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Apell, 14, 1918, Lessen IL
Jesue Require,s Conteselon and Loy-
allye-dierk 8. 1.4). 1.
Commentary. --I. eliraeles Ana
vettraltage its. 1-20). 1-9. While Jesus
wus still in Decapolls, Ile performed
tasecona Miracle ot remitted tho Multi-
tude. Ilis great workhad attracted
tee people to him in large nunibers.
When the people had, baste with film
three 4ayn, road had nettling to eat.
Ile had cOmpaselon upon them. The
detelpies hat only seve e loaves and
a few silent Halms, sled there Were
emir tbousaed men, heeldes women
and children to feed -Ali in the former
miracle Jesus took the food and gave
(hankie alld gave It to Ills eiselpleS
to distribute tit the diengry entititude.
Them were twelve baskets a rings
meats gathereil up in the former mite
wee awl, only enven in this, but the
baskets Mentioned In tee former mir-
acle wore mean wicker -nos, while
M this they were sops Wit -eta, large
end strone, The latter wee the klud
of basket thee in letting nate dowr
over the wail ot Datuaseue .(Acts 9-,
25. eesue end lite tlieelpette
crossed the Sea of Galiloe. to the west
eide to Dalmatratba, a pito* whese o.
cetiou is net definitely fixed, but Pro -
baler in or near tbe rain of Gennce•
art. Here thoPharlseea asked :resits
to give them a sign, saine extracrIM-
ary phenomenon, in ;proof of lils
Messineship, bat tie declared that ut.
Sign auph as. they sought would be
given. 441, Ile and Ins diselpies soon
returned to tho east side of the sea. Oa
tiles journey Jesus warned Ills follow -
era against the leaVen or the Phari-
sees and that of Herod, that is, Ile
warned them against hypoeriay and
worldlyembitiOn. 2246, II, Beth -
duties on th.:, gortheast shore of the
Sea cf Gaillee„, Jesus healed a blind
man le a wry not common in Ilia min-
istry. The nealinw wee geadual. The
blind man'friends brought him te
Jesus, who Moistened Ins eyes with
spittle and Mimed Ms hands upon
The metes eyesight was so Mr
restored that he saw men as trees
walking. Jesus put His hands upon
him again and his vision was clear.
21, went out-Jesue .and his disciples
IL -Peter's confession (vs. 27-30)
went in a. northeasterly direction
from Dethsaida, whose he had healed
blind man, along. the course et the
Jordan. Ile sought -Determent for
one of the meet'inapertnet erises of
his earthly mieistry. Caesarea Phil.
iPPI-The aeetent name was Paneas
trom, tne pegair deny Pan, but the
CRY was Tebia11,,,JaY lierod P1i1i. whs.
named it Caesarea in honor of Tiber-
ius Caesar. It wee caned Caeretre,a
Pbillipe or eehilises-Caesarea, to ills
tingulsh it from the Ceeso.roa on the
•Inediterraneme This was largely be,
Yenti the region of Jewish Influence
and the farthest north that Jesus
journeyed. whom ,do men say that
ant -The question was asked to draw
out the opinions of the disciples and.
to prepare them for the great subjects
to be piesentea. 28. they answered-
eeme said Joint the Baptist had re
Earned to We. Rome thought that he
Was Elias kthe Greek' form for Elijah).
Who was to be the forerunner of the
Stessialt; and other's said he was one
or the prophets risen again (Luke 9:
1e). It appears that the though:
that ,Tesus Ives the. Messiah did not
prevail among the ,people. 29. whom
say ye that I am -This was a natural.
questien to ask at• this point. Jesus
would now have the disciples declare
how they had been,impressed by his
teaching, hs 'flimsies and his psr
sonal influence. Peter answereth-
*Peter was the spokesman of the dis
dines, not only on this oceasion, bu'
generally. Ills impulsive nature and
his Quickness a .aivrehension moor
ed this practiceit was thougbt that
he was the oldest Of the twelve, Al.
though Peter answered the question,
his reply expressed the sentiment ot
teem all, thon are the Christ--Ghrisr
is the Greek word tor "anointed,'
and Meseta/a, the :Hebrew for the scane
Idea. There*was no hesitaucy and nc.
uncertainty. The declaration was
positive and emphatic. Alatthew adds
the words, "The Son. of the living
God" (16: id). This denote; the aa.
ture of jesus in las relation to the
Godhead. Ther i folly implied iu
thls statement the,. fact of his deity
as the former statement 'declares his
office. as the Ileeslah. 30. ten eao
man -The Gene for; his full man:fes
ration had not s -et came, and he was
not wilting to provoke the Jewish
malice or the Rental/ envy, liy permit
ting his disciples to announce Win as
the Saviour of a lost world.
