HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1918-04-04, Page 1frig Single Copies Tpree Cents GREATER PhOWL:110N Famine is Sure tleless We Unite • To Produce. ^s.rr.-. *..•« s,,w,..°.".....•,•4 h ant • bittuttr WINOHAM, ONT,, THURSDAY, APRIL 4th, I918 • In obedience to a command of the Brit- ish War Office a mass meeting was held in Wingham on Tuesday evening in the town hall. Reeve Tipling acted as chairman and explained why the meeting was called. It was for the purpose of organizing for greater production. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev. Dingman and the singing of the Maple Leaf. Ad- dresses were given by Rev. Perrie, Rev. Armstrong, Rev, Dingman, A. H. Mus- grove and Geo. Spotton. Mr. Musgrove said it was not a. ques- tion of whether or not it would pay to plant vegetables, it is our duty we owe not only to the boys in the trenches, pris- on camps and ho pitals but to ourselves. He predicted that before long Canada. and the United States would be on rations as England is at present. He said he would be one to co-operate and rent 100 acres and plant it, whether money was made or not it was a great national duty. Between the speeches the audience was favored with solos by Mrs. Dingman and Mr. Willis, a quartette by Mrs. Buchanan, Mrs. Dingman, Mr. Hill and Mr. Willis, and an excellent instrumental by Mr. Mullheron of Brussels. The band played a couple of selections in front of the hall, Committee will be named to take hold of the organization of Wingham. Women's institute The regular monthly meeting of the Institute was held March 28th, one hun- dred and twenty seven pairs of socks were taken in and nine. y -seven pair sent to the=soldiers. It was decided to have a pillow slip and towel shower at our April meeting also old white cotton goods for Red Cross supplies. We ask our knitters to be faithful. Any- one wishing to knit can secure yarn at Miss Struthers. EVERYBODY'S COLUMN Mrs. R. Clegg is spending a few days in London, Mr. II. A, Mutton spent a few days in Mitchell. Mr, Wm. Caslick of Cochrane visited friends in town. Miss Gwendolyn Currie spent a few days in Toronto. Miss Perscilla Powell is visiting with friends in Hamilton, Mr, Jerry Madigan is spending the vacation in Toronto, Miss Flossie Haines of Toronto, is visit- ing at home in Mc rris. Mrs. Wells of Palmerston, visited at her former home here. Mrs. Jae. Dey of Lutt lun,. _ spent a few 1 days in town thi week. Mises 1 e(1hc r t, event a few days with friends in Toronto. Miss Mabel Isard spent a few days in Stratford and Woodstock. Miss Reba Boyd spent the holidays with her sister in London. Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Stephenson are visi- ting relatives at Camlachie. Editor Mooney and wife of Ripley were Good Friday visitors in town, Miss Muriel Ruttle of Ripley, spent a few days at Mr. Alex. Reid's Misses Glazier and Flora Page spent a few days with friends in Clinton. Miss Elsie Cadiow of Galt, is visiting at the home of Mr. IL Hinscliffe. Mr and Mrs. C. L. Brown and children spent a couple of days in Toronto. Mrs Billie Burke and children spent Easter with her parents ill Exeter. Mrs John Porter was called to Toronto owing to the illness of her brother. Miss Struthers is visiting for a few weeks with her sister in Hamilton Miss Jean Armour of Dixie is spending her vacation at her parental home. Miss Ada McGill of Turnberry is spend- ing the Easter vacation in Toronto. Mrs. W: A. Sanderson spent Easter with RUCTION SALE -Farm SFoek and Imple' her daughter, Miss Azalea in Hamilton, ments'at lot N. $16, con, 1, Turnberry on Miss Nora Grace is visiting at her Thursday. April 18th. No reserve. FnANIr Y ANDEas0N, Prop. John Purvis, And. sister's home in London for a few days. AUCT'ON SALtt-01 househ Vat! wil Mrs. Walter Rose and little daughter of beheld at the residence of Mrs. Joha Elder Teeswater, were holidayvi iters in town. Francis 8t on Thursday, Apra 18th- See bill for further particulars. Y Miss Annie De ell of Toronto, spent T. It. Bennett. Auctioneer. pUGGIES-If you want the best buggy made the Easter holidays hi town and vicinity. D at less than Eato,Ts priceNsee NETT Miss Mabel Butcher spent Easter with her cousin, Miss Myrtle Gray. Turnberry, AR LOAD of Young ('al tle for sale w ivately ' beginnine Saturday, April 6th, at L. Laves