HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrand Bend Holiday, 1966-08-11, Page 9un F°I"A ed G the BLUE WATER ROUTE North to Ontario's Finest The Big Ones Run By Brien Murdoch Al Biscay from Oakland, California, is the driver of a startling piece of machinery. It's n 1966 Falcon station wagen with n huge Westinghouse J-34 engine. Al uses two F/105 ring slot parachutes to bring the bumf to a halt. On three exhibition runs,the car went 173,181.44 and 183.63 with a best elnp- BRIDGEVIEW Snack Bar Groceries HWY 21 River Rd. sed time of 9.23 sec. That a ground shaker: On the run for Top Eliminator, Gene Burgess failed to fire, leaving his intended opponent to make a single run. Herb Rodgers from London wes the one that made that single at 8.23 sec. - 173.74 mph. Competition Eliminntor ens Ron Farkas from De- troit in his 396 A/Modif- ied Sports over the Strn- tford based Zimmer-Gavelle B/Ges Prefect , with a 10.62 second clocking. Street Eliminntor was Rogs- MGlyon of Kitchen. er w.. h a 390 inch B/MP 77 Ford. His tine, - 12.86 sec. 110.F6 mph. Top Stock - The Stnn 'long Pentiac c,6 CTO from Hwy. 21 — 3 Miles South of Grand Bend John and Colleen Kowalchuk ../Wft-MOV s.eS.M44.E;VW, South End Shopping Area SWeeta'a Beauty Salon Hairstyling Permanent Waving Tinting — Streaking 238-2551 Open Doily 9-6 pm (Tues Fri. til 9 pm) SUBSCRIPTIONS mailed each issue -- 5¢ or 70 cents for Seascn THE HOLIDAY 238-2335 Betty & Art's SPECIALS: 15 -minute 1Min Chief BARBECUES reg. $7.95 REDUCED TO $6.95 Deluxe foam PIIICAS REG.$1.29; NOW $.99 FOR THE BEST FO OD BARGAINS! Watch for our coloured handbill, and our two- page ads in the London Free Press Hwy. 21 — 2 Blocks South of Lights 7eteoit bent Stratford driver Jack Hyde on a 13.35 sec. 105.50 mph run. Pere Stock - George Jamogk, 62 Chrysler G/PS 17,.24 - 93.45. Junior Stock - Bob Burch, Sarnin, 55 Chev, J/SA 15.53 - 88.14. Junior Street - Cord Villeneeve, Kitchener,52 Ford 18.64 - 72 mph. In two wreks.August 21, a match race betwren Inn - den's Rankin Ferd "Wild Child", and the "Northern Charger", hemi-P]ymouth of the Mntheson Bros. from Dearborn. Both cars are injected, both are on nitro feel. Lest Sundny at Grand Bend Drageny - featured cnr ees the Romeo Palimedes jet -powered "Flemin' Funey Wagon" which made a 185 mph quarter -mile trip. GB Girls Write From Egypt and Israel This is another of a series of exerpts frnm letters home from Barbara and Judy Blewett, during an around the world tour, to their mother here at Grand Bend, July 15 - Cniro: We nr- rived here yesterdey noon. Cairo is an old, modern city, clenn but dusty.We see lots of men and boys wearingwhat looks like flnnnelette nightgnens, but in reality it is the dress of the pensents. Fifteen minetes from downtown Cairo you tern on the super higheny end lo, there are tbe pyra- mids. It was exciting to see the Nile,the pyrnmids and the desert after herring of them so myst- eriously. The desert et - retches so far you can't tell where it eerie. Even the horizon was covered like a mirage. We also went to see the sphynx whieh Wes sme- ller than I had thought. All four structures are arezing. The camel drivers are Teeny commereinlized and are very anger to take you riding. We drove to the other side of Cairo to visit en alabaster mosque built by Mohammed Ali. It is old end very lovely. The ceffin of Mehnseed Ali Us wet for dinner at Mten Bose: beet anehered 'ht 10 and fixed ep into e restaurent.Then we went to a sepper club sn the desert where we cold see the spot lit pyremids. It wes Ievely. end 1 acteelly got cold for the first time in 31 days. The "Sound and Light" show consists of coloured lights lighting up the pyramids and the sphynx and a recorded voice spoke from the sphynx telling the history of Egypt,especially this aree. The night club ix which we had dinner hasi PINERY MOTEL FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE THEDFORD 296-4537 1 MILE NORTH OF JUNCTION HIGHWAYS 82 AND 21 Modern Rooms—Electric Heat 4—piece bath, TV. Restaurant for Snacks and Full course Meals Try our Fresh Lake Huron Fish Dinners Perch — Pickerel — Whitefish dencers and the "Whirling Dervishes". July 23 - Jeruselem, Jor. den: A tour of the old city showed mnny thing; pertaining to Christ'e life end CIA Testament times.Romen Catholics, Greek Orthodox or Armen - inns have built churches over every place, so we were constnntly being told "under this floor" or "behind that well".It was all very disappoint- ing/Ind unconvincing. We mede application to go over to Israel (which is a bad word around here) so we have to call it South Beiret. At the Egyptian mus- eum in Jordan (the best yet) we saw the stones on which the Ten Comeend- ments were supposedly written. We drove to Bethlehem. the Deed Sen. Jericho era Betheny,Sam- nrin and Jacob's Well where we could see the well and drink the water from it though it wes inside a church. This morning we welked to the Garden Tomb.There are two tombs for Jesus - each of the churches claim that one is in the- ir church.The Garden Tomb discovered only in 1879 is in a small garden end looks very much like it could have been Joseph of Arnmethen's. It was the most authentic and impressive piece we've seen yet: July 24 - We went to a church service in the Garden of Getheemene where we beerd e very fendnmental sermon,There ens a very peaceful et- eeepl-ere in the piece. Then ee crossed the barrier into Isreel.We walked to King David's tomb and a memorial to all Jewish people who were killed in World War II.This memorial contain- a.room built to re- semble the gas chambers. We found that the Room of the Last Supper ens in a military zone and we needed special permission if we were to go in. It is also covered with white marble,gold paint end curtains, no wouldn't eeem reel. Tel Aviv : We took a bus out to Jaffa (or Joppn where Jonah and Peter lived).We went swimming in the Mediterrnnenn but the sands were full of tar which sticks to your feet. July 28 - Istanbul: This city reminds me of Hong Kong with its large har- bours and two sections. We are staying in a "Pension" here where the minter is turned off ev- ery night at 8 or 9 pm, end stays off until 2 am. We went to the Topknpi museum where the movie "Topkepi" was filmed.We took a ferry from the European side to the As- ian side at night, end the lights of the city were benutiful. RIDING STABLE Jct. Hwy. 82-21 (on old road) Trail Rides $2 00 per hour Grand Band Highway 81 from London Port Franks s' 1.w?e V`a-T\c 1 0 Highway 81 New Cutoff kettl, 4-0 i Highwny 82 orn Thedford I 6. IAV 8 YOU SEN THIS SPOT? LAKE HURON GOAD gum FIUMIC KIT/Ur rr. RWT 14WW 62fni Rei<' P4EAR AaKottx fSA4 A DELPSINITFUL.t, WiTh s'plepec •VAciLififf 7 ‘fAitt.lite. LAMB Resto,„ ANAL ataiit LOCLACAJL/ 5EARC4 HERE FoR F25PI OF 514ELLf15f4- OVILIED AT ThE 90710M OF AN Ocivi44 280 171:0% WARS AGO. write to 224 N. Vidal Street, Sfiznia for further information Grand Bend Holiday August 11.1966 Pape 9