IDS Christ Fortelle His Death (vs"
3143). 31. he begah to teaoh them -
Whet had already been said prepared
the wny for Jesus to make clear the
great faet of his sufferings, death and
resurrection in the:fulfilment ot his
mission. He had on several ocea-
elons epoken at his death (John 2;
19; 14; Os 51; Matt, 0: 15), but now
• he foretells his death in unmistakable
language. Sttffer mauy-things, ete--
,-The opposition would constantly in-
crease and culminate in His death at
theehands of the highest official of
the Jews. Rise again -Here are ex-
pressed a prophecy and a promise of
His resurrection. 32. openly -The word
is used in the sense of plainly, not,
publicly. Peter took him -Aside. Be-
gan to rebuke Him -Peter's Impulsive -
eels again asterted itself, He could
not reconcile the course Jesus had de-
clared was lying, before Hint with the
great tact of His Messiahship. ta. Get
thee behind nte, Satan -Jesus did not
call Peter atan, but indicated that
Peter's rebuke emanated front Satan.
Satan put the words In Peter's Mouth,
and. Jens used the same langeage He
did at to tentptation In the wilder-
ness. Thou mindest not OR.V.)--Peter's
words showed very clearly that he
had failed to grasp the nature and
ompleteness of Christ's work as tlae
world's Redeemer.
IV. Following Jesus (8:34-0:1). 34..
Called the people Ille die-
les,tatetwa, Malone. Oetarrh. PimPless.
DyppaI*, Epilepsy, RIssiumatient, Skin, Kits
twig Blood, Neese and aladder Diesiettes.
Cell et seed binary ter (tee alskt, ldidaI
finis4 i.. tablet tette. 'ou;.-.,O limbo 1 sta.
rade .0* st:Lne1;q4-10 *Ai. to 10.
C414111:Allei rtf.
Diteea ()NCR 44 wort
n 1 araa44 St., TV 30 (0. Cat.
elentheli Thle raper.
IMPURt 131.00D
rho Passing Of Winter Leayes
Pi opie Weak and Deprest,ed.
. „,,,,,, winter easste unt.y IC legYCS
lowly emmte leelang Isietta, nepreesea'
acid ;moo- twee. 'see body illOtta that
vital wise. arta Tlergy WIIICit purc
..nooil atone caa aye.
Lir. •Wilitanis' teak Vele ior Pale
t"'Ne are na alionetr•roend Li:Oen
1)1114400 Anti :nerve t10,10-, but thee are
eePeoinlie iteetul in tee epreig. Isvere
deee 11c,i94 to maks now, rash,. ree
ulood, tieturuing strength ewe-
oveasce teen their is awl tha view
one cheettulaseee ot geed tweak
;Wieldy folletes.
Were ie. Peet oner cure for Wee of
dead end catet ea more bleed. Foe
A the Material trOnt tv/i.1211 blood is
aade,, but Dr, Willienve Plait Ville
letettle the settee et the Soue .we cat.
racy giveetrength. torte up the
Jean:telt and we .dieestioa, elver
..he eomplexion of . pimples, erup
leas and bill.,V, anti' drives Mir rIttp
autism. ..
if Yea ase pelt me follow; in yet
.esi 4a11..J.r11.ang tired out, bre:Weide
otter alight euertion. :f you h&.'
Anse:mese; ana bselemeeee, if yoa itte
rettnee sad neeteen if your neat
eana, li your aimed:he' tans an( tete -
4.3. act Iteurlith nor s'Oe2, ref4tel-
ott. Dr, Wit:lame' Hue Pins we
sets yoe wee. one sateen. Tc,Infil ''
p the blood it litto cal pirpost.
.1 Dr, Weems' Peak' eeeee. and the.
4 why they ate tee levet eeeene mate
Me it you nee/ tee need, et a town
t ttge seeems elect De NV:1ltai:1r,
'iaik. Pills a fair trial, and you wil
*ice 1st mew toith, new strenst.t.
..ad new sneY. Des not let the tryini
weather or tennatter tied you wealt alir•
.1;:n•, nnlid yeuree,if up now witb
er. Williams' pine pele-the p113 tila,
.treagthen. • ". 0-- •
. Ask for 117. Williams' ,ntk pm; for
eale People, and do got bo persuediel
tale eoreethine else. If your
lealet does not keep ther,e. pills they
still be sem, be mail, post paid, at a
eents a box or six boxes fur e2.50 or
writing The Dr; Williams; 'Medicine Cm,
Brocevilie, Ont.
.-"•+.!.r.."--. ,2,-,-,"-.---.,-11-?.."-!---.... ','",,,,
eiples-Titere were these who gathers
ed in tb.e wilderness that they might
.be near to - Jesus. They were Mar-
--ently at some distance from hint and
His diselples when He called them to
Him. Whosoever will come after 1110--..
•The word "will" IS not the sign of. the
future tense.beee, but expressee deter-
-ruination. Wbositever wills tobecome
my follower, is the thought. Deny him-
self -He must refrain from every
wrong, ond:.deny himself every lawful
thing that would hinder his progress
in following Jetts. Take up his cross -
130 ready to -setter 'whatever is noees-
sary by virtue of being a dieciple of
Christ. 35. Whosoever . will save. his
lite-ls determined to secure for him-
self ease and...temporal advantages.