Corporal Wm. Hayles is the guest at saleStables• the home of Mr. J. N. Webster, Burling - FOR BALE—Solid brick house on Victoria St, ton. ' ilea* li. C. Church, with electric lights and furnace, with this house there are two lots 2-5 Mrs. W, B Thompson of Walkerton, is of an acre, plenty of hardand soft water. soft water insidegeed new brick stable, first- thegnest of her sister,Mrs. 0. V. Hay - class garden. Will be sold at once. Apply to den. Jct5N A8[sBUItY Box 95. Wingham. Mrs Carruth and daughter,'Miss Mar- "VOUN y Diaat meonnd set icy out of lady's ring. garet of Lucknow, were recent visitors in es town, t'IttLS W ANTED -To set type and do office • work, one experienced. Apply at once. Mrs. Janet Holmes is visiting her sister TH•I® ADVANCE OFFICE in Huliett township, who is ,fit present HORNE BREEDER' MEET On Saturday afternoon a meeting of the farmers interested in horse breeding was - held in the Firemen's Hall, Mr. S. 13. Stothers, agricultural representative of Huron County was present and explained his work, especially with regard to federal assistance to horse breeding. In accordance with government regula- tions a club to be called the North Huron Horse Breeders' Club was formed: --Pres., F, Davidson; Vice Pres., L J. Wright; Sec'y Treas.. G. Y. Cruikshank; Direct - TOWN COUNCIL Electric Light Committee Borrows $201QO from Waterworks. The regular monthly meeting of the town council was held in the town hall on Monday evening. All the members were present, Mayor Binkley presiding. The minutes were read and approved. and of E.0for a refund Mr. Pondasked $20 from his Transient Traders' License. He was not in business for a year and had paid the $50 license but had to dispose of his business because of his not receiving exemption. - He was granted the rebate on motion of Couns. Gurney and Fells. TUE DEATH ROLL ANNE WEIR Mrs. Wm, S. Linkaltcr, received word last Wednesday of the death of her sister, Miss Anne Weir, B. A., formerly of Peter- boro, Ontario. Miss Weir after graduat- ing from the University of Toronto as a specialist in English and Moderns taught in Port Hope Collegiate. During her stay in Port Hope she was granted leave of absence to take a trip to Europe where she made a special study of Moderns, On resumedt ac i her return she her teaching a in Port Hope, after leaving Port Hope Miss Weir was head of the Department of Modern Language in Peterboro Collegiate which position she held for some years. Communications were read from the Y. Rev. J. D. MacGregor of St, Andrews, M. C. A. re their Red Triangle" Fund . church, London, conducted the funeral which will hold a big campaign through- service. Interment took place at Arkona. FRANK BUCH A1AN On Tuesday evening the citizens of Wingham were shocked to hear that Mr. Frank Buchanan had passed to his Etern- al Home. He contracted pneumonia on Thursday last, Mr. Buchanan was one out Ontario May 7th, 8th and 9th. And one from the Food Controller to guard against the waste of any food stuffs stored in warehouses, cold storage plants or other places in the municipality. While the council decided not send a delegate to the Provincial conference of the Y. M. C. A. yet they will do their share towards of our most esteemed citizens and when - the fund. The latter resolution was laid ever he could assist in bettering mankind over. he was not found wanting. Deceased was The finance committee reported favor- in his 67th year and is survived by his able to the passing of a number of ac- wife, two daughters and three sons, viz. counts and their report was adopted on !Mrs. Gregory of London, Ernest of Tor - motion of Couns. Gurney and Currie. I onto, Harold of Sault Ste. Marie, Gordon The street committie awarded the street ' and Hilda at' home. watering to Albert Sanderson for $345, and the cleaning of the street to Robert Leggatt at $2 per day. S. B. STOTHERS Moved by Couns. Gurney and Currie Newly appointed District Representative that Mr. Beninger be charged $5 per of Huron county. month for power used up till the present time and that the - rate be struck after -reading the meter which is now installed. ors, Oliver Anderson, W. J. Currie, A, Moved in amendment by Mayor Bink-- Foxton, Geo. Wright. ley and Reeve Tipling that Mr. Beninger A deputation consisting of the officers be charged $1 per horse