HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrand Bend Holiday, 1966-08-11, Page 12Junior ZeatheOlidet d\ Softball otts Support the Youth of Your Community Grend Berri ,Timior Soft - bell Teem trounced Arkone on mondey night, 9-!-) et the bcel Legion diemond. This Monday. Aur,ist 15, the local lnds ploy nt ThecIford, end then on 'Alednesdny, they host Park hill et the Grend Bend bell field. These gnmes ore good ente.rtninment to watch, rmd the Inds would no doubt epprecinte some more people in the cheer- ing section. Come out end v.oritch them pley'. By W.D.D. Beachcomber" to the Mein Beoch yesterdey end hnd cnuse to worrier just wha mkes some people ns cruel end thou*.tless or they Pre Along with Vnughn of the Pot Shop, end the chief life gunrd, we wntched P 'teen eger toss rocks with deadly nim et some fet happy sengulls thnt rrnke e bench clenn- up job every day. Vaughn went off to stop the kid - end managed to Largest Hamburg in the world Bill & Norma Stevenson Snack Shop Next to Lakeview Casino Main Street Grand Bend d.o it, but it was alrendy too bate. One 'gull Inns bndly wourried, end uneble to fly. He stayed with the bird to keep curious tourists end little people from tormenting it - and we went off to get help. Un- fortunately, s seegull is n scavenger - a wild thing that makes its living cleaning up nfter humens. And they ere very diffic- ult to feed in captivity. We checked with the naturalist at the Pinery Park, who hes been known to pick up wounded birds and animals - and got the advice that the 'gull was not apt to get better. Then we enlisted Then we helped Veughn bring it off the beech to n merciful death at the hends cf someone less squeamish than either of us. The 'gulls are protect- ed under the Crimes and Fisheries Act, and it is an offen.ce to kill them. But nfter s dendly aimed rock thrown by e boy old enough to know better, whet cen be done to save e life? The best of men's laws can hove no effect, Ps long RS we are selfish end thoughtless in our treatment of wild cree - tures • 1 • Have seen some rather odd things lately; a cat on a leesh, being led up mein street - rather against its will; s more than happy three-year-old hoppingin glee from one foot to nnother while his elder sister acquired a pair of huge cerriy floss bundles; o girl on n mo- torbike wearing tight red costume that would hove pessed for winter wooll- ies, with block leetir jerkin over the whole thing; A greet tell sev- en footer, beering guitar and sporting a beard and !Irking a precarious v./1y up Vain Street, having to duck ell of he e•-arhm4:1 ani more long bo ir on more 'teeneg,ers then one could. ever imag- ine. Dr. E. A. McMaster 2 to 5 p.m. Closed NionclaYs 238-2315 LAKE ROAD, GRAND BEND The gloves have nothing to do with any fear of leaving finger prints!" ROLLIE ''S SPORTS & CYCLE District's Largest DEALER • BICYCLES FOR HIRE - BY DAY OR WEEK Phone 238- 2418 1/2 Block North of Main Intersection - Grand Bend Serendipity on Hidden Lane Next to the Post Office Royal Copenhagen Christmas Plates Waterford Crystal IMPORTED PAPER GOODS Gift Wrap, Greeting Cards, Notepaper STUFFED,TOY ANIMALS by Steiff. 4 Original Eskimo Carvings and Prints Imported Christmas Cards ARo COLONIAL HOTEL DINING 10014 -TV -SWIMMING POOL ROD & 6UN ROOM ism. seem tut tiQUOR Atctest At the Main Intersection GRAND BEND Phone 238-2371 Pick up some BROASTED QUICK CHICK or RIBS 1/2 Chicken Whole Chicken 2 Chickens 1.09 2.00 3.95 Meet your friends in the Di toper Menu Porterhouse Steak (PRom rile 8RO/LER) New York cut sirioin (14 oz.) Filet Mignon Princess Special New York Cut (10 oz.) Junior Filet Mignon T -Sone Steak (16-18 oz.) Wing Steak (15 oz.) Broiled Han) Steak Pineapple THE 8ROASTER our Lovely Airconditioned DINING ROOM Colonial OUR SPEC/AI Sauce Broasted Rock Cornish MES PROm Conte Nen Coioniat Quick Chick (/2 chicken de -joint d) Dot/64 Loin Pork Chops Choice Back Spare•ribs Centre Cut Larnb Chops Mint Jelly Colonial Quick Chick 048 chicken, white ore dark oleo?) 'Sea Scallops Roihbotv Trout Fresh take Huron White Fish Frog Legs Tartar Sauce Special Selected Junlbo Shritnp coclitail Settee Salrnon Steaks !3ee:Broiled LpPrreiedd Deearge p0aynstatellrrsSq POOOS esharznp Aust li ' Lobster Tail PineaPPie Chi icke SuneY Chn Ch 0 CH/NES n E. DISHES ChickeChow (tin Pritne Ribof BAu Jus Special Cins Pritne eef Ribs of Beef Au Jus Ontario Young Torn Turkey Coin of Pork with Dressing Spring Chicken rASparePNe Jell)" Baked Pok -ribs with Dressing n SALAD PLATES Open 7:30 a.m. to Midnight 4.00 3.50 2.4 3,00 2.50 3.00 reA, 2.50 2. F 00 ROgsrs Assorted Cold Plate Potato S Sahnoruit Salad Salad Cottage Cheese alad All Entreesn WhICluj ippede eS Du Jour, Choic f u. Vegetable, Baked oe h PriecfPojtaitcoees Tee, coffer Frenc e, MN - SALAD TABLE Included ROD and GUN ROOM Airconditioned for Your Comfort American Express and Diner's Club Honored 1.50 1.50 2.00 seRaveAcolof YnieScPLE051,41 LARLSoom 1210:00 • 11:45 P.4t Co &0N OROAST Mak ROLLS 4/vo eurreR R OR JU/C$84.°-----8;;;----.° 4 Cil/PS RAGE SOUP OR ROLLS AND $4.1.00 2VeGer4 8L8S $1260 SMALL STEAK 13(irr" SoUP 8EVZRAGE 2veG1/40-48eRtz0 s4 ib cHickeiv ROLLS AND BUTTER 3.25 2.50 pizeAlcil pizie0sN BeveR BA$1 RBECUED 844 -;---------OR 861/ A 8UNPORK ERAGE 7.75 souP OR 8:° -----ROLLS N AGE 1.4 1.50 ASSORTE0 ... COLO PL4ATE° zoo souP OR ;8"----- .4cVeRAGS ROLLS AND PR/E0 -...........________ 4( ACkERS AL teliERAGe SHRImp 850 COL ON/ cR $1.00 AND So(43 2 vecerAetes 8A iceo Ries- ---------- .00 R.IGZ ANROLLS $7 D OkeSsllyG8Urr" soup ri ANL) 4%o- SAUCE OR J;;Ics---e\ 4r sEvERAGE. 8E4 AND BUTTER Si.25 eur7.0 Make the Colonial Your Holiday Centre Member of A.T.R.0 Page 12 Grarri Beth Holiday • 7, le•" August 11,1966