Shall Jose iteaShalt lose the higher
wood, the salyation of the rout, by try-
ing to obtain earthly good. Shall lose
his lite -is deterneried to sacrifice
temporal good for eternal. Shall save
It -Shall save his soul and shall se-
cure all the earthly good that is no-
eessary. H. Gain the whole world,
and lose his own soul -If it wera pos-
sible for one to become owner of the
material world, and in so dolug lose
his life, his less would be great; • but If
he -ahould lose his soul, the spiritual
Me, his loss would be infinite. 37. itt
exchange for his soul -The soul for..
.."".. 14.1,n1INCIOW.OIMMIILY.,
- . • .
i'Vertififfnat1720410===tn'' ..-s.......4.080...R.. k
1 A Quick ROO': 1
- • for Headache 1
A.teatlaclie is frequently caused
by badly digested food; the gases
and acidsreaultingtherefromare I
I. absorbed by the blood which in
turn irritates the nerve,s and
cause 1 painful symptoms called
heada.he, neuralgia, rimumn.
titan, etc. 1S to 30 drops a n
Mother Scigers Syrup will correct g
faulty digettion and afford relief. 1
<8• 8 /
k1/4e.r.b ....agramimormool.......mmecomme.go......)
felted can never be restored, 3,
'ashamed of me and or ray words -It
di a deplorable fact that mortal mane
Still of sin and of little worth, ahould
be so puffed up in his own -sight as
to be ashanied a the infinitely mighty
and holy Christ. Adulterous....genora-
aoa-People untrtte to God and io-
trapged from him. 01 him also shall
the Son of man be ashamed -Jesus
as judge Will forever disown him.
Corneal, in the. glory of His ranter-
ehrist will COITto in glorious majeste,
and -will reward every man according
to his Works. I. jesus deedared that
some of the disciple§ should see the
kingdom of Gott coming, "with power."
Three saw.Jesus transfigured six ettes
tater, an but one witnessed hie resur-
rection mad were present at Pentecost,
and some lived after the destruction
at Jerusalem in the year A. D. 10.
QUESTIONS. -Describe the retraces
et feeding the four thoasand. Describe
the beeline of the blind man at Beth-
saida-euilas. Where seas Gamma
Philippi? What question did Jesus ask
his apostles? Why did he ask it? What
waetheir answer? Who did Peter say
Jesus was? Whet prophecy did josus
atter regarding himself? Why did
Peter rebuke Jesus? What are the eon-
ditions upon which one can be a fol-
lower of Jesus?
Toteteeenraditions of Insciplesship.
I.. Confessing Ourtst's dir.n.ty,
II, Deesplesnip eeentplifted,
I. uonfeeeing Leueses &slides.. The
sueetion nitwit at:lees asked his die.
sipies shor.n now dear to him ie the
..er3onal faith of an intlividu.al, and
• aow catential to salvation is the right
apprehension of his character as the
Redeemer. Jesus did not eater to
eublic opinion, yet he ought to have'
.nen form a &ear and right cottceptioa
:once -riling him, Ile examined illa dla
Metes on this most ImpOrtant of all
tmestlons in order to draw from them
1 definite eonfession of their faith. He
pat them in a dittereut elaSs frcint the
nitiltitude, and at the Same Utile
taught them that it was part of their
duty to be Intereeted in the spiritual
welfare of their fellow men, ftetoet;
short but illustrious statement eon.
mined the whale truth with respett to
the person and work of Christ. Ile
rteserted tho divinity as well no the
humanity of (Iiirist. This wag the flrst
great .coniession of faith that hs
• come down to stat threw -Rh the ages.
lestis affirmed tho divinity or his ro.
demotivo mission, and -assured rotor
time hit profession of faith wee a
rich source of happiness to. him' Ile
tieelered then the truth *Welt Peter
torifer..•4ed ebould never be log to the
urest body of his faithful class. Peter
:lid iill emus to Peesetes that 81"Polt
4.1111. 110 mum, talutatiott or ovol bY
WI/v(04%10e e'er:ere native e. It tcgs
the ti1re„4—not of th.t.'% Father by which
•••••••rIVIWOWW.N..11.r, 11,,srenv,
Growing; More Per Acre is ()re Way of Overeotning the li, bor
• PrJblern---Ii r Daki id !Me K.,e, B. S. A.