power for his 10 and Geo. Cruickshank was appointed to h. p motor and if meter shows that too pick out a suitable stallion. high then rebate be given according to the The meeting adjourned to meet next meter reading. Saturday at 3 o'clock, in the Firemen's After considerable discussion the Mayor Hall. It is expected that something more asked that the yeas and naes be taken for definite can be arranged. The club would or against the amendment. The motion like as many farmers as possible who are carried, all the council voting nae but the interested in horse breeding to be present. Mayor and Reeve. WELCOMED BACK Tony Meahen and Gordon Murchison Return From France Lance Corp. Gordon Murchison return- ed to his home in Turnberry on Thursday after serving his country since the out- break of the war He is a son of Mfg. D. J. Murchison, 9th Turnberry and enlisted on the 17th of August, 1914.; He is home on a three months furlough and many old friends are delighted to see him. Unlike many of his more unfortunate comrades e he has escaped injury, with the exception of being slightly gassed, but doubtless he has had many narrow escapes. Gordon is one of the boys which Turnberry can well feel proud to claim On. Monday evening of last week, friends numbering upwards of 100; as - JUNK PEDLAR—Harry Wordsman has very i11. e'sembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. moved to town from Toronto and will pay Tony Meahen, near Salem, to welcome bash for all kinds of rubb Ars. rags, horsehair, Miss Ruth Roe of Toronto, spent the iron, wool ohiokons old hens, eta„ at 1 i rest- their son, Pte. Tony back to Canada. deuce on Water St near old chair factory. week -end with her friend, Miss M. E. Phone 240. AdamsAfter a short program consisting of reci- 13e careful and not be misled by other ped- . talions, speeches and music, Tom Abra- ham • who olaim to be buying for me. Mr and Mrs. J. H Acker of Toronto, ham read an address and Arnold Hal- eybaby .chicks so gr. - Schaefer,with twenty W. i oris stock. Let SAVE YOUR ORDER for White Leghorn visited with the latter's father, Mr, A. dpresented Pte. Tony wl L NOW At o a Pens aro hknowdby olaying np o ick eoa need and whenvisit- wanted. ' dollars in gold coin The address was as us . o J. Bite. c Miss Vera Naylor of Wingham, is visit- follows; ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. To Pte. Tony Meehan;- LoST Thirty dollars. Finder please leave at Bell, Blyth. It is with mingled feelings of pleasure The ADVANOE Of lee and receive reward, We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Mc- and sorrow that we meet with you to - LIGHT WAGON FOR SALE -3 spring wagon;sold and a set of rrou harr6vrs. Apply to THEADVANCE. 1 heifer, 7 month Gavin is very ill, we hope to soon hear night. We are glad to have you home of her recovery. again but we are sorry that you have leARQUIS WHEAT—Lo5Vo your order with been so seriously wounded, yet we trust ns at once for any quantity of Marquis that it will not be long until you are well Wheat from Government price $3.75 bags in- cluded. Wo also have a quantity of registered and strong again. And we take this op - seed on hand. HowsoN at HO SON. Masters Shannon and Arthur Cleft of St. John, Newfoundland, are the guests of Mr, C. P. Smith. Mrs. C. D. Shackleton of St. Helens, is spending the week at the home of her mother, Mrs. Fleury. Miss Pearl Cooke of Mitchell, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Adair, Turnberry, for the week end, portunity of rendering honour to one who 110TICE TO CONTRACTORS -Tho Municipal has done his duty so nobly and bravely • coined of the Township of Morris are ask- ing in the defence of his country, for we know for. tenders for the construction of th Plansamen. The council will furnish the tile..that the sacrifice you have made has con - Plans and specifications may bo• seen at the Clerk's resfeence. The tenders will be opened tributed its share , towards winning free - at the Townsbipao,n, on Monday April 8th, dem and peace for the world. In token 1018 at 3 p.m A MACEIVFN Cleric. Bluevale, March 2.1th,1918.' of our esteem we ask you to accept this (tSTEOPATI1Y--•Dr.5'. A. Parker, only quali• gift as evidence of our appreciation of u lied Osteopathic North Huron graduated what you have done - for us and for our the American College of