HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrand Bend Holiday, 1966-08-11, Page 3HOLIDAY, Grand Bend,Ontario. Dear Miss Dinnin, On Sunday,July 24,vue headed towerd Vancouver Island by British Colum- bia Ferries. The ride took us one hour and forty minutes and I enjoyed every mom- ent of it. A few miles from the dock was the world famous Butchart Gardens. It %es started by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Butchart from the bleekness of an abandoned limestone quar- ry. Mr. Butchart, a pion- eer in the manufacture of Portland cement in Canada wes a president of a Cern- AUGUST 11, 12, 12 'Mary Poppins" Colour Julie Andrews, Dick Van Dyk Onc Show Each Night Admission for Children: 50c August 15,16,17 "The Trouble With Angels" Roselind Russel Heyley Mills COLOR August 18,19,20 DCUBIE FEATURE "A Hard Day's Night" 3tsrrinAeND. "Help" THE BEATLES COMING: Old Yeller That Darned Cat Two Shows Nightly RAIN or CLEAR First Show at Dusk Children Under 12 in Cars FREE JUST MINUTES FROM GRAND BEND AT SH1PKA M ent Company having his plant nearby. When the limestone quarry %RS exhausted, Mrs. Butchart landscaped their home grounds, this forming the Butchart Gardens. After two hours in the gardens we found our camp- site for the night. Next day we went to the undersea gardens, It is a rectangular steel and concrete structure submerged ten feet be - nth the Pacific. In it were ell kinds of fish and plent-like crestures. The undersea geriens wes the highlight of the day. Next day my father and I attempted to catch some salmon for dinner, end after three hours of fish- ing we pelled in s henl- thy catch of seeweed! - NO 3ALMON: I guess we went too late in the morning and. the fish hed nlreedy ert- en, Presently, Air+ are on our wey bank to Ontario, Yours truly, Ronald Ende NOTE: All summer we have been printing these trey - el notes written bz Ron (jest 11 years old) as he journeys with his fnmily. We net %mild lest summer and we were most impressed with his activ- ities as a"newspaper pub- lisheein his hometown of Burlington. Enthusiasm like Ronald's deserves interest end we 4ruet that in some small meas- ure, we have furthered his mmitirg cereer. GRAND BEND LIBRARY Association Open: Tuesday and Friday 7 — 9 p.m. Upstairs in Village Hall South Side of Main Street Summer Residents Welcome SALE now on for limited time! Please shop now We would like you to share in our BARGAINS Sun Shop Main St., Grand Bend some items half price These ere The %Mows - n trio of young singers %lie will be at the Lakeview Casino on Saturdny night, August 20. Mesic mrkers for them, ere The Children. ACTION at the Casino The second-of-the- sesson bench concerts was played on Sundny by the KnRves..the same group that ent- erteined the dancing crowd at the Casino the night before. Esbeco Ltd.,Strat- ford, bottlers of Coes Cole, are meet- ing the costs of the concert, which lees errenged by Eric Mc- Ilroy, proprietor of the Lakeview Casino. During the concert Mr. 'NkIlroy thanked the reeve of the vil- lage, Orvel J.Wass- mnnn, end Sergennt Don Oerton,of the OPP detachment here for their co-operat- ion in giving permis- sion for the event, and noted that this encouraged the hold- ing of similar pro- grams throughout the belence of the summer. The Knnves, all of Toronto. present 9 quite professional appeerence, end their music is excellent rock. One member is a technician with Kodak Eastman; one has just graduated from Grade 13, end the other three are ettending university in Waterloo„ Toronto ani Western(Iondon). Next weekend at the Casino are three gr- oups invited beck, after popular demand following earlier rep- pestances here. They are the Commencheros on Friday, the Brit- ish Modbeets on Sat- urday end The Roots of All Evil on Sundsy nights. The Modbents are the most popular with the dancing crowd of ell of these, end Mr. McIlroy feels it is just lucky that they were aveileble for n. return engsgement. The following weekend, the Fables of Fate (who played the July 31 concert) will play on Friday night, August 19.Set- urdny night it is the Willows, that trio of excellent young voic- es who are seen on CBC TV progrer "Music Hop" out of Toronto. Accompanying them are The Children - en ex- cellent group of five young musicians. Also booked for this season in the Casino are The Ardels and for Labour Day weekend. Dee and the Yeomen - considered by far the best three- some in Canadian rock music to dnte. The Willows are n very successful trio of singers assembled by CRC. The girls heve n varied beck - ground. Stephanie TRylor, 22, is work- ing on her M.A. thes- is in psychology et University of Toron- to. Dinne Mi1ler,21, is a dancer, end has taken part in severed of the chorus pres- entntions et the CNE grnndstand. Rhoncin 17.'has been dencing professionel- ly since she %es six years old. She hes made three records Pea wee n typing ehe- meon et rortt York slIrt %merit tn sn11101, PIP WilirWri eud Chiliren were festurei Pt n specinl event in Exeter this spring, end were very well received. DRIVE IN OR SAIL IN TO MONETTA MENARDS LAKE HURON'S MOST EXQUISITE DINING LOUNGE YOU WILL ENJOY GRAND BEND AND THE PANORAMIC SAIL ROOM OR GAY PIRAT'S CAVE FULLY LICENSED "SEAFOOD IS NOT OUR SPECIALTY IT'S OUR VOCATION!" LAKEIEN CAS?ATO $wigs 9 -12 pm $1.50 per person Friday, August 12 The Commancheros Saturday, August 13 The British Modbeats Sunday, August 14 The Roots of All Evil COMING August 19 "The Fables of Fate" August 20 "The Willows" and Th 3 CHILDr 3n" L NI OM I 3 larn16130 ININIIIIMEMINF"1- 1151511=1110111—....-,--- 3300011111111, I -NIGHTLY nte village Inn Chris Black it His Combo t 1 k MATINEES 2-4 pm 1 Saturdays 8, Holidays II Main Street, Grand Bend Open to 1 am. Monday thro' Friday to 11.30 pm. on Saturday IIIKKAPAPASSIIIIIIIIIrk Grand Beth Holiday August 11.1966 Page 3