Detente this eftorte of the Govern- i ware if artificial fertilizerm were SO 0.X.• WHEA.T ON POOR elOIL.
meet the farm labor problem valuta toneivele used and appreciated as Being deep rooted, wheat Can make
be other than acute title ocatason. thee ere in the older countrlee. ilsie ot the plioephorie ateitt antl pot• -
Thotteands 01 mug men have left the The titres eseeutlel elemente of ter- 1,h4eltu‘tigrireal=e9neit, if.ieettleeeWeleitebetate.eA.
fariujg. to go to the front, aud no mat., Wily are uitreen, phoapporio a.eld harleY, ADA tee nitrogen, left ever
all requirementa ea tar as this core
similar crops, as nitrogen stimulates stituont h concearned. 'Where wheet.
the' growth of. etraw, and: it too numb
ta Wild there la danger of tee strop falloW54 g grain "Of or it °IQ" gall le
wow. This is why, thaesa the land in poor condition, for *AY Nelson, n
will probably pay to ulna *came arthe
le exeeptionsely poor, it le never Wise cial lertillear. Prom 7i to lrkit pounde
to apply g, heavy dressiair at barnyard oil nitrate of seats may be useel with
manure eskit before wheat, Ogig or about .2e0 ponds; of acid phosphate
Imlay IR eat lit
per acre
Pbeeellorie acid hi valetithlet in les OetS b.eing ;shallow rooted and 110.Y"
but, M other castle, the labor will net (Mein a tleep rooting habit and 11 011 Mg a Wiener growleg peried 'titan
be aVallable for preparing more than courages Untiring, It. also beetena
=senty. p „ . , . , . 0 , neat, eannot make' suce effective
- . , ,. - • IA Use Or the storied -up fertility 14 the
inerease M production, 11 11 le to mite atrength end enablea the talent to ward sole if the previous erap has been
.. well manure& howeeer, little in tile
wee of fertilizer Will be required. Piny
peorde per sere of nitrate cf sods
.mi 20 pOittitia of Rai pitesphate
.et' acre, sequel bo suffleioet to pro -
'1.1,3 a pm! map under done eircum-
.'s traits.. If all f...,: harayalii mauttre is .
.• tot USed On tile cora Or roots, a lIght
d Iressine ot this may be. use1 instead
: if the fertilizer. It the Isild is la Door
4 .ouditigt and no haraYe.rd mazure is
tsed 10o pounds of nitraZe of soda
,nd 2i/0 pounds er acid Phosphate per
.cre should give good reeults.
Deeley bas an eVen shorter growing
;erica than oats, 11;0111e, kind of phos.
,hetio fertilizer will alma Invev.
ably prove erotitable fer this crop.
Ramey of high trittfity cannot be
frown, however,. if an excesa at nitro-
Serwue fertilizer Is used. et the Wad is
a high condition, theretore, or it a
ght dressinr, of barnyard manure is
eye% all thet will be required is
bout 200 Made. of acid phosplaate
,,er acre, if some nitrogenous tertte
:alter Owns nseseaimes, laS) pounds of
eltrets ot soda per acre may be used
1 Dialuttrjunotioe with the acid phos -
The fertilizer used ou these crops
noty be stown by machine. or by hence
of dieeese. le the sell is deficient in Grain drilla are stow sold with fertil•
Potash the grtin does uot fill proper. leer attachments and these are very
ly, as potash ?tenth to !Jesse some in, convenient for putting oit fertilizer.
fineries on the formatiou of starch, of The acid phosphaee nay be applied
in this way, but it es better to put the
nitrate of tods on as a top dressing'
after the mots hag got a -fair start
as the nitrs,te is soluble, and if it is
less attqx 110e132.1.TY tO Me it. 101 epplied before it ean be teken up by
11180,11r/8o note, some of it will be
grain crops time for !.cree of ike. to i d Id of the soil and lost. So
crops. small amount!, as ie 140 pounds. of
For eueeees with sPrieg wheat, it le fertilizer, cannot be evenly distributed
essential that the Seed he planted as unless it is mixed with something
elte, For this enflame, sand, ground
limestone or earth, note be used. Ni-
trate of soda, espeelally is difficult to
apply evenly, as it takes up moesture
from the air end becomes lumpy un -
lees sotne aneterial is. used to absorb
tor bow willing city people may bo tiTtirepal"illititouliVroegitulaa °2,0:tc/:::ii. from the previous manuring win meet
they cannot take the plaee of Mall
WhO bave been WW1 tO farm work all
their Info*. It le more necessary than
ever, therefore, 10 make eel efeeetive
ese aa possible of tee Leber aealleble.
'rho finaoal has MO hto pro-
duce more wheat. In. som,st aggitt, tit)
doubt, tills can be dene he *awing an
Inereasect 9,ereagn 0 Spring Wheg,
the ordinexe amount of land, a11,1 an
If the importance of artifiolei fertilize .rat in inures:nag crop yield was more
floncrally recognized, thh, drain produ OtiOn of Ognada would be greatly In-
creased this. year despite the shortage of farm Other.
at all, eels ouly wine by the tend aro-
duelne More than an average crop,
Seasonal conditions, such av ramie
fall atul temperature, haVe ptobablY
more to do with crop yield than aitY
other stnele factor. If the spring Is
wet end cold, so that the lend menet
be worked until late and if the sum.