Osteopathy under A. T. Still. M. D , founder of the science. All country. diseases treated, Adjustment of the spino is Signed on behalf of your many friends. more quickly secured and with fewer treat- ments t.nan by any other method. Office over Frank Harris Mrs. Cornish and daughter Miss Mar- garet of Ripley, spent a few days with friends in this vicinity. Miss Margaret Pocock is spending the Easter Holidays in Burlington, with her aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs J. N. Web- ster. Mr and Mrs Ernest Coling and fam- ily of Palmerston, spent Easter at the home of the former's brother, Mr. A. E. Coling. ° Mr. and Mrs T. II, Moore .and Master Milian, visited at the home of Mr. and dancing, Mrs. J. W Henderson, Lucknow, on Good Pte. Tony Meehan went overseas Nov, Friday, 3, 1010, with the 161st battalion, was drafted into the , 8th B ttaiion and sent 5 a a Mrs. Ambrose Beninger of Port prances , to France, going to the trenches Jan. 6th, Who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Locicerid a returned to her home on Wed° 1017. He came through the great battle b ' of Viny Ridge without a scratch, but in nesday. Mrs D. M. McLaughlin of Chatham, , the battle of Aven he received a shrapnel was an Easter visitor with her mother, wound between the shoulder blade and Mr. Jolltl Elder at the home of her son, spine, on June 29th, 1017, and was ad- Mr J. W Walters lnitted to the 29th General Hospital, ristie's store. Jim Fitch SHEEP FOR SALE --14 Oxford sheep, 8 rising Arnold Halliday two years and balance yearlings. all sup- posed in lamb. Apply to Tau ADVANCE Tom Abraham EED OATS FOR SALE. -•200 bushel O. A. o. Although taken by surprise Pte. Tony S No 72 Seed Oats. .Apply 10 JoaN ELLIOTT. made a brief buLappropriate reply, An Lot 91,0m. 12, East Wawa nosh. excellent lunch was then served and the $ETSI, SECOND HAND IIARVESS FOR, SALE h a remainder Of the evening was spent in Ata. snap. Apply to the ADVAN4z. • i , arms, a. ICIIRISTIE 5 p1UNBy9 We SDecialize in Groceries and Provisions. We select for our customers the very best obtainable. Teas and Coffees All who use them pronounce then good. if Von Want Satisfaction tonic 1.111111.11.1111. France. 'On Sept. 1, 1917, he again went Corp, Roy Elliott of Saskatoon, who is back to the trenches and on October 26th, at present training in Toronto, visited rel- was seriously wounded in the battle of _ atives and renewed acquaintances during Passchendale Ridge with gunshot wound the Easter holidays. through the back and hip Ile was taken Mrs. William Bunn, daughter of Mr to a hospital in France and from there and Mrs. harry Ilayles, returned home was transferred to the V. A. D. Hospital, last week after spending the past few England and then to the Canadian Con• months in England. valescent Hospital, tngland. Front here Miss Eva M. Linklater of Toronto is he was sent to Canada, arriving home on spending the taster vacation at the home Thursday, March 21, 1018. Two other of her parents. Mr and Mrs Wm. S. brothers Ptes Alfred and Earl are now at Linklater, Wingham Town Piot. - the front. Bylaw No. 794, a bylaw to amend by- law No. 791 making the figures $812; read $852. This change was made necessary because of the raise in salary to the chief at the Last meeting. It was read three times and finally passed on - motion of Couns Patterson and Mitchell. Bylaw No. 795, a by-law to borrow $2,500 from the Waterworks Dept. and to loan same to the Electric Light Dept., notes to bear interest at 6 per cent per annum until paid. Read three times and finally passed on motion of Reeve Tipling and Coun. Spotton. i • Moved by Councillors Mitchell and Patterson that the implements belonging to the town be under the direction of the property committee, also the machinery building.