: • Lot 1 -Plush Coats, reg value $18.00, sale price • ..i20-..01 Lot 2- Plush Coats, reg value $25, sale price Lot 3 -Plush Coats, reg value $30, sale price Lot 4- Plush Coats, reg value $40, sale price.. fle/0-00 Women's Black Zebiline Coats, reduced as follows: $15 coats sale price 818 coats sale price $20 coats, sale price Women's Stylish Coats made of good quality Whitney Cloth 815 coats, sale price $18 coats, sale price MOO $20 coats, sale price $25 coats, sale price 119°00' • Women's Fancy Tweed Coats must be sold at a big loss to us and • bit gain to the buyer. See them. 8 coats, your pick for $2.00 6 coats, your pick for ..... • ...ga H. 10 coats, your pick for 4 75 12 coats, your pick for Let 9 coats, your pick for • • $7.60 • • • 1040 12.78 14.75 Children's Coats to clear for ages 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and ln years. Lot I 4 coats, sale prices $2 95 Lot II 7 coats, sale price 34.00 Lot III 10 coats sale price $4.75 Lot IV -9 coats, sale price $5.93 FURS, FURS 10 neck pieces, stoles, sale price $1 05 7 neck pieces, stoles, sale price "2.75 6 neck pieces, stoles, sale price $4:50 9 neck pieces, stoles, sale price $6.05 5 Marmot Muff, sale price $4.75 8 Marmot Muffs, sale price $5.95 O Marmot Muffs, sale price .... . , • $7.00 5 Persian Lamb Muffs, sale price $12,75 3 Sable Muffs, sale price . $11.05 Big cut in prices of sets of furs, comprisini Per Lamb, Lynx, Natural Gray Wolfe, Goldtii PM Gra), - Fox, Gray Opposum, Amber Oppottun and 131etle Wolf, , . Lot No 1-3 sets to clear at 116.71 No. Il -5 sets, sale price $1140 No. III- 4 sets, sale price $14,71. '', No. IV -3 sets, sale price $16.06 ' No. V- 2 sets, sale price $25.78 Ladies' Rat Coats at reduced pricet. See them at- $35.00, $50.00 and $75. . Fur Lined and Fur Collared Coats at $18.75, 523, $30 and $38.75. COME EARLY FOR7316 ST CHOICE PItODUCZ 4111.110.81109.011M52511W E. ISARD & CO. Wilighatn, - Ontario ••••11.40.1r, lammonnualsononmint. &verinks\onq the ikbaum iteviAs eskAts. r' .!5; ((4P.•.i did! '01 • t Por FR eE Sample irfy.e notios31 tr53 S Chemin! Os, of Comb, Lietmf, Terme, 110.-Dcu Co. Inc., 202 rtes it., Bunco, ISV. 15! KLLItTET irdMeedek 'rouge and Charles Sts., Toronfo, All grad. Wee and scores of out underoradual or, the past year have secured good besiness nose dons anti still the demand i; far besond our supply. Write for our (Malone, Enter at any UM& W. J. Elliott Pi 'Aetna], kLUCIE) firesivesatanseereseeeersseszelets Every year from Coenemptiot, Milliens could have keit saved if only common sense plcv(ution had. been used in tele lira sts,o. 11: YOU ADE a ;Sufferer front Aelleee, Drone dale, Cataerla, 1 te Lee, Weak Lungs, Cough met Celle --ell Pio. eaece leading tee to Cee eee tieneet Tiihereuleslre YO IT VI; ;J:ereLlitel in Dr. ietroielgaao t. .eeelle'eao. Write tor Tealmoutr%-,i. trel.ttitIri'A.!Nt'Art3 et e of a TRY it just once! Ask your friend to let you "pilot" his'ear on an open stretch. You'll like it, and will be surprised how emits? the end the Whee 0' and Drive Ford is handled and driven, If you have never felt the thrill of driving your own car, thereis some- . thing good in store for you. It is vastly different from just riding -being a passenger. And especially so if you drive a Ford. Young boys, girls, women and even grandfathers—thousands of them— are driving Ford ears and enjoying it, A Ford stops and starts in trek with exceptional ease and smoothness, while on country roads grid hills its strength, and ,power show to advantage:, • • •," • • „ „ • s Buy a Ford and you want to be:behind te wheel" constan.411. 4tt 1 1 ' A. M. Crawford, Dealei, Runabout $475 Touring • $495. ME UNIVERSAL C414 F, POZW, 0.1VZ - • '5 5 . 5