mer is very Itot and' dry, eo that the
grain Metures betere the kernel Is
pleperly tilled ant, the yleid will be
but. small, :Similarly, if the soil is
lacking in plant food, no matter how
faVorable the season may be, tb e crap
cannot be .otherwise than a poor one:
We bave no control over the weath-
er. but NC l'alre very considerable con-
trol ever the fertility' of the The
average Yield Of spring wheat in On
WM le only about 19 bushels par
acre. It h safe to say that this could
be reisee to at lost 30 bushels per
whieh the lomat to largely composed,
Fortunately, however, meet eon!, ere
well supplied wita Potas.1, and it fa
soon as possible. For tbia moon the
land ehouM have been plowed the tell
previous. 'Wilma is deep rooted ant is
particularly adapted to the stleter
clay 5(3115 that would be considered un-
suitable for oats or barley. It will do
well, however, on any soil that is farthe, moisture. Fertilizer ie sewn by
tile and in geoe tilth. If wheat is ilaad Mtle.11 tit. Maria ga seed isi broad -
sown atter corn or roots and these Monate With 6, little practice one eau
etops have beea well rannured, little become quite an expert.
or tto fertilizerewill be required. '-'rhe Canadian Countryman.
Enter was thus enlightened. The revs- "to bind" and "to loose" meant to pro_
hibit and to perrein to determine What try following is It condition front
befOro and showing the Way. A. vault -
rather than a scientific belief. "All dig
/talon of Christ is an inward. Power
was wrong and must not be done, and which there can be no deviation. Jesus
More' ot Christ ea Mediator hangs upon what was right eat ought to be done. very distiactly get before all men the
xs le Jeans give authority to every man who
the knowledge or his person," condition of discipleship in Ins eehool
the prerogatiee of the e*ather to reveal lives in the higher realm of truth to and citizeruilrip in Ws kingdom. Self -
his Son. The in:relation of the eherth open up that truth to °them denial is the true way to wee -advance -
is tot indestructible truth. Jesus. rep- Il Discipleeltip rxeMplified, eentta merit. Tlx Vale of the higher lite
resented the chtireit as an edifice of Pictured to his bearers a preeession, cannot be computed. We most einem
which he le the architect and builder. him:sett taking the lead with his am, late the value of the demi by the price
rhe eburch is bunt upon him and not toward the kingdom of hea,venly glory, that has been pea for it and by the
mei an idea or representation of him He sunulloned his disciples like a corn. home whieh has been prepared for it.
In the*language of the Jewish schools mender addrooting hie soldiers. going The atonement is the great proof ot
mr.. ttfie(ir...F.,.:•:,
;is. • - ' ''• "
EVER in the history of thio
old world have the people
lived under such tremend-
ous nervous strain s o -clay.
Millions awake each morning in
fearful dread of what the day
may bring forth, and live each
hour with nerves at highest
While many are falling =der the
strain, others have found one means
or another of fOrtifying the nervous
system so as to maintain health and
vigor. ,
The treatment most widely used
le Dr. Chase's Nerve l'ood, popularly
ki1t3W11, AS the food cure, because it
feeds the exhausted nerves and
stores up nerve force and nervous
Ch se's
Nothing breaks down the nervous
system so quickly tta worry and
anxiety, and this is why. so many
people ar6 aUfforing from nervous
headaches, selatic and neuralgic
pains, ne.trirout indigestion and gener-
al failure of the) vital organS to pro-
pdrform, their funCtions.
When you get so nervous that you
do not rest and sleep well nights a is
out to be alarrnecl, for it is very
much easier to TrtVent nervous pros-
tration, pars1,4stis and locomotor
ataxia than it Fmi t.. cuzs theae dreaded
After years of te!.?..ting under the
most severe circumstances Dr.
Chase'Nerve rood stands hi a class
by itself as the most successful nerve
restorative t) be had. This is being
proven every lay by new evidence.
Ask your neighbors and friends
about it and read the reports in this
from time to time, from per-
sons who have been cured,
erve iio
60 cents a bo -4o not pay mor - at or Wasaitoon, Bates- ds'Oo., Ltd.,
TOronto. Ciliary box of the genuine eon wilt ilea tho portrait aind signature of A.
cum, tho faring neecApt Sook au her.
lukt 11t1P11•11*11/'.
!aliatiflul ;tali 1111fold its
11)1V Of Mach the 1100.111, at
letiti19. No DallOtint of arerthly gale
san aeeure the Soltl egainet death and
".he, IlidentellL Plain, sober reason
•ibligee cent-esti:ration of Ceirlste; intes
*lore "What shall a man veer) In ex-
Ithentse tor ide soul?"
T. R. A.
. TtIZ
Never,Failiog Remedy for
Indigestion, Stomach Disorders,
Appendicitis and Kelt ey Stones
are often eaused by Gell Stones,
and mislead people until those
had attacks of Gall Stone Colic
appear. Not one in ten Gall
Stone Stliferers knows witat
the trouble elarlatt'e Specifte
ewill cure without pain or oper.