- Lost. Coun Spotton said he thought it would be a great inconvenience and loss of time if the street committee wanted to use any of the machinery to first have to find the property committeeand ask for the use of the machinery. Chairman Tipling said "I wont." Moved by Reeve Tipling and Coun. Gurney that all hydrants be under the supervision of the Waterworks Committee -Carried. The Assessor'sRoll wasreturned and o the following were appointed as a Court of Revision for 1918, Mayor Binkley, Reeve Tipling, Couns. Fells, Mitchell and Gurney. The matter of the town paying$25 a year for a dump ground at Eli Elliott's which was not used by the scavenger was dis- cussed and left with the executive to deal with. Coun. Mitchell said a number of boys were in the habit of throwing stones at windows and people. Moved by Mitchell and Patterson that a number of notices be printed, warning persons throwing stones that they will be prosecuted. -Car- ried. Chief Alien reported that one of the cement pillars in the ceptic tank was about gone. [Owing to lack of space we are unable to give as full an account of the proceed- ings at the council as we would like to.] Mr. E. V. Linklater who is attending g BORN 1,1 the Faculty of Medicine, University o f Toronto, was visiting r over the holiday IIENDmts it --Irl Neilsville, Wis., on with 111, te, ?. . I.t' . fir . S. /* mkt 3 lbb, to Mr sna'virs y'l . Edi i l? Un —ter, Win haz Tovin ?lot. ' Iiiddereon, a daughter, Shiite)* ,Juan. - PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT The following ie the report of the Bel - grave echool for the month of March. Standing is based on the written tests during the month and also on regular attendance, attention to homework and general conduct. Senior 1V --Louise McKenzie. Isal'el Geddes, Lewis Stonehouse 1Slla McGuire. junior 1V -Vivian Munro, Cecil Diable Senior I1I-Lilla Taylor, Gerrie Bryd- ges, Jennie Wightman, Dorothy 13rydges and Vera ' Armstrong (equal), Annie Geddes, Leslie McDougall. Jr III -Bob McKenzie, Gladys Joie, dao, Sarah Cole, Agnes Corbett, Tote McGuire and Sproat Whaley (equal) Corinne Scandrett. Harper Robertson. Sr. IT« -•Dorothy Hoyle, Ildgar Wight - man, Dfek Armstrong and Jack McKen- zie (equal) Archie Montgomery, Jim Brydges jr, II -Lenore Taylor, Cliffer4 Stew- art, Gordon Stonehouse Pirete-VIntele Munro, Bob Munro, Ruth Cole, Mary Watson, Jinx fines Joe McGill, Olive Corbett, Jack Stevvert. Pr. ll-. Lillian Hopper. Jimmie Mc- Crea. Noreen Armstrong °oldie Wheeler. pt', .;B -Mille Munro, llveelyn Corbett, 1Jdith 1 , McMichael, Teacher. THE LATE F. BUCHANAN. Mr. Buchanan was always an active temperance worker and one of the execu- tive of the Prohibition Committee. Fore several years he has been superintendent of the Methodist Sunday School and in the church he will be greatly missed. The funeral will be held to the- Wing - ham cemetery on Thursday afternoon. be Methodist Service will held in the Methodls church at 2 o'clock sharp. RODERICK MCLEAN Roderick McLean passed away at his residence, Maple St., Wingham, on Good Friday after a brief attack of pneumonia. Deceased was born in Scotland, but re- sided in this vicinity for some time with his brother Hector and sister Margar- et. Interment took place in the family burying ground in the Teeswater cemetery on Saturday afternoon, SARAH ANN KD RR A highly respected Lady passed to her reward at her residence in Stratford, on March 28th in the person of Sarah Ann Kerr, relict ofthe late George rge Bo rd. Deceased was a sister of Mr. J. J. Kerr of East Wawanosh and was in her 68th year. Mr. J. J. Kerr of East Wawanosh and Mr Robt Jenkins of Turnberry, attended the funeral at Stratford on Saturday. Subscriptions: $1,50 per year. '17; Highest prices for Butter and Eggs.- W. J. AUM0U1L, xxxxxxxxxxxx A Mr. Robert Beattie ltas purchased Alex Reid's general delivery, ,14,4, Reid's Millinery specials -Buy two new hats for the price of one at the Wingham Baeig - zaar, Eye Specialist at McKibbon's Drug Store, Wednesday, April 10th, 8 a. in. to 8p.nt. Two young ladies and a boy wanted learn typesetting and printing. Apply Tau ADVANCE. MRs. R. A. LANE There passed away on March 26th, at the home of her mother, Mrs. John Dy- mond, Toronto, Mabel Muriel beloved wife of R. A. Lane. Deceased was in her 27th year and moved to Toronto with her family only, few•months ago. Mr. Lane was for some time in charge of the Wing - ham branch of the Wm. Davies .Co. In- terment took place on Thursday last in Prospect cemetery. to at The infant son of Mrs, anc.'