HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrand Bend Holiday, 1966-08-11, Page 11PASNWOOD a friendly place *to shop*to eat*to visit JUST 5 MILES �F HWY 21 AngmmmagmWRAMMMOMEMMEMEOW. Grand Bend Holiday Angust 11,1966 Pagr 11 f -r\- ' k‘'ir • ----1,,,Le-)„,,,,,.,,,,,_,. ,..„--,7-, i.,,,.. ,,. ., ,,, ,,,,, .1, 1, , „ 4_4' eN , 1 ! i 1 1\11•\'‘ \\ .j11:1'111.1\11HIN "rn if t,,,\ l'f\\, ,111„ii!::011:1\i',)1(iiiniii, You're getting cola again.' ! Drive-in Church At The Starlite Many ere enjeying the drive-in services at Shipkn this summer, as excellent weather contin- ues to smile upon out- doors events. Last Sunday the Crys- tolaires quartet from Crystal, Ulchigan, pro- vided the service, to families seated in their cars at the Starlite Drive-in theatre, %here the services are held each Sunday evening. Every week et 7:15 a massed choir of volun- teers practices at the theatre site, in readi- ness for the service to follow at 8 pm. This coming Sunday, Charles Hare of Gideon International, London, is the special speaker, and there will be a gospel singing quartet, es well as the massed volunteer choir. Then on August 21, a Rev. J.C.Thompson of the Canadian Bible Society, London, will be the spea- ker. A quartet called the Rockviny Four from St. Jacob, willbe featured, plus the massed choir. August 28 - the last service for the summer, will have the Rev. Klass - en, Cleveland, Ohio, as special speaker. There will be special music and the massed choir will sing. These services are inter -denominational. "Come as you are, and it in your car." Nio :•:•;{ 'Play Ball' Play-offs in the Huron - Perth baseball season came to an end for the Dashwood Tigers when they took an 8-7 defeat at the hands of the Welke erton team. The Wednesday previous. Whlkerton had set the scene in Dashwood, when they took a 5-2 victory. Both runs were by Whitey Denomme, in the fourth and sixth. Bill Schade wns on the mound, PrO. held. control until the seventh, when the north- ern team scored three ti times in the seventh and finP1 inning. Zurich and Dashened naw play-off to see which enters OBA Intermediate "D." playdawns. Ablkerton is N "R" team. A Visit To The Hometown Spent a week in the old hometown recently, and, as usual, it was anything but a rest. The weather was perfect, but the hos- pitality was exhausting. It's not really my hometown. I didn't grow up there, physically. But I spent a decade there in the newspaper business, and maybe I grew up there in other ways. Anyway, when you walk down the main street, every second person stops to shake hands and ask about your family, and tell you what their kids are doing now, it's your hometown. A smalltown changes and yet remains the same. A few businesses have chang- ed hands. Some of the stores have new fronts.. The paint on the hotel has been changed from passionate purple to , • • ••:$•••:;:ww.0••,,, • • • •• • • • '••••:ft. • • • •••••,, • • to ghastly green. The shady, tree -lined street on which you used to live has been raped: the stat- ely trees cut.to ugly stumps, as the street is to be widened. But the biggest changes are in the people. The young men you used to work and play with are grizzled or a bald as eggs. The young women you used to look at with some interest because of their big eyes are sag- ging and dentured. The lovable .kids that your kids used to play with are hulking adolescents, some of them delinquents with police records. And your old partner, onde apparently indestructible, is taking eight differ- ent colors of pills. Despite the changes, there is continuity as Re -discover om Worm chant: SHOP for FOOD, CLOTHING, HOUSEWARES, FURNITURE at Leisurely Country Pace and at Country PRICES comfortable as an old fishing hat. The Cham- ber of Commerce is still fighting over store hours. The Industrial Commis- sion is on the verge of announcing a huge new industry. The fire brig - age races periodically to the town dump, where the incinerating process has got out of hand be- cause the caretaker has bogged off for a beer. Got stuck in the sand at the beach, to the ragE of my wife. She went fly- ing off to find a tow truck, in a friend's car. While she was away, I was pulled out easily by a man with no arms, who had a chain in his truck, an a gaggle of kids to help push. Sounds like fiction, but it's fact. It could only happen in or around the old hometown. SIX MINUTES From GRAND BEND in DASHWOOD BRAID'S Grocery & Variety RECORD BAR MAGAZINES YARD GOODS Main Corner -DASHWOOD 2 StaG MIAS stio? 4. ful1 Dining cicilities Sundays irorn 3 9.01. r‘t.tloos ‘oc koroe 1614% ea ce oa is vost„,40 PFILE'S Shoes EXPERT REPAIRING alINIMPIENemeaMeNIONININMEMI, HOME of DASHWOOD SAUSAGE and DASHWOOD WOOD WINDOWS the little place with the good reputation