Write tit Dept, B. for
all partleuMrs and
so m e testimonials.
g VV. 'WAR 2...Ad: fir A.OD
Terrible Toll of Ships and
Men by U -Boats.••••
Washington Despatch - NOrWaY'S
,41tipping losseo through German Seb.
mariaa rutbleasness and other war
operation; continue to grow. During
.larch nineteen steps of 34.094 tone
wore. - net, eceordieg to cablegrae
made mimic to -day by we Norwegian
Legation hem- Deems the month
to:cy-fOur tiftilmeit lost their lives,
while teensy mere men are missing.
The total value of Norway's shipping
lotites tor March DI round figures is
almost 310,500,000. With the March
sinking's Norway's lessee 61uce the be.
ginning of the war amount to 745 ves-
sels, with an aggregate tonnagA cf
1,101,816, valued at Sa30,000,0DO.
addition, 65 vessels are missing, two.
thirds of which are set down as war
Norwegian seamen to the number 01
asdhave lost their Jives in the sink
Ingo, while an the 63 missing ves.seis
Were were 100 men.
want to help you if you ars suffer
Mg from bleeding, itching, blind et
protruding Piles. I can tell you how,
ha your own home and without auy
one's assietance, you cart apply the
hest of all treatments. .
I promise to send you a FREE trial
of the weer absorption treatment, and
references from your own locality it
you will but write and ask. I assure
you of immediate relief. Send no
money, but tell others 'of this offer.
Windsor, Ont
In Heavy Air Fighting On
Canadian Airmen Are Given
High Praise.
London cable says: Thirteen German
-airplanes were brought' down in fight-
ing with British airmen Saturday,
eleVefl others tvers disabled, and two
were shut' down by anti-aireraft guns,
• aecording to the British aviation tont-
lamination issued this evening, Six-
teen British machines which were sent
out have not yet been accounted for,
but many of them are thought possl-
ley to have been forced to make land-
ing inside their own lines in prevail-
ing bad weather,
sa'r,::e text of the communication
"About noon Saturday our machines,
watching the enemy's movements on
the battlefront, repotted a cencentra-
Hon of hostile troop e south of the
Somme. Large feriratiote; of our air-
pltmes issued immediately in the rain
aud dropped more than 500 bombs on
the enemy assembled infantry, in ad-
dition to firing some 40,000 rounds at
them with machine guns.
"in air fighting thirteen hostile ma-
chines were brought down and eleven
others ambled. Two (dermal ma-
chines Also Were Shot dO1V)1 11Y anti-
aircraft ttting. Sixteen of our tria-
Chillet•I have not yet been insetted. Many
,af theeo undoubtedly made forced
landinge behind our linen owing to
vt,letcewkd.,1,ffiettlte of finding their alr-
dromee in the heavy rain.
"Throughout the present bottle the
Canadian air torce has done valuable
It Will Prevent Ulcerated Throat. -
At the first symptom:4 of sore throat,
which presages ulceration and infield*
matiOtt, take a spotnifttl of Dr. Thom.
leeleetrle 011. Add a little sugar to
ittte Make it palatinate. It Will alter
the Irritation, and prevent the ulcera.
Hen and swelling that are so painful.
Those who AVOre periodieally subJeet
te gultsy have thits made themselves
immune/ to attack.
Wmnnlpeg,Pepert."........0.1nStabl 11, W.
Anon den, of the Winnieg poll'A
as tome,
wInttrile:vit last 7iTo was found
ecIset es.t this tAvt: door of olto &else of
1116 111V40111/1411. 631 Main arect, with a
Otra? 'tv t'utud, titO remdt of a blow from
Seine NUM, lull intielit. tintl *1111!lot AVO111111
hi MR baCV. 1d1111•11%.# 01 a,
trogut.s. Thr. sior• !won intrzor.
,Isetr, tr.., till 'Orbit, u.1.1 a small of
/M.* n,
11'4118110.W 81Altif.11T.
lkirY Processes.
nutter, .cholco
rdargarme. •• .• ..... •• ••
iIggs„ new•taid. Ma,
tlatese, 1h. •,.
, faney, lb.
Maple .syrup, 14.
DIA.ssed Votary-
Tiniteys, lb. .
Pow!, lb. •
31.111c -fed Olio/Co/is
Geese. ih.
lieets, hug.................
Do., Pita:.
Celery, Minch
1)0, Clan, doz. • a '•
Vebbt.ges, each .
Lettuce, 3 tor .....
Ga(m, 75.15, bag ..,
1)0., basket.. ... •••
oleltling het..
Ito., green, bttflh••
PareleY, buttell " " ' • " '•
'1' la • , .•, ..• .....
D. . 90
PiAtati.va, bag . . 11)
iludiEhes, .• .• .• •• (s,11)
Sage, buntli 0 00
Savory, bucch (1 to
'furnips, pt . . 0 00
W.A.K .. • . . o ‘3
'Waltz -emu. t; bunches .. .. 0
11.41-f. forequarters 0)
hintiquartts s2) es
ostreesos, emeee.. 19 09
cemoton . 5.1
Veal, emunion, cwt. .. 12 00
110., miu
edm 15 5i
ptime .