•Mrs. Wil- bert Hart, Lower Wingharrl, died ' on Thursday last. Mr. Harvey Montgomery of Seaiorth, is now in charge of Billie Butte's tonsor- ial parlor. Victor records and. Gerhard Heintzman talking machines will be here to day. Ilill and Button. Miss Jean VanNorman has accepted a position in the office of McCofmack & Co., stock brokers, Tsrento. Take your Butter and Eggs to W. J. Armour, old National Building, Wingham, and receive the highest price. The. dental parlors of Dr Irwin and Dr. Deans will be closed every Wednes- day afternoon from the 1st of April till the end of October. W. H. Davidson & son have been ap- pointed local agents for the Deering Farm Machinery and have opened up a shop in the Tamblyn block. While Phillip Keffer and Robert Colvin were cutting down a tree at Teeswater, one day last week, the tree fell hitting and seriously injuring Mr. Keifer. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of Wingham General Hospital will be held in the Council Chamber on Monday afternoon, April 8th at 4.15. The Junior League Entertainment in the Methodist church on Monday even- ing was well "attended. The proceeds amount to over $25. The programe fur- .nt hed was excellent. Mr. Frank Anderson of Turnberry, has sole his 100 acre farm on B line to Mr. John Morrison for the sum of $5,800. Mr. Anderson is holding a clearing auction sale on April 18th, and will move to town in the near future. New students at the Spotton Business College this week are; Miss Greta Leggett, Underwood Ont; Miss Minnie Koehler, Palmerston, Ontario; Miss Vera Stein - miller, Gorrie, Ontario; Miss Frances Kelllar, Moncton Ont. Hurrah! for the patriotic play entitled "Capt. Dick" under the auspices of the Help -a -bit Club to be held in the St. Au- gustine town hall; on Friday, April 12th• This play consists of three acts. Every- body come and enjoy a laugh. - The services next Sunday in the Meth - odist church will be as follows: 10 a. m.` Junior League and Class Meeting; 11 a.m. Subject, "The Life Giver"; 2.30, Sunday School; 7 p. m., Subject, "Your War Gar- den". The choir will repeat the Easter music by request. All are cordially invit- ed. • Recent graduates of the Spotton Busi- ness College are; from the Commercial Department, David Marshall and Leon- ard Merkley: and from the Stenographic Department, Misses Ethel Chandler, Mary Wilkie and Irene Scott. Miss Ethel Chandler was successful in obtain- ing the Underwood Initial Certificate for proficiency in Typewriting, writing forty- seven words net per minute after five and one-half months in college. Mils. RICHARD PROCTOE The death took place at Salmon, Idaho, of Mrs. Richard Proctor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Philip 'Tllotnti's of Bluevale Ont. on March 21 d. A clipping from an Idaho paper will appear in our next issue. '• Mao. a . SCHOALES There passed away on March 21st, I18 at the home of her daughter,` 'Mrs. John Ferguson, of Wolseley, Sask., a former resident of Mullett and Culross, in:the person of Mrs. Jane Schoales, relict -of the late F. 11. Schoales, Mrs. Schoales` maiden name was Jane Robison. She was born and raised in. Markham village. where she met and married Mr. Schoales and soon afterwards moved to TIullett She had reached the ripe age of 85 years 2 months and 22 days Mrs. Schoales was a neighbor in the,. true sense of the word, ever holding out a helping hand to others in trouble and dis- tress. Before going West eight years agoshe had lived for a number of years with her daughter, Mrs. J. W. King. of Bluevale, Ont., from whose- home the funeral took e Bel. place to McIntosh cemetery, more, where the remains were laid to rest, be- sides those of her late husband. The body was accompanied East by her youngest daughter, Mrs. Andrew Gibson of Regina. PATRIOTIC NOTES 74 ri The Society acknowledges with thanks a grant of $124.18 from the County of Huron, from the pupils of the Wingham, public school for the prisoners of war fund 35.16. Proceeds of sale of home-made cooking, quilts and rugs $06.72, The Society wish to thank all who in any way contributed for this purpose. The Semi Annual meeting of the Society will be held In the council chamber on• Friday, April 5th, at 3.30 p. m, Will all members try to be present as election : of officers' •will take place. ' Everyone wel conic. W. C. T. li. Notes The regular meeting of the W. C T. U, will be held at the home of Mrs, T. T. April oi i•Tliursday afterrioon. p ril 11th, at 3 p, M. As the Silver 'Thimble Trink- •et canipaigrt will,be, closed in April, will those who have any 'trinlets for this fund kindly Leave themat Isard's store during this Month, also