HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrand Bend Holiday, 1966-08-11, Page 5(We, kuue heard the joyouo pound... Actually the success of the outdoor services is the result of good planning, and constant checking of de- tails,plus the co-operation of the congregation, who take a sincere interest in the presentation. Douglas Gill, right, organist /Nod C'Cir' leader nt 40-4, Grsni Berri United Chiurch, wcrks alone in the Whr*ir loft of ',:h.e em,ty t `iC{ '. while kw•rshi Tens gather outside on the lawn. By glancing in a mirror placed at the proper angle in an open window (above), Mr. Gi11can watch the out -door altar areaand the move- ments of ministers and song leaders. Sound from the - Hammond orgsn is carried o^itdoors to the congregrtion and so nd from the speaker's microphone is played back to the choir loft (note speRker above, in front of orgtni st) . Volunteer soloists, R. male quartet from the church choir and other vocalists add interest to the servic- es throughout the summer. There pre guest ministers And seekers in support of the minister, the Rev.J.E. ?narrow, Though the sound system has been provedef- ficient over the years, some supervision is necessary anal William }I, Love makes this his contribution. He ":.t'nds by" the controls (bottom right) Adjusting the volume if4this.is call.eri for - and making sure every- thing is synchronized. (11oli.day photos) Grand Bend Holiday August 11,1966 Fkge 5 While sports cars whiz by outside, and the doors of the church stand inviting- ly open, the service proceeds under the cool shade trees - outdoors, where sum- mer living is most attractive, Below, "..r, Love et the sound controls. With n smell adjustment, sound can be switched to the tower of the church and either the orgsn or a record player can broad- cast at volume to Tench over the vilingq