I-:',eav'y hogs, 01
:Mon ., 5150
Abattoir bOas • • ••
. •• 12 03
1)e., .... „. ... Oa
I.arn,w, out. .. •• ;•vi
0 37
0 32
e So
u 1313
a el
11 9(1
1 25
0 20
0 51
0 LC
0 10
0 30
- .0
0 t5
0 Ni
0 e5
0 15
0 0
11 61
24 (10
14 00
18 00
23 0
20 04
24 110
27 0
10 0)
25 03
GRP. IN 4XC1AN(11.2.
Fltietuations en the Winnipeg Grain
lischange yesteede.v w. as follows:
Oats- Open. !Ugh. Low., Close.
Y . t) 93% 0 02% 0 0241
MaY ••• 64q 1013 1113 3,03
19 1-8c, sold,
Mitinenpolls.-Gcru-No. 3 8/.09
te .81.05. Oats -No. 5 white, 80 to 00e,
Flour unchanged. Bron, 853.14.
.Duluth, -Linseed, 54.11 to $4,20; arrive,
MeY, 90.15; July, 14.11; October, .93.55
,Clitcago Ileport—Fresh streng aCe-
volopeo in the corn market to-daY t‘s
.result of hayloft on the part of com-
mission tenses with eastern connectionS.
Ificenthes for purchasing were found in
the saantiness of arrivals and in .the
ersepter thot• the nioverneat from rural
holders would nit soon increase, as field .
ir011:got...Auer] to he monopolising the at-
leotion of farnrtra. Op.ming prides, •
which ranged from 1-4 to 1-2 cent higher,
with .5;Lay at U.111 5-8 to 11.23 7-3, were
weo in . the trading which
fellow. .
Oats reflected the strength of corn.
'Favorable 'weather .and erop net,'.,, how-
'tNer, tended, to check Uptt1t.111, Aftec
opening 1-8 to 1-4 off to a like adrancei
Who May 14 34 to 55 to- 25 1-3, the mar -
kr) reored a slight gain all around.
Cattle, ;aerials 2,000,
masker steady.
neeves . 1)13
Stockers and fooders' „ .. 3 40
COINS and heifers ... 0 81
11 tio
Hogs, receipt's' 17.000.
madtet, rtrong.
!Agit t . . , ...... . • . .. 17 10
Mixed ... IS 00
lieavy 19 15
•Rotteli . IS 15
Pigs •,• 1,?013
Bulk Oil sale; . . 17 2)
Sheep, receipt; 4000.
Market eteady.
Sheep 13 59
Lambs, native 10 00
Bast Buffalo, 11.-111rt .13•:
light; steady.
Calves, receipts GM; easier; 97 to SD.
Ifogs, receipts 2,000: slow; heavy $18.12 to
mem mixed 113.65; to 911.80- yorket
818.75 to .918.85; light ykers 518..271 to San;
ples 918 to 918.25; roughs 51159 to 816.65;
slags sis to 114.
Sheep and iambs, receipts IA)); Stcatlyi.
.c..11,:iped lambs 514 te 917,50; others no..
changed, •
Fire ins* Co
1100tOtlits2lit4 040.
7.404 Ottto*, 015137.4110,
iti** Wont on aU 49.10400 ot WOW*
1910 propyrtr tatt to *AA
uOte iyottiZt;
WO. 101401444. ;OW ZU_VTDOCIS
IOM'S A 044.111,40#
Arm., W$41,1414.• 00944
1) II dlei BOW°,
toot.iorro#10 ocM
;mutt Mem $took, Volioghost%
11 Vanstotte
0,A,9Ua4ivnut ANO 190840170$1,
Atatil ta 1014 MlowVi4 ;41011
Arthur J. h win
Doeter of Dentol Surgery of the VOtig,
sYlvanla ColiNre and Licentiate of Dew.
tol turnery i.r Ontario.
Closed cooly Wednesday A fternoon.
Office in Macdonald\ Block.
O.D,S., L.D.S.
!loner (Iraduate of the Royal 0011,•ge al
behreltir4e,,.;',V Of Onta11.). Nonor
etaduate 1:blvt.r.illy of Tor0/110.
Faculty et 1),.nis1ry.
• ejsmed ecury ;request:ay Afterneon.
0;fice Over H. E. telro 40, Co.'s store
In ti,„ no,itoformerly• occu-
- Ova by Lr, (4, it .
W. R. Ifambity
14.0o., M.D., G.M.
5*+oce. atteanoe peel allsessee
ag, Women end Children havitix
takes postxraduato work' in Sur-
gtrY, flacttrioloa7 and Scientific'
Office in the Kerr refildenze, be-
tween the Queen's Hotel and tit*
DaPtis t Cb urch,
All besiness given cereful attention.