money donations will be thankfully' received. • ' MARRIED McKENzie. -- LEES - In Detroit, on Thursday, March 28th, Miss Dora Lees formerly of Lucknow, to Mr. A. D. Mac- Kenzie. editor of the Lucknow Sentinel. Besides a brother, Mr. Will. Robison of Wolseley, the deceased leaves a family elf two sons and four daughters; --Dr. W. W. Schoales, St. Clair, Mich.. F. H. Schoales, Laird; Algoma; Mrs. F. M. Bainton, n, 13cr vie, Ont.; M.ss. John Ferguson, Wolseley. Sask.; Mts. J. W. King, Bluevale, Ont.; and Mrs. Andrew Gibson, Regina, ,.iask. The funeral was held on March 26th,1918, XXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMPARE THIS VALUE You want the best value your money can btiy. That's why it will pay you to compare the values "Brunswick" , offered 111 thens with a others. iV' Br wz k 1tl it t e u c y know that the more carefully you investigate, the more certain it is that you will choose 5$165 MODEL 53100 MODEL OTHER MODELS $S'45 TO $8'2500. This phonograph is made by the Brunswick Balks Collender Company, a fifteen million concern, with a record of 78 years in the production of the high- est grade cabinet work. Best Value In Canada Td -day A,- r The Brunswick is the final phonograph because 1 it is designed—not adapted—to play ali re - Cards. IThe Sound Chamber is made entirely of wood white holly, backed by spruce. rii it is Built like a Violin 7.4 Bring your favorite record to us and hear it playyi - ed on the Brunswick, then` decide ! You be the jy judge. 71, i DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN Vira w -EA.539 TE12141.3 A2 RANGED - J. WALTON McKIBBON The Rexali Store Phone 53 `elf *Aad `•ne Rr' `+D X 89/ `.!f ✓ ✓ `•A M ` D ✓ rD X M `•.t X Civic Prayer Service Next Sunday being the first Sunday in April, the monthly civic prayer service will be held in the town hall at 3:45 p.m. Rev, Mr, Armstrong will give the address 1 tion n of the Salvation and Captain Martin p Army will give a cornet solo. ' A mixed quartette will contribute to the musical numbers. Ali citizens are invited to at- tend this grand union mass meeting. To Our Correspoudeuts A few budgets of news are unavoidably not in this issue. Two of these were sent in early enough and to these correspond- ents we wish to • apoligize. We are at present very busy and also short of help. There are some who always send us news late, kindly let us have it not later than Tuesday afternoon and if , possible on Monday. At the Picture House . "Nearly Married" featuring 'Madge Kennedy on Wednesday and Thursday, April 3rd and 4th. This a greater success than Baby Inline. Don't fail to see her wedding gown, On Wednesday and Thursday, April 10fh• and' lith. "The Whip" the greatest ,Melo drama ever written. It ran one year in New'York and, two years in London, England, featuring Irving Cumming and June Eividge in 5 reels. Baster Visitors la Town Mr. Chas. Hawkins, Freston, Mr. Ed. Cross, Kitchener. Mr. Alf. Lo g 1 . ckerid e , Kitchener. Mies Frances Lockeridge, North I3ay. Mr. Robert Hatrison, London. Miss Laverne Greer, Lucknow. Mrs. Laundy and daughter Dorothy of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. 'Tilos. McComb, Harris - ton. Miss Irene Davis, Stratford. Mrs. John Buchanan, 'l'oronto. Mr. I3ert Murchison, Toronto. Mr. It, A. Dinsley,' Preston, Mr. Alvin Groves, 'Toronto. Iter. Milton Groves, Toronto. Mise Nellie Nicholls, Priceville. Miss Irene Allen, Stratford. Miss Christie Robertson, Stratford, Miss Marion Smith, Toronto.. Miss Maud Fry, Toronto. Mr. Earl Johns, Toronto. Mr. John Morritt, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Groves and children Stratfotd. Mr. and :tiro. I'attU::)i1 and two thi:d- ten of iotorito. ;' Iia911ma Atnlotu', Toronto. 'r %hue for Eater New ,jewels in foot- wear keep step with Fashion's latest whim's. Beauty, comfort and ser- vice cleverly combined. \Ve have many models to select from, in Brown Grey or Black Glove Kid. . W. J. Greer Boone and dee No Vacation At the earnest ::olicitatioit of an ever increasing clientele, the Spotton Business College has decided to take no vacation this summer. 'The demand . for their graduates are asteady heavyenrollment, t , from an ever widening circle makes this step intlt cath e. Distance semis to be no. barrier to those who wish to attend tial Sp often School. Shoes ..... ■sarteii