Phone 154. P. 0. Box LIS
Dr. Robt. C. Redniond
M.R.C,S, (Beg.)
L.R.C.P, (Load.)
(Dr. Catioholeo's old stand),
• Graduate of 'University of Toronto,
• Facility of Medicine; Licentiate of the
Ontari.:1 Ocilege of Physicians and
• Surgeons,
r, so Osteopathy builds vitality end
:1:728 0.710i I! , 00.,,iieleenrgttish.aAnedsduisstmgeenntriyotnetheuerseeill:ithe vane!
117‘ °Nu h71:10:1flovpirne:stn7o parne:1172terill:::1111111:
li 460s te,teecne made. 'Truases ardoetifically fit.
of ditscace„
1270,7000 .00LFICBdo(laVbEIR, 4:::: STORM.
1,7 00 to 9 p.m.; Wednesdays, 0 to 1.1 a.a.
Rouro---Tuesdays end Fridaea, 0 &en,
Kaiser Now Going to Visit
London, Cable. ----Dr. Htelickd von
Kuehimann, the tierman secretary of
Foreign Affairs, returned to the German
capital on Saturday from Karlsruhe,
where he had a long conversation with
Dmperoe William, particularly regarding
Rottmanla peace conditions, says a des-
Dateh front 13erlin forwarded by the
Copenhagen correspondent of the Ex -
charge Telegraph yompany.
Emperor Wunam returned to the we,t.
ern front on Saturday and contorred
Pleld Marshal von Hindenburg :tad Gen-
eral Ludendorff. It is believed the Ihn-
perm' intends traveling ti Roumania in
a few days. •
• *
Oxily' Patrol and Artillery
Rome, Cable. The official ea.:tumuli-
Cation issued by Italian heaaquartem to-
day says :
"There were intermittent artillery ac-
tl_ns along the Piave. In the area to-
wards the coast hostile ha.tteries were
giceileneed in the neighborhood ef (1riso-
"In itliattaia, Friday afternoon A)"mg
enemy detaehments attetupte.1 to ap-
proach our observation line on the Osunu
they were repulsed with ((urea."
Saturday's report read:
-1,110 R•Ctiall Of the hostile b0.11(.1'1K; was
slight along the whole front: it was
sontewhat livelier ott the Asittgo Plateau.
Our artillety carrieh out counter-batter.v
Work, engaged enemy movements on the%
mad between Primoiano and Emote:0,
e.nd destroyed defence works 0» the 13-
15110 of Volina and in the vicinity of Pout
di Piave.
"Between the Adige and the Piave our
recionriaissance parties continued to show
remarkable activity. We esotured a row,
prisoners in the Asiago Basin. In the
Tousle area, we repulsed by rind and
machine gun fire an enemy detachment
which attempto2 to aPProath Our lint's."
wrou used to thinlc you, knew how
to ran the entire cattntr$," "Iln not
se espansive te. lay Ideas now, I'll
teel pretty etteeessfut 41 1 tun eonduet
a, small garden Dant next auttunter."..--
Wallington Star.
Keep Nob
Toyer;. II I "
'General Hospital
(Under Government Inspection).
Pleesaztly sitnatod, beautifully fur
niehed. Open to all regularly licensee
physicians, Rates for patients (which
Include board and ntirsIng)-$4.90 to
0.5.00 per week, According to lotation
of room, For leirther information-.
Superintendent. -
Box 223, Winaham, Ont,
Town and Farm properties. Coil and
ses my Het and get my price& 1hays
some exoollent values.
N 13 HA in,
Moos 134. 011 k4 in Town Hall,
(Successor to J. G. STEWART)
P. 0. Box 306, Mono 198
John i7. GI:0V( a
13,3110r Of
tanit,14.GX LICENSgS
Phone* -Office 24; Reeldenos 103.
'We Want cream. and win pay_Pke
• i bort prices for good efeam. Virhr
lltIp your create away, a long dletente
vr en yea can roonve MS good prioss
near home, and In ectudtrig Yonr oraom
Ito us ur111 helm a honie Industry, W!
furnish two tans to eaelt tattooer and
pay an impress charges and sum -4
you cat honest business. chsolo Pi:o•
ui Patrons having Cream dUrInt cad
Waiter would do well to ship to as.
Write tor further partieulart to
Lord Cecil Says He Stands
for Prussianisra.
.µ.343.4.434.3 41344.4.33
London enble.--Lord Itotait.
Praltamentary nult,:-Sceretary el Vero
c::tti Aft:VA4...1, told the Asficelated.Prist4 104
day, "Vilhatett.r doubt alleat tlatint
i...'st•ritin might have existod before Itit
/1••tearti1i,91 1lar CM he no eoubt
It'). 11..nt he f:tantis for lemeteratt idsals
-1 inizt csacte," Lora Ilsbrt
Pl'efir btutaihy an
'a kiti it (elev. If eon ere ming
ta. lob att- dettmette sane nsisloeteit is
1./(t7 IL a tit tall. of y.111), inotlnalien.".